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File: 2.44 MB, 3264x2448, 20141219_005743.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6072432 No.6072432 [Reply] [Original]

Post dribken creations

Made thia npw fukkin tasty yhe theamug was loat though i dropped it

>> No.6072438

It was eggs on toast with maionayse and sor cream

>> No.6073072

I'll help

Post drunken creations!
I made this recently. It was really tasty! The [indecipherable (mug was hot?)] but I dropped it :(

Pic related was fried egg on toast with mayonnaise and sour cream!

>> No.6073233
File: 7 KB, 259x194, trusefukters.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Norwegian milk
dahls julepils


>> No.6073239

>yhe theamug was loat
Can you help us translate?

>> No.6073255

think he means that the cup was hot and he dropped it.

>> No.6073263

Thank you. Where did you study? I am also pursuing a career in drunken translating.

>> No.6073288

>the mug was hot, so I dropped it
Is what I thought originally, but I didn't want to take license with it in case I was wrong.
Perhaps it was a joke, because in the picture there is a mug that looks as if it is turned upside-down, but close inspection reveals that it is a joke mug, made to look like it is upside-down. Please correct me if I am wrong.
I am completely self taught; I've had no formal training. It's just something I do as a hobby.

>> No.6073293
File: 100 KB, 919x269, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you for the translations.

THis is the best typesetting I could do on short notice.

>> No.6073301

>joke mug
I should point out that the mug could have an interesting ring on the bottom of it that appears to be solid, or it could be full of liquid. The tea-bag draping down the side is the revealing factor. That is, unless it IS PAINTED ON TO THE SIDE OF THE MUG OMG! inception.

>> No.6073307

I think what the artist is trying to say when he indicates that he "dropped it", its a commentary on why the mug is empty. The mug does not appear to be broken, but it does appear to be empty, other than the aforementioned teabag >>6073301

>> No.6073312

It's pretty good. Maybe a bit smaller point would help. Just slightly smaller? I can't graphic design to save my life, so you are a prince for making the effort.
Guys, we are going to get this figured out one way or another! Love this community!

>> No.6073318

Good point.
Perhaps the artist was eluding to something more personal, less tangible. His soul? I don't want to get too deep here, but this is obviously NOT a simple "I made a sandwich" post.
Discuss more.

>> No.6073325

Are we to assume the substance that has rendered OP "dribken" is the bottled beverage in the picture? I know not what this alcoholic liquid is by sight. I read Dahl on the label, or is it Dahi?

>> No.6073360
File: 224 KB, 500x683, dals-julec3b8l-butikk.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


its a beer made in Norway > Trondheim > dahls bryggeri.

>> No.6073371

Is it always associated with Christmas? Or is that just seasonal packaging?

>> No.6073375

I saw that as well, but figured it was a condiment like Worcestershire sauce.
Another layer of the onion, peeled...
Soon we will reach the heart. Will we like what we find?

>> No.6073384

What I want to know is why did the artist take the photo sideways? He is either mental or a genius

>> No.6073397

We can read into this.
Did the artist do it on purpose, was it accidental...
I'm not an art major. But I truly believe that the interpretation HAS to be in the onlookers' eyes. It HAS to be open to interpretation, otherwise it's just (for lack of a better word) propaganda.
Did he mean to take it sideways?
Is he mental?
Is he genius?
That's for you as an art appreciatist to decide.
Do you want to take it at face value, or do you want to read into it?
Some heavy shit.

>> No.6073420
File: 96 KB, 300x400, Scale.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its the christmas beer. only comes out near christmas.

the brewery is closing soon though Ringnes bought it and they are moving to Oslo. Dahls has been producing beer in Trondheim since 1856. but greed and corporate willynillyness is soon to kill one of my fav beers.

>> No.6073432
File: 862 KB, 500x500, 1349463623871.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

THERE IT IS. The true purpose of the artist's piece is that he's making a statement on corporate greed!

By drinking Dahl's christmas beer, he has established that history and tradition is far more important than profit margins. He loves this beer so much he has chosen to become "dribken" on it rather than any other, probably more reasonably priced beer.

This leads us to the sandwich, which obviously symbolism for the many people being supported (but ultimately being squeezed between) the corporations. The sour cream symbolizes how everyone may soon spoil, and the eggs represent our posterity. Our children, and our children's children.

He dropped the mug because of the people's sheepish-ness. As soon as things get hot, the people choose drop it instead of steeping their issues and drinking the tea of resolution.


>> No.6073443
File: 99 KB, 919x269, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Its 13 Arial now.

>> No.6073454

i remember when i had my first beer too.

>> No.6073458

Dude, I was trying to lead this thread, but you are obviously way more qualified.
You've hit the nail on the head.
Thank you for your interpretation. Once it's explained it just seems sooo obvious. I'm embarrassed for not seeing it sooner.
The "soured" cream may have more heft than you think, though. It's re-using something that has "gone bad". To put it pleb, cocoon/butterfly. I may be reaching.

>> No.6073464

That 13 point pretty much just made my night.
Good show!

>> No.6073472

I am but a fellow scholar friend. Though I may be faster on the post button, I could never have came to my conclusion without your genius translations. I grow tired, for I have not had to think so deeply on a subject since the emergence of the Anon who always ate his mcdonalds in his car, in the parking lot. I hope to see you again if our work someday brings us together again.


>> No.6073487

Dear Diary,
Tonight I had fun on /ck/.
With Stan Lee.

>> No.6073648

I see you deciphered my art with great skill

I did indeed drop the mug after taking the picture.