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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6072546 No.6072546[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

is 15% an acceptable tip for standard/average service?

>> No.6072552

No. 20% is.

>> No.6072553

It depends on where you live and what kind of a place it is

But don't let that stop you from applying stuff that works in one context, and intentionally misapplying it to a different context in order to provoke an argument.

Have I mentioned that I'm vegan? And a girl? Don't hit on me you silly boys ^_^

>> No.6072560

I'm a college student and always get shitty service cause waiters assume I'm not gonna tip well and in a weird misunderstanding way i guess they're right but shouldn't they wait on people like everyone is gonna tip well?

>> No.6072564

what % is great service?

>> No.6072577


>> No.6072582


I had the same problem when I was in college. It stopped when I got a job and no longer had that guilty poorfag look when I went into a nice place.

I imagine it's a small version of dining while black, except blacks can't unblack themselves.

>> No.6072633

fuck off server
what do you think it was worth?

>> No.6072651

Let me put it this way. I usually tip 20% for good service.

Then again I usually order alcoholic drinks as well. Oftentimes I get a free drink or happy hour pricing when it's not happy hour. Other times they send out experimental food items or beverages. So I usually tip 25-30%. Oh and good servers aren't dumb, they remember you and what you like.

>> No.6072673

I start with 15% and drop a few percentage points for every fuck up.
It doesn't go above 15%.

>> No.6072694

i was under the impression that %15 was standard and 20 to 25 was good/exceptional

>> No.6072703
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I'm not this draconian, but close.

Start at 15%. Shit service gets 0%. Passable is 10%. Expected is 15%. Exceptional is 20%.

This how I advise you roll.

>> No.6072707

america is such shit country

>> No.6072710

that's a good way to put it.

yeah that's what i thought was what most people do.

>> No.6072723

Pls be in London

>> No.6072742
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>> No.6072747
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im guessing by your broken english you are from russia or some former russian bitch country like ukraine.

>> No.6072760


1/5 to 1/4 is acceptable. Otherwise don't order out. Our (usa's) wage laws rape our food service providers. Until we change these laws, we, as a people, need to help those broom-sticked by oppressive regulations.

>> No.6072809


15% is my normal tip. Poor service is less.

>> No.6072824

>Until we change these laws, we, as a people, need to help those broom-sticked by oppressive regulations.
pls be b8

>> No.6072826

Who cares if they do?

>> No.6072831
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Russians are blocked from 4chan, mate. Putin made the order a few days ago.

Nobody really knows why but the coomon theory is that he got sich of /int/ posting pics of his girlfriend with lewd comments.

>> No.6072832

They get minimum wage just like everybody else. How is that more rape than the guy sweeping floors at Burger King?

>> No.6072834

You do. In a crowded bar.

>> No.6072839

If you wouldn't give charity to homeless beggar on the street then why do you give charity to an employed person?

>> No.6072876
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>gainfully employed
>begging for money

>> No.6072893

Why do you tip at sit downs but not at fast food when the people getting you the food do the same exact things? They even get paid the same exact minimum wage for doing the same job.
I mean, unless they live in bottom barrel states, like i hear, which is literally retarded.
The people doing actual, skill based work are the cooks, and the bussers clean more than the servers.
I don't fucking understand America at all.
Is canada like this too?
They're supposed to be America lite but I never hear of them doing stupid bull crap like the states.
I did not enjoy my vacation here.

>> No.6072897

The minimum wage is controlled federally. Every state pays at least 7.25.

>> No.6072904

Why is there an obligation to tip the unskilled wait staff but there's no obligation to tip the qualified guy who actually cooked my meal? If anyone deserves a bonus it would be him.

>> No.6072908

I don't tip at all.

>> No.6072912

>I did not enjoy my vacation here.
Where specifically were you? America is fucking massive, so is Canada. America and Canada are 3 and 4 or 4 and 3 depending on whether or not you count water territory. Only Russia and China are physically bigger.

>> No.6072917

Or are tipped employees just paid less?
Because I went to colorado and a server told me his minimum was like $5.
I mean, is this tipping thing so fucking blasted into all american's asses that even the government expects it from the people?
A tip should be a reward, a gift for your service. But you all demand it and get angry when I dont tip.
And I know some of you will get angry at this post because YOU'RE SUPPOSED TO TIP HURR GURR. But no, you're not supposed to.
Either way, your whole country is lame. You have primo women though.

>> No.6072921

what the fuck does your bill have to do with anything? Why would food costs mean the server bring the food gets more?

>> No.6072926

I went to LA first, up to SF, over to Reno, down to Vegas. Then colorado, jumped to michigan, down to "Naw lens" (those black people are entertaining), and im in washington dc now.
Been here a little over a month, leaving after christmas.

>> No.6072929

Gee, someone working as a server who doesn't know jack shit, that's surprising.

FEDERAL LAW stipulates that 'tipped employees' can be paid less than $7.25 per hour. However, and here's the important part that people love to leave out, if the amount of tips received by said server do not equal out to at least $7.25 per hour averaged at the end of the pay period then the employer must make up the difference out of their pocket.

No matter what they must receive minimum wage.

>> No.6072936

>I went to the shitiest, trashiest cities America has to offer because that's where all the vapid disgusting trash on TV are from
It's always the same places foreign tourists go and then think America is shit.

Try hitting up Rapid City and the Black Hills for christ sake.

>> No.6072942

Okay, well, thank you for explaining.
You guys need to straightenthis tip thing out.

I actually had one person in california ask me what percentage I was going to give them after she brought the bill. I mean what teh fuck?

>> No.6072945
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I would never tip in California. That state already has a law where they're paid minimum wage in the first place so they have no excuse.

>> No.6072947

Why would anyone go someplace they've never heard of for a holiday?

>> No.6072953

What the fuck

>> No.6072956
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Independent research before spending thousands on a vacation like Europeans are fond of should be encouraged. It's not like the Black Hills and the Badlands are all that unknown you know.


>> No.6072961

Did you read the other post where it's explained that is just a subtraction of the employer 'Tip Credit' and they will have to make $7.25 at the end of the day regardless before that post triggered you?

>> No.6072965

>tfw work as banquet server
>get paid $10/hour plus tips included in checks, so no acting like a fake happy douche to jew you out of your money
>for sure always get at least $500 per check just from tips
>on holidays we get tipped cash plus the usual
I love california.

>> No.6072970

In civilized countries you don't tip unless you're a tourist from a non-civilized country or a rich showoff cuntbragger.

>> No.6072978

Yeah but you still live in California so that really cancels that out.

>> No.6072995

>all of california is bad
Chill your jealousy bruh. Just gotta sift though the cunts and there's GOAT people and experiences here.

>> No.6072997

I'm not talking about the people. You can always find a good town among the bad ones. Your state government is the problem and every town in California answers to the State of California.

>> No.6072999

as a server/waiter yes, 15% is perfectly fine. 20% is super generous, 10% is shit tier.

>> No.6073009

15-20% is average

also eat a huge fucking dick servers who complain about lackluster tips, the back of house works much harder than you do and is so much more knowledgeable, and makes 1/3 of what you do, if not less (depending on how nice the place is, since chefs make fucking nothing even at nice restaurants while the cost of dishes and as such the tip amount is much higher)

yes I'm mad

and also yes I still do tip because I'm not a cunt who wants to get into arguments with friends or family every time I go out to eat

>> No.6073014

Ok. I live a great life and the government has never got in the way of that.

>> No.6073016

>work as forklift driver
>very busy warehouse
>truck drivers always in a hurry to get loaded
>load them as fast as i can
>other forklift drivers don't give a fuck because they get paid the same rate regardless
>end of year comes
>every truck driver gives a slab of beer for my efforts through the year
>other forklift drivers get nothing
Plus I was always the first to be offered overtime by my employers because they knew that I'd get the job done efficiently and accurately.

Point being that I worked hard and earned rewards. If waiters want a tip then they'll need to do more than simply doing their job. Any idiot can carry a plate from the kitchen to my table. But if you do it with a smile and show some cleavage then I might leave a fifty dollar note (with my phone number written on it).

>> No.6073019


Yeah it's so fucking hard to just put on a happy face and bullshit people.

Oh wait, no it's not unless you have horrible social skills. And yes, I worked FoH for many years.

>tfw work as chef, usually on grill+fry or saute
>get paid $10/hour
>pay $1200/month for a 500 sqft studio that has only a hot plate (although I do have a tiny porch and I bought a shitty grill so that I can actually cook). And that's considered to be extremely cheap here.

Why was I born here?

If I didn't love the other chefs, cooks, and even the dishwashers at my restaurant I'd run screaming from this state. Although I suppose you need money to relocate, which I don't have anyway.

T-thanks California.

>> No.6073034

>and every town in California answers to the State of California.
So how it should be then.
I live a good life here, other than the high taxes, the government has never gotten in the way of my happiness.
Unless you're an illegal spic, this is a good place to live, and even for them it's getting better.

>> No.6073048


>unless you're an illegal spic, this is a good place to live

Maybe if you're a generation older than the average 4chan poster. Otherwise you just get stuck here because you can barely make enough money to live, yet if you want to relocate you need to have a substantial amount of money set aside in order to do so.

I work my fucking ass off but I love my job, however that said I get paid nothing for the amount of work I do and for my previous experience.

Perhaps this is not the case everywhere in the state, but I know several people living in all of the large cities in California and the same is true for them. Aside from Sacramento I guess, but I don't consider that to be a large city because it's a shithole.

>> No.6073054

I'm just saying you don't have to kiss as much ass to try and get tips.
>paying more than $600 than a studio
Are you fucking serious bro? My parents rent a 2 bedroom house for $1250 in a nice area in the LA county and i'm splitting a $2000 rent for a 3 bed 21/2 bath townhouse with my gf.
Apply yourself.

>> No.6073064


I'm not a retard bro, I wouldn't rent anything for this cost if it was not considered to be relatively cheap for this area.

And by "nice area" do you mean redlands or bakersfield because I have friends in LA and that's not how much it costs to live there. Or maybe you just got lucky; 4 years ago I rented a 3br/2bath house that was on a beach for $1800, but that was extremely under priced.

You literally cannot get a studio for less than $1000 here, and that is in a sketchy as fuck part of town. I don't even live in San Francisco, where you'll pay significantly more than that for a crackshack in the tenderloin.

>> No.6073066


>$10 an hour for being a chef

Anon you deserve more than that. I work customer service at hobby lobby and get 15. You should be getting a livable wage.

>> No.6073071


You must not be american. In the US the minimum wage for servers is $2.13/hour. If they don't meet minimum wage through tips the establishment has to make up for it.

A restaurant near me pays their employees under the table though so bleh.

>> No.6073075

I understand man, and it does suck, but you can always set aside a little to save up for a move.
There's always things you can cut to save money.
One of my uncles lived here but didn't make much, he saved up and hauled ass to colorado. He's paying $800/month for a house and making decent money. Enough to support his familiy of 6.
You're not stuck here, but i acknowledge that it can suck you down from time to time. I'm probably not gonna have it this good for long, who knows. But i'm putting money aside and just taking it easy
They rent the house in Northridge, it's not Encino, or Calabasas, but it's a nice area.
I'm renting mine in Sherman Oaks.
>San Francisco
Fuck that place.

>> No.6073082


No it's not. It's that low in some restaurants in some states, but as you said if they don't make enough in tips to bring them to the minimum wage then they are compensated. So ultimately they do essentially make at least minimum wage. What's the issue here? That's just as much as dishwashers make and their job is way shittier.

>> No.6073088

>live in CA
>work in restaurant
>everyone gets min wage
>dishwasher make more than servers though
>doing it right

>> No.6073096


Nah I can't save up because I don't make shit and unfortunately I have lupus and syringomyelia so I have to go to monthly appointments to make sure I'm not going to explode (which aren't covered because I have an $8000 deductible. T-thanks insurance). I'm essentially just waiting until I become a sous chef and can work as such for a couple years in order to save up enough to get the fuck out of California.

Also I'm surprised your place is that cheap there, less familiar with the real estate cost there but that's lower than I would have expected for that area.

Also I like SF but that's just a personal opinion. I have many friends who live there whom I visit regularly. The traffic is fucking disgusting but I've just always liked large cities for some irrational reason that I'll never understand. It's not so bad.

>> No.6073106

how much should you tip pizza delivery guys? i've been doing 3$ regardless of pizza size

>> No.6073112


they make more than servers before tips and 1/4th as much after

>> No.6073119

That sucks man, i hope you get there soon and fuck out of here. Where do you wanna go?
If I had to move i'd probably go to CO or maybe AZ. Probably CO cause I like the cold.

>> No.6073142


I want to go to Seattle or somewhere near it because I hate heat but don't want extreme weather either (spoiled from living in California since we have no weather).

Unfortunately that's not much cheaper than California and it's essentially full of the same hippies we have here. Oh well. I fucking love rain. Every time I hear someone complain about the weather in Seattle it blows my fucking mind.



>> No.6073155

>this shit again

They don't. It's like saying "racism no longer happens because the civil rights act"

Pull your head out of your ass. No, I'm not a waiter. I'm a college educated professional who eats at a lot of restaurants and generally tips 20%

>> No.6073160

>I should have to tip because employers are violating the FLSA
Jump off a bridge

>> No.6073163


No I will not, but I suggest you follow your own advice.

>> No.6073177


Can you at least give a reason as to why what I said is wrong as opposed to just saying that it's wrong and giving an unrelated analogy?

I guess your analogy would be appropriate enough if, as I said, it weren't the case that waitstaff who are paid under the minimum wage were not compensated if they did not make enough in tips to bring them up to at least the minimum wage.

However that is not the case unless there's some state(s) in which this is not the law, but I'd imagine I'd have heard about that in the news over the years because it seems so ludicrous. So what are you on about?

>> No.6073183


No, I'm afraid if you can't understand the related analogy I can't be fucked to type out a whole essay. Perhaps you can refer to your rude friend's post, because he seems a little quicker than you. >>6073160

>> No.6073187

Meh I've known plenty of waiters who make like $10 an hour base wage. Only people who make less than the normal minimum are the old ladies who work at waffle house and Denny's. Even the Chili's pays minimum.

>> No.6073225

I'm Australian so I don't need to tip here, but...

When I get to America, I plan to pay Australian prices for everything and then work out the tip from that. I'll pay at least 8 dollars for a pint and from a quick search it's about 5 dollars a pint in America, so that's 3 dollars for the tip, which is actually about 60% for a tip. Steaks here are about 30 dollars, so whatever that turns out to be. Coffee here is at least 3 dollars, at most 5 if it's any good, and coffee in America seems to be about 2.5, so I'd tip 20% on coffee.

When people comment, I'll tell them the fucking truth; shit's expensive here, fuck off we're full (economically).

tl;dr Australian here, I plan to tip between 20% to 50%.

>> No.6073237

It is. People like >>6072552 are why restaurants will never pay a living wage.

>> No.6073242

Fuck that, if you're just going there as a tourist just pay the price they're asking on the menu, you'll never see these cunts again anyway.
Give money to a charity if you have disposable money.

>> No.6073251


not that guy but what youre saying is wrong, they have to pay you up to minimum wage if you dont many enough from tips

>> No.6073266


>being condescending when you're wrong


>> No.6073308

15% would represent excellent/exceptional service.

10% for service which is merely good.

Average doesn't earn a tip. Tips are given to ensure that service is good.

>> No.6073847

>go to a restaurant regularly with friends
>always get the same waiter
>we always get separate checks
>there are four of us
>meal for me is about $9
>tip 15%
>the last few times I've been there started to receive shitty service via only filling my drink up once
>still tip 15% cause fuck it it's like a $1

fuck waiters

>> No.6073938

>being poor
>complaining about the poor service at denny's

Fuck poor people

>> No.6073944

Is it okay to tip a lot, but with fake bills? Tipping is unofficial anyway (not in the till), so who's gonna find out?

>> No.6073948


I suppose you think people don't do drugs either. Because it's illegal!

>> No.6073949


Yes - and on the pre-tax total.

>> No.6073965

>being a waiter

haha kill yourself faggot

>> No.6073968


Broke ass college student detected. I'm not a waiter, I'm the guy whose tips subsidize the services you demand despite being unable to pay for.

Cook at home, it's what I did when I was in school.

>> No.6073970

ill get your mom to cook for me after i fuck her so much her cunt falls out.

>> No.6074013

Feels good living in a civilised country.

>> No.6075592

15% at regular restaurants. $1 per person for take-home. $1 for serve yourself buffets.

For waiters and waitresses at restaurants where I eat frequently, I often double my tip right before Christmas.

>> No.6075606
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If it's a waiter, I ask him a simple question: Are you circumcised?

If yes, I don't tip.
If no, I tip 40%.

If it's a waitress, I'll only tip if she's pro-life.

>> No.6075611

However many single dollar bills are in my pocket.

$6.30 at the Chinese Buffet: $2-5 tip
$45 dinner: $2-5 tip

One time I tipped $100 for a dinner party, but that's a completely different thing altogether.

>> No.6075616

extremely poor - 0
quite poor - 10 -15
average (standard) -18
quite good - 20
extremely good 30+

>> No.6075657

This is how I do too
Also the tip is based on the pretax amount

>> No.6075667

>1 dollar tip for take out


Are you stupid?

>> No.6075679

if i'm going to dennys or the olive garden or some shit you're getting 15%
it pisses me off when wait staff cry about not getting tipped enough, i've had to be a wage slave before too and nobody gave me tips for doing my job

>> No.6075683

Waitresses are falling over themselves to date a classy fucker like you
Just think after 20 years of hard work you could make assistant floor supervisor

>> No.6075734

Don't fool yourself, anon. Waitresses are desperate whores who are already begging for money in the form of a tip. What makes you think they won't jump at the chance of sleeping with a sugar daddy with the intent of digging for some gold.

ho's gonna ho.

>> No.6075828

If you order $5 worth of food, do you still tip 15% since that would only end up being like 75 cents.

>> No.6075837

I live in a country where waitstaff get a fixed wage PLUS tips, ie. tips don't make up any part of their wages, they are honest-to-god extras.

Because of that, I never tip unless it's at a restaurant I frequently visit. And even then it's not because I like the service; it's because I don't shit where I eat, and I don't want to incur the wrath of any waiter or waitress who can easily recognize me.

>> No.6075883

You're paying for a service based on how you think it went. The cooks are paid for their service at a fixed rate. How is this hard to comprehend?

>> No.6075889

I'd just give them a dollar in that case, although im not sure what exactly I would be eating at a restaurant that was $5.

>> No.6075897

Are the wait staff not also paid at a fixed rate? Is minimum wage not a thing in your country? Is there any difference between a "tip" and a "donation"? Which mental disorder do you have?

>> No.6075900


they're both paid at a fixed rate

also I've work in both the front and back of house and you're insane if you think that waitstaff should be making 3x the amount as the line cooks

>> No.6075907

Are you not an American and haven't read the thread? The chart posted above does in fact indicate that in most of the country the servers are paid far below minimum wage, downwards of $2.15 an hour or so. Restaurants are allowed to do this because its expected that servers will make it up with tips. In the event they do not make the proper amount that night they are supposed to be covered the lacking amount. That being said most places do not fulfill this obligation and shady practices ensue. Also wait staff are not capable of going to court over such a trivial thing. Typically wait staff who frequently can't make that much in tips are fired anyway.

>> No.6075915


>most places do not fulfill this obligation and shady practices ensue

yeah I'm pretty sure most places don't do something they can be easily sued for

>> No.6075924

Suing is not as easily as Murikan TV makes it seem even in a case you can easily win. The process is incredibly expensive in the first place, and lawyers typically have means of making you only get enough reparation to cover the cost of the trial in the first place unless they have done actual physical harm to you. I hate you people who think you can just sue at the drop of a hat and be rich in a week.

>> No.6075926

Naive as heck guy alert

>> No.6075927


Of course it's not easy, it takes time and is expensive. Regardless, given how much businesses can theoretically be sued for, it is not common for them to do blatantly obvious things that put them at a risk for lawsuit. I have worked in the industry for 15 years and have never seen the waitstaff not be compensated if they do not make sufficient tips to bring them to minimum wage. Most of them were huge fucking whiners so everybody would know if that were the case.

>> No.6075933

How do Ameritards accept getting robbed like this?

>> No.6075934

Righto champ. I'll be brief:

1) Join a Union that will ensure that your employer fullfills their obligations.
2) Even after that if your employer still avoids their legal obligation then don't cry at the patrons and get shitty when they don't give you charity. It's not the patron's fault that your employer is under paying you. It's your fault for being a beta bitch. It's also your fault for being terrible at what you do. If I was your employer and I wanted to retain your service then I would give you the money that you deserve so that you don't leave and work for someone else. That's how shit works and it's why I get paid the big bucks.

>> No.6075972

As a consumer I like to check a catalogue and consider the prices before deciding on which item to purchase. A menu is a catalogue which has fixed prices and I don't see why I should have to pay more than the listed price for any good or service.

If I purchase an item from a supermarket I'm not expected to give the checkout chick a donation on top of the total price of my goods. I suspect it's because that checkout chick is being paid by her employer. If she wants to beg for money then she should stand on the street with the other beggars. Or get a job as a waitress.

>> No.6076436


In many states, possibly all states, it just takes a telephone call to the right state agency complaining about their illegal practice. You don't have to sue them -- the state will go after them.

>> No.6076438

I've seen many people tip barbers, but I never have.

>> No.6076448


I usually tip $5-10 depending on how happy I am with the cut.

>> No.6077041

I work warranty, electronics, appliance, computer repair making house calls. You won't get better service for tipping me, but you will get my good phone number, the one I answer outside of business hours. Very few people tip me, but I always make sure I go above and beyond for the people who do.

It's not necessary, it's a courtesy. Fuckers just ain't cordial like they used to be when it comes to business.

>> No.6077048

If it's a salon I wouldn't tip because those guys are poncey fagots. I did tip my barber back when I had hair: $5. Mostly I didn't want to make appointments and being a good tipper is encouragement to squeeze me in between other customers.

>> No.6077051

>squeeze me in between other customers.

You make it sound like that's a good thing, but the worst haircuts I've gotten in my life were "I'm totally gonna do you a favor and squeeze you in before my next customer" situations.

I finally stopped going to places where appointments are optional. It costs more and it's kind of a pain, but it's worth it for the guy not to be rushing.

>> No.6077094

Hold on americaFags, do you have to tip 15% on every drink your order at the bar?
Or is this just in restaurants?

>> No.6077099


No, its a buck per drink in dive bars, or 20% of the tab at nice bars.

You don't HAVE to, but at the nice bars I go to, I usually get underbilled by "accident", and at the dive bars, I'd probably get ignored until there's no longer anyone else trying to order. Actually I don't really know as I haven't done the no-tipping thing since I was a broke college student.

>> No.6077101


>> No.6077103

you tip $15 on the total bill, not for each drink.
and you never HAVE to. its just socially frowned upon to constantly never tip. like stacking up bad kharma.

cuz waiters make jack shit hourly without tips.
>$3/hr + tips
>leave every night with hundreds of dollars
>every 2 weeks i get a $60 check from my boss

>> No.6077121

I only ever had one person cut my hair from infancy to 31 ( when I stopped having enough hair to bother with ). I cut it myself now.

>> No.6077128

You're supposed to tip at bars if you don't get food? I have never done that or noticed people doing it. Is it a city thing? I live in 100% hillbilly country.

>> No.6077135

Pubs are a very weird cultural thing in Britain.
All normal social conventions don't apply.

There is no queing system (WTF) at the bar, and all of a sudden the bar maid is your mate, and you're expected to talk to them like an old friend. Maybe even buy them a drink!

>> No.6077138

And how is your mum?

>> No.6077143

>There is no queing system (WTF) at the bar,
Are there bars with queuing systems? Where are these places at?

>> No.6077146

Batshit crazy and driving my old man nuts. But no, I had a small town barber.

>> No.6077159

I don't know, but I would feel happier and safer if I could que up in line.

>> No.6077160


I live in a city yeah. Not sure your definition of hillbilly, but I went to a bar in a small town (russian river brewery in small town northern california) and people were tipping at seemingly normal rates there too. And there were people who looked like hillbillies.

>> No.6077178

It's like 2 extra dollars most of the time. If you don't want to tip then don't tip. You complain that we have little culture but then whine when we do things differently than you. I don't get it.

>> No.6077191

I live in the Midwest, which /ck/ probably considers an unworthy, flyover shithole between real America on the costs, but the benefits of living in such a place include ready access to fresh, organic foods and reasonable cost of living. This allows me to tip 20%, before taxes, as my standard for low to OK service.

A while ago, I went to a very well regarded restaurant, where the staff really gave amazing service, and the kitchen added a few dishes, gratis, because they though those sides would well complement the mains I ordered.

My bill, with drinks, was ~150, after taxes, for two apps, two sides, mains, cocktails, wine, and dessert. This does not include the extra sides, apertif, and cordial provided by the house. I tipped $100 on that meal and would do so again without reservation.

>> No.6077216


I didn't know midwesterners ate good produce. My experiences in such places is similar to what I see in certain third world places. Like, you'd think that there'd be all kinds of great tropical fruit and drink in the caribbean right? But no all they eat is fucking deep fried pork and boiled yuca with garlic. All day 365 days a year. Anything actually worth a damm gets exported.

So going back to the midwest when I go to your piggly wiggly all I see is vegetables of indeterminate origin. Maybe it's "local" but it's not the good kind of local.

Where's all the sustainable biodynamic farming going on?

>> No.6077259

>Where's all the sustainable biodynamic farming going on?
Farmer's markets and CSA.

>> No.6077311

10% if the service was adequate, with no mistakes (including food).

Nothing if mistakes were made or generally poor service (sob stories, rudeness, etc.).

15-20% if the service, establishment, and food were impeccable and at least one drink was comped.

Table was dirty, silverware missing, server MIA, I have to hear about you being "overworked", food improperly delivered, bill inaccuracies? Fuck you, no tip.

I'm not an asshole customer either. I'm polite and gracious, never make scene, and clearly state what I want based on what the restaurant has to offer. Serving (especially serving) and cooking are not difficult.

>> No.6077321

the midwest has access to everything and is rather affluent, unlike the south, where all of the flyover stereotypes actually apply

>> No.6077358

There aren't hillbillies outside of Appalachia. I consider a small town one that doesn't have a gas station.

>> No.6077359
File: 964 KB, 1796x1304, michigan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is that so.

>> No.6077386


There were a lot of pickup trucks parked outside. As far as I'm concerned when you see a lot of trucks that don't have the name of a company printed on the sides, you're in hillbilly land.

Also people were wearing stonewashed jeans, and I don't mean like "check out these awesome dad jeans I got at the acne studios trunk sale", I mean these people look like they could legitimately have gotten their jeans at TJ Maxx.

>> No.6077631

If they don't live in the hills how are they hillbillies? I don't think you are using that word correctly.

>check out these awesome dad jeans I got at the acne studios trunk sale
Why the fuck would your dad wear jeans that were artificially aged? That's something I associate with stupid young people. I have no idea what you are trying to say.

>> No.6077643

>If they don't live in the hills how are they hillbillies?
The town is surrounded by hills. But you seem to be an expert in hillbillies, why don't you educate me.

>Why the fuck would your dad wear jeans that were artificially aged?

My actual dad, or dads in general? Have you not heard this term? Don't shoot the messenger, but here I googled it for you.


>That's something I associate with stupid young people.

You're either great grandfather aged and your fashion awareness fossilized some time before the Korean war, or you're a child. Artificially aged jeans were huge in the 1980s. Surely if you're as old as you're pretending, you must have noticed?

>> No.6077691

>educate me.
The term hillbillies refers to a particular hick culture in the Appalachian mountain range and the Ozarks. You can wikipedia it, their article doesn't seem to be too off base.

>You're either great grandfather aged and your fashion awareness fossilized some time before the Korean war, or you're a child. Artificially aged jeans were huge in the 1980s. Surely if you're as old as you're pretending, you must have noticed?
I was a kid in the 80's. I remember people aging their jeans themselves, and I thought it was stupid then. I don't remember stores carrying them like that though, although it could be that it just wasn't popular in my area and we didn't have TV here yet that was PBS on the aerial.
Your link requires an account or something, but having googled 'Dad Jeans' it seems to be more about loose fit jeans then worn jeans, but I don't know - fashion confuses me.

>That's something I associate with stupid young people.
I don't remember seeing the store bought artificially worn jeans until 2004ish, and then no one but kids was wearing them. I don't pay much attention to those kinds of things, so what do I know.