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6067518 No.6067518[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>been up drinking since last night
>ready to fall asleep
>almost out of booze
>liquor store closes in a few hours
>need to get alcohol for when I wake

Any tips on driving drunk and not getting a dui? Liquor store is like 15 minutes from here on busy roads.
al/ck/oholic general

>> No.6067521
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We have services here that deliver liquor to your doorstep, for a hefty fee. You could look into that.

Don't you have a bike?

>> No.6067522

Turn your radio volumeon full blast to tune out your surroundings so you can focus on the road

>> No.6067527

Don't do it. I lost my mom to a drunk driver. Please don't be that guy.

>> No.6067530

>Don't you have a bike?
I do, but I would probably fall off of it. Doesn't seem safe. It would also take a long time by bike.

>> No.6067532

Your mom probably deserved it.

>> No.6067533

Don't you feel like shit from drinking so much? Get your shit together man.

>> No.6067537


cab, or if you're too poor ride a bus like everyone else.

Three thousand dollars is too expensive for a beer run

>> No.6067540

>2014 and not having places that sale alcohol 24/7 even at a cor er store

>> No.6067548


Aww look at you in your ivory tower, aren't you just a big cutie.

>> No.6067555

In my state you can't buy beer after 2am and liquor stores close way before that. ;_;

where do you live that you can but it 24/7?

>> No.6067566

I have a DUI. Don't drive drunk homie it's not worth it trust me.

>> No.6067570

you seem to be doing ok

what happened what you got your dui?

>> No.6067581

Nevada. You can buy it at anytime tbh.

>> No.6067587

Go to sleep mang. You've had enough. Wake up in the morning, have a shower, a little breakfast, put on some clean clothes and go for a walk in the fresh air.

>> No.6067590

take the back roads and drive real slow. Park your car a few blocks away, cops sometimes stake out liquor stores to see who's driving drunk. Just beleive you are sober. Mind over matter homie.

You can do this. Just try to google map a route that takes you off the busy streets, because you're probably weaving a bit.

>> No.6067593

I don't understand how posting that on a shitty anonymous imageboard makes you feel any better about yourself or your life

>> No.6067596

If people only posting things that made them feel better nobody would post.

>> No.6067631
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that is not a very nice thing to say

>> No.6067638

go to bed you're drunk and make no sense

>> No.6067639


Don't fucking do it. if drunk you knows you're too drunk to drive, you are beyond fucked up and you will a)wreck b)get a dui
>you think having the shakes at home is bad try it in a jail cell
c)kill someone else

just sack out and go in the morning, you'll feel like shit any way

>and lrn2stash some emergency booze
>pint bottle
>here and there
>like money in the bank
>for times like these

>> No.6067648

Dont drive shitty. If your so drunk you cant drive good, dont do it. trust me im pro driver and drunk driving isnt worth the risk, know your limits dawg. If you need booze maybe slam down a bunch of water and sleep for a couple hours. Brush your teeth and put in some eyedrops before you head out, and if you still feel fucked up stay home, order pizza delivery and go to bed.

>> No.6067654

>Not smoking the herbal jew and get hungry
>Using the tingles in your body and creative thoughts to whip up delicious food
C'mon guys, you're drinking empty calories.

>> No.6067658

>you seem to be doing ok
How are you getting that from one post?

>> No.6067661

Your inhaling Satan.

>> No.6067663

I sell insurance. please get a DUI so I can jack up your rate and charge you a huge broker fee.

>> No.6067667

>tfw you live within crawling distance of a bar and a liquor store.
sorry op. what I do now is buy 2 nips or a beer and hide them in my room. so whenever I am in your spot i just hunt for them.
????? WALK if you get thrown into the drunk tank nothing happens legally. it will be fun.

>> No.6067672

>driving drunk
>concerned about safety

>> No.6067676

walk faggot. by the time you are there. you will be okay enough to talk to the cashier

>> No.6067689


ask a m8 or family to buy and bring you booze and threaten to drive yourself if they don't get it for you

>> No.6067709
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I know that feel.
Living in Oklahoma is suffering. If I run out of booze after nine on a Saturday, I have to wait until Monday morning to buy again.

>> No.6067712
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Work for it you waste of flesh.

>> No.6067714
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similar problem here
its too early/late for stores to be open
i got a slight fever/some kind of infection
gonna take a walk to a gas station

>> No.6067725

At least if you fuck up on a bike you'll only kill your selfish ass and not someone else.

>> No.6067737

don't be stupid. a bike would only tell people you have had a dui in the past or are drnk. walking would mean that you ae just poor
>mfw op probably passed out already

>> No.6067740

Oh no, the strangers on the street I will never see are going to judge me instead of watching the road!

>> No.6067741

>Any tips on driving drunk and not getting a dui?

Don't do it. Not a good idea. Stock up next time you're out shopping SOBER. Cops have a sixth sense about drunk drivers and from what I hear it's a royal PITA and very expensive to deal with a DUI.

>> No.6067742

i hate that feel brah

>> No.6067748


Japan. They sell liquor in every gas station and even in vending machines.

>> No.6067756

>implying OP can ride a bike without acting impaired after a two day bender.

>> No.6067775

Only way to learn and get good is to practice.

>> No.6067782

Nigga just get some in the morning or hire a cab to deliever it.

Otherwise you might get manslaughter for a hot single moms toddler baby.

>> No.6067785

He does own a computer or smartphone, he can't be that bad off. Unless he is posting from a public library, but then he would be masturbating in public , not posting on a Chinese fast food viral marketing board.

Drive slow, when it smells funny and the air gets hazy, don't worry, those were just the airbags, keep plowing on.

>> No.6067788

Just because he has technology, doesn't mean his life isn't in shambles. It just means it could be more shambolic.

>> No.6067794

He has money, he has a job or someone subsidizing his lifestyle. Life sucks, we're all in shambles, this is why we drink. That guy just need to man up and learn how to drive blitzed.

>> No.6067798

no faggot. no

>> No.6067803

Just accept your fate, embrace the suck.

>> No.6067808

or try to be a drunk without getting the law involved. you are just a lazy piece of shit

>> No.6067814

>without getting the law involved
The fuck you on son? I'm trying to get this man to avoid "the law."

>you are just a lazy piece of shit
I'm an upstanding member of my community and gainfully employed. Try harder, Cletus.

>> No.6067827

A Man is drunk and cannot operate a motor vehicle, lets have him try and ride a bicycle. My logic is better than yours because I feel I am better than a stranger on an anonymous masturbation forum.
Gee I wonder if a man can walk more easily than ride a bicycle. Idk. I guess OP will test it for us

>> No.6067828


You guys also have slot machines in your gas stations.

That's.. different.

>> No.6067842

Let's talk about something different allready faggots. What are you folks drinking atm? Bottle of wine here.

>> No.6067853

What do you nigs consider drunk? I drink and drive all the time but I never take the wheel impaired, I know my limits and perform very well within them. I can tell when im fucked up and lock the door when im there, but i can have a couple drinks after work and run errands while being more worried about other drivers than myself. I might fail the breathalyzer if I have bad luck, but I can drink up and still be sober.

>> No.6067881

boston lager and cider after drinking a 6 pack of genesee and 2 pumpkin beers. i also bought a nip of goldschlager in case i become OP later

>> No.6067885

idk man its just a feeling i have. i used to bite my cheeks as a test.

>> No.6068007

You can get a DUI on a bike.

>> No.6068031

if your sober enough to type this post then youre sober enough to drive

just take it easy. go the speed limit

i drive drunk all the time

>> No.6068043

when i'm really really drunk and driving and start seeing doubles i find it helps if i close one eye

>> No.6068045

I want to hurt you.

>> No.6068049

>i want to drive to the liquor store to get more booze
>i don't want to ride a bike because i might fall off and hurt myself
>i'm gonna drive instead

I'm a cyclist and I want you to die.

>> No.6068058

>I would probably fall off of it. Doesn't seem safe.

As opposed to driving a fucking car whilst drunk? Where did these standards suddenly come from?

>> No.6068074
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jim beam and a black & tan

I cooked with both earlier as well.