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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6065654 No.6065654 [Reply] [Original]

Hi /ck/, I'd like you to recommend me some meals or tips in order to put on weight. I'm F, 5'3 and like 90 lbs (fuck the imperial system, around 45 kg.)

I don't live in America so let's keep it "international." And poor. I'm a college student and English teacher. I live with a friend who rarely cooks and is a vegetarian. My bf's a vegetarian too, but I like meat too much to give it up.

Anyway, any ideas, comments, suggestions? Thanks.

>> No.6065668

Consume additional calories.

Honestly though, I have a hard time understanding how this can be a genuine problem. Enjoying calorific food is literally hard wired into your body, and it tends to be cheaper to boot.

>> No.6065675

This would be more appropriate on /fit/.

>> No.6065679

You want to become a fat fuck tub of lard^H^H^H^H^H^Hcurvy real woman? Just figure out how many calories you're eating per day, and double it. Doesn't matter how.

You want to put on weight and still look good? Heavy weightlifting with a calorie increase to match your increased calorie burn rate, plus maybe 5-10% until you've got the mass you want, at which point you can dial it back to calories in = calories out. About a third of the calories from protein, a third from carbs, and a third from fats. Keep the ratio the same when you switch calories back to maintenance.

Most effective exercises would be compound lifts, especially squats and deadlifts. For a grill, this will give you a great ass and legs.

Vegetarian isn't a problem for weight gain if you pay attention to macronutrient ratios, but legumes are going to be cheaper than high quality meat. If you're really poor, bulk rice protein mixed with bulk pea protein is a cheap way to straighten out your ratios with a complete amino acid profile, just be sure to eat a variety of vegetables, whole grains, and good fats, and try to get as much of your protein from "real food" as practical.

>> No.6065690

consider either cheaper cuts of meat, or befriend carbs, some ideas for you to buy from the groceries

-liver (beef, chicken, pork, doesn't matter)
-tail (great for soup stock)
-hip bones (also a great soup base)

some butchers will let you take their unwanted bits for dirt cheap, look into that

-beans (red beans, kidney, black) (filling, cheap, and pretty high in calories if you have it with rice or couscous)
-whatever is in season; you'll see a price drop anywhere from 10-40% depending on the climate and location.

other great ways to squeeze on extra calories: deep frying, adding butter or fat to a finished dish.

hope that helps.

>> No.6065714

Eat what you're eating now but add a protein drink to your breakfast like those liquid breakfast things

>> No.6065727

I want /d/ to leave

>> No.6065851

I tried gaining weight 5'11 130 lb last summer by eating fettucini alfredo every night of the week. I gained 2 lb. The dairy's not super cheap but it it adds up to be cheaper than meat I think.

Boil a buncha fettucini. In another pan melt 1/2 stick of butter slowly. Add 1/4 cup of heavy cream when melted and stir. Grate 1/2 cup of parmesan cheese into it and keep stirring for a while until smooth. When pasta is done drain and pour into sauce.

>> No.6065906

Eat MacDonalds everyday and don't excercise

>> No.6065944
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ill cook for you if you're in london bby

>> No.6065955

You need to consume more calories. If you don't care about the type of weight you put on, drinking more sugary beverages is a good way to increase the number of calories in your diet without really feeling it.

>> No.6065983


>> No.6065990

Egg Nog
Nog your Eggs
Do you know how many calories are there?

>> No.6066008

Eat three or four big macs a day on top of what you usually eat. That's around 700 surplus calories a day. I do this whenever I bulk. You should fill out in no time. Lifting weights isn't necessary since big macs are meat and therefore mostly protein so your body will automatically convert most of the excess calories into muscle by itself.

>> No.6066012

make good food.

eat the good food, more than you normally would.

drink milk or a nice stout with it.

it really isn't fucking hard, jesus

>> No.6066023

Eat more. Move less.

If you want lean weight then eat a LOT more, lift weights

>> No.6066051

>what i tried didn't work
>but here's how i did it anyways

>> No.6066072

Don't. We don't need any more fatasses.

>> No.6066364

Not OP but I get really nauseous or have to throw up if I eat over 3000kcal in a day. The days after that my appetite is non-existant

>> No.6066370

I heard melting down full-fat ice cream and just drinking it all the time works and is super easy.

>> No.6066372

What are you eating to achieve this?
Tbh pastries tend to be really dense and satisfying. Laiden with msg and you won't stop eating it

>> No.6066407

Nut butters and kids cereals are two great ways of eating a lot more without you feeling very full.
I mean if I have 2/3rd of a cup of oats, I'm good for a while, but if I wanted to I could go through 2/3rds of a bloody box of shreddies or frosties before feeling as full.... well thats hyperbole but you get the point.

>> No.6066417

This drink a bottle of eggnog erryday. If you can, do two. If you can do 3, fuck it, go for that. I easily could drink three. That shit is delicious.

Watch the fat pack on. Also, have dessert with every meal. You need to stuff yourself in order to increase how much you can eat.

>> No.6066420
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>hurrrrrrrrr durrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

>> No.6066425

bad advice. Protein isolate can decrease appetite.

>> No.6066428

You may be missing some bone and muscle if your BMI is that low. Do you move at all?

>> No.6066435

If you're consuming the lighter or fat free versions of food then switch to the normal/full fat versions if you haven't already.

>> No.6066545

>/ck/ confirmed for fatties and fatties in the making

>> No.6066554

just eat more... eat calorie dense foods so that you don't make yourself nauseous, or eat until you're nauseous if you really want to gain weight

just eat some pastries or some peanut butter, it's not that hard

>> No.6066555

eat more balanced foods

don't consume foods with a bunch of sugar in them

eat more healthy fatty food like peanut butter, butter, milk, olive oil, nuts, avocado, etc.

>> No.6067750


well yeah, 3000 calories is pretty excessive...

OP i don't see how this is a problem unless it's due to medical complications, in which case obviously address those

>> No.6067800

>Ctrl + F
>No results

Think outside the box /ck/, OP get some unwrapped dick, and hope for the best.

>> No.6067931

It's not that eating a ton of high calorie food is a problem, it's just that it does NOTHING to me.
I honestly believe that my appetite is pretty big, and am willing to eat as much, if not more as my 260 pound sibling.
Never mind building muscles, eating a shit ton of eggs, fish, and vegetables do nothing for me.
Are there any types of food that can lower or slow down my metabolism? If not, what are some supplements that'll help?
I really need to gain some weight.

>> No.6067944

You think you eat a lot, but you really don't. Keep a food journal for a couple days and you'll see this.

>> No.6067961

go look at the sticky in /fit/, whore.

>> No.6068084


>> No.6068092


You can even eat the baby afterwards to gain even more weight if you want.

>> No.6068256

Eat a stick of butter. Every day.

>> No.6068295
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Eat fast food erry day and sit on the couch/sleep during the day/read entire books/lurk 4chang, all day.

>> No.6068333

5'9 105lb skeleton here.

More grains, olive oils, healthy fats.
I eat a bowl of ice cream before bed.
Snack when you can (crackers and real cheese is good)

Try substituting juice and milk for water. Don't drink soda because too much sugar.

Can't lift b/c bone problems.. so i do what i can.

>> No.6068351

I'm a 5'3'' female athlete (combat sports), 118 lbs. I eat meals with a 1:2 ratio of grain/protein to fruits/veg, with no dairy, no added sugar/honey/anything, no refined grains, and no wheat, barley, rye or oats. My caloric needs can hit 2800 on wrestling days, and some nice things that work for me are:

-add canned coconut milk or a spoonful of coconut oil to my morning coffee
-avocados, avocados everywhere
-olives (my kalmatas are 100 cals/8 olives
-black beans
-dips & sauces for everything, hummus, salsa, mayo-based salad dressings, tartar sauce on fish, olive oil on roasted veg, etc
-starchy veg like sweet potatos, yams, beets, carrots
-multiple servings of fruit throughout the day
-nuts (200 cal for a quarter cup), also nut butters

>> No.6068363


she obviously is one of the people who are genetically predisposed to have abnormal leptin and ghrelin levels, making them both less hungry and making them feel full more quickly than most people. Suggesting that such a person follow a diet similar to yours (which is almost exactly how I eat btw, I am a weightlifter and dancer), is foolish. She will not be able to eat a sufficient amount of calories with those restrictions.

>> No.6068408

>implying you can't eat when you're full

>> No.6068873
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>5'3, 118 lbs

>> No.6068877

>5'3'' female athlete (combat sports), 118 lbs

What exactly are you combating, dwarf obesity?

>> No.6068886

do what >>6067944 suggested.

>> No.6068889

Not the dwarf but athletes do have muscle which weighs more than fat dumbass

>> No.6068891
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you stupid

>> No.6068929

If I keep eating after I'm full it feels like I need to throw up, gives me terrible bloating cramps, acid reflex and if I lay down it feels like the food is creeping back up my throat.

>> No.6068945

5'2 130 lb F here. I'm going to start a diet similar to yours and work out every 3-4 days.

>> No.6069008

wu tang muthafucka

>> No.6069543

I really recommend medical cannabis if you're in a place with it, it's the only way I can keep food down and my weight up.

>> No.6069551


This is good advice, and what I did. Mad gains.