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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6059979 No.6059979[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

A British government minister got into trouble recently for saying poor people don't know how to cook, and therefore end up spending more on food.

It caused predictable outrage among the perpetually offended, but how was she wrong?

>> No.6059986

dw, soo enough an enlightened amerilard will come in and explain to you how and why fast food is cheaper than cooking

>> No.6059987

>Morning Star

kek Comrade

>how was she wrong?

She wasn't. People who say "I can't afford proper food" while they buy processed and frozen shit are talking utter fucking bollocks because they can get more from fresh stuff for less.

Give me £20 and I can do a weekly shop in Lidl. Anyone who says they can't is a lazy cunt.

>> No.6059989

>how was she wrong?

You don't need to be rich to know how to cook. People make good food with limited means all the time.

>> No.6059995

In America the poor often subside off of microwave shit that is more expensive and definitely less nutritious than actual food.

Then again they also barter outside of convenience stores for cigarettes and liquor, which can't be bought with stamps or state aid.

>> No.6060010

Some people don't have enough time to cook and work enough to support a family.

Cooking lessons in school need to be a lot better than they are. I only remember making horrible soup and lots of biscuits and scones. We should be teaching the basic skills of cooking.

Oats for days.

>> No.6060013

Because many poor people do know how to cook. It's well off people I see always going to nice restaurants and never learning to cook.

>> No.6060020


And the poor shop at Iceland, buying trolley fulls of microwave meals, battered or breaded fried shit and biscuits and cakes.

You can cook really cheaply if you buy frozen cuts of meat and veg, and have porridge and eggs instead of sugar laden cereals.

>> No.6060021

She wasn't.
Another problem I have with the poor, the so-called "working poor," at that, is that they claim that they don't have the time to cook a proper meal, but that's complete horsecock. I see them outside for hours, talking and carrying on and blah blah blah or on their couches watching TV in clear view from the street.
If you have time to carry on in that manner, you've time to cook a proper meal.

Any Brits see that Ep of Food & Drink with that one daft cow who complained that a single apple costs more than a packet of biscuits? I wanted to slap the stupid out of her. Where is she shopping that she has to pay 49p for a single apple but can pay 19p for bikkies?

>> No.6060022
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It's fairly true.

It's not difficult to make tasty meals for cheap. Rice, most meats, most veges, pasta... It's all very easy to cook. But McDonalds is easier.

Credit culture means nobody lives within their means, and ego culture means everybody is above DIY anything.

>> No.6060030


It's like Jamie Oliver saying broccoli is more expensive than MacDonald's fries. It isn't.

Apples are free. They grow all over the place around here where I live. Just go for a walk in the woods.

>> No.6060045
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To turn this around for a minute, what are the rich subsisting on? How do they live, and are we making the assumption that their meals are the bastion of health?

>> No.6060050

A lot of them eat out a lot. Inner city living means lots of restaurants within walking distance (not fast food though).

Otherwise they just cook fairly normally.

>> No.6060078

Where in the world are there apple forests?

Sounds wonderful, around here we have to plant and maintain out appletrees.

>> No.6060083


I live on the Sussex/Surrey border. We have apple trees in the garden and also in the local woods. I don't know who maintains them.

>> No.6060134

Quiche is actually the ultimate "poor" food.

flour, an egg, and some water for dough.
go to the clearance produce bin for veggies that are less than fresh/wilted, like the 0.99 bag I got 5 lbs. of limp soggy asparagus.

chop greens up, toss in crust, throw some eggs and cream in, toss on some grated cheap cheese, throw that shit in oven.

From personal experience I know that 1 quiche with less than 3.oo of ingredients can be breakfast lunch and dinner for 2 people for 2 days.

Meanwhile in the grocery I see fat people loading up on boxed meals and then complaining at the checkouts 'bout how much they're spending on "food".

So yeah, the minister was right-on. Give her a medal.

>> No.6060152

The rich have no actual work to do, so they can spend all day shopping around for the best ingredients and planning meals.

Kill and eat the rich.

>> No.6060159


For the first time in history, the rich work more than the poor. More likely to have jobs, more likely to enjoy them, more responsibilities, specialist skills that can't be replicated...

A banker gets in at 6-7am and is expected to be at their desk until at least 11pm. A fast food worker just clocks in and out after 8 hours.

>> No.6060164

Career Politicians and Lordlings like this Baroness do nothing of any worth. All they do is sit on panels and reports like this.

>> No.6060172


I understand the need for food banks. I believe many take advantage of them though.

>> No.6060173


Still longer hours. Many sit on committees, have meetings, have their own businesses...

>> No.6060183


If they're giving away free food, why wouldn't you go there?

It's really difficult to find starving people in Britain. Plenty of kids whose parents spend benefits on fags and gambling, but still not starving.

>> No.6060227 [DELETED] 

No one knows how to cook from a recipe now on any socioeconomic level. Even back in the good old days people who could cook without instructions weren't good at it. Their families had to put up with it. This caused the rise of junk and fast foods. Most could never cook for shit.

>> No.6060231 [DELETED] 
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Enough with your college words, college boy show off. You think you can intimidate me with your liberal book learning?

>> No.6060232

>my family can't cook so no one else's can, either!!!!!

>> No.6060235

No one knows how to cook without a recipe now on any socioeconomic level if they can even do that. Back in the good old days people who could cook without instructions weren't good at it. Their families had to put up with it. This caused the rise of junk and fast foods. Most could never cook for shit.

>> No.6060240

see >>6060232 and stop deleting, you faggot

>> No.6060296

>>Morning Star
>kek Comrade
It was reported in other newspapers too.

>> No.6060303

>how was she wrong?

I don't see how less money makes someone a worse cook or how having more money makes you a better cook.

>> No.6060310

>No one knows how to cook without a recipe now on any socioeconomic level if they can even do that
I can. I don't use recipes because you really don't need them.

>> No.6060315

I can kinda understand what she's saying. Reminds me of when I overheard some EBT guy and his gf talking about what kind of food they could buy that would last them half the week because they didn't have much left on their card, and instead of actually trying to buy stuff like eggs or rice and sale items to make meals with they just looked at the frozen TGI Friday meals and White Castle mini burger boxes.

>> No.6060316

Yeah I remember in school I learned how to make Pizza Bagels, which is a fucking no-brainer - just put sauce on a bagel, then cheese and pepperoni.

>> No.6060338

Yeah it is a no brainer. You just take them out of the box and put them in the toaster oven.

>> No.6060355

It's a problem with British cuisine rather than poor people. British food is normally meat, starchy carb, side of vegetables, but getting a good piece of meat can be expensive and it needs to be prepared carefully for it not to be dry or tough. Because of this, people end up buying pre-packaged meat products like breaded chicken or fish, pies, etc., which are cheap but take no skill to prepare at all. Over time, a lot of families just lost the skill necessary to cook without crap. Also that crap doesn't taste particularly nice so people end up splurging on expensive food when they're tired and hungry.

>> No.6060358

I think Home Ec needs to be a compulsory class in schools, I learned so much useful shit in that class about how to stretch a tight food budget.

>> No.6060361

>I don't see how less money makes someone a worse cook or how having more money makes you a better cook.

It's called having to "Economize"

Economize; spend less to work with more with less.
In ages past, the poor didn't get money from the Government or free food from The State, they WORKED to get food, and because of poverty, most poor only could afford trash level food and so learned how to cook things in ways to make them more bearable to eat.

Most modern Haute Cuisine served in upscale restaurants is actually ancient poor peoples food.

For almost all of history, the Rich were fat and the poor were skinny.
Now we're reversed with the poor being fat and obese with crap food provided by GovWelfare , and The Rich are skinny.

Where's that pic of the obese woman eating a block of cheese? Or a lardass on a scooter at the drive-thru window?
Compare that situation to soccer-moms driving up in 80K Mercedes all gabbing about their steamed Quinoa diet.

If poor people lived as though they were, you know, actually poor! They would live on oats, beans, bread, eggs and rarely some meat, and they would know how to cook those items into delicious meals.

Pasta carbonara? a raw egg thrown into hot pasta? 200 years ago that's the kind of thing a rural Italian dirt farmer might expect as his evening (or only) meal after a long day out in the fields.

>> No.6060379

I don't recall learning that in home ec and I only got to cook once in that class.

>> No.6060425


Why in the world would you do this

>> No.6060436

Why would that offend people?

It's absolutely true. There are several programs in the USA based around that idea.

Look up "cooking matters."

>> No.6060450

Hmm, really? We learned a lot of literal home economics. I think it was especially emphasised because I went to school in a poor area. And we cooked at least once a fortnight. But I didn't especially enjoy the cooking, to be honest, there was way too much focus on nutrition at the expense of good-tasting food. Still, at least we did learn about nutrition. There was a surprising amount of chemistry involved in that class, too. It was a fairly difficult class because there was just so much coursework, which was a bit of a rude awakening for people just taking it for an easy A.

>> No.6060524

I worked at a small grocery store in a small town for a couple years.
All of the people who paid with EBT cards -ALL OF THEM- bought frozen pizza, chips, hotdogs, and other frozen meals. Never a bag of flour, fresh produce, legumes, or any raw products that weren't simply reheat and eat.
People who were poor hippies bought raw ingredients and wine.
People who were well off and on vacation at their cabins bought wine and raw ingredients.

>> No.6060536

I think the premise is that a better cook knows how to make a tasty, nutritious meal safely for less money, whereas a bad cook dies from diptheria complications only after wasting all their foodstamps on processed, artificial foods and using their money benefit to order pizzas and eating them all in an unhygienic manner.

Really quite simple I think.

>> No.6060555

No, they actually need their parents to teach them how to cook. So much potential time.

This whole " not enough time to cook" is bullshit.

If you don't have enough time, stop having kids.

>> No.6060639

there is a reason poor people are poor, mainly because they are too stupid, lazy and ignorant to get a good job.

How is it surprising that their stupidity, laziness and ignorance would affect other aspects of their daily life, too?

>> No.6060640

because some people live alone....

>> No.6060686

>learning to cook in school
why don't you learn from your mothers and grandmothers? family recipes are part of your heritage.

>> No.6060695

Not so much for cooking skills, but basic household budgeting and stuff. And lots of poorfags don't have parents who can cook. My mom is a great cook, but I was in the minority in my school in that respect. Every time I went to eat dinner at a friend's house I was served something like frozen chicken nuggets or "spaghetti bolognese" that was literally unseasoned ground beef on spaghetti.

>> No.6060709

My grandmother was a tomboy. She had no skills to pass down to my mother. My mother had to learn on her own. She could boil rice, microwave/boil a veg, and bake meat. That was about it.

>> No.6060723

Your home ec class was one in a million, anon. I hope you appreciated your teacher. I had six weeks where we sewed boxer shorts, made biscuits, and cookie bars, and spent a ridiculous amount of time prepping for those three things. Nothing of use was learned.

>> No.6060725

so what did your grandfather and your mother eat?

>> No.6060791

I know at one point my mother cooked his dinner and made his lunch before he went to work at night. I had heard he could at least make pancakes. He did fish and hunt squirrel so he probably could prepare them. I'd assume my grandmother could make something simple.

>> No.6060799

We made muffins and they were salty but I wasn't really paying attention to the girls I was working with. They probably confused tsp with tbsp. I remember in the end failing since most of the grade was based on doing a food report on a country's cuisine and you had to prepare one dish from that country. I didn't even bother doing any of it.

>> No.6060854

I think the difference might just be how seriously Home Ec is treated from one country to an other more than anything else. Where I'm from, you can choose to do Home Ec at junior level at first as an elective, and then continue with it at senior level if you want, so the whole course would be 5 years in total, and there's a state exam at the end, so there's a prescribed structure that every school has to follow. Sounds more like you guys just had one teacher doing whatever.

>> No.6060898

This is starting to sound like a preparatory class for chef school rather than home ec.

>> No.6060912

Nah, not really, cooking is only a part of it - like I said, nutrition is valued more highly than actual tasty food. This is the exam they had for it this year.

>> No.6060952

My mother is a feminist. She thinks cooking is beneath her dignity as a woman because something something patriarchy. I had to teach myself while she berated me for daring to be even slightly traditional.

>> No.6060956

Nutrition wouldn't be taught in home ec but Health class here. Also I only know of one state with "state exams" for high school and it is only for certain courses.

>> No.6060962

How does she survive? Restaurants and hot pockets?

>> No.6060965

Oh, is that what health class is? I always thought it was something like sex ed.

>> No.6060971

It can be anything from drugs to sex or nutrition to disease.

>> No.6060979

Pretty much. Like the rest of her kind, she's fat, spoiled and unhappy.

>> No.6061021

This guy sums it up to a tea.

>> No.6061042

>to a tea

>> No.6061049 [DELETED] 

ITT: war on the poor

you lazy rich fucks best starting to pay taxes instead of worrying about poor people

>> No.6061342

>And the poor shop at Iceland, buying trolley fulls of frozen cuts of meat and veg

>> No.6061346


Because there simply isn't any cheaper way to eat than 12 for a £ crap burgers and 18p beans.

>> No.6061351

Underprivledged people don't have the time or energy to cook because they're working harder than you to make what little they do

>> No.6061355

That applies in the US, where people can work 3 jobs and still be poor as fuck, but the people this woman is complaining about generally sit at home unemployed.

>> No.6061363

I'd really like to know where these mythical Three Job Americans live because I hear about them pretty often but have never seen one. I'm guessing they ride unicorns to work and have gnomes and faeries babysit the kids while they work 36 hour days at 12¢ per hour to provide gruel and ped-egg shavings for the family to eat.

>> No.6061365

I dunno man, I'm not American, I just see them on Undercover Boss and shit.

>> No.6061372

most people don't know how to cook

poor people who aren't lazy fucks sucking off the government are frequently too burdened by work to spend time cooking, if they even have anything more than a hot plate (again, I mean poor people, not welfare tards who shit out kids and get free money because our government loves to fund retards)

>> No.6061381

There is no shortage of them where I live in rural Florida, although 2.1 jobs is generally the practical limit if you have kids and no grandmother living at home. I don't seem to be able to gather rich friends, and all of them put in a lot of time working. My family gets by on 1.5 jobs total because I'm a cheap bastard about everything, and we eat delicious homecooking made from scratch.
What is ped-egg shavings?

>> No.6061384

A ped-egg is a little pedicure device, so basically it'd be foot sole shavings.

>> No.6061385

It's funny how the people most deserving of welfare—the hard-working poor—don't get any.

>> No.6061399

Wow, zing! Good for you for doing better.
Thanks, ..eerrg.
Funny, as in ironic and infuriating. You are totally correct.

>> No.6061403

"Three job american" generally means three part time jobs all just low enough on hours that none of the employers need to pay any sort of benefits.

So like get up, commute an hour into town from your cheap suburb, work five hours one place, a half hour commute to another place, four hours work there, then go home swallow food and commute back out for a two hour thing.

Altogether paying about the same a a "real" job, but with cost for commuting, no pension, no vacation, no overtime and no medical coverage, in the end one of the jobs more or less only serves to pay for the expenses used to do the other two.

That's pretty much it, 10-12 hours work, two hours transport, 6-8 hours sleep.
And that doesn't count in picking kids up from school, their after school activities ect.

>> No.6061407

>tfw my feminist mom is thin, happy, a great cook, and loves my dad
I must be lucky. I guess she actually has a reason to be feminist, though, since things were really shit in our country for women up until 20-ish years ago.

>> No.6061408


But most traditional British dishes are actually designed to make the most of cheap cuts or to pad out a small amount of meat to make a filling meal. Lancashire hotpot, all kinds of pies, ploughman's lunch, cottage/shepherd's pie, bangers and mash or sausage casserole or toad in the hole, liver and bacon, scouse, kidneys, even Sunday roasts traditionally make the most of cheap cuts like shoulder of lamb by cooking them for a long time. All these originate from working classes using tough, cheap cuts of meat to make filling meals that can feed a large family. Meals like curries and stir-fries and pasta dishes are also popular and well known, and can be easily made with cheap meat or even no meat at all.

I'd agree that many poor people genuinely have lost the knowledge of how to buy and use cheap meat, but it's a recent development in response to processed and junk food becoming the norm. It's not because the traditions were never there to start with, Britain has exactly the kind of cuisine you would expect to develop in a North European agricultural/industrial society.

>> No.6061409

>Minimum wage for 40 hours a week in America is too much money for welfare by a large margin and food stamps by a small margin
It literally is an incentive to work less. Nevermind retarded shit like Social Security getting reduced if your spouse is willing to still work. You literally have to not work as much or they reduce your Social security.

>> No.6061427

You are lucky, and she sounds entitled to her opinion. Most feminists I know (US) bitch about men while living off their daddy's income. May I ask which country?

>> No.6061437

What's the point of this thread? Just baiting Daily Express readers and americlaps to whinge about how we're all degenerates and that's why food is so expensive and so on?

I'm reasonably good at cooking, I just can no longer afford the time and money it consumes to prepare a decent meal at the day's end.

You try spending 10 hours at a suicide-inducing job (though you're only paid for 8, and on the minimum wage), plus an hour's travelling in total, plus the normal pile of housework that there simply isn't enough time for, and then tell me you have time to prepare a decent meal when even the most basic of ingredients have ludicrously inflated prices. All this while suffering the hideous symptoms of arthritis and osteomalacia.

And no doubt /ck/ believes it's a great idea to give free labour to Tesco et al in the form of welfare recipients. /pol/ is spilling over.

And a bowl of porridge for 4p? What planet is this artistocratic cunt on?

>Sunday roasts traditionally make the most of cheap cuts
Yet now even cheap cuts are expensive. Sunday roasts are surprisingly expensive to do nowadays.

>> No.6061441

>For the first time in history, the rich work more than the poor.
Kill yourself. The saddest thing is that I sincerely doubt you're well off.

>> No.6061463 [DELETED] 

> Most feminists I know (US) bitch about men while living off their daddy's income

Confirmed. Once a feminazi gets out into the real world, they discover that corporations all want to hire and promote entitled cunts who won't put out, over oppressed white males with STEM majors who are now unemployed.

If a defectperson (as I call women) can spend all this time trying to think up ways to get back at men for "the patriarchy", then she obviously has never worked a day in her life or she'd be too busy making money at the expense of straight white men.

>> No.6061466

If anything, poor people spend less on food because buying fresh ingredients is expensive as fuck compared to just going and throwing something in the microwave

>> No.6061468

>Yet now even cheap cuts are expensive. Sunday roasts are surprisingly expensive to do nowadays.

Like how expensive?

>> No.6061471

Well, sometimes they go to Greenland

>> No.6061472

A very rural part of Ireland. You might be surprised to hear it (I'm not sure how far our reputation precedes us), but it was a fucking awful place to be a woman (or anyone slightly different, really) until very recently. Look up Magdalene Laundries and Symphysiotomy for just some of it.

>> No.6061476
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>A banker gets in at 6-7am and is expected to be at their desk until at least 11pm.

Yeah, maybe "a" banker does this. As in, one banker.

>> No.6061477

The most I've ever met is 1,5 job Americans: one full time (1 job) and one part time (,5 of a job). I don't doubt that two job Americans exist but three job ones, as exemplified in >>6061403's explanation, are actually working only 1,5 jobs.

I understand that times are tough for everyone, but I've little sympathy for those who complain about income while wasting money on take aways, ready meals/dinner kits and snack food. That's not to say I've no sympathy for them at all.
I have a little sympathy. Just a bit. There is some but only insofar as their lack of time management skills.

Perhaps investing in a slow cooker would help many of these people. Especially now, as they're around $20US this time of year.

Or learn some quick meals. I developed a Thirty Minute* "Chili" recipe while working two part time jobs with a full-time student's schedule because I'd opted out of the meal plan that year. It costs about 50¢ per serving, believe it or not. There's an asterisk there because cooking beans separately adds a bit of time but beans are great as leftovers, so they could be part of a do-ahead step. I used to boil the beans while I showered, shaved and dressed, then transferred them to the slow cooker to finish over several hours, then come home from the day and make the "chili."
Add some rice, some cooked beans and some sautéed veg, which cost about 12¢, 10¢ and 33¢ each serving, respectively, and you've got a full meal for under $1.10 per serving. A dollar menu burger and fries from McDo costs nearly double that and isn't as nutritious, filling or calorie dense, either.

If anyone wants the chili recipe, keep in mind that it's not chili in the traditional sense as it is thickened with roux, so don't piss and moan about it not being chili proper, please.

>> No.6061480


>> No.6061483

It's a Yuropoor thing, isn't it?

>> No.6061484


>> No.6061485
File: 103 KB, 474x373, horror.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>just got off EBT
>had ~$200 left in my account that I had to spend before it got cancelled
>go to publix
>30 pounds of rice
>10 pounds of black beans
>10 pounds of red beans
>10 pounds of garbanzo beans
>10 pounds of oats
>5 pounds of butter
>4 bottles of olive oil
>gallon of peanut oil
>cashier's face when

>> No.6061487

Horror that you were actually buying stuff to cook with?

>> No.6061489

> keep in mind that it's not chili in the traditional sense as it is thickened with roux, so don't piss and moan about it not being chili proper, please.

I appreciate any recipe, I mean hell I prefer a 3 bean, corn and carrot chilli stretched with rice.

Yeah, commas for fractions periods for thousands.

>Gallon of peanut oil
So jelly, here we can only get it in small 150 ml. glass bottles in the speciality section.

>> No.6061490

Horror at 80 pounds of food

>> No.6061491


probably a person whose first language is french. It is the norm in French

>> No.6061493

>I hear about them pretty often but have never seen one

Well, I wouldn't really expect someone with your opinions to have ever talked to one of the tons of people who hold multiple jobs.

>> No.6061498


You seem to be confused; most employers won't ALLOW you to work 40 hours a week, because then they have to give you benefits. You have to get a second job to get more hours, and then you still don't get benefits.

>> No.6061511


I came up with the recipe whilst living at school in the US, so it combines some simple French techniques with American sensibilities.

Onion, minced, 1 medium/medium-large
Garlic, pasted or finely minced, 4-6 cloves
Salt, a strong pinch
Fatty beef mince (73/27), 1lb
Flour, half cup
Mixed chili powders and cumin powder, 6-8tbsp total
Tomato juice, 1 quart
More salt (or beef stock cube/powder), to taste
Beans, cooked, yield from a half pound dry
Rice, cooked, yield from three cups dry
Whatever greens you like on the side

Toss the onion and garlic with some salt and set aside; meanwhile crumble cook beef mince in a metal saucepan or pot until it has rendered its fat and the beef is coloured, then remove the crumbles but leave the fat behind.
Add the flour to the beef render and cook, stirring constantly with a wooden spoon, until the mixture is a shade or two lighter than milk chocolate.
Add the onion/garlic mixture, the chili/cumin powders and the beef crumbles then off the heat, stirring constantly until the hissing stops.
Up the heat back to high and stir in the tomato juice.
Stir until the flour paste is dissolved completely.
Bring to the boil then lower the heat just enough to maintain a simmer.
Cook until thickened to just desired consistency then salt to taste.
Serve in a bowl with beans and rice and a dish of sautéed veg on the side.

The recipe yields about six servings for me.
Mincing an onion takes about a minute and the garlic about a minute or two more, crumble cooking the beef about five, making and compounding the roux about 15-20 then thickening the tomato juice another 2-5 or so on top of that.

I've never had carrots in a chili, but I'll give it a try sometime, I think. I do like corn in it, though.

>> No.6061516

This actually got worse under Obama because of required benefits for full-time employees. Shit used to be just fine.

>> No.6061520

This is wholly, entirely, unequivocally true. And it's a sad fact of American life. This happens only to the lowest rungs of the socioeconomic ladder. It's a damned shame, really.

Not at all. I know many, but none that work three full time jobs. Two full time jobs, sure. Or one full time and two part time. But never three. Not a one. That would leave only 8 hours daily to bathe, sleep, eat and jack off. Maybe I've never met them because they're too busy to be sociable but I suspect it's because no one regularly works a 112 hour work week.

>> No.6061521

Casrrots, corn, all serve to add... a sweetness or fullness.

But i experiment wildly when cooking chilli, currently I'm hooked on a tbsp of honey and a pinch of cinnamon.

>> No.6061531

sorry, tsp, teaspoon.

>> No.6061536

>Shit used to be just fine

It got worse, but to say that it used to be "just fine" is absolutely false.

>> No.6061541


Your post is the first time anyone has mentioned three full-time jobs.

>> No.6061553

I basically combined the concept of meatball paprika (paprikás húsgombóc) with American chili, swapping out the paprika for chili-and-cumin powders and the beef stock for tomato juice, so it's a very mixed concept dish, like some Hungarian/American bastard child.
Also, crumbling the mince rather than forming meatballs, obviously.

I've added chopped green peppers and fresh-minced red chilies to the roux with good results, too.

I think that though paprikás is Hungarian, the roux-making technique that it's built on came from France.

>> No.6061558

Then it's 1½-2 jobs rather than 3, isn't it?

>> No.6061565


Not exactly, considering a part-time job could entail working ~35 hours a week, just shy of official "full-time" when benefits would have to be awarded. Then you have to include time for travel, etc. It ends up to where three part-time jobs (1.5 jobs in your measure) can end up being more time-consuming than a full-time and a part-time job (also 1.5 jobs in your measure).

>> No.6061566

IIRC it was changed to something like 15 hours a week would qualify for bennies, so they fly you under that particular limit

>> No.6061576

Yes, this thread is straying into /pol/ territory, but the subject (unfortunately) is partially intertwined.
Many Anons on the 'cooking for one' threads claim they cook a big batch on their day off and freeze small portions to use through the week. This lets them eat homemade food when they are at work, as well as easy prep at night.
Batch cooking is generally more economical on electricity/gas as well as cleanup time. When bacon is cooked in our house we cook the entire package at once, and use it for the week (or longer).

>> No.6061578

Well, it can't be both ways. Either Three Job American is working 100+ hours each week with only 8 hours daily to do whatever else needs to be done or he's not. There's no way that this situation exists as commonly as has been implied ITT. None.

>> No.6061586


She's not that wrong. The kind of people that live in shady British council estates are mostly pure unadulterated trash where the only kitchen appliance they use is a deep fat fryer.

>> No.6061591

That's not fair, anon. They make great use of the microwave.

>> No.6061595

Actually, no one has supported that 3 full time jobs is common, I pointed out the 2.1 being not unusual in my area.
I used to work 70-94 hours week, but it was 1 job and I lived on location, so the commute time was negligible. it was awful, no overtime because it was an agricultural job. I found a different job, and do yardwork or handyman work to fill in the gaps. Good exercise, too- gyms cost money.
Back to food! I love good food, but hate paying for it at restaurants.

>> No.6061596

She's at least a bit right; Poor people are far more likely to purchase junk food & ready meals.

You can eat very well on eggs, rice, beans, frozen vegetables, cheap cuts of meat, whole chickens.

The same budget would last less than half the time if spent on ready meals, crisps, frozen pizza etc. and is markedly worse for you.

>> No.6061600

Then we're in agreement. I've met several 1½ - 2-jobbers but never 3.

>> No.6061604
File: 261 KB, 1330x772, Europe2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>First reply
>crying about americans

never change

>> No.6061608 [DELETED] 


This picture makes me happy

Whites don't have a culture. They may be too stubborn and fearful to embrace actual culture, but it's the role of the state to ensure their enrichment. We as a society cannot move on until the recalcitrant whites, who generally do not know what is best even for themselves, finally accept the superiority of other cultures (really any of them will do).

In conclusion, fuck white people.

>> No.6061610 [DELETED] 
File: 54 KB, 651x460, 1409272960.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6061614

>implying frozen veg is cost effective
Not always. Frozen broccoli absolutely is (why is fresh brocc so costly?) but I know people who buy frozen veg that's much, much more expensive compared to its fresh counterpart.

Instead, I've taken to buying fresh veg when its on offer/sale then washing and freezing it myself. Much cheaper that way.

Things like frozen cob corn, which is $1US for a 1lb package, is a buck for 3lbs fresh when in season. I will, however, buy frozen off-the-cob kernels.

Other veg I freeze include
• bell pepper halves
• minced onion for stews
• cooked soffritto/mirepoix
• cooked trinity (in bacon render, of course)
• asparagus
• various others

This is because the storebought frozen is either much more expensive (asparagus, peppers, onion) or just doesn't exist (soffritto/trinity).

>> No.6061616

peas, broccoli, and spinach certainly are.

>> No.6061617


I remember we took a school trip to a mosque once when I was around 13 years old.

I'm 23 now so it was quite a while ago, before 4chan at least. We went there and looked around, sat and witnessed some prayer thing and ate indian food.

Aboslutely nothing wrong about being exposed to other cultures, you're only coming off as an ignorant racist if you think there is a problem with that picture.

>> No.6061618

Please ignore the troll, this thread is actually about how you can make decent food on a tiny budget.... well, it should be.

>> No.6061619

I think that putting a mark on the student's permanent record if they decline the trip, is a little bit over the top.

but hey, white people things

>> No.6061620

Man seeing shit like that pisses me off.

Poor image ratio, shitty watermark, huge black box in the middle of the image, people like that do shit like that should be lined up and shot.

>> No.6061627


not to mention the letter is about a trip to a university and the top picture is in an actual mosque so the whole thing is misleading.

>> No.6061630

I don't expect /pol/tards to be able to read or understand context, but basic visual design is simple.

>> No.6061631

>15 hours a week would qualify for bennies

What country are you in? I know you're not talking about the US.

>> No.6061635

Look at the overly cutesey pluralization.

>> No.6061638

>Be 11, on a field trip.
>Stop by some mosques and temples along the way.
>Go to a Hindu temple get a small lecture about their beliefs. Then at the end we got offered to get red dots placed on our foreheads, you can also go full Hindu and get an additional dot of treated powdered dung on top of it.
>Go to a Mosque, same sort of thing.
>"No spitting" sign as we were walking out.
>"Ha ha, hey anon check this out".
>Spit all over the Mosque courtyard, some other kids joined in.
>Teacher just stares at us in disbelief and we fucking bail.

(Sorry, Mosque.)

>> No.6061639

I'm all for cultural diversity, but what this letter and photograph has shown is that

1) the administration might not be trustworthy.
If the photos accompanying the letter in that pic were taken from that trip, then the administration lied and the students took part in religious ritual. Were one of the students a Jew, devout Christian, a Sikh or any number of other religions, the school would have forced this child to participate in sin against his or her own religious background in the appeasement of another. That's haram, motherfucker.

2) racial discrimination is a loose and meaningless term.
First and foremost, religion is not the same as race. Secondly, refusal to participate in any activity is not discrimination of any sort. Disallowing someone else to participate in something due to some quality her or she espouses is discrimination. By the dichotomy presented by the school, all students from Muslim backgrounds discriminate against others because they'll have never set foot in a religious building other than one from their own belief system. That's stupid.

>> No.6061643


I'm the guy who posted the image, and I agree, but they crossed the line when they forced the kids to come, and asked them to pray.

You jumped to a lot of conclusions anon.

>> No.6061644

3) it's not the state's place to enforce thought or punish thoughtcrime

The very notion of this trip is in full violation of the Human Right Act of Parliament of 1998 which went into effect in 2000 and guarantees that the United Kingdom will behave in full accordance with the European Convention of Human Rights, article 9 of which states that
>"Everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion; this right includes freedom to change his religion or belief and freedom, either alone or in community with others and in public or private, to manifest his religion or belief, in worship, teaching, practice and observance."
Even if that thought is "I fucking hate mudslime Mohammedan interlopers," article 9 guarantees Britons the right to hold that belief. Section 2 of the article states
>"Freedom to manifest one's religion or beliefs shall be subject only to such limitations as are prescribed by law and are necessary in a democratic society in the interests of public safety, for the protection of public order, health or morals, or for the protection of the rights and freedoms of others."
Threatening students to name-and-shame punishment for refusal to participate in activities their parents find religiously objectionable violates the protections GB and the EU guarantees them.

>> No.6061647

It's written in comic sand, obviously a fake.

>> No.6061649


i mean it's not like there are a shortage of these types of pictures.

>> No.6061652

>Morning Star
>"For Peace & Socialism"
>end British nuclear weapons possession
>but Russian nuclear weapons possession is essential to preserve Russia against outside aggression
I get the impression that OP is what is known as a "useful idiot", although usefulness is narrowly interpreted to mean "useful to Soviet propagandists".

>> No.6061653

No there's nothing wrong with it, but there is something wrong with forcing it on people. Punishing the kid because their parents might not want them attending this thing? "All absences will be investigated.." seems a little crazy too. Makes it seem more like brainwashing than expanding their horizons.

>> No.6061654


I dunno. I have seen some institutions legitimately use comic sans. Not to mention that the letter is from what I presume to be a public school.

>> No.6061660

Gee willies gramps, I guess that goll-darn snooper's secretly a pinko.

>> No.6061661


1. they're not even facing in the correct direction, so it's not a religious ritual
2. it doesn't say "they're discriminating", it says a discrimination note will be on their file. the purpose of the school is to prepare those children for adult life in a multicultural society. if the child missed one thing, maybe it's nothing, maybe it is. but it would be negligence on the part of the school not to make future teachers aware that the child might need some extra guidance considering that there's a higher than average chance that the parents are simple-minded bigots who denied their child a proper education on the grounds of their own racism. just a chance, but best to be on the safe side. you're ok with profiling aren't you? I mean if we can shoot black kids for wearing hoodies, surely it's not a problem to teach white kids about the world they live in?


if a kid goes through school thinking that 2+2=5, that's not "thoughtcrime", it's just a bad education. sorry if you people can't accept reality.

>> No.6061671

Can you imagine how terrible the world would be without chavs? Who would we make fun of?

>> No.6061677

>how was she wrong?

She isn't. Poor people are poor more because they want to be poor, because they are shit at using money, and rarely because they are living in a poor area. It is their mentality that brings everything down around them, not the other way around.

Then again, there are people who are "poor" and people that live frugally and are classified as poor because they don't make much money, but they also don't have a need to spend much money they live perfectly well within their means. The latter are getting along just fine and the former are just a waste of space.

>> No.6061681

You mean a state school. In England, public schools are private, because they're fucking retarded over there.

>> No.6061685

That is one thing I will never fucking understand. It just makes no logical sense whatsoever.

>> No.6061687

Tally ho!

>> No.6061689

>they are shit at using money

Well, sort of. Take shoes for instance, one of my pairs of dress shoes I have in rotation, I've been wearing regularly for 8 years now. I keep them in cedar shoe trees, polish them regularly, and get them resoled when they need it. They're $400 shoes that I got for my first "real job" interview, prior to that I only wore crappy $90 shoes made of inferior materials, and I threw them out when they were done, maybe once a year.

A poor person can't afford nice things that last, because he is living paycheck to paycheck, so he buys shitty things. This happens in all aspects of his life, and so it's an eternal struggle to keep up.

I guess if you threw a check for $50k at some of these poors, some of them would get it, and pull themselves out. But some have been indoctrinated by generations of poverty to only buy the shittiest crap imaginable, because it "saves money" (even though it doesn't).

>> No.6061694

How are $90 shoes only lasting you a year? It's not crazy expensive or anything, but not cheap enough that I'd be happy throwing a pair away after that short amount of time.

>> No.6061695


The black kid in the hoodie got shot for beating the shit out of a middle aged man.

your whole post is creepy anon, in the US you learn about other cultures by just being around them, not being forced to participate in them.

Surely there are muslims in their school right? Why not just have everyone do a presentation on their religion? Their culture? Students could ask and answer questions

spoiler: like in the US

>> No.6061698


The leather cracks instantly when it gets wet, it uses more synthetic materials which look ratty when they get worn, and the soles aren't replaceable. Also wearing them every day is bad for any shoes, and when you're wearing $90 shoes, it's probably also your only pair. You should allow at least 24 hours between wearings, 48 if you wore them in the rain. And that's just for leather shoes. Most sneakers look like shit after about 200 wearings, there's basically nothing you can do.

>> No.6061701

Ah okay, if you're wearing them that often I can understand how they'd get rekt, I have a lot of pairs of shoes around that price range so they get rotated a lot.

>> No.6061704


Trayvon is not the first kid to have been shot for wearing a hoodie, and the middle aged man picked a fight with him because he had a god complex that he got from carrying his artificial penis.

How is it "creepy" to expect the education system to do its job?

Everyone could do a presentation, but that seems much more of an infringement on rights than just taking the kids to see another religion. What if the kid doesn't want to talk about his religion? What if he feels like it might invite discrimination against himself? I'm not completely against the idea but it seems needlessly aggressive compared to taking the whole group to hear an adult from that community do the talking.

>> No.6061723

1) The direction is a moot point. It is still religious ritual.

A lone Muslim or a group of uneducated Muslims, away from others, who perform/s ibadah but does not correctly follow qibla would still be performing ibadah. A muslim in Yukon Territory, Canada who faces southeast during salat would be, to the best of his knowledge, properly doing qiblah even though the shortest distance to the Kaaba would be for him to face north. It is still religious ritual, even if misperformed.

The fact remains is that if my religious sensibilities find it objectionable on religious grounds for me to participate or to allow my child to participate, I have a guaranteed right as a Briton to refuse to participate.

2) This is just wrong.

It is not an act of bigotry or discrimination to refuse to participate in any practises that aren't in tune with one's own religious beliefs or practises. No one is saying not to learn about them. Just refusing to participate in the act itself.
Quakers, for example, have historically been persecuted in the UK for refusal to swear oaths in courts. The swearing of an oath is against the belief of most people associated with the Religious Society of Friends. They do not discriminate against those who would swear oaths in court. They merely refuse to participate. Similarly, I, as a Quaker, would refuse to allow my child to participate in religious ritual.
Go on the trip. Learn about the religion and its practices. But do not perform ibadah.

3) wut

>> No.6061729


No one gives a shit. See >>6061627 and >>6061630, it's probably not even real. Why did you even waste all your time typing that?

>> No.6061730

>to the best of his knowledge

They're all facing in different directions, in the same room. Are they perhaps laboring under the misapprehension that they are in some kind of transdimensional vortex, and all directions face mecca?

>> No.6061731

>implying ibadah has to take place in an actual mosque
Dumb. Very, very dumb.

>> No.6061732

>but Russian nuclear weapons possession is essential to preserve Russia against outside aggression

Where did you get that from? I'm sure you didn't just make wild assumptions and assign a certain viewpoint to someone. That would be stupid. You're not stupid, are you anon?

>> No.6061735

>they want to be poor



>> No.6061738


I (and he) didn't imply that it does.

>the trip is to a university
>the picture is in a mosque

Not that it fucking matters. It has nothing to do with cooking and food.

>> No.6061741

I live and work in the USA, what about it, Chokkar?

>> No.6061744

Eat out, pay someone else to cook, alot of them don't need two incomes so the mom or the dad can stay at home and make delicious food or they learn how to it, since cooking with good product is a pleasure.

>> No.6061746

you are a fucking retard, a bag of potatoes is 3.50 for 10 pounds, its 3.50 for a hungry man dinner, a 20lb bag of rice is 10 bucks, 10 bucks might buy a single lasanga, carrots and other veg is cheap compared to frozen garbage, you are a fucking retard if you think otherwise

>> No.6061747


Easy. I was poor when I was a kid, having only the weekly allowance savings from my parents which wasn't even enough to open a schwab brokerage account until I was fifteen. But after I finished harvard law school I immediately applied, and was accepted, for a junior associate position at my dad's law firm. Fast forward through six years of hard work (something poors don't understand) and I've made partner.

Poor people would rather just waste their welfare check on cognac; the only CDs they know about are the kind where there is rap music haha. Anyway fuck poor people.

>> No.6061748

You will be maligned by the SJWs that comprise the majority of /ck/. Nice dubs doe.

>> No.6061756

Again, the direction is a moot point. It is still religious ritual, even if misperformed.
For example, the Catholic Church considers a new convert to Catholicism from quite a large number of other religious backgrounds to have performed all the necessary sacraments and not need to perform them again as a Catholic, even if misperformed, because religious ritual is still religious ritual. Lutherans who undergo each of the eucharistic sacraments, including first communion, do not need to repeat these sacraments if they convert to Catholicism, even if communicants receive the eucharist with their hands rather than have clergy place it directly on their tongues.
Regardless of whether your definition of it as religious ritual or not, a Briton's right to refuse to participate in something s/he would consider to not be in line with his/her own religious beliefs is guaranteed. Or do we want to replay the 1857 Indian Rebellion?

>> No.6061769

>maligned by social justice warriors
Mofo, we're the frontline of social justice! I want social justice for all people, including those who would find it objectionable for them or their children to participate in ibadah.

There's a reason that not a single other religion has ever won a Nobel Peace Prize. For being such a tiny group, we do a lot of good for social justice.


>> No.6061772


They're obviously not being compelled to do anything by anyone, otherwise they'd at least understand that they should be facing in a certain direction. They're watching, and mimicking, as children are wont to do. Part of a learning experience in which they are gladly taking part. Because children are curious and want to learn.

No one is going to make you convert to sharia, it's not going to happen. When these kids find out about the pork, it's all over, they'll dabble in "eastern religions" for a bit with their infatuation with yoga, and eventually become apathetic agnostics like everyone else.

Calm down.

>> No.6061774


Ugh, quakers are some of the most smug, condescending pricks the world has ever known. Not even unitarians are as bad as quakers.

>> No.6061780

if you are not trolling you are the problem with the world, its ok to be proud to be anything but white, and its faggot liberal race traitors like you that made it that way

>> No.6061782

I've never known a smug quaker. I don't think you have, either.

>> No.6061784


It doesn't matter what Zimmerman did, as he didn't break the law, Trayvon however did.

If some guy starts following i'd be creeped out and maybe call the cops if he persisted

spoiler: But Trayvon wouldn't do that because he was casing houses while under the influence of narcotics.

I don't want to live in your creepy dystopia of racial discrimination marks, it all just feels too forced.

And that's exactly what i'm talking about anon, if a kid doesn't want to talk about his religion we shouldn't force them, if a kid doesn't want to experience another religion we shouldn't force them.

>> No.6061789


I should add I feel like the whole letter is intentionally inflammatory

Why does it have to be "Racial discrimination marks" why couldn't it just say "They will receive marks on their record"?

It's such heavy handed terminology.

>> No.6061790

Your post didn't address a single point made in >>6061756

>> No.6061799

Welcome to the new world, Jayden.

>> No.6061802

>refuse to participate in

Isn't this the point? The right to "refuse to participate", as though these kids were being compelled to pray to mohammed?

>I've never met a smug quaker

Said the smug quaker. My college roommate was a smug quaker. Of course you guys are well practiced in seeming self-effacing and humble, but it's like a Japanese sort of humility. It's a culturally dictated behavior, not actual humility.


A black kid whose entire life has been getting profiled by cops should call the cops for protection when he's being stalked by a white wannabe cop? Yeah, no. He was visiting a relative, he had every right to be there. If some asshole with a gun was following me around in my neighborhood I wouldn't be happy about it either.

>> No.6061803

>what about it

Well, that means you're simply wrong. Who the fuck gives benefits for 15 hours a week?

>> No.6061806
File: 52 KB, 536x400, bill cosby laughing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6061807

Contracting companies. Calm down, Sirungattur.

>> No.6061815

>If some asshole with a gun was following me around in my neighborhood I wouldn't be happy about it either.
You're not going to run back to try and fucking fistfight him after you've managed to lose him though, are you? Or are you just really THAT stupid?

>> No.6061820


Zimmerman isn't white you mong and he could have i dont know not attacked the guy in the first place?

>Oh this dude is following me better leave

Trayvon was a highschool athlete, a football player, physically fit and practically in his prime

Zimmerman was a fat short middle aged man

Trayvon could have easily lost him, and I'm pretty sure he did, it's been a long time since I've talked about Trayvon/Zimmerman, but I seem to recall Trayvon actually did lose Zimmerman but returned.

>> No.6061826

>You're not going to run back to try and fucking fistfight him after you've managed to lose him though, are you

But that isn't what happened.


He's not black. The general public has frequently classified him as being "white". As far as the victim is concerned, he may as well have been "white". I'm sure for a /pol/tard, for whom Irish and Jews and Catholics aren't "white", he's basically a nigger, but we're talking about the point of view of the victim here.

>> No.6061827

>neighborhood suffered from multiple break-ins recently
>see shady dude sneaking around neighborhood at dawn
>follow and observe him
>he gets in my face, knocks me to the ground, and starts beating me
>pull out gun and shoot him
>somehow i'm now a racist murderer while this little scumbag was an innocent angel that din do nuffin

this is what they call 'social justice', everyone!

>> No.6061830

>we're talking about the point of view of the victim here

that'd be

>walk around
>see dude following me
>better beat up his ass for looking at me!
>get shot

>> No.6061831

But that IS what happened, you fucking retard.
Try paying attention to the actual case instead of sourcing your information directly from NBC.

>He's not black
People can only be white OR black?
Holy shit, you really ARE that fucking stupid.

>> No.6061832

They're being compelled to participate in activities that may contradict their own religious sensibilities. And yes, simply being forced to go on this trip under threat of name-and-shame is being compelled to participate in activities that may contradict their own religious sensibilities.

Personally, I'd allow my children to go. I'd encourage it, actually. But I'd like to have a good discussion with them about the trip before going, about our background and about how I'd like them to behave respectfully towards the hosting group/s while refraining from participating in activities they might personally find questionable.
I'd like to talk about what they learned during the trip after, what they did, what the other kids did, how they feel about it and with their own view of divinity and religion.
If my child chooses to perform ibadah, we'll discuss that, too. No punishments or anything.

But the point is, they're kids. They're impressionable. I wouldn't want'em to feel compelled to participate because that's what everyone else is doing/because an authority figure did it.

I've never met a self-effacing quaker, either, actually. Neither one extreme nor the other.

Most quakers I know are just really rather chill, go-with-the-flow sorts. People who don't get in your face about their religious beliefs, don't bring it up unless its pertinent to the conversation or if asked and don't display it like a badge of honour or distinction.

I've met a few arrogant quakers but they've been arrogant about things outside of Quakerism itself with about the same frequency as arrogant Catholics, arrogant Protestants or arrogant Hindus.

Most quakers I know are nontheistic or agnostic Friends but I also know many Christian Friends, Jewish Friends and even a few Muslim Friends. I believe the majority of the ones I know have no issue with learning about other religious viewpoints or witnessing their rites but might object to participating in them directly.

>> No.6061834

but it is what happened. trayvon hid and jumped him

>> No.6061835

>somehow i'm now a racist murderer while this little scumbag was an innocent angel that din do nuffin

And now we are getting to the crux of the issue here. The black kid visiting his family should be shot because it's a mostly white neighborhood and some other blacks did a crime recently.

Thanks for your logic, /pol/!

>> No.6061836


I'm not a /pol/ tard, I'm just not a moron who eats msnbc's race baiting up

You also sidestepped the rest of the post.

you can shift blame all you want but it will never change the fact that the judge made the correct call.

Zimmerman was acting within his rights, Trayvon wasn't.

>> No.6061842


I don't own a television, I don't know what NBC/MSNBC says. What "objective" sources should I be getting my information from? The high resolution video footage of the shooting? Please redpill me, /pol/.

>> No.6061844

>attack dude
>beat him to the ground
>get shot


>> No.6061845


Once again, I don't go to /pol/

Why are you commenting on a situation you don't know anything about?

Is simply being informed "redpilled" now?

>> No.6061846

>I don't own a television

So where do you get your news from, 4chan?

>> No.6061848

>I don't own a television, I don't know what NBC/MSNBC says. What "objective" sources should I be getting my information from?

court hearings.
thing is - there is no video of the event. all that exists is shitty makeshift evidence like the wounds that both of them had.
and, you know, in dubio pro reo.

>> No.6061850


I'm asking you what sources I should be using. It's a legitimate question. You brought up sources and said I don't have the true story. You asserted that I watch a television channel that I don't even have access to.

Please, help me out here. Where should I go to get the true, unbiased facts? I assume wikipedia is too biased for you. Mainstream media is 2mainstreem4u. So what source is good then?

>> No.6061852

>didn't even have any knowledge about the case
>makes up for his lack of information by being loud and opinionated instead

never change

>> No.6061853


The main news publications I read are The Economist, the NY Times, and the Washington Post. I get my right wing point of view from the NY Post, mostly. I fill in the blanks with Wikipedia and their linked sources.

So there, now you can pick apart my sources. What are YOUR sources? You spoke to the witnesses yourself?

>> No.6061856


It's pretty goddamned difficult to find unbiased information anon, you just gotta pay attention to both sides and look at the facts.

>> No.6061858


Where are you shopping that a bowl of porridge would cost a lot more?

You can get a big bag of porridge for next to nothing and 4l of milk for 95p.

On a bigger point, if we just get outraged every time a politician says something, we end up with identikit cut out career politicians, who all say and do the same thing, afraid of causing offence or thinking outside the box.

It also means that policies that might help alleviate poverty, such as education about shopping, food nutrition and cooking never get enacted because somehow that might mean the people dying at 50 of heart attacks are somehow responsible for their own health, and of course we'd rather blame politicians for our failings.

"What's the government going to do?" Is easier to say than maybe thinking "I need to learn how to cook and learn about what's good for me"

>> No.6061859

>there are no unbiased sources

That's not a source. You are telling me I drew the wrong conclusions because I have the wrong sources. Where are you getting your "facts" as you call them?

>> No.6061863

>too afraid to even say where he's getting his information
>apparently has objective, undisputed evidence supporting his viewpoints

Are you God?

>> No.6061864

you could have watched the case, live on the internet if you cared about it. I did
its how I know without a doubt zimmerman was right due to the overwhelming evidence in his favor

>> No.6061865


That's not at all what I said and you know it.

I got the facts from watching the trial like a reasonable person.


Why are you so defensive about a position you've already admitted is uninformed?

Why don't you tell me what you think happen?

>A black child got shot

yes but beyond that.

>> No.6061871


I said I didn't have MSNBC, which, I think, you already said isn't good information. I mentioned multiple highly respected publications that I do read.

I'll watch your youtube clip now, some of us don't have time to watch live courtroom broadcasts in the middle of the work week.

Oh holy fuck, this thing is an hour long? Why don't you just tell me which witness you're referring to so I can look up a transcript of their testimony. I can read faster than they can talk.

>> No.6061876

>Why don't you just tell me which witness you're referring to so I can look up a transcript of their testimony
literally all of them

some of the prosecution witnesses did more for the defense than the defense witnesses did. For example shedding insight to the fact that trayvon was on the phone making racial comments about zimmerman.

>> No.6061878


Not once did I mention MSNBC in that post anon.

And as i demonstrated, the entire trial was up online.

>Some of us don't have time to be informed

That's fine, but you shouldn't pretend you are informed and make judgements of a case you know nothing about.

It's going to be multiple hours, thats how trials work, and no I will not hold your hand for you, if you wish to be "redpilled" as you put it, you are going to have to sit down and pay attention.

>> No.6061880

>give me objective and credible sources!
>here. this contains everything.
>wow this takes more than 2 minutes! do you expect me to care about all that shit?

what the whole trial boils down to is this
>It is clear that George Zimmerman pursued Trayvon Martin and that he shot him. But it boils down to the question of who threw the first punch. There are only two people who could answer that question, and one of them is dead.

to convict someone for a crime, you have to be sure that he did commit the crime. you need solid proof.
in the zimmerman case, there simply is next to no evidence. we have a dead kid and the guy who shot him and claims self-defense. we have injuries on the guy, we have an obscure 911 call record, and that's it.

>> No.6061885


I'm not asking who was racist or not. I'm asking about the assertion you made that he "ran back" and attacked Zimmerman. I'm willing to accept that I was wrong, but I can't find anything about this.

I don't think it really matters what happened once the physical confrontation started; you're in a fight and you try to win. The guy with the gun won. What matters was the events leading up to physical contact. There's no video evidence, so I'm looking for some witness testimony that says Trayvon had conclusively escaped his pursuer and came back to fight.

Change my mind, please. But if what you say is true, there should be a court transcript somewhere. Don't just say "watch an hour of video" because this shit isn't important enough for me to do that.

>> No.6061890

You forgot the part where he magically leveitates in the air slowly revolving so you accidentally shoot him in the back.

>> No.6061891

it comes up several times in the trial, specifically during the questioning of the girl trayvon was on the phone with.
shes the one that brings up the idea that trayvon was free and clear and that he went back to fight zimmerman

it matches up with zimmermans story about how trayvon ducked around a corner, zimmerman lost sight of him [this part is recorded in the 911 call] and then got attacked while he was walking back to his truck

>> No.6061893


>I don't think it really matters what happened once the physical confrontation started

So since trayvon starting the physical confrontation it doesn't matter? Would you feel similarly if zimmerman through the first punch?

I'm not that anon you are replying to, but as I said in a previous post, it's been a long time since I've talked about this case, so I may be incorrect that Trayvon had returned to Zimmerman, however even if that were the case, it wouldn't make what Zimmerman did illegal.

Two morons met in a warm florida night aand one died, had zimmerman been black no one would have cared, another faceless statistic of black on black violence, but because he has paler skin it's a national issue.

It's hypocrisy, the whole thing was disgusting.

>> No.6061895

nobody got shot in the back. it was a single point blank shot to the chest, supported by burn marks and GSR on trayvons shirt

>> No.6061898


Do you remember any key phrases I can google? The best I can do is "the guy back tracked for him" but that's referring to Zimmerman.


I don't know who started the physical confrontation. I can't find evidence one way or the other. I do know that following someone around for an extended period is aggressive behavior, so I tend to give the guy getting followed the benefit of the doubt. But as you can see I'm looking for information that would shift the benefit of the doubt in the other direction. So far, nothing other than vague claims.

There seem to be two issues here: was Zimmerman legally guilty of a crime (apparently not, due to lack of evidence, and I think we can all agree on that), and was Zimmerman in the wrong (seems as though most people in this thread are siding with Zimmerman).

>> No.6061901

>was Zimmerman in the wrong

following people in our truck might be a little creepy, but nothing i'd cinsider 'wrong'

>> No.6061903
File: 47 KB, 640x432, Zimmerman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Coroner reports Trayvon had no trauma, cuts or scratches except for bruising on the fists and of course a bullet to the chest.

Zimmerman on the otherhand had a number of contusions and bruises.

The information you look for has already been posted, but you have said you are not interested in learning it because it would take too long.

Legally Zimmerman was not in the wrong, or legally guilty, the simple fact was he was attacked and defended himself with deadly force which is legal.

Everything leading up to it is irrelevant as it's not illegal.

This has been said a number of times but you refuse to accept it, choosing instead to maintain your uninformed opinion because I guess that's the story you were sold and bought and you don't want to look silly.

>> No.6061906


Isn't the whole premise of the stand your ground law that if you "feel threatened" you can shoot?

Wouldn't you feel threatened if a person you had never seen before started following you around?

>> No.6061912



Your life has to be in immediate danger, being followed doesnt mean you are going to die.

>> No.6061914


I'm not sure what it means to be "legally not in the wrong" as a distinct concept from legal guilt, what does that mean? When I say "in the wrong" I am talking about a thing like that Harvard lawyer who threatened a Chinese restaurant over $4. He may have been legally in the right, but he is an asshole and an idiot.

You keep saying he "was attacked and defended himself". All I'm asking for is evidence that supports your point of view. I'm several inches shorter than the average adult male height, and I've never been in a fight. I could easily see how I could try to attack someone physically stronger than myself, and not make a scratch. Zimmerman was described as being severely out of shape. Perhaps that's what happened. I don't know. Do you?

Just a line of testimony, even if vaguely recalled, so I can google it. That's all I'm asking for.

>> No.6061917

Unless your're being followed by a black man in a hippetyhop outfit and blingety blong jewelery.

>> No.6061924


Cute but irrelevant.


Legally not in the wrong means he didn't break any laws.

I've given you evidence twice already anon, coroner reports trayvon had no markings or anything, presumably if he were attacked he'd at least have a scratch.

And if Zimmerman did attack him and just was shit awful and couldn't touch trayvon, trayvon clearly wasn't in any real danger.

No anon, I gave you the testimony, it's not my problem if you don't want to watch it.

Do your own research.

>> No.6061925

>Contracting companies

Oh, so some obscure limitation that no one in the conversation ever mentioned. That was what you were talking about. Okay.

>> No.6061926


If some Jewish spic was following me at night, I'd beat the shit out of him too.

The lesson is to shoot the spic, not get into a fist fight.

>> No.6061927

You're just going to sit there and keep saying "do what now" even though he's given you plenty to Google on.
The brainless idiot act doesn't fool anyone.

>> No.6061928


Ok then, opinion not changed! You're entitled to your opinion (not based on any actual facts), and I'm entitled to mine.

This was a fun discussion, now it's time to get on with my day.

>> No.6061930


Facts were provided, you chose to ignore them because I don't think you are quite ready to accept the truth, and that's okay.

You shouldn't make uninformed opinions though, I'm glad me and a few other anons were here to set you straight before you spread more misinformation.

Have a lovely evening anon.

>> No.6061931


Good for you, fuck them both.

>> No.6061937
File: 446 KB, 650x1976, 2012-01-04-Eat_Shit_And_Die_202.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You always get what you want. If you really wanted something else you'd be doing something about it. Instead you just want other easier things more than what you think you want.

>> No.6061946


lol, this is the most "enlightened" 20-something bullshit I've ever read

>> No.6061952

It happens to be true even if an anemic hipster 20yo spouts it. I find that the people who get most angry over this are people who are squarely stuck in their self-made rut.

People that actually want something different for themselves get out and make it happen.

>> No.6061959

/ck/ is truly the worst board for this because it is built around this very thing,

>I'm 350lbs and want to be thin!
>*eats another slice of cheese cake and washes it down with diet coke while watching Supernatural*

>> No.6061964

No, but you must be.

>> No.6061969

>If some asshole with a gun was following me around in my neighborhood I wouldn't be happy about it either.
The question is, are you stupid enough to go attack that guy with the gun who was following you around? If so, you deserve a Darwin Award.

But the argument is rather pointless since Trayvon did in fact attack Zimmerman, and got exactly what he deserved as a result.

>> No.6061972

True, all physical assault should be a capital offence, nothing to fear if you do nothing wrong.

>> No.6061992

killing an attacker in self-defense is not intended to be legal punishment for the attack. it's simply a means to an end, that end being stopping the attack as effectively as possible.

>> No.6062008

>n-no! s-same t-to you!

So where did you get it from, then?

>> No.6062012

