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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6057880 No.6057880 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: foods you thought were healthy

>> No.6057896
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>> No.6057903
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>> No.6057910
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>> No.6057921
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Great marketing though

>> No.6057922
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the kale industry is laughing all the way to the bank

>> No.6057928
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>> No.6057930

Orange juice is healthy, it's packed with vitamin C and the pulp has dietary fiber in it.

Yeah it has calories. You need calories to live.

>> No.6057931
File: 26 KB, 344x282, isolated-tofu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tofu and soy in general are actually really bad for you're health especially if you're a male. the first commercial use for soy was in paint.

>> No.6057934


That's weird, health authorities usually say to eat soy. Where'd you hear it was bad?

>> No.6057935

it's the sugar. you might as well drink a coke (see what i did there) if you want vitamin c and fiber it's better to just eat the fruit.

>> No.6057939


It's not THAT shitty that it's comparable to coke, but yeah, an actual orange is better

>> No.6057943

he heard it on /fit/

it's broscience

>> No.6057944

just google it. soy fucks with how the male body handles estrogen.

>> No.6057946


probably from the paranoid broscientist faggots on /fit/

we don't know if it's good or bad long term, but we currently don't believe it to be bad

>> No.6057948

if you eat 300lbs of soybeans a day, yeah

but it's so miniscule that it isn't even worth thinking about

>> No.6057949

simply is owned by coca cola. it's the same thing with their future milk product. simply and their milk have/will have added sugar.

>> No.6057950

I don't think Orange Juice is "unhealthy".
Sure it's high in sugar but I'd take it over a soda anyday.

>> No.6057952


>just google it

It's mostly stuff about how it reduces the risk of heart disease, breast cancer, and prostate cancer. Where'd you hear it was bad?

>> No.6057956

it's the same reason why if you smoke weed you can get bitch tits in men. plant estrogen is treated like human estrogen by the body. also there a bunch of soybean lobbyists who are trying to keep the truth from the public.

>> No.6057958


you gotta use key words like "soy, bad, mens health"

>> No.6057961
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>there a bunch of soybean lobbyists who are trying to keep the truth from the public.

Like they'd give a fuck, most of their soybeans are fed to cattle. Milk and even beef from cattle also contains estrogen that's a lot more potent than plant estrogen.

>> No.6057965

Well, they're both comparable to beer in terms of what they do to your liver. There's research papers on fatty liver and cirrhosis caused from drinking fruit juice/soft drinks.

I'm not that guy by the way, just some /sci/ anon posting from the front page of your board.

>> No.6057971


>you gotta use key words like "soy, bad, mens health"

If you include the word "bad" or "good" you're obviously only going to find one point of view. When you google "butter healthy" you get a bunch of websites making a case for butter being healthy. When you google "tobacco good," you get websites saying cigar smoking is good for you. That website there contains just an anecdote of a guy who supposedly exists and has gyno, and 5 pages of text with not one reference

>> No.6057974

Lots of phytoestrogens in soy. Which then get turned into real estrogens by your body.
Doesn't seem to do too much harm to adults, but quantity soy consumption in children (largely through being fed soy milk) is a primary cause of boys growing breasts and girls as young as one year old undergoing early menstruation.

>> No.6057988


I've heard cow's milk being charged with that


The difference is that soy has been shown to prevent certain cancers

>> No.6058017

Is there any food that is healthy?

I'd think some vegetables, but then I can't fry them? ?

>> No.6058047


Antibiotic stuffed meat that's plumped up.

>> No.6058078

They don't 'turn into' real estrogen. They mimic estrogen, tricking your body into thinking it has an increase of the hormone.

>> No.6058086
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I miss my innocence

>> No.6058092

you might wanna google that

>> No.6058096
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I never bought into this, but anyone who fell for this even for a minute is a fucking clown.

>> No.6058097

I actually like the taste, I really don't eat it because it's a "superfood", same with avocados.

>> No.6058122


that's not bad for you

>> No.6058131

Um, explain please? They have, like, all of the nutrients from my research/understanding.

>> No.6058140

Links to those studies?

I've been eating 80/10/10 for a few years.

>> No.6058163
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Oh for fucks sake

>> No.6058167


I know, it sucks

>> No.6058179


80/10/10 is about eating whole fruits, why you drinking juice?

>> No.6058185

In reasonable quantities the only bad things about tofu are nofiber and high omega-6 content. Natto is the only soy I eat.

>> No.6058187
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>tfw having overcome all addictions and eating only whole plant foods (and the standard supplements since I have to work sometimes instead of foraging on tiny leaves all day)

>> No.6058318
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not "healthy" but healthier (than butter)
at least that was what I was lied about growing up

>> No.6058328

non-gmo (when so many of them instead of using gmo use a shit ton of pesticides here and it still can count as organic)
most fruits (because lolsugar)
coffee (needless to say, even black it's unhealthy)

>> No.6058334


neither lactose nor coffee or meat is inherently unhealthy. same goes for gluten

>> No.6058338


How did you manage to realize that non-gmo and/or organic still uses pesticides, yet you're ignorant enough to still believe in the hurr durr gluten free shit?

>> No.6058342

the only kind of food thats bad for you is junk,fast,and sugary foods.

anything else is fine with moderation
just be mindful of your caloric intake.

egg or pasta wont kill you as long as you dont eat too much of it

>> No.6058346

because a large percent of the world has issues with lactose and to a lesser but still significant amount, gluten.

>> No.6058382

Whole fruit is the optimal and best food to eat. If I'm travelling, or away from home and can't find quality fruit I'll drink juice. With pulp. I prefer smoothies

>> No.6058898

Hilarious troll thread, guys. Great stuff.

>> No.6058919

>a large perfect of the world has issues with hunger

>> No.6058942

I just accepted that nothing i like is healthy a long time ago

>> No.6058943

ignore my /o/ trip pls

>> No.6058956

>sugar so scary it's literally poison

ketoters please go, just because you were a gluttonous fatty doesn't mean you can blame all your problems on a scapegoat

>> No.6058969

Phytoestrogens have an extremely weak estrogenic effect, like really, really, really weak. Compared to the estrogen your body naturally makes (even as a guy) phytoestrogens won't do shit all. The most you're going to do if anything it end up creating an anti-estrogenic effect by having the weak phytoestrogens take up estrogen receptors meaning your endogenous estrogens can't bind to them and therefore can't do their thing.

Anyone who has a remote interest in endocrinology would understand this. It's why trannies can't just take phytoestrogen pills, eat loads of soy and get results, they need the real thing because the effect of phytoestrogens is just so damn weak. The most you'll get is a placebo.

>> No.6058988

Fuck off vegan shill, for every animal you don't eat I'll eat three.

>> No.6058999

I don't even like soy or tofu, nor am I even a vegetarian. It just annoys me when people spread disingenuous information about things they can't even the slightest idea about.

>> No.6059011

Complete bollocks.

I never considered that phytoestrogens can have an antagonistic effect on estrogen-modulated receptors -- undoubtedly some do. /fit/ mongoloids should be jumping at them.

>> No.6059025

>phytoestrogens can have an antagonistic effect...

who cares? Their half-life in the bloodstream is so short that they aren't around long enough to accomplish anything. First-pass metabolism in the liver is a bitch. Unless you were on a 24-7 IV drip of phytoestrogens it's a total non-issue.

>> No.6059027


>> No.6059225


Raw kale with raw water.

I can't actually think of any other food that hasn't been said to be bad for you. Carrots have high glycemic index, all fruit gives you beetus, milk makes you break out, cabbage makes you fart, lettuce is just water, and mushrooms are grown in shit. According to broscience.

Which is why we don't listen to broscience.

>> No.6059230


I don't actually know what shortening is. I never see it for sale and never see anyone use it. I hope margarine is like that in ten years.

>> No.6059232


>tfw one of my friends will not eat or drink anything that he thinks has excessive sugar
>he eats pounds of his vegan cakes anyway

>> No.6059235

Pomegranate and those POM juices, also Aloe Vera or whatever it's called...turned out to be just gummy bear juice

>> No.6059241
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>> No.6059243


Granola gives me rancid gas.


>> No.6059289

You think a Google search isn't biased just because you don't include adjectives? Don't be dense.

>> No.6059305

Nothing really inherently good for you about aloe vera aside from its ability to disinfect min or wounds. The plant also tastes pretty good. I like the juice but I could never understand how it would be considered a health product. Nothing you can buy for $1.50 a litre in the Asian aisle of your grocery store is gonna be that great for you.

Except beans.

>> No.6059359
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>> No.6059376

A lot of male japanese eat a lot of soy based food and they look pretty feminine. Maybe it is just a coincidence.

>> No.6059386
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>> No.6059392
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ching chong wing wong

>> No.6059397
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>> No.6059409

itt: people who don't understand that moderation is key when eating anything.

>> No.6059422

So... Americans

>> No.6059447

i hate how ketofags invade every health/diet thread

most of them are redditors, spewing their muh bacon maymay here

>> No.6059450

nah, youre just fat and sensitive about it.

>> No.6059460

Wouldn't people on a ketodiet be fat? Why else would they be taking part, and feeling emotionally attached, to such an obviously unhealthy diet?

>> No.6059462

say hi to the ketofag everyone

How does it feel knowing you're dumb enough to be duped into following a fad diet?

>> No.6059465

They want to lose weight, but giving up their fatty foods is to tough, so they have to join an echo chamber that reinforces their unhealthy habits by telling them that it's good for them.

>> No.6059467

I thought people just bought it because they like the taste

>> No.6059470

>tofu and soy in general are actually really bad for you're health
No, they're pretty damn nutritious.
>especially if you're a male.
Oooh you're worried about "muh hormones"
>the first commercial use for soy was in paint.
A) No it wasn't, people have been using soy for food since the dawn of time
B) so fucking what?

broscience is worst science, go suck a dick if you're worried about not having enough testosterone. Semen is full of it.

>> No.6059473
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>i hate how [people] [talk] about [things] that are relevant to [topic]
>most of them(source needed) are [boogeyman] and post [things] that hurt my feelings

>> No.6059475

Is OJ just bad because the sugar, absent fibre, cancels out the benefits of the vitamin C?

>> No.6059480

>Aloe Vera
isn't that like the stuff you use for sunburns

>> No.6059484


The lack of fiber causes the sugar to be too rapidly absorbed. A glass of orange juice in addition to a meal like oatmeal may not be too terrible for you, but drinking fruit juice in place of water whenever you're thirsty is just going to give your body more sugar than it wants to process at once. Some fruit juices are also worse than others. Purple grape juice is dense enough in antioxidants that it may cause less of an insulin response and can help prevent certain diseases, while apple juice causes a large spike and is pretty shitty nutritionally

>> No.6059486

funny thing is, im not a >>>ketofag
wanna know how i know that youre american?

>> No.6059490


I'm Canadian you fat fuck.

>> No.6059495

So OJ isn't unhealthy like OP said then? This is all very confusing.

>> No.6059502

>fat fuck

Hey, now, that's not very nice. You might hurt anon's feelings. I'm sure anon wouldn't want to hurt your feelings or upset you. You should apologise and make up.

>> No.6059509
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>he doesnt support my opinion
>he must be from the opposite camp

>> No.6059517


OJ is less healthy than whole oranges and may not be a big problem if you drink a glass of it during a fiber-rich meal. We can still consider it unhealthy though because without those qualifiers, it can be bad for your blood sugar levels. If you just went into your fridge and started drinking orange juice, that may not be good for you.

>> No.6060845


>> No.6060860

theres nothing to settle, ad hominem is always synonymous with surrender

>> No.6060864
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