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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 111 KB, 682x400, takeaway2_682_1128018a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6056256 No.6056256 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone know the best place to get a munchy box in Glasgow?

>> No.6056260

>best place to get a munchy box

Your mom's house

>> No.6056360

Nice samefag effort you set up for yourself there OP

>> No.6056367

FLAMES, nigga.
You know, if you want diarrhoea.

>> No.6058255

Denis Fish Bar
257 High Street, Glasgow, G4 0QR

Diamond Munchy Box ftw

>12" pizza box filled with: Chicken & vegetable pakora, onion rings, chicken tikka, donner, lamb & chicken shish, mild sauce, chilli sauce, garlic sauce, chips, tortilla, salad & 2L bottle of soft drink

>> No.6058259
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>> No.6058289 [DELETED] 

If he can't even spell his name correctly what chance does the foot have?

>> No.6058295


>> No.6058325

>all that mudslime food

britain, yes

>> No.6058332

What is the pink sauce?

>> No.6058389
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Kebab house sauce

>> No.6058466
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That looks like one of those shops selling phone chargers and accessories

>> No.6059308
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Not being gay about it, but ur being gay about it.

Are u a student or smth?

>> No.6059312

uk only country where cuisine stays shit even if you get immigrants food

>> No.6059315

I would have been really into something like this when I smoked weed.

>> No.6059322

I want that so bad and I don't care how unhealthy it is.

>> No.6059332

What's a munchy box? Sorry for being ignorant.

>> No.6059360

the main reason the UK has the fastest climbing rate of obesity

>> No.6059365
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why cant this chav just use google?

>> No.6059371

>the main reason Scotland is so fat


>> No.6059375

>tfw one of the only british people who doesn't like doner meat

>> No.6059456


The takeaway food sites will list all the places close to you.

>the main reason Glasgow is so fat


the other parts of Scotland get fat off pies.

>> No.6059482


Also Bollywood Spice, if you're in/around Partick.

>> No.6059559

why isn't this shit available in America?
This is the sort of thing that would get linked in every America-bashing thread as an example of our gluttony.

>> No.6059572

Glasweigen here.

They all taste the fucking same

>> No.6059596
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>> No.6059715


YFW America has better healthcare than our national health service. Some of our doctors and health authorities actively murdered patients, covering the deaths up as being from natural causes.

Glasgow has a lower life expectancy than Gaza.

>> No.6059722

>America has better healthcare than our national health service.



Go be a fat fuck with Type 2 Diabetes and the average income of a Glaswegian in America and get back to us, if you survive.

>> No.6059724

Fuck all these guys and their ethnic bullshit OP, L'Aguila city centre by Queens St station find them on Just Eat.

10" box
>3 big chicken pakora
>2 battered sausage
>3 fritters
>pakora sauce

£7 and it's run by actual Italians instead of guys called Hajib that shag the kebab meat.

>> No.6059729
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>ethnic bullshit
>it's run by actual Italians

>> No.6059731


That person would get Medicaid in America.

As the Guardian said, "The NHS excels in all areas, except keeping people alive".

Don't forget our killer doctors. Shipman and Mid Staffs together are responsible for the death of thousands.

>> No.6059733

I'll take an Italian over a mudslime any day cuntychops.

>> No.6059734

>That person would get Medicaid in America.


That person would be earning more than twice the amount needed to qualify for Medicaid and never be earning enough to afford proper coverage and even if they COULD they couldn't afford the co-pays and the drugs.

You're a complete fucking lying moron if you think otherwise.


Yeah and just look at the excellent private care that Conrad Murray gave Michael Jackson. Clearly, private is always better.

>> No.6059735
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>still not getting it

>> No.6059737
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>> No.6059738 [DELETED] 


fuck that

where can i get this shit and kebab pizza in austin?

>> No.6059750


Not that guy. What's it like, being emotionalised and defensive on a Cambodian dried fish appreciation image board?

>> No.6059755

>Gets upset
>Calls others emotional and angry

On a Laosen conspiracy theory image board, too.

>> No.6059766


I said I'm not that guy. You're anonymous, why would you get mad if some guy you don't know says the NHS is shit? Plenty of people more qualified than him have said the same.

>> No.6059773

>I said I'm not that guy.

Yet here you are being all upset on a Bhutanese movie image board.

>> No.6059775


>can't respond to a simple question

And here I thought this was an Indonesian group-hug fetish imageboard. I guess there's bad stuff here, after all

>> No.6059782

Why would you be upset at someone being upset at something someone else said on a Thai motherhood support group image board?

>> No.6059787


I guess I was just curious why someone would choose to discuss something like healthcare on a Nepalese goldfish gulping imageboard

>> No.6059791

Many thing don't make much sense. This is a Combodian parachutists imageboard, after all.

>> No.6059814
File: 16 KB, 298x297, tmp_13718-IMG_20141208_21213578636388.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


the UK ranks 20th out of 24 developed countries for cancer survival and 19th out of 23 for mortality amenable to healthcare. In league tables, the UK consistently ranks close to the post-communist countries of Central and Eastern Europe rather than to Western European countries. If the UK drew level with the 10th best-performing country in terms of mortality amenable to healthcare (Spain), at least 16 unnecessary deaths for every 100,000 inhabitants could be avoided each year – i.e. a total of about 10,000 deaths.

The NHS. Literally worse than the old Soviet bloc.

>> No.6059831

I like how you totally give a source for your claim.


>1. United Kingdom
>11. United States

>> No.6059834

>Some of our doctors and health authorities actively murdered patients, covering the deaths up as being from natural causes.

That's not even remotely likely to how healthcare operates, it's not even linked to country. It can happen anywhere you go for healthcare and put your trust in another.

>> No.6059837

>some of the highest ranked healthcare
>still some of the most unhealthiest people

>> No.6059838


Yeah, according to a think tank that intentionally set their metrics so that an NHS style system would win and the USA would come last. The same report also said the NHS wasn't very good at keeping people alive.


>> No.6059846


>United Kingdom: 18
>United States: 37

Please stop, you're embarrassing yourself.

>> No.6059857

Medicaid eligibility is 133% of the Federal poverty level. For a single person without a family (unmarried, not listed as a dependent, etc) that's $15,000.
Median income in the US is about $43,000.
However, gross pay for someone working 40 hours a week at minimum wage is $14,500.
So you literally have to be unemployed or be working fast food to qualify for Medicaid.

>> No.6059858


What does efficiency have to do with keeping people alive? Why do so many Brits go to America for life saving treatment and procedures?

Also, the data is old, not taking into account the people killed by health authorities, and their killings covered up.

>> No.6059860


So your average Glasgow resident then.

>> No.6059861

can the Amerimurders and the Britsharias please stop arguing over who is fatter please?

>> No.6059879

>What does efficiency have to do with keeping people alive?

Not sure if serious...

>> No.6059881

>the data is old, not taking into account the people killed by health authorities, and their killings covered up.

it doesn't take into account chemtrails and deaths by 8ft tall alien spider beasts either. the truth is out there.

>> No.6059965


i'm literally beyond fucking pissed that I have no good junk food by me

I live in northern NJ and it's just italian restaraunts, pizzaria's, chain restaraunts, and a few "upscale" places.

To get good halal you gotta go to manhattan, and when I visit I feel like it's a waste to drive all the way to manhattan just to eat junk food.

>> No.6059970



>> No.6059975

>Some people died so the entire NHS is terrible.

Now go look at how many people in the US die because they don't have suitable insurance coverage. Go look at how many malpractice suits are brought against medical professionals in the USA.

>> No.6059991

Rich people go wherever the best treatment is. Don't act like you have access to the best medical care in America.

Why does America have embarassingly high infant mortality rates other health metrics compared to other developed countries?

Look at mortality rates between American hospitals based on location (i.e.: socioeconomic status). The difference is huge.

>> No.6059992

No you see it's different then because the US/private sector always try their best so it's not true malpractice. It's a symptom on an NHS-based system that causes all UK doctors and healthcare workers try and murder their patients.

>> No.6059994

>No you see it's different then because the US/private sector always try their best so it's not true malpractice

>> No.6060017

>NHS for most treatment
>Private care if you need it.

It's perfect. Private consultants with a lot of knowledge, experience and sway in their field can get you into the NHS system quickly and easily for a relatively small fee.

>> No.6060079

America has great health care in terms of quality, but massive swathes of the population has no hope of accessing it, so it's shit.
If the healthcare in Britain is shit, it's not necessarily the fact it is nationalised. Why don't you look at the cuts the government here has made to hospital budgets, staff, etc and what they're spending it on instead.

>> No.6060092


What cuts? NHS spending has been increased in real terms.

I've had to have antibiotics and antivirals in the last 5 years. Both would have been cheaper if I'd been allowed to buy them privately, but I was forced to pay the NHS £8 each time. I diagnosed myself as well, but was forced to have a doctor confirm the diagnoses.

Now doctors are legislating, forcing up taxes on cigarettes and alcohol. It's too much intervention. Allow me to opt out of the NHS and let me not pay the tax.

>> No.6060101

Sorry, /pol/ guy arguing in a /ck/ thread, but the UK ranks highest in satisfaction for healthcare.
72% of Brits think it's very important to preserve their national healthcare system.

Anyway, back on topic, what does>>6058389
"kebab sauce" taste like? Pic is too small to read ingredients.

>> No.6060108 [DELETED] 
File: 186 KB, 800x1200, 1395622719711.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>NHS spending has been increased in real terms.

Obviously, because of all these immigrants. If Nigel Falange was in charge we wouldn't have had all these problems over all these years. One minute there's a curry shop around the corner, the next we're all being forced to convert to sharia law. Almost makes you want to become an amerilard! And eat McDonalds!

>> No.6060111

onions, mango chutney, ketchup, mint sauce, yogurt, lemon juice

>> No.6060121

and a bunch of preservatives i assume, since there's yogurt in it.

second question: do you dump the chicken pakora and kebab on the pizza? or eat separate?

>> No.6060123

third question: are sweet potato chips(fries) at all a thing in the UK? they're becoming pretty popular in 'Murrica.

>> No.6060129

>NHS spending has been increased in real terms
top lel you fucking tory piece of shit, anyone with a GCSE maths can find out the tories have reduced NHS spending ~5% since they've been in power

>> No.6060130


Sorry to burst your bubble

The views of Americans on the quality of medical care in their country are not overly different -- 48% of Americans, 52% of Canadians, and 42% of Britons say they are satisfied.


>> No.6060143
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Cut it further!

>> No.6060153

I wonder if those Americans know people in the UK don't go bankrupt because of one hospitalization?

>> No.6060179

I wonder if brits know Americans don't either.

>> No.6060188

Some do. No one in the civilised world does, though.

>> No.6060193

lol who are you kidding

>> No.6060199

62% of bankruptcies in America are a result of medical bills. That's the reality.

>> No.6060216


What percentage of UK bankruptcies are the result of taxes? Tax is now the biggest expense for most British households.

>> No.6060223

>What percentage of UK bankruptcies are the result of taxes?
I don't know, I'm not from the UK. You can look that up.

>> No.6060242

America needs this kind of food. Healthier than burgers.

Replace fries with pita bread.

>> No.6060372


I'm LITERALLY dying here. Kek.

>> No.6061339

>tax is now the biggest expense for UK households

That isn't true. Not sure why it's relevant anyway; the US government spends more of state healthcare provision (per capita, per $1000 GDP) than the British government does..

>> No.6061367

flyover, pls

>> No.6062226

I thought the pink sauce was pakora sauce.

You can make that easy.
Yoghurt, mint sauce, garlic, chilli powder and add a small drop of tomato ketchup.