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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6050523 No.6050523 [Reply] [Original]

They're at it again...

Police: Student Gave H.S. Teacher Pot Brownie

>> No.6051943

"After the educator was stricken yesterday afternoon..."
Why don't they say, "Instead of enjoying it as most people would have done..."

>> No.6051957

"After the educator started giggling uncontrollably and left the room in search of munchies, exclaiming 'I am so fucking stoned right now"..."

>> No.6051964
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>> No.6053341

To be honest, most of the negative stigma and stereotypes about marijuana and it's users come from high school kids. They really ruin it for the rest of us. It's more infuriating when you consider marijuana to be a right, not a privilege granted by the government.

Not sure why this is very relevant.

>> No.6053961

surely you mean "the buy and use of marijuana is a right" and not "being supplied with marijuana is a right"

>> No.6053976

He is being charged with reckless endangerment and assault. Idiot.

>> No.6053977

It's a plant. You sure be able to fucking grow it like any other plant, and supply yourself.

>> No.6053979

>druggies forcing their addiction on others

And weedheads wonder why they have a bad rep.

>> No.6053981

read the article.
Teacher demanded the kid let her try some of his brownies.

>> No.6054013
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>not just eating it all and ditching school

>> No.6054022

fucking junkies infiltrating /ck/

>> No.6054033

>using box mix
>infiltrating /cuck/

>> No.6054881
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yeah pretty glad I didnt smoke in HS... would've been wierd and not helped me

But I probably was the same stereotypical stoner when I did (freshman year in college). THough didn't help the wardens of my dorm were very against it and everyone I interacted with acted like I was shooting up

>> No.6054889

>420chan getting traffic outside /wooo/

>> No.6054909
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/b/ and /weed/ are pretty busy too. so is /jenk/

but yeah almost every board besides /wooo/ is pretty slow.

>> No.6054943


>> No.6054964


>> No.6054967

reefer needs to be illegal again

>> No.6054969

I used to go to Broadneck. Doesn't surprise me at all really. All the kids in this town are fucking yuppie trash who either end up going to an ivy league or just trash, highest ambition is going to Jamaica with their friends to smoke some weed.

I hate this city.

>> No.6054974

>kid is being dumb and brings pot brownie to school
>kid eats it in class w/ gf
>teacher asks for a piece
>kid is prob high, panics, and says sure
>teacher eats drugged brownie
>kid gets charged

yeah, this kid was stupid, but what the fuck kind of teacher *asks* for food from their kids? that's really unprofessional

also, the kid doesn't sound like he meant to hurt his teacher. he was just being young, high, and stupid
>cited for assault, reckless endangerment, and two drug charges
Why ruin his life for this?

>> No.6054982

Oh calm down. Broadneck wasn't that bad

Did you go there personally or are you letting some dumb high school rivalry blind you? Ha

>ArundelFag here

>> No.6055000

I did go there. Though I went to Meade in my freshman year. Meade was more dangerous because it brought in some thug ass kids from Baltimore and stuff, but there was a better sense of comradery to it, I met kids of all age groups who were friendly, interesting, and most importantly not shallow.

My three years of Broadneck were just me trying to get along with people of a higher social status than me. So I just dealt with yuppies and dudebros, and even the kids who'd bother to talk to me afterwords typically just went back to their own inner circle once things were said and done.

I imagine this is probably something that's in everyone's highschool experience, but I really do feel like I was dealing with different people in Broadneck. People I didn't care for I mean. These kids all feel like the children of families who own boats or some shit or literal trash kids who go out and drink and drive or whatever. Just couldn't find any decent people I guess.

>> No.6055418

>hurt his teacher

Nigga it's a pot brownie. The only way the teacher's getting hurt is if he's allergic to chocolate. Or if he got the munchies and got in a car crash on the way to the pizza place.

>> No.6055424

Everyone knows weed is a dangerous narcotic, what if he overdosed?

>> No.6055956

I thought /alck/ had been here for a while?

>> No.6055964

>gonna need a lime


>> No.6055970

It was a HS teacher so probably scared of losing it's faggot union job for having some fun.

The faggot would probably start waving it's arms in the air and declaring "OH NOES EVERYONE IS GONNA DIE!"

>> No.6055979


>> No.6055982
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He was invited by the "cool kids" to hang out at some kids house whose liberal parents had left for the weekend.

My brother, always a moral and thoughtful individual, wanted to attend because it was one of those massive house parties that he'd never been to.

Well, as was later recalled by some of his friends at the party, he was pressured into smoking marijuana. He ended up smoking the entire pack of marijuana cigarettes.

Not long after he went into convulsions and started foaming at the mouth. The people at the party held back calling 9/11 for almost 10 minutes.

When the paramedics finally arrived they could do nothing to save him.

The autopsy revealed he had 3 times the lethal dosage of THC in his blood.

>> No.6055991

It's stupid to blame MJ for that, that's an excuse and not a root cause. He probably would have fucked up and died some other way and you'd find another BS reason for it instead of him blaming himself.

Some people just fuckup.

That's not to put the death of your brother lighty at all, but it's not because of marijuana.

There's no documented case in history unless it's injected directly into one's bloodstream or shoved up one's ass that a person will die from marijuana. The most horrible thing that'll happen is that one get's the munchies and falls asleep watching stupid shit on TV.

Most of my friends who were total potheads in HS went on to get PhD and are MDs now, the rest of us went on to make some money and not have debt.

One of us even got a perfect SAT score.
I think it was 1400 at the time.

So stuff it!

>> No.6056007

Hello new friend

>> No.6056009

You're not too bright, are you.

>> No.6056034

I've found that the more someone feels compelled to tell you how smart they are, the higher the likelihood of them being an idiot. But hey, he's a "dev" not a secretary.

>> No.6056050


I work with "devs", some of them are smart, others not so much. He could be "smart" in the sense of being good at taking tests, although considering he thinks 1400 is a perfect score (lol), even that part is questionable.

A lot of people go into that field because they think that they magically won't have to interact with other human beings. It's an unpleasant surprise to them when they find out they can't just be Neo from The Matrix and do everything in a vacuum. So they become mediocre devs and everyone hates working with them, but they rationalize the resulting dysfunction by telling themselves that they're just too bright for this crowd.

We've fired two guys like that, they produced mediocre code and their presence was actually worse than just splitting the work among the other devs.

Anyway this guy is probably one of those.

>> No.6056090

I have a suspicion he's a self hating Indian.

>> No.6056093


Some people are just too gullible

>> No.6056094


I dont see where he told you he was smart...

>> No.6056098

OK OK it was 1600 back then, it's just that most of us got close to 1400 and that dude I wrote did get a perfect score, it's been a few years and SAT scores are something that I've long since forgotten.

Once you get into the real world you'll understand.

>> No.6056106

>Once you get into the real world you'll understand.

Damage control intensifies

People who get particularly good scores remember theirs. I remember mine because it caused a little bit of friction with my friend who thought he was a super genius.

But "close to 1400" is, I guess, above average, so you shouldn't be so hard on yourself.

>> No.6056112
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>> No.6057418

sounds like it wasn't good for you, but they're not all bad. lots of ppl don't vibe with a group in high school tho. that's normal as hell

I just said "hurt" b/c it's illegal to drug someone w/o their knowledge

>> No.6057623

>Be RA in college years ago
>skip out on doing rounds to do acid
>let kids smoke blunts on their frat house porch on campus
>free room and board

I don't miss school, but I miss college.