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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 348 KB, 1904x1824, white-beans.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6051103 No.6051103 [Reply] [Original]

How often do you eat beans /ck?

>good source of carbs
>good source of protein
>good source of fiber

This is god-tier food.

>> No.6051120

At least every other day.

>> No.6051126


Wow, really?

>> No.6051129

In winter every week.

>> No.6051134

Twice a day for the past two weeks. Pinto.

>> No.6051137

>not having beans everyday
>not having beans for every meal
>not putting beans in your chili >>6042481

>> No.6051147

Why do they have to taste so shit though

>> No.6051152


You probably don't know how to cook them properly, they're pretty good.

>> No.6051156


My guess is you're cooking them in water. Stop doing that. Cook them in stock, or at the very least with a ham bone or smoked hock or something like that. Beans soak up the flavor of what they're cooked with, so make sure you're cooking them in something tasty and not just water.

>> No.6051158

every day. Sometimes twice a day

>> No.6051180

Yeah. I've always thought beans were fucking delicious. And since I got off high cholesterol meds by eating meat and cheese only once in a while beans have become one of my main protein sources. So I eat them more days than not.

Unexpected bonus: dry beans are cheap as fuck compared to meat, so I spend much less on groceries than I used to. I can make plenty of delicious, filling meals for about $1 per person food cost. Leaves me with extra money in my wallet for when I go out to eat. (That's when I'll have some meat and cheese).

>> No.6051184

>Cook them in stock

I wish this had occurred to me long ago.

>> No.6051216

>Unexpected bonus: dry beans are cheap as fuck compared to meat

There are ~22 gr of protein in 100 gr of chicken breast.

There are ~21 gr of protein in 100 gr of beans, ~60 gr. of carbs, 12 gr. of fiber.

>> No.6051243

I never ate fucking chicken breast anyways. I like things that actually taste good. You can go through whatever math you like, but what happened to me is that my grocery bills went down about 30-40% once meat and dairy were no longer day to day staples in my house. And I lost 10lbs, and the doctor told me I didn't have to take cholesterol meds anymore.

I'll stick with the beans, thankyouverymuch.

>> No.6051248

Every day. Lentils are the best nutrition-wise and convenience-wise, but I also dabble in chickpeas, black beans, and kidney beans.

>cook beans
>save the water the beans were boiled in

>> No.6051253


I was saying that 100 gr. of dried beans has 20 gr of protein + a lot more good stuff and costs a fraction of the price. Which is good.

>> No.6051256


>*make soup or bean gravy with it

>> No.6051264

What beans does /ck/ recommend?

>> No.6051267
File: 180 KB, 1099x1003, beans, not even once.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that feel trying to reason with your paleo friend

>> No.6051269

In terms of health benefits.

>> No.6051271
File: 270 KB, 834x929, Lentil nutrition.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6051276


I eat white beans, OP pic related.

>> No.6051322

well then we're in agreement, then.

>> No.6051326

at least every day, yesterday kidney for lunch and cannelini for dinner, sooooo delicious

>> No.6051677

lentils are not beams, they are legumes

>> No.6051684

I have a cup most days. Dry beans, soaked and rinsed a few times, then pressure cooked with sweet potatoes.

>> No.6051690

The "anti-nutrients" in beans prevent butt cancer and other stuff. They slow the absorption of carbs eaten hours later so you don't get nasty spikes.

>> No.6051697

Anything but soy. Unprocessed soy tastes like shit and is high in omega-6. Natto is good though.

Lentils are my least favorite. I usually only eat when I don't have something else soaked.

>> No.6051702

The indigestible sugars in beans are what gives a person gas. Most of the gas causing compounds are in the water that beans soak in.
Throw that water and shit out and you'll be less gassy.

>> No.6051714

I cook them in water and they're delicious. What manner of faggotry is this you speak of?

In some form or other, pretty often. Maybe every other day or so? I mean, if we're including tofu and miso and pulses that are commonly thought to not be beans even though they're scientifically classified as beans, such as lentils, chickpeas and the like.

Right and wrong. They're legumes, but so are common beans. They're also pulses. They're all in the fava/bean family, fabaceae. All of them.

>> No.6051715
File: 1.99 MB, 2592x1944, Picture 113.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the goya small red beans NOT the south american ones or whatever other one they sell

pic is of the small red ones that actually break down and become soft

>> No.6051720
File: 1.39 MB, 2592x1944, Picture 099.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here is a pic of the south american red beans which stay semi hard even after 4 hours of cooking

I ended up taking an immersion blender to them

>> No.6051718


>> No.6051735

I bought a can of chili beans at the supermarket and never looked back. I'm hooked on beans.

>> No.6051739

Can /ck/ give me a sort of weekly bean plan?
As in, what do you guys do with beans every day or so?
Beans and Rice is all I can think of.
Pls help, I wish to cook with beans

>> No.6051743


For a fggt that has so much hate for curry threads you really should be posting your own meals that look like baby diarrhea, Rummy.

>> No.6051745

Just put them on top of or next to whatever else your eating.

or eat like popcorn

>> No.6051750

my beans don't taste like poopy curry though

>> No.6051753

Everyday, it's pretty common here in brazil

>> No.6051757

I'm more of an oatmeal and legumes kind of person. Beans tastes good and I want to like them, but some bit of crazy causes me to be revolted by their texture. They're like little capsule of liquid sand paper. Biting into them is worse then fingernails on a chalkboard for me.

I know that's crazy, and I've tried to get over it, but none of my efforts have bore fruit.

>> No.6051758

Feijoada's muh jam, nyamean.

>> No.6051760
File: 17 KB, 465x316, Arroz e Feijão - Divulgação.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This, everyday lunch

>> No.6051768

beans and green peas.

>> No.6051776

Lima beans and ham hocks

>> No.6051787

Poor protein to carb ratio.

I'll have some occasionally but I prefer chicken/fish and broccoli/cabbage.

>> No.6051792

>Poor protein to carb ratio.
That's what rice is for cuz

>> No.6051838

Do you hate your kidneys?

>> No.6051843

5-10 times a week

>> No.6051855

>26% of calories are protein
10% is optimal. More does not help at all unless you're a body builder.

>> No.6051885

>This is god-tier food
But it tastes like shit-tier.

>> No.6051892

Everyday I drink some

It's kidney beans blended with coconut cream, condensed milk, spices and sweet potato served hot in paper cups.

You buy it in stalls near train stations and such, very satisfying and tasty during the winter

Black beans are the main bean I eat and I'm down to like three times week, I don't soak these simply boil them for 4-8 hours with baking soda and ginger so i don't get gas or digestion problems and it helps break down everything

>> No.6051916

I´m mexican, so daily.

>> No.6052106

Is there some sort of name for that concoction?

>> No.6052227

I can't eat them that often because I really pack on fat weight when I eat them. I have to eat like just a wee tiny bit to prevent that. It is really weird, no other food does that to me.

>> No.6052614


How the hell do beans cause you to pack on fat?

>> No.6052621

Tons of calories , almost pure carbs.

>> No.6052636


Beans aren't very calorie dense at all, and being mostly carbs and protein mean they're way less likely to become fat

>> No.6052760

If eaten as a side dish to an already protein and carb heavy diet beans will make you fat. Like if you're one of those few who have found the perfect balance of barbeque and mac & cheese you can eat without getting huge, suddenly adding beans to the equation could put you over the top.

Really, they're best eaten in lieu of a meat dish.

>> No.6052798


>If eaten as a side dish to an already protein and carb heavy diet beans will make you fat

If you're eating a bunch of carb and protein, that's not plausibly going to make someone fat

>Like if you're one of those few who have found the perfect balance of barbeque and mac & cheese you can eat without getting huge, suddenly adding beans to the equation could put you over the top

I consider BBQ and Mac n Cheese to be more of a fatty meal than just carb and protein. If you add beans to rice, you're not going to get fat. If you add beans to grease, you're could get fat, but then you can't really blame the beans for contributing to the fatness when all the fat you put on literally came from the meat and cheese

>> No.6052819

My point is that if you consider beans a side dish, then add them to an already heavy diet they won't do you the kind of good they will when eaten as an alternative to heavier foods.

>> No.6052825

depends on the bean, this is a blanket statement for retards

>> No.6053028

habichuelas con dulce :3

>> No.6053032
File: 60 KB, 800x600, pintos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Very often. My grandmother makes pinto beans aka soup beans in some parts of the USA.

The basic recipe is as follows

>water in a kettle
>add rinsed and sorted pinto beans
>boil until soft
>near the end of cooking add salt
>near the end of cooking add bacon grease, bacon, or ham (or all three)

Serve it with corn bread and onions. There are no proper photos on google of this version of the dish, but it is extremely common in KY, OH, and TN.

I also eat red beans in chili at least once a week.

>> No.6053036

Any and all my friend. Beans are love, beans are life.

>mfw I discovered adding black beans to chili delivered superior texture and flavor to utilizing only kidney beans

>> No.6053129

Rarely, they aren't my favorite thing. What good things can you make with beans though, I guess I should try eating more of them instead of the other crap I eat.

>> No.6053434

The only thing worse than black beans is kidney beans.

Seek out a nice tender bean like a red bean or a pinto..

>> No.6053447

Rarely, because uncontrollable bloating and trapped wind, and diarrhea if you're really unlucky, is never fun.

>> No.6053450

>>near the end of cooking add bacon grease, bacon, or ham (or all three)

That's odd. Generally one adds that during the beginning of cooking so the beans can soak up the flavor of the ham.

>> No.6053558

Because I have a specific microbe set in my GI that allows me to more completely digest beans than anything else. I don't even get any sort of gas from eating them, unlike everyone else around me. I can eat other foods that make people fat and not gain weight unless I start eating obscene amounts of that stuff (which would make me sick anyway, so I don't do that). But beans in any form with or without anything else can pack on weight like nothing else for me. It kind of sucks, because I really like beans.

>> No.6053688
File: 1.08 MB, 180x200, 1373665951714.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I prefer chickpeas.

>> No.6053706

Usually around once every week. Been trying to incorporate beans into my rice, but I'm lazy as fuck. Tips?

>> No.6053731

>Rarely, because uncontrollable bloating and trapped wind, and diarrhea if you're really unlucky, is never fun.
Try eating the beans without meat or cheese and you should be fine, except for the gas.

>> No.6053748

Try eating meat and cheese without the beans and you should be fine.

>> No.6053805

Buy pre-soaked beans.

>> No.6053851

DU puy for fucks sake
And stop calling your mains "entrees" it means starters
GOD am i full of meaningless hate today

>> No.6053860

I think you meant meningfull.

>> No.6053985

A couple of times a week, at least (if I cheat and include lentils at least).
I love baked beans for breakfast, and think beans go well in a lot of dishes.