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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 10 KB, 380x295, honeycrispApple380.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6050423 No.6050423 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.6050426

Make way for the king of apples

>> No.6050428
File: 35 KB, 331x349, grannysmithupinthisbitch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Join the resistance!

>> No.6050430
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>> No.6050432

>Apple thread
>Posts dragonfruit

>> No.6050437
File: 712 KB, 2418x1657, Apple_pie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

apple pie is best apple.

>> No.6050438

There are so many types of apples, there can't possibly be THE ONE.
One's good for eating raw, one's good for baking, others have a soft sweetness and again others have a cherishable sourness to them.
Stop that "hurr durr there can only be one god-tier whatever" bullshit.

>> No.6050439

best appel ITT this thread

>> No.6050443

>There can't possibly be THE ONE

Bitch, you DID see that I posted a mothafucking Honeycrisp, right?

>> No.6050446

why yes, pleb

>> No.6050515
File: 91 KB, 1229x1008, GrappleApe_Clamshell.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based Fiji coming through

>> No.6050628

My personal favorite is the pink lady apple as part of a quick lunch or for a small snack after a jog.

>> No.6050630


i love how these are always met with the same reaction of "SCIENCE HAS GONE TOO FAR" and "JUST WHAT WE NEED MORE GENETICALLY ENGINEERED FRUITS" from concerned soccer moms

when in reality they are just soaked in grape juice or some shit

>> No.6050639

>when in reality they are just soaked in grape juice or some shit

It literally says "artificial grape flavor" on the package you nitwit.

Why neckbeards feel the need to white knight shady megaconglomorates any time stuff like "artificial" or "gmo" comes up is beyond me. They've got billions of dollars and attract the best talent with their generous compensation and cutting edge R&D programs. They have friends in the highest levels of government. They don't need your help.

And in any case it's just grape flavor, it's probably a bunch of chemicals that have been known for decades before people figured out how to insert DNA (which is the literally the same as selective breeding)

>> No.6050640

>when in reality they are just soaked in grape juice or some shit

They are steeped in bird repellent.

>> No.6050646

Kill yourself hippy!

Do you have dreadlocks?
It looks really stupid on white people and twats.
Did your pervy uncle touch you in the nay-nay?

>> No.6050648


Oh America... you will never cease to amaze me...

>> No.6050657


No, I have the usual short sides longer top parted on one side sheeple haircut that everyone else has, and I usually wear dress shoes and an oxford shirt. Nothing very hippy about my appearance, I look like a square. If teenagers see me walking through the park, they hide the weed.

Why are you reacting like this? Why do you want me to kill myself for clicking on an image and pointing out your stupidity? Are you hoping Monsanto HR reads /ck/ so you can get a job with them? You don't seem like Monsanto material. Maybe you could get a job driving a FedEx van.

>> No.6050658

never tried honey crisp but it's all about cox or braeburn

>> No.6050659

He might mean Fuji apple, not Fiji, it's a typo you fucking uptight eurocunt. Now go twirl your trustafarian dreadlocks while you contemplate how socialism has utterly failed and will always fail.

>> No.6050669

No, I already work for Lockheed doing dev work for the USAF.

Don't you just hate me? Now, first you should feel stupid and then kill yourself.

It's twats like you that are the most judgemental. I don't work in a shit hole and clients might see me, if so then it's no problem, I'm expected to look professional.

You really come across as a dumb twat that will never make more than minimum wage.

But that's you types with your trustafarian dreds, looking and acting stupid as socialists never fail to do.

>> No.6050670


look at the picture you bloated gun-toting cymbal monkey

>> No.6050673

why? apples kinda taste like grapes anyway. shoulda went the full shebang and make it orange flavoured

>> No.6050675
File: 1.00 MB, 985x800, copy_0_pb120721.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You don't seem professional. You seem like the guy your coworkers are extra nice to just in case. I used to have a coworker like that. He was frogmarched from his desk one day but I was always nice to him even at his most pathetic moments. I'm pretty sure if he ever came back he'd let me live.

>> No.6050689

Get over yourself hippy, I don't care about how you "feel" about me. What are you a stupid little girl with a cause that fucks blacks because you've seen it on Disney?

You're gonna triple hate me for this...

I used to work at Pfizer HQ in NYC, I was I think the youngest dev they ever hired and was there for four years then got bored so walked up 42nd street and got a job at Philip Morris HQ.

Midtown Manhattan is a fun place to work.

Don't you love hating me so much that your head will explode?

I don't hate you, I just know that you're a retard. Please don't have children.

>> No.6050697
File: 73 KB, 359x228, FallingDown.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I know you. You're that guy who's always ranting about marketing and the line standing jew reptoid sheeple.

Midtown isn't the best place to work, it's either fine dining or shitty delis, nothing in between. I work in gramercy now. Much better food options especially up around Baruch and down closer to USQ. Used to work on 38th back in the pre-9/11 days. But I know you don't care much for eating around other people. You'd rather huff down a soylent in your cubicle, and that's fine. The social anxiety must be crippling.

Anyway hope you can hold in those demons for another day, your coworkers aren't why you're not a winner. Maybe even try seeing a brain doctor about that anger. Pfizer might give you an ex employee discount?

See you around, angry line standing reptoid jew sheeple rant guy.

>> No.6050708

Only on /ck/ could an apple create so much butthurt between two neckbeards

>> No.6050718
File: 110 KB, 500x365, on-the-internet-nobody-knows-youre-a-dog-meme.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so tsundere :3
wanna hang out together? im an astronaut

>> No.6050805

please take this dick measuring contest somewhere else

>> No.6050810

I disagree, I've worked in various places in Manhattan and midtown has the best mix of cool companies, cute chicks, stuff to do and proximity to where I want to be.

Gramercy is filled with fucking faggots, only outdone by tribeca and christopher street. The people working n gramercy are generally in little companies that like complaining like homosexuals and little girls when they don't get their way.

It's just a difference of opinion.

As for dining, there are plenty of places in midtown, though I will say there were a lot more about 10 years ago then there are now. Bloomberg fucked a lot of things up.

The worst on the other hand, the wall street area, my first job out of school was at a wall street place and damn those are most uptight fuckers on the planet and the area itself sucks, I couldn't wait to get out of there and that I did.

>> No.6050815


>> No.6050836

Nope, you're wrong.

I've never worked on 38th street, but have worked on 42nd for 12 years for a few companies... NASA Tech Briefs 4 yrs, Pfizer HQ, 4 yrs, and Philip Morris for 4 yrs.

The thing about morons standing in line in NYC is true... there are a lot of people who have nothing to do so they stand in line to be seen and see others and yammer to others doing the same thing, it's a social event to these morons.

That's a fucking fact.

Usually I have an office but if a cube I don't really care, it's what I get paid that matters. I do my job and get out, I'm not really there to "socialize" I have my own life which apparently you don't.

You might want to get some therapy, you come across as chaotic and hostile.

At Pfizer we didn't get good discounts there, if you're in the area just go into the HQ and ask to be directed to the company store, you have to be an employee to use it.

It won't be for prescription drugs.

At Philip Morris the discount for employees was really nice, folk used to be able to use this little check off box list and get a free couple cartons of ciggies every couple weeks, delivered right to your location of work via internal mail.

That was a cool company to work for, I met a lot of really mellow people there.

>> No.6050843

The only regret that I have about Philip Morris-USA is that I didn't take the offer to go work for PM-International in Lausanne, Switzerland when I had the chance.

Hindsight is always 20/20.

>> No.6050846
File: 100 KB, 523x720, 1394518022852.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6050847
File: 982 KB, 2835x1890, PinkLady-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

champ, i appreciate your spirit (and grannies are pretty good), but green shit won't ever have nothin on pink ladies.

>> No.6051055

>people stand in line to be seen

No they don't. I get it, you have some kind of condition, maybe you feel everyone is talking about you behind your back, maybe you're one of those people who takes it personally and starts a fight when someone bumps you on the subway, but really you are just a faceless body, no one notices, the paparrazi aren't going to invade your privacy, there just wasn't enough room on the train. It is physically impossible for all this to be about you. Even if you really were that interesting, which you aren't.

It's odd how you are calling me unstable after you lost it and ranted for several posts in a row about dreadlocks and socialism. In an apples thread.

You're just a hairs breadth away from going postal every day, aren't you. To right the wrongs that a diseased society has conspired to inflict on you. Sometimes you see these news articles about a rampage and you wonder, did i ever exchange words with him on 4chan? Could something I said have contributed in some small way to that end result? So let me just say I hope you reach out to someone in real life and discuss these feelings. You have a job, so help is not a question of money, but of willpower.

>> No.6051073

I'm a fan of Gala myself, but Honey Crisps are good too.

>> No.6051087

Seriously both of you faggots needs to just drop it because this is one of the most autistic arguments I've ever seen

>> No.6051153

Can we all at least agree that Red Delicious is low tier?

>> No.6051628
File: 71 KB, 600x450, 67b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6051630

pink lady is best

>> No.6051637


>> No.6051736

red delicious apples are only to be fed to horses you do not like

>> No.6052044

fuck off fatass

>> No.6052198

Fuck yes. The perfect Apple for snacking. I love those bitches with cheese and crackers.

>> No.6052226
File: 27 KB, 267x189, 1382491431804.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw allergic to apple

>> No.6052231


>> No.6052432

they're not good

>> No.6052438

>used to work in produce section at local grocery store
>would cut some fruits to pass out during the day if someone wanted to try it before they bought it
>end up just cutting pink ladies and trying to offer it to whoever was there
>always eat it by myself

Fucking got tier

>> No.6053027

braeburn is best apple

>> No.6053042

tell me anon what's it like to be a dirty fuckin liar

>> No.6053047

Clearly you're not a bird

>> No.6054390
File: 1.01 MB, 3904x2928, KRLMkuaBjm5mKDDP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chinese apple is best apple

>> No.6054398

I love you granny but Honeycrisps are fucking king

>> No.6054401

No you seriously fucking don't . Now the cotton candy grapes on the other hand are fucking good

>> No.6054417

Listen to the wise words of >>6052432 and >>6054401

These things are fucking disgusting and this is coming from someone who likes both of these fruits on their ownsome.

>> No.6054431

Macs for me. Tart and juicy.

>> No.6054736
File: 26 KB, 600x393, Jazz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6054765

Sorry but Pink Lady is by far the best.

>> No.6054780

It seems more days there are fucking soft mushy apples in my grocer.

I'm sick of mushy apple varieties. I'm looking at you fucking Braeburn.

>> No.6054886

Royal Gala after 2-3 days for maximum crispnism all the way

>> No.6054896
File: 541 KB, 2757x1000, Red_delicious_and_cross_section.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


lel just kidding, who the fuck likes these anyway

>> No.6054906

The name is misleading, they should change it to red chalky and bitter

>> No.6055008

indisputably correct answer

>> No.6055015

Go to a farmers market