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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6048458 No.6048458 [Reply] [Original]

Strange question, but /ck/ might be able to help. Over the last few months I've started cooking a lot more than usual. My eating habits haven't really changed in terms of what I consume, but the method of how I cook it has.

I now pan-fry more than I used to (but not to an unhealthy or excessive degree), and have noticed that my skin is breaking out into zits more than it usually does. I've looked this up online but can't find much info.

When you heat oil in a pan, does oil escape the pan and enter the air in the room (in the same way that water becomes steam)? Or is this literally impossible because of the often-high smoking points? I use a variety of oils by the way.

I know that this is an odd question, but I'm eating clean so it's not diet-related. I only pan-fry in a small amount of oil where recipes dictate it. Therefore I'm thinking it might be the hot oil which is making me break out.

Does anyone know enough about the science of oil to help me out on this one? Thanks!

>> No.6048470
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sounds plausible.
just wash your face after frying stuff.

>> No.6048475
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>and have noticed that my skin is breaking out into zits more than it usually does.
If you mean small red dots, or irritated skin, it means you are being more exposed to something you are allergic to.
Or do you mean something else? I am not googling "zits" to find out what you mean.

>does oil escape the pan and enter the air in the room
Why do you think stoves are placed under a fan, that part of a air circulation system, and there is a metal thing formed like a swamp shielding it?
Or why do you think water vapour from cooking has a smell?
Why are you worried?

>> No.6048476

If your oil is too hot, and you pan fry meat, the oil will splatter and some of it will get on your face. You don't notice because the droplets are so small they've cooled to room temperature before they do. It's the same reason a counter or stove will be slightly greasy after cooking.

Turn down your heat.

>> No.6048482

>does oil escape the pan and enter the air in the room
shit yes it does
haven't you ever cleaned a kitchen?

>> No.6048484

its the oil you're ingesting you fucking moron

>> No.6048487


wash your face before for you go to bed to unclog your pores. and wash your pillow often or youll have a bunch of dirt and oils that will get all up in your face.

If that still doesn't help, try washing your face twice a day and try an acne medicine like benzoyl peroxide or salicylic acid (their the only ones backed by the FDA to be effective). Just remember that they only work on a clean face and that they can cause sensitivity, especially to sunlight

Also, if you moisturize, the clean oils will replace dirty oils and prevent clogged pore

>former pizza face with bad bacne

>> No.6048492

>wash your face before for you go to bed
what kind of ingrate doesnt do that already?
if you dont do that you deserve to get spots

>> No.6048494

people with naturally clear skin

>> No.6048498


ugh... functioning on no sleep here. don't kill me for that internet

>> No.6048500

check your privilege

>> No.6048503

not me tho

I'm former pizza face over here >>6048487

Also, it got much better on its own by the end of high school. I still have t-zone and shoulder acne tho if I get lazy about keeping my skin clear

>so jealous of people who can do nothing and have clear skin

>> No.6048661

No such thing. You just shower daily, and get by until then.

>> No.6048666

My skin was shit until I was in my late 20s when the acne FINALLY cleared up.

>> No.6048699

there is such a thing
unless youre saying chronic acne isnt a thing either

>> No.6048747

I wear glasses and my lenses are always dotted with oil after pan cooking with it. Doesn't matter how much oil or how high the heat, that shit goes everywhere.

>> No.6048773


I feel your pain ... what is even worse is that I know I have that shit all over my face and in my hair too, even if I can't feel it.

>> No.6049101

OP here. Thanks for all of the replies.

I'm not a pizza face, but I am prone to slight acne breakouts. The oil does seem to be making things worse though. I'm not looking for general skincare tips (I have that all sorted), I'm just wondering about the oil situation. Thanks though!

This is a really helpful answer. So now I know - I'm definitely getting oil on my face when I panfry. That's disappointing, but at least I know now! I'm going to miss that Maillard reaction!

>> No.6049155

use coconut oil for anything you cook on a higher heat

wash your face every night w/ a mild cleanser like cetaphil

put a clean towel on your pillow everynight. don't wash your face w/ soap in the morning, just cold water and then use moisturizer that has spf

>> No.6050147

Ha if you had your general skincare tips sorted out, then getting oil on your face would not have made you break out since you would be washing your face at night and using medicine like Anon said, ha

>> No.6050352

>does oil escape the pan and enter the air in the room
Some does, which is why everything gets coated in a thin layer of oil -- especially your vent fans.

But that's not going to affect your skin, since presumably you are showering once in a while and that would scrub it off. Instead, here's your answer: