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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 126 KB, 1400x777, FoodTruck_A58inside2b[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6039111 No.6039111 [Reply] [Original]

Thought I'd update you guys on a story from a while back

I posted about trying to get a food truck closed about a month ago after they refused to refund my food for giving me meat in my vegetarian order. Then they made fun of me in front of my colleagues so in the past month I was working hard to get them shut down, and I have had some success. Here's what I did:
>Food truck that refuse to refund me also is not that clean (like most around here)
>started taking pics of owners smoking, serving with no gloves, dirtiness of food truck practices
>they are usually like 4 asian people working in this one food truck even when they are sick
>take pics of some food issues my friends have in past couple weeks
>keep contacting town hall, health department, etc.
>at first no one responds so I physically go to town hall and request if they received my complaints and what they are doing
>after being persistent for a long time, finally get a letter saying that the town hall will look into it
>if conditions are unsanitary, they will send an official inspector
>if the truck fails to pass, their certificate to operate will be removed
>say they cannot use my evidence but they will have to inspect themselves, but I have a strong case

Man... what great news after that persistent work and now I can finally get back at the food truck. Hope they like my Christmas gift hehhe..

Any other stories of how you guys got revenge on restaurants that treated you badly?

>> No.6039115

Wow you're for real. Go away. Can't you shit on their truck or spraypaint it or something? Why do you have to get the government involved like a little rat? I would not be your friend, OP.

>> No.6039117

I hope you get cancer

>> No.6039118

I remember that thread, and how everyone was flabbergasted with your exceptionally extreme autist mentality.

Go fuck yourself retard. You're a waste of oxygen.

>> No.6039135

I'm not being autist. I used the governement to shut down a food truck that was violating health practices. How is this not better than doing something illegal like spraypainting a truck?

I'm also a PhD student so I can't risk my career on something dumb like that... if you remember the last thread you would also know I am really smart.

I thought people would be happy or find this funny but guess same reaction as last time with uneducated people that support a dirty food truck

>> No.6039147

Some people don't go out of their way to get petty revenge. You wasted your time, your thoughts, even more time, and travel to city hall to do all this, so honestly, who is the real loser here? Because the answer is you.

Also, you haven't gotten them shut down yet. You just added an extra stop for a food inspector to look into things. They can't use your information. And your idea of revenge is super lame and not funny at all. You should go pinch a gigantic loaf outside their back door when the food inspector shows up. That'll show 'em! (and get you arrested)

>> No.6039149

I don't support being dirty or rude to customers but I also don't support being a whiny faggot who needs to cry to mom and dad to have anything done. If you don't like something don't support it.

>> No.6039156

This is what happens when we let a cancer like veganism invade our culture.

>> No.6039173

This has to be the best ruse I've ever felt bringing my piss to a boil. Either you're autism incarnate or a master ruseman.

>> No.6039174

It seems you want to be famous in /ck/ after Irish Stew Guy/Fatty McAutism. What name do you want? Food Truck PhD?

>> No.6039177

i suppose someone autistic enough to get made fun of by food truck workers would be autistic enough to try to get them shut down for it.
no real surprises here.

>> No.6039183

Some of my best friends are Indian, but just for this guy I would be ok with permanently barring all Indians from this country forever, and sending them all back there on a ship.

>> No.6039192

Nowhere did I mention I was Indian but you are right on your guess

Nah I just wanted to update because most of /ck/ thought I would not follow with it and kept calling me an autist similar to now I suppose. They thought I could do nothing

Well maybe the food truck should have just given me my money back or apologize instead of humiliating me for being vegetarian and also for being cheap and asking for money? What type of service degrades their customers - I know, the type that shouldn't exist.

How am I being a whiny faggot? I took action for my cause and am will update you once again if the department actually does anything or does not.

>> No.6039199


>> No.6039208

no it shouldn't. fuck off fag

>> No.6039210

kill yourself you piece of shit

>> No.6039214

I want to commemorate you on that fantastic detective work. 10/10.

How are you not? People are offended every day but it takes a special kind of insanity to start filing complaints to the government and stalk your offender with a camera looking for "evidence."

>> No.6039216

if they treat you and other vegan/muslim/faggot customers like shit then your muslim/faggot/vegan friends should go to different food trucks. it's a free market that isn't obligated to treat every faggot/muslim/vegan like the special little snowflake you think you are

>> No.6039217

look man, even tho you may be right about some of this (shitty thing for them to insult you, but honestly if you expect the world to cater to your little 'wahhh i dont eat animalz' bullshit fuck you), /ck/ will not support you because you come off as the asshole here. we dont feel the insult and disgrace you do, we are just faggots on the internet and we dont really care. i wouldnt keep updating us, it will only turn out the same. good luck ruining some people's livelihood because you couldn't prepare your own special snowflake food and couldnt take it like a man when they called you out on it

>> No.6039221

Get the fuck out of this country

>> No.6039236

Today OP was NOT a fag. We live in a society that has rules to follow. If people want to ignore them, it is OP's responsibility to do something about it otherwise the are helping to perpetuate the growth of a cover in our society.

If the truck people had just told OP no instead of serving them meat it wouldn't even have become an issue.

>> No.6039239
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Nice, bad customer service in the food sector should deserve to be put down.

>> No.6039244

No, the good public service was forcing this little vegan girl to eat meat.
Fuck vegan values, curbstomp those fucks.

>> No.6039251

>I took action for my cause
Your cause of putting people out of work and destroying their livelihood? These guys probably put an assload of time and money into starting this business up. They don't deserve to get torn down for not catering to your special needs. Ignore it and move on with your life. Do you do this every time a place screws up your order?

>> No.6039253

It's a hindu vegetarian male.

>> No.6039276

Same thing

>> No.6039297

>vendor fucks up an order
>customer requests refund
>vendor refuses refund and insults customer
>customer reports vendor for violating health codes

OP, you sound like a really annoying dude but what you did wasn't wrong.

>> No.6039369

>I took action for my cause
Your cause is against their rudeness and sloppy service. If you had reported your actual complaint to the BBB, posted a shit yelp review, told all your friends not to go there, etc, then those would all be great actions to take so that OTHER people can be aware of the real problem. The owners would probably even see those complaints and may think "oh, maybe we shouldn't insult people and ignore their order requests because it will drive away business."

Your cause has nothing to do with whether or not they are following legal sanitary codes. If they're actually dangerously unsanitary, and your effort helps stop this, then great, but that's a totally different issue. Whether you rightfully get them shut down or you're just making up bullshit to get revenge (what it sounds like), either way it does nothing for your original cause. Nobody is going to know the REAL reason the health inspector is there is because they were assholes to some dude a month ago.

>> No.6039377
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>I'm not being autist.
>I am really smart.
>i am spending all this time and energy because they wouldn't refund <$10.

>> No.6039417

OP I am quite petty myself sometimes and I support what you did, these people are hating mostly because they hat vegan, as do I, but fuck that food truck. If the damn truck isn't violating health codes they have nothing to worry about. These people aren't running their business properly, bad customer service, bad sanitation practices and the fact that they can't honor a simple request that one day may result in somebody dying from a severe allergic reaction is reason for them to be shut down. Maybe next time they try to throw together a restaurant they'll have their shit together.

I have a personal situation like yours that is much more petty, it has to do with a sandwich shop that I went to for a very long time which had one of those deals where you get a stamp on a card every time you buy a sandwich, after 10 you get a free sandwich. Well I have many options for better sandwiches in the area but I would go to this place more out of loyalty and to get these free sandwiches. Well I had filled up my card and kept it a few weeks for a rainy day, when I went to use it the owner of the place refused to honor the card because of an expiration date that did not actually exist. I instantly dropped a full bottle of jones soda on the floor letting it shatter, turned 360 degrees and moonwalked the fuck out. Now I'm too impatient to do what you did OP, I went the graffiti and vandalism route, spray painting obscene things on the store front and about once every month or 2 I walk by at night and throw a rock through one of the front windows. This has been going on for almost 2 years and it still brings me satisfaction every time.

>> No.6039437

This one time I was treated badly at a restaurant, so I took my business elsewhere and never wasted my time on petty nonsense.

>> No.6039443

Good job, OP. Food trucks and the hipsters who run them are cancer on wheels.

>> No.6039464

But how did you satisfy your narcissistic desire to punish those, clearly less intelligent than yourself, for slighting you?

>> No.6039467

I beat my dog

>> No.6039494

If OP is so smart why didn't he go to the local BBB or even the local news station? Inspectors won't do shit. Smoking isn't against the rules ( many many cooks smoke) and I can't recall a single place I've cooked that required gloves.

ITT: butthurt OP looking for validation of his pettiness.

>> No.6039506


>> No.6039512

The BBB hasn't the power to do anything at any time

>> No.6039515

>I can't recall a single place I've cooked that required gloves.

If you're handling ready-to-eat food in a developed nation, you're required to wear gloves. If you'r employers didn't require you to do it, both they and you were violating health codes.

>> No.6039517

>One Idiot Thinks They Can Defeat the Entire Bureaucratic System to Satisfy Their Personal Vengeance Desires - The Movie

Oh, OP, you make me laugh.

>> No.6039522

>you're required to wear gloves

>> No.6039529

>If you're handling ready-to-eat food in a developed nation, you're required to wear gloves. If you'r employers didn't require you to do it, both they and you were violating health codes.

that is not true, I am a certified (little teal card) food safety manager in FL and that isn't a rule
only shit fast food type restaurants do this because they don't trust the crackheads they hire to wash their hands

almost nobody wears gloves in a professional kitchen unless they are handling beets or really stinky cheese

>> No.6039532


It varies by state, but even in places where you're required to wear gloves when handling rte food, you can be sure almost nobody in a closed kitchen does.

>> No.6039546
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>> No.6039569

Beware Anonymous, for he does not forgive.

>> No.6039571

top kek

The BBB can only do something about businesses that are registered with them. Registering a business with the BBB is optional.

What self-respecting small business owner would voluntarily allow their business to be ripped to shreds by cusdumbers?

>> No.6039576


>> No.6039588

Can't help but feel we're all being taken on the good old ruse cruise again

>> No.6039618

I do remember a guy was trying to shut down a food truck. Beyond that I do not know.

>> No.6039659

>"In the near future, the way the customer presents payment to you is the way it should be presented back."
Is that a thing?

>> No.6039668

Some people have a weird no touching someone else's hands with theirs "policy".

>> No.6039698


More like "some peoples", it's culturally specific. In some cultures you put the card on a tray, in others you hand it directly to the person.

Normal people who have been exposed to different cultures don't take it as an affront when someone doesn't do the expected but there are weirdos like op and the person in that picture who can't overcome their provincial upbringing.

>> No.6039703

You are no longer in chinatown son. Act accordingly.

>> No.6039725


Who are you talking to? Are you that guy who flies off the handle and starts ranting about pearl harbor whenever someone mentions something even remotely related to the continent of Asia?

>> No.6039759
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Shhh, you might trigger him

>> No.6039772

You seem to be foreign to the concept "When in Rome do as the Romans do." If you are as well traveled as you pretend then you'd realize this very simple concept gets you very far with the locals. Doing as you wish usually ends badly.

>> No.6039779

I am american asshole, I don't have to deal with local weirdos .

>> No.6039783

I am sorry you have never been outside of chinatown and think everywhere should concede to chinatown logic.

>> No.6039787

>You seem to be foreign to the concept

But that "do as the romans" was my whole point. Did you read the second line of my post? Why are you explaining my point back to me as though you were scolding a child?

>> No.6039794

Do you know how the romans do?

>> No.6039801


No, I have yet to visit Rome. I have been to 21 countries and lived in 3, but never Italy :(

One of these years.

>> No.6039816

Not sure if serious, but I got a great laugh from your sub shop punch card story. Thank you for all that you do.

This entire thread is the most entertaining I've seen on /ck/ in some time.

>> No.6039820

no one called you an autist.
I certainly wouldn't.

I would however, call you a snitch.
Snitches get stitches.

>> No.6039836

you might be legitimately autistic if you can't see how your behavior isn't seen as commendable, or even socially acceptable

>> No.6039839 [DELETED] 

That seems to be how the board moderators view me too... They banned me before for posting the previous thread a month ago and now I am banned again

Luckily, since I'm a PhD student, I am now in my lab with a different IP address. I can't believe the mods would ban me over this thread.

It is definitely related to cooking and restaurants which is better than the forced memes and stupid threads that exist

Thanks for saying the thread is entertaining. Atleast this time around there are people who actually support my stance. I hope to update in the next couple of months when these goons are shut down for good so I can walk to campus and not see their faces in the food truck anymore

>> No.6039846

Oh shit it's this thread again. Dude got insulted so only then did he decide to look into the quality and healthiness of the food in question. 10/10. I can only assume the reason the dude laughed at you for complaining about chicken was because you sperged as hard there as you do in these theads.

>> No.6039849

>no one called you an autist.

>I remember that thread, and how everyone was flabbergasted with your exceptionally extreme autist mentality.

>> No.6040017

I am so serious it is slightly embarrassing.

>> No.6040027

OP, wut you studying for your phd?

>> No.6040044 [DELETED] 

Studying nanofabrication but I'm fairly new to the field. I will most likely be working with looking at lithography or deposition techniques for modern electronics (ebeam lithography, extreme UV, reactive ion etching, etc.). Its really cool stuff but I'm usually in a clean room for most of the day so there's that. Still, its cutting edge tech and I love working on it

>> No.6040052

Does anyone have the original thread?

>> No.6040057

You should use a trip. It would be a lot easier to follow you if you had a tripcode.

>> No.6040070 [DELETED] 

Nah I don't want any attention. I don't post often. i mainly lurk and post very few times like probably once a month or so about a special meal I made.

I don't shitpost and since I am a poor grad student so I don't cook up anything exquisite enough to share. Thanks for the note

>> No.6040091

Confirmed as actually working in the food service industry.

>> No.6040601

You truly are a fucking cunt

>> No.6041047


Wow, you huge autist.

>> No.6041280

You sound like a dick.

>> No.6041281

You sound like a dick.

>> No.6041301

you're a creepy person huh? did you harm small animals as a child?

>> No.6041315

inb4 op gets caught trying to contaminate the food

>> No.6041333

typical psychotic overcompensating indian PhD candidate. you lunatics will never make it in normal society, you're completely unable to integrate.

>> No.6041357

OP has no idea how retardedly easy it is to pass a health inspection if you just practice the basics. If he's lucky they'll go down a letter grade which they can then appeal, clean up and be reinspected. Derp.

>> No.6041358

Jesus Christ this

>> No.6041376

>buying food from a truck
Spotted your problem.

>> No.6041402

If you are as autistic as OP, yes.

>> No.6041448

So we should destroy any business that has messed up our orders or been rude to them?

There's no official rule against that. So fuck OP for trying to regulate someone's speech and attitude. He should have just gone somewhere else and bashed them on yelp. That was the proportionate response here--not destroying someone's livelihood

>> No.6041451

This so much

>> No.6041496

Am I the only one who thinks that OP was right to pursue the case after they refused to give him a refund for putting meat in a vegetarian order?
What if OP was allergic, rather than simply vegetarian, and he could have had a sever reaction to that food.
I think that the very least they could do is provide a refund with an apology.

Or am I not seeing the full picture?

>> No.6041525

Where does this food truck operate? I'd love to go by there and make a large order then forget I left my wallet at home right after they make food.

>> No.6041551

if Op was allergic, and had informed them about it, i'm pretty sure the owners would definitely had refunded w/ apology, unless ingredient lists were clearly written out.
>orders caesar salad
>oh no i am deathly allergic to lettuce
>are you high why did you order a caesar salad

>> No.6042026

What happened in the original thread? I missed it

>> No.6042034


A pure hindu PhD student went to his favorite roach coach at lunch hour and got chicken by accident. He cut the line to complain, and they said he could just take out the chicken pieces. He flipped his shit because it was an affront to his status in society, and it would destroy his reputation if people found out about it (he didn't make it clear what "it" was, but some speculated that it was related to brahmin purity rites).

He then asked for advice on destroying the business via any means necessary, and /ck/ ganged up on him, so he spent the rest of the thread explaining how he was a superior human being and we couldn't possibly understand anyway.

>> No.6042043

Those "specific diets" are ridiculous. If you don't like something don't eat it. If you're allergic to something, say it. If you can't eat something for whatever dumb reason (inb4 GLUTEN-FREE-WHEN-NOT-AFFECTED-BY-CELIAC-DISEASE), you need to stop getting butthurt when people don't adhere to your neurosis. Contrary to what some may say, you are NOT what you eat. You're a shit if you eat shit tho, but that's another subject.

>> No.6042417

Actually the cancer is in your meat brah

>> No.6042431

>>orders caesar salad
>>oh no i am deathly allergic to lettuce
>>are you high why did you order a caesar salad

That's the stupidest fucking analogy I've ever seen someone make. You're really, really bad at this.

>> No.6042438

i think that you are lying original poster, i don't believe that you have taken these steps

>> No.6042448

>If you can't eat something for whatever dumb reason, you need to stop getting butthurt when people don't adhere to your neurosis.

Dumb. If I'm paying for something, they are obligated to make it how I asked them to do it. That's not neurosis, that's the basic foundation of service.

>> No.6042463

Within reason. If food is made in large batches and it contains something you don't like then there is nothing they can do about it or pre-made sauce X contains ingredient Z which you despise then tough luck.

>> No.6042482

Hey OP, I guarantee you'll be the laughingstock of your field, and you will never honestly hold the respect of those you consider peers and colleagues. Such is life as a whiny autist.

Have a good one, you colossal faggot.

>> No.6042503

>Does anyone have the original thread?

>> No.6042506

No, see. You don't get to wave around the 'I did it because they violate health regulations'-card when the sole reason you're doing this is because they refused to refund your food.

See, if your story was about how you found a bandaid in your pita kebab and how they *then* refused to refund you, then you'd have the backing of the entire board.

Now you just look like a petty, little, childish faggot.

Kill yourself.

>> No.6042532

OP, why didn't you just put a bad review on Yelp like a normal person?

>> No.6042542
File: 241 KB, 1024x683, normalguys4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a vegetarian of twelve plus years and a PhD student and I think you're a whiny, self satisfied little prick with severe social issues. I sure hope you aren't in my field.

>> No.6042574

I've always hated people like you. That's why they made fun of you btw. Because you're a little shit bag of a customer who threw a fit because you didn't get what you wanted. I'd of made fun of you too, you fucking asshole.
I bet you throw a tantrum every where you shop.

>> No.6042584

was it a mom and pops place or a company?

>> No.6042589

Good on you,OP. Asians are almost as rat bastardy as Jews. They're scum of the earth and deserve to have their businesses suffer. God knows they fuck people left and right to make a buck.

>> No.6042592

and in some cultures it's impolite to put your elbows on the table while you eat, but it doesn't actually fucking matter!

>> No.6042599

hey OP, why couldn't you just pick the chicken out of the food?

If you're going to be a picky eater, you should at least get over yourself and your bullshit.

>> No.6042606

OP is Indian. Their religion prohibits meat from ever touching the food they're allowed to eat. That's why restaurants have to change gloves and knives and such when an Indian requests it.

>> No.6042626

>you would also know I am really smart.

oh, didn't notice

>> No.6042629
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>respecting anyone's religious prohibitions

>> No.6042644


Yes, you are rude to other people, we're all very impressed. Move along now.

>> No.6042654

they just have to TELL him they did it. But you know perfectly well they will do no such thing, instead they will dip a raw steak into everything and their dicks too, because fuck Indians thinking they are special snowflakes.

>> No.6042659

Some may not, you're right. Especially sit down restaurants where you can't see the food being prepared. But any deli/counter shop I've worked at, we have to change gloves, knives and wipe down surfaces because they're standing right there.

>> No.6042847

Im a Hindu and I can guarantee you you cant find a single line of scripture that talks about meat touching your food. Meat shouldn't touch stuff that is offered to god in rites. Meat eating is also not prohibited its discouraged. Eating beef isn't even prohibited . Killing cows is though.

There are no rules in Hinduism. As a letter of fact there is no such thing as Hinduism. Its just people in the last 400 years who've wanted to make Vedic religion analogous to Abrahamic religion by imposing the idea of prohibition where none exists.

>> No.6042863

You are contradicting yourself. Killing cows is prohibited but then you say no prohibitions exist. I am confused.

>> No.6042869

Not that guy, but this made me laugh way too hard.

>> No.6042892

>request if they received

That's not how that word works. I bet you misuse "whom" as well in a sad attempt to make your language sound more educated.

People like you who use town employees as agents for your petty little vendettas are the shittiest part of working in local government.

>> No.6042920

me too and I'm not sure why. animal abuse isn't funny to me but people who beat their animals are?

>> No.6042921


Indian English is full of weird quirks like that, they basically learned English from the 19th century equivalent of dumb middle managers.

Imagine if Franklin Covey took over a country and taught them early 21st century corporate buzzword English, then left them to their own devices for 100 years. 100 years later the elites who still learned from those old "mindshare whitepapers" would be using weird terms like "stakeholder" and "synergy" and all manner of stilted sounding euphemisms that no one anywhere else in the world understands because it's the year 2250.

That's why Indians sound weird as fuck when they try to sound educated.

>> No.6042936

you guys can't seriously be saying that the words "request" and "received" are odd in every day casual English in America?
or do you mean British English?

>> No.6042950


In American, British, and Australian English, you would normally say "ask whether they received". This applies anywhere outside of India and maybe Pakistan.

"Request if they received" is almost as bad as "kindly do the needful". No one says this outside of the subcontinent.

>> No.6043040

huh. It sounds okay to me and I'm American? I mean both sound okay to me - the other examples are hard on my ears, I don't know of anyone that would say something like "kindly do the needful"

>> No.6043052


You request a thing. You don't request "if" a thing, unless you're blazed out of your mind and you're having a conversation with God.

>> No.6043057

>unless you're blazed out of your mind
oh, this might be the reason actually.

>> No.6043286

>I'm not being an autist

Holy shit this is about the most juvenile thing I've read in a long time. If you don't like that they served you meat, don't eat there anymore. That's how sane people would react, instead of ruining the livelihoods of 4+ people over some dispute over meat. Get of your fucking high horse you cunt.

>> No.6043303
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>> No.6043320

>gets extra food for free
>tries to shut down business
Vegetarianism. Not even once.

>> No.6043529

> order Ceasar salad
> I'm allergic to fish
> Are you high? Why would you order this?


>> No.6043538


I had you pegged as a jew. You are from that filthy cesspool called india, and you complain about hygiene? That's rich. Maybe we could take up a collection to send you back there.

>> No.6043549

Funny you talk to me like that on an imageboard.

What are you doing with your life? I am getting a PhD in a respectable field and have an internship lined up with a large corporation on RF nanofabrication materials. I am advancing the American society with new research and engineering new designs that will be a part of the American military force and commercial technologies.

Yet you somehow stereotype me as some dirty immigrant? How about you get your life in check. I am much smarter and more accomplished than you mate. Don't you EVER talk down to me... Go ahead, tell me what you are doing with your life? Watching anime and eating fast food? Exactly, sit down.

>> No.6043562

>funny you talk to me like that on an imageboard.

you're on the same image board, genius.

>> No.6043579

Expect I'm not being disrespectful and trashtalking anyone down. I just told what I did since some people wanted an update the last time I made the thread. I was never mean to anyone unnecessarily unlike this kid.

>> No.6043589

This whole thread sounds like bait, if I didn't know a guy just like you.
The difference is instead of being an indian getting a PhD with a huge ego, it was a caucasian freemason enrolled in medicine.
You're so smart and yet you get so angry when people point their finger at you and laugh. Get some thicker skin. And eat a steak once in a while.

>> No.6043636
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Nice phd mAhesh. Go back to fucking india where the food carts carry dead people and give you aids.

>> No.6043655
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>talks shit about people because he failed to read the menu and blames them for his own laziness
>tries to destroy a small business because his tiny tiny ego was deflated
Expect to get raped by people who are simply smarter and better prepared for social life than you are

>> No.6043712
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your either a troll or a huge pretentious fuckwit
>i am really smart
go kill yourself pls

>> No.6043759
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You should just let it go and smoke some ganja to relax man.

The Aghori do all kinds of stuff that goes against the Hindu religion, but are the most devoted followers of Sri Shiva.

>> No.6043832

One of my friends worked at a food stand and he said they would purposely put meat in vegetarians food that make orders too complex so they wouldn't come back. It was a major reason he quit because they were so racist about the whole thing too and did it to random indian people just for kicks.

>> No.6043893

>doctorate student
>doing something so childish and petty I wouldn't even expect it from a delinquent teenager
I hope you're a troll but I know how much of an actual autitst my cousin who has phd is, so maybe you are for real.

>> No.6043919

I think you literally just made me racist against Indians. Not figuratively, but literally. I will now avoid them like the plague just to make sure I never interact with someone like you.

>> No.6043930

Most of them aren't like that. Or they do a good job of hiding it from us.

Although I used to be involved with one and the stories she had about Hindus in the old country... Maybe they really are all terrible people. Remember they believe if you're born poor or disabled, you deserve it. They're like neocons.

>> No.6043956

They could just eat meat from a cow that died of natural causes or in an accident or something.

>> No.6043960

>Maybe we could take up a collection to send you back there.

I'd throw in $100

>> No.6043972

So maybe I just need to stay away from Hindus and vegitarians.

>> No.6044140
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You can say that OP is overreacting, but in principle he is right. They fucked up his order, refused to refund it, and made the situation worse by ridiculing him. I wish there was a better legal recourse, but there doesn't seem to be. They probably won't get shut down anyway, because these things are very easy to worm out of. It'll just cause them some headaches. Good, they deserve that much.

For those of you who are saying "WELL JUST DONT PATRONIZE THAT SHOP, ITS A FREE MARKET", well fucking obviously, but nevertheless this food truck violated a contract. They were given money to provide a product, and failed to do so. A free market requires rule of law to enforce contract. Unfortunately, the law is inadequate in this regard, and OP is using the only legal mechanism available to him.

As for the guy who posted above me, the Aghoris are far from "chill", though they do smoke ganja. There are some things Hindus can learn from them and other radical Tantrics, but to take them as the model of a Hindu lifestyle is insane.

>> No.6044246

That's what I assumed they could do when he posted:
>Eating beef isn't even prohibited . Killing cows is though.

Problem is that prohibition on killing cows runs in contradiction to:

>There are no rules in Hinduism. As a letter of fact there is no such thing as Hinduism. Its just people in the last 400 years who've wanted to make Vedic religion analogous to Abrahamic religion by imposing the idea of prohibition where none exists.

Now he is saying there are no prohibitions.

>> No.6045346

I love you OP.

>> No.6045361

the problem

>> No.6045370

I remember the original thread, anyone agreeing with this faggot is just as bad as him, he is literally the type of person who goes into a restaurant, yells on their phone and then plots revenge because he gets asked to leave, a total millennial faggot cancer faggot

>> No.6045378

I don't understand why anyone would ever feel it is a good idea to eat food out of a truck in which it was made. It sounds like some crazy hippy bullshit.

>> No.6045435


Speaking of revenge, where do you live, you deserve to get special treatment, I want revenge.

>> No.6045491


Yeah but what's your time worth? I'd say my time is worth at least minimum wage so spending any more than an hour trying to get restitution is pointless.

Not to mention with how touchy OP is it's doubtful whether he was actually ridiculed at all.

>> No.6045617

>mfw ur getting played by the system
ayy lmao xD

>> No.6045664

>hot ham & cheese outta the biscuit truck

>> No.6045715
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ITT: vegans beeing even bigger assholes then usual

>> No.6045725
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>> No.6045732
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>sandnigger manlet
>no steroids

>> No.6045734

>171 cm

Kek what a fucking manlet all that strength doesn't mean shit.

>> No.6045738


That sounds like a lot like "this is a WHITES ONLY store. If you want your COLORED goods, go to the NIGGERMART down the street!"

>> No.6045742

>4cm under the average male height

>> No.6045752

Meh dude, lets say youre allergic to some shit and ask for it to not be in the dish?
I think its more about beeing the customer and getting what you've asked for, instead of beeing treatened differently

>> No.6045755

A man's height is as important as the length of his dick.

>> No.6045757

6.8cm actually

5'10" is average

>> No.6045760

Women care about height. They don't care about length.

>> No.6045765

Being below average is pretty pathetic. Means half of the world is surperior to you.

>> No.6045790

In Germany its not, i was referring to Germany.

>> No.6045799
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>> No.6045818

Why are Germans tiny? Explain yourself.

>> No.6045839

looking at it again there are various figures raning from 175cm to 179cm for germans

>> No.6045858

pls leave you smelly indian

>> No.6045887

Those are quite different anon. Special snowflake dicks don't deserve being served as normal clients. If they are so special, why don't they just cook their food themselves instead of ruining little bussines like this?

>> No.6045888

Serves them right.

Anyone on here who disagrees is probably 12 years old.

If you fuck up someone's food, fix it. If they did this to one guy whos willing to stand up for whats right, thinmk of all the others who weren't. it will continue until an example is made.

>> No.6045902

He was probably being a smartass about it. Serving food, these little shits are fun to poke. They start to slutter most of the time, making the job easier

>> No.6046116
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>> No.6046406

Is that what your mom told you?

>> No.6046461

That's what studies have shown.

>> No.6046471
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keep telling yourself that buddy

>> No.6046482

I don't have to worry about it either way

>> No.6046607

you may want to try getting a life, you petty little p.o.s.

>> No.6046684
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>> No.6046700

nice leddit

>> No.6047624

Give all of them pork.

>> No.6047879

If it weren't for the "vegetarian" bit I'd be on your side.

As it stands, I think you should go eat a cow.

>> No.6047892

Horry shittu it all makes sense now.

>> No.6047897

I read that in Apu's voice.

>> No.6047905

Please do the needful, motherucker.

>> No.6047967

Sounds like my kind of friend!

>> No.6048148

>not writing a lengthy review on yelp

>> No.6048221

>using yelp

>> No.6048230

lol, I did this to a dirty indian place that tried to charge me extra to eat my meal on plates (no joke, I ordered take out, and said I was going to start it there, being a fucking stand and all... and the owner told me it was an extra dollar per plate)

Wrote a shite review on yelp, and they were oob by the next year.

>> No.6048239

Don't pat yourself on the back too hard. Nobody (normal) uses yelp.

>> No.6048267

Literally everyone normal I know uses yelp.

It's an app on your phone, and when you live in a city of any reasonable size, you use it to find a place to eat near you when you are out.

>> No.6048271

what the fuck m8
if you were going to eat there you shouldn't have gotten take out

>> No.6048273

>literally everyone normal I know uses yelp.
your definition of "normal" isn't

>> No.6048274

I imagine lots of fedoras in your crowd

>> No.6048278
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>orders take out
>tries to eat in

you are literally retarded

>> No.6048283

I see more scathing reviews on google plus.

>> No.6048288

No one normal uses smartphones.

>> No.6048315

Start there, then finish elsewhere. And it's fucking styrofoam plates.

People who don't spend all their freetime shitposting on 4chan, people who don't play vidya very much, who have full time jobs, and eat out regularly.


It was essentially a fast food joint. Imagine going to McDonalds, asking for your food in a bag, but you also want a tray so you can start it there. It happens all the time.

Is that why you all but can't buy a non-smartphone these days?

>> No.6048328

>he thinks people who use cellphones aren't psychotic loonies

>> No.6048359

you guys r putting uneducated people out of work

>> No.6048381

No we are putting illegals and fobs out of work with blog posts on yelp. There is a difference.

>> No.6048396
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>> No.6048399

You really trust OP to give a truthful unbiased account of what happened?
Also need to stop letting Indians and Chinese into the US to get Graduate degrees or at least give them a test to verify their knowledge matches their undergraduate degrees. Dumbasses always think they know more than they do. I work at a university and it is quite a chore dealing with them directly or their aftermath. Diploma mills must be rampant in those countries.

>> No.6048426

Anytime I feel bad about my own occasional social awkwardness all I have to do is remember that people like Dr zoidsperg here exist.

>> No.6048468

>never had good food out of a food truck

I live in Minneapolis, and we just had laws change to allow them to operate more freely and get liscenced more easily, and a ton of young interesting chefs have been setting them up and serving great food

There's one street which is packed with different delicious food trucks every day from 11 to 3, and there's every imaginable culture and dish served in less than 10 minutes for less than 12$. It's wonderful.

>> No.6048483

fuck year I'm putting on the fedora and coming over, brah

>> No.6048510


Are food trucks supposed to be a fedoracore thing now? I thought it was a hipster thing.

Either way, I hate you

>> No.6048529

I hate him, too

>> No.6048996
File: 249 KB, 5166x4956, gnomechild.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is one of the most entertaining threads in a while.

I don't even think anyone in this thread is trolling either which only makes it better

>> No.6049446

Have there been any other threads like this?

I only know of reviewbrah threads but thats not really like this. Pizza threads, and vegetarian threads are just stupid same things each thread.

>> No.6049799

He was totally in he right. The posters here have a third world mentality that forever condemns society to mediocrity, dishonesty and corruption. Fuck 'em.

>> No.6049823

>I instantly dropped a full bottle of jones soda on the floor letting it shatter
whoa a tough guy! you sure know how to solve problems, big fella!

>> No.6049860

>I am advancing the American society with new research and engineering new designs that will be a part of the American military force and commercial technologies.
making new commercial products? wow good job, thank god the american society has you

>> No.6049870

I don't see why people are disagreeing with OP. It's like if someone spit in your food and you wanted a refund, and instead they just said "oh, you don't eat spit?" and told you to fuck off

>> No.6049873

how is it like that at all?

>> No.6049879


Because OP asked for something without spit in it, and received spit

You don't see what the big deal is because you're a spit-eater

>> No.6049885

chicken = food
spit =/= food
getting chicken can be acceptalbe
spit in your food never is
are you autistic?

>> No.6049889


To OP, chicken is not food. To someone else, spit is food. Learn to emphathize, especially if you're going to use a word like "autistic"

>> No.6049891




You say your smart, but clearly youve never dealt with a government department before.

The council hasnt gaurenteed you anything and if... they were to take your story in to account when visiting the truck, what makes you think their not going to reacte the same way /ck/ does. Everyone here is just as bitter and hateful as any public servant.

We deal with your type on a daily basis, stop abusing public resources.

>> No.6049896

Because it's a food truck, which handles non-hindu food combinations. Some impurity with respect to religious rules is to be expected.

If you can't eat something that even came in contact with meat, you shouldn't be eating at a place like that, and if you do you have no grounds to complain if your religious rule was violated by accident. It's not a hygiene issue. It's being a spoiled brat.

And then there's his (your) reaction, op. No one likes you, please choke on some dicks.

>> No.6049909

Whatever your time man.

1 star yelp reviews from me and be done with it.

I left a 2 star review for a place that got my take out order wrong even though the receipt was correct. The owner messaged me and said they'd gladly fix it.

They had their chance and it was an hours drive away.

>> No.6049913


By the sound of it, it's not that meat happened to come into contact with his food, but that he was actually served meat. Then he said "hey, I didn't ask for that" and they acted like dicks. Then OP got them shut down for also not following basic hygiene rules. There's no way you can slice it where OP isn't correct, even if you want to argue that he went out of his way to get them in trouble

>> No.6049930

Telling you to take out the meat isn't "acting like dicks"

Were they supposed to throw it out and revert soonest with a pure veg meal? Not how food trucks work, Pradesh.

>> No.6049950


>Telling you to take out the meat isn't "acting like dicks"

"just take out the spit"

>Were they supposed to throw it out and revert soonest with a pure veg meal?

Or atleast a refund like OP asked for, yes. That's what a business does. You don't take someone's money, give them something they didn't order, and then refuse to make it right

>> No.6049963


It's fucking food you Hindu piece of human garbage, go the fuck back to the ganges and drink some cadavers.

As for your belief that a food truck is bound to the same customer service standards as a three star restaurant... ifi hadn't seen your nonsense already I'd assume you were joking

>> No.6049970


Not OP and not Hindu, I'm just not a retard unable to see things from someone else's perspective. Go ahead and be mad about it

>> No.6049974

that's why I said chicken CAN BE acceptable. There is no restaurant (other than maybe noma) where spit would be a menu item. this has nothing to do with empathy and you're a fag

>> No.6049980

>unable to see things from someone else's perspective.

Seeing things from a perspective makes them right? Brb raping and murdering, I can see how from a certain perspective they're both justified.

>> No.6049981

>I'm just not a retard unable to see things from someone else's perspective
>compares getting meat in a dish you wanted to be vegetarian to getting spit in your order
>I'm not a retard

>> No.6049983
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its not even about the food or the money
op cant get over being publicly humiliated
thats why he goes to such length to 'win' and save face
that is also the reason why its not funny nor entertaining
its just sad

>> No.6049988


I remember an episode of Gordon Ramsay's Great Escape where he traveled to China and and made a soup out of a nest made of bird spit. "Food" is subjective. When you stop being 12 years old, you'll understand OP's side better

>> No.6049989

Sounds like a shitty, dirty food truck so you're probably doing a service by getting it closed.

Surprised at the white knighting ITT.

>> No.6049990

Moral relativism. Look, and learn, kids.

>> No.6049997


Seeing things from another perspective just allows you to make a fair decision, rather than what most people in this thread are doing where they just look at it like what they would do if they got chicken in one of their dishes, when they normally eat chicken anyway. This is why I bring up spit, because it's an easier way for people with no empathy skills to see someone else's point of view. Some people will eat spit, but if you're not a spit eater and you receive spit in a dish you asked them not to spit in, you're probably going to ask for a refund. The fact that they didn't even apologize and had an operation so filthy that a health inspector could shut them down just paints a picture of the whole situation

>> No.6050117

youre a fag AND retarded

>> No.6050119


You're sure making your side look intelligent

>> No.6050127

>what'll it be, sir?
>i'll get a BLT, hold the mayo
>gets mayo
>excuse me but there's mayo in this samwich
>just take it out

If OP ordered a pre-packaged container of food and complained about it's contents then he's a royal cunt, but if he asked for something to be omitted from an item that they make on demand then I think he has every right to ask for a refund if his request was ignored.

Though, I'm sure there's much more to this story that OP isn't telling us.

>> No.6050129

>refused to refund my food

Did you pay with a credit card? You can charge back if you did.

Seriously, good luck with this.

>> No.6050132


You *can* post your photos to a yelp review or whatever food truck review site operates in your area.

>> No.6050174

>wasting your time
>being this fucking autistic
I would just toss some fresh feces into their window and be done with it.
That's revenge enough.

>> No.6050580

> allows you to make a fair decision

What decision? There's no action to take here for anyone, it's just opinions and judgments. You're just being a shitty moral relativist.

But fine, let's go with the spit analogy. For some unknown reason, although there are universities in spit-haters land, op has decided to live among spit-eaters and go to restaurants that spit on their food routinely. Not only do they spit on their food but also their utensils, their cooking equipment, their storage containers, etc.

But op doesn't just go to a spit-eater establishment. He goes to a spit-eater food truck which means the spit-mixing rules are perhaps more relaxed. Remember, spit-eating isn't considered a problem in spit-eating society, so the fact of spit getting everywhere is just shrugged off by spit eaters, who consider added spit to be a bonus. Yes, apparently he goes to this kind of a place, knowing full well that he had alternatives (remember, he had said he was a regular customer). Apparently, he's not too freaked out about spit.

Does this spit eaters/no spit eaters analogy really make sense anymore? No, because it's fucking retarded, now fuck off op because there is no way for you to spin this and have it seem reasonable.

>> No.6050655

>not knowing Kerpal

fucking newfriends

>> No.6050671

this thread is trash

>> No.6050746

ITT: OP has a PHD in butthurt

>> No.6050757

top kek op

/ck/ wouldnt like this cuz its a big hug box like /co/

if this was /fit/..

>> No.6050886

I just looked at the original thread. He ordered eggplant and tofu. Like how the fuck does he not deserve a refund or a remake of the item? It wasn't him not reading the menu it was them not giving him the right order and not only refusing to make it right but also ridiculing him.
Trying to get it shut down is making you look a bit silly though.

>> No.6050894


>> No.6050911

No shit.
If he was ordering veg for religious reasons everyone would be bending over backwards for him.

>> No.6050945

>Like how the fuck does he not deserve a refund or a remake of the item?

Because it's pretty clear that it's not real. It's a fictional story fabricated to get replies.

>> No.6051030

I don't care if it is bait, this thread was hilarious.

>> No.6051089


>I don't care if it is bait, this thread is hilarious.

>> No.6051096

>I don't care if it is bait, this thread is hilarious.