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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 7 KB, 198x255, dfh90.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6040891 No.6040891 [Reply] [Original]

You have until 2015 to name a better, more balanced IPA

>Protip: You can't

>> No.6040896

sorry, I'm heterosexual

>> No.6040906
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>> No.6040912
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Why do you drink the better ones, they make you feel like an adult right?

>> No.6040913
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>I only drink BALANCED shit

>> No.6040917

nah, m8. they just taste good.

they taste like anti-hipster squad tears.

>> No.6040942
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>> No.6040952

two hearted

>> No.6040973 [DELETED] 

>not posting at least the 90 minute
>not drinking oscar blues
step aside, this is far superior style and beer

>> No.6040983
File: 2.48 MB, 1983x2124, Deviant-Dales.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not posting at least the 90 minute
>not drinking oskar blues
step aside, this is a far superior style and beer

>> No.6040998

That is 90 minute in the OP.

>> No.6041004

have you ever actually had the 90 minute?

>> No.6041021

I'm drinking one of these right now and had an interesting experience.

I took a sip from the glass, then went to my vaporizer and pulled on some nice medical herbs and the fruity taste of the hops along with the taste of the bud mixed really well and it was pretty fucking delicious.

>> No.6041418

Surly Furious

>> No.6041902
File: 57 KB, 400x400, arcticsaison.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You do know that there are other (and better) beer styles than IPA right? Pic fucking related

>> No.6041914

Underrated post.

>> No.6041918

Why do you autists focus on a specific kind of beer/ale

>> No.6042120
File: 35 KB, 600x440, Founders-Harvest-Ale-label.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I drink a little of everything, but my brother in-laws lover their IPA's. I brought this one to Thanksgiving & they were impressed. Best IPA I had this year.

>> No.6042170

The way this one smelled was out of this fucking world.

I'd give the taste a 7.8/10, but the way that beer smells is the best smelling beer I've ever experience, definitley 10/10 smell

>> No.6042196
File: 22 KB, 267x400, bells+two+hearted+ale-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The gold standard

>> No.6042414
File: 57 KB, 479x479, dreadnaught.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>being so entry-level about beer that you enjoy balanced beers


Here's a real mans DIPA.

>> No.6042447
File: 1.58 MB, 1944x2592, IMG_20141127_115752.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Game over I win

>> No.6042454


Great beer but easily one of the most overrated.

>> No.6042486

In the American ipa game there isn't too many better. Dogfish is too sweet IMO
2hearted,dales. And green flash are real good tho. My preference is for yeasty beers saison, hefes,Belgium really depends on the mood most ipa are just grossly over hopped

>> No.6042493
File: 1.60 MB, 3072x1728, Real beer for a real man (or replicant).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck IPA. Pussy ass "drink as soon as possible :^)" bullshit.

>> No.6042495
File: 936 KB, 1944x2592, IMG1546.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6042497


Yup. This is an unbelievable beer.

>> No.6042515

all IPA tastes like soapy balls

prove me wrong

>> No.6042552

Dales Pale Ale is pretty good shit.

I got a free sample last time I was at Whole Foods

>> No.6042572

Poured one is 2 hearted the heady, palate wrecker was next round

>> No.6042586

Two Hearted

>> No.6042588


>> No.6042715
File: 54 KB, 500x500, lg_2570.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Watch out, actual IPA coming through.

You yanks can keep your obnoxiously perfumed swill.

>> No.6042733

>using antiquated terminology

>> No.6042788


let me know when you move on to real beer

>> No.6042800
File: 259 KB, 800x600, brewdog-hardcore-ipa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not real beer
yeah, right.

>> No.6042814
File: 129 KB, 1000x667, BrewDog Jack Hammer IPA -03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kill yourself

>> No.6042817



>> No.6042819

yeah, only Bud Light, Heineken, and Corona are real beer
IPA's, stouts, sours and other things that taste good do not count

>> No.6042823

>not knowing how to quote

>> No.6042828


where was that stated

>> No.6042833


>> No.6042834
File: 521 KB, 1200x1600, 2014-03-16 23.43.03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One day, you'll be old enough to taste beer, anon

>> No.6042835

I just drank a black ipa so bitter I couldnt even tastes my pretzel bunch rabbit meat hotdog, it was fuckin bitchin. I might get another but I have to ride my unicycle back to my studio loft, so I dunno....

>> No.6042838


>implying there were any implications outside of ipa's being shit

>> No.6042843

Their beer is pretty good, though Punk is just average. Would like to try jackhamer.

I just hate their brand aesthetic.

>> No.6042855

if you are complaining about good beer, you obviously don't like beer, so its strongly implied you drink Bud/Heineken rather than good beer of any style

>> No.6042858

Their TV show is kinda good

>> No.6042868
File: 101 KB, 640x640, New Glarus Black Top.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

GOAT $7.20 six pack black IPA here

>> No.6042876


i'm not complaining about good beer

i'm talking about ipa's and how they are a shit style of beer

>> No.6042881

Jack Hammer is amazing.

>> No.6042882

Moon Man is solid too. I have a twelve pack sampler from them in my garage right now.
I've tried all the ones in the sampler, I just like everything New Glarus puts out so I want it all.

>> No.6042883

sounds a lot like you are complaining about one of the many great styles of beer

>> No.6042887


yeah, thats what i just stated

>> No.6042888

>ipa's are a shit style of beer
No, you just don't care for them personally.
Unless you mean worst coast IPAs. Yeah those all suck. Stone IPA is alright sometimes.

>> No.6042980

Hardcore, Tokyo and Paradox are god tier beer.
Jack Hammer and Five Am are top tier.
Punk is my beer for every occasion, not excellent but still hoopy enough and good enough to go with every occasion.

>> No.6043021

>expecting that of brewdog haters

>> No.6043041

I'll be happy when this stupid trend of putting everything in a bourbon/whisky barrel

If I wanted whisky, I'd have bought fucking whisky, not beer

>> No.6043049

I loved that. But it didn't taste like an imp stout. Or even a beer. It tasted like alcoholic Zen in a glass. That was more than enough.

>> No.6043073


>> No.6043086

but why? It tastes good and its only a small fraction of beers available. Even if you don't like bourbon its such a small portion of beers that it shouldn't bother you

>> No.6043152
File: 1.15 MB, 2448x2448, image-e1383672290596.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Something wrong?

>> No.6043166

Maybe if you didn't post a thumbnail i could read what beer it is and try it.

>> No.6043223

beer tastes like shit

prove me wrong

>> No.6043231

stop drinking Bud light

>> No.6043242

Why do IPA's taste like I'm drinking carbonated pine needle juice?

>> No.6043245


I've never tried bud light.

>> No.6043254

What have you tried?
You must hate gin

>> No.6043268

not him, but I dislike most IPAs (two hearted isn't bad), but I'm fin with gin.

>> No.6043278

Good guess, I do hate gin.

I'm more a fan of german-style beers with less hop flavor, myself.

>> No.6043316


>What have you tried?

IPAs, saisons, belgian ales, a porter, smoked beer and a flanders red.

The only two I somewhat enjoyed was the schlenkerla and the rodenbach.

>> No.6043347


>beer tastes like shit


People don't like beer, they just get used to the taste.

>> No.6043364

Get into easy pilseners or lagers first, move on to blondes and saisons, then sours, then darks

>> No.6043383
File: 901 KB, 960x720, AU9dh7y.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why the fuck is everyone so obsessed with IPA's? i'm a bartender, i've drank many different styles of beer, and i've never tasted an IPA and went "hey this is great, i think i'll have another one when i'm done"

am i not getting something? i'm a huge fan of belgian ales if i'm spending the money

>> No.6043392

You're not. I'll have an IPA once a month maybe. Other than that, there are much better options in the beer world. Sometimes they can taste good though.

>> No.6043393

are you a 16 year old girl?

>> No.6043396

the fact that lots of people find them gross and unpalatable makes them cool

>> No.6043402
File: 155 KB, 400x505, 1310485591942.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> why the fuck is everyone so obsessed with IPA's?

They're accessible from the perspective of someone who wants to seem like a connoisseur. High IBU is something even the noobiest of the noob can pick out so if you want to get together with frends and twirl your neckbeards and say "hey I'm talking the talk", you can say "oh hey this IPA is really high IBU, and high ABV too! high scores all around!"

It's the same with oak in many drinks, smoke in scotch, and fruit/tannins in wine. It attracts loudmouths who want to pick up a few factoids and scream about them.

Some of those same people eventually grow up and realize that sometimes balance is good, and then they start investigating the drinking traditions of Europe. But some end up as 35 year old manchildren who still can't shut up about muh smoke/muh IBU/muh buttery fruit bomb

>> No.6043411

Thread was over a long time ago folks


>> No.6043412

you must be from southern california

>> No.6043419



>> No.6043427

If your place is so backwards that IPAs are neckbeardy, you clearly are not from a northern region

>> No.6043433

This. Unfortunately stouts and porters are neckbeard shit now. Soon to be sours and saisons. I can't order a decent beer without thinking about fedoras anymore.

>> No.6043438


I was born in the upper midwest but I've lived all over the country, in most places that matter except the deep south and the pacific northwest.

IPAs aren't neckbeardy in and of themselves, but their inordinate popularity is definitely due to neckbeards.

>> No.6043439

this is truly the best imo, followed by Dale's Pale.

or are we only doing IPAs and not highly-hopped pale ales?

Sierra Nevada is amazing. don't even say it ain't so.
this comment speaks the truth.

>> No.6043440

>but their inordinate popularity is definitely due to neckbeards.
no, its due to average 20 something college educated white guys. The same people who have made good beer in general popular

>> No.6043446

>average 20 something college educated white guys

Yes. Neckbeards.

Also I dunno what kind of doogie howsers you hang out with but at the ripe old age of 20 you are not so much "college educated" as "attending college"

You're 20, aren't you.

>> No.6043447

That could be said about a lot of things though. Coffee is a great example. And remember hating vegetables as a kid? You could say that's an acquired taste as well.

Another example is that almost all Americans like root beer but Europeans overwhelmingly hate it or think it tastes like toothpaste. It's just something you get used to.

>> No.6043449

i said 20 something, not 20

also you have a strange concept of what a neckbeard is

>> No.6043452

Not OP but keyword "20-something"

>> No.6043453

Do europeans get root beer flavored toothpaste?

>> No.6043454

it must be that their toothpaste tastes different than ours

>> No.6043456
File: 171 KB, 1600x900, 010914-UFC-Fedor-Emelianenko-PI-JN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all 20 something white dudes are neckbeards

>> No.6043459


Sorry, I misread your post.

The only 20 year olds I knew in college who opined lavishly about IPAs and scotch were hard core neckbeards.

In any case, being a "beer guy" is still kind of a neckbeard thing where I live. 20somethings really are more into wine in cities. The whole getting together and sipping the 2013 Seasonal Hop Dog Mouth Destroyer Vertical Epic isn't really done unless it's accompanied by some Magic the Gathering or whatever.

>> No.6043464

>20somethings really are more into wine in cities
No way are 20 something men more into wine than craft beer in any northern city

>> No.6043468

>he whole getting together and sipping the 2013 Seasonal Hop Dog Mouth Destroyer Vertical Epic isn't really done unless it's accompanied by some Magic the Gathering or whatever.
um, ok, but thats not really something that beer people do

>> No.6043470


Sure they are. Also stop calling it "craft beer", it's very neckbeard to say that.

>> No.6043476

What backwards ass city are you from?

>> No.6043477


I'm not really "from" one place, but I live in NYC as of 15 years ago.

>> No.6043482

>Also stop calling it "craft beer"
what do you want me to call it?
also, your claim is crazy, there is no major city where 20 something men are more into wine than beer

You must be confusing 20 something men with middle aged and elderly women

>> No.6043489


How about just "beer"? Less typing, and it doesn't cast suspicion on what kinds of things you take for granted.

I'm not confusing anything.

>> No.6043495


this. very hard.

>implying this thread isnt entirely faggot 20 somethings

>> No.6043496

>I'm not really "from" one place, but I live in NYC as of 15 years ago
Oh I get it, you're an out of touch faggot.

>> No.6043498

>implying 4chan is entirely faggot 20 somethings

>> No.6043500

>How about just "beer"
thats obviously too ambiguous as it would include all the southerners drinking Bud Light, so it doesn't serve our purpose

and what are you even talking about?

>> No.6043501


>> No.6043506

like everyone on 4chan is a white male 20 something or teenager

>> No.6043509


Who cares about Southerners drinking Bud Light? Were you at risk of getting mistaken for one?

>> No.6043513

I genuinely do not understand why you are upset with my terminology, saying simply beer is obviously too ambiguous when the majority of the beer drank in the world is not craft beer

>> No.6043515


Considering how much of the country I've seen, and how this city is the epicenter of new food trends, I'm probably more in touch with what's going on in America than you. How far from your place of birth are you living now? 5 miles? 20?

>> No.6043525


The majority of cheese eaten in the world probably resembles Kraft Singles more than it resembles cabrales or 24 month aged parmigiano-reggiano, but somehow we manage to get by with just "cheese", yes? Or do you call it "specialty cheese" just so no one thinks you're too much of a pleb?

>> No.6043527

This is a really, really bad thread. Sorry OP, you just wanted to talk about beer but this is a shitposting thread now.

>> No.6043528

>and how this city is the epicenter of new food trends
New York is not on the cutting edge of alcohol consumption, it is well behind the West Coast, Upper Midwest and New England

>> No.6043533


Are we talking about sheer per capita ethanol intake, or trends?

I'm sure the siberians could put you to shame if it's just about how much you can "handle"

>> No.6043537

>Are we talking about sheer per capita ethanol intake, or trends
well both actually, but I was specifically referring to trends (new yorkers are constantly complaining about Hipsters drinking PBR still like its 2007)

but still your claim that 20 something guys drink when over beer in New York is crazy

>> No.6043544

>new yorkers are constantly complaining about hipsters drinking PBR still like its 2007

I haven't heard anyone say anything like that in years. Where are you getting your information? 4chan?

>> No.6043555

You people say that on this very board regularly. Never hear people from the midwest and west saying that because they have more advanced drinking cultures

>> No.6043558

>Where are you getting your information? 4chan?
4chan is my primary source of hearing random people from other regions whine about thing

>> No.6043565

>they have more advanced drinking cultures

Right, try ordering something as basic as a sidecar at a midwestern bar and see how people react.

>> No.6043572

A midwestern city bar? Easy. They'll also have a ton of local brews and probably a decent selection of gin and whiskey.

>> No.6043575

>try ordering something as basic as a sidecar at a midwestern bar and see how people react.
Not sure why you think this would generate an interesting reaction. But ordering something like that is surely more neckbeardy than getting an IPA

>> No.6043578

> ton of local brews and probably a decent selection of gin and whiskey.

Right. People there are sophisticated with regard to what they know, but hostile to what they don't. It's unlikely you'd find a good sake bar anywhere in the midwest outside of maybe Chicago. And god forbid you want to drink something along the lines of makegeoli or arak.

And don't pretend I wouldn't be derided as a homosexual for ordering that sidecar.

>> No.6043580

All IPAs taste exactly the fucking same.

>> No.6043584

>all cheese tastes exactly the fucking same

>> No.6043585

>It's unlikely you'd find a good sake bar anywhere in the midwest
What does that have to do with the topic at hand at all?

We were talking about trends and culture, not doing obscure neckbeardy things

>> No.6043588


You made an assertion about the supposed "advanced drinking culture" of the midwest. I explained how you were wrong.

>> No.6043594

having weird shit doesn't make you advanced. They are advanced because they are ahead of you, that is literally what advanced means, it doesn't mean diverse

How do you suppose having more sake bars makes you advanced? Do you seriously think thats a coming boom market?

>> No.6043597

I'll drink an IPA when I'm at a restaurant or something, but I've never really went crazy for an IPA.
The spice is pleasant, but I just prefer other common styles.
Like, a pale ale is probably the closest thing to an IPA that I've thoroughly enjoyed.

>> No.6043603

If New York guys drink wine over good beer, your culture is stuck in the 80s/90s

>> No.6043607

>weird shit
>obscure neckbeardy things

This is what I mean by "hostile to what you don't know".

This isn't a sign of an advanced drinking culture. It's a sign of hostility to new things.

>Do you seriously think thats a coming boom market?

Not necessarily, but the fact that there's room for good sake bars, and beer bars (often with a specific national focus), and wine bars, and cocktail bars, and all sorts of other bars is, to me, a sign of an advanced drinking culture. Not "the bar downtown has scotch from every region and several boutique local gins as well".

>> No.6043611

When I think of thinking of wine the way I do of beer.

>> No.6043618

I personally think there are just a shitload of breweries nowadays that manage to make a lot of interesting beer.

>> No.6043625


It wasn't particularly fashionable when I moved here. Of course there were classic old world restaurants that served wine, but the "wine bar in every neighborhood" thing is the last decade or so.

>> No.6043628

If I want decent sake, I'll go to a sushi place. If you seriously think that a sake bar could survive in any city in the US, you're retarded.
>inb4 link to some one year old bar that the owner hasn't made a penny on yet.
Yeah no that doesn't count.

>> No.6043631


I would agree. I'm not an enemy of beer. I've had more beer in the last couple of weeks than wine, actually. Variety is good.

>> No.6043632

I don't think having a bunch of gimmicky theme places is better than just having normal bars with good stuff

>> No.6043638

>If you seriously think that a sake bar could survive in any city in the US, you're retarded.

What ever made you think I would suggest that?

>> No.6043649

I think it's a bit frustrating for people to hear about so many factors people put into something that seems so simple to most.

Like, I bet there are orange juice "snobs" out there.
I don't look down on people for drinking bud, but I do think they're missing out.

>> No.6043650


They're not really "gimmicky theme places". The places that serve a lot of sake have a lot of Japanese customers. The places that serve a lot of makgeoli have a lot of Korean customers. But there are non-Japanese at those Japanese places, and non-Koreans at those Korean places.

Remember that there are a lot of foreigners here and that influences the availability of different foods and drinks.

>> No.6043653

These posts
It's okay to admit that you're wrong btw.

>> No.6043667

>and that influences the availability of different foods and drinks.
Remember that no one ever suggested that you guys didn't have variety. This concept you are bringing up is entirely unrelated to the broader trends in the market, such as craft beer's crazy growth and constant stealing of market from shit beer (especially amongst men under 40) and wine (especially in restaurants) due to its higher quality and still decent price

New York still doesn't have that many good breweries

>> No.6043669


I think you are reading something else into my posts than what I am saying.

When I suggested that Americans would drink more wine in the future, I did not mean to say

a. Americans will ABANDON BEER ZOMG
b. Middle America will become like NYC

All I am saying is that Americans are more open to wine than some may care to admit. America is still a predominantly European culture, and the food is predominantly derived from European traditions. A lot of wine is consumed in Europe. It's a good fit.

But no one is going to take away your beer.

Now my dinner is ready so I'm going to leave for a bit.

>> No.6043684

>When I suggested that Americans would drink more wine in the future
Seems doubtful, wine peaked over 20 years ago when you couldn't buy good beer easily. Of course wine isn't going away or anything, but its anything but trendy

>> No.6043690

We were talking about sake, not wine in general. You're not really making any sense in your posts and are going very off topic. I think you're drunk on your Psy soju

>> No.6043691
File: 65 KB, 480x383, ancestry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>America is still a predominantly European culture,
America was primarily settled by beer drinking northern europeans. Not southern europeans

>> No.6043698

Shouldn't have checked back, now I'm letting my food get cold you assholes. Last post


It's more about people getting over "craft beer" (when people can call it "beer" then we'll be ready). Right now they're still going apeshit over the idea that beer isn't just miller lite.


We were actually talking about both sake and makgeoli. I brought them up as an example of things that wouldn't fly in the midwest because of hostility to unknown things. But wine isn't an unknown thing.


The Germans make some of the best wine in the world. They also make very good beer. Does my point make any more sense now?

>> No.6043701

you posts and argument have really drifted a lot

This started with it being pointed out that New York is far from the cutting edge in drinking culture, now I don't even know what you are trying to argue, sounds like you are defending against points no one ever tried to make

>> No.6043708

>It's more about people getting over "craft beer" (when people can call it "beer" then we'll be ready). Right now they're still going apeshit over the idea that beer isn't just miller lite.
How does the fact that craft beer is booming possible help your point?

>> No.6043714

Germans drink way the fuck more beer than wine

No one is saying no one drinks wine, but to think its somehow trendy over beer amongst 20 somethings in either america or germany seems silly and not based on reality

>> No.6043721

>I brought them up as an example of things that wouldn't fly in the midwest because of hostility to unknown things
Probably has more to do with the fact that there are few asian immigrants there (besides Hmong, there are a lot of Hmong). It has nothing to do with some imagined cultural hostility, and even if it did, that is entirely beside the original point that New York is still years behind the rest of the north and west in drinking culture

>> No.6043738
File: 46 KB, 205x417, beer_117752.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6043742

Don't talk out of your ass, kid

>> No.6043813

is that best to drink warm?

>> No.6043885
File: 86 KB, 618x696, baned.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>300 calories a pop

sorry, even with the 9% abv i can't make that work. I'd rather drink four whiskies for fewer calories and twice the alcohol

>> No.6043896

To each his own, but I don't drink them to get drunk.

The buzz is a nice side effect.

>> No.6043910

These aren't a "lets get fucked up" drink. Most decent beer isn't since it's so filling.

>> No.6043921
File: 209 KB, 450x550, lagunitas-little-sumpin-ale.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

90 minute is my favorite readily available IPA

I've recently enjoyed pic related as well

>> No.6043941

Do this many people actually drink this garbage?
You guys don't actually like this crap, do you?

>> No.6043945

lagunitas a shit

>> No.6043950

wow reported

their brown shugga is tasty too

>> No.6043958

IPA fanboys are retarded

>> No.6043959

Try the lil sumpin extra. So fucking good

>> No.6043966

liking only IPA is dumb, but liking it along with a bunch of other kinds of beer is pretty normal, much more so than being some anti-IPA crusader

>> No.6043977

will do if I can find it; haven't seen it at any nearby store though

>> No.6043990

I've had it. Not impressed. Every beer of theirs that's reached my part of Ohio I've disliked (IPA, Little Sumpin, Sumpin Extra). That being said, Sumpin Extra is my favorite of those.

>> No.6044168

bud light just tastes like seltzer water, if you think water tastes bad you're probably a fatback soda drinker.

As far as ipas are concerned i'm burned out from drinking loads of $1.50 pint cans of sierra nevada torpedo from the liquor store down the street. I get bad hangovers from sierra nevada for some reason.

>> No.6044184

seltzer water is disgusting

Not liking that has nothing to do with not liking water in general

>> No.6044221

carbonated water is okay if it's ice cold, it's not the worst thing in the world though, to call it disgusting is childish.

I was just saying bud light is pretty much near-beer and flavorless, jocks like it because they can drink 15 bud lights and pretend their not lightweights.

>> No.6044226

>to call it disgusting is childish.
I don't like carbonation unless it tastes nice, carbonation itself gives a metallic flavor to the water, it's disgusting.

>> No.6044227

There's good seltzer water out there. Don't buy generic crap.

>> No.6044229

>$1.50 pint sierra nevada

>> No.6044238

you need sugar to make carbonated water not be bad

>> No.6044241

>There's good seltzer water out there
Seltzer water is inherently bad unless things that taste good are added

>> No.6044244

>inherently bad
Nope. There are different mineral contents between water sources and brands.

>> No.6044247

socal, they're $2.00 at the gas station, liquor store is cheaper.

>> No.6044252

Carbonated water, seltzer and mineral water are all different, idiot.

>> No.6044253

>There are different mineral contents between water sources and brands.
true, but none of them enough to make carbonic acid taste good

>> No.6044254

only pints I can buy around here are the cheap PBR/miller/etc and then the craft pints that are like $4 a pop

>> No.6044276

>oh shit, he called me an idiot

I'm aware there are distinctions, but most people aren't so I don't care. It's not like seltzer water doesn't contain carbonic acid, the thing >>6044253 is complaining about.

>> No.6044286

I've never seen pint cans of pbr/miller, just 24oz...$4?in my area they sell 4 packs of pale ale for $8.00 which is expensive because it's usually on sale,

>> No.6044287

>Carbonated water, seltzer are all different, idiot.

no they aren't

>> No.6044321
File: 327 KB, 1024x680, step it up.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>balanced IPA

I don't think you are using that word propperly. 90 minute is in no way balanced.

It's like you're not even trying op

>> No.6044333

compared to California IPAs its pretty balanced, but compared to something like two hearted its not

>> No.6044335

>90 Minute™ = 90 minutes more of straight dry-hopping!!!!!111

every dogfish head ipa is remarkably inoffensive on every level, dawg, i dislike the lot but if you don't think they're balanced then ur a tru pleb

>> No.6044337

for some reason I can only enjoy two hearted on tap; the bottles seem off to me

>> No.6044342
File: 49 KB, 800x600, ale-asylum-bedlam.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any other great Belgian yeast IPAs like this one?

>> No.6044500

Why are you around this kind of people?
I can drink and enjoy whatever kind of beer i want and not be reminded of faggots because i am never around them

>> No.6044554
File: 118 KB, 1600x1200, lagunitas_maximus_ipa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I saw this last time i went out shopping but it was too fucking expensive.
I like Lagunitas Maximus, nice DIPA for the price.

>> No.6044911

>you posts and argument have really drifted a lot

Probably because you jumped in the middle without reading all the way back and thought the whole time it was about a peripheral comment that you took perhaps a little too personally.

Also morning bump.

>> No.6045081

only had it chilled, at their brewery (not barrel house) they sell it chilled.

>> No.6045085

Nice thumbnail for ants.

>> No.6045087

>letting neckbeards decide what you drink
I like darker beers (brown and down) more.
Generally have more flavor in my opinon?

>> No.6045128

you are doing gods work anon

>> No.6045390
File: 47 KB, 500x500, black__40433_zoom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have this

should I drink it?

>> No.6045395

I had one last night, picked up more coffee flavor then chocolate.
I don't like coffee, but it was a pretty good drink.

>> No.6045400

What is fostas o Sapporo not good enough for ya?

>> No.6045412

>tfw I can only find the large cans of Sapporo
>tfw I can't find the bottles
It isn't amazing, but still.

>> No.6045449

I'm underwhelmed

No chocolate. Lots of coffee and smoke but no chocolate.
It is last winter's batch though, maybe the age has stripped all of the chocolate out?

>> No.6045453

That's probably exactly it. I had a fresh one this year and it was chocolatey as fuck, but not overwhelming like that Lugene chocolate stout.

>> No.6045464

Agreed, although saisons have really been growing on me lately. Hefeweizens are one of my favorite styles as well.

>> No.6045737

Not him, but mine was 14-15 iirc, but I barely tasted chocolate AT all, was it supposed to be dark chocolate or milk or what?

>> No.6045747

no thanks, my tastebuds work

>> No.6045749

I tasted a good amount of dark chocolate. It's a russian imperial though so there was some coffee and whatnot going on as well. Do you usually drink stouts or what?

>> No.6045774

I've been drinking mostly stouts and brown ales lately.

>> No.6045800

I feel like you've posted this argument in several threads in the past month. Like, I've read this exact same argument before and it's too stupid and misinformed for multiple people to come up with on their own.

>> No.6045970

I don't think you are either, as there's no encompassing definition of what "balance" entails in a beer. 90-Minute has a great malt profile. Most people who actually know their shit about beer who I've talked to actually have said the malt overtakes the hops a bit, which is uncharacteristic of the style. It's a complex beer, but it definitely isn't a hop bomb

>> No.6046093

I had this discussion once last month. Are you the guy who thinks everything he doesn't like was spammed 9000 times? Spend less time on 4chan.

>> No.6046097

>beer should be overwhelming

Sounds like you're the kind of person this thread is complaining about

>> No.6046126
File: 505 KB, 1200x1600, 10-BrewDogPunkIPA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thoughts on this?

>> No.6046133

it should be whelming dude

>> No.6046149

Okay beer. Shitty label.

>> No.6046187

I've been outside one of Brewdog's pubs but I just don't look cool enough to drink there on my own. They would know instantly that I've always had generic mp3 players instead of an ipod. The pizza they served there looked nice though.

>> No.6046193

tell that to /mu/

>> No.6046216


I agree with that assessment. The taste was a bit of a let down after the smell in my opinion. Troegs Hop Knife is my personal favorite wet hopped IPA.

>> No.6046227

No, as in I've read this exact same argument with almost identical wording multiple times in the past month on /ck/. Also, I only come on /ck/ or 4chan in general about once a week, mostly for beer or drink threads.

>> No.6046241

Right now having a lost abbey merry Taj it too is better then dogfish IMO

>> No.6046257

brew dog is a bit expensive.

>> No.6046438

>identical wording

You said that about a post I made yesterday and a shitty image edit I had made that you swore you had seen before. You even said "exact same wording"

Is this some weird form of trolling? To get a reaction?

>> No.6046599

That wasn't me, calm, down retard.

>> No.6046922

Founders makes such a good fucking porter.

Probably my favorite session beer ever.

>> No.6046926
File: 50 KB, 300x547, 456517_0_1_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6046927
File: 175 KB, 661x516, heisenberg.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>session beer

>> No.6046942

You are a supreme faggot, dude.

Consider suicide.

>> No.6046946

Don't get so upset. Consider this a helpful life tip.

You can't make drinking six beers in a row sound OK to someone who wasn't already OK with it. Just call it what it is. Binge drinking. It's fine. You're among friends here.

>> No.6047054

I just got back to the moist state of Washington. Which beers should I drink?

>> No.6047057

Whatever faggot when I say I wanna smoke weed I say I wanna burn not "I wanna take some drugs"

>> No.6047082
File: 125 KB, 626x300, Binge Drinking.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Binge drinking has a ridiculously inclusive definition according to the government, so thats not really a meaningful term

No surprise all the best places binge drink more frequently than the shitty places

>> No.6047088

That's because you're a useless burnout stoner.

I enjoy marijuana a few times a year and I say "I'm going to smoke a joint". Because that's what it is. Smoking. Not "I'm gonna burn" what the fuck is that? Are you a Falun Gong member in Tiananmen Square? Why would you want to burn?

I'll bet you say shit like "dank" to mean good, broadcasting your useless burnout stoner status for all to see.

>> No.6047092


That's because binge drinking is awesome. I don't know why you feel that you have to legitimize the stigmatization of binge drinking by using stupid sounding euphemisms like "sessioning".

>> No.6047104
File: 17 KB, 120x472, Ale Asylum Demento.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im not that guy

just supporting the fact that "binge drinking" is what all civilized people do

I generally perceive 'session beer' as a mildly negative thing myself but this one is pretty good

I wouldn't consider Founders Porter as a session beer though, its 6.5%% ABV, i would think the cut off for session beer is about 5%

>> No.6047177
File: 1.45 MB, 2592x1936, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everytime I come to a beer thread here I really do have a good laugh. Most of you IPA haters are hilarious. You guys will never be taken seriously, ever.

I've been a beer buyer for about 3 diffrent craft beer shops in LA for the past 4 years. And it's sad to see what you guys consider "good" on here. I have to realize though that the awesome selection of California is not available everywhere though.

Noble ale works has a series of double ipa's that focus on a single hop variety. This one is made from the New Zealand Nelson hop. And it's honestly one of the better IPAs out there. If you can get your hands on one I deff reccomend it.

>> No.6047186

>he awesome selection of California is not available everywhere though.
California is kind of good (not in LA where most of the people live but SD and SF are good) but nothing special, the northwest, Colorado and upper Midwest have it easily beat, its about on par with New England

>> No.6047238

>thinks he has taste
Thanks, I needed the laugh.

>> No.6047241
File: 39 KB, 450x303, Evil-Twin-Molotov-Cocktail.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the most justified reason to not like ipas is that, within their specific styles, they all taste the same -- excepting an extremely select few

one english-style tastes like another english-style tastes like another, and the same with worst coast

it's very hard to find a unique ipa that isn't a flavored abortion (horny goat black vanilla ipa comes to mind) but there are some that shine through

>pic definitely related

>> No.6047255

When my mom got drunk, she would call me a bastard, threaten to kick me out of the house, speak in tongues and try to commit suicide.

My dad would also get drunk and get in fights with my mom. They divorced after he beat her.

But of course, they're only this screwed up because their fathers beat and molested them after drinking. My own parents never laid a hand on me, but they wouldn't stop drinking. I despise them because of it.

Anyways, what can I order at a bar that won't make me look like a complete pleb or tryhard?

>> No.6047290

Solid reasoning behind that post m8.

>> No.6048250

>That's because you're a useless burnout stoner.
Except I'm not.

You probably think getting fucked in the ass means you haven' lost your virginity yet, faggot.

>> No.6049295

You seem defensive, burnout stoner. Are you experiencing pot withdrawal?

>> No.6049423

>"it's sad to see what you guys consider "good""
>job is literally picking out beers that will sell

you're doing it wrong

>> No.6049440


This. The only IPA worth purchasing.

>> No.6049447

What is it with beer drinkers?

Its disgusting that I'm seeing such high alcohol content beers. It's so counter productive IMO.

Don't get me wrong here, when I was 15-17, I thought high alcohol content was ''worth it'' but that's because I was trying to catch a fade.

These days I'm looking at beers as delicious and progressive, even healthy alternatives to things like water...

I like how a good beer tastes and what the possibly exotic ingredients have to offer, while quenching my thirst. I'm not trying to get drunk anymore man...

>> No.6049459

I had the single hop simcoe edition of Molotov cocktail the other day. This is such a phenomenal beer, it took me two hours to finish the bottle just because of how much I was savoring it. Really fucking underrated.

>> No.6049461

It's slang you hater. It keeps innocent people from getting arrested by people like you with badges and a hater mentality.

>> No.6049472


The thing is, a lot of good beers have high ABVs. A lot of rare beers have high ABVs. People who like craft beer want to have something that they can enjoy and can give them a buzz.

Also, I work at a craft beer store/bar currently. We got in Habanero Sculpin in last Friday, however we were only able to get one case, so it was singled out and limited to one per customer. I ended up getting two, drank one already. It tastes just as fiery as it does on tap out of the bottles.

>> No.6049483

A 10% alcohol beer wouldn't taste the same or have the same mouthfeel or aroma or be able to age or anything if it was 5%. Don't be an idiot, a lot of beers have higher alcohol content because they need to in order to taste and smell the way they do.

>> No.6049489



So Tumblr it hurts.

>> No.6049510

dude, most higher ABV beers still don't have that much alcohol besides like barleywines and bigger imperil stouts

>> No.6049605

>I'm not trying to get drunk anymore man...
Uh, why not?

>> No.6049701

>healthy alternative to water

>> No.6049715

it would be silly to replace all water with full strength beer, but it would be beneficial to most non-drinkers to replace 12 ozs of the water they consume with an equal amount of beer

>> No.6049721


>overly-sweet pleb garbage

Sierra Nevada Torpedo is much more enjoyable.

>> No.6049729

Binge drinking is drinking to get drunk, probably very drunk

Session drinking is being able to have a few without being completely destroyed, you know, have some over a session, enjoying and kicking back on a few, not destroy yourself as quickly as possible

>> No.6049732

So why would a single 10% ABV beer affect that in any way? That's two Buds, tops

>> No.6049736

too bad most 'session' beers are overly weak and unbalanced due to lack of malt body. No one needs beer to be below 5% to not get drunk

The whole trend of breweries releasing "session IPAs' is the worst

>> No.6049740

Oh, I wasn't part of the greater conversation, just felt like responding to that post, I have no idea what you are talking about.

>> No.6049742

Shut up, faggot. No one asked you for your stupid fucking opinion.

I like the high alcohol content in my beer. Provides me with a relaxing buzz from just one beverage, and it actually adds to the flavor in some of the better beers

>> No.6050061

Strangest thing happened to my with this beer.

It was the first beer I bought a pack of when I got into drinking craft beers, and I remember thinking it was so bitter, especially on the first sip, but it was mellowed out by a nice sweet backbone.

Now after drinking stouts, porters, American dark ales, and other dark beers for almost 2 months, I went back and got another 4 pack of the 90 minute and it was no longer the slightest bit bitter.

Now it tastes completely, absolutely different to me.

I wonder if it has something to do with changing my smoking habits, but it's not subtle. I can tell it's the same beer, but the way I kind of experience it is so much different

>> No.6050066

The reasoning is that all california is known for is their shitty, unbalanced, overhopped IPA's. You guys put out maybe one decent IPA per 100 made.

>> No.6050359

congratulations, you are an alcohol

>> No.6051077

Dude I drink like 4 or 5 beers per week, and never more than one a day.

Pretty sure I'm not an alcohol.

>> No.6051116

>The whole trend of breweries releasing "session IPAs' is the worst
>too bad most 'session' beers are overly weak and unbalanced due to lack of malt body.
It's not that hard for a competent brewer through choice of malt and a high mash temp to make a full bodied lower alcohol beer.

>> No.6051376
File: 17 KB, 250x250, 1300044776986.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>drinking beer that tastes like grapefruit/wet grass/pine needles

>> No.6051622
File: 61 KB, 550x824, 2008120415552989.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>drinking liquor that tastes like grapefruit/wet grass/pine needles

>> No.6051971

> balanced IPA

Top lel. IPAs are only big in America because people grow up on Bud Lite and when they discover that beer can actually have taste they overcompensate by drinking the most overhopped shit they can find and pretending they're appreciate good beer.

>> No.6052354


OMG I love those, they haven't been available in my area for a long time. So fucking delicious, drink all four and your in for a good time.

>> No.6052359


>> No.6052364


Ya :/, I live in a small redneck town that only seems to get them around Christmas time. Pretty fucking stupid. Their is only one shop that sells any sort of craft beer, decent selection but since its so small they continuously rotate.

>> No.6052384


Do you honestly believe if some red eyed fellow wearing baggy pants with 12 pockets and studded leather arm jewelry and anarchy T-shirts everywhere says "duuuuuude I'm gonna burrrrrrrrn mannnnnn" that ANYONE will not think that means smoke an illegal marijuana cigarette?

Are burnout stoners THIS brain damaged?

>> No.6052389

Both of these sound like good ideas to me.

>> No.6053347


In other words, there is no meaningful distinction and you are just trying to make it sound classy. Got it.

>> No.6053357

What beer is in OPs image?

>> No.6053359


