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6045442 No.6045442 [Reply] [Original]

>Be me
>Just turned 21
>Wants to get a bottle of imported alcohol from japan
>Can't decide if i want Soju or sake
>I already have a case of home brewed beer to drink but i want a nice harder drink to top my birthday off

>> No.6045450


>> No.6045456

Just drink whiskey you lightweight weeaboo nignog

>> No.6045465


You're too young for distilled spirits. Stick with beer. Maybe wine once in a while.

>> No.6045472

Get a bottle of Nikka. Great whisky, that will let you indulge in your sicko Nip obsession, but also put hairs on your chest.

That's a terrible suggestion, you're no gentleman!

>> No.6045475

i do have whiskey, i just want to try some imported stuff
i like japanese culture but that doesnt make me a weaboob faglet fuck that!

>> No.6045482

tell me what this baiju is

and im not going nuts or anything i just wanna know which one i should get as my little birthday treat

>> No.6045495


>wants japanese import alcohol

>> No.6045524

soju doesn't JUST come from Korea dip shit

>> No.6045635

It's a sorghum based liquor that tastes like death.
It's worth a try though! My friend thought it was pretty good surprisingly.

>> No.6045642

fucking americans
fucking weaboos

>> No.6045662

Soju is less flavourful. It can be nice sometimes, but sake is more enjoyable.

Don't bother spending much money - typically in the US sake prices are totally removed from quality. A lot of mediocre bottles get marked way up with weeaboo tax, and a lot of very enjoyable sake is priced very competitively. Avoid stuff brewed in the US. Hakutsuru is the best commonly available brand.

If you have Trader Joe's where you live, their sparkling sake is pretty tasty.

>> No.6045750

Get the shochu. Sake is about as perishable as beer, which is to say, if it's imported (and the good stuff always*) is, there's a good chance it's already ruined by the time you get your filthy little weeb hands on it.

*yes I know about momokawa, it's OK but honestly only popular because made in USA, I give it a 4 out of 10 it's the best I can do

>> No.6045776


Momokawa is awwwwwful.
Cali Ki-ippon is tolerable in mixed drinks (i.e. mixed 5 to 1 with Chambord for a "Purple Haze").

>> No.6046073

soju is great

it's basically just 20% ethanol and water

everynight I used to get a 500ml bottle of chum churum then put in a huge cup with 100ml of sparkling water and the juice of one lemon

this way I can get pretty drunk but it feels clean, and I wake up with little to no hangover

>> No.6046080

Which momokawa did you try? It's not exactly fine sake but "awful" seems a little extreme. A fresh bottle should be better than the typical 36 month deadstock boxed hot sake that a lot of cheap sushi places serve.

I would call it mediocre at the absolute worst

>> No.6046085

Soju goes great with an ice cube or two

>> No.6046239
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>chilled soju

>> No.6046246

It taste exactly like any other cheap whiskey. Its only good for mixing with a coke at the conbini before you go to the club

>> No.6046249

You talking about the flavored shit? They make better things.


>> No.6046282

>turned 21
>drinking soju

stick to your pokemon and japanamation. you are not experienced enough to drink soju. You will get knocked on your ass and not even realize it until its too late.

>> No.6046614


Jesus man I thought I was the only old fogey who used that term

Also shochu isn't that strong, any kid with access to grandma's liquor cabinet can find more dangerous things. You must have mixed it with something

>> No.6046653

you are acting like i haven't drank before
i have gone out and downed an entire bottle of Jose cuervo (or however its spelled) with a couple friends and sure i was drunk but i wasnt shit faced

thats what i ended up getting im gunna try it in a few hours once I have a few home brews first

>> No.6046713

soju if you want to get fucked up

I remember while at a fighting game tournament about 4 years ago there was a huge korean market across the street with very inexpensive soju. My friends gave me a drink in a large soda cup that was calpico (idk the flavor, the pink one) with soju. It didn't even taste like alcohol so I assumed there was barely any in it. It was hot out and I was thirsty so I drank a shitload of it, then was completely shitfaced.

>> No.6046717


Shochu and soju are two different things you fucking retard.

>> No.6046719


Fucking pussy, most soju's only 20%. A single bottle is like 4 beers, do you weigh 100lbs and are Asian? fuck

>> No.6046758

Spent the summer in Korea

Why is everyone making soju out to be some deep and mystical sophisticated liquor?

Soju is shit.

Soju is what Koreans drink to get fucked up. You can buy it in any drinking establishment for the order of a dollar or 2 a bottle. It's their equivalent to a cheap knockoff bottle of vodka. College students combine soju and shitty fizzy beer as a way of life (Korean beer is all like Bud Light). Western spirits are too expensive to drink in Korea casually. I saw a bottle of whisky going in GS25 for something like $50.

Soju doesn't taste brilliant (just like slightly sweet and weak vodka) and gives nasty hangovers because it's so cheap god knows what they put in there. Last week I went to a houseparty and drank nothing but neat whisky. Making sure to drink some water when I got home I still didn't have a hangover like I got from a night of drinking soju. Maybe it wass the Korean humidity and heat screwing me over but I don't think so because we got fucked up on beer and vodka at a western style bar one night and I was absolutely fine.

I had nice sake while in Korea, but it was expensive and in a Japanese restaurant so I can't say it's representative of sake as a whole. But soju is way overrated. My Korean friend still doesn't believe me when I tell her people in the west can drink to enjoy the taste. She drinks soju because of the effects and the deeply engrained drinking culture in Korea, not because it's nice.

>> No.6046762

>Why is everyone making soju out to be some deep and mystical sophisticated liquor?

Never heard anyone think of soju to be anything more than something Koreans drink to help cope with being Korean. I just want to try it because lol new things

>> No.6046766

>it's basically just 20% ethanol and water
Kinda, it's like vodka in the sense that with the better stuff you can taste subtle differences between shochu made from yams, carrots, etc. But anything labeled soju is going to be icky korean (corean) industrial swill in a plastic disposable bottle. Basically the equivalent of popov, you mix it with lemon juice and you're not going to care much, but it's not much for sipping on its own.


Yes and no, I mean yeah, the differences I described above make them "different" but it's not like, in principle, icky coreans (koreans) couldn't make good soju and have it be stylistically similar to shochu. It's just that in practice, they don't. Anyway if you just turned 21 it's not like you're going to care either way, you probably just want to get WASTED MANNN

> you fucking retard.

Why do weebs get so angry about nitpicking little details about a place they've never even been to. Just save up $2000 or so and get it out of your system, Japan is pretty cool but there are a lot of other countries in Asia that are also pretty cool.

>> No.6046771

>Why is everyone making soju out to be some deep and mystical sophisticated liquor?

Nobody said it was. Where are you getting that from? the only thing anyone said was that it would fuck you up, which you seem to agree with.

>> No.6046781


I imagine he was responding to the angry weeb >>6046717
who felt the urge to point out that Japan and Corea (Korea) are like, totally ancient cultures that baka gaijin like us couldn't understand the subtle differences, anata baka minna san sempai.

>> No.6046792


I drank a big gulp full of the shit

>> No.6046796


I didn't even know there was a flavored momokawa. Weird.

>> No.6046810


he didn't say anything about subtle differences or that one was better than the other. he simply said they were different.

>> No.6046820

If you're asking then the proper answer is get both and try them even both kinds of sake, warm and cold, and find out for yourself what you like best.

If you live in a place with a decent Japanese restaurant then go there and try them out.

Happy Birthday /ck/ock!

>> No.6046821


Not different enough to justify that level of butthurt. They're still essentially the same beverage, it's just that in corea low quality industrial production is more typical, whereas in grorious nippon it's more like what we would call "craft distilling".

It's like saying "cheese" and "formaggio" are fundamentally different concepts because kraft singles are really popular in places where it's called "cheese".

>> No.6046826
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> even both kinds of sake, warm and cold

>> No.6046840

I've had some pretty good cold sake, I don't remember the name of it but it was in fridge at a fancy Japanese hotel in NYC. It was really good.

I really good proper warmed sake too from there too, I think the name was Kitchizaenmon, the spelling is off but close enough.

I remember the warm one because I asked at the restaurant there. Kitano hotel, there's a really good restaurant in the basement.

So warmed sake and cold sake are different and should both be tried out.

Just remember the plot of the thread, the guy is 21 and wants to try out different stuff, as well he should.

>> No.6046856


They're not really "kinds of sake" though, in the sense that cold brew coffee and hot brew coffee are "different kinds of coffee"

They're both just sake, served at different temperatures. If you want to get all nitpicky, there are "correct" serving temperatures for different kinds of sake, but they're poorly followed except at pretty serious places (haven't been to kitano hotel but I've drank sake at a fair number of good Japanese places in the city, and in Japan, and for the most part they just go hot or cold).

It's kind of like how with wine there actually are good temperature ranges for different wines, but in practice what you get at all but the most autistically wine-obsessed places is "white wine at fridge temperature, red wine at ambient temperature". With sake the equivalent is "cheap sake heated up, good sake in the fridge"