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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6039663 No.6039663 [Reply] [Original]

What stands out most for you from /ck/ 2014?

A few highlights.
Review bran
Butterbell anon
Foodtruck avenger
Wa la!
5:2 diets
Do Americans really?
Calories in/out

Things we saw less of.
Shoe nice
Tipping threads
Food service revenge
Weber cooks

>> No.6039727

Cerebral palsy pancake flip

>> No.6039763

That gave me a new fetish ;_;

>> No.6039775


most of your highlights occurred in the last couple months

>> No.6039784

Feel free to add some anon.
I am just getting the ball rolling

>> No.6039799

I'd contribute but you're starting this way too early. It's only the 6th of December.

What are you a disgusting muslim?

>> No.6039804

There are only three weeks left in the year. How is it too early?

>> No.6039809

You answered your own question, three weeks left. Don't be a twat.


>> No.6039834
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And who could forget the classic, creative and ever so original....

English cuisine...top kek boards

>> No.6039844
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Also this is the year we got off that shitbag 4chan cup roster.
Took a group effort but we did it .

>> No.6039857

The /pol/ification of /ck/ continued further this year.

>> No.6039860

>Things we saw less of.
Also, basically no homebrewing threads.

>> No.6039875

The board also saw a lot more aggressive moderation.
Seems like its slowed a lot since then.
Could be my imagination though.

>> No.6039886

>The /pol/ification of every other board continued further this year because /pol/ aren't staying in their shitty containment board and the mods don't do their jobs.


>> No.6039899

Someone is trying to moderate according to their tastes.

>> No.6039904

So your vote would be for more moderator action and not less?

>> No.6039907


>> No.6039910

Oh god the flyover .
And everything is a meme.
Am getting pretty sick of those.

>> No.6039916

Fuck yes. Bring back Snacks.

>> No.6039918


>> No.6039938
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>> No.6039939


>> No.6039942
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There's no going back.

>> No.6039952

Snacks would be a /pol/ tier mod and you know it. He was a closeted Nazi and all you underage faggots that want him back would ruin 4chan even further.

>> No.6040096

Sharted foods

>> No.6040659


>> No.6040669

What is the butterball anon? And shouldn't this be save for the end of December?

>> No.6040676

The nazi part would ok, I just can't get past his blatant homosexuality

>> No.6040705

Celebrity chefs, youtube faggots and the cunts that post about them endlessly have been the lowlights. The only food related youtube faggots that were ever worthwhile were masokis and simply sara and they're years old. Most of the rest has been between ok and good though the alcohol generals are getting a bit repetitive, and I'm saying that as an alco.

>> No.6040709

flyovers getting btfo stands out to me

>> No.6040713
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4chan becoming more mainstream ruined the quality of posting on /ck/ and a bunch of other lesser browsed boards.

>> No.6040723


absolutely cerebral palsy pancake flip

I feel shame even just REMEMBERING that thread

jesus she's hot though

>> No.6040725

this board was always slow

if anything its gotten a tiny bit faster over the past few years

>> No.6040728

Irish stew guy, and his subsequent post. Any anon have the post?

>> No.6040734

while funny its not a trend breh

>> No.6040750

>Remember when /ck/ was good?

How new are you precisely?

>> No.6040751

/po/ will remain pure till the very end

>> No.6040759

Does not need to be a trend , just memorable stuff

>> No.6040761

Where does it say shit about having to be a trend. It's a thread of the year in review not what is trending for shitposting.

>> No.6040776

>meme food
That should definitely be included
>review brah
He's more /fit/ than /ck/

Everything looks good tho.

>> No.6040781

>meme food
>That should definitely be banned


>> No.6040806

al/ck/oholic threads

>> No.6040813

Would be nice if we could convince him to do a /ck/ review of the year.

Anyone here friendly with him?
Can someone reach out to him?

>> No.6040814

whoa calm down there buddy, were all co/ck/suckers

>> No.6040818

>le maymay food bacon xDD
>le not real pizza xDDD

>> No.6040825

No thanks. Let /fit/ keep that shithead.

>> No.6040832

Last couple of months and by spammers to boot. Why did OP even bother?

>> No.6040836

Wa la!
these were the best memes of 2014

>> No.6040841

>I'll just add my forced memes and hopefully /ck/ wouldn't know. Teehee

>> No.6040845

wa la

>> No.6040847

honestly I've never made any of those threads or posted in them
I just like them because I'm a disgusting shitposter that goes on /ck/ to look at garbage

>> No.6040850


>> No.6040851

My favorite meme was probably Wa La! and the pizza threads.
Also, that black chick who made that cheap-ass eggrolls with no eggs.

>> No.6040856

I'm surprised at the lack of Chopped memes.

>> No.6040864

It's getting to the point where I can't tell if posters are being sarcastic or not about memes here

>> No.6040871

I'm not sarcastic.
I've been using "Wa La!" more because of it, mainly because I'm a francophile but still.

>> No.6040874

I think we're getting more crossboarding shits. /ck/ really has gotten worse.

>> No.6040883

Why do you hate /ck/? Do you think repeating a phrase 100 times a day means you're witty? Aren't you just shitposting?

>> No.6040888

Why are you such an awful human being?

>> No.6040897

>Why do you hate /ck/?
I don't. Like the other anon said, I'm a crossboarder from /co/ just so I could call myself a /co/ck. Until I started really using this board, I've had numerous discussion in wine and bread threads.
>Do you think repeating a phrase 100 times a day means you're witty?
Like I said again, I know French so I think it's fair. Plus, I don't do it on this website that much. Like, once every 2 weeks or so.
>Aren't you just shitposting?
I usually add in meaningful information into my post so I would think not.

>> No.6040908

I have to admit that as juvenile as it I have a little chuckle when I see wa la.
I am pretty sure people in the south have said wa la unironically for years.

>> No.6041937

Is wa la only on /ck/?

>> No.6042465

What are chopped memes?

>> No.6042490

>/po/ will remain pure shit till the very end


>> No.6042494
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Paul is a pretty cool guy.

>> No.6042559

Racist pls go

>> No.6042614
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>> No.6042623
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>> No.6042627

Bin/ck/o was pretty good while it lasted.

>> No.6042631
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>> No.6042643
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>> No.6042650
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>> No.6042658

Every time I come here there's a thread about either frozen pizza or how to cook chicken fillets.

>> No.6042667

oh yeah. That was silly

Are we making a christmas card this year?

>> No.6042669
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Pic is old christmas card. Maybe 2 years ago.

>> No.6042672

What does all this mean?

>> No.6042674

I thought this was pretty funny.

>> No.6042677
File: 231 KB, 963x1095, Teflon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuckin hell

>> No.6042689
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You managed to say 2 things and they're both wrong.
/ck/ is playing in the Winter Cup, and you are the only one who gets butt mad about it.

Antacid did say he was going to retire after the Winter cup though, and then /ck/ will probably be put into a coma until someone (not a merc) takes over.

>> No.6042697

The Al/ck/oholic general became rather regular. As did the Food Pics from Japan thread and it seemed like there was a bread thread almost every week. Those glorious crumbshots.

>> No.6042699


>knows French.
>Says "wa la!"

>> No.6042700

When I read that post yesterday I felt pretty chuffed that we had gotten out of PE.
So its not true then?

>> No.6042711

I want more Lazy Fat stories.

>> No.6042720
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part 1

>> No.6042722
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>> No.6042758
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Imma check the archive for this. This sounds like fun.

Also, I have some thread captures, but I don't know if they're from /ck/ or this year.

>> No.6042764
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>> No.6042768
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This most def

>> No.6042771

Can someone explain WA LA meme

>> No.6042780

Mispronunciation of voila and it might have something to do with wawa

>> No.6042781
File: 375 KB, 1150x2346, Lazy Fat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6042893

I'm not sure what you mean by PE, but as long as they have a manager, a board can have a 4cc team to play virtual soccer.

It started with a thread that's OP was "Food that make you say WA LA!" Trying to emulate the french word 'voila'. I suppose some folks found it funny so they've been posting with it ever since. THey prolly overused it so its generally regarded as a forced meme.

>> No.6042963


>> No.6042971

No that's just the first time you saw it.
It occurred first more organically then a few people started to go nuts with it.
That's when it got its own thread.

>> No.6042984

Those were pretty decent

>> No.6043404


>> No.6043448

Fatty McAutism

>> No.6044970

Was that from this year?

>> No.6045173

Children using BTFO as an alternative for rekt

>> No.6045200

Oh how I hate both of those terms.

>> No.6045245


>no flyover

now THIS is some flyover bullshit

>> No.6045272


>> No.6045300

I coulda swore Fatty's posts were from last year. still funny though.

>> No.6045500


Activated Almonds
Beans and rice
Beans and rice
Beans and fucking rice every fucking day
Hipsterfags wanting to start food trucks
Bacon on everything
Simply sara had a little comeback
vegan shitposting
anti-vegan shitposting
Hotsauces, especially cock sauce was still popular this spring.
Anti cock sauce threads

There's more but I'm running out.

>> No.6046317

Please be in London

>> No.6047449

I swear /ck/ is the most normalfag board on the entire site. You guys don't know what memes are and are calling every little thing a meme now when half of it is only posted once in a blue moon.

>> No.6047453

>do americans really do this?

>> No.6047454

I'm not a robot

>> No.6047578

thanks op,sneriously.Pause or paws for thought.
thank you.
foodtruck help
5.2 diets is Parliament in Japan don't work
Do Americans really? yes we do on the other hand, we have done ok, we are just you, turned lose.
yeah gotta work on that e=mc2 thing. 4500 in /2000 out/ shit aint disapearing we can do the math. in a lamd of bounty it's tough to restrain yourself. no excuse. I know. sj.
farzoks know nothinging
tipping threads common guys - standard 15 if normal20 standard us ,dollar a drink, ot baristasa. cabs pony or dog wallkers, screw off I will decide who gets a tip, and when?I am pretty generou and worked with housekeeping staff l leave tips in rooms and resturants. I make no bones about it get real.Icertainly am not linining my pockets. look the other way, until it becomes to eggregioous f u nuch, watch too much tv,
revenge pushing 60 never in my life revenge nets nothing.
weber is ok what's wrong?

>> No.6047585

How could we forget ramblin' man?

>> No.6047724

sriracha shitposting

irish stew guy had another story going as well, can't remember but I think it was about lasagna

Food pics from japan

mexican street food threads

>> No.6047822


>> No.6048185

steak pro

>> No.6048203

Food pics from Japan

>> No.6048208

The thread isn't a maymay thread. It is an end of the year highlights thread. Reread OP.

>> No.6049573

>mexican street food threads
Pretty sure that's one guy

>> No.6049623

Drunk anon pls. You are meme of the year all years. Don't worry. Now go to bed.

>> No.6049686


no, some guy sent us snapchat pics of him making beef with broccoli or something. it was a shit piece of cooking and the last image said wa la and that's when those threads started cropping up.

>> No.6049688
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>> No.6049705

The types of rolls they ordered

>> No.6050033

shes so cute ... but so ... febal... and in need of hugs.
and the dick.

seriously though what kind of god would put that kinda rack on a disabled chick? It goes against all instincts

>> No.6050064

>I always bring a notepad with me when I'm eating alone
>Then the staff think I'm a food critic and give me special white privilegs

>> No.6050706

Does that work?

>> No.6050985

cute face
nice body
and look at how she shakes those hips

Hottest palsy walk ever.

>> No.6051017

She has the perfect amount of palsy right now. Any more and I am out. Any less and she is just a normal girl.
I wish they could keep her just like this forever :(

>> No.6051018



>> No.6051022


>a few highlights.

I honestly skip over all of those threads when I see them (foodtruck avenger literally only had two or three threads).

>> No.6051031

that looks like a nice backyard

>> No.6051034

Was that guy literally shitposting with turd photos this year or 2013? That was a bad patch.

>> No.6051044

Yeah she does have a nice backyard. ;)

>> No.6051058
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>> No.6051066

I think she would be slightly above average if she wasn't disabled especially if her nice, cute personality remained intact.

>> No.6051113


Dude that girl is smoking hot.

>> No.6051145

>only smoking hot
Please....What the fuck are you talking about anon? She is a fucking godess. There hasn't been a hotter piece in the history of fucking ever.

>> No.6051161

She makes my penis so hungry .
I am so gay for her.

>> No.6051172

>shit tier board that moves at a snails pace insulting WT Snacks
why am I not surprised

>> No.6051190

not activating your almonds

>> No.6051217

Is the original pancake video no more? I saw her with the new pancake maker and it really is cute. Good for her.

>> No.6051270

It's now behind a paywall


>> No.6051273

Maybe next we can ruin pizza for the poor girl.

>> No.6051292

Even that apron can't contain those tits.

>> No.6051295

>all CA reciepts
why are there so many califags on here?
I notice a lot of califags on 4chan in general.
is there really that little to do in cali that the only thing to do is shitpost on 4chan?

>> No.6051301

There is a no uggo policy on the beaches.

>> No.6051524

tripfagging is making a comeback

>> No.6052289

Is there a name for those greentext/reaction image OP threads? Those keep popping up here.

>> No.6052455

The widespread acceptance of the idea of 'memefood.'

Yes, the idea in itself has always existed as bacon hate, but now the 'memefood' status is applied to anything posted more than a couple times a week on /ck/.

>> No.6052469

The same threads that have been happening on every board on 4chan since the beginning?

>> No.6052481

Can someone explain Wa La to me?

>> No.6052488

Open the thread and use ctrl+F to find "wala" and eventually you'll find your answer.

>> No.6052505

You don't say that when you finish making your kraft velveeta shells and cheese dinner?

>> No.6052537


It's the fucking powerade turkey all over again. I love it.

>> No.6052545

Some idiot posted a thread a while back where he did a pic by pic of him cooking a (shitty) meal on snapchat. The last image had the caption "Wa La! " because he didn't know the word "voíla". He was immediately ridiculed but wa la stuck.

>> No.6052584

She´s hot, I would dress her up like a zombie and pretend necrophilia.

>> No.6052609

it's butterbell, not butterball, check the archives and prepare to be disappointed

>> No.6052611

>people care less about tiptoeing around the jews/patriarchy/NWO/tumblr crowd

/pol/ isn't leaking- people in general are changing.

also bingo threads

>> No.6052612
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I made the christmas card. Hope its accurate enough.

>> No.6052624

edgelord of the edgelands.

>> No.6052631

I miss pink Himalayan salt and quinky sauce

>> No.6052632


Last line really sums it up. The sperging has increased around here, but it pales in comparison to other boards.

>> No.6052643
File: 325 KB, 540x432, 1344316431186.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mark my fuckin' words man, having tripcode users like King posting here marks the downfall of any board. King is this boards Lanced Jack.

>> No.6052644
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>> No.6052652

>It's the fucking powerade turkey all over again. I love it.

You have no idea where that image even came from do you?

>> No.6052653

King doesn't even trip. Also he's nothing compared to the insuferable trips on some other boards.

>> No.6052661

This fucking video. EVERY. GODDAMN. THREAD.

>> No.6052688


>> No.6054644

Activated almonds for sure

>> No.6054774

Doesn't seem like too much of an insult to me.

>> No.6054785

b-but /po/ dosn't like corrugated cardboard

>> No.6054797

Quinky sauce.

>> No.6056501

Not enough edges?

>> No.6056905

Have we all forgotten Fatty McAutism?

>> No.6056911

He isnt gay, he was a big pedophile.

>> No.6057303

We finished that bin/ck/o board.

>> No.6058753

What was that about anyway?

>> No.6061142


>> No.6061147

poorfag rice and beans meme food

>> No.6061182
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>> No.6061264

That fucked up looking right upper arm, I wonder if he was shooting speed or dope back then.

>> No.6061270

frah grah