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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 104 KB, 1140x791, 5StarsGyang.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6032916 No.6032916 [Reply] [Original]

Who's the best chef in the world, /ck/?

I vote for this guy. I gave his restaurant a Woo/5.

>> No.6032920

how many joey threads does one man need?

>> No.6032925

Joey owns a fucking restaurant?

>> No.6032949

Joey is life
Yeah, he owns Joey's Super Coo Burgers. The best thing there is the hamburghetti

>> No.6033888


>> No.6033906


i prefer the hambeanigger

>> No.6033911


this kills me everytime i watch it


>> No.6033914



>> No.6033929


>> No.6034495


That was actually a funny post!

>> No.6034530


Back to your fucking containment thread.

>> No.6035053


>> No.6035991

>that WOOOWOOWOOWOOWOO from out of nowhere

>> No.6036013

One joey cancer thread at a time please.

>> No.6036014
File: 23 KB, 460x276, Gordon-Ramsay-chef-angel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Without a doubt, I would say chef Gordon Ramsay .

>> No.6036018

I'm so mad right now.
I didn't make it 2 minutes in.
I'm so mad right now.

>> No.6036022
File: 80 KB, 307x288, julia child.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually the best chef in the world has already passed on...

>Julia Child

No chef or cook is worth their salt without
>Mastering the Art of French Cooking
on their bookshelf.

>> No.6036023

>I don't like food related discussion on a food board

>> No.6036029

>One man's slide into depression
>A food related discussion

>> No.6036036

OP asked who your favorite chef was, this thread is only about Joey if you want it to be

>> No.6036097

Who is this Joey fellow... I seriously don't know who this is... is he a celebrity chef, as in been on the tele, cause I don't recognize him.

>> No.6036106


He is a billionaire fast food mogul who has just recently purchased 14 out of 16 of Gordon Ramsey's restaurants.

>> No.6036108

Does that mean they will be going down hill without Ramsay at the helm?

>> No.6036120


Joey is a good chef who knows how to woo customers. His popularity swings back and forth, but it's nothing that will throw a monkey wrench in the empire that Ramsey built.

>> No.6036596

His gang of chefs really know what they're doing, you should get to one of joeys restaurants today! Tell a friend about it!

>> No.6036615

never enough never enough
>joey is love

>> No.6036640

Joey has toured the entire world, he knows a thing or two about good vittles.

>> No.6036703

Some losers on here will argue that he hasn't really toured the world just because he doesn't explore every nook and cranny of

>> No.6036708

Most of the world isn't fat accessible.

>> No.6037089
File: 429 KB, 849x468, 1415146666560.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


For those who doubt Joey's chefhood

>> No.6037098

>I'm not in my containment thread!
Guards! Escort this peon to the dungeons at once!

>> No.6037102

He has gotten so fat now he wears a moo moo

>> No.6037237

dat tarp

>> No.6037263


that not a moo moo, fggt is a GD professional chef's suit coat.

>> No.6037266

So big it looks like a dress.

>> No.6037692
File: 2 KB, 125x93, 1409499745186s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6037711

The only nooks and crannies Joey has ever explored were in a Thomas English muffin and he would call that diet food.

>> No.6038114



>> No.6038130
File: 405 KB, 640x960, RipinpiecesJoey.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6038170
File: 259 KB, 439x346, jscfr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6038268

I'd say Joey is, I mean, people pay him to cook things

At least he doesn't do it for free

>> No.6038353

Has joey posted on ck?

>> No.6038377

No, but someone pretends to be him

>> No.6038400


Yes he goes by Joe

>> No.6038441

Seba Bras

>> No.6038445

The only person posting about this fat fuck is him

>> No.6038606

OMG I just lold so fucking hard thank you so much

>> No.6038617

Anyone think Joey is actually genuinely funny?

He has a good sense of comedic timing and some of his earlier videos especially are characteristic of him having a sort of clever, sardonic, deadpan streak that's in sharp contrast with his later cheerful, Mickey-Mouse persona.

Like that little caesar's review where he cracks the Spring Break joke or the salsa recipe video where he talks about the "jalapeno ice cube." The former joke is pure MTV and the latter's deadpan delivery is spot on.

I think he's really a shrewd, sarcastic kind of guy who says sometimes dark but witty stuff and bespeaks of a larger intelligence beneath his fluffy, whimsical exterior.

Okay, maybe he's not Einstein but I don't think he's as clueless as one would like to believe.

>> No.6038619

Muck donowlds

>> No.6038639

What's your favorite Joey video?


>frosty blue cream soda myyiiian
>that pulp fiction reference

A classic. Burger and a drink. That chug changed my life. Not to mention I could watch this dude eat Carl's Jr forever.

>> No.6038653

A lot of people don't see that. There are always some kind of obvious joke that autists take literal. Like when he says "pizza gave me this beautiful bod" in that one video and people thought he was being serious.

>> No.6038655

I live in a world where an insightful, genuinely considered analysis on the persona and characteristics of this guy exists. I'm not sure how to handle that. How deep do we need to go in exploring Joey, and doesn't that defeat the purpose? (and I can't offer an opinion, because I don't watch his videos, sorry)

>> No.6038767

you reek of pretentious asshole.

>> No.6039196

Perhaps they do, but they are still correct.

>> No.6039225

They should put Joey on Chopped.

>> No.6039416


>> No.6039591



they'd neuter his personality for television till he'd only be a shell of his former self.


I enjoy his earlier videos a lot. Just one man and his camera, taking us through the motions with surprising comfort/ease and that subtle, sometimes awkward yet charming goofiness that has now been replaced with outrageousness and robin williams-esque impersonations.

I wish he'd do a cooking segment, maybe once a week where he reminds us that he's actually a skilled chef besides a glutton, and an actual human being besides a cartoon character. IMO the former makes him unique amongst fast food reviewers. I don't think DayumDrops/Ken have 7+ years of grueling restaurant experience, etc.