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File: 53 KB, 460x276, tmp_11793-Meat-and-climate-change---008-478456360.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6030784 No.6030784 [Reply] [Original]

What do you think of a meat tax to combat climate change /ck/?


>> No.6030790

Sure, as long as it's fair and we allow poor people to eat vegans to supplement their diet.

>> No.6030793

Good, if combined with a tax-reduction on vegetables.

>> No.6030795

A meat tax sounds stupid. Just make CAFOs illegal and the price of meat will adjust to what it's traditionally been. People will consume much less of the stuff, and you'll not just be combating climate change, but the obesity epidemic as well.

>> No.6030798


Which country do you live in that taxes vegetables?


Meat doesn't make you fat, carbs and fats do.

>> No.6030803

Fats and carbs don't make you fat, simple sugars do.

>> No.6030805

lol eurotrash

>> No.6030823

>Meat doesn't make you fat, carbs and fats do.
>Fats and carbs don't make you fat, simple sugars do.
You're both wrong. Too many fucking calories make you fat. When calorie dense foods that have traditionally been expensive suddenly become cheap along with sugar and white flour obesity follows.

It's not that any of these foods "make you fat", it's when they're cheap people will overindulge in them. That's just human nature. Back when corn whiskey was cheaper than milk in America enough of the population was so wasted so much of the time that Prohibition seemed like a good idea. Make indulgences too cheap and people will overindulge.

>> No.6030826

>You're both wrong. Too many fucking calories make you fat.
This is broscience.

>> No.6030828

just grow more bugs

>> No.6030835

I think instead of taxation we could just ban non therapeutic antibiotics and other practices that fuck over everyone but the meat farmer. That and cut agro subsidies that exclusively or disproportionately benefit that industry. If we did this, meat prices would more closely reflect the true cost to society and carnists might begin to see meat in a more realistic light. It's not necessary to eat it for every meal, and in fact you might actually be healthier if you cut back to a few servings per week.

>> No.6030837


But how do you make gains without meat in every meal?

>> No.6030841

he's not wrong. you can eat absolute trash as long as your calorie intake is lower or equal to your body's calorie needs and you wont get fat.

>> No.6030844


Your body composition will be awful though. You'll be skinny fat.

>> No.6030851
File: 15 KB, 460x276, Population-fertility-001.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What do you think of a meat tax to combat climate change /ck/?

How about instead, we stop dumping money in Africa to support generation after generation of assbackward third-wold peasants with 10+ kids?

>> No.6030864

10 starving africans got less of an impact than a long-standing factory. all the africans are gonna do is get ebola and die.

>> No.6030869

You understand the purpose of foreign aid, yes? No. Of course not.

Protip: money buys influence. "Africa" is not a country. We like minerals.

Should have stayed in school, Trevor.

>> No.6030885

It's a lie, and this ploy is nothing more than a revenue gatherer. These ghouls have to stop saddling the working citizens of the world with more taxes. REVOLT!

>> No.6030894


So what does our foreign aid buy us when the Chinese are just buying the land and minerals outright?

>> No.6030898

eurotrash love taxes and short leashes

>> No.6030899

It is not broscience. I will grant you that different foods are processed differently in the body, and that some patterns of eating may be better than others as far as health is concerned. But when it comes to getting fat it's a matter of consuming more calories than you burn.

We happen to live in the only time in human history when foods like meat, dairy, sugar and white flour are cheap enough to overindulge in without giving it a second thought. The ease with which one can consume more calories than one burns is unprecedented. That's why people are fat.

I know some folks like to target meat and dairy as the main offenders, while for others it's sugar and starch. But does it really make a difference when you can get a fucking cheeseburger for a dollar? When the kinds of foods that have traditionally been indulgences cost next to nothing and are widely available people will be fat.

>> No.6030901

Yes, more taxes solves all problems.

>> No.6030905
File: 21 KB, 641x402, worldpopulationdevelopment.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The West is the most environmentally efficient society on the planet and becomes more so every day. We invented the philosophies of conservation and environmentalism and are the driving force behind the movements.

It is the Third-World that is the drag on the system and they will only become more of a problem as time goes on, as resources become scarcer and ever more third-worlders clog up the planet.

Yet every proposed "solution" to the problem is for the further restrictions on the West (along with uncontrolled mass migration of third-worlders to the West) while the Third World is allowed to continue breeding like rats while we pick up the check.

>> No.6030906

I middle class American child is nearly 1500x as bad for the environment(over the course of their lives) as a poor African.

>> No.6030914

kill yourself then, hippy

>> No.6030920


It is simply a matter of accepting the reality of the situation. Here in Europe we do not have the paranoid gun culture you have in America. We trust our government to set taxes and regulations that benefit society as a whole.

Yes we have high taxes, but we are happy to pay them because they go towards public services. Somalia doesn't have high taxes. Where would you rather live?

>> No.6030921

>We trust our government to set taxes and regulations that benefit society as a whole.
lol eurotrash

>> No.6030933

>It's not necessary to eat it for every meal,

People can do that now without a tax on it ? So why would anybody want higher costs

>> No.6030939

lol europe where we have healthcare that doesn't bankrupt you, good roads, good public services, good scholarships etc

>> No.6030942

Sure it does, just look how well it works for the American public school system. *winks*

>> No.6030945

That only works when your citizens are well educated, which is not the case in America. Here we just keep the food cheap so riots in the streets only happen once in a while.

>> No.6030947

And debt...massive debt.and don't worry, we in the US are following.

>> No.6030953

You live in a socialist black hole devoid of any independent thought or technological and entrepreneurial process.
But goddamn, the rail service is the best. Forwards, comrade.

>> No.6030964

Seems kinda regressive.

>> No.6030970

>the Chinese

But that's the idea. If we aren't calling the shots, someone else is. The Chinese are the new kids on the block. In the 80s we had proxy wars with the Soviet sphere of influence.

You're mistaking the motive for the problem. If it was unquestioned American hegemony, there would be no need to do all this soft power stuff that people like you can't wrap their minds around, apparently.

>> No.6030990

>The West is the most environmentally efficient society on the planet

The reason it seems that way to you is that the actual manufacturing of all those low emission products goes on in countries with no environmental standards whatsoever.

For example, something like 20% of the arable land in China is heavily contaminated as a result of relatively recent industrial activity.

If you pretend the western system doesn't include all that stuff, it seems magical. In reality, it's not magic.

>> No.6031112

>combat climate change
>implying we can do that in a meaningful way by eating less meat

What a fucking joke. The earth is in constant climate change. It never stops changing climate. It's been doing so since long before there even were humans on this planet.

How fucking simple does one have to be to think we are causing it or could stop it outside of some crazy science fiction tech that's not invented yet?

This is some flat earth level ignorance here. When is this MUH CLIMATE CHANGE meme gonna die?

>> No.6031116

but muh feelings

>> No.6031129

Physics is broscience? Weird.

>> No.6031130

>People can do that now without a tax on it ?

No. They can't. I don't get to say "I only want my taxes to pay for my pet program". I don't get to tell MRSA to leave me alone because I bought the fancy yuppie meat. Not how it works, I'm afraid. Not at all.

>> No.6031135

It's not changing at it's natural pace anymore though you faggot

>> No.6031143

It's interesting how people like you exhibit cult like behavior towards a vaguely defined field of "science" (the corporate sponsored studies that align with your personal biases), but when scientists all seem to agree that human influenced climate change is a concern, it's suddenly "feelings" and we should only listen to the scientists on the fossil fuel industry payroll.

>> No.6031155

>muh true believers

>> No.6031161

>muh greentext maymay

>> No.6031163

You know more about the climate than a large group of climatologists? Crazy

>> No.6031164

>muh muh

>> No.6031166

>human influenced climate change is a concern
So natural climate change is of no concern?

Look, I agree that it could become a problem, I just don't think we could do much about it. Exploring space might be a good idea.

You know what I worry about? I worry about meteors. Now there's a patrician tier concern to have. Those things hit earth with deathly regularity. If we get a big enough one it's pretty much game over.

Do you know why the moon looks like Swiss cheese? Those are all craters. Those craters are on Earth too but thanks to wind and vegetation they aren't as visible. but just think about it, sooner or later one of those suckers is going to hit us again and I hope we're gonna be ready for it by then because we are truly fucked if not.

Human influenced climate change should be really low on your list of things to worry about.

>> No.6031171

I know, right? I remember the good old days when the climate was a constant. Stupid dumb corporations.

>> No.6031175

God damn you're so stupid it hurts. Also we're monitoring asteroids large enough to cause damage and with trajectories that pass close to earth. Bar alien invasion with asteroid-slinging tech, we don't have to worry about it for over a century. Now how about you drop the /mu/-tier shitposting.
>b-but muh patrician concern I know nothing about ;_;

>> No.6031177

This post would be extremely funny if I didn't have the nagging suspicion you are serious

>> No.6031179

>So natural climate change is of no concern?

When humans develop the ability to control it, like they can control greenhouse emissions, it will be a concern.

What part of "anthropogenic" is flying over your head?

>> No.6031183

>Also we're monitoring asteroids large enough to cause damage and with trajectories that pass close to earth

>> No.6031186

anon, anthropogenic is more than two syllables, there's no way he understands what you're talking about

>> No.6031188

>Gets BTFO
>l-lol ;-;
rectally ravaged, much?

>> No.6031191

You don't have a clue to what you're blathering about, friend.

>> No.6031192

>corporate sponsored

Who do you think is behind the studies that align with your personal bias? Could it be big government socialists that get a boner just thinking about all the taxes they could introduce if enough retards believe their bullshit?

You know who's gonna get fucked by those taxes? Small local businesses that produce quality food. You know who will be able to easily take the hit and out compete everybody? Giant fucking mega corporations that only produce the shittiest meat brought up under the most cruel and disgusting ways you could imagine. How does that fly with your dumb bleeding liberal heart? Ever thought about this?

Carbon tax, meat tax, soon there's gonna be a child tax. Gotta make sure those pesky 1st worlders have an even lower birthrate so that there's more room for 3rd world immigrants.

>> No.6031200

>Human influenced climate change should be really low on your list of things to worry about.
Except for the fact that most of our population is in cities, and most of our cities are in coastal areas. These people will be effected. The problem is that most of them aspire to a vision of wealth that includes eating meat on a regular basis. Telling them they ought to eat a mostly plant based diet is not going to go over very well.

>> No.6031201

I know more than you, buddy. Then again, this here pixel -> knows more than you, since you know zilch.

>> No.6031202


>> No.6031209

Then tell us again how every meteor is being monitored. Because there's some people that would really like to have that information.

>> No.6031211


>> No.6031212

>small businesses are behind AGW denialism
>big businesses don't suckle at the teat of mamma gubmint


>> No.6031214

>not bowing to the might of Southeast Asian Chaebol's

Enjoy your inability to compete on the global market, localfag

>> No.6031216

top kek, you didn't even read my post. Man you're retarded. Go back and try READING. Did I use too many big words, is that it? Here, let me rephrase.
Big rocks we look for, if big rock make hurt to earth.

do you understand now? should I use smaller words?

>> No.6031222

Are you functionally retarded? That's not even remotely what I said.

>> No.6031230

u mad as hell

>> No.6031235

>u-u m-mad ;-; pls stop bullying me

>> No.6031236

Climate change nut jobs are often mentally unstable.

>> No.6031240


>> No.6031241

where did I make a single post about climate change? try to follow the replay chain, friend.

>> No.6031248

>tfw no image, better.jpg ;-;

>> No.6031253

no u

>> No.6031254


>> No.6031258

try to follow your shitpost trolling better

>> No.6031266

so you admit you're wrong? ok.

>> No.6031270


>> No.6031289

c-can we start talking about food?

>> No.6031290

We should instate a vegan tax so I might not have to hear about how terrible meat is from someone who drives a car and uses electricity.

>> No.6031292

>muh food

Global warming nuts :)

>> No.6031294

>We trust our government to set taxes and regulations that benefit society as a whole.
i live in europe and i wouldn't trust them with tying their own shoes

>> No.6031296

I support this vegan tax. Behead those who insult meat!

>> No.6031298

Jesus christ you fucking conspiracy theorists.

>> No.6031302

>>big businesses don't suckle at the teat of mamma gubmint
it's the inverse

>> No.6031303

>government taxes on stupid shit is theoretical

>> No.6031304

He's insane, no doubt, but he does have a point, smaller franchises and businesses will need some sort of break so they can still be competitive, else they will have to charge exorbitant amounts to finance their operations.

>> No.6031306


I'd be all for a child tax if the people can't afford to have kids. It's like a stupidity tax. Fine by me.

>> No.6031312

>What do you think of a meat tax to combat climate change /ck/?

Fuck no, that's giving agricultural farmers an unfair advantage...

>> No.6031314

Animals are not the problem for climate change. That is misdirection and you are a part of it now, OP. The real problem is having an oil based economy. I think in 2012 the world used between 24 billion and 25 billion gallons of oil.

So, blame cows. Heh.

If you really want to reduce pollution from farming, you need to start buying food grown/raised as local as possible. Better yet, start growing/raising a portion or even all of your own food. Just the reduction in oil usage to deliver food is staggering for 1 household that switches to locally grown/raised in-season foods. You know, like if you live in the east of the USA, don't buy strawberries and garlic that is shipped in from California.

Try that first.

>> No.6031315

I believe proposals like this are from the vegans and vegetarians who want to incrementally try and force us to adopt their bland lifestyles. I will never become a vegetarian or vegan, so just go eat your vegemite and leave us natural meat eaters alone.

>> No.6031321

Underrated post.

Most people can't even comprehend how their food and consumer goods is created and where it is created and how that affects the world as a whole.

>> No.6031326

I think the best part is, once soylent becomes a mass-produced thing, vegans and vegetarians won't eat it, despite it being the healthiest you can be, because despite what they claim, it's not about being healthy it's about having something that makes them special and/or superior.

>> No.6031328

You should read up on lead in gasoline and how it was stopped and one man's struggle to stop it. It is quite something.

>> No.6031333

>bland lifestyles

Meat has almost no flavor. Which is why people cover it in ketchup, BBQ sauce, spices, sugars, etc. I love meat and even I know that. Even bacon is pretty much tasteless without all the fat and smoke flavoring.

>> No.6031336

Are you joking? Corn and wheat farmers are subsidized to hell and back. They already have the unfair advantage of being artificially kept alive.

Ever wondered why everything you can buy in the US somehow has some form of corn in it?

>> No.6031341

>Meat has almost no flavor

Only if you buy shit meat.

>> No.6031349

Hey, I even hunt and even deer meat has nearly no flavor. Though it is one of the best.

The point is, you have to spice up stuff. If you eat vegetables you'll have to spice those up too if you've been spicing up the meats. Otherwise, the vegetables will taste bland to you. You have to go without salt, sweeteners, and spices for around 2 weeks before you start to actually taste both meat and vegetable flavors. Even then meat is still rather dull when compared to most vegetables.

>> No.6031355

One thing you're missing: the petrochemical inputs on animal farming are huge. Before you even have cow farts and chicken or pig shit you have to grow the feed, and ship it to the CAFOs. So just to feed livestock you're already racking up huge oil consumption before you slaughter, butcher and ship the animals to the supermarket.

>> No.6031357

it sounds like you have damaged taste buds

>> No.6031358

Anon, meat has clearly distinct tastes, especially between species. Yes, some of it is more bland than others, but there is a difference. You don't need to spice it up unless you've been doing that to everything.

>> No.6031359

>even deer meat has nearly no flavor

Smoker? Trolling? Venison has a pretty strong taste.

>> No.6031366

Yes, if has "distinct tastes, especially between species" I didn't say it didn't. And to the latter part, I already stated that scenario as to why most people think vegetables are bland.

No, I have better taste and smell than anyone I know. I don't smoke either. Venison does not have a strong taste either. Unless, you let it rot. Most people think they are "dry aging" when they leave the carcass hang out for a week. No, they are just making it fucking nasty.

If you kill a deer and 10 minutes later you are cooking a steak from it, I do that nearly every hunting trip, you'll find it doesn't have a strong taste at all.

>> No.6031373

I don't understand how you can claim meat is bland though, I don't find it bland at all and I'm a Tabasco™ addict. I've also been hunting, albeit I'm not a hunter myself, so please don't wave me off with "you've only had processed stuff" or whatever. One of us is an outlier, and I think it's you.

>> No.6031375

>dry aging
>making it fucking nasty

Sorry, what?

>> No.6031384


It has a strong taste relative to more commonly consumed meats. I agree that it does not have a strong taste in that it is not really "gamey", but I would absolutely never call it bland.

>> No.6031391

I'm referring to fake dry aging. When the ignorant redneck hangs his deer out for a week in semi-cool weather to "dry age" it, but the meat doesn't actually have any mold on it to actually dry age it. Instead it just gets funky in smell and flavor like very off meat. It happens all the time where I live.

Face it, meat is bland unless you do something to it to change the flavor drastically. And, yes, unless you are cutting it off your own deer, you can't really say much because the entire process from deer to plate helps to change the flavor, add flavor, or increase flavor.

Yes, it is bland. That's why people add salt, pepper, etc to it before eating it. Because it is too bland for them to eat otherwise.

>> No.6031395

>And, yes, unless you are cutting it off your own deer, you can't really say much
so are you trying to say that you eat the deer raw? Because if not, you're doing the exact thing I just told you not to, claiming I didn't actually go hunting. You're better than that, aren't you? Meat is not bland unless you've fucked up your taste buds. subtle, yes, but not bland.

>> No.6031398

Even vegans don't deserve to have Soylent inflicted on them.

>> No.6031399

Soylent, not Soylent Green.

>> No.6031401

>fake dry aging

Ah yeah, fair enough. Fuck.. That is disgusting

>> No.6031402
File: 2 KB, 264x110, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>so are you trying to say that you eat the deer raw?

I have tasted it before. It is actually has more flavor when raw, but it is a different flavor. Cooking drastically changes the flavor and decreases it.

Do you even know what "bland" means? It means no spices, no salt, no sugar, etc and doesn't have a strong flavor. You eat it "bland" and it thus "tastes bland". Not a difficult concept to grasp, I'd imagine.

>> No.6031406

idk, man. I love food, but if I'm in the middle of some intense project where taking a break for a proper meal isn't going to happen I'd feel better about drinking Soylent than choking down some shitty fast food.

>> No.6031408

bland, in this case meaning lacking in flavor. something that does not apply to meat, save a few exceptions like something overly cooked. I'm now certain you've got defective taste buds. cooking it does change the flavor and decreases it, yes, but the flavor is still there. It's a subtle thing. perhaps you're getting bland and subtle mixed up.

adjective, subtler, subtlest.
thin, tenuous, or rarefied, as a fluid or an odor.
fine or delicate in meaning or intent; difficult to perceive or understand:
subtle irony.
delicate or faint and mysterious:

>> No.6031424

good thing

>> No.6031427

>That's why people
Just because you have a baby palate doesn't meant people aren't able to actually feel the taste of their food, kid.

>> No.6031428

You'd encourage people to eat cheaper factory farmed meat which is more damaging to the environment. Good job.

>> No.6031578

>in this case meaning lacking in flavor.

No, I never said that. I said "Meat has almost no flavor." Some are better than others. But they are all still bland. Don't try to my goal posts.

Your post is unintelligible, its sentiment lost.

>> No.6031751

> Guns are good and must be allowed at all costs
> Eating meat is bad and we need a tax on it
Wait, what?

>> No.6031766

>All meat is bland

tip top kekity kekels

You literally have no idea what you're talking about. None at all. Shit son, I feel sorry for you.

>> No.6031990


>> No.6032005


Why am I convinced this was written by a German?

>> No.6032022

Because it's pragmatic yet confident? Factual yet opinionated?

>> No.6032513


Go crazy. I'm buying a shotgun and going pheasant and deer hunting.

>> No.6033022
File: 48 KB, 550x367, welcome to china.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>something like 20% of the arable land in China is heavily contaminated as a result of relatively recent industrial activity.

China is not the West.

If they had adopted Western conservation / environmental procedures like the West, this wouldn't be the case.

>> No.6033031


Having guns doesn't affect anyone but other Americans. America's overly meat-based diet on the other hand fucks up the whole planet, which is shared by every other country

>> No.6033425

deer meat is the best tasting meat anyway

>> No.6033810

>Still believing in AGW


>> No.6033866

Except that if they had done that, the west would still have computers and electric cars as lab curiosities and trophies for Jay Leno types, rather than everyday things that we take as evidence that we are more efficient than everyone else.

The fact is that when we were making all our tools of progress ourselves we were choking on smoke and dying of cancer. Now we let other people do that and bask in the smugness.

>> No.6033902

Kinda like how Germany brags about being nuclear free but buys electricity from Spain which uses nuclear plants

>> No.6033921
File: 34 KB, 525x294, Clinton NAFTA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Except that if they had done that, the west would still have computers and electric cars as lab curiosities

Nonsense, Free Trade © was always about maximizing profits for Wall Street.

>> No.6034946

>Good, if combined with a tax-reduction on vegetables.
I think most countries do not tax vegetables, right?

I think it would be a pretty big failure, at least in very wealthy countries. Mostly, what will happen is a reduction in the welfare of the animals to curb the costs. Also, meat is a very small portion of most people's budget in well developed countries and yet very tempting, so people will not buy any less meat.

>> No.6034984

>Nonsense, Free Trade © was always about maximizing profits for Wall Street.

I'm sure you feel very strongly about whatever it is you are trying to say here, but I'm not really sure what the supposed connection is to preceding posts. Can you spell that out for those of us who aren't as brilliant as you?

>> No.6034985

how about a $20,000 baby tax, reducing the human population is the only way.

>> No.6035059

you mean france

>> No.6035074
File: 2.68 MB, 900x506, _1409452140718.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>in fact you might actually be healthier if you cut back to a few servings per week.
Should you make that a few servings a month idk but if you make that a few servings a year then you can have a realistic sense of health.

>> No.6035075

either your taste buds are fucked or you suck at cooking

>> No.6035130

there is nothing the government can possibly do to stop global warming (except maybe some supporting science engineering), its dumb to make our lives less good in a futile attempt

>> No.6035183

>We invented the philosophies of conservation and environmentalism
lol no. Whole religions like Bhuddism and Hinduism implore people to conserve and preserve.

>> No.6035184 [DELETED] 

I agree so long as flyover scum shoulder the burden

>> No.6035242

Global warming isn't even the only reason why cheap meat is bad. It's the resources that are poured into making meat cheap. It'll all crumble and people will keep wondering what went wrong. Eating meat is fine. Eating it for every meal is pants on head retarded.

>> No.6035250

>Hinduism implore people to conserve and preserve

Sounds like you've never heard of the Gadhimai festival. It happened just a few days ago, bro. Look it up.

>> No.6035271

What did I say to set you off this time, heartland-kun?

>> No.6035277


it'll be as effective as gas taxes at making people drive less (ie. not at all), while simultaneously punishing those who already eat a more reasonable and responsible amount of meat (1/4lb a day tops for me)

essentially its just another revenue stream for the government that will go to funding insurance companies, defense contractors, foreign aid for isreal, or whatever other inane, destructive, non-benefitting expense the government needs to cover this month

>> No.6035290

A better idea is to tax people in second and third world countries who give birth to more than 2 children. $20,000 or 10% of income (whichever is higher) per year per additional children.

>> No.6035854

>along with sugar
Sugar is extremely expensive in the US on a global scale because of agricultural subsidies. That's why high fructose corn syrup is used as a substitute for it almost everywhere.

Refined sugar is sucrose. Sucrose is made up of glucose and fructose. Corn syrup is simply glucose. Hence "High fructose corn syrup" is Fructose+Glucose and tastes similar to sugar when used as a substitute in recipes. I can taste the difference if I've had the alternative with real sugar.

Also, calories are not the leading factor in weight gain/loss. If it were that simple, there wouldn't be a billion dollar diet industry.

>make indulgences too cheap
I'd rather let the market decide what is cheap and what isn't. Eliminate subsidies for everything (slowly to avoid huge market changes)

>> No.6035862

Poor people don't do nearly a much damage as first worlders

A family of twelve in some village with only one generator lit building is barely equal to one middle class American

>> No.6035870

>combat climate change
The premise is a farce. I'm sure you're suggesting "man-caused climate change" because we can't exactly control the weather.

Assuming you're talking about global warming: You need to first prove that it exists. The earth has gotten a net 2 degrees centigrade warmer over the last 100 years. The polar ice caps have more ice than they did 5 years ago, and there hasn't been any warming in the past few years. These things go against ALL the models that have been proposed by those who insist that my truck is going to kill us all.

So no, a meat tax is not a good idea at all.

>> No.6035889
File: 146 KB, 557x800, global corporate elite 02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


There was nothing preventing computers, electric cars and such from being built in the U.S. by American workers.

You're a fool if you think Free Trade © resulted in quality products at a cheeper price, as the reality is that prices rose (and continue to do so) while quality suffered and the increased profits were pocketed by the Global Corporate Elite.

>> No.6036146

It's quite proven. The fact that there "hasn't been any warming in the past few years" is completely irrelevant. Read some scientific lit if you're not convinced.


>> No.6036282

>Sugar is extremely expensive in the US on a global scale because of agricultural subsidies.

Incorrect. Sugar is extremely expensive in the US because of import taxes and quotas on sugar. These were passed in the late 1970's and early 1980s. Yes, corn is subsidized but even with the subsidy sugar would still be cheaper.

>>Also, calories are not the leading factor in weight gain/loss. If it were that simple, there wouldn't be a billion dollar diet industry.

Lol. It is that simple. Alas, there are two problems with it. First, it requires accurate counting of calories, and many people can't be bothered to do that, or they do it incorrectly. And second, it requires willpower to stick to your diet which some people simply don't have. Everybody knows that eating less and exercising more is the key to fitness. But that takes effort so people are always in search of a magic bullet to fix their health, as well as some kind of big bad boogeyman they can blame their problems on: "I'm not fat because of anything I did, it's all because of those carbs. Those evil carbs made me fat". That sort of thing.

>> No.6036299

>climate change


>> No.6036303

>but when scientists all seem to agree that human influenced climate change is a concern

Except they don't.

Stop reading Obama Tweets.

>> No.6036311
File: 471 KB, 628x1404, 1379203440870.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you fucking conspiracy theorists
>He's insane

>> No.6036402

No, fuck you, keep your filthy hippie hands the FUCK off muh steak you retarded commie cunt.

Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to go around the block in my 10mpg Land Rover in honor of this thread.

>> No.6036488

I cannot wait for the day shit jumps off and we can start shooting "progressives" in their fucking faces.

>> No.6037361
File: 169 KB, 512x512, Burning_River_Pale_Ale_840199.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you're a fool if

Confirmed for upset blue collar laborer whose factory job (or loved one's factory job) was affected by globalization. Take a swig of Night Train or whatever it is you people drink, and let's think about this calmly.

You're right that labor costs have something to do with shifts in production. But they don't have everything to do with it. Remember that we were talking about environmental damage. Remember that during America's industrialization in the 19th and 20th centuries, rivers routinely caught fire in American industrial cities (Cleveland being one of the more famous examples, pic related).

You may also wish to recall how safety standards in the west do affect labor costs. I think both the labor side and the wall street side should be able to agree on this point. So if you are talking about the labor side of things, your Global© Corporate© Fat© Cats© prefer whips and chains and 12 year olds getting taken out of school to solder SMDs, over OSHA regulations and 40 year old senior foremen earning double holiday pay. I don't see how you could possibly pretend this is not the case.

>> No.6037372


What is "the day shit", do you mean "the day shift"?

I just got off the acela from my white collar job, my italian silk grenadine tie is literally getting taken off after I hit post, I'm tired of talking about resetting expectations and what's in the pipeline and leveraging core competencies, and I would enjoy shitposting for a while about libruls vs conservitards. If you just hung up your helmet at your factory job perhaps you can settle in with me, crack yourself a Miller and I'll pour myself a Midas Touch and let's do this shit.

>> No.6038064

yeah, just like nobody coul afford a car before east asia started making cars, right?

oh wait..

>> No.6038535

Have you bothered to follow the debate for the last 40 years? I have. First it was all "Ice Age 2000!" Then the guy who wrote that scare-book literally decided he could make more money scaring people about overheating, so he started writing about the coming global heatpocalypse.

So the "climate scientists" started writing papers about warming trends, and then their data started getting picked apart -- things like having their thermometers placed next to asphalt airport runways, which are naturally going to give wildly inaccurate readings due to muh sunlight-on-black-asphalt shit. So the "climate scientists" started refusing to give out their data for analysis.

Then the CRU got hacked in retaliation, and suddenly the media is in full-blown whitewash mode over that.

It's fraud after fraud after fraud. Every long-term prediction the "we're all gonna die!" crowd has made has turned out to be bullshit. We were supposed to be underwater today because of muh rising sea levels. That didn't happen, so now they say, "Well, it'll happen in thirty years! But we need to tax everyone TODAY to stop it!!!"

One week they're announcing that this will be the worst hurricane season ever because muh warming, then the season is a dud (an entire month without a single western Pacific typhoon forming) and they're announcing that the global warming has stopped the hurricanes.

>> No.6038542

Really? Then why was there no warning when Russia got hit a year or so back?

Oh yeah, because the monitoring only extends to a small percentage of the largest chunks that we already know about. Derp.

>> No.6038740

Pollution. Remember? Or did the lead poisoning damage your brain?

>> No.6038744

sugars are carbs though.

>> No.6040131

How about filthy hippies just let us use more nuclear power, burn less coal, and still enjoy our meat?