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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6025253 No.6025253 [Reply] [Original]

>mfw people think you can "seal in the juices" of a piece of meat
>mfw people think you can't wash mushrooms
>mfw people think cast iron heats evenly
>mfw people think a bit of soap will destroy cast iron seasoning
>mfw people think honing rods are for sharpening
>mfw Cutco

>> No.6025261
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mfw OP thinks we don't know these things already

>> No.6025270

I think "Sealing in the juices" mostly refers to not pressing the shit out of it while it on the heat. In which case it's a valid piece of advice.

>> No.6025306
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>not everyone is an expert in my hobby
>better go online and bitch about it

>> No.6025312

>storing mayo outside the fridge

>> No.6025327

>People paying small fortunes on knives

>> No.6025489

But you're supposed to press the meat on the heat. Why else would all burger places do it

>> No.6026000

To make it nice and flat for toppings.

>> No.6026004
File: 2.70 MB, 3504x2336, stallman_592.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>washing eggs

>> No.6026011

>>mfw people think honing rods are for sharpening

>my superior at work who has worked in 'catering' for 8 years

What a melt. I cannot wait until I can afford to work in a real restaurant.

>> No.6027830

I tend to do this as a precaution, since the eggs I buy are sometimes covered in shit.

>> No.6027839

get a fucking grip

>> No.6027841
File: 276 KB, 518x428, areyouamadfishtoo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>on vacation
>fiancee decides she wants to cook for once
>buys boneless skinless chicken breasts because it's hard to really fuck those up
>tears open packaging
>immediately goes to the sink


>mfw she rinses the chicken, splashing chicken juice everywhere

>> No.6027843

liking nice things is wrong because you are poor and know nothing of metallurgy amirite?
if you honestly think theres no difference in different knife steels you are a fucking retard

>> No.6027848

I don't understand not wasing the mushrooms thing, how else can I remove the dirt on them?

>> No.6027851

washing eggs promotes driving salmonella into the eggs, theres a reason the industry doesn't do it outside of a few very difficult techniques used in only rare circumstances

>> No.6027854

Projecting much?

Not who you're talking too, but the cost/benefit on some high end knives just isn't there. You're just paying for the name, and that's why you are the ultimate pleb and always will be.

>> No.6027859

Luthier here. Stop talking. You have no clue what you're rambling on about.

>> No.6027863

Except nearly all eggs in America are washed. Wtf? That's the reason why we have to refrigerate them.

>> No.6027877

confirmed for being a fucking moron

>> No.6027878

So you make guitars? First of all I doubt it, second of all why would tht qualify you to speak to high end kitchen knives?

>> No.6027880

Looks like I hit a nerve there.

>> No.6027883

Violins and violas.
I don't give a damn if you doubt it or not.

If you don't know why I can speak authoritatively on the subject of blades, then you further display your ignorance.

>> No.6027888

You don't care because you are lying.

I am speaking about knives, not wood working tools. You're opinion is invalid. Why don't you come back after you learn something about kitchen knives and we can have an intelligent conversation about them.

>but muh thousand dollar weeb knife is folded a gorrillion times

>> No.6027890


What's the difference between a violist and an onion?

>> No.6027897

Of all the things to lie about?

Anyway, most of what I do is sharpen, hone, and burnish. Hell that's all I did for six months before I was allowed to put blade to wood. I had to learn the geometries, the differences between the grades of steel, and the various techniques (burnishing a french curve scraper is a bitch).

The use the blade is put to doesn't matter one whit. It will go dull, the edge (if too sharp for that steel) will roll, the blade will get nicked. It'll happen slower going through flesh than maple, but faster when hitting bone.

>> No.6027901

No one cries when you cut up a violist.
(I always heard that as banjo player joke).

What's the difference between a fiddle and a violin?
>no one gets pissed when you spill a beer on a fiddle

>> No.6027902


I kekd

>> No.6027936

If you're up for the corniest of corny, Google "banjokes"

>> No.6027940

I use a wet sponge or paper towel; running them under water seems pointless

>> No.6027942


>> No.6027954

>Why else would all
>argumentum ad populum
>used to justify something made out of tradition instead of factual results

pls go.

>> No.6027965

cleans dirt and bacteria off of the shell? All eggs in north america come pre-washed. Not a spec of dirt on them.

>> No.6027974
File: 2.82 MB, 4032x3024, Durian.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw my folks buy a whole fucking ton of these.

>> No.6027980

How can people do this???
I'm constantly shocked at the amount of people I have seen who does this.
>That gross sour taste blegh

>> No.6027983

>Washing meat

Not even once, don't wife her, she doesn't have the skills required to be a mother. Clearly her mother failed horrendously.

>> No.6028000
File: 354 KB, 800x600, 1417166460286.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't get where all the hate has come from. My Cast Iron has treated me real well and it actually is the only skillet I have that consistently heats evenly on my warped stove coils.

Boiling water in my tea pot even takes longer than it should.

>> No.6028007


Some people hate it because it can be seen as a trend, and for some reason that's enough for some people to despise it.

Others read about "seasoning" and get scared, thinking that it's super complicated or difficult or a big hassle or someshite.

>> No.6028010

I use an unseasoned cast iron for twice the internet rage.

>> No.6028011

TBH seasoning does scare me when folks get into talking about Flax Seed oil and shit. I just make sure I have plenty of butter in the pan when I make my pork chops.

>> No.6028013

That's just stupid.

Not even mad, but that's life bragging about running a car without antifreeze in it.

>> No.6028015

It's one of those deals where any oil is better than no oil. I've always either used rendered day from something like bacon/fatback or crisco. 12 years. Season twicea year, no problems.

>> No.6028016

OP here. I love cast iron, but there are a lot of myths about it, and one of them is that it heats evenly.

>> No.6028017

It is already paying off.

>> No.6028043

> protip: being called stupid for doing something stupid is not in fact trolling others

>> No.6028044

I-I t-t-t-trolled you?

>> No.6028048
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kawaii troll pls

>> No.6028049

Why is this bad?

>> No.6028052

washing raw meat generally causes the meat juices to go all over the place which is a great way to spread nasty shit that could make people ill

>> No.6028068
File: 50 KB, 480x360, eggs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eggs fresh from the chicken have a natural coating on them that resists germs and reduces the permeability of the egg shell.
In America, commercially produced eggs have this coating washed off, and the eggs require refrigeration afterwards.
In Europe and elsewhere eggs aren't washed and they can be left at room temperature for weeks.

>> No.6028071

... you know, you don't have to run the water full blast.

>> No.6028072

>guys!!! don't wash your meat or you'll contaminate your environment with meat residue!!! It's bad for you!!!


>> No.6028073

yeah but people are stupid
I'm a vegetarian fucknugget

>> No.6028080

Explains the intelligence issue

>> No.6028085

>Results 366 (4.5%) participants said they were vegetarian, although 123 (33.6%) admitted eating fish or chicken. Vegetarians were more likely to be female, to be of higher social class (both in childhood and currently), and to have attained higher academic or vocational qualifications, although these socioeconomic advantages were not reflected in their income. Higher IQ at age 10 years was associated with an increased likelihood of being vegetarian at age 30 (odds ratio for one standard deviation increase in childhood IQ score 1.38, 95% confidence interval 1.24 to 1.53). IQ remained a statistically significant predictor of being vegetarian as an adult after adjustment for social class (both in childhood and currently), academic or vocational qualifications, and sex (1.20, 1.06 to 1.36). Exclusion of those who said they were vegetarian but ate fish or chicken had little effect on the strength of this association.

>> No.6028093

> after adjustment for ses
Know how i know those statistics are lying with numbers?

>> No.6028094


Because you reached a knee-jerk reaction instead of reading the paper?

>> No.6028096


>> No.6028100

Because it was written by a vegan?

>> No.6028104

>I don't know what statistics are and any adjustments must be LIES
What is your level of education? I would expect at least high school or first year undergrad stats would provide you with at least some rudimentary background.

>> No.6028105

But if it agreed with your uneducated opinion it would be correct and could not be refuted because, "a scientist said so", amirite?

>> No.6028110

lol X2

>> No.6028121

I know precisely what adjustments are. Further, i know that there is absolutely no agreed upon way to normalize iq by ses.

I further know that depending upon which instrument was used to measure iq, ses has already been eliminated as a source of variance.

>> No.6028133

>vegetarians are often well educated lying idiots and 1/3rd aren't vegetarians in the first place
>being smart and rich at age 10 makes you more likely to be an asshat who says they're vegetarian by age 30
>actually not eating meat has nothing to do with any of this

So today we proved that people are shitheads, wooooo.

>> No.6028134

Just because shops don't refrigerate them doesn't mean you shouldn't. It's noticeable in smaller shops where they replace the eggs less often that they are less fresh than those in more frequented shops.

>> No.6028400

that was the joke you autistic shit

>> No.6030313


no it patently doesn't refer to that

and that barely does shit anyway.

>> No.6030342
File: 28 KB, 399x582, 1385405813410.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>porkchops in butter

>> No.6030373


stil gets contaminated water in the sink. if you have an empty sink that's ok but you still need to then wash the sink to minimise contamination risk. couple that with the fact that there is no point washing a chicken unless it actually has perceptible dirt on it and you can see it's a dumb thing to do.