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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6006065 No.6006065 [Reply] [Original]

What are the best tasting sodas?

>> No.6006151

I like me some Cream Soda, the one with a picture of a big bearded guy at a table. I don't know whats it's called sadly.

>> No.6006187

Root Beers and Cream Sodas

>> No.6006195
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>> No.6006201


>> No.6006207

Not that

>> No.6006208
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I had a dream where I walked into my local grocery store and it was full of pic related and various other microbrewed root beers. Then I woke up with my hand in my pants and felt immeasurably sad.

>> No.6006217
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>> No.6006223

I haven't had that in years! Can't find it anywhere.

>> No.6006227
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No question.

>> No.6006228

Water you obese pieces of shit.

Pepsi Wild Cherry.

>> No.6006232

Thankfully the grocery store right by me carries the 2 liters still.

>> No.6006241
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but OP's pic is a contender

>> No.6006249

Start hoarding it. I read it was discontinued.

>> No.6006257

Am I the only one who sees them as just another cream soda?

>> No.6006260

it tastes nothing like cream soda.

>> No.6006262

the GOAT

>> No.6006277

Pepsi Max.

>> No.6006279

that pick is so hipster i figuratively vomited on my keyboard.

>> No.6007022
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Tonic and Bitter lemon are the only acceptable sodas

>> No.6007071

Mountain Dew Voltage, Coca-Cola Vanilla and Lipton Iced Tea Sparkling are my drinks of choice.
Fight me.

>> No.6007081

Ok, mum

Coke with lemon is the shit

>> No.6007118

nigga yes

>> No.6007119 [DELETED] 

Sure is flyover ITT

>> No.6007772
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>> No.6007778
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>> No.6007791


>> No.6007812

Does Coke taste better if it's out of a glass bottle, /ck/?

>> No.6007849
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>> No.6007852


>> No.6007875

cream soda, with ginger ale at a close second

>> No.6007894


Yes. Something about plastic fucking with the flavor or something.

>> No.6007899


glass bottle is way way better than plastic bottle

in family carne asadas I buy a 2lt coca cola and and a can or glass bottle for me (can tastes the same)

>> No.6008167

Jarritos Guava, Mango, Mandarin

Jones Crushed Melon Soda

Mountain Dew Baja Blast & Voltage

Dad's Root Beer

Citrus Blast (which I have not seen for sale in ages)

Sierra Mist

>> No.6008169

L&P from New Zealand!!!

>> No.6008372
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I just put some Bologna in the smoker as well.

>> No.6008382

The chips of glass in the bottle add flavor.

>> No.6008386
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>mfw Dr pepper is my favorite and everyone else in my house hates it

>> No.6008402

>mfw there is a cream soda marketed as if it is not a cream soda

>> No.6008414

If you live near a Menard's, they always have oodles of this shit and some other Sprecher's stuff.

>> No.6008418

Lately I've been on a Cherry Dr. Pepper kick.

>> No.6008421

Fuck yes I love putting lemon in coke.

>> No.6008442

Dr Pepper is good but Cherry Dr. Pepper is better.

>> No.6008531
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Here's a long shot

>> No.6008673


I can't drink soda often because type 1 dyabeetis, but if I'm going to kill my body I'd rather do it with root beer.

>> No.6008688
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Me and Dr. Orpheus are right behind you on that sir

>> No.6008813
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Melon soda
I have to make my own cause its virtually unavailable in supermarkets. Just use sparkling water and melon syrup.

Also San Pellegrino sodas...

>> No.6008999

I walked into this Korean supermarket once at my friendly neighborhood Chinatown.

Raw fish smell everywhere, whatever.
Used to it.

Walked to the drinks and found this sasparilla thing.

Curious so I bought and drank the shit.

Best ass motherfucker I'd ever had since then and before.

>> No.6009002


Had this while in Slovakia. Interesting taste, but I can't say that I enjoyed it very much

>> No.6009025

The right answer is always Julmust. Always.

>> No.6009030

>San Pellegrino sodas

I used to love San Pellegrino, and then one day I looked at how much sugar there is on them and compared it to a can of coke. Let's just say: holy fucking shit.

>> No.6009040

It always gets overshadowed by Dr pepper, but I really like Mr Pibb

>> No.6009075
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>> No.6009090
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u niggas don't know about fritz.
goat german soda

>> No.6009369
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>picking fritz over premium
Get your shit together, anon!

>> No.6009371

It was a damn shame that they changed their melon-soda recipe. It was my top 1 soda. Now it tastes like shit. :(

>> No.6009464
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Shame it's only sold in a few stores in my country.

>> No.6009671

RC Cola

>> No.6009685

I got fresh made coffee soda at a hipster store one time, that shit was the best.

>> No.6009691

I used to love Code Red. But I haven't had a pop/soda in 6 years.

>> No.6009808
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Only in the UK I think

>> No.6009813
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Who /Байкал/ masterrace here?

>> No.6010531

ayy, my nigga

>> No.6010546
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>> No.6010645
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Unfortunately all of the grocery stores near me stopped selling it, sucks.

>> No.6010649
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You know its true

>> No.6010965

haven't tried it yet, has it really got worse? :^(

>> No.6011121

I work in a deli with a coke fountain machine. I sometimes get a 32oz cup, fill it halfway with Mr. Pibb/half Orange Fanta. It's amazing to me.

>> No.6011137

The Germans love mixing Pepsi with fanta, and it's actually pretty good. I'm sure its not too different with Mr. Pibb.

>> No.6011140
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Almdudler, obviously

>> No.6011201


San peligrino is ok, but it's for nothing on the stuff we make in daylesford, Victoria, Australia
Fuck you Italy
Fuck you

>> No.6011204

Dandelion and Burdock friends

Dandelion and Burdock

>> No.6011238

Its very popular in Sweden

>> No.6011263

I assumed that pic was from somewhere in Latin America.

>> No.6011320
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>> No.6011361
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>> No.6012819
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This magical elixir right here.

>> No.6012823


YESSSS their cola is so good.

>> No.6012827
File: 5 KB, 280x180, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is hands down, slays all competition, nectar of the gods, best cola in the world.

>> No.6012958

That just tastes like cola bottle sweets

>> No.6012971
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is 2nd

>> No.6012975
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>> No.6012996

You say that as if liquid cola bottle sweets isn't the greatest thing ever

>> No.6013125

Cheerwine. Only available in one of the Carolinas though

>> No.6013144

fucking amazing stuff

>> No.6013331
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>> No.6013410

Nope. We gotz it in Cali, son. I'll vouch for best soda too.

>> No.6013422

Blenheim ginger ale, bitches

>> No.6013507

Asian markets usually have melon soda, that stuffs good

>> No.6015410

OP pic related.
The Korean and Nippon melon sodas
Root beer
Cream soda
Tea flavored sodas (though quality varies)
Coffee flavored sodas (^^^)
Rum and Coke, etc. etc. type stuff
Anything Latin American with dat pure cane

Sodas with a lowered sugar content that still have a good or sweet taste can be top tier beverages. In my experiences alcohols ONLY taste good with a splash of some soda.

>> No.6015423

>tfw quit drinking soda 'cold turkey' three weeks ago

I drank Coca Cola so much that my desk would have double and triple layers of cans stacked on it. Thankfully I stopped until I became obese.

Also, cans > glass > plastic, plastic bottles taste like shit and go flat before you can even finish drinking them.

>> No.6015428



before, lel

>> No.6015468
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Best Soda Coming Through.

>> No.6015472

melon soda master race.

also strawberry crush is pretty good, none of that other strawberry soda though, tastes like shit comparatively.

>> No.6015666

>Vanilla coke
Muh nigga. Also root beer with vanilla ice cream

>> No.6016461

I bet that's good on a hot day, i tell you hwut.

>> No.6016474
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>> No.6016547
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aw yeah another person who appreciates the glory of Jarritos(Pineapple is best flavor though, followed by Mandarin)

>> No.6016564 [DELETED] 
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Sometimes, I fantasize about meeting and wooing a young, nubile, college-aged woman in the bloom of her beauty. One night, I cook her a sumptuous dinner with bacon wrapped diver scallops over pan seared, Parmesan encrusted spinach, paired with a nice pinot grigio and artichoke. As she drinks the wine, the sedatives take effect. Then, when she awakes, she's strapped to a chair completely naked. As she comes to, she notices through the glass I'm also completely naked and in another room wearing a special diaper that has tubing running up through the ceiling. The tubing connects to a large glass fish bowl that is being slowly lowered over her face and head. I then grimace and empty my bowels, as the bowl travels lower and lower. She knows what's happening. She's screaming and thrashing and unable to escape from the chair. The bowl is lowered over her head. She's crying and vomits. Then I cum.

>> No.6016570
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>> No.6016581
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>> No.6016589

So, do you guys like Josta?

Mah nigga

>> No.6016592

Sioux city sarasparilla is the best. if only I could find a place near me that sells it.
Actually, I wonder if I can just order it straight from the manufacturer

>> No.6016595

Apparently south central MN it's the only place in the country that it's not sold at, since any time I roadtrip I find tons of gas stations and convenience stores selling it.

>> No.6016596

I love me some pinã no colada

>> No.6016597
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rubicon master race reporting in

>> No.6016619
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There are no other contenders

>> No.6016622

literal vomit

>> No.6016628

Sadly, it's fucking disgusting

>> No.6016632

Dr. Pepper Cherry, Irn Bru and Jones Bubblegum soda.

>> No.6016677

Not based mango l.