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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 53 KB, 650x431, swedish meatballs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6009586 No.6009586 [Reply] [Original]

I want to make swedish meatballs for my little sister's school event later this week. I've googled some recipes, but does /ck/ have their favorite recipes of this?

I haven't tasted this by the way. It just looks like it's good and can be enjoyed by all.

>> No.6009599

Simple as fuck version:
Ground beef/pork 50/50
Mashed potatoes
Chopped anchovies
Shredded onion

Add salt/pepper/marjoram to taste.

Mix it all up lightly and make balls out of each.

Fry it on a pan with lots of butter. When it's all fried up make gravy out of what's left on the pan.

>> No.6009613

no allspice no game.

>> No.6009627

>Chopped anchovies
This seems a bit hard to get or expensive from where I am. Can I opt it out?

>> No.6009632

>no allspice no game.
somali detected

>> No.6009636

Yeah sure, at its simplest form meatballs are just, well meat with some starch and onions really(heck some people might even not need that). Also spices can be varied to taste like >6009613 says go with allspice if you want to get more christmasy and shit.

>> No.6009786

Got it. Thanks for the tip.

Here is my other reference: http://damndelicious.net/2014/02/21/swedish-meatballs/

>> No.6009822

I haven't made meatballs since I moved away from my parent's house, but this is how my father used to do it:
Whatever ground meat you have
Bread crumbs
Salt & pepper, optionally taco spice
Optionally finely ground onions

The sauce is usually just roux and stock, spices added to taste.

>> No.6009849
File: 12 KB, 429x431, 1350092694058.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

True Swede here and I have to tell you that alot of americans make discusting meatballs.
I will try to find our home-recipe of the most wicked sick meatballs ever made (truly-swedish).

Give me a few minutes, do not trust the other people with their "simple as fuck versions" etc, if you want meatballs, you want them great.

>> No.6009903
File: 8 KB, 493x402, 1252176726166.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nevermind, didn't find it.

>> No.6009928


If you're an expert on meatballs then surely you ought to know the basics of the recipe by memory?

>> No.6009970

What, no. I waited for your recipe, anon. ;_;

I found this http://www.ikea.com/ms/en_SG/pdf/restaurant/meatball_recipe.pdf

Is it authentic enough?

>> No.6010037

A swede giving culinary advice now thats a laugh.

>> No.6010041

He is just an expert on balls thats all.

>> No.6010061

Why can't he give advice on food that he grew up with?

>> No.6010066

A cultural ineptitude towards anything culinary thats why.

>> No.6010075

I just go to Ikea and buy a few bags with the gravy mix.


>> No.6010094

We don't have Ikea here. Well we have it online but no physical store yet.

>> No.6010141
File: 1.50 MB, 2304x1728, u are avin a laff m8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


500 g (18 oz 'murican) ground (minced) beef/pork mixture
250 ml (1¼ cup 'murican) milk
75 g (¾ cup 'murican) white breadcrumbs
1 egg
1 onion
salt, white pepper
ground allspice

Soak crumbs in milk. Dice onion finely and fry gently until see-through. Mix everything together and form balls of your preferred size. Fry them balls. Add cream, soy, salt and pepper into pan and simmer with balls until preferred consistency. Serve with lingonberry jam and mashed tatters.

WA helvete LA!

>> No.6010155

I don't eat Scandinavian food that often. That sounds really good right now.

>> No.6010156
File: 25 KB, 494x400, 1258723661743.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sounds similiar to what I'm used to.
Thank you Swefag (I'm the guy who didn't find my recipe earlier).

Also, remember, Americans: Meatballs should look somewhat like this:

Not like fucking this:

If the meatballs you buy/make is just round and smooth like a firm ball - then it's most likely shit.
A true meatball should have texture, not "perfectly" round, it should be able to go into pieces if you "crush" it, not remain its ball form.

>> No.6010161

quick and dirty version is brown gravy sour cream and dill

>> No.6010177

If there's too many meatballs in the pan, just take them out when they are more or less done to get started with the cream sauce and then just put them back in. I usually have to do that at least.

Oh and don't over mix the meatballs, it gets a weird consistency if you do.

>> No.6010190

Thank you! OP here; I'm not American btw, but thank you for the notes.

>> No.6010193

>lingonberry jam
I might have to skip this since I don't know where I can get it here, but thanks. I'll try to find that jam later, just so i can have an authentic taste.

>> No.6010194

Food Wishes Swedish Meatball. Not too complicate, not too messy. ie. frying.

>> No.6010196

Yeah that looks processed as shit

>> No.6010225
File: 114 KB, 1023x782, SWEDEN2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I call these things almôndegas in my language.

>> No.6010658

Let me guess?
"traditional" swedish meatballs (extra Swedish)

1 lb ground african bushmeat (halal)
2 tsp Paki cum
17 tears from your own daughter's rape trauma

mix all ingredients together and pay an Imam to pray over it and have sex with your wife.

Eat while you watch them have sex (that's the EXTRA Swedish part)

>> No.6010669

Traditional Swedish, not Modern Swedish

>> No.6010683

download Valentine Warner Eats Scandinavia its episode 5 or 6 only 22 min episodes so it should be easy to find. 2 SM recipes

>> No.6010798

Just watched it, not really impressed.

>> No.6010866

boo hoo

>> No.6011016

>Valentine Warner Eats Scandinavia
Okay, I'll try to check it out. Thanks, anon.

>> No.6011089

>2 tsp Paki cum
This is not British cuisine.

>> No.6011582

Le ebin bantz m8. Shit I thought you guys better than /int/.

Something I like to do is fry up some finly cut bacon and add to the mixture. Makes for nice taste imo. Otherwise this guy is pretty spot on.

>> No.6011592

Try Ikea, they usually sell lingonberry jam

>> No.6012641

We don't have a physical store yet; Ikea only exists online here (only a facebook page, even; no website). But thanks.

>> No.6012694

Original Swedish Homemade meatballs (not the american variant) with homemade mashed potatoes, lingonberry jam and brown gravy = the shit.

>> No.6012696

fuck off /pol/.

>> No.6013161

>he said an uncomfortable truth, better call him /pol/!!

>> No.6013173

If thats the uncomfortable truth to you, I'd hatw to see an uncomfortable lie.

>> No.6013181

>I want to make swedish meatballs for my little sister's school event later this week.
this poster has a good sausage & meatball recipe. you should get recipe and serve that at the school, it'll be such a hit you'll probably make the local news!

>> No.6013231

Wow! 10/10 joke! Thank you for the help.

>> No.6013242

/pol/ has never been wrong

>> No.6013248


>> No.6015704

Not a single joke about or request for pix of your sister? Is /ck/ even 4chan