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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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5995261 No.5995261 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /ck/. /fit/izen here. How do you guys keep eggs interesting. So far, I just fry them and pour sriracha all over them because it's GOAT. I want to keep it interesting, though. Any tips or recipes?

I'd ask /fit/ but they would tell me EGGS AND OATS AND SQUATS AND OATS.

>> No.5995264 [DELETED] 

Tortilla española

>> No.5995265
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>eats GOAT food
>wants to improve GOAT food

are you stupid

>> No.5995267

ooo a /fit/zen

why don't you just mix them in with your shake in the morning?

>> No.5995275 [DELETED] 

I love the butthurt over fitizen posts

They used to annoy me but /ck/ has been taken over by 'i inhale junk food 24/7 and I feel fine it's genetics' ham planets and I am sympathetic to fit posters

Better than 3,5,7,9/11 eating disorder threads too

>> No.5995278

would you drink with me?
I drink alone all the time, it would be nice to have a partner

>> No.5995279


Yeah there is a ton of butt hurt, but they are fun to read. Naturally they should accept a little ribbing here and there. I am tired of the fast food posts though. Fucking hammies.

>> No.5995281 [DELETED] 

Sure. You live in or near new york city?

>> No.5995283



i kid

>> No.5995286

Not an egg recipe per se, but...

Do those cottage cheese, oat, egg pancakes. They usually use a shit ton of egg, and CC is basically a chunky whey shake, for your protons.
I made them for my dyel bf this weekend and he liked them.

>> No.5995287

Have some boiled ones on hand to chop and mix with something else high-protein (off the top of my head, tuna or chicken and a little bit of relish, for example. Or if you don't mind carbs, a little seasoned wild rice--although scrambled might be better for that. That way you can get some variety without it being a big production to make it/eat it.

>> No.5995289
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>i live in missouri

>> No.5995293 [DELETED] 

Well in that case, I'll be drinking with you in the alckohol threads

>> No.5995299

This, not too much potato though.

>> No.5995304

>continues with the drudgery

>> No.5995316

Work on perfecting an omelette
yellow (not tan) on the outside
custardy on the inside
add cheese
and veggies
whatever you want

If you get sick of eating perfect omelettes then you should stop eating food immediately and suck a million dicks

>> No.5995319
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>suck a million dicks

dem proteins

>> No.5995375

This is all some great shit, anons. Gonna try this stuff out and see what's up. Thanks for all the advice!



>> No.5995380

Post body or GTFO fag /homo/ i mean /fit/ isn't welcome here

>> No.5995677


You make it sound like people from /fit/ don't eat junk food 24/7. /fit/ isn't a health board, it's a bodybuilding board. People need to understand that.

When you see "/fit/ here" 100% of the time the only reason the OP said it was so that you imagine them being buff for no reason. I go to /fit/ too but I don't feel the need to say "make way for /fit/" and "/fit/ coming through" every time I post on a different board

>> No.5996207 [DELETED] 

>You make it sound like people from /fit/ don't eat junk food 24/7.
What? Obviously it's a mixed bag but the rest of your post shows you've never even clicked on the board.
> /fit/ isn't a health board
Has anyone ever suggested it was? Health? No, it's /fit/. But health related topics get more earnest discussion there than here, where it's basically hippie librul vegans vs rethugnican ammurilard carnists 24/7.
>it's a bodybuilding board.
Completely wrong. Aestheticsfags are a slight minority, it's a powerlifter/oly lifter board if anything. Or wannabe PL/oly board, if you prefer.
>People need to understand that.
People don't need to understand that, because it's wrong. You want to start spouting off about how /g/ is the web design board? Because that's what you sound like.

Also bump, just for you.

>> No.5996212

egg drop soup

2 cups chicken stock or broth
1 egg
soy sauce
white pepper
green onion (optional)

Bring the stock to a boil, lower to medium heat, pour in a scrambled egg and whisk with a fork for about minute. It will boil over very quickly, so be ready to pull the pot off the heat.

White pepper and soy sauce to taste, garnish with green onion.

>> No.5996261
File: 54 KB, 768x1024, Egg-Shape.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you don't like boiled eggs because of the green yolk and you think that the white feels like rubber in your mouth I've got news for you. It's not the eggs, it's because you don't know how to cook.
Thumb tack or other similar pointed object

First thing you want to do is put some water on to boil. We'll be adding the eggs to the boiling water, so prep your eggs in the mean time. The only prep you have is to poke a small hole in each egg at the end indicated by the arrow in the picture. There's a small pocket of air that needs to be allowed a vent to prevent the shell from cracking when you boil them. Once your water is good and boiling gently add your eggs. If you're using a saucepan, when you add your eggs the water will drop from a rolling boil to a gently boil- THIS IS WHERE YOU WANT TO KEEP IT. The reason your egg whites have a rubbery texture is because your boil is too rough when you cook them, a gently boil prevents this. 9 minutes will give you a hard boiled egg that doesn't have a completely dried out yolk. I think a runny yolk is somewhere in the 6 minutes range, but I'm not positive because I don't do runny boiled eggs.

Once your eggs are boiled, pour out the water and before you do anything else- shake the eggs in the pan to crack the shells. It doesn't take a ton of force. I like to rinse the pan once with cold water, dump it out and then fill it back up again. This cools the pan down so that your ice doesn't have to. Next step is CRITICAL. Add enough water to just cover your eggs and then add ice. Add at least enough ice until the surface of the water is covered. The ice water bath is what pulls the sulfur out of the yolk, not doing this, or not getting it cold enough will result in a disgusting green yolk. Then you can start peeling. You can take your already cracked eggs and peel them under cold running water immediately, but place them back into the water for 5 minutes or so until they're cooled. Perfection.

>> No.5996269

Based scoobs

>> No.5996281


thank me later

>> No.5996286

>all this bro science

Nice. /fit/ would be proud.

>> No.5996307

I don't enjoy crappy boiled eggs. I don't think anyone should be making crappy boiled eggs when they are capable of better.

>> No.5996314

You don't need to prick the egg to avoid breaking them during cooking

You don't need the ice bath to "draw out the sulfur". The ice bath is to cool them down.

You only get the sulfur if you overcook them.

>> No.5996320

>three eggs
>salt, pepper and chopped onion
>heat pan with butter or Canola oil
>fry onions and mushroom
>add eggs, sprinkle pepper
>enjoy when done

>> No.5996335
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>green yolk

>> No.5996343

He's referring to a reaction, if you overcook the egg the outside of the yolk turns green from the sulfur it produces.

Also gives you sulfur farts which do not smell well

>> No.5996344

How much unhealthy stuff can you have? Pretty much everything you add to eggs to make other egg dishes is traditionally considered at least a little unhealthy.

Honestly the way you keep things interesting is to have a varied diet and not eat the same thing all the time. Look at the nutritional requirements you're trying to meet and find other things to rotate in so you're not eating the same thing all the time.

Also seasonings.

>> No.5996352

>Fucking hammies

I don't mind ham planets and skellingtons that much, but I wish the ones on /ck/ would at least eat more interesting varieties of food. Or even just pretend to.

>> No.5996518


Even the egg itself is considered unhealthy. I don't think health is OP's biggest concern

>> No.5996520

>fat is bad for you
>dietary cholesterol has a significant impact on your health

I want 90's moms to leave

>> No.5996536


>doctors are stupid, I believe what I want to believe

>> No.5996546


egg suckers get fucked


>> No.5996565

>posting pop science hippy videos

Oh look what I have here, scientific journals:

Goodrow EF, et al. Consumption of one egg per day increases serum lutein and zeaxanthin concentrations in older adults without altering serum lipid and lipoprotein cholesterol concentrations. J Nutr. (2006)

Ohman M, et al. Biochemical effects of consumption of eggs containing omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids. Ups J Med Sci. (2008)

Qureshi AI, et al. Regular egg consumption does not increase the risk of stroke and cardiovascular diseases. Med Sci Monit. (2007)

Nakamura Y, et al. Egg consumption, serum total cholesterol concentrations and coronary heart disease incidence: Japan Public Health Center-based prospective study. Br J Nutr. (2006)

Njike V, et al. Daily egg consumption in hyperlipidemic adults--effects on endothelial function and cardiovascular risk. Nutr J. (2010)
Have fun reading. I can post more if you like.

(who are we kidding, you are going to keep believing in hype marketing videos that tell you "buy organic! GMO foods are scaaaary! fat is evul!")

>> No.5996585


If only you actually knew how to read scientific journals beyond the title or the conclusion text. This is what we call anomaly hunting, trying to find contradictory studies while ignoring the bigger picture. Your first reference, paid for by the American Egg Board (sSupported by the American Egg Board, Egg Nutrition Center, Washington, DC") is a giveaway that you don't even know what you're saying. Eggs have hardly any luitein or zeaxanthin, it would take about 40 eggs a day to reach the minimum amount. 1 spoonful of spinach has as much as 9 eggs.

Your study on eggs and endothelial function, also funded by the Egg Nutrition Center, says "single dose egg consumption had no effects on endothelial function..... as compared to sausage/cheese " and that cholesterol-free egg substitutes improved endothelial function and lowered serum cholesterol compared to eggs.

When we look at data not produced by the egg industry, eggs seem pretty shitty for health. Here's a paper by 3 world leaders in atherosclerosis and stroke prevention research


>> No.5996588



>> No.5996591

Not at all.
Simply because we don't try to keep a disgusting diet based on only one or two items -- which isn't healthy anyway.

So what's there? fried egg, scrambled egg, a variety of omelettes (actually you can make as many different omelettes as you can make different pizzas), and... well whatever.
When I'm not in the mood for any of that -- screw it! I'll just cook something different. Why the hell would I force myself to down eggs? That's crazy!

>> No.5996636

I pickled some hard boiled eggs earlier this week, using a standard pickling recipe/procedure. Turned out pretty well, although complete pickling penetration has yet to occur. Patience, I suppose.

>> No.5996653


>> No.5996734

With Ketchup and/or tabasco

Call me a pleb, IDGAF

>> No.5996747

Oh lordy, throw in some spinach, bacon or pancetta, bell pepper, maybe some tomato, garlic, and basil?


>> No.5996751

I dunno if /fit/izens can cope with that huge amount of butter though.

>> No.5996766

Some of us have "homeboards" that we identify with. That's why you might see "sub /ck/, /b/ here." or "[s4s] here, where the memes at?" or other retarded shit at the beginning of a post.

>> No.5996795
File: 310 KB, 625x625, eggs tomatoes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Scrambled eggs on wholemeal buttered toast with chives and some cheese on top. Full of protein and tastes amazing. Also porridge with fruit - I usually
chop a banana and eat it with some honey on top.

Also limit your intake of carbs. Eat lots of fish and fruit. Reduce your intake of red meat, but don't cut it out completely as it's full of iron and other minerals that your body needs.

Cook for family and friends. It will help you learn about taste and it will also make you feel good. (I gave a friend some chicken soup I'd made and she phoned me to say it was delicious).

Food can be either a method for simple nutrition, or something really tasty that will help your body and mind.

Eggs are such a versatile food.

>> No.5996796

I am a /fit/ co/ck/

I just make omelettes every day.

>> No.5996797

muh dirty bulk

>> No.5996799

>runny boiled eggs
they're called soft boiled, and you're a fool

>> No.5996803


I'm just not retarded when I boil my eggs, and that's why they don't turn out horrible

>hard boiling to eat as is instead of in a salad
>not soft boiling

>> No.5996806


>Reduce your intake of red meat, but don't cut it out completely as it's full of iron and other minerals that your body needs

Red meat is so shitty that even the iron in it is poisonous


Whole grains and beans, mothafucka.

>> No.5996807

It is physically impossible for a fart to smell well.

>> No.5996822

>I just fry them and pour sriracha all over

This is how I do my eggs.

Another way is fried, topped with cheddar and smoked paprika. It MUST be the smoked kind. Thank me later. Actually, just pour smoked paprika on everything you eat. I just stand in the kitchen and smell it.

Also, hardboiled eggs, peppered, sliced, in salad with oil and vinegar and spinach and a cheese of your choice or shredded chicken.

I think the japs put rolled egg omelette, chopped, or just scattered egg into curry or stirfry. So make stirfry, crack in eggs and mix. Someone should confirm that though. I've done it before and the eggs get lost in the other flavors.


I use baby bella, and the mushroom juices turn the eggs a gray/brown color that looks awful. Tastes good, but terrible color.

>> No.5996830

>Actually, just pour smoked paprika on everything you eat. I just stand in the kitchen and smell it.
Are you me?

>> No.5996834
File: 339 KB, 1600x1344, mushroom risotto.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Red meat is good if in moderation.
I'm having a mushroom risotto for my dinner. With a salad of lettuce, beetroot, grated carrot and avocado. Dressing is just olive oil with a bit of vinegar and English mustard.

Risotto is a bitch to make. It requires constant attention. Mine has 3 different mushrooms, loads of vegetable stock, and generous seasoning. Also a splash of cream.

I want it to look like pic.

>> No.5996842


Smoking is good if in moderation

>> No.5996955
File: 111 KB, 598x541, butter kek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good question, where /are/ the memes at?

>> No.5996984


>> No.5997590

I know this. It's the fat fucks here that might not.

>> No.5997593

It's not about overcooking the egg, it's about removing the sulfur from the egg after it has been cooked.

>> No.5997594


>> No.5997604

Hard boil some eggs and DON'T put them in an ice bath.
>green yolks

>> No.5997609

There's a correlation between fish oil intake and prostate cancer, tool.

>> No.5997622

They tend to eat keto/paleo which is better than 99% of the faggots here. At least they are consistent.

>> No.5997685

How did you not recognize the blatant /s4s/? You should go back to reddit.

>> No.5997686 [DELETED] 

>How did you not recognize the blatant /s4s/? You should go back to reddit.

le ebin memeclub

I didn't know people even went to that board, I'm mildly horrified. probably the only board more inane than /b/

>> No.5997691

>How did you not recognize the blatant /s4s/? You should go back to reddit.

I mean it was obviously a script kiddie who escaped his containment board. Probably same fagging as well.

>> No.5997711 [DELETED] 

What does script kiddie mean? Is s4s only populated by bots?

>> No.5997718

damn, nigga got told and didnt even reply to this

>> No.5997748

Scrambled with zucchini in it. Add a little salt and pepper, and some parmesan cheese (shredded, not that grated powder shit)

Fuckin delicious

>> No.5998894

That does sound delicious.