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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 104 KB, 528x714, 1415352423057.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5955375 No.5955375 [Reply] [Original]

Yes, you are seeing that correctly: they are currently testing a new Dorritos flavored Mountain Dew called "Dewitos"

We are now living Idiocracy

>> No.5955384

I've loved Mountain Dew for a while now, and I think Doritos are okay, but this is seriously disgusting. Tell them to stop.

>> No.5955389

It's going to be a limited edition flavor and people will buy it for that limited time for the novelty of it. Then after people have bought it once and realized its disgusting it will be removed from the market. Welcome to economics 101 you sopping cunt.

>> No.5955395


I wonder what does it taste like.

>> No.5955400


Probably like when you have a mouth full of Doritos while playing call of duty and need a quick sip of dew to wash it down so you can tell everyone how you just no scoped that faggot.

>> No.5955402
File: 763 KB, 700x700, gross.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5955403


>> No.5955404 [DELETED] 

Idiocracy was such a terrible movie. What makes it worse is only idiots 21 and younger reference it to further push their "BORN IN LE WRONG GENERATION" bullshit.

>> No.5955405
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>> No.5955407

>Idiocracy was such a terrible movie

Made you uncomfortable by being too close to the truth?

> What makes it worse is only idiots 21 and younger reference it to further push their "BORN IN LE WRONG GENERATION" bullshit.

That wasn't anything to do with the movie and not the fucking point of the movie AND you're fucking dipshit if you thought it was.

>> No.5955408
File: 307 KB, 200x100, still doing it wrong.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dorritos is the worst brand of chips out there
Mountain Dew is the worst soft drink out there

The fact that people think they make a good combination is just mind boggling

>> No.5955410

>too close to the truth

Oh god the cringe. Confirmed for 21 or younger proclaiming he's BORN IN LE WRONG GENERATION

>> No.5955412

Keep sticking that head in the ground, retard...

>> No.5955413

He didn't say it had to do with the movie. He specifically referenced that the movie is made worse by the worthless fanbase. Is english your second language?

>> No.5955415
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>> No.5955416



>> No.5955417
File: 42 KB, 590x318, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


31 year old here. I don't wanna sound like a dick or nothing, but you talk like a fag and your shits all retarded.

>> No.5955419

How does that even apply if he didn't say he was trol..you know what now I know why you related so much to idiocracy.

>> No.5955421

>31 on 4chan

Damn son what a life

>> No.5955423

Jesus it really is like Idiocracy. Now Carls Jr. needs to pop up everywhere and start serving it exclusively.

I have no idea what you are talking about. Seriously, do you mind explaining to me? What does anything you just said have to do with Idiocracy? No, I am not some huge fan of it and it isn't even close to being one of my favorite movies, but I have fond memories of watching it when it came out and I have no experience with the fanbase or anything surrounding the movie. I just thought it was funny.

>> No.5955424
File: 25 KB, 499x468, 600205e704286491c6f9e92e226e36dc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Being in this much denial after literally seeing a food product called "Dewitos"

>> No.5955425

>Confirmed for 21 or younger




Is it actually possible you're already so stupid you didn't actually GET Idiocracy? Is your name Clevon?

>> No.5955426



>> No.5955427

>unnecessary comma

Yeah it's a yuropoor. Nothing to see here just another dipshit who froths at the mouth to hate americans.

>> No.5955428
File: 1.14 MB, 250x250, implying.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You must be 18 or older to post on this site

>> No.5955429

>you just don't GET IT
>im so smart everyone else is living in an idiocracy ROFL

>> No.5955431

It's called proper grammar, kid

>> No.5955432

ITT op getting BTFO

>> No.5955436

It is an unnecessary comma. There would be no pause there.

>> No.5955437

>Damn son what a life

35 year old here.

I'm getting paid $400 a day and I'm on 4chan right now. You're damn right what a life.

>> No.5955438
File: 149 KB, 720x479, 1415162105879.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want underage /b/ to leave

>> No.5955440
File: 82 KB, 720x537, 1414987053345.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5955444


Holy shit I want both.

>> No.5955447

You just need one, of the eagle overlaid over a background of burgers. Wear with stars 'n stripes pants for full effect.

>> No.5955448


Maybe with a goka-gola trucker cap.

Wearing that when going out will make sure I never spend a dime on booze again.

>> No.5955449

It's happening.

>We are now living Idiocracy

More like Dewmocracy.

>> No.5955453


Please everybody reading this, say that word out loud, and realize just how retarded you actually sound

>> No.5955455

Oh good now I don't have to get my fingers encrusted with cheesy goodness while I neckbeard on vidya.

>> No.5955465


I'm off work today and don't have to go in until Wednesday. I'm getting paid for 3 out of the 5 days. I shitpost while my wife is working. You're right, it is a good life

>> No.5955475


"hao 2 cook chicken brest & ray-men" are usually started by underage b& or retarded 18 year old college students.

Besides those threads, I actually think the average age for people on /ck/ is at least 25. Most of them employed with a normalfag life.

I like that.

>> No.5955478

Is the Xbox and EA gonna be shilling this drink 24/7 once it comes into stores?

>> No.5955509


>> No.5955522

It's like what the PC muster race parody of console gamers has come to life.

>> No.5955540
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>> No.5955541
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>> No.5955549
File: 178 KB, 1349x1012, brawndo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want brawndo flavored fritos, it has what plants crave!

>> No.5955550
File: 314 KB, 3788x1052, 1387252374399.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5955553
File: 3.65 MB, 5312x2988, 20140907_165814.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Korea version mountain dew has terrible taste.
I really want to drink original mountain dew.. :(

>> No.5955561

Daily reminder that these are the people we share a site with:

>> No.5955564

>kids associate Doritos+Mountain Dew with getting kills
>buy this shit up because the taste reminds them of it
10/10, they really know their audience.

>> No.5955580

That's pretty funny, 4chan is a dog meme from the worst part of the internet

>> No.5955591

Every time you see someone being aggressively retarded, remember that they're probably one of the kids in the video.

>> No.5955594

Is that Fink from Bioshock Infinite?

>> No.5955599

It is people like you that made this happen. The fact that you buy them at all is deplorable.

>> No.5955605

Please be joking.

>> No.5955612

>Baja blast is formulated to taste well with Taco Bell food
>Taco Bell sells Doritos products
>Baja Blast is Dewritos

>> No.5955617

>taste well
I don't know how much tasting a drink can do.

>> No.5955624

Ape detected

>> No.5955638

I liked Idiocracy. Just thought it was just a stupid fun movie.

>> No.5955641

Remember when Brawndo was a real product? I never got a chance to try it for the novelty of it.

>> No.5955646

Reminder that this whole stupid GamerFuel shit started because PepsiCo was and still is trying to remain the more "youthful" and "hip" alternative to Coca-Cola and other finger foods in an age where consumers try to make more healthy choices with what they eat/drink.
They choose Mountain Dew and Doritos specifically and together because of the colors associated with them. Green and Orange-Red don't contrast/match up as well as Blue/Orange but they were still the most recognizable and distinct amongst the younger age markets. It doesn't make sense to push Doritos as a gamer food, obviously, it just shows how out of touch the marketing/corporate jews of PepsiCo are.

I'm surprised Coca-Cola isn't jumping all over this Dewrito nonsense by pushing their bottled water product (Dasani) paired up with some shit like grapes or trail mix to appeal to both healthfags and hardcore gaymers. But they're probably just playing it safe by not trying to shill their way into the small wallets of 14 year old consumers.

>> No.5955708

I saw a series of photos of American cities from 1908. Just as many Coca-Cola ads painted on the sides of buildings as you would see billboards today. Coca Cola ain't going anywhere, 100 years from now they will still be around I bet

>> No.5955715

We've been living Idiocracy ever since Mountain Dew officially changed their name to "Mtn Dew", nothing new here.

>> No.5955720
File: 80 KB, 640x471, bushroot_paperwork.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>(Dasani) paired up with some shit like grapes or trail mix to appeal to both healthfags and hardcore gaymers.
>gamers drinking water and eating trail mix
>not....not corn snacks and sugary caffiene juice for all nighters

Do you....actually know any "gamers", or are you just retard?

>> No.5955734
File: 985 KB, 198x199, 1412302869925.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he thinks he needs to drink sugery caffeinated shit and eating shitty snacks in order to play videogames

>> No.5955744

No...I'm thinking you've never met a clique of self proclaimed gamers if you think they sit around eating and drinking healthy snacks...or live healthy lifestyles in any way.

In fact, I'm pretty sure most of this board is like in denial fat chicks these days.

>> No.5955751

nigga i play videogames and I dont eat or drink any of that shit

>> No.5955759

You don't matter.

>> No.5955760
File: 3.08 MB, 1462x6167, 1414694878423.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good for you, but this is what the typical gaymer on /v/ has for "gamer fuel". Pizza, bacon, mountain dew, potato chips, and candy.

>> No.5955764

you sound like a fag and your shit's all retarded

>> No.5955772

whats worse for your body?

soft drinks

>> No.5955774

dont forget siracha

>> No.5955792


The whole thing about "gamers" is that they're extremely gullible and easy to market to. If you can get people to buy bullshit like Call of Duty and Uncharted, you can get people to buy grapes

>> No.5955795
File: 929 KB, 500x903, dorito pope.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cosplayed as the Dorito Pope a couple of cons ago

The prophecy is fulfilled.

>> No.5955797

And what makes you think a bunch of lazy slobs who spend the majority of their time engaging in a "hobby" that involves sitting motionless for hours on end in front of a computer or television set are interested in living a healthier lifestyle?

>> No.5955822


Are you getting paid for being on 4chan or is your income unrelated to this site?

>> No.5955856

Hey man, I was just asking how to make them not taste bland

>> No.5955866


It's not only you, there's a ton of those fucking threads. It's been quiet lately, but this board used to be 50% ray-men and chicken breast at times.

>> No.5955876


I didn't say they were interested in health, I said they're gullible and easy to market to. They're interested in what they're told to buy

>> No.5955879

/ck/ needs a sticky BADLY

>> No.5955880

There's no "Doritos" flavor. Is this a nacho cheese flavored soda?

>> No.5955902

It all depends on how you sell it. Granted I think it would be a hard sell, but if you made eating healthy some sort of quirk of a new video game character and subtly work it in over the course of the game you could have something there.

>> No.5957205
File: 534 KB, 591x313, ow[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>We are now living Idiocracy

Go away - batein'

>> No.5957402
File: 18 KB, 282x229, 1339697612268.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey /ck/ I did this for you


>> No.5957445


this is why I don't go to /v/

>> No.5957569
File: 2.66 MB, 2000x2647, zesty cheese.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The default Doritos flavour is nacho.

The zesty cheese Doritos only available in Canada is the greatest of the cheese flavors.

>> No.5957572

Americans don't have this?!

>> No.5958148

Not who you're talking to but it could have a comma if there was a pause or no comma if there wasn't. Your post has an unnecessary period, it should just have a comma.

>> No.5958193

third party here. the period might be unneccessary, but not incorrect. "it is an unneccessary comma" is an independent clause, and therefore can be written as its own sentence.

that said, we're on a fucking japanese cartoon imageboard, why the fuck do you faggots care about proper grammar in the first place?

oh that's right, you don't. it's just a means to insult each other (not referring to you, but the other two posters)

>> No.5958199

north or south korea

>> No.5958207

the default doritos flavor is cool ranch you fucking monster