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5954601 No.5954601 [Reply] [Original]

The best way to prepare a tomato sandwich is the following:

Toasted bread, mayonnaise on both sides, ground black pepper on that mayo, one slice of american cheese, tomato slices.

If you put salt in it, use miracle whip or butter or if you don't toast your bread... kill yourself.

>> No.5954603


only tomato, buttered toasted bread, mayo, s&p

>> No.5954609

this. op, you truly are a fucking faggot.

>> No.5954612
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>> No.5954618




>> No.5954623

The tomatoes must be cold from the fridge, none of that room temperature tomato shit.

>> No.5954627

ham or turkey instead of cheese, then youre good

>> No.5954633

Nope. No cheese. Bacon and lettuce though, now that's what goes on a tomato sandwich.

>> No.5954638


But the while point of a tomato sandwich is to focus of the tomato. Adding protein or dairy loses the whole meaning.

>> No.5954645

I pray towards mecca 7 times before eating my tomato sandwiches

>> No.5954646

No, fuck your shit and fuck you. Tomatoes get slimy and stale when they sit in the fridge. Noting beats a nice room temperature tomato, warm bread, and fresh mayo if you can manage.

>> No.5954649

don't add cheese nigger, everything else looks good

add a little basil if you wanna get fancy

>> No.5954660

Like actually kill myself? You want me to really kill myself? You want my grandmother to kill herself? She only puts mayo on one side of the bread and peanut butter on the other. I don't see how that warrants death.

>> No.5954663


>> No.5954672

>not making delicious grilled cheese with tomatoes

>> No.5954706

Thank you for the laugh. Its been a hard week.

>> No.5954711


underrated post
the flavor of the bacon and the texture of the B and the L

it really makes the tomato pop

BLT for president 2016

>> No.5954716

I had a cheddar, goat cheese, and tomato grilled cheese today. Or tomato sandwich, whatever. Really good.

>> No.5954774

>eating a tomato sandwich

anybody who saw you do this and isn't a hipster would think you are objectively autistic

>> No.5954785

If your tomatos come pale & flavourless, sure.

>> No.5954796

I thought i was the only one who enjoyed tomato sandwiches. I like mine simple. Good bread, mayo, bit of salt and pepper on the tomatoes, and a good pickle on the side.

>> No.5954865
File: 42 KB, 395x450, Your+faggotry+ends+now+your+faggotry+ends+now_4fdab3_4073423.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>American Cheese
Kill yourself.

>> No.5954872

Fuck tomatoes and fuck you

>> No.5954901

fuck op, im supposed to avoid breads :(

>> No.5954913

>Buy some Feta
>crumble it on the bread or spread it if it's creamy enough
>toast the sandwind
>slice some fresh tomatoes
>when the bread is ready and the feta slightly melted, open it and add the tomato

You could add a little bit of olive oil and oregano with the tomato. Most basic Mediterranean sandwich in 5 minutes.

>> No.5954920

Fuck yes tomato sandwiches.

I like to make mine with toasted sourdough, thick slices of fresh tomato with some salt and pepper, a good amount of mayo and some arugula.

>> No.5954956

My dad was so poor in his early 20s that he ended up eating tomato sandwiches (literally just a tomato slice between pieces of bread) for months on end. He got hives and all kinds of shit from that.

That said, I love tomatoes but wtf is a tomato sandwich, that is like 2 steps from bruschetta that you totally missed.

>> No.5955200

>The tomatoes must be cold from the fridge

as long as your toast is still piping hot! the contrast in temps are nice.

>> No.5955205

Refrigerated tomatoes? That's not the proper way to store your tomatoes, son. Not everything is put in the fridge.

>> No.5955207

I would create a lettuce barrier on both sides of the tomato preventing it from making the bread soggy on top of toasting.

>> No.5955227

Cheese is too much. We worked this out last week.

You lost that round.

>> No.5955231

So a kind of Epidermal System, minus Stomata?

A Tomato resistant Stomato?

>> No.5955233

Whole wheat toast with tomato, avocado and extra virgin olive oil is master race.

>> No.5955236

can you fit any more memes on that sandwich?

>> No.5955278

hard boiled eggs and lots of coarse black pepper and ye got yeself a dehht

>> No.5955282

A :^) shaped drizzle of balsamic vinegar is always nice.

>> No.5955318

>don't add cheese

He didn't.

>American cheese

>> No.5955346

>implying every sandwich calls for extra sharp 10 year old cheddar jack deli ultra thin slice cheese

>> No.5955348

>tomato sandwich


>> No.5955371

Not so much, but that doesn't mean you have to resort to congealed vegetable oil and yellow dye either. Eating that shit raw is fucking disgusting no matter what you're putting it with.

>> No.5955372

>American cheese
You blew it. Everything else is right, but I would put some cheddar cheese instead. It is actually a great tasting sandwich if you have some good, fresh, quality tomatoes. Given you really like tomatoes, that is.

>> No.5955385


>american cheese

I think not. Make your own mayonnaise and grow your own tomatoes, now that's how you do it. And salt the tomatoes a bit first, both to enhance the flavour and to draw out excess moisture. My goddaughter lives in the South of France, and the tomatoes they produce in their garden are indescribably good, anything you might encounter afterwards tastes like grey mush by comparison.

>> No.5955782

Tomato, Basil and Balsamic = jesus fuck me in the ass with your aids tier sandwich

>> No.5955907

lemon pepper

>> No.5956417
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>American cheese

>Not adding a sprinkle of course sea-salt to top it all off.

I... I thought we were on the the same page, OP. Why are you doing this?

>> No.5956522

All you need is a slice of tomato on toast with salt and papper.

Maybe some green leafy lettuce underneath the tomato slice

>> No.5956531

are you the same tard that made the peanut butter/pickle bullshit?