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File: 64 KB, 768x473, pecans-or-walnuts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5952416 No.5952416 [Reply] [Original]

I'm having a hard time finding a situation in which walnuts would be a better choice than pecans. Pecans are just superior in every way.

>> No.5952427

walnuts are more fun to crack open

>> No.5952438

walnuts > pecans

your literally retarded if you think otherwise

>> No.5952449
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>pecans better than walnuts

bwaaahaha, have you considered suicide?

>> No.5952452

Cashews are superior to both.

>> No.5952458

then there's this asshole

>> No.5952469

Ever heard of walnut pie? No? Maybe it's because walnuts taste like ballsweat and pecans are the true GOAT.

>> No.5952476

walnuts are better in oatmeal

>> No.5952516

I like walnut praline more than pecan praline. Pecan is too rich and delicious to praline.
Same reason I detest pecan pie.

Also ice cream. I prefer walnut ice cream over pecan ice cream. Most other situations, though, pecan trumps walnut.

>> No.5952522

I have a pecan tree in my front yard, and my back yard.

They give ~ 2,000 pecans each year that are just perfect. Since a kid I've been going out side and grabbing pecans, and now my son does it too...pecans are the best

>> No.5952524

your son a shit

>> No.5952529

I have a sack of each of these. Would they be better roasted and salted like the cashews I have? If so, roasting directions please.

>> No.5952532
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>> No.5952536

In-shell, of course?
And no: they're each delicious as-is. No salt or roasting necessary.

>> No.5952539

No shells, just a sack of nut meat.

>> No.5952542

I have a sack of nut meat for your mouth if you're interested

>> No.5952544

why not use both?

>> No.5952549

Oh? Maybe I'm just a tard, but I think nuts are roasted in-shell only. I've only ever seen them roasted in-shell.

You can make pralines of them, at least. Or just eat them cuz nutmeats are delicious.
And, for some reason, spellcheck considers "nutmeats" a word. Yet, it gives me the Red Squiggles of Inadequacy when I type out "artisanal."
Fuck spellcheck.

>> No.5952593

With blue cheese? In coffee cake?

>> No.5952643

Nope pecans are nothing more than meme food for white trash

>> No.5952659

walnuts are healthier

>> No.5952669

>nigger toes
>not the best but

>> No.5952715

>Given these two things that taste completely and utterly so far apart it's almost literal chalk and cheese, I have a preference for one over another.

You're such a fucking moron I won't even give you the benefit of the doubt and assume you're a troll. Go develop a peanut allergy and die of anaphylactic shock.

>> No.5952716

Walnuts are better with raisins in a cinnamon raisin walnut bread or spread. Pecans are too sweet and too oily.
Walnuts are better with sardines than pecans.
Walnuts are better with most cheeses than pecans.
Walnuts are better with ketchup than pecans.
Walnuts are better with bananas than pecans in a muffin or ice cream.
Walnuts are better for your brain than pecans.
Walnuts are better candied than pecans.
Walnuts are better on nachos than pecans.
Walnuts are better toasted over fish and green beans than pecans.

But almonds can be substituted for either in most situations for a superior result.

>> No.5952738


>> No.5952740

bless you

>> No.5952858

Walnuts taste better

>> No.5952860

Pecans are bland walnuts.

>> No.5953214

The pecan trees in my yard are sickly bullshitters who drop tiny-ass pecans that are too much work to shell. I steal better pecans from my neighbors' trees.

>> No.5953237

I like to crack them open by crushing them in my fist. my grandpa showed me how to do it, its a fun party trick because it isnt hard but looks impressive

>> No.5953324

>But almonds can be substituted for either in most situations for a superior result.

This. But I, personally, will only consume almonds if they've been activated, any other way is an insult to your health.

>> No.5953325

I'm allergic to walnuts so I always go with pecans instead
Besides, pecan pie is amazing

>> No.5953343

underrated post

>> No.5953344

i love me some walnuts with bleu cheese and red wine.

>> No.5953355

They have different texture when biting into a whole piece of either one. Pecans are a little firmer. Walnuts are a bit more astringent, especially the black walnuts which have more tannins.

These things allow them to be paired with some other ingredients in ways that the other can not be. At least not with the same result.

How allergic? Sometimes people have a bad reaction to the level of tannins in the nut. you can drastically reduce these tannins by soaking crushed walnuts in a few changes of water for 24-48 hours. The water will absorb the tannins and this normally allows people with a sensitivity to tannins in these nuts to be able to eat them.

If your reaction is mild then you may want to try this method, if it is severe, like hives or worse then ignore this info. This is the same thing you have to do to acorns to make them edible so the tannins don't destroy your kidneys.

>> No.5953356
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Ha, get the fuck out. I'd sooner cook dinner for a Pecan fan than spend 5 minutes with your retarded ass.

But seriously, they're both great. Walnuts are earthier and go well with stuff like banana bread and fruit cake. Pecans are smoother and go well with really sugary desserts, like tarts or ice cream.

>> No.5953359


What are some foods that pair well with black walnuts? I think they suck by themselves.

>> No.5953402
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>> No.5953416
File: 161 KB, 1024x768, DSCN2163a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Peanut butter and jelly sandwiches on a whole grain bread. The pecans are just a bit too hard and clash with the texture of everything else while the walnuts are just right.

Candy confections that are drizzeled over the nuts. Specifically, stuff like Bavarian Cream-flavored paired with black walnuts (pic).

Muffins and brownies (banana bread oh god), the texture when cooked becomes much softer than pecans. There's more, but that's I'll I can think of off hand. Essentially, you can use a sweeter food with walnuts if the bitter tannins are too much for you, but they go well with some flavors. All of this is subjective obviously since some people like a firmer bite texture for instance.

Pecans have a strikingly different flavor and go well with other things, just based on that alone.

>> No.5953417

Get out /v/ shitter

>> No.5953418


Is that cum-covered popcorn?

>> No.5953429
File: 22 KB, 500x500, 0830-0100_1_Bavarian Cream 1 dram bottle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sugar syrup that crystallizes as it cools. Bavarian Cream flavor. It is awesome. Recipe is 1:1 ratio of white sugar with water, dissolve the sugar fully and boil until the temp reaches soft crack (240F), turn off heat, add flavoring, stir, pour over nuts, and allow to cool.

>> No.5953433
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>pouring hot sugary syrup all over your nuts

>> No.5953437

You may like this thread: >>>/diy/721757

>> No.5953444
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jesus christ

>> No.5955288

>Everything he lists is a sweet dish

Burgerfats pls go

A nice blue cheese, celery and walnut salad is one of the nicest starters you'll ever have. Walnuts also go nicely with brassicas, so brussel sprouts with walnuts and bacon lardons, for example. Walnuts also work nicely with some mushrooms, although I'm not a great fan of mushrooms so I can't help much here.

>> No.5955530

>cheese in salad

And, you are accusing someone else of being a "Burgerfats"? LOL

>> No.5955784

walnuts are better for savory things, pecans are too sweet.

Also, walnuts are crunchy when warm, where pecans are soft, so I like them better in brownies where they add some texture.

>> No.5955791


>bacon lardon salads

>> No.5955796

Walnuts have more flavour compounds which work differently to pecans.
Pecans taste better on their own where as walnuts work much better paired with different foods. For example walnuts have a milky sweetness which work well with fuity sweetness of a carrot. Which also brings natural seasonality into question. The last of summers carrots and the first of winters walnuts paired with a blue cheese and some sour dough make a great meal.

Pecans are just covered in sugar and put on stuff, which is good. But theres more to go on with walnuts.

>> No.5955827


>want to eat nuts that look like brains
>only have vagina nuts available

There you go

>> No.5955849

Looks like the Ameriflabs have gotten all riled up.

>> No.5956341

Walnuts are best with sweet things because they are bitter as fuck and you need something to cover up their pig disgusting nasty.

>> No.5957638

Pecans taste better, but it is no coincidence that walnuts resemble a brain. Not only are walnuts considered a super-food/brain-food, walnuts are healthier with more protein and less fat than pecans.

>> No.5957669


literally every single baked good except for pies

>> No.5957672

walnuts taste like bitterness and disappointment

>> No.5957754

is it peh-CAWNS or PEE-cans?

>> No.5957804

Peck han

>> No.5957848
File: 37 KB, 551x549, 1413166286059.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you are....
you are telling me....
these arent the same?

>> No.5957856

And macadamias sit above all.

>> No.5957902
File: 112 KB, 800x532, pistachios-in-shell1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pistachio fag reporting in.

>> No.5957904

both rub me the wrong way

I don't like their texture, I don't like their shape, I don't like their taste and after-taste, I don't like them in my ice cream, I don't like them just as a snack, but I'll eat some walnuts...if I need protein for running track.

>> No.5957912
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I'm with you blood

>> No.5957914
File: 89 KB, 295x250, dirtyhandsblackwalnuts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My most absolute, favorite food is black walnuts. I love pecans as well. But I do think 'english' walnuts are fucking garbage... which I would think that I would at least enjoy them, but I don't. Black walnuts are simply that amazing, and are certainly different enough from pecans to warrant different and superior uses. Like >>5952469? Pecans can take sugar (excessive sugar at that) far better than black walnuts, but black walnuts are far superior in complementing quick breads that are less dependent on sugar.

Take a large spoon. Put a couple of fresh tart cherry halves on there. Add a little dallop of soft cheese. Top with a few black walnuts (or pecans if you insist). Add a drizzle of honey over it. Put the spoon in your mouth. Orgasm. Repeat.

>> No.5957919

I work in a big warehouse and we stock just about any type of nut you could think of.
Some of the pallets of nuts have been sitting in our warehouse for well over a year, add that to the time they spent in their country of origin and getting shipped across the world some of the nuts we supply to stores are probably 3 or more years old.
Really put me off nuts, you never really know what you're buying.

>> No.5958093


>Peanut (inb4 legume)


>> No.5958098

Walnuts are better nutrion wise. They have essential fatty acids like fish oil does.