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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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5946150 No.5946150 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /ck/. I'm becoming a vegetarian and reducing my dairy intake because I want to be healthier. I'll probably keep chicken and fish in my diet because they aren't that bad for you. I'm pretty decent at cooking, but most of the things I'm used to making involve meat or cheese in some form or another. What are some of your favorite vegetarian recipes?

>> No.5946162


>i don't like dairy that much so if i cut it out of my diet i can feel better and be better than other people who still eat dairy
>i really like chicken and fish so i'll keep eating them though
my favorite vegetarian recipe is fish-stuffed chicken.

>> No.5946171

>fish stuffed chicken
no u

I could say I'm switching to a whole foods vegan diet if it would make you feel better. I'm just tired of eating whatever processed nonsense I've been eating for my whole life.

>> No.5946570

it's okay, but dairy isn't meat so cutting out dairy doesn't make you a vegetarian. dairy isn't unhealthy unless you're lactose intolerant or have some other issue with it.

if you're just tired of processed food, that's good though. use fresh flavorful vegetables like onion, garlic, and pepper, and spices.

indian sambar soup is a perfect example.


a lot of indian/italian food is vegetarian or can easily be made vegetarian.

>> No.5946574

Why don't you just say you want some healthier recipes instead of a faux vegan thread?

>> No.5948384

>I'm becoming a vegetarian
>I'll probably keep chicken and fish in my diet
Please commit suicide.

>> No.5948676

>dairy isn't unhealthy unless you're lactose intolerant


>> No.5949858

>implying this isn't just like the gluten in bread and sugar in fruit arguments

>The A1 milk hypothesis was devised in 1993 by Bob Elliott, a professor of child health research at the University of Auckland. Elliott believed that consumption of A1 milk could account for the unusually high incidence of type-1 diabetes among Samoan children

>Samoan children
>implying Samoan children aren't lactose intolerant

>Yet a 1997 study by Elliott published by the International Dairy Federation showed A1 beta-casein caused mice to develop diabetes

>giving mice milk protein means it's bad for humans

>> No.5949878

>still eat chicken and fish

>> No.5949969

>I'm becoming a vegetarian but I don't have the testicular fortitude to actually go through with it so I'll probably keep chicken and fish in my diet because I'm a massive pussy afraid of any real change.

>> No.5949989

OP is probably a fatass and can't resist eating whole blocks of cheese. In this case maybe he shouldn't have dairy after all.

>> No.5950067

You're gonna look like a damn fool layin' at the hospital dyin' of nothin'.

>> No.5950249

just stop guzzling so much soda and shoving doritos in your mouth fatty, you don't have to overhaul your diet that much

>> No.5950252
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>becoming vegetarian voluntarily

>> No.5950276

>I don't actually know what I'm talking about, but I have good intentions.

>> No.5950290

Why the fuck do so many people not realize that meat is animal flesh and that birds and fish are animals?

I can 't digest mammal proteins because of digestive problems and I don't know how many times the conversation has gone:

>thanks but I can't eat beef/pork
>oh, so you're... Hindu/Muslim?
>no I just can't digest mammal proteins
>so you're a vegetarian?
>no, I eat a lot of poultry and seafood
>so you're a vegetarian?
>no, I eat meat from birds and fish
>wait, aren't birds mammals? Anyway I don 't think that's really considered meat

Wtf America.

>> No.5950296


Do you have pku? What is your digestive problem?

Also why are you surprised that people just expect that you're vegetarian or that your food limitations are due to religious reasons when people being actually unable to eat meat is exceedingly rare?

>> No.5950321

jesus why did they let that kid live past birth

>> No.5950360

can't you see how beautiful she is? what a darling

>> No.5950552

I assume it's some kind of enzyme deficiency. I get severe cramps and vomit if I try eating more than say the bits of pork in cajun gravy. I figure it's just easier to refrain than bother with testing.

It's the fact that they still can't comprehend I'm not vegetarian, even after they've seen me eat chicken and fish, because they don't know that birds and fish are made of meat that surprises me.

>> No.5951637

chickpeas, coconut milk, cauliflowers, curry, brown rice / parboiled rice
could eat that every deay

>> No.5951645

First of all being vegetarian has nothing to do with dairy intake. You can still consume dairy and be a vegetarian. Vegans are the ones who don't eat any animal products. You are still going to eat meat, fish and chicken, so you aren't becoming a vegetarian at all. Sounds like you just want to increase your vegetable consumption which can be good as long as it is a balanced diet. Also there is nothing wrong with eating red meat. Plenty of red meat eaters who are still healthy and live into their 80's, 90's, and even past 100.

>> No.5952425

Yeah it's really fucking stupid. "Fish aren't animals, they're SEAFOOD!". The hell? These are probably the same idiots who think humans aren't animals either.

>> No.5952433

That's not what a vegetarian is, OP. And if you're doing it for health, might as well go all the way


>> No.5952441


>Also there is nothing wrong with eating red meat. Plenty of red meat eaters who are still healthy and live into their 80's, 90's, and even past 100.

You could say the same thing about smoking. If one person smokes cigarettes or eats red meat and lives to 100, it doesn't make up for the millions who died prematurely

>> No.5952478

>thinks meat kills you
>doesn't realize how polluted the earth is and the air you breathe is probably killing you quicker than eating too much meat would

>> No.5952490


>I'm becoming a vegetarian
>I want to be healthier

Pick one.

>> No.5952495

>comparing eating red meat to smoking
u funny, I kill you last

>> No.5952499

I'm not vegetarian but when i get invited to potlucks i tend to go for vegetarian dishes because there are always vegetarians or muslims(wouldn't eat chicken if it's not certified halal)
having vegetarian option means everyone will eat it, less vegans.

>> No.5952500


>only one thing can kill you at a time

>> No.5952503


Both contribute substantially to heart disease and cancer rates. Why wouldn't they be comparable?

>> No.5952506

>i trol u XD

>> No.5952508


Can't we have a discussion about this?

>> No.5952556
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>can't digest mammal proteins
even more bullshit than OP

>> No.5952577

Chicken+fish=not vegetarian.

>> No.5952584
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>I'm becoming a vegetarian
>I'll probably keep chicken and fish in my diet

>> No.5952620

I'll give you a recipe, but a "vegetarian" that eats chicken and fish is just a picky omnivore that wants to feel better about themselves. Be honest with yourself and don't insult those of us with the balls to get rid of meat. That said, here's a couple of my fave recipes.

Garden Burgers

1 1/2 cups cooked chickpeas (1 can if you want them to taste like ass), 1 cup cooked brown rice, 1 zucchini grated, 1 cup breadcrumbs, 1 onion diced, 1 tbsp tomato paste, 2 tbsp balsamic vinegar, 2 eggs lightly beaten, 2 tbsp minced parsley, 1/2 cup tvp (textured vegetable protein, you can buy it in bulk), 8 cremini mushrooms sliced, 3 tbsp olive or vegetable oil

Preheat the oven to 375. Take the zucchini and sprinkle it with a tsp of salt. Let it sit in a colander for about 10 minutes. Boil up some water and take 1/3 of a cup of it and stir it into the tvp. Let sit for 10 minutes as well.

Heat up 1 tbsp of oil over medium heat, add the onions and cook for 5 minutes. Add the mushrooms and cook for another 8. Squeeze out the liquid from the zucchini as much as possible and add it and the tomato paste to the pan, cooking for another 5 minutes or so. Add 2 tbsp vinegar to deglaze the pan, remove contents and wipe clean.

Combine the veggies, eggs and chickpeas in a food processor and process until mostly smooth. You can have small chunks here and there to give it texture. Transfer to a bowl and stir in the tvp and brown rice. Fold in the bread crumbs and let stand for a minute or two to soak up the moisture. Shape into patties.

Heat up 1 tbsp of oil on the frying pan and put 3 of the patties down. Cook for 3 minutes on each side, then move to a baking dish. Repeat with the other 3 patties. Bake for 15 minutes. Enjoy.

>> No.5952621

>thinking you know every variable of human digestion and food consumption and that science is never wrong
you know that america has been switching from fats being bad, to sugar being bad, to carbs being bad for a long time right? demonizing natural food just makes money for some rich fuck because you're a tard.

>> No.5952679


We can use science to identify trends and form theories. In the case of red meat, there is a clear and consistent trend with cardiovascular disease and cancer, especially cancer of the colon. Further investigation has revealed why this association is found so often, and it seems to be multifactorial, from the saturated fat and cholesterol content elevating and oxidizing serum cholesterol concentrations to form plaque on artery walls, to heme iron reacting with the tissue of the colon due to human inability to properly regulate its absorption, dietary carnitine and choline and their interraction with certain gut bacteria forming the atherogenic compound trimethylamine n-oxide, carcinogenic compounds like heterocyclic amines formed by interactions of amino acids and creatine in the muscle fibers during cooking, and even the protein itself causing elevations of circulating levels of insulin-like growth factor 1, recognized as a major contributor to cancer growth. To ignore that because you think the food is natural and therefore can't be bad for you is a fallacy. I can just as easily say "tobacco is natural, it can't be bad for you."

Why not use science to make informed decisions about how we live and what we eat?

>> No.5952689

>Why not use science to make informed decisions about how we live and what we eat?
Because it is proven incorrect the majority of times. Stop acting like you know everything and grow up a little.

>> No.5952693


That's the nature of science. New theories come and old theories are revised or discarded as we zero in on the truth. Some things, though, are well understood enough that reality itself would have to change for our conclusions to be wrong. You make it sound like all of science is just random chaos and nobody knows anything, so the logical thing would be to just ignore any gathered data and do whatever you like. That's stupid

>> No.5952703

>nobody knows anything
See? You do have the ability to see reality. Work more on it.

>> No.5952707
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>i make trool poost

>> No.5953449

When did this thread become a debate on science?

>> No.5953460

>I'll probably keep chicken and fish in my diet