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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 21 KB, 300x148, birki-professional-clog-black-300x148.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5951174 No.5951174 [Reply] [Original]

Any Chefs here? What do you wear on your feet? I just recently started working as a cook/line cook and am not prepared for standing on my feet 12 hours a day.

The shoes I have now are Sketchers and already falling apart. I've been looking at these and reviews say they are great for hospitals and kitchens, especially for long shifts.

Are Birkenstocks worth the $100 price tag?

>> No.5951199

Also reviews say to order a size smaller, so an 11 size US would be a 42 or 43?

>> No.5951232

baker/pastry chef here. steel cap boots. currently working in a hotel doing pastries and desserts, they 're pretty cool about uniforms an let me wear what ever. within reason

>> No.5951241

Non slip? Also how big heel?

>> No.5951243

I am a nurse and I bought these. There pretty comfortable, but no more so than Crocs at half the price.

>> No.5951247
File: 116 KB, 730x608, zoom_threequarter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had a pair of SFC boots I wore until the soles wore flat. Replaced them with a pair of fancy military boots that turned out to be horribly slippy. I always kind of thought the anti-slip deal was a gimmick but the SFC shoes were really pretty great at that. Comfortable enough for long days, but I got inserts for them anyway since the heels would wear holes into my socks.

>> No.5951253

there boots mate, you wont slip unless your doing something stupid. heel.size? maybe 20mm? whatever the standard rossi is

>> No.5951257

not the exact same but something like this


>> No.5951260
File: 8 KB, 406x250, Fuzzy-bunny-slippers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I prefer bunny slippers

>> No.5951294
File: 113 KB, 730x608, shoes4cruze.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got these from SFC, I get a $40ish credit from work every year. Never get kitchen shoes with holes in them, laces or FUCKING SKATE SHOES!!!! holy fuck I see so many scrubs wear these and I hope they eat shit in a spot of oil or soap near the dishwasher station

>> No.5951305
File: 16 KB, 461x173, crocs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Yes, I know they look fucking horrible but they're comfortable and effective. They also have some now that are slightly less ugly, I have the ones in pic related. They have more unisex ones obviously, I just thought these were the most comfortable ones I've used so far.

>> No.5951311
File: 20 KB, 439x193, crocs2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


oh and to add, if I'm worrying about preparing something where there's a possibility that hot oil might splash onto my feet I have these as well

>> No.5951331

I've worn regular shoes in the Kitchen once and was basically skating around everywhere.

>> No.5951359

Same here, but mine have the holes on the top.

They do look gross but they are super comfortable when standing (but not walking much) for long periods of time.

Go with Crocs or something similar OP.

>> No.5951363


I wear crocs too, I also have the mario batali ones in black. Yea they look goofy but having comfortable non-slip shoes that I could stand in for 12 hours was more important to me.

>> No.5951364

I read your first post and was about to greentext your ass so hard
Wearing any open toe footwear in a commercial kitchen is just asking for trouble

>> No.5951365
File: 23 KB, 350x350, detail_threequarter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Got me these fuckers a few months ago. I;m a bartender/manager at a cocktail bar.

They wear ok, but they are flat soled so my feet still hurt, but they never ever slip.

And I second the no laces or kitchen work. Ive worked in kitchens too and nothing is worse than getting flour in your seams/laces. Shit just rots and destroys your shoes.

>> No.5951380

Eurofag here.
Bought Birki at €41.oo

>> No.5951385


yea I don't always work at a station or am preparing something where it's an issue and I like to rotate shoes so I don't stink them up too bad. If they weren't so comfortable I would never wear them because yes, wearing shit like that is retarded

>> No.5951413

Berkies are the shit in 25 yeRS Hve only gone thru 5 pairs. Contrary to what some may say order 1 size too big and know where to get new inserts every year. I hated Dansko because of high heels and bad ankle support, Berkies are worth every pennie.

Source: Fat man in a kitchen

>> No.5951419

In US the cheapest I can find them is $90. They do have the advantage of being able to go through the dish washer once you take the insole out and last a long time.

>> No.5951424

Also was turned onto Berkies by a surgeon an the great thing is to clean them take out the insert and send them through the dish machine . Love that every Sunday after brunch.

>> No.5951445

You're a gay faggot for buying that shit, I bet your hero is tosh.0?

>> No.5951460
File: 52 KB, 600x400, Holeys pro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've had pic related for about a year now; bought them through Sysco for about $30CAD. They're ok, but I've probably kept them longer than I should have. Did those Vans kitchen shoes ever end up being released?

>> No.5951463

All the shoes in this thread look like they'd match your fedoras quite nicely.

>> No.5951472

I ordered some SFC shoes several years ago. Lost them during moving. I was fucking pissed because they were so amazing.

Get Crocs. Get Danskos if you have an aversion to Crocs.

>> No.5951492

babby's first post

>> No.5951495

You might as well be a faggot if pushing crocs, why is this on /ck?

>> No.5951504

>why is this on /ck?
Are you serious?

>> No.5951519

confirmed for never working in a kitchen

>> No.5951521

>Available only in Regular Width
>Available only in Narrow width

I have big feet, I just want good kitchen shoes.

>> No.5951533

Cooking is a woman's job mate.

>> No.5951562

go on shoes 4 crews .com.

You are gonna want something with no laces, and slip resistant, so kinda like the ones in your pic. but have some cusion, which those seem like they do not.

-years of being a cook.

>> No.5951564

I know airwalk makes non slip work shoes

>> No.5951565
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>> No.5951600
File: 37 KB, 500x281, XTRATUF_1_500x281.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi OP.
I've only worn clogs for one line cooking job where they were part of the uniform. It was nice to be able to slip my feet out every once in a while and massage my soles on the back lip of the clog.
But the best advice I was ever given (when I was working 15 hour days, 7 days a week, for 3 months) was to have two pairs of shoes.
The shoes I wore were sneakers and XtraTuf (muck boots). Probably the most inappropriate two shoes you could pick for the profession, but:
Changing shoes halfway through my shift saved my feet.
Changing shoes halfway through your shift can save your feet.
Try it.

>> No.5951604

I wear Doc Martens, indestructible and never slip. Also decent looking, always a plus.

>> No.5951635
File: 244 KB, 720x1278, WP_20141106_001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These awful SFC soft toe boots I got for free from the company I work for. Before that I had these awesome steel toes called "hornets" Those fuckers where awesome
Yes I did replace the laces.
Also yes there is Boo-Berry on my floor, no I don't know why its there.

>> No.5951679

Doc's are garbage.
Well, they were in the 90's.

>> No.5951738

Only limited to that particular restaurant iirc.

>> No.5951745
File: 192 KB, 1293x1500, shoes1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I like these because they match my kitchen pants

>> No.5953556
File: 14 KB, 395x395, Apex-Classic_Black_Oxford.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These are really good, about 100 USD, Apex, classic black oxford. One nice thing about them about others is that they have really good traction. I can run over ice and not slip wearing these.

>> No.5953567

You should feel sad for letting that boo-berry go to waste!

>> No.5953702
File: 34 KB, 480x360, 976100-p-MULTIVIEW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wear skechers too. These things are light as hell and feels almost like your own feet. A little on the pricey side with minimal cushioning though

>> No.5953746



Working catering this summer, I had a pair of clogs and a pair of steel-toed non-slip dress shoes, and whenever we were doing a 14+ hour day I would wear the clogs (which had way more arch support) for as many hours I could stand and then switched to the other ones (softer insoles, moderate arch support) and it was like I was starting a new day.

>> No.5953777
File: 84 KB, 175x230, gusher.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>tfw i wish i could afford danskos

>> No.5953786

Shoes for Crews or Crocs. I personally wear Crocs, they're damn comfy, and a pair lasts me about a year before crapping out. I'm willing to put down $80 a year for a good shoe. Most people I work with wear Shoes for Crews since the hotel I work for gets a discount for them, but I find the Crocs to be more comfortable. The front is stiff as fuck to start, so until you break them in you will have weird blisters on the top of your foot, but once you get past that they're the best.

>> No.5953793

I lurk these threads because I'm still wearing the shit they gave me when I made the mistake of trying out culinary school (pic related).

No support at all, falling apart, and a pain to clean (the place I work is chill as fuck, but my shoes are definitely the most disgusting in the kitchen - I make up for it by putting out the nicest plates though).

>> No.5953795
File: 2.64 MB, 1704x2272, my shoes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>forgot pic

>> No.5953798


> not cleaning your shoes every now and then even though you know you've dropped a bunch of shit on them

Dude, at least wipe off the top of your shoe on the back of your pantleg or something. Shit.

>> No.5953810
File: 1.67 MB, 1704x2272, my pants.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>the back of your pantleg

It's hard to tell because of lighting, but the back of my pant legs are covered in grease/oil/batter, and that shit doesn't come out in the wash.

>> No.5953819

If you can't afford to get some new shoes then the place that you for can't be all that "chill."

They're so "chill" that they're not paying you enough so that you can purchase some shoes?

Just sayin'.

Don't leave it to a company to buy you shoes, make sure you get paid enough in the first place to buy your own shoes.

This isn't soviet russia.

>> No.5953835

You'd get laughed out of any company in NYC for wearing that. Even our homeless don't wear shit like that.

Maybe that's some west coast shit like faggots wearing vans.

>> No.5953843

From the sound of it the backs of your pant legs should be covered with doggie semen, apparently they've been chasing you and humping your legs.

>> No.5953854


Yeah, that happens. I always wash my work stuff separately from my actual clothes and give it an extra rinse. Grease for days.

>> No.5953857

I just wear steel toe capped work boots

>> No.5953862

i've never worked in a kitchen with a single woman in my entire life

>> No.5953870

Payless has nonslip shoes (assuming you're in a country with Payless shoes). They last a wopping 4 month, but are $15 when not on sale, I got them on sale for $5 once and they're usually BOGO as well.

>> No.5953874


My original point was that I lurk shoe threads to get an idea of what to buy. I can afford new shoes, I just don't know what I want.


I'm currently at a downtown place on the East Coast, and I mop the floor with the cooks that spend their time cleaning their shoes; yeah, it's a sign that you care, but I'm lead line cook and full blown al/ck/, so don't really give a fuck.


My dog's a grill, so she mostly just uses her tongue (not that it does much for me).


That grease is probably a year old. It just doesn't come out...

>> No.5953879

I use tredsafe sneakers with plain old Dr sholls gel insoles. Used to have foot pain all the time

>> No.5953980

Hush Puppies, you can't go wrong with that brand.

>> No.5953982

The only women I have ever seen last for more than a month are large bull dykes, they are scary.

>> No.5953994

That's grill doggie, that's pretty kinky!

Are you German?

verif : uageat moisten

>> No.5954032


Ditto with the payless shoes. A huge problem with shoes that are used for work is that they wear out so damn fast. I've learned that's it's better to buy a cheaper pair of shoes every 4-6 months then to buy a really nice pair only to have them torn to shreds in little under a year. Also for comfort, it's extremely important to make sure you get the right foot width. I used to wear size 11's and get terrible foot pain; after switching to an 11w, that went away.

>> No.5954055

>That feel when large, wide feet.

Size 18 5E here.

>> No.5954328

These are my go-to. Been in the business a fair few years and they've not let me down. Also, never, ever clean them in the dish machine. Or, if you do put them on your feet immediately to mold them perfectly to your feet.

>> No.5954362

Danskos a best

>> No.5954387

You can't go wrong if you want to be a cock sucking faggot, get your backup vans, crocs, and skechers too don't forget a tub of lube and some poppers.

>> No.5954922

I wear cheap ass slipsafe shoes from Walmart on the line. $15 a pair, no holes for shit to get in, they last a year at least and you can clean them in the dish machine.

When I worked in the front I wore Nike sneakers because MJ had them, so that was the 90s for me..

>> No.5954926

Assuming plain black nothing gay looking vans are still inappropriate right?

>> No.5954960

I have wide feet. I have worn burkies for years.

>> No.5954976
File: 66 KB, 665x665, fusion_schwarz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wore this for 3 years straight, they are broken now but new ones are already on their way.. great shoes, steel cap, no pain at all even after 14h shifts

>> No.5955152
File: 10 KB, 575x472, dr marten mens safety boots 114sm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I wear these

cheap and comfortable as shit