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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 165 KB, 1600x1195, IMG_0708.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5945271 No.5945271 [Reply] [Original]

So, this kid who hangs in our social group lately is a vegan, we're not a vegan crowd, what are clever ways we can put meat into his food without him knowing?

>> No.5945274


>> No.5945278

I've put bacon fat in vegan customers food from time to time.

>> No.5945279


Why are you such an antisocial little prick?

People who don't eat meat on the reg get sick as fuck if they eat meat. I've never gone that route but some friends have shitty (literally) stories

Just grow some balls and tell him to fuck off

>> No.5945281

That's a good idea, I'll remember it. Anything else?

>> No.5945283

Have him over for dinner one night and give him a glass of water while he waits for you to cook. Unbeknownst to him, you've put sleeping pills in his drink. While he is knocked out, quickly stick your dick in his mouth.

>> No.5945288

>Just grow some balls and tell him to fuck off

Because that would just be rude, not funny...

>> No.5945291

>Because that would just be rude, not funny...

Just like putting meat in his food!

>> No.5945300

Autists detected.

>> No.5945301

>this guy is different from us in some way
>let's fuck with him!
You suck.

>> No.5945302

Vegan detected

>> No.5945304

I'm not a vegan. I'm also not some underage faggot who thinks it's ok to fuck with another person's food.

>> No.5945321

Oh, so you're just a regular faggot? Cry moar.


Get fucked like the gaping pussy you are.

>> No.5945339

if hes not pushing veganism on you theres no reason to fuck with him also underageb&

>> No.5945342

Holy shit dude get over yourself. When you get a little older you will understand where he's coming from and why you sound like a 12 year old who thinks he's a badass for hating people who are different from him.

>> No.5945348

^Same one butt flustered fag crying this whole thread.

>> No.5945349


don't be a cunt

>> No.5945350

It doesn't seem like he's choosing to be a cunt. He just is one.

>> No.5945354



I'm not the guy he's arguing with nor am I vegan/vegetarian

It's just really mean to do that to somebody. It's like feeding shrimp to someone allergic to shrimp.

>> No.5945357
File: 167 KB, 599x450, cutitout.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus fucking christ, kid. If I could reach you through the internet, I'd slap you so hard your mouth would be permanently relocated to the side of your head. Did it ever dawn on you that some people are vegan for a good reason?

Some people have violent reactions to meat; my sister, for example, gets crippling heartburn from red meats. Some people don't eat meat for personal reasons, like say if someone was in an accident or something and they watched someone else die really badly, and now the sight/smell of meat reminds them of it. Still other people don't eat meat for still more good reasons, like as part of a religious vow or as a different health goal, like how most traps avoid red meats since they promote fat and testosterone production.

If you really and truly insist on sneaking meat into your vegan friend's diet, talk to him first about why he doesn't eat flesh. You may wind up respecting him.

>> No.5945361

Yeah nah, we all think you're an idiot.

>> No.5945364

That's kind of a dick move, he probably won't be your friend anymore when he inevitably finds out.

>> No.5945366
File: 56 KB, 696x431, deadpool cool story bro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's just really mean to do that to somebody

Duh...that's the point.

Pic related.

>> No.5945367


"I'm so edgy and cool, I'm MEAN to somebody!"

>> No.5945370
File: 47 KB, 356x400, 3775598-2950140787-a1u5o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he probably won't be your friend anymore when he inevitably finds out.

>Implying I care if a cum shitting vegan wants to be friends with me

>> No.5945373


"Look at me mom, I'm just like Linkin Park!"

>> No.5945384
File: 37 KB, 372x512, n882730541_2102742_87.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look kid, all I'm trying to do is prevent you from making a mistake you'll look back on when you're older and regret bigger than shit. If you insist on doing something that you'll probably wish you can take back, we have no way to stop you. However, we damn well won't help you with this either.

All I'm asking you to do is talk to him, because he could still turn out to be a pretentious douche that thinks world peace will happen as long as he doesn't eat meat. On the other hand though, it could turn out that he has a condition that will fucking kill him if you feed him pork or some shit.

>> No.5945391
File: 172 KB, 257x290, 1400109221552.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What? Idgi, is Linkin Park supposed to be your reference to edginess or something? That's pretty fucking dumb considering they were the most squeeky clean teeny bopper band to come out of the entire "nu-metal" generation.

I'm 25 years old you jackass, I'm not going to regret playing a mean prank on somebody who I don't give a flying fuck about when I'm 50, I bet I'll find it funny then too. And he doesn't have a health condition he just became a vegan like last fucking year, not that I give a shit anyway...I wish he had a condition because if he ended up shitting his pants or something that would just make it funnier.

>> No.5945393


"Look mom, I'm edgy! I'm totally a cool kid!"

>> No.5945401

>things that didn't happen

>> No.5945403



>> No.5945404
File: 92 KB, 725x640, 3000d97.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5945406

>I'm 25 years old you jackass

I feel legitimately sorry for you.

>> No.5945409
File: 36 KB, 500x375, bullshitlawyer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you're 25, then why are you acting like you're 12? And a health condition doesn't need to have always been there; my sister's condition developed without warning over the course of a month.

If you're really serious about this, then you're welcome to stop posting at any time because we're not going to feed you ways to do it until you can give us proof that he's just doing the whole "I'm a vegan now!" thing to get attention or some shit.

>> No.5945411

>I'm 25 years old
And you still think it's funny to be a dick to someone in your circle of "friends" because he had the audacity to make different choices than you? idk, man. That seems like the kind of shit most people grow out of somewhere between Pokeman and their first gf. Do you still call your gay friends faggots behind their backs, too?

>> No.5945427

It's just kids being kids.

Why can't vegans take a joke? What, you guys lack humor in your diet as well? I wouldn't be angry if someone served me the soy equivalent of some meat.

>> No.5945433

If they're vegan for a good reason, they won't bring it up and will usually bring their own lunch or snack.
If they're vegan for not a good reason, it will be one of the first things they tell you about themselves and it is safe to give them gluten or meat or anything you want.

>> No.5945435
File: 38 KB, 328x398, dslaugh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Do you still call your gay friends faggots behind their backs, too?

I don't have gay friends, and if I did I wouldn't censor my use of the word "faggot" around them.


He's just a jackass, I've known him for years but he only started coming around us as of late, he has no health condition he is a bleeding heart fuckwad, he hates leather too so some of us started wearing leather around him often because he gets noticeably mad.

>> No.5945439

Probably shouldn't do it purely because if you give someone who has not eaten meat in a long time animal protein it will make them sick.

That said, this is a troll thread, and I just wanted to say that if the fact someone is a vegan is even a repeatedly brought up outside of "I can't eat what you cooked for me, I'm vegan" then theyre a shitty human being who causes drama so fuck with them all you want.

>> No.5945445

not unless they have PKU

not saying that doing that sort of shit is for anything but cunty teenagers, but yeah

>> No.5945447

that is the most nigger thing to do.
you sir are a huge douche canoe. It's not funny to fuck with someone's food and I hope you get food poisoning for the next year because people think it'll be funny to mess with your food. Inb4 not vegan.

>> No.5945448

So it is true, maturity doesn't always come with age.

>> No.5945449
File: 8 KB, 546x566, Facepalm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Assumption is no substitute for real article when it comes to getting a medical history. he may be a bleeding heart faggot, but he could still have developed a condition that just gave him the excuse he was looking for to stop eating meat.

If you get his motives and they're all for spectacle, I'm sure /ck/ will help you. We're fond of eating healthy, but we really don't like it when people are obnoxious about it.

>> No.5945455

If I knew a "friend" like that, eh would get holed down for sure.

>> No.5945460

>doesn't have gay friends .

>wears leather.

Unless your group is bikers, you are a group of leather wearing faggots

>> No.5945463

>what are clever ways we can put meat into his food without him knowing?
are you and your friends 15 or something?

>> No.5945468
File: 15 KB, 299x293, donny.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's nothing wrong with wearing a nice leather jacket in cold weather, also how does not having gay friends make one gay, exactly? Lmao.

Jesus Christ dude he didn't develop shit, and either way it's not like he's here right now so don't worry about it fuckin' a.

>> No.5945469

realistically they are complete queers regardless

>> No.5945473

Even worse, he's mid 20's.

>> No.5945475


Twenty five apparently.

>> No.5945476

While I agree with you, I don't think /ck/ of all boards is gonna help some kid with his menial anti-climax of a "prank."

>> No.5945480

>I don't have gay friends, and if I did I wouldn't censor my use of the word "faggot" around them.
You probably did have a gay friend or two somewhere along the way, and they've already distanced themselves from you.

It's not a matter of censoring yourself, but a question of what image of yourself you want to put across to the world. Seems like "dick" is what you're going for, and I can't see why you'd think that was a good choice.

Maybe you have difficulty telling the difference between RL and the internets? Here on an anonymous imageboard everyone is a faggot. Because anonymity allows for that sort of thing. But in real life being a guy who casually uses the word faggot just makes you look like a dick. I could see high school kids being dicks because they think it's funny, but at 25 you're a little old for that.

Shouldn't your focus be making some money and getting laid by now, instead of pulling antisocial pranks to make you and your immature friends giggle like schoolgirls?

>> No.5945482


You know it's funny how for people who claim to be healthy, you guys act like giving them a little piece of an animal will immediately cause them to end up in the hospital.

Besides he already stated he's not doing it for health reasons. So stop making up "conditions" for the guy.

>> No.5945488


>you guys act like giving them a little piece of an animal will immediately cause them to end up in the hospital.

Well, it could happen.

>> No.5945489

Good point. OP, if you can give us a better payoff than just simply "lol i made u eet meet", then you'll probably get more interest in the subject.

>> No.5945494

How? He just stated that he went vegan out of choice.

>> No.5945510

>you guys act like giving them a little piece of an animal will immediately cause them to end up in the hospital.
Agreed. Health ramifications of a vegan suddenly eating meat are minimal.

It's the idea that the "prank" is nothing more than "hurr durr, you say you don't eat meet, but you just did!" It's like getting an observant Muslim/Jew to eat pork. It isn't actually funny. The "joke" is nothing more than saying, "We don't respect your dietary restrictions, so we conspired to make you violate them."

Simple disrespect is funny, it's just being a dick.

>> No.5945511

OP is likely another newfag from the recent celebrinude influx and is just now discovering boards outside >>>/b/. Well /ck/ isn't /b/, dude. We're not gonna help you be an asshole. Go see if >>>/adv/ can help you figure out where your life went wrong

>> No.5945512

>Simple disrespect is funny
*isn't funny

>> No.5945513

Probably because you haven't actively decided not to eat soy products

>> No.5945514

It's from that winter ball bullshit. It made /pol/, /v/ and /b/ leak out onto other boards even moreso than before. For an event that tried to unite boards, it sure stirred a ton of bullshit.

>> No.5945527


Simply not consuming animal products for a long time can make your body and digestive system unprepared for meat.

>> No.5945536

usually bikers or bears wear leather.
never saw the point of leather for the price of a jacket. I'd rather go with a London fog , or a parka hoodie. (I'll get flack but faux fir lined in the hood ie makes it fucking comfortable and warm.)

>> No.5945558

>winter ball
shit is so tumblr

>> No.5945570

Hey I'm not defending it. It was fucking dumb.

>> No.5945572

Make spaghetti and mushroom balls but just use ground beef for his dish

>> No.5945579

>>winter ball

What the fuck is this? First I'm hearing of it.

>> No.5945582

I don't know op, but I would not mind the sasuage, home fries and eggs. be a dear, and tell the cook again but ease up on the eggs I asked easy over and those were damn near fried hard. also could you mention if I wanted a thin slice of month old orange and crusty berry I could go dumpster dive myself No toast or bread, coffee or tea. i be gone to Mcee dee or the king or pb&j and a red bull.

>> No.5945585

What the fuck happened to /ck/? We're defending vegans now? God damn, this board really fucking sucks now. I remember when this thread would have been filled with hilarious stories about how vegans are faggots, and ways to fuck with vegans and put meat in their food. Tumblr/reddit really has won.

>> No.5945589

Was going on all October on various boards. /ck/ wasnt really one of them. Basically boards "getting together" and asking each other out to an imaginary "ball" which ended up just being plug.dj.

Shit was fucking cancerous and caused a ton of shitposting. Glad it's over now so the sperglords stop.

>> No.5945594

No one's defending veganism, they're telling OP he's acting like a fucking autistic teenager trying to pull an ebic prank on his so called friend.

>> No.5945597
File: 24 KB, 419x387, 1407808819184.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>we 4chan
>we moralfags now
>we normalfags now
>we proud of how normal we are

>> No.5945603

oh how the mighty have fallen

>> No.5945605

Sometimes people grow up and stop thinking retarded shit is funny. Crazy, I know. Don't worry, /b/ is as shit as ever, so you can go back there and enjoy your assburgers.

>> No.5945613


The time of the carnist is over. Heart disease has thinned out your numbers. Now witness the rise of vegan /ck/

>> No.5945614

lol, ok

>> No.5945658

>/b/ is as shit as ever, so you can go back there and enjoy your assburgers.

Also, OP was talking about being retarded IRL, not online. There's a big difference between acting like a dick in an anonymous situation online because it's funny and actually being a dick IRL.

>> No.5945678

How in the world do people still want to hang around you, asshole OP?

I bet you're that pathetic loser the other losers include in their group of friends because they feel sorry for you.

>> No.5945680

>Wearing leather and thinking you're not closeted
Jesus christ

>> No.5945688

I wouldn't go that far you pompous ass. If you weren't so pious about how much you act, people would accept you. I'm advocating for not fucking with people's food.

>> No.5945710


>can't take a joke

>> No.5945719

It's only because OP's such an eternal embarrassment no one wants to appear to side with him. We still don't like vegans.

>> No.5945759

Confirmed for never having friends.

>> No.5945762


>> No.5945773

OP confirmed for a spoiled brat.

>> No.5945777 [DELETED] 

>can't white people.

nigger detected

>> No.5945789

Real friends don't fuck with your lifestyle like that. I can see a nigga dangling a steak in your face joking that he's going to make you eat it but if he is truly your friend, he won't fucking sneak that shit into your food.

>> No.5945802
File: 75 KB, 960x720, popbob.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>25 years old
>still calls people faggot
>wears leather what the fuck?
non contributing member of society detected

>> No.5945803

>There's a big difference between acting like a dick in an anonymous situation online because it's funny and actually being a dick IRL
This. Faggots think they're being edgy irl when they're really just self-destructive with no control over their own impulses

>> No.5945883

broth or a higly spiced mush

>> No.5945886
File: 1017 KB, 500x278, 124221.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that pic

>> No.5945890

ITT: faggots escape reddit containment, proceed to white knight muh 4chans

>> No.5945902

Newfag detected.

>> No.5945908

More likely just leaking over from /b/, /v/ or /pol/.

>> No.5945913

vegans, pls go

>> No.5945920

OP you have failed.
You have failed with this thread.
You have failed in your social life
You have failed in your professional life.
You have failed in your education.
You have failed in your formative years.
You have failed to be a member of the human race.
You have failed genetically by virtue of the parents that spawned you.
You will fail at anything you ever attempt to accomplish.
You have my empathy and pity.

>> No.5946007
File: 8 KB, 242x250, 1413233968359s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Seeing as I'm eating an in n out double double right now I'd say go fuck yourself.

Has nothing to do with being vegan it has everything to do with not being an antisocial autistic fuckwit

>> No.5946011

God I agree with your post, but please no more vomit inducing pictures.

>> No.5946080

Why the fuck would you do that?

Are you mad because mommy doesn't love you or do you think being a psychopath is just the height of hilarity?

>> No.5946095

>bullshit detected

>> No.5946108

Make proper mapo tofu with the pork.
Add butter to meals nearly and dairy actually.
I'll think of more later.

>> No.5946169

>Posts LOL IDEAS on 4chan
>Is unanimously called out for being a spastic on 4chan

That just takes a special kind of retard. The attempts of justification are just hilarious.

>> No.5946177


And at 25. Fucking man-child at TWENTY-FIVE.

>> No.5946189

but unknowingly eating meat is different than unknowingly eating soy.

think of it like this, would you be mad if someone put human childrens flesh in your food?

>> No.5946199

yo op go fuck yourself

your not funny, just pathetic

>> No.5946237

>People who don't eat meat on the reg get sick as fuck if they eat meat.


I was a vegetarian for a couple of years because of a health issue. Once I was able to return toeating meat, I didn't get "suck as fuck" by any means. In fact, I didn't get sick at all.

The taste was pretty bad, though. It's amazing how bad something like a hamburger or steak tastes after not eating any beef for a couple of years.

But sick? Not at all.

>> No.5946246


The real question is why is he a vegan. Is it for health reasons? Or is it just because he feels so bad about how we treat animals?

If the first reason, don't try to give him meat without his knowledge. If the latter, he's already a loser.

>> No.5946255


Why don't you respect ethical vegans?

>> No.5946261


Did you make that up or did someone else make it up and tell you?

>> No.5946270


That's a very stupid argument. It couldn't have been more stupid if you had asked if he would be mad if someone put ground glass in his food.

>> No.5946276


Because their so-called ethics are absurd and totally contrary to history.

>> No.5946281


It demonstrates the power of moral revulsion through hyperbole.

You seem dumb.

>> No.5946298


I don't see how history matters. Precedence doesn't guarantee rightness. Aren't there many things people did in the past that you would now object to?

>> No.5946301

Fucking autists ruining 4chan more. Hurrrrr das meaaaaan :ccccc fuck off loser

>> No.5946312

>not behaving like an edgy 14 year old

just because you're socially stunted doesn't make it okay

>> No.5946368

>I'm 25 years old
That's just embarassing

>> No.5946395


Is there any reason at all why we should respect ethical vegans?

I can't think of any.

>> No.5946399


That's probably because you're an asshole.

>> No.5946415

>Is there any reason at all why we should respect ethical vegans?
Online? Of course not. But in real life you'll meet all kinds of people who make different choices than you do. Part of being an adult is treating them with respect even when you don't agree with their choices. You may not like this fact of life, but is not justification for being an asshole. Being an asshole in real life is just making yourself look bad.

>> No.5946417

use chicken stock instead of vegetable stock. It's very hard to tell the difference if you spice things right.

>> No.5946426


I'm the type that thinks that people need to earn respect. It is never to be automagically given to them just because we are of the same species.

I treat them nicely, but if they have completely wacky ideas, they probably aren't going to get my respect.

>> No.5946433


You're an arsehole friend. This is why no one likes boys under 25.

>> No.5946439

>vegan thread

>> No.5946458


I'm hardly under 25.

The strange thing is that those who seem to think they deserve respect merely for being of the same species often have very little respect for others who have clearly earned respect. It's like they resent anyone who earns respect since they have never done anything to earn respect.

>> No.5946459

use anchovis instead of salt

>> No.5946466


what's funny about OP though is that he managed to make a vegan thread where /ck/ is taking the side of the vegan as opposed to him because he's such a autistic loser

>> No.5946469

it's a fake story regardless

>> No.5946471
File: 71 KB, 620x455, grandma.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Thread is about not fucking with someone's food, what rant are you on about?

>> No.5946473

he's a /pol/tard, just ignore him

>> No.5946474


Just tell him you don't wanna be his friend. There's no use screwing with him, you're not a 5 year old

>> No.5946487


I'm not the OP.

I don't screw with other people's food. About the furtherest I would consider going is to arrange his vegan food in the form of something decidedly non-vegan, if possible.

>> No.5946488

It was pretty impressive.

>> No.5946501

Like a dick. Vegans don't suck dick, right?

>> No.5946510

>I treat them nicely, but if they have completely wacky ideas, they probably aren't going to get my respect.
Nothing says you have tpo respect people whose ideas you find wacky. You just have to treat them with respect. You can think whatever you like of them, but behave toward them the way you would toward someone you actually respected.

Because you will encounter people of different cultures, classes, religions, educational backgrounds, political views, regions, etc. Whether or not any of these people actually manage to "earn" your respect is really only relevant to you. Nobody else cares. But if you act like an asshole toward people who are different from you people will care, and that generally won't do you very well in the world you happen to live in.

>> No.5946540


I'm not about to put on a fake act like I think that their wackiness is acceptable.

>> No.5946554

>'m not about to put on a fake act like I think that their wackiness is acceptable.
Sorry, Holden Caulfield, but that's how things work. Some folks will never figure everything out as perfectly as you have.

>> No.5946592


Don''t be so damned condescending. You're the one coming off as being a real jerk.

Years ago when I was a computer consultant, one of my customers was a medical practice in which the office manager had a couple of psychology degrees. Unlike the so-called "enlightened" people like you, she thought I was entirely too easy on wackos because I felt a little bad about telling them they were idiots. I didn't put up with them but I also didn't go out of my way to grind their egos into the ground.

So how many psychology degrees do you have?

>> No.5946610


Her words were, to the best of my recollection, "You should never do anything that is likely to reinforce their delusions."

>> No.5946618

It was the idea of coming off as fake that set me off. There's a point where you have to see the line between being civil and respectful to people you disagree with and suffering fools.

>> No.5946646


I am courteous to those who I don't respect, but not respectful.

For example, I know a pair of twins who are in their mid 20s about now and they have both spent time in jail and both have gone to prison for a while. I have no respect for them at all, but I am courteous. When I meet them, I don't ignore them or give them the finger. Instead, I say hello and ask how they are doing. As soon as they are gone, I have pretty much completely forgotten about them.

>> No.5946662

There's a difference between respect as in "regard highly" and respect as in "show due regard" that seems to be the issue here. You're only expected to "respect" these people in the same way you "respect" the speed limit. ie. you don't violate it, not that you think it's a particularly great limit.

>> No.5946665


>> No.5946724

>You're only expected to "respect" these people in the same way you "respect" the speed limit. ie. you don't violate it, not that you think it's a particularly great limit.

>> No.5946931

Food is serious business. Don't mess with people's food. Not cool.

Just get some balls and tell the other dude to fuck off.

>> No.5946956


>newfag confirmed

back to /b/ with you.

>> No.5946964

This. Vegans suck, but don't fuck with peoples food. That's just fucking gay.

>> No.5946967


This is the problem with nu4chan - after years of pretending to be retarded twats, the board has attracted genuinely retarded twats who think they've found a community that understands them.

When they get called on their twattishness, they're all hurr durr I fort u wuz cool 4chango because they think the whole place is /b/.

Although increasingly there are more /b/-like boards as cancer metastasizes throughout the site.

And that winter ball thing isn't new - it's been going for at least a couple of years, so it's not entirely down to that.

I blame /x/ for teaching /pol/ magic so they could kill Africa.

>> No.5946980


Second pic I've seen lately with some fat bird covering her bits with dairylea slices.

Is this a thing? Is there some kind of bizarre porn niche that I'm going to find if I try to search in this particular rabbithole?

Also, what are those cheese slices called in other countries, just in case let's say my friend wanted to do some research?

>> No.5946985


>thinks history has any relationship to ethics

Shame not even your local community college would have you, but there's no reason to shit up the internet with your lack of education.

>> No.5946988

>25 years old
>too much of a pussy to tell someone he doesn't want to hang out with them
>resorts to le edge master "fuck with his food until he stops hanging around me"
Is this supposed to be a thread about food, or a thread about how not to live your life?

>> No.5946995

>I'm the type that thinks that people need to earn respect.

I bet you've done fuck all divided by six to earn anyone's respect. You're like some kind of asocial poorfag who thinks having a pitbull gets "respect innit".

>they have completely wacky ideas

I'm so glad people like you stay in the suburbs and the boondocks so I never actually have to encounter dickheads like you irl.

>> No.5947013

The winter ball was still a lot bigger this year than I've ever seen it. More boards seemed to have participated this time.

>> No.5947017
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OP here checking back in, holy shit you guys are jackasses lmao, I'm glad you're all still fussing about this.

I'm not going to bother replying to individual posts at this point, but leather isn't gay, mean pranks are funny, and you all have serious sticks up your asses. Oh yeah and if you really get offended by hearing the word "faggot" IRL you're seriously are one, and not meaning you like men but meaning you're an over sensitive baby.

>> No.5947026

>When I meet them, I don't ignore them or give them the finger.

Probably because they'd kick your fucking head in. So what you're saying is that you'll call someone out if it doesn't involve any risk to you.

Brave boy.

>> No.5947059

Of all the people to hate on this world Vegans are the least harmful. Hell they physically do their best to make the world better by consuming less resources and reducing animal suffering. Personally I eat meat, but I respect vegans and think vegan haters are fucking douches

>> No.5947135

Vegan's are fine, it's the in your face vegans that try to force it on everyone else that are cancer.

>> No.5947428

leather is for gays.

>> No.5947458
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Sure thing sweetheart.

>> No.5947495


I don't know where you learned your reading comprehension, but you should demand your money back.

Your so-called argument makes no sense at all and is completely devoid of merit.

>> No.5947506


I used to be a computer consultant who was the one people turned to when they needed something done quickly and correctly. Also spent some time as the technical director of a high tech company. Now I run a family business that everyone seems to agree is far better than our competition.

>> No.5947512

>calling me sweetheart.
>wearing faggy bracelet.
>big gaudy ring.
>wearing leather.

huge gaylord homosex detected.

>> No.5947533

Practical jokes are funny, especially after the fact when the jokee has put their big girl panties on and dealt with it.

>> No.5947552

Should we add this to the list of "How to troll /ck/"?

>> No.5947562

Damn you are a shit person. Vegans are gay but sneakily force feeding them meat? I seriously hope you die.

>> No.5947609

Fucking with people's food is about as cunty as it gets. How would you like it if next time you ate something delicious, you found out it had put especially in it? It's fine if you disagree with his lifestyle, but don't force yours down his throat, you're probably the type of person to bitch when he forces his lifestyle down YOUR throat

>> No.5947623

No I just think it's funny, I don't particularly care about him being vegan other than the fact that it's something that could be exploited

>> No.5947624

>Vegans are gay
>I seriously hope you die
How old are you, really?

>> No.5947665

>implying i'm immature

>> No.5947667

Second time's a charm

>> No.5947671

>computer consultant
neckbeard detected

>> No.5947677

Jesus tittyfucking christ you are a shit human being. Every breath you takes robs someone worthwhile of a breath of oxygen. Did your dad rape you or something? was he just never there?

>> No.5947699
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>> No.5947704

>technical director of a

be honest, these "high powered" positions of yours paid hourly didn't they?

>> No.5948166


Not hardly. The last hourly position I held was working in an Exxon station while in college.

Too bad it's not hourly, though. I have always worked a hell of a lot harder and for more hours than anyone else at any company I ever worked.

For example, at one engineering company, I was the only one who went back to work after the company Christmas party one Friday and put in a 30 hour work weekend.

>> No.5948170

sounds like you have a full and happy life

>> No.5948182

Vegans are subhuman trash with disgusting taste and are usually also homosexual/have horrifying fetishes. The only thing OP is doing wrong is not outright poisoning that worthless piece of shit.
>inb4 troll/bait

Vegans are number four on my SHTF Kill List, right after muzrats, pinkos, and fags.

>> No.5948185


All those people you described sound like useless piles of shit who need to stop contaminating my gene pool with their diseased minds.

>> No.5948194

>first vegan i ever met was a homosexual with a bdsm fetish

>> No.5948214
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No man I just like funny games

>> No.5948446

There are a number of US states that set extremely low bars for their strict food tampering laws and knowingly feeding something to a person that will cause them even "mild physical discomfort" will get you jail time. If you try pulling this shit in North Carolina, for example, and the guy says he threw up after finding out, it's a felony charge.

Society in general doesn't care for people who dick with their food. That's fucking gypsy-tier level of bullshit, like stealing and eating pets.

>> No.5949428
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>I'm 25 years old

>> No.5949438

what a cunt !

>> No.5949444

>Implying I haven't tampered with peoples food tons of times

I made my friend eat cat shit under pizza cheese, made my other friend eat a dog biscuit shaped like an oreo, have my friend a glass of soda with garlic salt dumped in it.

And now I will make a vegan eat meat

>> No.5949480


you seem like an emotionally underdeveloped spaz

>> No.5949489

Eventually you'll grow up.

>> No.5949562

Why don't you just pull some hairs out of your neck beard and feed him that instead ? There's probably enough dried semen in there for him to basically be eating meat.

>> No.5949568

Some people don't sadly.

>> No.5949764

you sound like a rapist
you should probably kill yourself

>> No.5949773

The fact that you care about what some other faggot eats enough to even post this stupid thread proves that you have an un-fulfilling life and/or have some personal issues.
Would you like to talk about it, OP?

>> No.5949920
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ITT: rejects from /b/ try to justify their entitlement by throwing 'righteous' indignation at a person they don't identify as one of their own

On a board which has routinely reveled in "Have you fucked with a customer's order?" and "Hamplanet roommate eats all my food, let me put laxitives in it for the lulz" threads, all your fucking soapboxes are soggy and unstable.

Return forthwith to Reddit and Tumblr, you hypocritical asshats.

>Muh Triggers
>Muh Veganism
>Muh weaksauce trolling

>> No.5949930


you really don't get it, do you?

>> No.5949960
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>He has a differing opinion!
>There must be something wrong with him
>He just 'doesn't get it'

>> No.5949983

end yourself.

>> No.5949990

i'm laughing so hard. look at this chucklefuck.

>> No.5950002

When i was a kid my friend rubbed a chicken leg all over his own face in front of this vegetarian kid who lived down the street. This thread just reminded me

>> No.5950020

I feel the same way about people that fuck with a customer's food order or want to put laxatives in their hamplanet roommate's food.

It's childish, immature and completely uncalled for. You should never fuck with someone's food or drinks.

If you want to defend immature little faggot 12 year olds, why don't you go back to /b/ and stay over there?

>> No.5950136

See, that's funny.

One time I got my friend to stick a mini slim jim up his asshole, then we gave it to this other kid who ate it. It was hilarious, who would eat an unwrapped snack?

>> No.5950142

Thats hilarious

>> No.5950182

My friend put m&ms on his taint and got this other kid to eat them

>> No.5950782

You're on your way to success.

>> No.5950880
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You could puree some meats and inject them into his butthole with a turkey baster when he's out cold.

>> No.5951342

You should grind some peanut dust and sprinkle it on some guy's food that's allergic to it, that would be hilarious!

>> No.5951397

Nice thread OP i can't stop laughing at the reaction from all these vegans, they literally think its just you and a few others who fucks with there food!

Vegans we all mess with your food, you are picky as fuck and annoy us all there is not one meat eater that has not cooked for a vegan whilst fucking with it in some way or form,
It is just that satisfaction when you see the vegan say "Mmmmm its nice" its sort of on the same level as when you give something a picky eater apparently dislikes and they turn out to really enjoy it.

>> No.5951407

>who would eat an unwrapped snack?
someone who doesn't stick sausages up their ass...

>> No.5951416

Ha youre obviously mad because something similar happened to you as a child

>> No.5951425

lols, i do this when someone orders challah. seriously worst customers.

>> No.5951978

cum in his food

>> No.5952036

actually, your gut flora does change depending on your diet.

>> No.5952054

Chili - Make some "vegan" chili and you can put any shits in that. That kid will be all like "this is the best vegan food ever" when he tastes that delicious juice from the fat. Sure he is going to crap his pants later that night, but he will ask you for the recipe. He will make it and it will taste like vegan crap and he will be all like "you can cook Man".

>> No.5952083

You should dope him with estrogen and progesterone, and watch his flat chest sprout into delicious breasts and his hips widen and his bottom plump. Then he'll have no choice but to become a tranny.

Then you can fuck him, OP, and feed him, excuse me, her your meat whenever you like and blow hot loads.

>> No.5952090

+1 le upboat.

>> No.5953302
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>> No.5953681
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If you idiots are being serious, then I seriously pray you meet your ends soon. If you aren't, then that's even fucking sadder holy shit