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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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5943622 No.5943622 [Reply] [Original]

>eating a cheeseburger
>ordered without onions
>take a bite

>> No.5943632


>> No.5943633

>he doesn't like onions

of course you're a faggot tripfag

>> No.5943640

Depends. Raw onions are abysmal on burgers, sauteed are god tier.

This thread is still retarded either way.

>> No.5943645

I respect you.

>> No.5943650


>/b/ tier image
>obvious newfag-troll thread (fucking king puts in more effort)

>just trying to imagine what piece of shit board you came from...

>> No.5943652

I don't really like onions either. The only times I've liked onions are when they are pureed into a sauce like substance or when they are thinly sliced and burnt. Also BK's onion rings, somehow.

>> No.5943654
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you can always... you know, check the burger first

>> No.5943655

>Raw onions are abysmal on burgers

l e l

>> No.5943662
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>mixing in the onions into the beef patties
>mixing in olives into the beef patties

>> No.5943672


>> No.5943678

Bullshit, nobody puts olives in their burgers.

>> No.5943702

OP, try lubing your lips and inner cheeks with onion juice before sucking your next black cock. If it seems kind of gross when he shoots all over your face and throat, that means you don't like onions.

>> No.5944209

>Depends. Raw onions are abysmal on burgers,

these anons get it

>> No.5944212

fuck you go away

>> No.5944214

fuck you go away

>> No.5944439

>babies first green text

>> No.5944444

thats how babies eat. you have the refines taste of a baby and dick to match faggot.

>> No.5944458
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I fucking love the way onions taste.

However, there is something about the texture/consistency/crunch of a raw onion that makes me physically gag.

When I cook for myself, I use an assload of onion that's been chopped into tiny shreds. Then, most of the time, I'll saute the fuck out of them first to the point where they're crispy and no longer that weird crispy/wet that raw onions are.

The owner of my restaurant uses too many god damned onions when he cooks. Like he made pulled pork the other day, and decided to make sandwiches from the left-over refrigerated meat. Pan fried them in a bit of butter with a fuckin 1:1 mix of pork:onion. Would've been alright, however, he only had it on the stove long enough to heat the meat. The onions didn't even do that change where they go translucent then solid fucking white again.

>> No.5944461

You are physically gay/retarded

>> No.5944467
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>> No.5944469


Yes, this, exactly!


>Being this mad about what other people like or don't like

I bet you're one of those "no beans in chili" faggots too, aren't ya?

>> No.5944480
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Fucking thank you.

Again, don't get me wrong, I fucking love the flavor onions impart to foods, however there are only two way I can deal with them:

>cut them into huge slabs so they're easy to remove from the finished product (e.g. beans or lentils)
>cut them up into such tiny slivers and cook the hell out of them to the point where they don't stand out from the rest of the meal.

Also, unrelated, but I'm Texan and love beans in my chili, but I just plain love beans, so yea (am drunk, excuse the rambling).

>> No.5944491
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>mfw friends to me to a hamburger stand in downtown chicago that had fried onions on the burgers
i fucking despise onions on muh burgers but these things were god tier

>> No.5944496
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I used to have the same opinion on onions as you do. I didn't mind their taste, but their texture with any food just felt wrong.

When I was 19 I got a job at a casino. I worked up to 14 hours standing up, and I was poor as shit. The cheapest, most nutritious food in the casino restaurant, which I had a 50% discount at, was the burger and fries. The cook was a simple man, and he liked me. The first time I ordered my burger he asked me if I liked lettuce and tomatoes. I said "not really but I'll eat it". He said "don't worry I got you". He gave me a burger with cheese, slightly charred patty and raw onions.

He told me "I know it doesn't look right, but try it. And eat the fries with nothing but salt and vinegar."

On the first day, I was skeptical. I thought it was a regular burger, didn't taste bad, the patty tasted alright but that's it. I wasn't sure if i enjoyed the salt and vinegar fries. However, on the next day I got the shakes as soon as I woke up and I just had to order the very same thing. I told him how much his insane food combo tasted amazing and he just said "I know."

I tried to reproduce his cooking many times, but I could never make a burger not soggy, the onions just taste like shit when that's the case, and I could never make the same crunchy fries that are soft in the middle. I miss those burgers every day of my life.

>> No.5944537


How the fuck did /ck/ get all of a sudden overrun with 14 year old's?

>> No.5944541
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>raw onions are abysmal on burgers

>> No.5944553

All onions are good you fucking scum. Worst fucking taste.

You know what actually?

Fucking kill yourselves.

>> No.5944557

soak your cut potatoes in water for 5-7 days. perfect crispy on the outside soft on the inside fries

>> No.5944589

>order a burger anywhere
>doesn't fucking matter where
>"no pickles, please"
>take a bite
>tastes like I'm deepthroating someone's ungodly pickled rod

>> No.5944596

>having the palate of a child

what are you doing here

>> No.5944599

raw onions are good on burgers you stupid autistic faggot

>> No.5944600

i think i used to feel the same way when i was twelve or thirteen years old

>> No.5944607

this is the moment that you transitioned from childhood to adulthood. at first it's confusing and sort of okay, but then it all makes sense.

>> No.5945009
File: 89 KB, 448x550, badgirl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're this tier, OP.

>> No.5945011

for all that /ck/ complains about picky eaters, there sure are some picky eaters on here.

>> No.5945024

I don't care what you put in you're faggot mouth. i care when people act like 4chan is there personal blog and shit post all over /ck/. if you don't like things don't eat them. but don't post about how you don't like them

>> No.5945050

I used to hate throughout my entire childhood and my dad used to dice them and put them into every goddamn thing. When I went to college though I suddenly had an epiphany and started eating them raw on sandwiches and burgers. Now I'm always throwing them in stir frys and shit. God tier.

I finally figured out why I had always hated them so much and it's because every time my dad would throw onions in a dish it was always some kinda casserole and they were always in these little 1/2 inch chunks and would basically just get sorta-cooked-sorta-soggy, and the texture was just nasty. Caramelized onions are great, but soggy diced onions in stuff like spaghetti sauce still ruins it for me.

>> No.5945075
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>> No.5945172

Every time someone utters the phrase, "I don't like onions," my face crumples up with hate that bubbles up from my pores and escapes through my cracked skin. If there was a service that specialized in punching a massive number of people, I would single-handedly keep them in business by paying for every last anti-onionite to get socked in the eyes.
I like onions because I'm an adult. You may think you don't like onions, but unless you have the taste perception of a dog, you're full of shit. That's because everything worth eating has onions in it. Don't believe me? Here's a list of foods that onion-haters like, despite the fact that they contain onions:

• Pizza. Think your rancorous hatred of onions is sated by not ordering them on your pizza? What do you think gives the sauce its flavor, dipshit?
• Burgers. Patties are seasoned with onion powder. Pull your head out of your ass.
• Stuffing. Onions make those giant clots of bread worth shoving into your ugly, hateful mouth.
• Onion rings. Inexplicably, some onion haters will order onion rings, despite the fact that onion rings are made with onions. "Well I don't mind onion rings." So fried onions get to keep their seat in the front of the bus in your world? You know what, don't eat onions; we don't need your charity.
• Ramen. Wow, more onions. It's almost like onions are in everything. Hmm, where have I heard that? Oh yeah, right at the start of this fucking list.
• Fried chicken. Keep shoving that breading into your tooth-hole, lardass! The onion-powder in the batter gives your taste buds purpose.
• Gravy, BBQ, coleslaw, ranch dressing, etc, etc. Onions, onions, onions. Onions make you feel unstoppable.

>> No.5945177
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>> No.5945182


I only realised halfway through this was Maddox.

>> No.5945186

the second half of the rant that wasn't pasted here makes it a bit more obvious.

>> No.5945322
File: 31 KB, 358x361, laughing whores.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He doesn't eat onions
>What a manchild

>> No.5945459

>Having taste this shit

>> No.5945518

>soak your cut potatoes in water for 5-7 days
I'm pretty sure you are fermenting them at this point.

>> No.5945571

I love onions, though some burgers don't mesh onion well with other flavors and can be overpowered.

>> No.5945606

Onion rings are fantastic on a burger.

>> No.5946098

raw onions are disgusting fags

completely overpower all other flavors of anything they're on

>> No.5946112

Like anyone is going to listen to some rectum ranger named kurt