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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 28 KB, 295x283, snickers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5938409 No.5938409 [Reply] [Original]

I got 2 bags of these for Halloween because Snickers are the best candy and the only one I can be bothered to eat the leftovers of post-Halloween. I only got 6 kids so I gave them 4-5 each.

Today at work a co-worker said it was really inconsiderate of me to be giving out Snickers. I asked why and she said it's insensitive because what if the kid has a peanut allergy, he won't be able to eat it. I said that's not my problem and his parents should be inspecting his haul at the end of the night. She said that's not the point, he'll still be disappointed.

When did Halloween become all about feelings and making sure the kids aren't offended? They all seemed pretty happy to me. What candy did you all buy and give out? I'm curious who else encountered this kind of backlash.

>> No.5938413

Fuck that whiny shit

>> No.5938422


Nobody seems to participate in Halloween anymore anyway.

>> No.5938449

If you were so sure you were correct, you wouldn't be coming to us for reassurance.

>> No.5938477

eh snickers aren't that great. I prefer twix.

>> No.5938486

Peanut allergies are nature's way of weeding out the weak. I just found out that I can't even give my kids pb sandwiches for lunch at school when they start. This shit has gone too far.

>> No.5938509


>making peanut butter sandwiches for your kids at lunch

I wonder what bothers them more, the lack of sandwich spread, or the absence of a father that loves them.

>> No.5938514

>implying the government isn't counteracting natural selection with welfare

>> No.5938517

Dawww, them low jabs. Does it get your curlies in a twist knowing that my children have a great father that you never did? Would you like a peanut butter and honey sandwich to soften the pain, love?

>> No.5938523

>peanut butter and honey sandwich
Aw jesus, when the honey starts crystallizing in the bread after a while. Fucking yesss

>> No.5938545
File: 41 KB, 885x663, one-serving-of-nutella-has-as-much-sugar-as-five-oreos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Can those peanut faggots eat this shit?

>> No.5938551

>implying snickers have real peanuts in them
>implying it's not simply solidified & shaped processed peanut simulate®
you fucking goy

>> No.5938561

There's a warning on my faux Nutella jar that says it's processed in a facility with tree nuts and traces of soy. So I'm not sure.

OP should just give those kids chocolate covered espresso beans next year.

>> No.5938573

>6 kids


also, you shouldn't even have engaged that conversation, people like that are never going to be happy. If you had immediately agreed and apologized you still would have received a lecture.

>> No.5938597

Give your coworker a used dragon dildo for Christmas, sorry I mean the winter holiday celebration. She can stick it up her ass to increase her butthurt.

>> No.5938601

Some people are allergic to hazelnuts, you insensitive pricks. One of my coworkers is one such.

Also, don't give out chocolate covered kiwifruit, because my throat swells up from the kiwi. FML.

>> No.5938613 [DELETED] 
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Only 1.4% of the population has nut allergies.

>> No.5938626 [DELETED] 
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>I'm allergic to caffeine
The universe is now no longer allowed to have caffeine.
>I'm allergic to chocolate
The universe is now no longer allowed to have chocolate
>I'm allergic to honey
The universe is now no longer allowed to have honey
>I'm allergic to milk
The universe is now no longer allowed to have milk
>I'm allergic to ___________
The universe is now no longer allowed to have ________

^ the above is nothing more than a by-product of the Baby Boomer overentitlement complex. It will fade with time, and in the meantime the normal people will simply teach their children to avoid bad things the way parents have done since humanity started.

It's a cultural thing, and that culture is thankfully dying out.

>> No.5938800

That's ridiculous if they have an allergy they can trade it if anything. I actually went trick or treating even though I'm 20 while drunk and I got mainly Reeses and Snickers.

>> No.5938819

Some kids can't have chocolate either, are you supposed to fucking give out packets of sugar? What about the diabetic kids who can't have sweets at all? Your co-worker does have a bit of a point though in that it probably would be nice to get a few of something that didn't have peanuts as well as the Snickers just in case a kid can't have peanuts. No obligation, just a way to be nice to a kid who might have a hard time filling up their Halloween bag.

>> No.5938835

people who have children are such fucking assholes. your kids are annoying little twats.

>> No.5938840

I love how OP was like "I only have six kids"
what do you mean "only"
nigga, why the fuck would you have more than one.

>> No.5938844

Tell your co-worker that she's a dumb bitch. Pretty much every mainstream chocolate product you can buy has a disclaimer on it that it can contain traces of peanuts. If you give out a Mars bar or anything comparable "without" peanuts, they still couldn't eat it.

Also, the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few. Fucking minority pandering is cultural cancer. If you have some kind of defunct, it is your job to deal with it, not societies job to pander to you so you don't have to deal with it.

Tell that bitch to stop standing and to stop walking because it's inconsiderate towards all the paraplegic people who are not able to walk or stand. Tell her to think about how bad those people would feel if they saw her standing or walking around. If she had even one ounce of compassion she would throw herself on the floor and walk the dinosaur.

>> No.5938850

This, I'm allergic to something in soda, but I don't flip my shit when other people drink it around me.

>> No.5938854

Are you fucking retarded? 6 kids showed up to his house to get candy.

>> No.5938867

That's because PB&J sandwiches are racist!


>> No.5938880

>peanut butter and honey sandwich

Do you hate your children?

>> No.5938884

I am semi-allergic so when I got candy with peanuts in it I just traded it with my friends. They were always willing to trade a Kit-Kat for my Snickers.

>> No.5938887


When I lived in a place where I got lots of trick or treaters, I would just hang the candy at the driveway and let them help themselves.

>> No.5938995

I'm pretty sure that a kid would know if he is allergic to a certain food and avoid it, if he doesn't know if he has any allergies then he probably has bad parents.

>> No.5939021

Oh my fucking god, all of my rage

>> No.5939037
File: 50 KB, 403x403, cadburry box.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i had a huge box of assorted cadburrys chocolates (pic related).

only 2 varieties contain peanuts and those were the ones i tried to avoid giving out so i could have more of them in the leftovers.

>> No.5939045

If the pansy ass kid with the peanut allergy is any decent sort of human s/he will at least have friends who will gladly trade their Pirates Booty and Organic suckers for their inedible god tier candy.
I know one kid who got a ketchup packet this year, let the peanut allergy freaks have that shit.

>> No.5939063


This. That coworker bitch just likes messing with people.

>> No.5939083
File: 89 KB, 600x266, Happy-Halloween-Chill-for-Color-Changing-Thrills-Soda-Cans.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My neighbors give out mini cans every year.

>> No.5939096

>trade a Kit-Kat for my Snickers.

Does that sound mildly sexy to anyone else?

>> No.5939100

That's fucking cool.

>> No.5939103

snickers are ok but nowhere near the best candy... i mean... you're tripping.


your mom is an asshole.


congrats, you're an adult

>> No.5939104

You people are goofy as fuck. People with peanut allergies don't go fucking trick or treating.

>> No.5939108


>15 years ago
>have friend that is alergic to peantus
>I fucking love snickers, and don't care about twix
>trades his snickers for my twix
>problem solved, no parental intervention needed and no feelings were hurt

Gen X Big Brother parenting in action.

>> No.5939198

Your co-worker sounds like a sjw prick however if the kid tells me they have an allergy I have something else, like this year I had reeses big cups and full size skittles since they were on sale for 10c/piece a few weeks ago.

>> No.5939214

Yeah it's pretty fucking obvious kids understand the concept of trading.

>> No.5939323

almond joy and reeses

>> No.5939568

Thanks to Pokemon no doubt. God bless that Pikachu, he's saving lives ;_;7

>> No.5939611

They are annoying little twats most of the time, but so are nearly all adults...and hey, at least they aren't teenagers yet.
Those sammiches are delicious. Why so much hate?

>> No.5939642

have you ever fed a child? they demand this shit

>> No.5939650

When I went out as a kid people used to give out fistfuls of peanuts and only a few pieces of candy.

OPs lady needs to calm the fuck down.

>> No.5939693
File: 57 KB, 414x414, sugar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>are you supposed to fucking give out packets of sugar?
That would actually be quite funny. Imagine the parental outrage! Then you can tell them the packet contains half the sugar of a fun size Snickers bar.

>> No.5939696

makes sense if peanut allergy is that common.

>> No.5939732

>the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few.
Yea boy, because the country you're probably from was sure founded on those principals, eh? I don't think OP should've been given shit because 'wah wah allergies', parents usually check their kids candies and any kids WITH peanut allergies are usually smart enough to check what they fucking eat after the first time they go into anaphylactic shock, doesn't make what you said any less fucking retarded though.

>> No.5939735

>Pirates Booty and Organic suckers

>> No.5939807

What if the kid is allergic to peanuts and almonds? You're a monster.

>> No.5939813

most candy says "made in a facility with X Y Z" so it would be 'inconsiderate' to give people most kinds of candy regardless of ingrediants

>> No.5939816

I got those in my daughter's trick or treat bucket, but I live in a really snooty high-income liberal area. It's really nice. The Pirate's Booty was delicious.

>> No.5940010


Kids generally aren't completely incapable of doing something on their own. They learn from doing stupid shit and solving the problems this dumb shit causes on their own without parental intervention. Builds character and problem solving skills. And if the kid can't fix it after trying on their own there's still a parental safety net.

>> No.5940019

I hope you're right.

>> No.5940103
File: 17 KB, 290x250, mars bar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

in canada mars bars are made at some special nut free facility. even the labels have a logo now.

>> No.5940139

I don't give food to beggars. So trick or treaters get nothing.

>> No.5940141

The autism, it is real.

>> No.5940148
File: 26 KB, 500x375, Sad_ghaddafi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I am allergic to peanuts, and get small rashes by eating them
>I love peanuts
>Developed peanut allergy some time after reaching 17

>> No.5940167

Lol wut?

>> No.5941735

>I'm 20 while drunk
How old are you when you're not drunk?

>> No.5941736

You should put up a sign in front of your house saying "WARNING: THIS HOUSE MAY CONTAIN TRACES OF PEANUTS". Then all the kids who are allergic to peanuts will stay far away and you won't have to worry about them getting killed by your insensitive choice of candy.

>> No.5941742

>if the kid tells me they have an allergy I have something else, like this year I had reeses big cups
>reeses big cups
Ummm. . . . . . . . . O_o

>> No.5941746

>hurr my kid only eats gluten free, vegan, nongmo, gender neutral candy why are you oppressing them!

>> No.5941754

I would have told that coworker to wipe the sand out of her vagina and put her big girl pants on.

I'm a mom myself, and I NEVER would have expected the people handing out treats to worry about my child's food allergies (he doesn't have any, luckily). Parents are responsible for checking the candy and treats their kids receive, and if the kid gets something they can't eat or don't like, then it can go to someone else. When I was a kid, I just traded candy with my siblings that I didn't like (the candy, not the sibling, well, maybe sometimes the sibling), or just gave to my parents. That's what my son did as well. It's not a big fucking deal.
Also, as per your question, we handed out Snickers too, as well as Reese's, M&Ms, KitKats, Skittles, Milk Duds, Laffy Taffy, and Twix. (full size bars/bags,(except for the Laffy Taffy and Milk Duds, which were our backups for when we ran out of full size bars) which we've done every year for the past 5 years because fuck yeah full size bars).

>> No.5941755

>Going door to door requesting free candy
>Complaining about free handouts
>This is part of what's wrong about American culture
>Nobody can take responsibility for themself
>It's somebody else's fault

Sorry if a kid has an allergy but, if I considered every possibility of offending someone or triggering an allergy, nothing would happen. If it was up to me I wouldn't even hand out candy.

>> No.5941774

I would never hand out candy peanuts.

But that is because I'm allergic to peanuts and will likely end up eating whatever candy is left over after the trick or treaters go home for the night.

By the way, about five years ago, a friend of mine borrowed a climbing safety harness from me and rigged up a coat to wear so that you really couldn't see it. He also made a fake noose and put it around his neck and set it all so that it looked like he was hanging from a tree limb. He had a table underneath the tree with the candy on it for the kids to help themselves.

A good many kids were too scared to approach the table once they saw him. For those who would go up to the table to get some candy, he would tap them on the shoulder as they got a handful of candy.

>> No.5941914

I had a friend who was allergic to chocolate. Trying to appeal to every subset of dietary restrictions is impossible. It might be nice to have a variety just because of the prevalence of nut allergies, maybe one bag of Snickers and one bag of some other peanut-free candy, but it's not some lapse in moral judgment to only have Snickers. If the kid is that allergic odds are their parents will just buy them their own favorite non-peanut candy anyway.

>> No.5941925

>I got a kid like that at my door with her momzilla
>I have bags of m^ms and toss it in her bag
>Momzilla: She's allergic to chocolate. What is your alternative?
>Cmon [girl] we're leaving.

>> No.5941930

I gave out candy cigarettes.

No one complained.

>> No.5941935

Man, at least my friend's parents acknowledged that their kid was going to strike out trick-or-treating and got them separate stuff instead. Poor girl probably ended up with a few Airheads and some pretzels.

>> No.5941951
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>> No.5941955
File: 17 KB, 416x317, 1409181642522.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder what the parents of allergy kids do with all the nonedible treats. I kind of doubt that they donate them to the food bank because that would involve inconveniencing themselves to help the less fortunate.

>> No.5941962

>What is your alternative
As if you HAVE to have multiple options. As if this isn't something neighbors do for free for children just to be kind. God forbid you don't have healthy/gluten free/vegetarian/allergy sensitive alternatives for each precious snowflake that comes to your door.

>> No.5942009


children are not born with a Pb&honey sandwich seeking instinct. also, you're a terrible, terrible excuse for a parent if you give your child what they DEMAND of you. you enabling coward.

>> No.5942124

What's wrong with big cups?

>> No.5942168

>When did Halloween become all about feelings and making sure the kids aren't offended?

Oh that's not just for Halloween.

That's what our country has been mollycoddled into being 24/7 nowadays. If you aren't thinking "BUT WHAT IF I HURT THEIR FEELINGS" when doing -anything-, you're a racist sexist cishet piece of scum.

>> No.5942228

4-5 snickers is a fuckton, also am I the only one who traded with
his friends at the end of the night ?
I also remember having a bag shared between three of us because we would get more treats .
Good times

>> No.5942232

>no pb&honey instinct
>actually they kinda have, there is fat and sweet flavours and taste intensifiers

>> No.5942275

The Reese's were the main candy and Skittles were obviously the alternative, anon.

>> No.5942313
File: 16 KB, 320x157, eggs the jews way.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your coworker sounds like an idiot. Halloween is difficult for kids with allergies or food restrictions, but it can still be enjoyed. I have a child with food restrictions and my best friend has a kid with peanut allergies.
Halloween is still fun. My friend is a member of a parent's group that has other children with nut allergies so they go trick or treating together at specified houses and then have a party after. My little guy gets to go trick or treating and then we sort through the stuff he can have and give the stuff he can't to a community group that sends Halloween candy to troops overseas. (-we support our troops but we don't support the reason the troops are overseas but that is more of the president's fault, which is why HE doesn't get any candy.) My kid doesn't mind. He likes to draw a picture of what he dressed up as to include with the candy. (This year it was Ironman with a TMNT Shell)

Candy that doesn't have nuts in it is generally made in a facility that makes other candies that do. This means that despite the fact that a candy is nut free, the possibility exists that cross contamination could occur. So buying snickers is just as "inconsiderate' as buying milky ways by your coworkers logic. You don't want to be the jerk that gives away raisins, THAT is how you get your house egged.

You should egg your coworker's house to illustrate this point.

>> No.5942429

Watch, very soon there's going to be a lawsuit brought by some wacko parent who's kid got harmed because of some Halloween candy. And the way this country's headed I wouldn't be surprised if the giver actually got punished for it. You already can't shoot burglars who invade your own home.

>> No.5942441

Most of the candy I bagged for Halloween had peanuts in it. Snickers, snickers pb, peanut m&ms, reeses and full size payday bars. But really, one of the best parts of Halloween is at the end of the night sitting around with your friends and swapping candy while a horror movie plays in the background.

Big cups are god-tier you dweeb

>> No.5942479

Fuck all this political correctness. Next year I'm buying a sack of Mounds. No one's allergic to coconuts.

>> No.5942512

>because the country you're probably from was sure founded on those principals, eh
It actually was.
51% beats 49% in America, every time.
Welcome to the representative democracy.

>> No.5942519

What are you trying to do, kill people? It's called cocoNUT for a reason.

>> No.5943535

Hey. Fuck you. It's not my fault I'll die if some dumb fuck eats peanuts and drinks my water without me knowing.

>> No.5943553

51% beats 49% when there's a direct democracy. Look up gerrymandering and how people are elected to the Senate. The minority beats the majority day after day in the US

>> No.5943563

The United States is a representative republic.

>> No.5943610

>‘Americans eat peanut butter and jelly, do you have anything like that?’ Let them tell you. Maybe they eat torta. Or pita.”

correct me if I'm wrong, I'm still confused with the american sense of racism. But isn't that so much more racist than fucking sandwiches? She's basically saying those kids are not and never will be americans wtf

>> No.5943621

fucking. this.

>> No.5943625

because Snickers are the best candy and the only one I can be bothered to eat amen

>> No.5943629

Food by definition cannot be racist.

>> No.5943638

He means only six trick or treaters showed up.

>> No.5943644

of course, but thats what that woman was trying to convince people of

>> No.5943649
File: 69 KB, 480x323, pbj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Or can it!

>> No.5943737
File: 5 KB, 274x242, relaxed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you didn't grow up in a sterile american environment so you have no allergies

>> No.5944055

/pol/ please go, there's enough of your shit on /k/

>> No.5944079

American here who knows that glorious feel.
My stomach complains a bit when I drink milk, but I tell it to shut the fuck up and I drink more milk.

>> No.5944086


If true, then why do we have welfare?

I would bet that at least 51% of the country would like to make striking cutbacks on welfare, but we still have it.

>> No.5944090


Not only that, I bet that considerably more than 51% of the country wanted to put an end to the 55 mph speed limit years before we finally got rid of it.

>> No.5944101
File: 49 KB, 250x250, 6546456.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My state is trying to pass a bill that will cut off food stamps for anyone who isn't employed or 'training' for work.
I don't think they understand the shitstorm this would cause if it really went through.

>> No.5944185

>assuming people are informed and intelligent enough to vote in their best interests

>> No.5944278

I think its a good think. I think they should have to have monthly random drug screenings too and if they fail they are cut off for atleast a year

>> No.5944395

this sounds great on paper, and I wish it would work.
i lived in a pretty shitty area where I was the only white dude, and everyone I knew was on ebt. they'd sell it at half price so they could buy booze/toiletries, or occasionally actually buy a decent spread with it. it sucks there's so many people abusing the system
I tried to get on it just so i could eat something other than rice and beans but 40 hours a week at a minimum wage job is apparently too much dosh for SNAP to handle
sorry for the blog post, im plastered

>> No.5944603

The whole point of shit like foodstamps is so that hungry poor people aren't out there ripping off the middle class and local businesses and so their kids can fucking eat. Take away these safety nets and see how fast gangs of street children roam the city stealing your shit.
Drug screenings cost more than they save, and are easy as fuck to beat, ask someone in the army who smokes weed ALL the time. If welfare and foodstamp recipients have to drug test than so should politicians, I'm sure all those whacked out coke-heads will just line up to take those drug test because they're the ones living off your tax money right?

>> No.5944611

lol that would never work

>> No.5944612

So youre fine with paying for people to get food stamps that dont give a fuck about finding a job and just sit around doing drugs all day?

>> No.5944624

Of course it would.

>> No.5944633


>people who have kids even though they have to be on food stamps

these are the worst fucking people

>> No.5944646

Yeah, that's a pittance compared to defense spending, all the money the military pisses away, and the ducats the politicians spend on first class flights, fancy hotels and expensive call girls. If loquisha wants her purple drink I don't give a fuck, at least her 8 kids can eat.
Kids still need to eat.

>> No.5944655

So its okay to waste more money just because other money is wasted elsewhere? Thats terrible logic.

You also shouldnt have kids if you cant afford them.

>> No.5944677

No, I don't think it's a waste of money if it's feeding kids and keeping people from stealing. And it's a nice idea that you shouldn't have kids if you can't afford them, but that's never going to happen, so it's kind of pointless even to mention. You know why poor people have so many kids? Because fucking is free. You'll never stop them.

>> No.5944754

A drug screening costs something like $50 per person, mandatory drug tests for EBT would add $2.2 billion in costs to the program.

>> No.5944810

Its not only fucking free....THEY FUCKING GET PAID FOR IT. I actually know someone who had another kid because she got a ton more government aid for having a kid. I called her out on it and she basically said "fuck you its my life aint nothing to do with you" when I said I pay taxes to cover her greedy ass she just gave me a "fuck off, I aint breakin no laws"

>> No.5945150

>kids aren't offended
>literally die

yeah ok

reminder that kids are dumb and halloween takes place at night and they're likely to rip shit open and eat it blindly. please don't murder kids.

>> No.5945313

She's right. Fuck off out of that country if you don't like it.

>> No.5946275

But Pita bread is Greek in origin. That means it's Euopean, which means in the USA it would be considered "white" food. No?

>> No.5946993

Top fucking kek. Mediterraneans are most definitely NOT white.

>> No.5948365

Even with peanut allergies, I don't care I'll buy anything that stops it just to eat snikers, Nothing beats a Whole Snicker

>> No.5948371

Fuck off nazi I forgot the comma this isn't English class

>> No.5949073

I saw a poll or study a year or more back that snickers was the most popular halloween candy. Guess it doesn't matter that it has nuts to most people, but to those with a severe peanut allergy smelling peanuts or getting the oil on them could result in a trip to the emergency room.

>> No.5949091

I'm starting to think parents WANT their kids to have severe food allergies so they can have everything specially made for them and the parents can be loud mouth outspoken assholes everyone hates. If their kid does have an allergic reaction when dining out, they go into SUPER MAMA BEAR mode, scream, inject an epi pen and do CPR to be hailed a hero while later suing that establishment and updating their mommy blog.

>> No.5949098

I bought Peanut Butter Snickers. I didn't get many kids so I ate most of them. They're actually better than regular Snickers.

Also, I saw a lot of my FB friends were doing that teal pumpkin shit where they had out crappy toys instead of candy. That like getting those mini religious pamphlets in your bag of candy. YOU FEEL CHEATED.

>> No.5949099

Sounds like Munchhausen's by proxy.

>> No.5949108

>that house who always gave out pennies

>> No.5949111

In Canada they give out canned soda as well.

>> No.5949125

Peanuts are a main ingredient in most candy bars. The ones that don't contain peanuts are still made in a factory that processes peanuts, like pretty much any other processed kid's food. That's why having a kid with a peanut allergy is such a huge deal.
So if that lady is only worried about a fucking Snickers then she's probably retarded.

>> No.5949127

I didn't give out candy this year, but my dad handed out full size candy bars.

Remember when you went trick or treating, and got a regular candy bar? Shit was so cash.

I hope those kids got the same joy I did. Sure, it isn't the healthiest mentality to get excited about a candy bar, but on Halloween, we can make an exception.

>> No.5950285

My house was always the house to hand out full-size candy bars, although we were also the house that handed out little jesus pamphlets.

We also handed out things like water bottles and play-doh, those were just as if not more popular than the candy.