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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 401 KB, 250x195, crying.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5936657 No.5936657[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Alcoholics General -

>watch this - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WA1h9h7-_Z4
>implying you can stop drinking or being homo for Aussies

How are we all traveling tonight brus?

>> No.5936750

alcohols don't give a fuck for jewtube
ask again later

>> No.5936766

i give a fuck ;_;

you're pretty gay, OP

>> No.5936805

good dubs

>captcha - ecaunho Battle

>> No.5937120

bump - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zwXjm64a3QE

>> No.5939517
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>> No.5939521

I was waiting for the feces to come squirting out

>> No.5939528
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Jesus dude, how much time do you spend on /b

>> No.5939979
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I hate sundays man, because I have to fight with myself because waking up at 6am with a steaming hangover and having to drive an hour to work, is totally dicks. At least friday and saturday nights I can drink without having to worry about that.

>pic related, some of friday and saturday nights cans. There's about the same amount again in the living room.

>> No.5940150
File: 27 KB, 668x501, Drinks lundi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I just want to cut down my drinking, you know just drink socially.

I've been on a 4 months drinking binge alone at home watching videos and playing risk/monopoly online. I don't want to drink in November. It's a good start, only had 6 yesterday. Tonight, family supper. I usually take a 12 packafter it, crack open one in the car. By the time I arrive at my home, I have 3 under the belt. Later I pass out and not work on my resume/find job on monday. Plus tonight theres a hockey game on TV. It's gonna be tough!

>> No.5940152

Just remember that you're all alone and no one really gives a shit whether you live or die.

>> No.5940156

Thanks brah

>> No.5940159

We're in it together man

>> No.5940173

fuck off degenerates. youre not welcome here

>> No.5940189

Oh no, Anon is not interested in this thread. I guess we'll have to drink alone, again.

>> No.5940199
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>this guy posting the same post in every /alck/ thread

Cheers, bro

>> No.5940419
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>tfw i'm a grad student working as a dishwasher to pay bills
>girlfriend leaves me when she gets a tenure track job and now has yearly income twice what our combined income was last year

Now that I don't spend money on her I spend it on booze.

>> No.5940443

>assumes (sober) alcoholic thread
>it's not
>wait, am on 4chan, duh
am newfag

>> No.5940520

sounds like you need a drink

>> No.5940548
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Why am I still alive

>> No.5940582

>I hate sundays man, because I have to fight with myself because waking up at 6am with a steaming hangover and having to drive an hour to work, is totally dicks. At least friday and saturday nights I can drink without having to worry about that.

Oh fuck, man. I'm in the same situation. And I'm still not in bed even though I should be, danged.

>> No.5940586
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I'd off myself but I don't want to burden my roommates with the invasion of privacy that having the police and EMTs in their house would cause.

>> No.5940590


>>5939979 here. Yeah, shit isn't it. I'm 10 stellas down now, thought I'd be alright and get to bed by 10 and hopefully get enough sleep but no, and now I'm waiting for my takeaway to arrive. Tomorrow is a guaranteed shitter.

>> No.5940597


>"I didn't drink that much"
>"I feel fine"
>"It'll be alright if I drink enough water"


>> No.5940607

>girlfriend leaves me when she gets a tenure track job and now has yearly income twice what our combined income was last year
What a cunt

>> No.5940615


>everything you just said

Fucking hell, we are the same.

>> No.5940626
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At least my dirty Indian food is here now

>> No.5940634


That looks like a thin bread with a can of chopped tomatoes poured over it

>> No.5940639
File: 1.53 MB, 2560x1920, 2011-06-26 13.13.09.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw eating crackers and tinned tomatoes for dinner again

>> No.5940643

I'm at the tail end of a bender about that length, but I'm starting to turn it around. Bought liquor 3 times in the last 2 weeks when I was drinking every night before that. It's hard getting by the liquor store on the way home from work. I just crank the music and force my way by. I'm starting to notice improvements in how I feel, my energy level, motivation, and the consistensy of my shits. I'm looking forward to having the extra 400-500 dollars a month I spent on liquor too if I can keep it up. Good luck to you, anon.

>> No.5940645


Its half a butter chicken poured over a whole naan. I'm not eating it like it was meant to be eaten, but eh

its alright

>> No.5940653



girlfriend left me 2 years ago and now is very succesful

i post on /ck/ and drink

>> No.5940742

The only thing that's keeping me motivated to finish my degree at this point is the thought of one day getting revenge for how she treated me.

>> No.5940758

shouldn't this be in r9k or somewhere equally pathetic?

>> No.5940811

I don't really want to die... But I don't really want to live either.

>> No.5941284
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Nice one anon, good shit.

To other battlers, speaking from experience... What I find works is substitution and resolution.

On my days off the beer, I drink cans of soda as an alternative. I treat em the same way, I pull em from the fridge, crack em open & pour em down... Its still refreshing for the gullet and the process seems to help somehow.

The key is to STAY positive gents, you NEED to FORCE your brain to be conscious of when you're thinking negatively and STOP it. If you cant think of anything even remotely positive the only solution to that is:

RUN, fucking RUN

IF you cant fucking run, fucking WALK until you can.

(pills don't, they're just a band aid and cause more troubles then they're worth)

Stay the fuck away from spirits and ONLY buy preservative free beer, REAL beer. Should reduce hangovers substantially.

I hope this helps someone

>> No.5941325
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>I run so that I can hide my tears under the sweat dripping from my brow

>> No.5941354
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So fucking what?

Sometimes I did...

Pretty infrequently these days though.

>> No.5941360
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So fucking what?

I do, sometimes.

Mostly I just start drinking at lunch these days.

>> No.5941363

My foot got crushed in a car accident 14 years ago so I will never run again.
You may not believe it but I can ride a push bike like the wind blows.

>> No.5941375
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I wanna be the guy who tells you anons there's something more in life and how to get there.

But I'm not that guy.

>> No.5941378
File: 61 KB, 158x199, sadpointyelfbloody.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my roommate just informed me he's kicking me out today. at least he's giving me a little bit of time to get my shit together enough to find a new place.

also had a drunk phone call with my mom where I broke down crying about my BDSM fetish. she drove to my apartment so she take away all the absinthe, tequila and rum I had bought for the week (ended up being mostly drunk within two days). needless to say I'll be seeing Linda the checkout woman and a pint of shitty vodka tomorrow morning :^)

>> No.5941385

>also had a drunk phone call with my mom where I broke down crying about my BDSM fetish

>i jack off a lot and need to jack off to weirder stuff now mom :'(

>> No.5941386
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There would have to be something more to life, there would have to be a way to get there.

>> No.5941390

yeah basically idk why you're rewording it when it's pretty inherently cringeworthy sentence

>> No.5941621

My father told me there is more to life than getting drunk. I asked him, "Such as?" He remained silent, only to say, "Go get drunk."

>> No.5941664

I drink liquor more than I eat food. I didn't even think this was possible.

>> No.5941686

Theres still hope Bros

If you start doing something creative like music writing or painting people will overlook your drunken ways

>> No.5941695

me too bro. me too. these days I'm having to force myself to eat anything, but I have no problem drinking a fifth of cheap vodka every 24 hours. along with some beers. hoping it's another phase. I've been here before.

>> No.5941709
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why is media's depiction of alcoholics usually violent, angry, dissatisfied, and/or incapable?

i start drinking whisky when i wake up (at 6:30) and find that it makes me more patient, jovial, a better lover, and an excellent student (A+s)

when people say i have a drinking "problem", the only problem i see is that i'm always drinking. i've yet to see the downsides y'all, so what gives?