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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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5935851 No.5935851 [Reply] [Original]

Beef tartar with ants.

>> No.5935854

>get steak
>drop on ant hill
>wa la

>> No.5935857

that does not look kosher

>> No.5935862

Don't some ants taste like lemons? I can't imagine eating beef with lemons.

>> No.5935863
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Charred white onion.

>> No.5935871
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Burnt leek with cod egg.

>> No.5935874
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All else aside, this part looks like a really cool dragon.

>> No.5935875
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Nordic coconut.

>> No.5935878
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Moss and freshly harvested tree shoot.

Tell me, /ck/, why are you not indulging in the finest the cutting edge world of cuisine has to offer?

>> No.5935879


>> No.5935881

what the fuck is this hipster food





whats wrong with just cooking actaul food and eating it

>> No.5935883

Food from noma: The thread.

>> No.5935886

Too poor. Also, I don't want diarrhea.

>> No.5935926

>much food experience
Do people actually eat this shit?

>> No.5935937
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looks delicious

>> No.5935940

I had some moss in a Danish restaurant
pretty good stuff, although for the life of me I couldn't tell how it was prepared
it was crisp and crunchy and not oily at all

>> No.5935964

Their sticks and stuff.aren't actually that, they just make it look that way

Like they used dehydrated parsnips, their "soil" is savory prepared malt and such

It's fried quickly
Don't diss.the.best bruh
It's not

>> No.5935982


>> No.5935984

Metal Charizard!

>> No.5935985

OH. YOU. ~<3

>> No.5935990

The ones I've eaten have a slight acidity to them when uncooked but acid is traditional with tartare.

The main issue, I'd imagine, would be the unpleasant mouth feel of the exoskeleton but they look to be fried thus eliminating the problem (sorta, it falls apart easier but still can still have issues sticking to your mouth) so I'd imagine that they are mainly there for texture.

I wouldn't call it the best but I can appreciate the creativity and technical difficulty behind haute cuisine.

>> No.5935996
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The presentation is lacking. The chef forgot to add a model train.

>> No.5936005

Probably filled with vodka.

>> No.5937355

Oh shit, I legit thought these were dumb joke meals like that 'male chef' thing. Guess I'm a pleb.

>> No.5937366


those ones do yeah, that's kinda the idea behind the dish

not necessary 'lemons' but citrusy and sharp.


>“Nordic Coconut,” which was a kohlrabi, with a hole bored in the side, and the center hollowed out and filled with lightly fermented kohlrabi juice, and a “straw” made from a hollow plant stem.


there's clearly an intention to surprise and perplex diners at noma. you're hardly a pleb.

>> No.5937367
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Thanks, ants.


>> No.5937370

not how, why.

>> No.5937383
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fine cuisine from /ck/

>> No.5937425


>Cut tree shoots and moss from outside
>Put them on a plate
>Cutting Edge World of Cuisine

I cant imagine what you normally eat

>> No.5937451
File: 401 KB, 1217x812, forest (4 of 31).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Danefag here.
While I haven't been to Noma (yet, have a reservation for some time next year) I have had dishes with moss and tree bark. It was delicious.

Pic related, snails with moss purée

>> No.5937471

>have a reservation for some time next year

I hope something happens and you don't make it.

>> No.5937474


>> No.5937493
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>snails with moss purée

>> No.5937564

Don't type noma in your search bar

>> No.5937604
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>this whole thread

>> No.5937708

This meal comes with a boss battle: The giant enemy dragon!


>> No.5938035

fug, best post on 4chan right now

>> No.5938118

That's not a kohlrabi

>> No.5938157
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>> No.5938209

That's beautiful

>> No.5938231

I had to Google this, I had no idea what this was.

I was surprised to see it was actually a dish at a renowned restaurant. I was also surprised to see elm leaves and reindeer lichen as appetizers.

This is why the Danes aren't known for their cuisine lol

>> No.5938397
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>ants in the beef
>burnt onion
>burnt leek
>raw potato
>moss & stick

These guys can't even cook you are all being fooled

>> No.5938788


fuck off zed u sad cunt

>> No.5938702

I love you

>> No.5938708 [DELETED] 
File: 119 KB, 533x594, Facepalm Gaddafi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wa la

>> No.5938712

gb2 /k/ fagget

>> No.5938715

>raw potato
It's a drink, the potato is merely a beverage vessel
anyways, stay narrow minded

>> No.5938724


yeah, fair play.

>> No.5939320

>stay narrow minded
alright mang, whatever you say. Go eat some burnt dirt or something

>> No.5939331
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>> No.5939364

I havent' looked it up yet but i bet this is some shit Noma did.

>> No.5939625

Friend just came back from Copenhagen, he had dinner at Noma.
The guy's a major foodie, runs the town wine shop.
I've been with him to El Celler de Can Roca, prior to this was the best restaurant experience either of us had ever had.

He said Noma topped it.

He did cave the carpaccio with ants, along with everything else.
Apparently he especially liked cricket mousse.
The place like 60 employees, and 65 seats or something, which does pay off.

Over all, said it was worth it.

>> No.5939656

Hang on.
That looks like O gauge.

>> No.5939667

What did he have to do to get a reservation?

>> No.5939668

I was at noma this summer and this dish was one of their best ones.

They were frozen with liquid nitrogen, it's a bit surprising at first but you quickly get used to it. And they were really quite small so it wasn't like you could tell what part of the ant you were biting on.

And all your fags are forgetting about the drinks. It was a big part of the experience for me to get to drink many really good wines with distinct characteristics that went well with the dishes. Their juice pack was extremely interesting too and was paired with the food even better than the wines.

>> No.5939670

>Burn my dinner
>Go to nearest hipster trash restaurant and sell it for $400
>Get extra because it turned cold on the walk over there

>> No.5939671


Wine is a scam. Didn't you see the penn & teller where they liked the cheaper one?

>> No.5939678

It wasn't so much expensive wines as it was unique wines that tasted well and were very well paired with the dish.

>> No.5939682
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>taking Bullsh!t seriously

>> No.5939726

>penn & teller
into the trash

>> No.5939740

>ben teller
le trash

>> No.5939746

You mean the one where people who don't know wine tasted wine? The point wasn't even about the wine, it was that presentation and atmosphere can be more important to how you enjoy a meal than the actual food.

>> No.5939903

I-Is that..real? As well as the moss eating?

>> No.5939992

Source? I've seen every episode and they never got people to drink wine. Bottled water and fancy food, but not wine

>> No.5940016

shiny charizard

>> No.5940054

what the fuck are you doing on /ck/ zed

>> No.5940088
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>Wine is a scam

>> No.5940113


>haute cuisine

I don't think you're using that word correctly

>> No.5940114

>200 dollar bottle of grape juice

you don't say

>> No.5940122


You realize it's not actually dirt... right? Or do you think the world is too stupid to rate Noma best restaurant like 3 times in a row?

Nah, you're way smarter than the top chefs of the world. Stay clever, based tardbro.

>> No.5940155


holy shit, this is real ? i thought it was a troll like milk steak and jelly beans..... people pay for this shit ?

>> No.5940176

it is not what it seems
they never taste how they look

>> No.5940181

Are you defending a restaurant you've never eaten at?

Do you also talk highly about books you haven't read but are well-liked but "people in the know"?

Hallmarks of a pleb.

>> No.5940195
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on the other hand they do serve live shrimp which you are supposed to eat whole after dipping in browned butter

>> No.5940213

Nice repost OP, now get yourself another burger and STFU

>> No.5940214

haaaaaaaaaahahaha fuck, this video.

>> No.5940294
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Here is your twig that will be $200

>> No.5940328
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>> No.5940329

>Paying hundreds for uncooked food.

>> No.5940333
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>> No.5940339
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>> No.5940347
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>> No.5940350
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the "fan favorite"

>> No.5940357
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>> No.5941433

I don't know whether suspension of disbelief applies to marketing wank, but that breaks it.

>> No.5941640

>The joke
>Your head

>> No.5941662
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badoit is best water

>> No.5941685

Noma's foraging and bark shit seems like it's taking peasant food to the next level, like it's elevating famine food to haute cuisine. That's wonderful.

>> No.5942044

plz post the apple i-water

>> No.5942105

>water sommelier

>> No.5942139
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>water sommelier

>> No.5942141
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>he can't even afford a twig

maybe you should spend less time on 4chan and more time working at your job

>> No.5942183
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>cooking actaul food and eating it

>> No.5942251


>> No.5942304

I take a shit

>> No.5942325

It's very intentional,the know that dumb middle class people an poor people will copy what rich people eat

So they are utilizing insects and blood instead of eggs or other things like that so poorer people in the west will demand it

It's trickle down in the best way possible