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5939950 No.5939950 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone interested in a live thread? Got a decent deal of prime brisket, let it wet age for a month.

>> No.5939953
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Rubbed down, this gon b good.

>> No.5939960

>let it wet age for a month

isn't that a little long?

>> No.5939970
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shit sideways photo sorry

not really I've done it for up to 55 days.

Into the smoke, got some stubbs briquettes and some post oak chunks

>> No.5939977
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And now we wait, these photos were from about 3hrs ago btw, I'll do some updates as it cooks

>> No.5939998

Lurking OP... wanna see how this turns out.

>> No.5940007
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Here's my temps 3hrs in..

>> No.5940014

What are the advantages of wet ageing over dry ageing?

>> No.5940020

none I'm just lazy.

I guess if there was an advantage it would be no trim waste, otherwise dry age is superior.

>> No.5940024

So how come it doesn't rot?

>> No.5940027

What is the reasoning for aging?
more tneder? tastes better?

>> No.5940035

It has to do with some real scientific shit that I'm not qualified to comment on, but it can only be done in the original cryovac from the slaughter packing facility. It has to be air tight for it to not go bad.

Wet aging doesn't affect flavor like dry aging, but yes it does make it more tender.

>> No.5940065

you can keep it up to 3 month from the packaging date in a vacuum sealed bag... ( if there is no contamination during the processing and the cool chain is respected)

>> No.5940120
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4.5hrs in, temp is at 165F. Time to wrap, looking good.

>> No.5940124
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>> No.5940147

hot diggity mah niggity!

>> No.5940205

What did you rub it with?

>> No.5940221

what thermometer are you using? three temps? that must be some fancy hardware.

>> No.5940230


I usually use some homemade rub, but I got some premade from the store called "plowboys" tastes pretty good.

>> No.5940303

you're gonna show us the cut right

>> No.5940356

So you wait 30 days to eat this?

>> No.5940387
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>igrill app

>> No.5940458

Am I missing something? Are you too hipster for it? Works great.

>> No.5940481

unrelated but my jimmies were recently rustled into oblivion.

Went to an old highly regarded local bbq joint. The atmosphere, service, and sides were outstanding 11/10. However, the star of the show, the brisket, ruined the whole place. They slow smoke the briskets over night and then TRIM ALL OF THE FAT AND EVERY INCH OF THE BARK AND SMOKE RING OFF.

Upon seeing this I asked the meat guy WTF and asked if I could get some slices with the bark on it and he said it all gets trashed. How can a place be so stupid.. they might as well just bake the goddamn thing in an oven.

>> No.5940495

I saw a youtube video where the guy did that, fuckin' dumber than a Texan.

>> No.5940498


>implying Texans aren't the kings of BBQ and anything other than Texas style bbq isn't
dog shit

>> No.5940648

OP here, estimating it will be done in around 45min, it's not passing the probe test yet.

>> No.5940651

At least you're doing it right. Nothing is more infuriating that some newfag who things internal temp is the goal.

>> No.5940661

What the fuck is that supposed to mean?
Don't Mess With Texas.

>> No.5940798
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Done, got it wrapped up in a blanky to let it rest and keep it warm until company arrives. Pics soon.

>> No.5940809

Do I need to spell it out more clearly for you? You must be from Houston.

Texans are amazingly stupid, so much so that it is a mark of crippling dumbassery to be stupider than a Texan.

In fact, the only reason Texas even has good bbq is the fact that Mexicans and Germans live in/moved to Texas and injected some non-idiocy into the cuisine.

>> No.5940820

That's just mean.

>> No.5940839

Sometimes the truth hurts.

>> No.5941134
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Turned out good as expected, I saved the point end for burnt ends sometime this week the rest got demolished by the guests.

>> No.5941140
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>> No.5941174
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>> No.5941177
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that's all folks

>> No.5941212
File: 257 KB, 385x535, A Bit Closer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mother of god

>> No.5941448

thanks brah

>> No.5941461

looks pretty good, too bad your beer is shit

>> No.5941558

epig trollman