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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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5934112 No.5934112 [Reply] [Original]

>Spend day preparing slow cooker meal for my family
>Beef shin and red wine stew
>Leave it alone for 8 hours
>Everyone about to arrive
>I forgot to plug the slow cooker in

Make me feel better. What have you fucked up?

>> No.5934115

my life

>> No.5934118

Once I forgot to unplug the water boiler at my work, on a friday before closing for the weekend, and burned down the whole building. True story.

>> No.5934121

Put it in a deep casserole dish with a lid in the oven, it'll still take like 2-3 hours but it's better than nothing.

>> No.5934127

my dad worked in a fishmongers when he was younger and switched off the chiller by mistake before he finished up for the night. they had to throw out all their stock the next morning.

>> No.5934132

Fucking hell, did they find out that it was your fault?

>> No.5934142

I have done that same thing, OP, only I noticed after about two hours and I was just making food for myself.

>> No.5934154


Yep. But it was ruled an accident so they didn't press charges.

>> No.5934206

I made sugar cookies with salt instead of sugar.

>> No.5934226

when we did cooking at school i made a chocolate mousse, i was the proudest little kid when i finished it cos it looked perfect, bubbly, and just the right colour and everything. found the ziploc bag of sugar my mum had weighed out for me still in my schoolbag after i'd finished making it. i made sugarless chocolate mousse, i was really sad when it tasted like shit and i had to throw it away.

>> No.5934230


How did you not notice no smell coming from the kitchen about an hour in?

>> No.5934254

a more mature you would have enjoyed the taste or just sprinkled it with sugar

>> No.5934274

>not periodically checking the slow cooker and smelling it

>> No.5934280

I was on the other side of the house and I'm an idiot.

>> No.5934289

>other side of the house
>house is so big you can't notice whether the unmistakable smell of cooking meat is present

fucking richfags

>> No.5934295


It's okay, anon. One day you will be able to afford to put doors at the entrance to each of your rooms.

>> No.5934298

Definitely not a richfag, my friend. I mistook the smell from the prep cooking and browning of the meat and stuff for slow cooker smell, then i fell asleep.

Also, as I said, I'm an idiot.

>> No.5934312

I'm an apprentice in a kitchen with no prior experience, today I pissed off the chef so much by simply being in the way that he grounded me, haha. Sent me to the basement to clean.

Embarrassing and shitty, but shit happens.

>> No.5934313


Sounds like he's an asshole if you didnt do anything wrong or intentionally annoy him

>> No.5934314

My house is one uninterrupted square, like the first house a 9 year old makes in sims

>> No.5934320

Like I said, I got in the way during peak lunch service on a Friday (okay, I didn't say all that). It was by no means intentional, but I did do things wrong. I'm still learning, and sometimes it's better to just remove a problem than deal with it directly in those situations. We had a talk after and he set me straight. It was fine.

If anything, he's too easy on me. I feel like I'd have been kicked out on my ass in any other kitchen for the most part.

>> No.5934325

are you a dog

>> No.5934335

>be my girlfriend
>spend day preparing slow cooker meal for myself for the rest of the week
>generic stew ingredients
>leave it alone for 8 hours
>proceed to forget about it for the next 3 days after that
>everything in pot looks disintegrated, with a layer of cancer/charcoal on top
>boyfriend opens pot, smells like the unholy child of a decaying zombie
>smell permeates apartment, almost vomit
>still believe that apartment smells because my shitty roommate leaves the kitchen a mess all the time
>tell boyfriend to leave the disgusting mass of organic matter in the pot since there's no room in the fridge
>about to discover the sacrilege I've created

>> No.5934375

>people unironically using slowcookers

Why not just admit you suck at cooking

>> No.5934379

I had a friend who thought it was okay to leave finished food in a slow cooker overnight on low. He thought it wouldn't burn anything and it would deepen the flavor.

Nigga burned soup.

>> No.5934380

Years ago when I was a child I was eating at some place with my family, they had salt and sugar in similar thin packets, I picked up a sugar one and put them on my chips without realising. It was fucking disgusting.

>> No.5934381

Nothing wrong with slowcookers, anon. It's pretty handy when you aren't living the NEET life and want to come back from work to a meal that's already finished.

>> No.5934425

>be my brother
>ask mom if i can make brownies
>cooking goes fine
>put in oven
> open oven
>weird brown stuff where cake is supposed to be
>forgot flour
>still tasted fine
the sugar he had used became some kind of caramellish lump which made it great

>> No.5934446

>>be my girlfriend

>>be my brother

Is this in an epic new meem?

>> No.5934459

>hurr durr look at me im a boy

No one cares about your dick.

>> No.5934534

you did get fired right?

>> No.5934548

I'm just now making a stew and I realized immediately after pouring the stock in that I probably should have browned the meat, apples and onion more.

>> No.5934550

>be about 6
>go to mall and buy some of Mrs. Field's cookies
>eat some and bring the rest home
>cookies are contained in a clear wrapper
>some time at home i decided i want me some of Mrs. Field's cookies
>they're a little cold, how about we uncold them?
>stick them in the microwave
>go to the bathroom
>come back
>nearly burn kitchen down
>apparently the wrapper was made of foil
>get yelled at and belted by parents
>my excuse was that it didn't look at all like foil otherwise i wouldn't have put the wrapper in the microwave
>continue to mark my hands red

>> No.5934555

Deep fried fish without thawing it first. I'd post a picture of my arm but this isn't a gore thread. Still not sure why I did that.

>> No.5934642

Shit, this happened to me except I was like fucking 24. It was some restaurant wrapper, it was paper on one side and glossy on the other so I had no idea it was foil. At least the sparkly lightshow tipped me off to my error before things got too bad.

>> No.5934669

>eating things that taste bad is a mature thing to do

Get back to work, Connor.

>> No.5934673
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