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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 28 KB, 500x600, Dewars-highlander-honey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5918328 No.5918328 [Reply] [Original]

Hi /ck/, whatcha drinkin' tonight?

Pic related.. Cheers!

>> No.5918343

Nitro milk stout

>> No.5918356
File: 241 KB, 319x475, 1337725981249.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wild Turkey 81

>> No.5918372

Utter swill. Seriously.

>> No.5918387

One of those freezable margarita pouches, except unfrozen. Mixed with apple cider and two dollar caramel apple flavored wine. It tastes like homelessness, razor blades, candy, and shame.

>> No.5918394


>> No.5918397 [DELETED] 

$5.50 at Rite Aid, i just can't argue with that price

a little too sweet but all-in-all pretty palatable

>> No.5918398

Sierra Nevada pale ale

>> No.5918400

Nothing because I don't have a substance abuse problem.

>> No.5918405
File: 22 KB, 160x240, canadiansprings.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

$5.50 at Rite Aid, i just can't argue with that price

a little too sweet but all-in-all pretty palatable

>> No.5918490

some bottom shelf vodka

>> No.5918492

Black Velvet and Coke. Gotta work early tomorrow.

>> No.5918496

drinking some cheap rum to get through the weekend until the walking dead tomorrow night

>> No.5918500

I bet you're a lot of fun at parties

>> No.5918602

Burnetts straight up
>so fucking good and cheap

and lambrusco on ice.

I mixed the two last night and got vilely drunk so it's shot and chaser tonight

>don't know why but it's different

>> No.5918622

Just opened a bottle of this. Pretty good, peaty in a non-Islay way. Looks like it has a lot of caramel coloring, but it's bottled at about 46% so that's nice.

>> No.5918624
File: 110 KB, 252x380, Talisker-Scotch-Whisky-10-year-old.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, I'm retarded. Got into my system quicker than I thought.

>> No.5918625

I bet you're fun since everyone is laughing at your lack of dignity and self-control.

>> No.5918630

Home-brewed Belgian Strong and a home-brewed Pale Ale with homegrown hops.

Switching to 4 Loko after this though.

>> No.5918633


Is that what this is? Daddy beat you and lost control on the alcohol?

I'm so sorry :(

>> No.5918652

Oh wow dude I was just messing originally but you really are lame. That was an embarrassing post.

>> No.5918656

>tfw i finished my bottle and too poor to buy another

>> No.5918687

>Not Wild Turkey 101

Are you even trying?

>> No.5918717

I started my drinking day with a scotch and soda, then I had a few beers, then a few belgian beers, then a few double bourbons on the rocks, then a few beers and a few double scotches neat (now).

>> No.5918722

Boxed wine, just wanna get drunk

>> No.5918727

>getting drunk on wine

that absolutely kills me. must be the sulphites. i'm fine on beer and liquor.

>> No.5918733

Personally getting drunk on wine knocks me the fuck out

>> No.5918759

Everclear, "moonshine cherries", and cotton candy soda. It's all mixes great.

>> No.5918765

This. Because 101 is 50.5%, you're getting more alcohol per dollar. And 101 tastes a hell of a lot better too.

>> No.5918776

I kind of get sick of it while drinking it, but I can sink a fifth of vodka and function properly. Wine is my achilles heel, I think.

I know a lot of people who have one kryptonite drink. For me it's wine, but ouzo/pastis/sambuca is a popular one. Tequila as well.

What's yours?

>> No.5918790

swan draught with lunch, cheers anons

>> No.5918794


Red wine in particular will sometimes make me crazy, crazy nauseous after only 3 or 4 glasses. I don't even have to be drunk.

This is actually happening to me right now. I went out to dinner and had 3 glasses of wine and I'm sitting here feeling like shit on the verge of vomitting.

>> No.5918823

Jim Beam Black over ice.

>> No.5918832

Pretty sure the large amount of tannins in red wine really do badly for some people.

>> No.5918852

sulfite sensitivity brahs

>> No.5918860
File: 218 KB, 801x1280, belvedere_vodka.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5918863
File: 291 KB, 679x1024, Bowmore Laimrig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Having some of this. I've got to say, I am really impressed so far.

>> No.5918866
File: 263 KB, 821x1095, Steel_Reserve_211.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dewer's that's even worse than 211.
That looks like a plastic bottle.

>> No.5918868

>drinking the liquid Jew
This is /ck/, doesn't anyone here make their own alcohol?

>> No.5918869

Most of us work and have stuff to do, we're not in prison cells with time on our hands making our own. It's easier to just buy shit.

>> No.5918870

Eveyone that works is an evil jew meant to keep you down, you should keep garlic around your neck. Jews might eat the multitude of children that you've pumped out and can't afford.

>> No.5918871

Making good alcohol takes almost no time at all.

>> No.5918872


>> No.5918873

I've never understood 211. It's alc content is 8.1% yet it gets me drunk faster than any other beer with the same alcohol content.

>> No.5918877

southern tier double brown stout

>> No.5918889

Maybe that it's salty to that the more one drinks the more one wants to drink more.

I don't quite get it myself.

>> No.5918892


>> No.5918901

Some of the chicks here in Southern Tier are pretty cute, dunno know about the stout, I don't pay much attention to that.

>> No.5918903
File: 15 KB, 250x188, beer_289349[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i really hate allthese "session ipas" that are hoppy but have like no body

pic related. 10%, 100 ibu's. 6 hop varieties. my go-to at the moment.

also polishing off a 6-pack of zombie dust

>> No.5918908
File: 421 KB, 1600x1600, Pimp_Hat-81351.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do those come complete with a velvet harlem pimp fedora?

>> No.5918911

Was drinking smoe Steelhead Extra Pale Ale and then I went out to Vietnamese food with my roommates and had a Sapporo, it was alright.

>> No.5918913

there's no reason to be scared of hops m ychild

>> No.5918921

Try this one... Get trippin on acid in NYC then go to a Chinese food restraurant, the noodles start to turn into worms and shit, and the bunch of us at the table are cracking up like crazied weirdos.

We're civilized of course so finish our meal knowing that it's not worms but just the acid then pay our bill and get out then are bugging out relating that to each other.

People were looking at us too, but we had a big table ordering a lot of stuff. All in fun and we weren't causing trouble just some laughs.

>> No.5918928

It's niggers, weirdos, and other sorts that can't control themselves in a public situation that give good drugs a bad name.

And for the record most of us are PhDs by now, in real fields, not ethnic studies or shit like that.

>> No.5918932

You don't need to justify anything man, no one gives a shit.

>> No.5918943

Actually folk such as me do, to get stuff legal that shoudln't be illegal in the first place.

>> No.5918978

Someone seems pretty full of themselves.

You honestly think that your posts on 4chan are gunna change the tide in favor of repealing drug laws?

No one cares if you do/did acid. And you're not going to change anyone's mind who thinks its some crazy psycho drug.

>> No.5919129

Nothing right now. But probably guinness extra stout and a few sips of The Glenlivet 12 when I get out of work.

>> No.5919334

Say, beverage adorers, I like cheap bourbon such as Four Roses, not so much cheap whisky like Red Label, would I enjoy a singlke malt?

>> No.5919426
File: 374 KB, 1797x2962, water2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5919466

I tried this shit and it was way too sweet. All of these liquors mixed with honey are such a fucking cop out, made to serve to girls and man-children I guess. I want my hard liquor to cleanse my soul, not to leave the taste of sugar in my mouth.

>> No.5919495
File: 300 KB, 350x650, rare-dry-gin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've realized I really enjoy a gin and tonic and I'm looking to buy a bottle of good gin. Can anyone recommend something? I'm thinking of pic related, if only because it's produced very near to where I live.

>> No.5919510
File: 32 KB, 608x533, Arrogant-Frog-Range.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like my wine like I like my women. French and arrogant.

>> No.5919523
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>> No.5919546
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>> No.5919557


>hello darkness my old friend

>> No.5919668

Home-brewn rakija eyo

>> No.5919954

I don't like gin but I've heard nothing but good things about Botanist gin from Bruichladdich distillery. Tastes like flowers n shit.

>> No.5921546

>a racist name faggot druggie posting an anonymous weeb forum acting like he and his friend have phds, in addition to acting like it matters when he's anonymous
top kek

>> No.5921571
File: 7 KB, 168x196, wtf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I was thinking the exact same thing

>> No.5921597

Tea. I would usually follow this with a nightcap of whisky, Old Pulteney 12 being the current house malt, but for some reason I got absolutely blasted last night on a pretty small amount of liquor, so I'm doing without tonight.

>> No.5921661
File: 111 KB, 500x934, Jim_Beam_Maple.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Call me pleb, I give no fucks. Shit's like drinking breakfast. I love it.

>> No.5921672

I'd try this if I didn't have to buy the whole bottle.

>> No.5921684


It's like $20 a fifth. Perfect for a poor college student, tbh, and it's sweet enough that most ladies are all for it. Smooth as a baby's ass. Admittedly, might be too sweet even for people who like actual bourbon.

>> No.5921685
File: 8 KB, 187x269, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

getting my pleb on.

Also, I hate how in our society it's only acceptable to drink at parties, and if you drink leisurely at home then you have a substance abuse problem. Funny thing is that getting black out drunk every weekend is severely bad for your health, but a drink or two a night appears to be beneficial to your cardiovascular health.

>> No.5921688


while I agree with you to an extent, let's cut the bullshit, nobody's drinking for the physical health benefits.

>> No.5921694

well, no, but the buzz provided from alcohol has been shown to reduce hypertension, which is good for your heart health.

If you drink enough to get really drunk, though, the negative effects far outweigh the benefits.

>> No.5921696
File: 46 KB, 422x960, lil b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He doesn't maintain a BAC of .02% throughout the day

>> No.5921698
File: 65 KB, 700x680, 1413514165032.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>He doesn't inject the ethanol intravenously

>> No.5921699

As far as I understand it works in the same fashion as aspirin by being an anticoagulant (aka blood thinner), thus making it harder for platelets to stick. But, like you said, that benefit is quickly lost when drinking heavily, in which blood pressure begins to spike, not to mention severe dehydration usually also.

>> No.5921712

>$20 for a fifth
>35% alcohol
>perfect for a poor anything

>> No.5921723


Poverty is relative.

>> No.5921740

fuckin stoopid snake

>> No.5921749
File: 83 KB, 720x960, 1413513105068.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you watch your filthy whore mouth

>> No.5921755

that's a cute pic :3

>> No.5921757

Your mum's filthy whore mouth was pretty useful to our poker team last night

>> No.5921762
File: 1.27 MB, 3096x3625, muh whiskey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know fucking nothing about what $20 can buy.

Pic related.

Old Grand-dad is $20.99 or $21.64 after tax (depending on which side of town I'm in).

That's for a handle (1.75L) of 80 proof bourbon that's actually better than Jack or Jim.

Hell, if you don't like the rye in Old Grand-dad, you can get a handle of Ezra Brooks for $20.

Fucking kill yourself.

That honey shit is the cancer killing whiskey.

I'm fucking disgusted that Dewar's started doing that shit (not that Dewar's isn't shit already).

>> No.5921763
File: 30 KB, 640x360, 1413513880849.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fucking right?

srry bout ur new herpes m8

>> No.5921767
File: 231 KB, 500x500, 1411698576070.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Sorry I wasn't born with the prerequisite knowledge that you consider standard in everyone who consumes alcohol ever.

Please forgive me, you colossal anal shitfaggot.

>> No.5921772

>Making good alcohol takes almost no time at all.
uhhhhh, you're incredibly uniformed about the production of alcoholic beverages - especially spirits.

>> No.5921778

0/10 shit tier whisky. Even the newly-raped Teacher's Highland Cream is better than that swill.

>> No.5921796
File: 127 KB, 1197x736, No.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5921822
File: 369 KB, 1200x1600, Keith'sIPA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Alexander Keith's IPA. Nothing like a nice, hoppy beer on a chill fall evening with the QT on the balcony.

>just kidding, there is no QT

>> No.5921832

I could afford it, I just wouldn't want to take the chance of wasting my money on something that I might like less than my usual go-to, which is Wild Turkey 101

>> No.5921834
File: 1.47 MB, 3437x2884, atf whiskeys.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry, just got off work, still mad.

Old Grand-dad, Old Overholt and Old Crow are great whiskeys for not a lot of money.

Old Overholt is a GREAT rye, and it's $18 for a fifth. Old Grand-dad is a great bourbon that has an awesome rye content in the mashbill. Old Crow (reserve) is a very good traditional bourbon (i.e. not as much rye).

I highly suggest all of them as a functioning alcoholic.

OGD 100 proof is better and a bit more expensive - $20 only gets you a fifth. OGD 114 proof is a great bourbon regardless of the fact that it's $24 for the fifth.

>> No.5921878
File: 39 KB, 960x574, 1405697878190.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Admittedly, I don't know enough about WT101 to make an actual comparison. As you can see above, though, it's the sort of taste that a whisky snob would get a stick in their ass about. If you're just drinking for fun, though, it's what I like if I have company I'm sharing it with. Easily accessible is what I would describe it as, in all honesty the extreme example of widely accessible bourbon.

-Your Friendly Neighborhood Whisky Pleb

>> No.5921887


Thanks for the suggestions. Sorry for calling you an anal shitfag, defense mechanism. I admittedly don't have much experience with bourbon, but it's shaping up to be one of my favorite kinds of liquors. The ones I've personally tasted that I like them most have been Bulleit and Four Roses, can you recommend anything along similar flavor profiles?

>> No.5921920
File: 1.13 MB, 3808x2520, attf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's common practice for low-mid tier whiskeys to be bottled at a higher proof, so as to have a higher concentration of flavor, where the more noticeable and appreciable flavors will be more distinct and the less desirable and nuanced cheap flavors will e masked.

However, Wild Turkey 101 has been a standard to which most mid-tier whiskeys are measured. They began offering the 81 so that novice drinkers would not be turned off by the 'bite' of the 101 - something that experienced whiskey drinkers appreciate.

It's cool, I came off as an anal shitfag - still love you brah.

If you've had Bulleit's bourbon, I suggest their rye (green label). It's the best rye until you get to the Knob Creek price ($25 for Bulleit, vs $35 for KC).

If you're not much for rye, Willett makes an AWESOME bourbon, but it's like $40 for a fifth (really cool bottle). Other than that, the usual /ck/ recommendation of Buffalo Trace is my next suggestion.

I really love Old Grand-dad - that's my shit. I usually have a handle at my house, a handle in my truck (for use during/after work) and a bottle of Old Overholt floating around somewhere during the week.

The one mixed drink that I love is a 3:1:1 ratio of Old Grand-dad:Old Overholt:water. Fucking delicious and refreshing.

>> No.5922000
File: 1.20 MB, 250x200, 1408571747363.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Despite college poorfag status, I've got a nice enough placeholder job to where money is no object. I will promply be trying out bulleit rye, Willett, and BT soon enough. Old Grandad also sounds really worthwhile, I'll e trying lots of these in the coming weeks. Many thanks.

>> No.5922011


Isn't that an English pistol there?

>> No.5922030

>those pics

I like you.

>> No.5922044

.455 Webley it appears

>> No.5922051
File: 574 KB, 3442x1617, Texas 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, Texas takes in firearms when their home is trying to melt them down for edgy, Orwellian art exhibits.

Spot on, it hasn't be converted to .45 ACP/.45 AR.

I'd suggest Willet's rye before their bourbon. That being said ,I largely prefer rye to bourbon.

E.H. Taylor does an _AMAZ|NG_ rye - their bourbon is supposed to be peerless as well.

>> No.5922061
File: 81 KB, 960x640, bookers-bourbon-xl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't find Old Crow Reserve in my area anymore and it pisses me off.
Pic is what I'm drinking tonight though.

>> No.5922110
File: 21 KB, 300x306, preview_product_41.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this the alcoholic thread? Yes?

I've been drinking Captain Coke (yes, casual), screwdrivers, and now I'm on Connemara samples. That shit is actually pretty good, I didn't know the Irish made decent peated whiskey.

>> No.5922114

i knew that feel

>> No.5922133

have you shot anyone yet?

>> No.5922221

So al/ck/ohol, how's the pain today?
Mine's numbed.

>> No.5922223


>> No.5922229
File: 133 KB, 640x829, 640px-M_Faraday_Th_Phillips_oil_1842.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I enjoy not being able to feel my face.

>> No.5922256

Lovely. Tell me what's your cause, will you?

>> No.5922265

The cause of my drinking? Unemployment I guess

>> No.5922271


Stress from exams, death in the family, guilt from not caring as much as I probably should.

>> No.5922319

Did you do anything before you got benefits (not judging m80, just asking)?

Who died Anon?
My aunt died a while ago from ALS. It was shitty because it's a progressive illness and it pretty much caused everyone close to my aunt, including my mom, to become a wreck for about half a year. Then she finally died and it was best for everyone, including herself. Still, throughout all the time, I just couldn't care much because I'd never been very close to her and oddly enough, I've never been able to feel a lot of empathy for my relatives. Not even for my sister when she almost died from an aneurysm, even though I'm really close to. It's very different when it comes to my friends. I have no fucking idea what's wrong with me in that regard and I've talked to various shrinks and therapists about it, but they couldn't tell why it's the way it is or how I can fix it. For what it's worth, I cry like a bitch and am pretty devastated when relatives actually die.

So eh, I guess what I'm saying is, don't worry too much about an "obligatory" amount of caring. As long as you aren't a god damn sociopath, shit's ok. And if you are, get some help before you skin a bunch of animals so you can rape 50 women dressed up as a weresquirrel.

Also, what's your poison of choice Anons?

>> No.5922325

Jaegermeister, Jim Beam, Mt. Dew, and RC Cola mixed together

>> No.5922326


>> No.5922328
File: 148 KB, 330x531, jackdanielshoney.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cop or not?

Is this stuff any good?

>> No.5922338

Gimmicky shit, IMO.

>> No.5922341

>Did you do anything before you got benefits (not judging m80, just asking)?
Don't get any benefits, never held a real jobby job (not for lack of trying), just fix peoples' computers for some dosh.

>Also, what's your poison of choice Anons?
No preference for any particular alcoholic beverage really yet, only started drinking a couple months back, so I still have an open mind.

>> No.5922345


Lol just read through the thread to see all the honey hate, Ok so as a non-alcoholic whisky noob that's only ever tried Jack daniel's (like it) and johnny walker red label (dont like it), what would you recommend? I'd like something mellow.

>> No.5922346
File: 123 KB, 977x1600, fourroses.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

all the honey whiskies seem pretty lame and gimmicky much like the zillion cinnamon whiskies that have popped up

pic related to today's consumption

>> No.5922354


Elder-god tier:

God tier:

High tier:
Liquor, tea

Mid tier:
Fruit juices, Wine, coffee

Shit tier:
Vegetable juices

Elder-shit tier:
pisswater (beer)

>> No.5922374

>Don't get any benefits, never held a real jobby job (not for lack of trying), just fix peoples' computers for some dosh.
I see. It's good you got some occasional work to do at least. Where you from?

>No preference for any particular alcoholic beverage really yet, only started drinking a couple months back, so I still have an open mind.
What have you tried so far?

Well, if you want to go for some straight Scotch, I'd recommend a Glenlivet 12 (yrs old) for starters. Really, really easy-going and very affordable.
Another whisky that's often recommended at entry level is Highland Park 12. Don't be fooled by its entry-level status though. It's a big step up from the Glenlivet 12, for example, and all in all, it's a great whisky. Mellow, slight peat, pretty much perfect for someone just getting into Scotch.

The Irish whiskeys tend to be quite a bit sweeter, but somewhat less complex in general, so that's also worth a try. Obviously that's a bit of a generalisation because I'm not nearly as experienced with Irish whiskey as with Scotch.

If you're looking for mellow in general and not just in terms of whisk(e)y, then I'd recommend a bottle of Southern Comfort. Pretty sweet, but it's really not bad at all. Mix up a Southern Comfort Sour and you've got a nice balance between sweet and sour.

Finally, "mellow" calls for bourbon recommendations, but I honestly don't know shit about US whiskey, so I won't comment on that.

>> No.5922377

Southern Comfort is made from distilled grain spirits, not Whiskey.

>> No.5922378

>drinking liquid fat

>> No.5922388

I didn't mean to imply that it was whiskey. As you correctly mentioned, it's not. It only has whiskey flavouring. Sorry if that didn't come across clearly in my post. I meant to mention that in:
>If you're looking for mellow in general and not just in terms of whisk(e)y, then I'd recommend a bottle of Southern Comfort.

>> No.5922400

>Where you from?
From a relatively small city in California, not too many tech jobs here, mostly agriculture.

>What have you tried so far?
Not too much, just some bottom shelf brandy+vodka and a variety of whisk(e)y, all mixed or straight. I mixed some whisky+tea a couple days back and that was pretty fun being drunk without the sleepiness. I have yet to touch the other kinds of liquors, and beer in general though.

>> No.5922852

Yamazaki 12 year.

>> No.5922861

wanna try some rums today. what are some good ones?

>> No.5923014

I like Ron Barceló Añejo for casual drinking.

>> No.5923035

Drinking 500ml Heinekan cans to get pissed.
Any other Ausbros know any good seasonal beers for the on coming summer? I'm a big fan of James Squire stuff and I have been having a nice time with Saranacs pumpkin ale

>> No.5923040

Chocolate milk.

>> No.5923095
File: 97 KB, 640x800, 1462.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Islay master race reporting in.

>> No.5923113

El Dorado 12 and 15 year are both good

>> No.5923131
File: 175 KB, 1181x1181, Kubota_senjyu_copy[1].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stand back, weeb coming through

>> No.5923576

Is that sake? I remember buying a bottle. It was too rich. At first I really enjoyed the taste, but halfway down the bottle I was like "damn, this shit is gross."

>> No.5923587

Yeah. That's good shit though, real dry, real mild. If you see that brand pick that shit up

>> No.5923623

Captain Morgan 100 proof.
Went to the liquor store still drunk and went for quantity over quality kek.

>> No.5923996

is glenlivet or glenfiddich better?

>> No.5924051


>> No.5924060

>whisky + tea

Uh, interesting. First time I've heard someone do that. What tea/whisky did you use? I might give that a try myself.

You ought to try some gin. Mix it with tonic water. Shit's glorious.

>> No.5924340

Well only have 2 dollars and 87 cents exactly so about to go buy me two 24oz cans of steel reserve 211. It will do it's job.

>> No.5924895
File: 64 KB, 250x350, 1_126721126_3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tastes like candy, man

>> No.5926516

I wouldn't call it "peaty" but definitely smokey and an island scotch. gotta love Talisker, try out the distiller's edition or the storm for a real treat =)

>> No.5926657


is this b8?

>> No.5927791
File: 74 KB, 960x1280, centennial rye.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Centennial 10 Year Old Canadian Rye Whiskey

Pretty decent, it was on sale at the LCBO. I needed a cheaper bottle of rye for when I can't justify digging out my 21 Year old Collingwood.

>> No.5927928
File: 853 KB, 2140x3240, Makers_Mark[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

With ice, out of a mug that endorses the flat tax

>> No.5927931

is rye like the scawtch of the new world?

>> No.5927935

Rye is like the whiskey of the new world.

Bourbon is like the scotch of the new world.

>> No.5927965

So you'd say bourbon is more fancy? I had the idea that rye was these days.

>> No.5927995

don't try to dignify maker's

it's still maker's

>> No.5927999

bourbon is mos def on the rise given the shortages of a few distilleries

rye will have its day soon enough.

>> No.5928020

what would be the closest thing to a single malt as far as prestige goes in the us/canada?

>> No.5928036

Monkey Shoulder...nothing tastier in the world

>> No.5928142
File: 125 KB, 836x1000, Laphroaig 10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got some Laphroaig 10 the other day. My only other whiskey was Glennfiddich. This is worlds different, but I really like it. I think I'll try something from Ardbeg next.

>> No.5928148


single barrel

>> No.5928151


Ardbeg is a lot like Laphroaig.
I would suggest a Speyside malt next. Bowmore has some nice options.

If you really want your mind blown, spring for Aberlour A'bunadh. It's in a class of it's own.

>> No.5928163

Awesome, I'll keep an eye out for them. Thanks for the advice.

>> No.5928174

>I would suggest a Speyside malt next. Bowmore has some nice options.

>> No.5928176

Go for Lagavulin stead. Ardbeg is a lot like Laphraoigh but Lagavulin 16 has that Islay peat but with a pretty different style. Almost cognacy. It's very nice.

>> No.5928178


Also, Trader Joe's has a couple of cheap inhouse malts that are pretty solid. Nothing earth-shattering, but very good for the price. I prefer their Speyside to most common highland malts, and it's ~1/3rd the price.

>> No.5928180


Why you mad though?

>> No.5928209
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Boodles is solid. Just had some in a martini tonight.

>> No.5928211
File: 210 KB, 385x413, 1414181730307.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sup /ck/

I'm going to be turning 19 soon, which in Quebec means I can just go buy alcohol instead of having to drink friend's (Very shitty cheap beer only for drunk)

What kind of microbrewery beers (Not trying to become a hipster) are must try? Big name?

Sorry for the English.

>> No.5928226
File: 464 KB, 294x233, 1395953129615.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just tried some Young's Double Chocolate stout, and I really disliked it. It tasted of almost nothing, besides a vaguely chocolatey aftertaste. I had to buy it in the bottle rather than the can which I've heard is better, but I expected to at least like it.

>> No.5928346

Depends on what you like, faggot.

>> No.5928386
File: 90 KB, 332x500, La+Fin+Du+Monde.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You've got some of the best beers in North America in your backyard.
Unibroue makes some top shelf stuff.
It's mostly Belgian-style, but damn good.

>> No.5928410

I went to this beer shop and asked if they had this.

The guy replies, "no, we don't carry them. they're owned by a large corporation."

I wanted to ask if he was trying to be a pretentious douche.

>> No.5928426

Ayooo turning 21 on Friday.

Not that exciting. It's not like i haven't had a fake ID since i was 16.

>> No.5928454

in my experience, its mainly used by people who like the idea of drinking whiskey but don't have the commitment for anything other than cloyingly sweet beverages.

>> No.5928481

Are you retarded? Drinking age is 18 in Quebec.

>> No.5928498
File: 3.56 MB, 3984x2988, 20141029_013321.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Working on the Chevas right now. It helps the lovesickness. Scotch is good for washing away those shitty preconceived self-doubts.

>> No.5928533

that doesn't make sense.

>> No.5928542

Your joke sucks, bro. Re-work it.

>> No.5928559

I wasn't joking

I almost cringed when he said that.

>> No.5928563

Svedka and 7-up. Got some Cherry 7-up thanks to that cherry soda thread and it's really fantastic stuff. The grain Svedka makes me feel more sick in the morning than my preferred potato vodka but I don't really mind; this stuff is fucking tasty.

>> No.5928581

Hey I was the dude that told you to mix it with hooch! You should try it with Luksusowa potato vodka sometime. Cheers!

>> No.5928582

My tears...

>> No.5928597


Dewar's is shit, anyway. It's not even good for blended.

>> No.5928739
File: 239 KB, 623x1141, russian-standard-platinum-vodka.gif.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cheers m8.

>> No.5929084

Yarra represent!

Unreal gin when you can get your hands on it, best negroni i've ever had.

>> No.5929102

how's the platinum compared to the normal stuff?

>> No.5929109

I don't know if you can find this, but the best beer I've ever had by a mile is Thirsty Dog's Wulvers Heavy Ale. The shit is like a dessert in your mouth. But not too strong. Just right.

>> No.5929113


Ok so I went and bought a bottle of the Glenlivet 12. I can confirm that it tastes like whisky.

>> No.5929118

In my opinion. There's no point to drinking scotch unless for the light tastes and aromas. It's a lot like home made steeped tea. At the end of the day tea is mostly water, but good quality tea will leave little flavors in your mouth to appreciate as you go on about your business. The same is true of scotch.

If that's not what you're into then don't bother with scotch.

>> No.5929149
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Get on my level

>> No.5929163
File: 61 KB, 1000x1000, 31dover-russian_standard-shadow320x1000_1_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

17€ a Litre at my local.

Tastes better than Smirnoff and gets you hammered fast

>> No.5929184

>most entry level single malt there is
>get on my level

>> No.5929334

But I'd have to regress to do that, anon.

>> No.5929774
File: 760 KB, 1816x1728, talisk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Love Talisker!
Actually finishing a 17 years Clynelish bottled by William Cadenhead's...

>> No.5929798

looks interesting :^)
wanna try once

>> No.5929806

Not so fan of Laphroaig. Some double matured are fine imo.
Ardbeg and Lagavulin are my favorite. Nerver been disapointed with them.
Talisker also great.

>> No.5929814

>La Fin du Monde
Trois Pistoles and Don de Dieu are good too.

>> No.5929928

Free Heineken. Not spectacularly good, but surely not a bad pilsner either. Good casual beer.

>> No.5929946

>that emotion when too Judaic to buy anything over 12 years

I'm skeptical that a few more years in the cask improves the quality relative to the price increase. I've yet to have anything older than the lauded Lagavulin 16, which while good, doesn't feel $80 per bottle good.

>> No.5929962
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>tfw getting lagavulin 16 for 50 bucks

>> No.5929986

I've never seen anything of that age ever for that price, except maybe something like Glenfiddich.

>> No.5930036

Try Lagavulin 12 years old (single cask). A bit more expensive, but so good !

>> No.5930045

16 years is 'bottom range' Lagavulin...

>> No.5930057

Heineken is like pee for me

>> No.5930081

Which are your favourite affordable lagers, then?

I must say that I'm Dutch and that it isn't an expensive beer here, so it's mostly a circumstantial drink for me. Abroad I'd drink something local as well as I do here.

>> No.5930087
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Pic related

>> No.5930088

I'm not sure what that has to do with what I said.

>> No.5930101
File: 67 KB, 800x533, coop-chardonnay-viognier-2[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the one i have is 14.5%

>> No.5930121

I have $10 for booze for tonight
don't know what to get.

>> No.5930134

Super strength lager (malt liquor you'd call it I guess) or cheap vodka.

Don't you need a pack of smokes?

>> No.5930168

>I'm not sure what that has to do with what I said.

>> No.5930192

The new Crown Royal regal apple blend. I like it but I really like apples. There isnt anything subtle about the apple flavor so be prepared for that. Its like a cannon blast of apple in your mouth. Still good straight but I can tell this sweet apple nectar was designed as a mixer.

The green box and bag looks based as all fuck, new favorite crown bag.

>> No.5930215

Have you drank Calvados? It's the patrician apple drink.

>> No.5930217

Guess I'll do vodka. I always drink malt liquor and wanted to change it up this time.

And no for the smokes, I'm pregnant.

>> No.5930227


>> No.5930255


>> No.5930264
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>> No.5930267

I havent, ive actually never had apple flavored liquor but im enjoying the hell out of this apple Crown. Ill look into it, probably enjoyable to my tastes.

>> No.5930292

Alright I just googled this incredible sounding liquor, im sold and will be buying. Where do I start??

>> No.5930325

Still lost. All I did was mention that I can't find Lagavulin 16 for the prices you said you can. I don't know what anything else you said after that has to do with that statement, seems kinda non-sequitur, except that you're also mentioning Lagavulin.

>> No.5930419

That's like $100 worth of Japanese beer, right?

>> No.5930435


>> No.5930687

You couldnt handle a second of my world. Shut the FUCK up.

>> No.5930706
File: 509 KB, 1270x760, Glendronach allardice 18.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wish I never tried this shit to begin with. I'm fucking hooked.

>> No.5930717

You must be mentally unstable or something. Sorry brah.

>> No.5930757


>> No.5930802


>> No.5930804

>drinking while pregnant

oh well i guess if it helps you who cares about the baby

>> No.5930815

Don't be like that, okay? It's not quite the doctors orders, but I specifically asked him about drugs, alcohol and cigarettes. He said as long as I don't smoke during the pregnancy, the baby won't get used to nicotine and won't go through withdrawls when I stop.
The drinking is fair game, I'm getting drunk he (confirmed he) will not be affected because alcohol is a liver thing not a blood thing.

>> No.5930826


Because this totally isn't a thing.

>> No.5930843

>drinking while pregnant

thank god you're not smoking

you must have some self control to stay away from that while pregnant

golly gee willikers

>> No.5930848

>golly gee willikers
why is this always sarcastic?

>> No.5930854
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>> No.5930885

it was obviously a joke, do you take everything everyone writes online seriously, do you think a grown man can be pregnant?...and please don't bring up arnold schwarzenegger in that one movie with danny devito, that's not relevant.

>> No.5930887

sorry, when i heard his tone when he spoke i didn't know if he was foolin' around or not

>> No.5930899


>Glendronach allardice 18


>> No.5930909
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It truly is worth every penny. So glad someone recommended it to me.

>> No.5930917

>tfw used to drink everyday
>tfw went up to 200 lbs (I'm 5'9")

I'm 165 and lean as hell now. Funny thing was, I drank because I'm depressed and paranoid with low self-esteem, so I didn't even think I lost weight.

I still drink a handle every weekend, but I work out everyday, so it evens everything out.

>> No.5930918

I know that feel. Used to drink just to get drunk. Cheap and strong was all I cared about for booze.

Now I sit down and have a beer or a dram of scotch because I enjoy the taste. If I have a second one and get a bit wobbly at best, then so be it. That's not my end goal though.

>> No.5930935

*tips fedora*

>> No.5930943

>Not using dram or jigger to talk about a measure of scotch

I bet you put your scotch in a tumbler with ice.

>> No.5931006

that is the neatest passing out i've ever seen

>> No.5931017

Thats pretty much how I fall asleep every night

>> No.5931355
File: 37 KB, 529x600, caol-ila-stitchell-reserve-unpeated-style-natural-cask-strength-single-malt-scotch-whisky-islay-scotland-10582763.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is good shit....

This is what I am on tonight.

>> No.5931359

>implying you need permission to put ice cubes in scotch
>he never mixed black with coconut water
grandad pls go

>> No.5931367

My fedora isn't big enough to tip this m'lady.

>> No.5931372

Hendrick's Gin is bretty gud. Even though it's mass-produced.

>> No.5931374
File: 533 KB, 894x1170, Mos_def_retouched.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mos def

>> No.5931422

not that guy, but bancha!

>> No.5931945

Cask strength, wow. I don't think I could handle above 46 ABV without my tongue calling it quits.

Sounds pretty tasty though. I'm especially more fond of unpeated single malts.

>> No.5931950

Listen to me: have some tea with some baking soda dissolved in it and very lightly sweetened. It does wonders for a hangover.

>> No.5931973

You can/should add water.

>> No.5932010

Yeah, I add a bit of distilled water to my scotch, but only a few drops. Cask strength would need increasingly more water lol.

>> No.5932089

Moscow Mules have been my go-to for a while.
They are just so goddamn perfect.

2 shots of Stoli
ginger beer (Barritts is good for the price, the new stoli branded one is actually pretty good to)
half a lime
couple of mint leaves

>> No.5932102
File: 1.43 MB, 1920x2560, bowmore-12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Could I get some opinions on Bowmore 12? I am new to single malts, so far I have had Old Pulteney 12 and HP 12, I loved both, but I am looking for some more smoke and peat - the HP 12 was sort of smoky when I opened the bottle, but now a couple weeks later it is just not there, although the finish is pretty peaty.

I was going to get Laphroaig but Bowmore 12 is a bit cheaper, and I here it is less peaty and smoky. I seem to like the peat and smoke, though I am not sure exactly how intense Laphroaig is.

>> No.5932127

Bowmore is alright, but they tend to have a few practices I'm not fond of (artificial colouring).

But Bowmore 12 is a lot lighter than HP 12, without a doubt. Haven't had Laphroaig, so I can't inform you on that one.

>> No.5932143

Well I am new to single malts and also cheap so I haven't had any no coloring added, non chill filtered scotch as of yet and probably won't until I feel like spending more money, so that isn't too much of a problem for me. My price range is around $40-60 or maybe $65 but that would be pushing it, and living in NY where everything and anything is overpriced, that will pretty much only get me standard 10/12 year old stuff.

Not sure if I want something lighter than the HP 12, though, definitely looking towards something stronger and smokier.

>> No.5932159

Well, I can't help you out in terms of smoke/peat because while I don't mind it, it's only something I'll have every now and again, so my HP 12 is lasting me an ice age.

However, from what I do remember about the production of scotch, peat smoke generally tends to become more mild and subdued as the scotch gets older. Maybe look for something that's peated at 8/10 year, and see if that makes a notable difference. You'll be saving cost as well, so that ticks another box.

>> No.5932384


Oh shit, Just tried adding a drop of water to mine. Makes a world of difference, takes the harsh edge off it and you can focus on the taste rather than the alcohol burn. Much more pleasant.

>> No.5932410

Yeah, until you get used to higher ABV, you want to make it so the alcohol doesn't numb your taste buds. When I first started I was dropping my 40% down to about 32.

Plus distilled water actually opens up the smell of the whisky too as alcohol + water isn't a perfect mixture obviously.

>> No.5932545

I bet you eat vanilla ice cream

>> No.5932562

I actually laughed
good job

>> No.5933171

Laphroaig is plenty intense, and if you sincerely enjoy peat smoke you will be happy with it. At least in my area, it is one of the cheaper 10 year-ish single malts, so the flavor per dollar ratio is quite high.

>> No.5933202

I generally like smoky things, smoked fish, smoked meat, smoked tea, cigars/pipe tobacco - so I don't see why I wouldn't like it in a whiskey. It is more the iodine and medicine flavors that some people describe in Laphroaig or Ardbeg that is worrying me. I am probably going to buy a bottle of Laphroaig 10 this weekend regardless, but I sure hope I like it.

>> No.5933212

One thing to never worry about in terms of Scotch is what other people taste. It can give you a general idea of what you may find, but no guarantees.

>> No.5933222

Yeah I noticed that just from the two bottles I have had so far. Even just as far as what I taste it has been varying over the past few weeks. I am almost done with my HP 12 so I am just gonna buy the Laphroaig.

>> No.5933224

I was very disappointed by Bowmore 12. Worst Islay I've had. It's just flat/boring.

>> No.5933225

Alright, that sounds good. You'll have to tell us what you thought of it. I'm curious at any rate.

>> No.5933235

Bowmore is often referred to as one of the more "boring" Islay whiskys, but I rather enjoy it. It's not going to overwhelm you with peat like an Ardbeg or Laphroaig.

Like you said, I found Bowmore had more of an iodine taste to it, but I find it more prevalent in the 15 year and older Bowmores. I think you will be happy with Bowmore 12.

>> No.5933245

Don't have anywhere else to talk about it really. My two friends who like whiskey are more into Bourbon (I like it to) so I normally buy bottles and drink it with them, but they aren't really for sitting down with some scotch all that much.

Hmm, I am going to put Bowmore on my to try list. I want something more intense than the HP 12 I am drinking. It was a little smoky at first but I am mainly getting honey first, then maybe some kind of fruit (almost like pineapple or something, sort of vague) and then floral earthiness (the peat I guess?) but barely any smoke. It is stronger/richer tasting than the Old Pulteney 12 I had but I want something stronger and smokier.

>> No.5933253


Someone here turned me onto Bowmore 15 saying it was the best shit ever.

It's a pretty terribad scotch for drinking neat, but it's an amazing mixer. Easily my favorite single malt for cocktails that require it.

>> No.5933316

I took 300 mg of ibuprofen two hours ago.
How hard am I going to die if I start drinking whiskey right now?

>> No.5933327

You will probably be okay, but you never know, your stomach might start bleeding and you will shit and puke blood and get put in the hospital because they think you have ebola.

Better off waiting a few more hours.

>> No.5933339

Shut up, dad, I'll drink all I want when I want and you'll have to pay the bill when I start puking blood.

>> No.5933340

I'm drinking some Glen's vodka mixed with tesco value cola and eating a cadbury's Dairy Milk Oreo bar.

>> No.5933412

The iodine taste is there, but it is a background flavor. At least, that's my perspective. For me, the smoke and peat and all the flavors bound up in there are forefront. The body of it is vanillay and salty and a little seaweedy, maybe a bit leathery, and the iodine is in here, but it isn't big.

Ardbeg 10 in particular to me has a taste of weird burnt medicinal rubbery tar, which is totally absent from Laphroaig, and it ruins Ardbeg for me.

>> No.5933427


Really hard, add in a healthy dose of acetaminophen for a truly wild ride.

>> No.5933430


>It was a little smoky at first but I am mainly getting honey first, then maybe some kind of fruit (almost like pineapple or something, sort of vague) and then floral earthiness (the peat I guess?) but barely any smoke.

That's more or less how HP goes, so I'd say you're more or less tasting it accurately. It starts sweeter, the peat/smoke, which are pretty much tied up together, peak in the middle of the period it sits in your mouth, and then it finishes off more dry and fruity.

If you want more of that peaty smoke then you'll be happy Laphroaig/Lagavulin/Ardbeg, who are the big peat monsters. You'd probably also enjoy Talisker, which is not an Islay, but a peaty smokey whisky in a similar style.

My impression of Bowmore is that it isn't that interesting.

>> No.5933434

naw its cool nada will happen its just ibuprofen it goes through kidneys not liver monkey

>> No.5933449


Ibuprofen and alcohol together can cause stomach bleeding. But probably not so much at that dosage, unless you're slamming back that whisky. Acetaminophen on the other hand, is renowned for its ability to slap your liver around if taken with alcohol or in excess.

>> No.5934549

Sam Adams. Gonna have some Laphroaig scotch later on tonight.

>> No.5934557

A Belgian Dubbel (Grimbergen)

Imma drink a Saison from Finland now and then I'll open my bum beer and watch some televised poker.

>> No.5934680

Broker's. Only gin you'll ever need for any occasion.

>> No.5934684

Thank god, I just ran out of Pine-Sol and I need to dust and clean my coffee table.

>> No.5934768

Tullamore Dew and sobieski vodka

>> No.5934881

Talisker is one that I really want to try. When I was drinking Old Pulteny "The Maritime Malt" I thought, well, this could be a lot more maritime, and Talisker seems to be super smoky, earthy and coastal.

After the Laphroaig I want to try a big sherried single malt. Since I have a small budget ($40-60) and can pretty much only afford entry level bottlings I am thinking GlenDronach 12.

>> No.5934972

I see Laphroaig quarter cask for $40 here. Should I buy it?

>> No.5935013

is bombay sapphire gin worth it?

>> No.5935022
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Love me some hard cider.

>> No.5935029

Some Żubr and got a bottle of Mount Gay eclipse chilling for later.

Belly full of jerk chicken, music blasting, house to myself and getting drunk. Happy Halloween /ck/

>> No.5935031

It's quite nice but I think it's best suited for a G&T or simple cocktail. If it's going into something with a lot of fruit or sweetness it'll get drowned out so you may as well use something cheaper

>> No.5935052

Broker's. Trust me.

>> No.5935105

Portobello road gin is pretty damn good

Also if you're feeling in the mood for gin but not feeling fancy. Get a bottle of fanta lemon, put it in the freezer. Check on it every now and again till it's slushy. Pour it out add the cheapest gutrot gin and that shit is great

A cute girl from Valencia taught me that one, but she also drank absinthe and lemon granita as well as absinthe and coffee granita. So maybe you need to be drunk and in Spain to fully, fully appreciate

>> No.5935108

I drunk atleast 450 ml 35% captain Morgan rum
I'm 150lbs and according to wikipedia I'm extremel drunk, with possibility of going KO

>> No.5935115

I'm starting to feel bad now.
Dilemma right now wether to choose between alcohol to fix it, or waiting it out until there's not enough alcohol left..

>> No.5935164

Don't go cold turkey (with most drugs yes you will feel like complete and utter shit) but going cold turkey with alcohol can and will kill you, look up DTs.

>> No.5935171

My liver is currently breaking it down at a steady pace so I should be fine.
Being drunk is cool but going sober is making me feel like shit.

I haven't even drunk in like 1 year.

>> No.5935287

>tfw only had three beers today

i'm gonna make it brahs

>> No.5935340

Drinking half price Tesco wine. Spent nearly 7 pound on it, which means it was supposedly nearly 14. No way was it ever 14. Now this stuff is actually drinkable unlike a lot of the offers, but still. These offers are a disease. They screw over people like me who want to learn about wine but know fuck all. I know for a fact you can get perfectly decent wine for 7 because i've tried it. Castillo San Lorenzo Rioja 2009 btw.

>> No.5935345

Yes, unless your whisky prices are generally low for some reason, that's a pretty dang good price.

>> No.5935347


I don't know what things are like at UK supermarkets, but here in murrica buying wine at the grocery store is a rube's game if you want to learn. It all tastes the same because it's all internationalized mass market stuff.

You pay higher prices at the small shops but if you find a good one with a well chosen selection you taste a variety of styles much more readily. Also, the people usually know what they're talking about.

>> No.5935348

Drinking shiner bock and dewars white. I a a good cook but eating McDs and frozen pizza (#yolo) and getting blitzed while watching anime and Dredd

>> No.5935354

oh and...
>tfw no friends

>> No.5935360
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>> No.5935363
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He's back!

>> No.5935369
File: 252 KB, 1344x760, IMAG0002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hit a new liquor store after cashing my check today (since it was right next to the check cashing place) and decided to try tito's instead of my usual stoli. definitely pleased with both the store and the booze. not too sure about the everfresh though.

i've also got a few torpedo ipa's and some sailor jerry if i feel the need to mix it up.

gonna be a boring, lonely night regardless. so here's to booze.

>> No.5935376
File: 54 KB, 500x500, pizza-has-destroyed-my-life-fat-turtle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please help me. No matter what i won't cook. I always order pizza and i don't want to stop liking it.

>> No.5935400
File: 174 KB, 900x700, old-grand-dad-fmt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Old Gran-Dad neat, 'bout 2 fingers or maybe a thumb at a time, and Yuengling for some filler. I feel pretty damn OK, friendos. Happy Samhain to all you glorious fuckers!

>> No.5935424

Similar in the UK. There is good wine in the supermarkets but you have to know what you're doing it's mostly terrible. Also our alcohol taxes are very high, much higher than yours, so Anyone sensible knows full well all the half price offers are bollocks. They would literally be selling at a massive loss.

>> No.5935445
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I'm drinking this little bottle of hennessey that came in a silicone wrap like an ipod. I feel so cool, it's like I'm drinking technology. Totally worth paying for the gimmick.

Also, this hennessey is really nice. I don't know anything about liquor but this taste is like fruity vodka but not sweet it kind of sparkles in your mouth with a slight burn it's like if you got some top shelf red champagne (with the anti steat things) and then you added everclear to it with a little bit of plum juice and whiskey, and then at the end you make it like a tequila bite fuck it's good

I really like this, my new favourite drink

>> No.5935455

wtf is anti steat?

>> No.5935456

>tfw i will never swill affordable whiskey erry day like an american

>> No.5935459

It's distilled wine that's been aged so your description pretty spot on :)

>> No.5935462

Yeah, there's a reason the rich have been drinking cognac for centuries. It's delicious.

>> No.5935860

sorry I meant to type anti steal like the things that are on expensive clothes

>> No.5937631

Bacardi 151. Why? Because it was a gift
>tfw hovering around 0.4 all day