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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 135 KB, 1000x563, Hilahcooking-HowToMakeZucchiniPancakes958.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5913774 No.5913774 [Reply] [Original]

What's your favorite Youtube cooking show?

Pic related. It's Hilah Johnson.

>> No.5913786

Food Wishes with Chef John, I've made several of his dishes and they were all just plain ridiculously good tasting. Plus he's pretty funny, especially the old videos. Like Hilah, back when she was a drunk bitch just cooking shit, always had me rollin.
And as always, enjoy!

>> No.5913787


Came here to say this.

>> No.5913792

Chef John is fucking great! Simple recipes and no extra small talking in the videos. Straight to the point. Love the closeups, cooking shows should be done like this.

>> No.5913796

>dem crazy eyes


>> No.5913805

I lost enjoyment from watching Chef John vids since he stated the reason why he doesn't list the recipes on his YouTube description is that he wants to make money on his blog too. And when you actually go to his blog, most of it just lists the ingredients and not the actual steps. Basically, he makes it difficult to have a complete recipe. I actually lost respect for him for that and will watch other YouTubers who are not as stingy.

>> No.5913814
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>> No.5913822


The steps are in the video though. How is that complicated?

>> No.5913824

Excellent contribution to the thread.

>> No.5913826

I totally see his point, Chef John is kinda a pain in the ass about that, having to look up the ingredient list on a separate site, and watch how they are compiled on youtube. Totally unnecessary.

>> No.5913833


Vid related, I learned so much from him! Plus, he has a cocky humour!

>> No.5913836

he has to make a living you know... if you really liked him you would support him. it's the same thing as youtubers having like 5 different accounts for gaming, vlogging, main, bloopers, etc.

>> No.5913839


Cooking with Dog.

I've never made any of the recipes, I just like the videos.

>> No.5913840

Bruno Albouze

I usually take recipes with a grain of salt, I just like seeing how people do things

>> No.5913842
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>> No.5913843
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I also watch alot of this italian chick, if I can't find it on foodwishes, I can usually find her making some variation of whatever I'm trying to go for. She does the same this a Chef John with her website. She over explains every little thing tho, her past experiences and other dumb shit. Not what I wanna hear when I'm tryin to figure out how to throw together a chicken cacciatore. She's fun to look at though :)

>> No.5913856
File: 23 KB, 323x279, patron_pic420.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

someone's popular

>> No.5913903

Cooking with dog is lovely.
What's not to like about a sweet old Japanese woman cooking delicious food?
I've made her Omelet-rice several times now and it's delicious, I'd highly recommend.

>> No.5913932


>> No.5913934

I forget who it was but I saw one video of a chick with huge tits where the camera must have been mounted on the ceiling.

>> No.5913947
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>or you can just watch the local wildlife

>> No.5913959

Chef John and Genarro Contaldo

>> No.5913979

You really need to watch Tim Heidecker's Kitchen Tips if you haven't. He is extremely talented and has a style like no other.


>> No.5913980

I love Weber cooks


>> No.5913992


Based Cajun master Justin Wilson, garunteed

>> No.5913996

>ctrl+f runnyrunny
>0 results

/ck/ is garbage

>> No.5914004

Food Wishes with Chef John. I also watch Laura Vitale every once in a while.

>> No.5914016
File: 92 KB, 977x436, 1397145846934.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thats a cozy kitchen.

>What's your favorite Youtube cooking show?
Cooking with Dog, Chef John and YoYoMax12.

>> No.5914026


Quit being a faggot, you think that clicking his goddamn blog for the exact measurements of ingredients is a reason to hate him?

He spends hours editing and voicing his videos for free and you lose respect for him just because he actually wants you to go to his goddamn blog to read the ingredients? You are pissed off that he doesnt really list the steps on his blog yet you're going to watch the video anyway.

>Basically, he makes it difficult to have a complete recipe

No, you're just retarded and feeling like you have to complain about a service that is already extremely helpful to people wanting to learn to cook.

>> No.5914031

Runny used to get posted in all of these threads, relax.

He is adorable

>> No.5914042

>implying John does anything for free

>> No.5914045

Chef john is kewl.

>> No.5914054


Honestly, he should get a TV show

>> No.5914068

He says he can't get one since he is not good looking.

>> No.5914094


meanwhile guy fieri is doing what exactly

>> No.5914116

cookinginrussia is awesome if you want recipes that aren't targeted at noob cooks.

>> No.5914139

Great accent. Does that exist anymore in Louisiana?

>> No.5914141

I made a couple of them. Turned out pretty well.

>> No.5914244
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His Twitter is lot like his videos.

>> No.5914257

She looks crazy.

>> No.5914446

shes not attractive and says annoying shit in an annoying voice
how can you watch that
>my daddy would be so proud of mee

>> No.5914485
File: 89 KB, 600x450, Bitchin-Kitchen-e1337707943421.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone else find this show kind of annoying.


>> No.5914491

>kind of annoying.
>kind of

>> No.5914502

>not attractive

nigga, u gay or just some jelly grill

>> No.5914509
File: 58 KB, 594x415, Hos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

would bang/10

>mfw she prepares breakfast tacos to soothe our hangovers

>> No.5914513

my wife and one of my inspirations for going veg


>> No.5914519

your boo looks p. qt

>> No.5914520


there can only be one!!!

>> No.5914524

are you a nj or ny muh heritage faggot
too dumb to not be entirely influenced by your tiny community of orange club going sluts and EETALIAN FAMILY to actually see what an annoying vapid whore she is?
serious question no other type of person could be this oblivious to it

>> No.5914528

cooking with dog is awesome indeed

pretty good japanese food shows:
runny runny

>> No.5914529

yeah, you're a jelly grill

don't worry, someone will find you qt one day

>> No.5914532

speedy reply you missed the question tho

>> No.5914553

What does she look like naked? Need to know pretty quick.

>> No.5914557 [DELETED] 

don't worry, hun

you're beautiful on the inside

i hear black guys love hamplanets, so you still have hope

>> No.5914564

Cooking with Jack Show is the way to go


>> No.5914595

>being this unable to form a response
>being this assblasted about a differing opinion you can only resort to calling me a girl

>> No.5914598

Look at that adams apple

>> No.5914620


My pure, elfin princess is 100% woman.


>> No.5914751

She's pretty but she's vegan, so she has some very silly beliefs.

>> No.5914773

Jas Townsend and Son does a historical cooking show, they've been doing it for years


I also like Cooking With Dog


>> No.5914785

>ctrl+f sorted food
>0 results
ck pls

>> No.5915176

This recipe seems awfully westernized. Not that I am complaining, nor that I mnow that much about Japanese cuisine.

>> No.5915215

I bet you are overweight.

>> No.5915265

I can't believe no one has linked BBQ pit masters.


>> No.5915292
File: 51 KB, 960x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's a chick with cerebral palsy that's fucking hot. She made pancakes.

>> No.5915302

>Jas Townsend and Son does a historical cooking show, they've been doing it for years

That's a very addictive channel. Good find.

>> No.5915303

>What's your favorite Youtube cooking show?


May niggas. Jas is so fucking comfy to watch.

>> No.5915305

She has awesome tits but she is way too spastic

>> No.5915312


She has cerebral fucking palsy

>> No.5915332

Gregs Kitchen.


>> No.5915336

Vahchef is my husbando

>> No.5915337


>> No.5915344

Oh I have this chicks pancake video on my bookmarks thanks to some cool /ck/ guy.

Fapped a couple times, not ashamed. I don't care if she sounds like a tard, she's hotter than any chick my ugly ass has ever nailed.

>> No.5915354

She's a nut. She's crazy in the coconut.

>> No.5915357

Cripples need some love too.

>> No.5915381

I like Laura in the Kitchen...SOMETIMES. She's fucking annoying as fuck to listen to but sometimes she has what I need so i just mute her.
Chef John from food wishes is cool, i like watching his vids and hearing the commentary.
RunnyRunny is muh nigga.
Nicko's Kitchen is good, makes stuff i usually wouldnt try and some of it has turned out good when i made it.

>> No.5915383

all you have to do is put your dick between her tits and let her spasm around bruh

>> No.5915392

Post her best video, please.

>> No.5915400

I would let her beat my meat, and taste my cream.. if you know what I mean.

>> No.5915418

Her face is kind of whack but she has awesome tits here:

>> No.5915439

>gonna flip it
>makes pancake taco

So much dawww.

>> No.5915440

....I have fallen in love.

>> No.5915452

Imagine her struggling to give you a handjob? It'd be awesome

>> No.5915473

I just wanna hold her there, shes adorable. id fuck the shit out of her for sure.

>> No.5915485

her voice is almost as infuriating as that of a deaf person

>> No.5915492

>the way she eats her pancakes


>> No.5915496

>I just wanna hold her
>id fuck the shit out of her
Conflicted white knight is conflicted.

>> No.5915510

I cannot believe nobody posted Vah Chef yet


He's the Mr. Rogers of Indian cooking

>> No.5915569

I generally watch different shows for different cuisines, but my overall favorite is probably Cooking with Dog.

>> No.5915629

Titli's busy kitchen.

>> No.5915639

Oh god I want to hug her so bad

>> No.5915642

>ctrl+f Pepin
>no results
What's wrong with you?!

>> No.5915643

Everyone else sees this as cute but all I can feel is crippling sadness.

>> No.5915701

such a qt.314

>> No.5915725

It's cool she's alive and doing shit... I typically have zero compassion but this made my eyes water

>> No.5915784

pls be in london

>> No.5915905
File: 531 KB, 2448x1836, DMQFL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He does it for few reason. One so yes you will go to the blog. He talks about other technical stuff on it about the recipe when he likes. This makes the video shorter and more to the point.

Also if remember correctly he comes from culinary teaching back round. When you learn stuff in culinary school. Hell even when learn shit from your grandma. They normally don't give you exact measurements always. They teach you to learn techniques, basics, or base recipes. You normally keep a journal ..or cook book if you will. That has a base recipe to work from and make notes with. That way you can adjustments or changes for what is fresh and available fore ingredients. Also notes on technical stuff will help you lean how to make completely new recipes from scratch.. because you'll know how it works vs just coloring in the lines.


Chef john is trying to get you to use your brain and not just copy a recipe measurement for measurement. So you acutely lean how to cook. Not just how to copy.

Also money bitches. That dude needs to pay for is brazzers subscription.

>> No.5915909



>> No.5915940


Chef John is a stoner with a equally fatty wife. ...Come on dude you know they blaze up, cook something magical, and then fuck like bunnies.

>> No.5915945


I'm sure they do. I wouldn't put anything that cool past him.

When she is not around though he glutins his amazing food and breaks out the 80's play boys

>> No.5915954

Most of my favorites are on here, but I love me some Manjula's Kitchen and Show Me The Curry.

I used to watch vahrehvah (vah chef) but then they stopped editing out the parts where he has orgasms over his food and I couldn't continue watching.

Fucking hate Laura Vitale and Sorted Food though holy shit. youtube is constantly recommending them and I wish it would fuck off

>> No.5915988

BBQ Pit Boys for entertainment and meat

Dudefood is pretty good too, despite the name.

>> No.5916014

Manjula's Kitchen

She is really good. And genuine!~

>> No.5916037

I was disappointed that their curry rice used pre-made roux, but love to watch the show regardless. Probably gonna use their fried rice recipe though!

>> No.5916044

>thur a SUPERFOOD™
>it has FIBER™ I didn't even know this stuff existed!
>INCORPERATE IT or you will have to suck my penis
He is shilling as fuck. Seriously why do people feed this fad diets/foods/superfood™ shit.

>> No.5916143

As annoying as her voice is, I like Laura Vitale's channel.


>> No.5916167

I had to stop watching her because her boobs make it hard to focus.

It's hard to make chimys when you keep popin boners

>> No.5916263

>cool she's alive

cerebral palsy isn't fatal numbnuts

>> No.5918408


They're even bigger now. She's pregnant at the moment.

>> No.5918643

It is cute because she is trying and succeeding and seems very positive and happy about it for the most part. She's upbeat about it. And, she is hot too.

>> No.5918675

Ochikeron is my fave she is Japanese and does requests for people she makes all sorts of cute and tasty looking stuff and he's really good at going through the recipes.

>> No.5918696

Wow, hah. Cute.

>> No.5918798

Everything I've made by Chef John is great and easy to understand. Love his channel.

>> No.5918816
File: 1.52 MB, 280x136, _414207456447.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

las chef's chingonas

the mother in law knows her shit, while the slut wifey is a typical useless pocha ... the mother in law sure can rag on the dumb young bitch its absolutely hilarious

>> No.5918827


>> No.5918896

Greatest tips from the greatest show:

>> No.5918974

Ochikeron is neat and all, but there's so much out of the box stuff.

>> No.5919480

At least she can speak italian, which is more than can be said for most of them.

>> No.5919484


Ok. Go back to your Carls. Jr dinner.

>> No.5919497

Nicko just copies what other youtubers do and does them himself, not giving any credit. He's a major douchebag and you're a fool for liking him.

>> No.5919968

>youtube is constantly recommending them

Anybody notice that the Youtube front page has gotten so shitty lately? No, I don't give a shit about PewDiePie or Jimmy Fallon. It's basically unusable at this point.

>> No.5920207
File: 5 KB, 256x273, 1337570004923.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sex with her must be awesome. Fucking bed will be shaking uncontrollably and your dick getting bent and moved that you never knew could be possible.

>> No.5920607

>Show Me The Curry

I like this channel a lot. If you haven't tried it, I also like Sanjay Thumma at VahChef for indian food.

>> No.5920625

One has to wonder if she's even had sex. She seems kind of childlike in her videos. But cerebral palsy doesn't mean mental impairment necessarily

>> No.5920644


I posted a comment like that in the last thread and some dumb cunt got all butthurt saying it was wrong for a woman to offer sex in exchange for security.

Seriously. Apparently we should all be platonically in love with each other's spirits and just happen to realize that we can get aroused later, after it's too late to back out without massive inconvenience.

>> No.5920654

No Henry's Kitchen? He's perfect for /ck/.

>> No.5920662
File: 409 KB, 805x714, 1411989595461.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pls, Daycart

thinking about this only makes me even more depressed




>> No.5920698

she seems very guarded by her siblings/parents

they seem to have taken very good care of her

she started the channel to become independent and show that she doesn't need to depend on someone else

if you're wondering, it's highly probably she's a virgin unless that guy in that prom video got lucky

>> No.5920700

eh, that was just a white knight

one day her parents will die and her siblings will move on with their lives and will no longer take care of her

i hope she finds a good man (or girl for that matter) one day

>> No.5920814

>ctrl+f "epic meal time"
>no results
seriously guys?

>> No.5920822

they have a show on the FYI network called Epic Meal Empire

it has its moments but EMT is infinitely better

>> No.5920826

I figure he started to work himself up to an erection then she talked and he wilted like a flower in snow

>> No.5920828

She sounds like a degenerate druggy whore who bitches at everything and is never satisfied.

She also sounds like she ties to be lol so randum with cooky crazy voices and saying random words.

I bet she constantly has a dildo lodged in her flappy meat satchel at all times.

>> No.5920833



>> No.5920836
File: 87 KB, 252x252, Jimmy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just imagining that made me kek out loud

>oh yeah... you like it rough, don't you? i'm gonna break you, bitch
>y-y-y-y-y-y-yes, i-i-i-i-i-i-i-i-i-i l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-like it r- r- r- r- ruh r-r-r ruh r-r-rough

i imagine it's the same as having sex with Jimmy from South Park

comedy gold

really though, she's a sweet girl with a good heart. she'll be fine.

>> No.5920840

>She seems kind of childlike in her videos.
You make it sounds like it is a bad thing.

>> No.5920843

Did you watch her video? She dosent stutter, she just talks slow and a slurred speech.

>> No.5920847

your wife is a dumbass. do her a favor and tell her to take a bath with a toaster.

>> No.5920856
File: 7 KB, 280x180, lostatsea.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's an suburban American girl with a disability, of course her parents are over-protective and have sheltered her. But you're right, she seems bright and, more importantly, motivated. She wants to be as independent as she can be and that is admirable.

But she won't ever be able to be completely independent. She'll never be able to drive herself to work, or bike if she happens to be more health/environmentally conscious. She'll never hike the Appalachian trail and hunger for pints of ice cream after two weeks in the wilderness. She'll never play tennis or bowl a strike or play catch with her kids.

Still, she could be a great partner to the right person. Someone who isn't patronizing, who doesn't treat her like a child but is there when she needs them.

>> No.5920859

yeah that was just an exaggeration but seriously, hypothetically, if i fuck her she'll have to tolerate my incessant kek'ing if she opens her mouth

>> No.5920874

that bitch can't cook for shit and she's annoying af.

OP is a hippy loving faggot.

>> No.5920875
File: 32 KB, 335x500, swagger-vest.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I honestly can see why you will find it funny but I dont find it funny, it is just arousing to me

I have to wonder if anyone who actually had any affection for her was some kind of sexual deviant. I mean lets face it what normal person would have sex with her let alone go out with her? A normal person would be uncomfortable being with her in public, they would not stop laughing at hoe obviously funny she sounds like.

I truly think only those who would take advantage of her of her seemingly innocent demeanor or if they are like me they get off to girls with disabilities.

>> No.5920880

You think she is a hippy? She comes across as someone who reads encyclopedia dramatica and know your meme and browses tumbr and leddit all the time and spouts old memes that no one uses or finds funny anymore like happy negro or cock mongler.

>> No.5920887

I like Laura, she's a cutie :3

>> No.5920888
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>> No.5920890
File: 423 KB, 1951x1030, you came to the wrong pit motherfucekr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5920891

Back to your containment thread.

>> No.5920897

I havent even played that game. I just used that picture because I know someone will get rustled by it. And it was somewhat relevant to the conversation.

>> No.5920900

They make some good shit. Apparently their videos are pretty popular in japan.

>> No.5920906

Is she there mentally? I mean does she have the mind of a child or does she just have trouble controlling her body? If it's the later I wouldn't mind. She's kinda cute and if she's nice I'd date her.

>> No.5920924

I am pretty sure it could be the later. Though I am not an expert in palsy so yeah.

>> No.5920925

Why would anyone post that, it's complete shit. A showcase of everything that's wrong with internet culture.

>> No.5920926

Cooking with dog, and Mosogourmet

>> No.5920927

no, that's not what normal people would do

that's what insecure scared people would do

i'm sort of attracted to her because she needs help, not a whole lot, but some help as stated before in my posts. plus she's hot as shit.

>> No.5920933

she seems that of the latter

she's not mentally retarded, she's physically retarded

i like it, they're funny guys and if you don't find them funny then you must be a real kick at parties because their ironic humor and Harley's insanity makes up for their shitty cooking

>> No.5920939

Going by the video higher up. She seems normal other then the slurred speech and having trouble moving around. It would be like dating a girl that's drunk 24/7. She's pretty cute.

>> No.5920940

Think about it, you will get looks from the general public and they will think to themselves "why are you dating a retard?" "Is there something wrong with you?" "are you some sick fuck that likes to fuck retarded girls?"

You can dismiss it all you want but that is the truth. People think very coldly of others in the recesses of their minds.

>> No.5920945

i don't care what other people think about my partner

you care about what other people think because you're weak.

>> No.5920946

and they can think what they want. If your happy and she's happy, fuck everyone else.

>> No.5920948

In plenty of cases people with CP have otherwise normal brains. My niece has it and is completely normal aside from being wheelchair-bound, difficult to understand, and spoiled rotten.

>> No.5920950

Whatever, nerd. Chicks with cerebral palsy need lovin' too.

>> No.5920959


That is all I am saying, you can right me off as someone who is weak or some edgy faggot, it isnt going to change how some will see you as.

And for the record I am not trying to discourage dating someone with palsy. I am just saying we live in a cruel and unforgiving world.

>> No.5920960

Granted, I'm fully capable and I'll likely never do any of those things. And I live right next to the Appalachian Trail.

>> No.5920961
File: 490 KB, 449x401, laughing whores.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmao @ the creepy virgins getting a crush on a girl with c. palsy because they think she'd be willing to fuck them

>> No.5920962

k, friend.

but i would date her given the opportunity.

>> No.5920968

>reading comprehension: the post

>> No.5920981

well it's not like she can be too picky, right?
but then maybe she'll just forget guys and masturbate for the rest of her life. I bet she's good at it by now

>> No.5920984

What's not normal about CP?

>> No.5920986

oh god

i can't tell if imagining her schilicking is turning me on or curb stomping my funny bone

>> No.5920994

You have a shitty sense of humor, I probably wouldn't get along with you.

>> No.5920997
File: 13 KB, 736x78, Screenshot from 2014-10-26 19:37:57.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nothing like a pretty, vulnerable young woman of reproductive age with a degenerative nerve disorder making pancakes to cause hilarity on /ck/

>> No.5920998

>I probably wouldn't get along with you.

...and i care, why exactly?

>> No.5921008

I can picture her hurting herself. she tries to rub her clit and ends up wrist deep.

>> No.5921010

post more top comments pls

>> No.5921013

I love the new and inventive ways he uses Pitzman's™ Mustard in his recipes.

>> No.5921014


I bet she figured out a way to masturbate without her hands.

>> No.5921016

but you can imagine she has perfected the art of schlicking, no?

you see her videos? she never gives up, never gets angry

she has an enormous amount of patience which i respect the hell out of

>> No.5921021

like dragging herself across the carpet like a dog with worms?

>> No.5921022


you're obviously a femanon so just stop posting

>> No.5921024

Okay. And if I didn't date someone like her, people would stare at me for being tall, lanky, dark and awkward.

Or I could just go on with my life and not have it dictated by strangers as usual.

>> No.5921030

You shouldn't, I was just hoping you would so I could make you feel bad about yourself.

>> No.5921035

oh don't worry i do that to myself enough as it is

i appreciate the sentiment though, friend

>> No.5921037


I laughed uncontrollably at this

>> No.5921047


>> No.5921058



>> No.5921062

good god, imagine her mucking up the carpet like a retarded snail

>> No.5921066

I dont know if you are making that up or it's some inside joke but I guess I was wrong.

>> No.5921070
File: 20 KB, 246x191, thats hot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5921072


You're not sandeep?

I thought you were my friend ;_;

>> No.5921075

check out the sidehugging beta male boyfriend here
>at least i have a gf.....

>> No.5921078

I'm sorry

>> No.5921084

>on 4chan

I shiggy diggy

>> No.5921085

he seems like a good kid

you seem very jelly however, anon

>> No.5921087

>actually knowing what downvoting is
>not seeing it as an arrow to point to the post below
>being this retarded

do i really need to say it?

>> No.5921178

I'm not even that guy... or AJ. Sorry.

>> No.5921190
File: 37 KB, 206x188, 1267767764982.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>jealous of some fat kid who has to resort to dry humping cripples
I know our mom told you that the kids picked on you because they were jealous...but she was lying. Not every expression of derision, contempt, or disgust is rooted in jealousy.
Even if she wasn't a spastic, she isn't that cute. 6/10 maybe. If you rate her any higher, you are indulging in a gimp fetish...which is fine.

>> No.5921225

so much projection

god damn, billy

it's okay. you're okay. just calm down.

>> No.5921242


I'm neither AJ nor sandeep, but who is billy now? What's going on here?

>> No.5921245

what are you talking about now, billy?

>> No.5921412

Fiorella's Cooking

I like this one

>> No.5923150

Cooking with Merrill changed my life.


>> No.5924783

It is important for you to remember this and tell us.

>> No.5925098

oh my goodness, I fucking died!
this is the best cooking video I think I've ever seen, if only there were more...

excellent find, partner.

>> No.5925102

Not that guy, but I'm guessing


>> No.5925123
File: 93 KB, 1585x1527, 1340930491717.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm too high for this shit man why didn't you give us a warning or something before watching that

>> No.5925175

Holy shit man. My sides achieved orbit at the bawwbaqueue sosse.

>> No.5925203

I agree with you. I wouldn't mind so much, but he does it shamelessly. He didn't so much as apologize for it in his Q&A video.

>> No.5925276

If you think shes hot, check out her sis in some of her other videos, oh baby

>> No.5925277


>> No.5925281


>> No.5925287

Thanks man.

>> No.5925289
File: 11 KB, 300x168, Goku cry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Probably Henry's Kitchen, or this guy


>> No.5925301

She looks like the typical high schooler, she doesn't really stand out.

At least the girl with cerebral palsy ends up looking cute.

>> No.5925307

I love these guys and watch their stuff all the time. Kind of a vicarious living thing, since I live in an apartment with no way to grill or smoke some good food.

>> No.5925462

her sister is fugly

wtf, bro?

>> No.5925473
File: 44 KB, 251x231, 1351274142630.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Kalin, Merrill Howard age 45, passed away suddenly on June 20, 2008, beloved son of Cerna and the late Sam, dear brother of Mitchell and Neil (Goar), loving uncle of Mikael and Michelle. Merrill will be missed by his many cousins who lovingly called him, "Uncle Merrill"

>> No.5925476

Biggest pleb on youtube.

>> No.5925492



>> No.5925541

I never expected to see another yoyomax fan
Something about it chills me out like crazy

>> No.5925542

Sorted food and cooking with a dog for me

>> No.5925551


Truly, this woman is defeated. I want her to be more famous.

>> No.5926094

Probably for the best

>> No.5926096

Regular Ordinary Swedish Meal Time.

>> No.5926396
File: 17 KB, 212x249, 1391719149716.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she'd make a good grandma

i wish i had one, just one.

>> No.5926407

>she's as spergy as /ck/
I'd buy her book if you know what I mean.

>> No.5926414

Cooking With Dog has to be my go to channel. Going to check out some more videos posted in the thread though would love to add more to my subscription list.

>> No.5926448


i don't know if you're being satirical or not

>> No.5926786

I'll be your grandma

>> No.5926798
File: 14 KB, 416x416, 1395673194300.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


how gud can you cook?

>> No.5927166

I just looked at this guys videos on youtube and they're great. Thanks a lot for noting him.

>> No.5927263
File: 181 KB, 1024x692, 1400354501100.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw can't link Chef John recipes here because they're considered spam

>> No.5927281


>> No.5927305

>my favorite restaurant: Olive Garden!


>> No.5927377
File: 16 KB, 320x466, everlovingfuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5927386


>> No.5927395


His Lamb Curry recipe is absolutely amazing. He never cuts corners for the sake of easiness

>> No.5927411

I like Chef Jacob (Stella Culinary)

His technique and theory videos are especially nice.

ChefSteps is pretty good too, but I feel they only use sous-vide... For everything.