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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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5900546 No.5900546 [Reply] [Original]

Any waiters/food preps/cooks here? Basically anyone in the restaurant/food industry. What's the nastiest thing you've done to a customer's food?

>> No.5900552

Cooked a man's steak rare instead of blue rare.

>> No.5900553

Took a shit and wiped my butt once. Jokes on them, I forgot to flush the toilet.

>> No.5900554
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>daily reminder to never eat out

>> No.5900559

Wiped shit on a guy's burger

>> No.5900564

If you've done something gross to a customer's food, you are a sack of shit and most of your time should be spent sulking in self pity for how much of a terrible person you are.

>> No.5900587

I always ask for extra jizz in my milkshakes.

>> No.5900607

Waited a little longer than necessary before sending the food out, so it wouldn't be piping hot.

Because I'm not a horrible person.

>> No.5900623

Dropped some chicken and picked it up and put it back on the tray

But to be honest the floor is clean

>> No.5900627

I dont fuck with peoples food and I dont know anyone who has. If the customer is doing something that would warrant that kind of behavior we just ask them to leave.

>> No.5900628

never did but at one place i worked at i was in control of the do not deliver list and i was liberal with that shit because i didn't want my drivers having to deal with some of these customers

haha some of the employees were laissez faire about dropping uncooked food. "500 degrees is enough to kill whatever got on it"
never fucked with dropping cooked food tho and personally id toss dropped uncooked food.

>> No.5900648

I served them ketchup with their steak.

>> No.5900650
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I once put extra salt on this douchebags burger.
And no pepper.

>> No.5900662

I penus the bar glasses for non tippers.

>> No.5900663

Never fucked with anyone's food but this guy came in that I had beef with once. Basically he fucked my girl before we were together and liked to rub it in my face. Whatever but it wears on you. I almost beat his ass one night cause hes a manlet but like 4 of my friends held me off.

He laughed when I came to the table and I was serving them. I had been working all day I went into the employee bathroom and wiped the straw I put in his drink in my sweaty asscrack. I scratched my asshole with the end he sucked on.

Either way if ur a dude and you use a straw ur a faggot anyway. That is the only time i've ever fucked with anyone's anything in my 12 years of restaurant work.

>> No.5900681

That's justifiable, good on you.

>> No.5900694

Where I work all I have to do is serve them food.

There's a reason customers can't see the kitchen.

>> No.5900697

Gave the guy the smaller piece

>> No.5900712

was dealing with a really douchey customer once. Kept being an asshole and he's one of those skinny dudes into fat chicks so his wife is this loud annoying burgerclap who of course orders burgers for both of them. I decided I would handle their food personally, so I put some fucking dick cheese on their burgers and served it to em

>> No.5900714


>> No.5900725

I never deliberately do anything gross to people's food, but most servers do not wash their hands often.
I wash my hands a LOT to the point of having dry skin on my hands, but I never have the time to keep my hands completely clean.
All the cups are gross, people will spill food on dirty dirty trays and pick it up and put it back on the plate. They also steal food...
Food industry is nasty. None of the dishes are sanitized and most of the ramekins have leftover gunk in them from God knows what...

>> No.5900728

You sick fucker. I hope you got fired.

>> No.5900782

Not a waiter but I used to be a delivery driver for a local pizza place.

>shitbag habitual non tipper, routinely paid in bags of pennies/nickels/dimes whatever and was always a dick about it. His house was also way out of the way.
>busy shift, I've had enough of his shit
>hot as fuck day, no a/c in car at the time
>flossed my sweaty ball bag with his mozzarella sticks

>> No.5900787

Worked in the food service industry and never fucked with anyone's food because I'm not a piece of shit

>> No.5901184

>hes a manlet
lmao a manlet fucked your girlfriend

>> No.5901186


Nothing ever I'm not a spoiled fucking brat.

I have seen some shit though.

>> No.5901188

Nothing, because I'm not a faggot.

>> No.5901225

No most places aren't like that you just worked at a shit one

>> No.5901235

I do actually fuck with customers quite often. If I get their name I also later look them up on social media and tell them what I did anonimously.

>> No.5901241

I thought this was just an anti-worker meme from fedoratarians and stormcucks on /pol/ and /b/

>> No.5901674

She wasnt my gf when he fucked her.

And yes she was a whore. Only was with her for a year but damn she was fucking hot. A limp fish in the sack tho.

>> No.5901686

>tell them what I did anonimously

What the fuck? So you write "hey, you know that meal you had at Dennys? I'm the guy who spit in your milkshake hahaha you will never find me"

>> No.5901762

Well, there was this one guy who went to mcdonalds fairly often and ordered a filet-o-fish sandwich. Also every day he visited us would complain that the sandwich was cold or had too much or too little sauce, wanted fresher sauce/fish. So one day I got sick of his shit and told him I would make him some sauce fresh. I fapped into a side container and added a little cold water and stirred it up. Gave it to the guy with a smile on my face and caught a few glimpses of him eating it.

Motherfucker loved it, told the manager that I was the only one who could make a proper sandwich. This continued for a few visits until I thought it would be funny to brag about it, and got fired.

>> No.5901777

Having worked in four kitchens in three cities, I can say a lot are. Want to know the cleanest kitchen I worked in?

An AMC that had a restaurant in it.

Want to know the dirtiest?

A local, high-mid tier Italian place.

A lot of places really don't give a shit, and the ones that do are usually not the ones you'd expect.

>> No.5901785


>> No.5901805


>> No.5901817

Nigga pleez

At the place I work, the last part of dishwashing procedure is to sanitize the dishes for at least 15 minutes. You'd be lucky to see them sit there longer than 30 seconds. Although I only do that for things that don't really get that dirty.

>> No.5901901

>be god-tier server
>have whiny ass family show up one night
>dude wants me to bring out their sodas while they decide what to order
>real entitlement attitude there, buddy
>I bitchslap him
>Throw his wife on the table and fuck he
>creampie her asshole
>wipe my shit-covered dick off on their 5yo daughter's dress
>force daddy to lick my cock clean
>he scrapes me with a snaggletooth
>cops show up
>I show them my dick
>they arrest him for first degree assault resulting in injury
>his wife goes batshit
>they arrest her for interfering with officers in performance of their duty
>I take the daughter home
>me and the other servers take turns railing her all night
>mass media hysteria breaks out
>President Obama calls to apologize to me and invite me to a beer summit
>I tell him he'd better fucking bow deep to me
>chillax in the knowledge that my server-tude makes me a god among men

>> No.5901918


>Start job as dishwasher
>Instructions state to scrub pans in hot water, soak in soap water, soak in sanitizer, rinse
>Dishes get rinsed, run through the machine, sanitized
>Follow directions
>Other guy stops me
>"Woah, you don't need to do all that"
>Instructs me to just scrub the pans until the "black stuff" is off the inside, soak in sanitizer for 1-2 minutes
>Other stuff goes through the washer with a light rinse and that's it

Don't even ask about the utensils, man.

>> No.5901922

I'd never mess with someone's food, because I wouldn't want anyone to mess with mine, but...

When I was working at Popeye's, the first time I dropped a piece of chicken on the ground (uncooked), I thought it'd be wise to ask the manager what I should do with it, also to know for future reference. She told me to rinse it off and keep it. So I did. And did so many times over the year I worked there.

>> No.5901924

Oh shit, utensils. Those get a quite rinse and scrub, maybe a soak if we're real busy. Sanitizer is just a quick dip.

>> No.5901966

Where I worked, that was if you were lucky:

>Load them into a bin full of food, straws and other crap
>Always like that; you were supposed to put them in there clean, but the waitresses were fucking retards
>Would dump entire glasses w/ lemons and straws in there
>And everything else
>Run this garbage can through the washer
>Dump them out
>Waitresses pick them out and either use them as is, after picking off food/trash
>Or we run them through one more time

Added fun:
We never had hot water. Ever. Only right before closing did the heater manage to catch up.

>> No.5902019

Since there seems to be a lot of delivery drivers in here...
My house is like 3-5 minutes away from the 2 places I order from, dominos and a local place. I'm just a lazy fuck. Is $5 on top of the delivery fee generous enough or are these dicks getting upset with the short delivery?

>> No.5902022

I'll take things that never happened for $1000 Alex.

>> No.5902029

Nothing really, fucking with food isnt cool. But one time this bitch sent her sammich back three times during lunch peak asking for more and more pickles even though there was already a big assload already on the motherfucker. The third time I went into a rage and grabbed an obscene sized fistfull of pickles and pummeled it into the middle of her sandwich before sending that soggy and now cold slopwich back out, it looked horrific.

I guess she was happy though, it didnt get sent back that time. I aim to please :^)

>> No.5902036

$5 is fine for a reasonable orded that isnt miles away. Deliveryfag here and id be fine with $3 actually, but please give me $5!

>> No.5902039

Still don't believe me? I will show you true power.

>> No.5902051 [DELETED] 
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Already know everyone is going to hate me for this.
>Some food containers have to be lined with paper
>take paper into bathroom
>pee on or sometimes wipe ass with paper
>place food on paper
>hand to customer

>have to take deliveries sometimes
>dont mind but I know who the bad tippers are
>bad tipper or person who was a dick to me when I was taking their order on the phone
>wipe hands in asshole, on my car floors, bottom of my shoes
>wipe onto food
>deliver to customer with a smile as I receive my 0$ tip

>when noone is around I just cough on food

>> No.5902059
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Line cook here, never done anything out of spite but the nastiest thing I did was probably deep fry a pepper I dropped on the floor. Now, I just throw anything away if it falls on the floor.
>mfw coworker puts a lemon on the plate after he drops it and picks it up
I see nasty shit all the time in the kitchen like cross contamination, fucking disturbs me

>> No.5902065

>deep fry a pepper I dropped on the floor

wouldn't the deep fryer kill any bacteria though?

>> No.5902075

Wouldn't kill the dirt or soap.

>> No.5902084

That's what everyone in the kitchen says but there are bacterias that are heat resistant and personally, if I wasn't willing to eat it myself, I don't serve it. Simple as that

>> No.5902087


You are both good people.

>> No.5902090


>> No.5902102

You guys hear about this? Shit's fucked up man


>> No.5902109

>That's what everyone in the kitchen says but there are bacterias that are heat resistant

If your knowledge of biology is so poor that you think a bacteria could survive a deep fryer then you have serious problems. Yeah, there are bacteria which live at higher temperatures than most, but still nowhere near that hot. A deepfrier is hot enough to denaure protein. That is hot enough to kill any living thing. DNA breaks down at 150C; there ain't no surviving that. Period.

>>personally, if I wasn't willing to eat it myself, I don't serve it. Simple as that

But props for this bro. Your intentions are certainly good even if your knowledge of biology is not.

>> No.5902120
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>Either way if ur a dude and you use a straw ur a faggot anyway.

>> No.5902122

I once put a rock on a pizza before I put IR through the oven. covered it with cheese, sliced around the odd lump and sent it out for delivery. never got in trouble. wonder why

>> No.5902125

I thought the same thing.

What is so bad about straws?

A rock?

>> No.5902129

yeah. was having a bad day, hated my job. smooth somewhat flat rock

>> No.5902170

I just don't understand what possessed you to grab a rock off the ground and say: "Yep, I'm gonna put this shit on a pizza!"

Seriously, do you live in a third world country or some shit?

>> No.5902186

>What's the nastiest thing you've done to a customer's food?

For years I batter dipped various pieces of chicken and fish then cooked them in hydrogenated oils along with french fries and served them to unsuspecting or uncaring people. I also gave them gallons and gallons of soda. Over the years I saw the regulars have their health decline. One woman actually died from it.

>> No.5902193

I once swatted a roach with a chicken leg then served the chicken.

>> No.5902199
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>he thinks britian is a third world country

>> No.5902209

A lot of the USA is actually still 3rd world living conditions and infrastructure or lack of rather.

>> No.5902213

What? Really?

>> No.5902226


No. USA has the highest percentageof wilderness to develop areas of any other nation but it is not underdeveloped. And it is a very big country but largely this is bullshit.

>> No.5902227


Not that guy and I wouldn't say a lot but there are still plenty of people who are living in fucking shitholes.

>> No.5902232

Of course. Have you ever really taken a look at the size of the USA on a map in comparison to other countries and continents? It is fucking massive. Each state is essentially its own country. And each state is responsible for its own infrastructure. Some area are just forgotten about. It goes much further than just infrastructure as these infrastructures are normally owned by private companies or local state/county that require people to pay for use and services. Thus, the poor can't afford it. I actually know 4 people over the age of 50 that can't afford to own and run a vehicle even with a second job because what jobs there are just don't pay enough or have enough hours.


This even occurs in dense cities like NYC.

>> No.5902234

The proletariat? In a country of 300+ million? Say it ain't so!

>> No.5902238

When I worked at a grocery store, I started at 4am and I had to put out the bakery goods and ice donuts. Around 9am/10am, customers would demand some fresh french bread. It's funny, they thought I was doing the baking... No, I do the packaging :^).

Whenever an angry customer would yell at me, I'd go in the back and lick their loaf of bread. I don't give a fuck.

>> No.5902246

I worked night shift in fast food for years, got a few stories.

>Whataburger night shift, in Dallas
>near the end of a busy bar rush
>extra busy and extra drunk because Cowboys and Mavs both had home games
>reach that point where you stop giving a fuck about whiny drunk customers
>suddenly no customers in drive-thru
>go check, some drunk cunt passed out
>wake her up, she starts ordering
>slurring our random shit, keeps changing her order, forgetting what she just said, etc
>gets bitchy, demands we repeat her order multiple times
>lift up giant metal pan that all the cooked fries sit in
>gather up a basket full of cold dead fries, half of them over 12 hours old from lunch rush
>drop in oil for 30 seconds to heat them up
>serve dat shit
>10 minutes later, drunk cunt on phone screaming every word in the book
>manager goes auto-pilot with "yea, ok, I understand, uh huh, of course" etc
>bitch said she would report us to corporate, the news, and every agency possible
>she never did, probably didn't remember shit the next day

>> No.5902270


>Either way if ur a dude and you use a straw ur a faggot anyway

What about milkshakes?

>> No.5902272

>working construction, clean-up crew for a McD's that's being built
>boss orders 50 sandwiches from Schlotzsky's
>I'm first to go on break, find giant bag of sandwiches in walk-in
>only me and one other guy ordered roast beef
>find a roast beef, start to pull it out
>....drops on the floor, ingredients go everywhere, bread lands mayo-side down
>pick that shit up in a hurry
>put it back together all sloppy, roll it up in wrapper
>grab the other roast beef
>walk out like nothing happened

I'll admit, I did feel pretty bad watching this old guy eat his roast beef.

>> No.5902301

Waiter here

I carry a vial of my own cum in my apron all night and empty it into a dish of a customer that pisses me off the most. It was kind of a disgusting joke at first, but other guys at the restaurant picked up on it. Now they're doing the same thing. Don't piss off your waiters or be rude. You could get my AIDs.

>> No.5902325

People like you should be shot. Also if you are legit AIDS fag, you do realize there are government watchlists on HIV+ for this very reason.

You better goddamn hope you don't give anyone your AIDS.

>> No.5902332

>Seriously replying to obvious bait

>> No.5902802

Heheheh, I've emptied at least 8 of the vials in the last year alone. Fuck people who fuck with me. /edge

>> No.5902849

I've worked a few times in the food industry over the years... never done anything bad to anyone's food, but I used to always get pestered by customers who insisted that only *I* make their food, cause I guess they had bad experiences with other cooks or something.

>> No.5902920

Nothing because you just don't do it.

>> No.5902923

Well there /are/ bacteria that can live in really hot environments, but they don't really exist outside of magma caves and pockets in the ocean. The chance of finding any of those on a kitchen floor is pretty damn slim.

>> No.5903055

When customers send back "undercooked" med-well burgers, I give them a really well done burger.

I do it out of spite, but usually it's what they were looking for. I wish they'd just ask. We grind our beef; we cook it med-well; we advertise this fact, also that we will serve it anywhere from tartare to shoe leather upon request.

I did work at starbucks for a bit though, and put a star of david on my neonazi friend's caramel macchiato... dude needed to learn tolerance... through caramel induced diabetes.

>> No.5903107


I have the opposite problem... I go to a restaurant and I want a *RARE* gawd damn steak... except they usually fuck it all up. I mean, what part of, "I WANT IT BLEEDING!" is so hard to grasp?

>> No.5903109


Also a line cook, haven't done anything shitty, haven't seen anyone to anything shitty. If I'm not serving it to my mother, it's not getting to your table. I also used to work on dish, but that system was just "scrub/soak everything 'till it's clean, then run it through the machine", it sanitizes stuff.

>> No.5903110

you want me cooking your steak... I have to force myself to leave things on for an extra 30-60 seconds because my personal taste tends to undercooked.

>> No.5903188

I cooked food/cashiered at a snackbar at a very popular farm.

I never fucked with anyone's food.
The bosses were bad enough at selling horrible shit to people

>They order twenty pizzas on monday and sell slices all week long
>Never change oil in the fryers
>Sell expired food
>Absolutely no health standards
>They pay off health inspectors
>Rat shit and Bird shit everywhere
᤾>Little chip bags infested with ants (The ants ate through them)
>Crushed peanuts for caramel apples had rat shit in it
>Leave liquid cheese out all night and sell it on fries and hot dogs next day
>Deep fryer for donuts is constantly being shat in by birds

The second time I quit I was in tears telling them they cant sell this shit to kids.

The worst thing I can remember doing is over salting the fries one time after someone complained they weren't salty enough.

>> No.5903255

>Deep fryer for donuts is constantly being shat in by birds
this made me laugh

Is the kitchen outdoors or were there birds in the kitchen?

>> No.5903283


but it isn't blood

>> No.5903291

neither is period blood

>> No.5903304


It most certainly is

>> No.5903317

not really know
it contains similar components, but it is actually just the uterine lining peeling off and flushing down the vagina
it's not blood, the uterus doesn't suddenly just burst open it's veins for no real reason

>> No.5903320

there is blood in the discharge.

>> No.5903330


uh... wot?

Sure it's not still being oxygenated and whatnot, but it's still got a decent hemoglobin level... pretty sure that's blood mate.

>> No.5903337

The birds live in the ceiling. There's holes all in the roof. The building was a garage that was converted into housing for the immigrant workers then converted again to a shitty snackbar.

The donut room was a 6x6 foot hell hole with no ventilation or any kind of climate control, reaching temperatures like that of the surface of the sun.

My coworker passed out in there and almost fell in the fucking fryer.

>> No.5903339


the red juice from the meat is all myoglobin

period blood is blood tho, it just has uterian lining mixed in

>> No.5903370

not all, just mostly... and if you mix myoglobin with water, you pretty much have a blood analogue.

>> No.5903377

cooked a steak well done. but he wanted it...

>> No.5903379

>if you mix myoglobin with water, you pretty much have a blood analogue

aka "not blood"

>> No.5903392

you have a blood analogue mixed with what's left of the... blood.

there's still blood in there. It's not dessicated - that's jerky.

>> No.5903401

Straws are pretty useful as they slow down liquid consumption rate a little.

>> No.5903419

Jesus fucking Christ, how did you graduate?

>> No.5903469

I see using a straw as making it easier for the employee to clean the glass after I leave. I don't like using straws but I do as a courtesy.

>> No.5903473

magna cum laude?

>> No.5903588


>> No.5903603

I pushed a single pube deep into pizza dough before applying sauce and toppings.

>> No.5903625

Nothing because I'm not trash but my current gf did.

>working at Mcdicks
>gf works drive thru
>hangs out with me in the kitchen when slow
>she sees someone she hates at the front ordering
>she grabs the burger i made for the guy and spits in it and smashes it
>turns out it was not his sandwich and goes to another customer
>she goes oh well and shrugs

She was such a crazy bitch but the pussy game was ridiculous doe

>> No.5903644

I gave someone vanilla ice cream with a slight tint of chocolate because the scoop didnt get fully cleaned

I'm sorry!

>> No.5903652

ur momma cums loudly

>> No.5903668

In what possible way?

>> No.5903678

shit i meant ex gf

>> No.5903861

>they just want to be sure it never happens again
Look, people, if you ever get served dissolved lye instead of tea, don't bullshit about "oh we just want to be sure it never happens again, that's why we filed this lawsuit with huge monetary damages being asked for." Just explain you were injured and want compensation for your permanent, severe injuries. There's nothing to be ashamed of about that. The restaurant fucked up -- apparently repeatedly, according to the article -- and while it would be satisfying to strangle the employee who nearly killed you, unfortunately society frowns upon that. Money is the "civilized" way of handling such things. Take it, tell the restaurant to fuck off, and go try to heal.

>> No.5903895

I worked at a McDonald's for a year.

My store was notorious for resetting timers. The managers made such an emphasis on speedy orders and not wasting meat that we had to keep the trays filled with meat ready to be slapped into a burger on a moments notice. When the freshly cooked meat is placed into a tray into the heated waiting area, you press a timer button and if any of the meat is still there after the 15 minute timer is over you're supposed to throw the meat out, but if we actually did throw the meat out the managers would get on our asses about waste, so we had to reset timers. This meant that sometimes customers could get old dried out meat.

Other than that. I've honestly never did anything bad to a customer's food. I've always been really good about cleanliness and would absolutely never contaminate somebody's food.

>> No.5903901

been in the industry for 20 years
never intentionally fucked up someones food
even if someone really had me gunning for them, I wouldn't use my job as a means of fucking with them
there's plenty of other, more creative, less slimy ways to be a complete asshole if need be

>> No.5903905

If it's an acidic or potentially staining drink, using a straw is a smart decision.

>> No.5903917

I've never done anything nasty to anyone's food before. I'm a respectful goy, don't feel like getting fired.

What I could do, however, is go into a little detail about our restaurant. Behind closed doors, the place is a mess. I was tasked with the duty of doing a deep clean the night before some health inspectors or people from corporate came by for a walk-around (I don't know which, they never actually told me). Walk into our walk-in, move a couple racks we store the meat on, and what do I see on the floor?

Black. A pool of black. I don't rightfully know (or care) what it was, because that's not the worst part. I just dumped a little bleach on it and mopped it up later.

So basically, as I'm scrubbing off what I can only assume to be a mix of rust and grease from our prep tables, I find something under it. It's a black mass, far past the point of molding. Upon closer inspection, the best I could peg it as was a mix of an avocado and an onion, with a few miscellaneous bits tossed in for flavor. Not even a whole onion, either. It was half a god-damned onion.

I'm skipping most of the neat stuff. I'm pretty much the only one that ever actually cleans our damn kitchen in the entire store, only one that moves shit out of the way to get under it. I'd rather never have to do something like that ever again, unless I'm a garbage man or a plumber in the future.

>> No.5903924

So, we also have a problem with people stealing food. Worst part is, they don't even eat all of it.

There are three, four blindspots in our store. The storage area is the most popular, and also the worst one when you think about it. I get all my toilet paper from work, though, so it's not my problem. Anyway, I was working the drivethrough and I needed to get some straws, and I found a box with what I like to describe as a blueberry pie. This pizza was so old and rancid that it actually started growing mold on it. I haven't been working on the Meat & Cheese table for a while, so I'm assuming it was those fucking teenagers I work with again. They should at least have the decency to throw away the food they steal, or just steal the soups. Cameras don't see them stealing soup.

>> No.5903926

Had sex with a coworker after hours where we do food prep.

>> No.5903964

Christ, I remember shit like this. I began working in a kitchen at 19, quit - won't work in another because of it. I want to pretend some kitchen out there isn't pig nasty and I can eat out without being grossed out.

>People dropping food, cooking it anyway
>Sick people coughing/sneezing over shit
>Cleaning under racks, in the freezer, under the soda machine, etc. and finding the remains of Jimmy Hoffa and other mysteries

I quit after finding a bird (as in "a sparrow") skeleton under a rack. I couldn't deal with that shit. How does that even happen?

>> No.5904007


When I worked at DQ we once had a stupid teenager who didn't feel like washing all the dishes, so he started shoving some of the burger/grease trays underneath one of the shelves in the back... which I eventually uncovered when it was slow and I was being all OCD cleaning... they were all completely covered in MAGGOTS! ಠ_ಠ

Thankfully we were able to review the security videos, found out who it was and basically black balled them to ensure that they would NEVER work in the food industry EVER again.

>> No.5904024

Not food service but worked at a supermarket i would get bored stackkng that food up so every couple of packets id squeeze and damage the fold inside then straoghten out the packet again.
Yeah its not got that thumb print of broke in half because of you. Just the bored bastard who put it ouf.

>> No.5904065

go home former supermarket employee, you are drunk

>> No.5904298

Kevin surprise pls

>> No.5904331

Not using gloves while prepping.

>> No.5904380

no serious restaurant makes there employees wear gloves

>> No.5904486


Yeah because some retard cross contaminating while wearing gloves is going to matter.

>> No.5904549


why would it make cleaning the glass easier

>> No.5904563

I worked in a meat department for a major supermarket chain as a meat wrapper.

>Routinely the butchers wouldn't wash their hands after using the bathroom.
>If we dropped something on the floor were told to just brush it off and pack it.
>Twice I saw a butcher cut himself and bleed all over the meat he was cutting. He just paper toweled it off and had us pack it.

I wash every cut of meat I buy now.

>> No.5904589
File: 16 KB, 143x198, 1367414300786.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Be 17
>Working at Mcdonalds
>Have plaster (bandaid) on finger
>Prepping food as usual
>Lunch break
>Realize the plaster is gone
>Cant find it fucking anywhere in kitchen

Nobody said anything. To this day I have no idea what happened to it.

>> No.5904608

i made about 6 sandwiches at the fast food joint i was working at for about a month with a cut finger. i was bleeding all over the sandwiches.

>> No.5904614
File: 138 KB, 722x525, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's no form of life lower than a food mess arounder, anyone caught doing that shit ought to be executed, I'm not joking

>> No.5904683


Is there a blood school or something

>> No.5904713

Never done anything nasty to someone's food, that's messed up.

I have been known to fuck with coworkers by leaving a plate of wings out for public consumption with a dish of scorpion pepper sauce next to them.

>> No.5904719


NO ONE should use gloves when cooking. They give you a false sense of security that your hands are always clean which winds up INCREASING the chances of potentially contaminating food.

When you're NOT wearing gloves you can literally FEEL when you've touched, say, something slimy/greasy, which will then instinctual trigger a want/need to wash your hands... but without that feeling, if it's blocked by the plastic of a glove, you won't even notice it at all and you'll just keep contaminating everything after you've touched say a little tiny spot of spattered meat grease.

Further, most outfits that use gloves use the ones that can leave tiny, minute particles of plastic on the food that can cause some people to have really horrific allergic reactions (especially any kind of latex gloves).

>> No.5904723

>the aristocrats!

>> No.5904725

I think I worked in the same place. Was this in Florida?

>> No.5904731

spoons bro

>> No.5904747


Lipstick can be a real bitch.

>> No.5904772

you should be killed

>> No.5904777

>tfw i eat at popeyes almost every week

>> No.5904785

>work at papa johns in a shitty town
>bums everywhere
>heat up handfull of change in pizza oven
> throw outside wearing oven mitts
>bums scream as burning change melds into their hand

mind you this was the 80's

>> No.5904792

you are upsetting my food autism

>> No.5904796

Unfortunately, no; Indiana.

>> No.5904811


Of all the shit that never happened... this most of all.

>> No.5904864

Around closing time I get real lazy about prepping sandwiches. At like 12:30 we start wrapping up drive thru, and you won't get any mayo or other minor shit after that. I'll grab you some lettuce and tomato, cheese and meat from the walk in though.

>> No.5904919

I used to work at McDonalds. I hated everyone, but I figured the food was gross enough already.

Pretty sure every McDonald's does that. Mine did. Regular meat and nuggets usually went fast enough that it wasn't an issue, but by the time we served like the grilled chicken or McBites or sometimes Quarter Pounders they were pretty gross.

>> No.5904942


>> No.5904947

In the South, where I live especially, it seems every McDs is run by niggers. Niggers work there, eat there, and take their kids there to play and stink up the place. I'm not racist or anything, I just don't like niggers

>> No.5905027

8 years here.

you fucking degenerate cunts you should all kill yourselves

>> No.5905032

>I'm not racist or anything, I just don't like niggers
thats the definition of racism you stooge. im not having a go, i dont care. jsut admit it and move on. it doesnt matter if youre racist in most of day to day life, and it certainly doesnt matter on a fucking anonymous image board

>> No.5905051

when i worked at kimmy johns as a delivery driver, there was this black chick who never tipped and thats not that bad i usualy get people (usually nigs) that dont tip but this bitch flipped out when she asked for her change and i told her wedont carry coins, she called the store and made me come back out with the bitches change. i made a point to apply a liberal amount of spit to her sandwiches from then on. there was no way to tell cuz the bitch always orderd XXXXXXX itallian vinigrette on it, fucking disgusting

>> No.5905085


I had this happen to by some nignog when I delivery drove. A Papa John's I worked at (before moving to a nicer delivery job) went slightly into the hood and it was a "nice" part of the hood and nigs would almost never tip.

Had 1 want coin change and I told her we don't carry change and she called the store to complain to my manager. My manager told her 'sorry no place has their delivery drivers carry change.' :) In her defense the girl was a bit young so maybe didn't know the etiquette.

I never did anything bad to the food at any place I worked and at Papa John's they used to give out free pizza coupons if the order was delivered like 1+ hour after ordering. I let people who tip well keep it. Didn't give a shit if Papa John's was losing a few $ on a pie if it was a nice tip in my pocket :)

>> No.5905134

never done anything to customers because I'm not a sack of shit.

as for waiting staff, I would always put a handful of salt into the spare soufflé that came out of making an order (you have to do 2 in case one collapses) because waiting staff would always try and eat on the job which is disgusting.

also putting chilies on strawberries so the waiting staff learn to not eat from the walk in fridge

>> No.5905362

I have hepatitis and do food prep and cooking.

Never purposefully done anything bad but some nights youre swamped and later you notice a cut on the finger and you're like wtf when did that happen? Bandage it up/glove and carry on.

>> No.5905366

>underrated post

>not really my post. i swear

>> No.5905459

Really? No silver power?

>> No.5905596


you sound like a fucking asshole. if i ate one of your strawberries i'd put laxative in your drink, you passive aggressive shitbag.

>> No.5905612

you sound like my great grandma

>"I ain't no kinda racist, I'm a Christian. Jus so long as the niggers stay on their side of the railroad tracks"

>> No.5905633


not that guy but I've considered doing something similar, I'm not passive aggressive because I've yelled at the waitstaff a million times about it but they still don't stop

>> No.5906368

>passive aggressive.

Haha no.

I've fucking asked, shouted and told the manager, and you're still eating my mis-en-place and discards. The only way you fucking scumbags learn is with demonstrations.

>> No.5906385

Hospital Kitchen Staff. Underportion annd claim they wont eat it

>> No.5906424

During my summer job at Einsteins bagels, i only really had one bad customer. We basically just talked about her behind her back because we aren't jerks.
She was a pretty big bitch though. While ordering she made such a big deal about how she was in a hurry and was being all impatient.

And then when she got her food, she sat down and had a leisurely 10 minute lunch while chatting with someone on the phone.

And then when she came back up to ask for more chips, she suddenly had the stern impatient "Im in a hurry" attittude again.

There was also someone who got pissed at me because she didn't feel the fruit was fresh enough, as though that was my fault.

>> No.5906462

dude...fuck you...

>> No.5906528

have worked in multiple restaurants...all the same shit
worst was
>red lobster
>servers using their dirty ass hands to grab salad mix
>so unclean, everyone did it
>no gloves to be found, no tongs
>had to do it as well, washed hands a lot and got shit for "being slow" so ended up being like other servers
I work in a much cleaner restaurant now but same dirty ass cross contamination shit and servers touch everything with dirty hands. dealwithit.jpg

>> No.5906578


>> No.5906590

>implying drinking aids semen would give you aids

>> No.5906618

>I quit after finding a bird (as in "a sparrow") skeleton under a rack. I couldn't deal with that shit. How does that even happen?
Did someone recently get fired? I planned to infest the place with roaches if I ever got fired, but this was last year (give or take). Wouldn't think below a disgruntled food service people to go out and murder a bird just to leave it's carcass to rot.

>> No.5906639

As far as I know, no - but since it had been there so long that it had become a perfect little skeleton (no bugs, no flesh, no stink; just yellow-brown bones) it could have been there months or years. I'd only worked there about 3-4 months.

>> No.5906765


I went to a McD's after my shift ended around midnight. There was literally nobody else in line at the drive-through there and I wanted my food piping hot, so I asked for nuggets and fries, adding "Would you please drop a fresh batch for me because I'd like my stuff piping hot?" because fuck those assholes who ask for it with no salt just to get a fresh batch, I'd rather be honest about it. I was told they would, but when I finally got it, it was cold, obviously sitting-out-all-day fries and nuggets. What gives? I did my best to be courteous and respectful.

>> No.5906777

If they cared enough to do their jobs properly, they wouldn't be working the midnight shift at McDonalds.

>> No.5906834

Nothing, because I'm not a petulant manchild.

>> No.5906864

You're a cocksucker, fucking hell. You don't have some change in your car for the occasional dick customer? Instead you decide to lower yourself to the level of an animal.

I personally deal with people like that by being so saccharine sweet and attentive it makes them sick. When I get a person paying for an order that's $19.75 with a $20 bill I without fail ask them if they need change with a smile on my face. I don't think I can remember a single occasion in the few years of delivering in which anybody has asked for coin change, but I still ask every single fucking time.

I've never personally done anything unsanitary to spite a customer. The worst I'll ever do is throw fresh tomatoes on a cooked pizza with my bare hands when it's too busy to throw on some gloves. I fucking hate handling tomatoes.

>> No.5906886

I'm a waiter at an applebee's. I've never seen anything bad happen to the food. Sometimes we'll drop some rolled silverware on the clean floor and we'll put it back on the cart.

Of course, the illegal mexicans that compose literally 100% of the workforce behind the grills may be hiding something

>> No.5906909

Whats wrong with using straws. Straws are awesome.

>> No.5906910


>> No.5906911

Not him but I just prefer drinking from a cup instead of a straw.

However, the cleanliness of the cup rim at some places has me getting a straw

>given a 'clean' cup
>it has faded lipstick on it

>> No.5906919

Do employees get mad if you request freshly made hot fries with your oder?

>> No.5906921

How fresh is the food there?

>> No.5906955

Nothing because when you work in a fine dining restaurant where people pay a shit ton of money for what they're about to eat, you don't want to fuck anything up

The worst we'll do is give someone who ordered a well done $150 rib eye the worst ribeye out of the bunch, because we don't want to waste our most quality steaks on something well done and shitty anyway

>> No.5907074

I worked at McDonalds. People would think they were smart asking for a cup of water, quickly drink the water and sit there drinking free soda all night.

The money wasn't coming out of my pocket but it really pissed me off they were stealing in front of me and I couldn't do anything (manager said it wasn't worth the fuss). So everytime a teenage kid ordered a water (sometimes there would be groups of 10 all doing it and in our country you are entitled to free tap water from any food establishment) I would take them out back and spit, snot, piss into the cups a little bit. Took great satisfaction when they chugged down the water along with whatever bodily fluid I decided to give to them that night.

>> No.5907127

Heh. Reminds me of lil shithead mallrats that would scavenge/trash-dive for Taco Bell cups just so they could get free soda refills for the day (fun fact: TB employees can NOT deny a soda refill for a refillable container, nor interfere with a self-serve). Unfortunately, the soda machine was literally a 90degree turn from the counter.

>> No.5907136

Won't eat it myself, won't serve it. I had a head chef who made us pick up and serve anything dropped on the floor until we made him staff food out of floor debris without telling him. He was an asshole.

>> No.5907179

So why don't you turn them in to the health inspectors? Or if the health inspectors are corrupt, go to the media?

Worst case, out them on /b/.

>> No.5907767

Like wine, you mean?

>> No.5907801

Man some of you guys are disgusting fucks, I know customers are piss annoying and don't know the half of what we have to do but sheesh, wouldn't you like to be happy knowing your food and drink was hygenic and safe when you went out?

The worst thing I've done a couple of times is forget or not be bothered to give some a decaff shot of coffee and just do them a regular one instead.

>> No.5907808


Whats wrong with eating discards?

It's only waste going in the bin, sheesh what a dickhead chef you'd be to work with, I've seen plenty of chefs eat as they cook too.

>> No.5907958

Subway, never can say I really did anything on purpose.
The nastiest thing I've done however, was to a regular customer.
>Old nice dude
>Always comes in and gets an Oven Roasted Chicken Breast on Italian Herb
>Gets it toasted with Provolone cheese
>But shit gets weird when we get to the vegetable area
>He always want no less than a half fucking shaker of pepper on his fucking sandwich.
>He always said "Shake it until I say it's good, it'll be awhile"
He was a nice dude but holy shit, that is so much goddamn pepper it almost hurt my eyes to look at it.

>> No.5908001

preground pepper is usually old and tastes like nothing, so that's probably why he wanted to much

>> No.5908033

Have you seen how big the salt and pepper shakers are at Subway?
That's excessive no matter how you spin it.

>> No.5908062

I sliced off the tip of my finger into someone's ham
never found the tip

>> No.5908103

About three years ago when I had a job at mcdonalds.

>working at the assembly table
>lunchtime, busy as fuck
>some person orders a grilled ranch snack wrap
>extra ranch
>prep tortilla
>squirt ranch onto tortilla
>dispenser is clogged
>squeeze harder
>fuckton of ranch blasts out
>fucking log of ranch about 1" x 2.5" x 3"
>fuck it, she asked for extra
>proceed with job

I still wonder whether or not that person appreciated all that extra ranch.

>> No.5909802


People did this all the time when I worked at DQ, we never had a problem with it as long as they didn't have a problem waiting a good 10 minutes for their order.

>> No.5909821

Nothing, ever.

As much as I hate people, I have a lot of respect for food and would never desecrate it.

>> No.5910611

>so fresh you want to hear the steak say MMOOOO

>> No.5910618

Chefs have to taste what they cook you fucking mongoloid.

Waiting staff should not be eating as they serve. Its unhygienic as fuck

>> No.5910624

You DON'T fucking eat the goddam MEP. Fuck you're a tard

>> No.5910626


>> No.5910936


Nope it's Dave, sorry

>> No.5910946

This is what my face did upon reading this title

>> No.5911731

You don't have to resort to chemical or biological terrorism to get over on chump customers...

Had this little fat kid that always ordered delivery 15 minutes before close. Always a small puny order, a hot sandwich, which meant another 10+ minutes to bake. And a bag of chips. His parents house was at the far end of the delivery area. Never turned the light on. Never had his money ready when I got there and never gave a tip.

I would routinely hold his fuckin sammich outside the car window as I drove ensuring it was icy cold when he got it. Had a friend with me once and he shook the bag of chips like a pair of morocas until they were powder.

Fatty probably called to whine but we didn't answer the phone after close.

>> No.5911986

>he thinks britain is a country

>> No.5912121


I was a fast food worker for 2 years before I started my career. Spitting in people's food is vile. I had a guy threaten to kick my ass. I had a woman yell at me to pick up the trash outside the restaurant faster. Never spit in the food. Have some dignity.

>> No.5912135

So what are england and Wales then?

This should be good.

>> No.5912150

its getting blasted with lava hot cooking oil, it should be fine, right?

>> No.5912153

Of course. Who wouldn't want that

>> No.5912157

sure it will kill bacteria, but is the heat sufficient to destroy the toxins produced by some bacteria?

>> No.5912161

fuck you

>> No.5912175

I was a dishie and if I saw a sexy customer, I'd remember what she ordered and if she didn't finish her food, I would eat off of it in the back and rub the fork on my dick.

I also fucked the owner's ice cream carton. Huge bucket of ice cream that I stuck my cock into. Very nice.

>> No.5912184

Deliveryfag here
5$ on an order under 3 pizzas
8-10$ on an order over 4 pizzas
same with miles from restaurant

>> No.5912196

underrated post

>> No.5912203

nothing... i always made sure my hands were washed, and that gloves were on before i handled anything + wax paper to grab thing (i worked in a cafe), always kept the espresso machines and counters etc. clean... always made sure shit was fresh...wouldn't even touch their food if i touched money first without cleaning happening...

i can't physically bring myself to fuck with people's food...it's just really fucked up imo, and i like things a certain way for myself, and that's how i treat whatever i prepare for anyone else...

>> No.5912228


>> No.5912341

Good for you bro

>> No.5912383

big place. bound to be pockets of poverty here and there.

>> No.5912413

Now, that's a good idea.

>> No.5912494

have you seen "the cook, the thief, his wife and her lover"?
I bet you would enjoy that movie

>> No.5912527

>server's fantasy
You guys can get pretty bitchy, but that's only because of the bitchyness if the job and occasional clients. Also, STOP LEAVING FINGERPRINTS ALL OVER THE GODDAM PLATES, FUCK!

>> No.5912757

>chilies on strawberries so the waiting staff learn to not eat from the walk in fridge

Not that I'd ever do that if I was waitstaff, but that combination actually sounds delicious. Then again I once ate a ghost pepper whole (worst decision I've made to date) so what do I know?

>> No.5912781

The worst thing I've ever done in 6 years of waiting tables and catering events is lie to the customer and say I've had the food and it's delicious.

I remember in 2009 this woman asked if I enjoyed our seafood yangon and I looked her dead in the fucking eye and smiled and said yes.

>> No.5912815

I don't really like to fuck with anyones food, especially if I'm unhappy with them in the restaurant(been a server for 4 years at a few places). I've never had a situation where someone came in that I didn't like that I already knew though. I had a buddy who saw a cop that pulled him over come in, and requested that he get to take him.

Now, to be fair, the cop pulled him over, asked to search his car, and he said no he didn't consent. The cop then said, "I see, well oops" and reached grabbed the guys chocolate milk out of the side of his backpack, and then poured it into his seat.

Anyway, he took the cops table, and spit into his drinks, and I believe he worked his pubes into something, but I don't remember what it was. Left his families food alone though, because they didn't deserve it he said.

>> No.5912931

I one had a kid ask me for ketchup on her salad. I asked if she wanted ranch instead and she refused, so I squirted ketchup on her salad and she actually ate it.

>> No.5912969

Nothing if someone's an asshole that;s their own problem and they will live a very angry and uncomfortable life here is your un-messed with burger sir/ma'am

>> No.5912970

This thread is horrifying. I used to be a lunch lady, they were super strict about sanitation. The health inspector would come around about once every week, sometimes two days in a row to catch us off guard. They're prolly just pay special attention to us because it's a public school and our customers are all children. I was pretty disgusted by the food they served there, though. Packaged shit from shit brands for breakfast that should be dessert. I'd flip my shit if my kids were eating like that, fucking beaners.

>> No.5912977

>Basically he fucked my girl before we were together and liked to rub it in my face
haha faggot
she was still fucking him, just so you know

>> No.5913457

>Ever doing anything negative to a customers food

You shouldn't be working in hospitality. shamefur dispray