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5897491 No.5897491 [Reply] [Original]

>live in america
>can't buy booze til your 21 or your state loses road funding or whatever

Seriously, can you yanks unfuck your liquour legislation, please? Being able to get weed in Washington and Colorado means nothing if the cops still fine you for being 20 and drinking a beer.

>> No.5897494


Fuck off back to your country if you don't like it.

>> No.5897497

You stop caring about it once you're 21.

>> No.5897521
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>oh no, muh beer laws!

Ever been on the receiving end of a SWAT raid because they "think" you bought raw milk from a local farmer and have them press your face into the floor with a knee to the back of the head while they pour out a gallon of your store bought Broughton's milk onto your couch?

Welcome to America.

>> No.5897555

While I would prefer it if you left you can always hey mister and be cool about not drinking in public (something you should do at any age)

>> No.5897570 [DELETED] 
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>thinks everyone who uses 4chan is an amerifuck

>> No.5897592


> Live in Minnesota, USA
> Can't buy beer on Sundays because God rested on the seventh day
> Supposed separation of church and state

>> No.5897599

>not buying your beer before hand knowing the laws
But seriously wtf?
You're not so bright are you?

>> No.5897648
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>mfw live in NH
>10 miles in either direction is a state liguor store
>open everyday

>> No.5897656

>Live in California
>Fucking CVS sells liquor
>Fucking CVS....
>CVS is open 24 hours

>> No.5897662

>>live in america

Damn, that must fucking suck

>> No.5897692

Touche. . . anon. Touche. . .

>> No.5897698

Yeah but you can't buy alcohol after 2am.

>> No.5898172

Parents never let you have alcohol, OP? How pathetic.

Liquor laws could be 18 for purchase, but I think it more important that parents introduce alcohol sensibily throughout teen years, so when people do come of age they're not complete morons about it.

>> No.5898176

Its not even remotely hard to get alcohol while underaged. Drinking from about 16 on is pretty much ubiquitous in america (at least the north)

>> No.5898183

>live in the greatest country to ever have existed in all of human history
>Damn, that must fucking suck
topkek m8e

>> No.5898197

The problem is that American are incapable of enjoying drinking for something else than getting wasted and break things and people, including themselves. they inherited that shit drinking culture from only taking hte worst of their immigrants tradition, and now they are there, forced by law to not drink because they would literally kill everything thing in a matter of years if they were let free.

>> No.5898204

but they all drink regardless of the law

>> No.5898208
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You could say the same about britbongs and aussies. The "worst of [our] immigrants tradition" was the one from the british isles.

If german, italian, or french were our official language, you can rest assured that we would have a better relationshit with al-kool.

Pic related, you know why they love england so much? It's because they both have deep-seated puritanical traditions.

>> No.5898209

most of america was settled by germans and irish

>> No.5898214


Are you implying german and irish settlers came up with prohibition? These were almost exclusively descendents of english people.

>> No.5898218

true, shitty progressives of the day were mostly women of english/scottish decent in the south. Its a shame southerners were allowed to force their crazy ways on the rest of us

>> No.5898225

You realize that americans didn't stop drinking prohibition, they actually drank more, because most of them were not awful evangleicals, most were descended from Germans and Irish and kept drinking

>> No.5898240


What are you on about m8? Have you ever been in Munich or Berlin on a Friday night? Munich after the football is also a fucking nightmare, and forget about Oktoberfest unless you like brawling with krauts.


Germans and Irish both drink like bastards, throw in the British and Scandinavian influences and there's no wonder America is a thirsty, unpredictably aggressive country.

>> No.5898242


You realize that prohibition is probably the second most popular historical setting in pop culture, the first being world war 2? Everyone knows these things. You're not special.

>> No.5898250


Like that anon was seeking praise. You need a tripcode asap.

>> No.5898256

21 is still a child.
Not a good idea to let them have booze.
Of course its even worse to give them guns and send them off to kill brown people.
They should leave that to mean old men like me.

>> No.5898264

Last time someone asked me to trip, you guys came to regret it.

>> No.5898283

Never change, America. You yanks crack me up.

>> No.5898295

but like read his post, I was in no way implying this knowledge was obscure

>> No.5898316

Right. Cause your country is better in anyway.

Top kek m79

>inb4 we got no niggers
That's a low blow

>> No.5898336

Oh sweet Jebus. I fucking love how anally devastated you yanks get. I sincerely think you guys are great.

>> No.5898345

Hey, a lot of us are just nationalistic as fuck. Europeans get all ass mad cause they think that's stupid or whatever.

I fucking love my country and would die for it if it came to that. It's not like we're not unarguably the best major world power. Would DEFINITELY rather live in and die for this country than fucking China or Russia.

Every other country in the world just gets steamrolled by American interests.

>> No.5898347

Just stop

>> No.5898353

Can you imagine dying for the Chinese government?

A government that won't even let you see the news on the internet cause it makes them look bad. Or won't let you use facebook or twitter because they're afraid that people will organize in protest if they're allowed to use social media.

That'd be a sad place to live.

>> No.5898357

"Just stop" makes you sound like you have no argument to retort with.

Oh yeah, cause you don't.

>> No.5898365

You and other men of your ilk are the reason I tell people I'm Canadian when I travel abroad.

>> No.5898374

There is a difference between patriotism and sounding like a retard on the internet.

The loudest loudmouths tend to have the shallowest love of their country.

>never forget durrrrr

I don't need to remind myself of historical events for which I was physically present. Keep spamming that pickup truck with slogans to make up for your empty heart.

>> No.5898376

I really admire how earnest you yanks are. Really, you are like puppies. Please continue to defend your country against every sleight, imagined or otherwise!

>> No.5898383

When I say I'd die for my country, I think of all of the people I love who live in this country before I think about 9/11 or WW2.

Then I think about the opportunity that this country has afforded my family.

Then I think about how much more I'd hate my life if my family still live in Russia and Spain today.

I don't just think hurr 9/11 was bayd and we beat the Japs in WW2

>> No.5898387

Will do. Let us know when you need us to save you from foreign occupation again. Well be happy to show up.

>> No.5898399

Seriously, you are great. Would you be bold enough to show me a pic of you? I really want to see your face.

>> No.5898403

No m8, I'm not gunna post my pic in a thread on /ck/ where I argue about who's country is better with some european.

>> No.5898409
File: 43 KB, 431x416, god_bless_america.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5898417

Fair enough, I probably wouldn't of either. For the record, there was no argument about whose country was better. You were just going on about how great the US is.

>> No.5898428

>wouldn't of

>people say Americans are dumb

I didn't say anything about America until some cunt was like "oh its funny how you Americans actually like your country".

>> No.5898443

>can't buy booze til your 21
>Being able to get weed in Washington and Colorado means nothing if the cops still fine you for being 20 and drinking a beer.
You have to be 21 to buy weed in Colorado or Washington as well.

>> No.5898454

Every post you make is solid gold. Can you honestly not see that? Am I being 'trolled'?

I really don't get why you are so defensive. I have been a bit cheeky, but it was meant to be playful banter. Can we be friends?

>> No.5898457

Yea, we can be friends you cheeky cunt you :B

>> No.5898470

I am glad. What's your star sign? I'm a Virgo.

>> No.5898474

>63% white
>great country

>> No.5898480

>police kills more citizens than the goatfuckers
>people are afraid of everyone
>racism is everywhere but you can't say the N word
>drugs and crime are unstoppable
>mexicans fucking the country to death
>no real culture whatsoever
>ridiculous laws every other corner
>guns and church
and ofc
>shit food

But you are FREE I guess. :P

>> No.5898490
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>mfw americans can't buy roquefort because they can't handle the freedom

>> No.5898504

If you want to take the piss out the yanks at least show a little finesse. I would bet you are a Swede. Am I right?

>> No.5898518

I'm a scorpio.

My gf is a virgo.

>> No.5898529
File: 18 KB, 236x293, merka.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5898545

You faggots only even know about police shootings cause of those riots in st. Louis.

Before that good for nothing, store-robbing, gun-grabbing nigger got shot down, I never heard Europeans talking about police violence.

The fact that you've even heard so much about it being all the way in Europe shows how much influence America has on the rest of the world

>> No.5898558
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>> No.5898560

Our love was predetermined . Sling the tart and we can be married and defend America on cooking boards all day!

Why are you so salty about Europe?

>> No.5898572
File: 236 KB, 960x732, merican_weightwatcher_of_the_year.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why are you so salty about Europe?

>> No.5898577
File: 9 KB, 320x240, kellie-pickler-Smarter-5th-Grader.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Probably because it's the only country he's heard of

>> No.5898578

Jokes aside, why do burgers have such an inferiority complex?

>> No.5898606

Murricans getting BTFO in this thread. Check 'em.

>> No.5898610

because we have no heritage

>> No.5898623

That is impossible.

>> No.5898681
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>> No.5898686

M8, Im from England and no one is getting blown out in this thread

>> No.5898716

That is just sad. Yanks, pls.

>> No.5898724

>Best Schools in the world
> Best economy in the world
> Best military in the world

These are all things that no European countries can say apply to them.

>> No.5898746
File: 1.16 MB, 250x250, 1412431645343.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Best Schools in the world
> Best economy in the world
fucking kek'd my lungs out
> Best military in the world

>> No.5898753

The most amusing thing about your post is that I am sure you believe it.

>> No.5898768

It's the comedown from the post WWII high.

>> No.5898775

By schools I mean universities. Prove me wrong, if you can.

Sorry, m8, which other country comprises around 36% of the world's total GDP? Oh right, the EU. Wait, that's not a country it's an economic union of shitty, weak countries.

>> No.5898782


Right, cause I'm sure the other world powers have better technology, better trained soldiers, and can throw the full potential of United States' economic might behind a war effort.

Nice try, mate, but this one you're not gunna win.

As is America steamrolls other countries to secure its national interests. Do you have any idea what this country does in times of war? They don't call the USA the sleeping giant for nothing.

>> No.5898791

You're welcome foreigner, now stay the fuck out we're full! (^:

>> No.5898794
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>By schools I mean universities. Prove me wrong, if you can.
okay dokey

> They don't call the USA the sleeping giant for nothing.
They? Who, besides yourself, calls burgerland this? Soldiers with no ethics or morals, good basics to have as a soldier.

>> No.5898800

Japan did.

They got fucked.

I ask you to show me something that proves that our Universities aren't the best in the world and you show me something about student debt? But that has nothing to do with the quality of the education, now does it?

>> No.5898802

You're just mad that we've got God on our side. Doesn't get more legit than that.

>> No.5898804

>better trained soldiers
kek, our forces are like retarded children stumbling around the globe.

All those stupid Americans applying for a Rhoades Scholarship, amirite?

>> No.5898827
File: 362 KB, 500x562, kWJYW8T.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh great another USA vs Europe thread. Pic related is how I feel every time.

>> No.5898857


>> No.5898883

You idiots are always bitching how shit our government is and that we don't have a real democracy.

Then you fuckin bitch at us as if we have any fucking say. Make up your stupid minds. And stop being so obsessed with americans.

>> No.5898897 [DELETED] 

Why should he? I legitimately have never heard this attitude from any american but with how much shit talking you throw around enough is enough. If you're going to paint us as these gun toting super nationalist people then fuck it. Might as well bro it out to piss you off.

>> No.5898900

>I legitimately have never heard this attitude from any american

You just did, dumbass.

>> No.5898902

Schizophrenia can be managed, seek help

>> No.5900683


Well I'm totally willing to say that I live in Midwest America and my economy and schooling has been ASS. The land is beautiful, but good God is my community full of morons. But do I move? No, because everything I've heard about the South and Bible Belt is even worse.

That said, the last time I was in Germany I accidentally walked into an outdoor convention of some kind (with anime costumes and stuff) and my God the obesity made me feel at home.

>> No.5901163
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Remember when this thread was about beer laws? Man, those were good times.....

>> No.5901164


You mean before it existed?

>> No.5901165

It was never about that, it was just low level /int/ shitposting