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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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5887790 No.5887790 [Reply] [Original]

>who cares about what you eat, I don't want to live to be old anyway

>> No.5887799

Exactly. I'd rather live a long, unsatisfying life.

>> No.5887810


>being healthy and happy

pick one

>> No.5887822

>Eating plain, tasteless crap

I'll take some spicy fried chicken, thanks. And I won't pass up a bacon cheeseburger either.

Enjoy your watercress and sprouts.

>> No.5887828

Yes, eating healthy is truly awful. Having an uncorrupted palate and enjoying the flavors of real food, always being well rested and full of energy on 6-8 hours of sleep, having huge no-wipe bowel movements every day, having clear, radiant skin and hair, etc. is truly not worth giving up microwave dinners and soda.

I'm sure all that processed garbage you eat is worth living several years less, needing caffeine to function, having to take pills to solve your various problems, and all of that.

>> No.5887835

I bet you button the top button of your shirt, wear wire rimmed glasses, have no friends worth a spit and cannot talk to women without stuttering.

>> No.5887839

It's about preserving a certain quality of life.

>> No.5887843
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>> No.5887852
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A sad day when this image became reality

>> No.5887864

Your life must be truly shit, OP, if you need to be this petty just to feel superior to others. What are you compensating for friend?

>> No.5887911

Eating healthy doesn't taste bad... I eat grilled chicken breasts with a salad for lunch and dinner most days of the week and it tastes great and doesn't get old. I save the "unhealthy" foods for when I go out with friends or something so I can take those extra calories i saved and use them toward a bacon cheeseburger or something. That's how you stay lean. If you eat bacon cheeseburgers everyday and get more when you go out of course you're going to be fat.

>> No.5887972

>diabetes and heart disease from all the junk food you consumed
Suit yourself.

>> No.5888009
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Im fat but im a vegan. At least 40 pounds over weight. I never leave the house unless I have to though hence the fatness. whenever i eat something like an oreo I get horrible bloody shits for days. Bless you fatties that are fat from eatin the unhealthy stuff. Ohhh god it makes me feel like I'll die. When I was a kid and still ate that stuff I always took huge anus ripping rocky solid shits and farted nonstop

>> No.5888012

I'm sorry.

>> No.5888018
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>care enough to be a vegan
>don't care enough to get /fit/

What is wrong with you?

>> No.5888020



Top haha!

>> No.5888021


Fuck you, cock-mongler!
Don't act like you would reject a Triple Bacon Cheeseburgers.

>> No.5888031

>>care enough to be a vegan
Are you illiterate? He's not doing it out of choice.

>> No.5888038

Everything is a choice

>> No.5888045

I care so hard about what others eat and I don't know why. Is it because if they don't do what I'm doing, I feel that I could be wrong? or I'm upset that they're not doing it how I do it, like they're wrong?

I dunno, man.

>> No.5888047

Its complicated my friend. Ive got a lot of mental health issues but if your environment is bad theres only so wellyou can do. Next month I get job training though and im gonna work towards being self sufficient enough to afford living alone.
If I didn't have to take medication id just run away from all these assholes. Like really run away. Not tell anyone where i was going. Just disappear one day. But of course most people on the streets are mentally ill people who arent being cared for and I fear that will be my fate.

>> No.5888051

ITT bigots who dont know how to cook and have mommy issues so they dont eat broccoli because I DONT WANT TO EAT THAT GROSS GREEN STUFF MOM

>> No.5888054

Similar feelings of fear when I see hobos everyday, wondering what decisions i could make/fuck up and end up like them

>> No.5888055

Broccoli does taste bad. I mean it's not gross, but it's not good.
The way you get around it is by cooking it. You can make it soft and tasteless with steaming, you cover it with oils, butter, salt, pepper, cheese.

That's how you do it.

>> No.5888063

Yeah I cook it but i dont cover it with oils butter or cheese, it tastes fine if you're used to your food not being designed to overstimulate your pallet.

>> No.5888065

What's it like being so autistic you can't understand enjoying things in moderation?

>> No.5888072

What's it like being so autistic you can't let other people ingest things that aren't your favorite foods fatty

>> No.5888108

>who cares about what you eat, I don't want to live to be old anyway

my guess is that you are /fit/

>> No.5888109

When I was a kid I always wanted to eat popsicle's for breakfast. Now that I live on my own, I can. And have. Fudgesicles are good (the thin ones, not double wides) as well and so far banana pops are my favorite.

>> No.5888115

With a hidey lidey lidey and a hidey lidey lay
We work and we make cigarettes all hidey lidey day
So folks can get a breaky from their stressful lidey lives
And relaxy with the cigarettes we make all day and night

I like to have a cigarette every now and then
It makes me feel calmer when the day is at an end.

And if it gives me cancer when I'm eighty I don't care
Who the hell wants to be ninety anyway?

>> No.5888132

You can ingest whatever you want, but you're retarded if you think there's something wrong with eating a cheeseburger or a pizza at the end of the week after eating grilled chicken breast with vegetables every day.

Do you not drink alcohol? Do you not do drugs? You sound like a giant faggot that nobody would ever want to be around.

Enjoy your extended, mundane life, I guess.

>> No.5888156
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Food is for fucking calories, vitamins, minerals, etc. I seriously pity you if you think it's supposed to give you enjoyment.

I get mine out of exercise (biking, hiking, running, weightlifting 3 times a week), video games, reading, hanging out with friends (and my friends and I don't need to drink to have a fun time with each other since we're not uninteresting faggots), and working.

Seriously, what kind of reward for a hard week is a grease filled, processed piece of shit that's terrible for me and literally makes me sick because I'm used to eating real food?

>> No.5888166

No, see, that's what is great about being human. We're so comfortable, we've raised ourselves so high above everything else in the world that we can now take pleasure in things that used to be scarce and for surviving.
Food CAN and does taste good. It used to be about being fuel for our bodies, but we've kicked its ass so hard it doesn't matter now. It's just another hobby.
Like, hunting. Animals don't hunt for the fun of it, they hunt to get those foods they need. We hunt and then fuck it, get rid of it, or it's a trophy.

>> No.5888169


> implying there's no biological imperative to find pleasure from food, like monkeys wouldn't fuck themselves to death if there wasn't a feedback system to let them know they need nourishment

Aaaaaand opinion discarded.

>> No.5888176

>You can make it soft and tasteless with steaming, you cover it with oils, butter, salt, pepper, cheese.
Usually a bit of salt is enough for me.

>> No.5888231

>grease filled, processed piece of shit that's terrible for me and literally makes me sick

implying you can't make a pizza or cheeseburger with fresh ingredients

>and my friends and I don't need to drink to have a fun time with each other since we're not uninteresting faggots


how's anime club?

>> No.5888238

>drinking makes you mature

>> No.5888272

Exercise is for fucking (or) catching your prey, foraging for food, building, etc. I seriously pity you if you think it's supposed to give you enjoyment.

Seriously though, my version of your argument is actually more valid because in nature, the name of the game is getting more food and less exercise. Stay autistic my friend.

>> No.5888290
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>> No.5888920

> I don't want to live to be old anyway

People seriously think this way?, I want to die as an old grandpa of some whiny but cool grandchildren.

>> No.5888981

>Enjoy your watercress and sprouts.
>Implying the occasional baconator hurts your health.
"Occasional" is key here.

>> No.5889036

how can a single person be so based

>> No.5889050

well i tryed to kill myself two years ago so wathever i eat or do now doesnt matter because i should already be dead

>> No.5889052

i really like this comic, i've only had a snippet of it saved

mind if i save this one?

>> No.5889055
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why did you try to commit sudoku two years ago, anon?

>> No.5889061

>listening to 12 years old in full "yolo I'm young and invincible forever" mode, ever.

>> No.5889346

>Food is for fucking calories, vitamins, minerals, etc. I seriously pity you if you think it's supposed to give you enjoyment.

You sound like one of those Anti-Sex League people from 1984. Holy fuck, what a miserable and joyless way of looking at food. Probably bait anyway.