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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 100 KB, 841x528, turndownforwhat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5871266 No.5871266 [Reply] [Original]

Can you bring me some ranch dressing please?

>> No.5871269


>> No.5871278

In all good conscience, no, I cannot.

>> No.5871283
File: 72 KB, 672x388, uwotm8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I demand better service

>> No.5871285

You misspelled butter, fatass

>> No.5871291

Yes ill take some butter dipping sauce too

>> No.5871301

Of course you will

>> No.5871306

Push it back into the ocean.

>> No.5871315

She is a bootiful real woman you knave

>> No.5871325

>artie lang and the guy from moby have a gay marriage.jpg

>> No.5871351

>fat shaming
oh grow the fuck up

>> No.5871540

>being offended
oh slim the fuck down

>> No.5871545


That's R-A-N-C-H

>> No.5871555

hey asshole, moby isn't a band

>> No.5871583

>anyone who doesn't irrationally hate fat people are fat people

great logic you have there, billy

>> No.5871596

>fat shaming

Fat people should be shamed though. There is, literally, no good reason to be fat.

>> No.5871609

all the fat people i know are jolly and happy as fuck

it's the SJWs and femininazis (who ironically are all fat as shit) who ruin it for everyone

i myself am not fat if you are wondering which i'm going to assume you would reply "lol fatty" if i didn't insert this note

i don't know why someone's weight makes other people so god damn angry. i'm assuming they're all insecure fucking cunts, the lot of them.

>> No.5871617

putting someone down for their addictions/bad habits/insecurities isn't gonna make them change, most just go back to their habits for comfort when that happens.
the only thing shaming anyone does is make the aggressor feel better about their life choices.

>quit picking on fatties and focus on your own problems

>> No.5871618

thank you

focus on yourself, not other people

>> No.5871626

*nods respectfully*

>> No.5871643

Focus on yourself, your knee cartilage, heart, kidneys, and liver will thank you for it.

>> No.5871644

>i myself am not fat

Look at this fat bastard in denial about his genetics.

>> No.5871645

you shouldn't need to put people down to feel good about yourself. something tells me you have some body image issues of your own.

>> No.5871646

god i can smell a presumptuous cunt a mile away like i can smell a cake from von's that's an 8 minute drive from here

you morons with your perfect grammar, capitalization and unnecessary periods

it's fine. hate what you want to hate, children.

i won't bother getting to you, that would actually be helping you! how neat, huh

>> No.5871655

>you morons with your perfect grammar, capitalization and unnecessary periods

err, wut?

>> No.5871657

they've gotten to you, just let the non-fatties fend off the insecure underweights for you

>> No.5871659
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>Projecting this hard

>> No.5871669

lulz, you're amounting your rebuttal to green texting and a reaction image. no one has to project to see that you're an insecure troll.

>> No.5871673

Sure, I'm the insecure one.

>> No.5871678

pretty much, you're no different than a playground bully

>> No.5871680

1. get contacts
2. get big
3. leave beached whale in wedding outfit

>> No.5871683


I kek'd.

>> No.5871684

And that brings up repressed memories, doesn't it.

>> No.5871689


Actually, I think your .gif at >>5871659 sums it up - you're some teenage kid at a party ripping on one of the less popular kids to hide the fact you're incredibly insecure yourself and to divert attention away from whatever people would be bullying you about.

Why not post another greentext and a funny image to prove me wrong?

>> No.5871691

lulz, nah I had a pretty okay upbringing.
but do you deny that you aren't just being a bully?

>> No.5871692
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>Projecting this hard

>> No.5871693

I hope you've all been saging this useless troll thread

>> No.5871695

>anime reaction image

c'mon dude, you gotta be a self-hating fatty or embarrassingly underweight to be replying with that.

>> No.5871702
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I'll be here all week, folks.

>> No.5871706

you don't know the meaning of projecting

why use it?

or are you ironically using it to represent the self-contradicting dumbass that replied to that one anon with a self-contradicting post?

>> No.5871707


that guy is beyond help

>> No.5871709

you'll be here for the rest of your adolescence.

I gotta go, but if anyone else wants to step into this troll thread go right ahead, be my guest

>> No.5871728
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here you go babe

>> No.5871729
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ITT: Cancerous trolls vs Cancerous SJW Tumblrites

Hide and report folks.

>> No.5871730

>using the letters S J and W together
>using the term "tumblrite"
>calling others cancer

No john you were the cancer

>> No.5871733 [DELETED] 
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>> No.5871748

is this how you defuse situations?

to play the oldest trick in 4chan history with >ITT:

god damn...

>> No.5871767


Did you forget the part where others being fat directly affects us due to their hundreds of thousands of dollars in taxpayer provided medical bills (each) later in life due to their lack of self control? Bet you didn't.

>> No.5871775


Nowhere close to the amount of money taxpayers have to spend on gun-related injuries.

Why don't you direct your bullying to a group that actually deserves it? At least fat people don't kill kids on the street.

>> No.5871776
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>hidden valley ranch

>> No.5871781

>all the fat people i know are jolly and happy as fuck

Sure, until they keel over from a heart attack, stroke or type 2 diabetes.

>focus on yourself, not other people

Oh I'm perfectly aware of my short comings, but thanks for the concern.

>> No.5871785

Here we go again with this. I'm sure you're aware of the whole concept that guns don't kill people, people do. Typically mentally ill people. Yes I am more of an advocate of trying to get help for said people instead of removing gun right because removing guns from the hands of citizens wil lend just like the war on drugs ended. I don't see why I need to 'direct' my bullying when I am full capable of disliking multiple types of people at once. The difference is that often times mentally ill people have no choice in the matter and can't receive help. Fat people can.

>> No.5871786
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This thread was limping along on the power of a bored troll until you came along and basically gave it virulent ebola.

Remember when progun got a thread to hit like 1500 posts before it dropped off page 10?

>> No.5871787

Fat people live in countries with sensible gun laws, too. Your argument is invalid.

>> No.5871789

Ah, made up statistics. Got any other "facts" you want to pull from your ass? Like 87% of all extraterrestrial life prefer vacationing on uranus.

Go butt fuck yourself with razor wire, you twit.

>> No.5871790

Being fat doesn't automatically make you sad, no. However you would have to go full retard to ignore the health issues that come with it that restrict them in day to day life. Sure they can be happy, but they would be happier if they were fit. They just can't see the long term benefits over the short term pleasure of decadent foods.

>> No.5871794 [DELETED] 
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>> No.5871797
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Fat people suck

>> No.5871798


>> No.5871799 [DELETED] 
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>> No.5871808
File: 19 KB, 320x240, homer_gun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Typically mentally ill people.

>implying no-one ever shoots themselves by mistake
>implying there are no hunting "accidents"
>implyng children never get into daddy's den and decide to play cops and robbers with the glock
>implying suicide isn't a thing
>believing the lies

Carry on with your fatbashing and ignore the facts tard

>> No.5871809


inb4 that kind of stuff doesn't happen to Real Gun Owners only the mysterious others who are Not Like Me

>> No.5871812

So what we should get rid of anything that people are capable of injuring themselves with?

>> No.5871817
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Cross posting to /k/

Prepare ur angus

>> No.5871818


I never suggested we get rid of anything. Let's just not delude ourselves, ok? I don't see the AAA going around claiming that motor vehicle fatalities are a liberal lie.

>> No.5871820 [DELETED] 


>> No.5871823


That's against the rules, froganon.

>> No.5871825

>Invents statistics
>Doesn't back them up
>Calls them facts

Typical gun hater.

>> No.5871826 [DELETED] 

Dumb frog poster.

>> No.5871829
File: 236 KB, 960x732, merican_weightwatcher_of_the_year.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>Invents statistics

where? I can't see no statistics. Have you got a fold of flab in your eye or something?

>> No.5871843

>all these butthurt antigunners and made up stats
stay jelly libshits

>> No.5871846

I literally don't care. And my dad was suicidal his whole life and lost his friend to suicide. Don't care.

>> No.5871847

>Nowhere close to the amount of money taxpayers have to spend on gun-related injuries.

You're going to argue semantics of this one by claiming you didnt directly cite statistics, but you implied it.

>> No.5871849

>made up stats


>> No.5871850

This is the biggest issue with gun control. When they tally gun deaths they never break them down and show the cause of each death. A suicidal person is going to kill themselves regardless of the presence of a gun.

>> No.5871852

Hunting is indeed more dangerous than any other gun related activity because retards who don't do much other shooting think its ok to shoot as long as they don't see orange.

>> No.5871853
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How about some breakfast?

>> No.5871854




>> No.5871856

Then why even bring it up? I like how people bash gun users and then never give a reasonable alternative to fix the situation.

>> No.5871857

>implying you have read the posts ITT
Time to stop posting kiddo. Even Obongos own CDC study proved him wrong


>> No.5871861

Too bad I don't give a fuck.

Go ahead kill yourself, it wont change my mind.

And ban trains from Chicago.

>> No.5871863

>never give a reasonable alternative to fix the situation.

get rid of the guns, derplord

>> No.5871869

Yeah m8 just like how were getting right of drugs kek

>> No.5871873
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>> No.5871876

Come take them, pussy.

>> No.5871877

I'll make this clearer to people just in case.

Telling good people to stop doing bad things is possible.

Making bad people stop doing bad things is impossible.

You do have a point that making guns outright illegal or difficult to own for everyday citizens would decrease suicides, but it would not create a significant difference in gun crime because gun crimes are typically done with firearms that are obtained illegally in the first place.

>> No.5871884

Epic meme but you know exactly what I mean when I made that comparison. Let me spell it out for you though. You cannot forcefully remove the trafficking and selling of drugs. You cannot forcefully remove the trafficking and selling of illegal firearms. The best you can hope is to regulate legal sales of either. In terms of drugs, that means that it would be a competitive market that stimulates the economy and less reliance on drug lords smuggling things across the border and killing people since their business is no longer lucrative. In terms of guns, there will always be the trafficking and sale of firearms regardless of any legal ban on firearms. You will remove them from normal people and possibly reduce accident and suicide counts, but at the same time you need to think of the cases where self defense with a firearm saved lives.

>> No.5871886

eh, law makers with actual functioning brains have done it in Britain, Australia, Canada, Germany, and the rest of the civilized 1st world.

They'll eventually do it in America, I never understood gunfags nor their obsession with the ability to murder other people, nor the old ass archaic piece of paper that says you can that is apparently higher than your ten commandments, even though millions of people are dying each year from the fucking guns.

Get rid of the guns, stop being idiotic, start acting like something other than a babbling teabagger

>> No.5871887

>People thinking congress has some magical capability to write a piece of paper that takes away the millions of guns already in the hands of people

Even if you mobilized the ENTIRE police force of the United States in an attempt to go door to door (which is already ridiculous) to collect all the firearms, there would be many deaths and fierce resistance. Not to mention many would not be found, and illegal trafficking would still continue as normal.

>> No.5871891

Knife crime captial of the world
20% of guns confiscated are homemade
Nowhere on the level as the 2 countries mentioned above
Very low crime rate and effective mental institutions

But by all means, whitewash cultures to think that an apply-to-all approach works.

>> No.5871894


>introduce legislation
>nationwide booths where you can trade guns for a months supply of burgers
>gun problem solved within one year
>obesity levels unchanged

>> No.5871896

>irresponsible people own guns and end up killing others!
so should we do the same thing with Cars? what about alcohol? Prescription medicine? foods with saturated fat?

when does the nannystate horse-shit end?

>> No.5871897

Come take them, pussy

>> No.5871898

>People not realizing that access to weapons doesn't cultivate crime, but rather the culture

America has always been about action, violence, explosions, and warfare in its media. Even if guns didn't exist Americans would still find other tools to remain violent. American here also. I know how things really work.

When people stop glorying and concentrating on the negatives, supporting the mental health institutions, and advancing medical care then we can see a drop in gun crime. Remember that wealthy and healthy people rarely commit crimes. If people stopped living in shit maybe they wouldn't be so aggressive.

>> No.5871901

>when does the nannystate horse-shit end?
Simpletons can't take care of or trust them not to hurt themselves or others and project that upon everyone else.
The most dangerous people in the world.

>> No.5871903


>> No.5871910


This. Eurofag here, and I own a couple of rifles, a shotgun and a pistol, but tbh most people don't even know, because I don't go around making a big deal out of being a gun owner, exercising my rights, indulging in bizarre fantasies of fighting my government and generally being a dick about it.

I like guns, I actually believe we have a right to arm ourselves for protection, hunting or just straight up entertainment. But I think it's sad when it becomes the defining element f a person's life. Unless they're a gunsmith ofc.

>> No.5871912

Yes, yes, yes, yes.

I envision a future with emphasis on extremely effective mass public transit. Alcohol has no place in society today. The entire medical field today is corrupt and develop medicines specifically to cause other side effects in order to keep the cycle going and protect their profits. Call me tinfoil all you want but I know the truth. Saturated fat too. People know they create unhealthy, addictive products that kill people yet we support it.

>> No.5871913
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>> No.5871917

You're batshit crazy but somewhere deep inside you I suspect you know it.

>> No.5871921

I mean you people DO know that cancer is actually cured right? If they made it public that they knew though, they could no longer cash in on expensive long term treatments. Only those within the system get to actually use the antidote. Wake up sheeple.

Im serious too, not even joking.

>> No.5871922

>only I get to dictate what people can and can't do!
>EVERYONE is stupid but me! I know whats the best!
I think there's a name for what you have, probably includes a mental disease as well.

>People know they create unhealthy, addictive products that kill people yet we support it.
You can't stop people from killing eachother, human nature has faults but it's part of being human. Deal with it and quit being an idiot

>> No.5871923

>Rah rah fight the powah
Time to put down the bong and find a job, son

>> No.5871925

>Its human nature to do bad things so we shouldn't try to stop it

Then why do we have a criminal justice system in the first place? I'm not saying my opinion is infallible by any means, but how can you defend the mass exploitation of people for profit resulting in their deaths?

>> No.5871926
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liberals everybody

>> No.5871929

Exact same thing can be said for the tobacco and alcohol industry. Hell, any other company that outsources its jobs to China.

>> No.5871932

>Muh right to harm myself and others for profit
>Fuck thinking about the future lets just be nihilistic

>> No.5871940

>Then why do we have a criminal justice system in the first place? I'm not saying my opinion is infallible by any means, but how can you defend the mass exploitation of people for profit resulting in their deaths?

You're advocating for a totalitarian society, which is oppressive and usually never works out, because humans tend to like to do what they want to do without negative repercussions, it's a concept called freedom, look it up.

Crime will be committed in a laissez-faire or totalitarian society, people will murder, rape, kill, and make themselves unhealthy regardless of whatever society is in place, it just happens, and you can't stop it, maybe some of it, not all of it, look up the dark figure of crime.

Saying all of this, taking away an individual's right to defend themselves from such crime or infringing on the rights of the people merely because criminals exploit a right a large margin of people are used to having, isn't the right way to go, nor is it the popular way to go.

>> No.5871946

>You're advocating for a totalitarian society, which is oppressive and usually never works out,

Seems to work pretty well for Australia, Canada, Japan, the United Kingdom, and many parts of Europe, and I think anyone but a brainwashed gun nut would agree that those are free countries.

>> No.5871948
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>Shottting someone in the face is the same as feeding them lard

I wish I could call your supervsor an tell them wat a good job ur doin man

>> No.5871953

Is there something called "Soma" in this, let's call, Brave New World of yours?

>> No.5871955


Yeah we call it prozac, zoloft, adderall, xanax, and so on.

>> No.5871956

People murder, rape, and kill less in a society that flourishes. Advances in health, standard of living, and job opportunities reduce crime across the board. You think people just think "Today is a good day to go out and commit a crime." out of nowhere? Maybe if they are mentally unstable, but we can prevent that.

Crimes of passion are reduced when people's needs are met. Then its a matter of crimes due to competition.

>> No.5871957


But all people need is a gun. The NRA told me so.

Also, Death Wish 2 was a documentary.

>> No.5871958

Yesterday some guy was telling me that it's better to be 30-40 pounds overweight because if you get cancer your body will be able to lose weight more safely. I'd never heard a man in pro-fatty denial before.

>> No.5871960

>Seems to work pretty well for Australia, Canada, Japan, the United Kingdom, and many parts of Europe

do any of them harshly regulate the things mentioned in >>5871896? Can I not buy a twix bar in london or have a cold beer in australia as a friend takes his prescribed epilepsy pills in Japan? no? then theyre not completely totalitarian societies although both I and people i know in those nations disagree with some of the strict laws they have regarding other nitpicky things.

>and I think anyone but a brainwashed gun nut would agree that those are free countries.
oh boy now we're making strawmans

>> No.5871961

And before you ask where this money is coming from. The defense budget. You know that the United States makes up roughly 50% of the entire world's military spending by itself? Surely now though I'm going to have conspiracy theorists coming out to claim that we would become a target immediately upon not being the world's military superpower despite are the alliances we are in and trade agreements.

The fact of the matter is that corruption of officials drives what our economy focuses on. Right now its those interested in companies that develop military technology. It COULD become medical science if steered in the right direction.

>> No.5871968

I should assume you mean shooting someone the face is a crime and has no place in the list of freedoms i mentioned earlier, eating what you want should go without saying.

defending yourself is not a crime, I dont know why liberals keep spouting that it is, but it isn't

>> No.5871970

>The NRA told me so.
because the NRA is the source of everything bad!

obama told me so!

>> No.5871972

>defending yourself is not a crime

muh gunz 4 when muh gummint comes to take muh gunz muh selfdefence

lel you're adorable.

>> No.5871973

I don't see whats so wrong about telling people what to eat. I'm not telling people to eat shit, just to not eat things that are objectively terrible for you. Yet you people value >muh freedom to do stupid shit so much that you get offended when people try to help you improve yourself.

You need to face the fact that most people don't know whats good for themselves.

>> No.5871974


The problem is that a generation of idiots who can't tell movies from reality has mobbed their politicians into passing laws that let them pick fights with strangers over a parking spot and then call the resulting shooting "self defense".

It isn't. It's escalated violence directly caused by a dickless loser who was picked on a lot as a teenager and had to get a gun to compensate.

>> No.5871977
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>> No.5871979

>muh gunz 4 when muh gummint comes to take muh gunz muh selfdefence
point out where i said that in the thread buddy, I'll wait.

You're making a strawman.

>> No.5871981

Owning a gun for self defense isn't some concept of compensation you fucker. You really think we should all just go take karate classes? In the real world street fighting self defense fighting styles rarely work, and even more rarely work against multiple assailants. Owning a firearm is for more certainty in the ability to defend yourself. The problem is as you and I said previously, its a culture thing. You CAN have a society where everyone has guns but doesn't use them incorrectly. We just need to dispel the glorified nature of action in the U.S. A firearm should feel like a last resort, not a tool for empowerment.

>> No.5871988

> In the real world street fighting self defense fighting styles rarely work, and even more rarely work against multiple assailants.

In the real world teams of ninja warriors in bandanas don't pop out of the walls and fly across the room like in a John Carpenter horror comedy. What's your point? At this point I can't tell if you're even being serious or not.

>> No.5871990

I dont see what so wrong with telling people that I can drink a soda every now and again if I want to, I eat healthy and work out 3 times a week, I'm not telling them to fuck off, just that I'm doing good right now and have a perfectly acceptable diet.

and how is
>muh freedom
stupid shit?

>laws that let them pick fights with strangers over a parking spot and then call the resulting shooting "self defense".
Id like to see the case where this actually happened, not that I dont believe you.

>It isn't. It's escalated violence directly caused by a dickless loser

The ad-hominem is out, my interest is gone.

>> No.5871994
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makes a good point, but >>5871896 also makes a good point.

Banning guns isn't the solution; people should be allowed to be armed if the time ever arrives where they would need to be. Of course, accidents happen, but that's a risk you take for being able to do what you want. I'm not a conservative by any means (I'm pretty far to the left actually), but I think being entirely anti-gun is just ridiculous.

This is just my two-cents and I'm not really interested in a debate.

>> No.5871997

Why would you marry someone that fat?

>> No.5872000
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>not asking for butter-ranch dipping sauce

>> No.5872002

You dont have to be right to be against the Nanny state, just an American who enjoys doing what they want.

>> No.5872022

Fat people are hitler

>> No.5872035

Because your freedoms (despite what they claim in the Constitution) do allow for you to indirectly infringe upon the rights of others.

>> No.5872042
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In the real world people do hurt and attack others. Generally in greater numbers than the people they're attacking.


Is a gun the answer in every situation you're accosted by a bunch of thugs? No. The law gives very specific guidelines when lethal force is allowed. And if you can avoid having to kill someone that's the better option.

But to act like people never get attacked is just foolish and ignorant.

>> No.5872045


>> No.5872049

Cant tell if trolling or genuinely retarded

>> No.5872055


>muh strawman

>> No.5872056
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>> No.5872061

The amount of people killed by guns unjustly is higher than those saved by guns so logically we should get rid of them. Whats hard to get lol

>> No.5872068

Because you'll get rid of the people who use guns to save themselves but the people killing others unjustly keep their guns. Because they get them illegally anyways.

Look at prohibition or the current drug situation in the US. Banning something doesn't work.

>> No.5872072

Cant we just ask nicely for them to stop?

>> No.5872081

Provide proof please

>> No.5872085

You antigun fags just got BTFO

>> No.5872088

Niiice. Saved.

>> No.5872089


Even if you only take into account accidents and suicides its still higher than lives saved.

>> No.5872090


Maybe you should move somewhere that doesn't suck instead of obsessing over the best way to get back at blacks the next time they try to have a fight

>> No.5872099

>blacks murder indiscriminately and without equal among other races
>try to have a fight

>> No.5872100

>victim blaming
>it's YOUR fault for living there!!!

What you people don't understand is the fundamental right for a person to defend themselves.

More people drown in pools every year than all gun deaths. Should we then get rid of the pools too? No? Why not? Probably because that's something you enjoy or see nothing wrong with despite the fact that they're more dangerous than firearms.

>> No.5872103


>> No.5872105

>Washington, Oklahoma, Texas, New Jersey, Tennessee, Georgia

Where do you suggest people move to?

>> No.5872110

Then develop a means to defend yourself that doesn't also facilitate murder and suicide. Like fancy taser guns that have magazines and are actually accurate. Eh, eh?

>> No.5872115

Out of the states ;^)

>> No.5872119

Its not that Africans are chemically rude. Its the culture that surrounds them. The gangster rap shit needs to end. Same problem with violent crimes in the U.S. as a whole. Less glorifying of violence.

>> No.5872122

Because if someone is attempting to take your life you either believe you have the right to defend yourself or you don't.

Knives are effective at killing others and plenty of people slit their own wrists, people drink bleach, jump off buildings, etc.

If someone wants to end their life then they will. No law you pass or item you ban is going to keep them from doing so. Why trample on the rights of others because of what someone else chooses to do?

>> No.5872124

>culture that surrounds them
I hear this all the time and it's a simplistic argument made by those who have their heads firmly up their asses.

>> No.5872125

Look up the stats that someone posted earlier. Gun deaths are a huge majority in suicides that could be prevented because of how easy/quick it is.

>> No.5872126

Like Australia?

The UK?

>> No.5872131

So you think its actually a genetics thing? We have no proof of that.

>> No.5872139

>look up the loaded statistics

And how is using a gun any easier than jumping off a building or cutting your wrists?

And even then it's not your duty or job to keep people from killing themselves. People will do what they want to do.

The vast majority of suicides are teens and its usually drugs, slitting their wrists, or hanging.

And despite all that you've failed to answer why I shouldn't have a gun because someone else wants to use theirs to kill themselves.

>> No.5872141

The proof is in the pudding, m8

>> No.5872143

No, one that allows gun ownership.

>> No.5872144

in my dreams i'm dying all the time
then i wake and shitpost about gun crime

>> No.5872146

The UK is the stabby capitol of the world.
Also, I'd much rather be stabbed than shot.

>> No.5872148

>And how is using a gun any easier than jumping off a building or cutting your wrists?

Takes effort to find a bridge/building. Depressed people don't want to spend effort on things.

Wrist cutting is actually very difficult to do. Most people have problems with seeing their own blood, not to mention the pain involved. Thus they usually cut themselves superficially and don't die.

A gun is less threatening, doesn't require you to go anywhere, and is far more effective than wrist slitting.

>> No.5872153

More people suicide on pills than guns. Less threatening.

>> No.5872184

>Also, I'd much rather be stabbed than shot.

>> No.5872186

Doh. I meant the other way around but it's hard typing while holding all these guns.

>> No.5872188

Much more painful though, depending on what they swallow

>> No.5872211

>statistics are only OK when I agree with them

Gun nuts are silly

>> No.5872212

No I mean really, why would you rather be stabbed than shot?

>> No.5872215


>> No.5872218

Not that guy but probably the fact that knives tend not to fragment inside your flesh the way bullets often do

>> No.5872220

Oh okay. Sorry I thought you were being snarky in

>> No.5872227

I have a gun and it's nice. I'd rather have something and not need it than not have it and need it.

>> No.5872235

Fatty boombah detected

>> No.5872242

But knives create a larger wound channel due to their height and width. They can also carry something that gets infected in the wound. Finally the most dangerous thing about being stabbed is the fact that you rarely get stabbed only once.

>> No.5872269

It depends. I only fight in the surgical/culinary class. Outback style is for low test betas.

>> No.5872300

You still haven't answered why ownership should be restricted because someone MIGHT do something.

And again. It's not your duty or responsibility to keep people from committing suicide. Unless they're a relative or friend it's not even your business.

>> No.5872302

>You still haven't answered why ownership should be restricted because someone MIGHT do something.

I never said ownership should be restricted. That was my first post in the thread--I was simply explaining why guns are effective for suicide. I did not mean to imply they should be restricted.

>>And again. It's not your duty or responsibility to keep people from committing suicide. Unless they're a relative or friend it's not even your business

Agreed 100%.

>> No.5872346

Because you have multiple means of protecting yourself, and while suicidal people have multiple means of offing themselves guns are the primary choice by FAR due to their ease and quickness. Despite what you hear on here, most people who are suicidal get over it while in the process of contemplating it and preparing for it.

Just because you think suicidal people are terrible doesn't mean they actually all. Most people go through it at one point.

>> No.5872355

>and while suicidal people have multiple means of offing themselves guns are the primary choice by FAR
Completely false

>> No.5872361

>You still haven't answered why ownership should be restricted because someone MIGHT do something.

Should your crazy neighbour be allowed to own shoulder launched RPG's, SA-11 batteries and thermonuclear warheads?

>> No.5872365

Should shitposters be allowed to own keyboards?

>> No.5872371

Are you sure ranch dressing goes on your wedding cake? There are better ways to hog it all to yourself without totally ruining it.

>> No.5872394

>More people drown in pools every year than all gun deaths.

According to "facts I pulled out of my ass" guns kill more people than cancer, heart disease and traffic collisions combined.

We can all make up bullshit, anon.

>> No.5872396


>I'm not going to look up statistics I disagree with
>here are some I made up, they're OK.

gun nut, please.

>> No.5872398

>We can all make up bullshit, anon
Indeed. People with irrational fears of inanimate objects are just better at it than others.
It's the paranoid mind that has the best imagination.

>> No.5872404

Wow, nice cooking thread guys

>> No.5872405
File: 68 KB, 883x518, suicide_usa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


no, completely true,here's a picture.

>> No.5872409 [DELETED] 

Thanks for contributing. :^)

>> No.5872416

>It's the paranoid mind that has the best imagination.

Which is presumably why all these gun freaks are sitting in their bunkers, terrified of niggers, zombies and obama coming to steal their freedumbs I'd imagine. Most gun nuts seem to have incredibly rich fantasy lives.

>> No.5872418

Is dis nigga serious?

>> No.5872423
File: 31 KB, 400x300, k_is_nervous.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>I have no answer

>> No.5872440

>the internet is real life

>> No.5872450
File: 317 KB, 728x624, prepper_is_sane_honest.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>I still have no answer

>> No.5872458

My guns keep me quite fear free,nutball

>> No.5872467

Answer to what? I just jumped in this thread to say that you're retarded.

I'm a gunowner, so are my friends, and I've met my fair share of gun people. I have yet to meet a single person who actually is like that.

>> No.5872494

>My answer is "No" but that means I actually support restrictions on weapons ownership.
>I know, I'll call him a name instead!

It's a simple question. Draw your line for me.

>> No.5872627

>"made up statistics"

Sorry boys, pools closed.


>> No.5872631

No tigers have attacked? Man I should git myself one of dem freedom sticks

>> No.5872637

As far as suicide goes you can take it from the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention. The most common method for men is firearms.

For women it's poisoning, teens its hanging and jumping.


And even then if someone chooses to kill themselves guess what? It's THEIR choice to do so. No one has the right to restrict ownership of something because someone else killed themselves.

>> No.5872669

baseless sweeping generalizations

>"gun freaks"
>"gun nuts"

define these. Who are they?
can you define them?

>building up a strawman of gun owners as freaks sitting in bunkers, scared of everything and overly paranoid
>building it up because you can't argue against what gun owners really are.

nothing about what you said is remotely close to acceptable. I dont even have guns, but come back after you graduate 7th grade

>> No.5872700

Shall not be infringed is my line, faggot.

>> No.5872725

So you're O.K with people owning surface to air missiles, tanks and nuclear weapons?

Or is it O.K to infringe there?

>> No.5872730

You're okay with shitposters owning keyboards?

>> No.5872737

My neighbor owns a tank. Are you scared?

>> No.5872772
File: 87 KB, 684x576, 73e01273-7a69-45f9-9caf-f2dcb86b8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw I will never be able to tear ass across France in Hellcat

Actually does anyone know if Hellcats are available for sale?

>> No.5872775

>Keeps avoiding the question.
>Keeps calling people names.

I know the reason is because you know yourself the answer "No I am not O.K with that but I arbitrarily draw the line at weapons I happen to like." but you can't say that because you know it undermines your argument.

Or at least that's the impression I get every time you refuse to answer a simple question.

Oh and yeah I'm totally fine with shit posters owning keyboards. 1st Amendment. Now your turn!

>> No.5872805

Okay following your line of logic. Since you're alright with shit posters having keyboards, then you're okay with people having tanks, nuclear weapons and surface to air missiles because the second amendment.

Or are you projecting about weapons and what you might do with them if you possessed them?

Anyways. There's a prodigy in my city who built a functioning nuclear reactor in his parents garage. I'm sure he can easily build a bomb to go along with his reactor. You can own "destructive devices" ie antimaterial cannons, grenades, etc, there's just a mountain of paperwork to go through (what about shall not be infringed again?). You can own tanks.

I'm perfectly fine with people possessing that stuff. To be honest I'm all for people being able to arm themselves with whatever the government has. After all, that's the point of the second amendment and as a scholar of the Constitution, I understand the reasoning and the wording of it. Your standard American liberal and fudd, on the other hand, do not.

Oh and I'm not the poster you're arguing with. I'm the dude who cross posted this to /k/.

>> No.5872806


I think so, at least remade civilian versions.

The closest all get is Warthunder. Damn I love flying.

>> No.5872818

>keyboards are weapons

That's some tortured logic you have there, but sure. Let's assume I am totally fine with people owning keyboards and nuclear weapons.

>There's a prodigy in my city who built a functioning nuclear reactor in his parents garage.

The Nuclear Boy Scout? No, he didn't.

>I'm sure he can easily build a bomb to go along with his reactor.

No, he can't.

>I'm perfectly fine with people possessing that stuff. To be honest I'm all for people being able to arm themselves with whatever the government has. After all, that's the point of the second amendment and as a scholar of the Constitution, I understand the reasoning and the wording of it.

If you genuinely believe this, than I totally respect your intellectual honesty and coherent position.

Now, all we have to do is get everyone else to adopt a coherent position and we can have a real debate.

>> No.5872828

i answered your question, you moonbat liberal cancer.

>> No.5872831

>i answered your question

No, you haven't. You just keep using names. It's a simple yes or no answer.

See >>5872805 for how you do it.

>> No.5872833

Lrn2 read. I'm done holding your drool rag.

>> No.5872839

>More childish insults

"Lrn2 read" is so breathtakingly ironic I almost can't stand it.

Are all people from /k/ this stupid? I assume not, as >>5872805 proves, but I suspect he feels very lonely if the rest of them are at your level of debate skill.

>> No.5872850

no u

>> No.5872869

Is 7.62x39 a viable deer cartridge?

Also, why do hunters always stuff shit with jalapenos and wrap it in bacon? Do they not know how to properly utilize the delicious meat they gain and butcher?

>> No.5872877

As much as 30 06 is
Because bacon is good and adds fat.

>> No.5872881

I bet you said 'Wa La!' after hitting the send button on that post, m8.

>> No.5872892

>all the fat people i know are jolly and happy as fuck
>the only thing that matters is individual happiness, even at the cost of others (literally, obese people cost more money)

fat people put more of a strain on the environment. fat people are the leading cause of the earth falling out of the orbit of the sun. fat people can't wash properly. a fat person is really just two thin people.

>> No.5872898
File: 42 KB, 500x500, 0007110000578_500X500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The colours of her bouquet remind me of the Hidden Valley Ranch bottle.

>> No.5872915

x39, not x51

>> No.5873557
File: 212 KB, 1076x1200, b80vKq4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is nothing sadder than a thin man being with a whale. Especially when the whale babytraps him.

>mfw even the baby is fat

>> No.5873565
File: 20 KB, 616x570, mobile-32109-1410375194-8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fat women have such punchable faces.

>> No.5873573


If it had bigger tits, I'd swear that was my sister.

>> No.5873584

Fat people should be bullied.

>> No.5873588


>> No.5873613

My 6'3 skinny as fuck friend is now dating a 6'6+, 350+ pound woman. She's cool and all but WHAT WHY

It blows my mind. Fucking hilarious. He can and has done so much better.

>> No.5874306

I fell in love with a woman, then she turned fat. No fucks were given, still love her. I'm glad she enjoys life on a daily basis including each and every meal

>> No.5874309

Either this is bait or the SJW's really are taking over.

>> No.5874327

some people realise they just fucken love fatties

>> No.5875988

i want tumblr to fuck off

>> No.5877657

>all the fat people i know are jolly and happy as fuck

Former fatty here, can tell you now that that's definitely just a show. I'm convinced SJWs and other fat activists are the exact same, except instead of crying about it where no one can see they're doing it publicly.

>> No.5877681


Somewhere that's not the USA and full of niggers and rednecks and badly educated greedy people killing each other over a burger and fries, obviously.

America's a shithole if you don't liek vilenc.e

>> No.5877682

>And how is using a gun any easier than jumping off a building or cutting your wrists?

If you can't answer that yourself, you may be legit subnormal m8. What's your IQ, like 95 or something?

>> No.5877752


>there are many many guns in the USA
>ban guns
>law abiding citizens report their weapons and hand them over at the depot
>criminals do not hand over their guns
>criminals (and the government) now have all the guns
>gun violence and robberies increase because criminals won't have to face gun owners anymore
>self defense becomes hard, because shooting the subhuman that is stealing your TV will get you put in jail
>the only people that win are criminals (and the corrupt government)

>> No.5877756
File: 50 KB, 447x604, k_datenight.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>I watch Bill O'Reilly so I am informed

>> No.5877757

I don't know who that is, but I'm guessing it's not the guy in the picture.

>> No.5877758

way too much disappointment in that pic

they couldnt even get everyone to wear white on their pathetic wedding

>> No.5877760

Yes it is, that's Bill O'Reilly you stupid aussie cunt.

>> No.5877845

>Get rid of the guns
how? I bet you're one of those liberal queers who says "guns should be illegal because that'll stop gun violence" while you puff a doob

>> No.5877847

that guy sure as shit dun goof'd

>> No.5880133

Using memes against memes? Don't pretend you're any better.

>> No.5880161

>/ck/ makes fun of a fat woman despite the fact that they are fatter than her

>> No.5880477

Good job /fa/g