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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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5870318 No.5870318 [Reply] [Original]

Probably gonna get bashed, but I eat low carb for medical/weight loss reasons. And if I eat too many carbs, I get rocket butt and stomach cramps. So I eat low carb. Anyone have some good low carb recipes? I love to cook, but a lot of low carb recipes can be bland because some people are happy with bland food. I am not. I generally eat around 20-40g carbs a day. So I feel constrained sometimes because I lack tasty food. /ck/, I need low carb recipes to bring flavor back into my life. Pic related, it double fried parmesan garlic wings.

>> No.5870322

Are there carbs in seasoning?

>> No.5870324

I have a low carb bread recipe.

2g carbs per slice, functions pretty much like normal bread.

I'll not share it though, as I plan to produce it and sell it in stores for $5 a loaf.

>> No.5870326

Bro you can do almost any recipe just sub almond meal, coconut flower or parm cheese for anything that calls for breading.

Honestly I don't miss carbs at all. I just made low carb Salmon Cakes that were fucking bomb. Almost no carb negroid.

>> No.5870329


>> No.5870333

Lol. I have my doubts. Most low carb breads are shit, and the ones that aren't are like $7/loaf and you gotta buy them online. Fuck all that. I buy a $2 loaf of Healthy Life bread, 6g net carbs per slice. I don't use it all the time, but sometimes I'll get a wild hare and make a sammich or a grilled cheese.

>> No.5870340

I'm not paleo....just low carb. Otherwise I feel like shit....and do a lot of shitting. Last week I had a fuck it day and had a cherry coke and half a root beer. Also some fries and eggrolls. Next morning I woke up at 5am running to the bathroom, and did every 30 mins for the next 5hrs even while chugging immodium. Sugar is the worst culprit for me.

>> No.5870938
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> I eat low carb for medical/weight loss reasons.

What medical reason would you have that's so dire that you would accept the inevitable heart disease and the dramatically increased cancer risk?


> Last week I had a fuck it day and had a cherry coke and half a root beer. Also some fries and eggrolls.

Ah, so I take it you think "carbs" means exclusively junk food, and you think the only choice you have is between french fries or fried chicken

>> No.5871038

Low carb is not old atkins. I'mnot OP but I'm on a VLC and eat nuts/veggies all the time.

>inb4 peanuts are nuts

>> No.5871043

Also, [citation needed] on increased risk at ANYTHING when doing proper keto.

I don't know what you are talking about OP, I just had salmon with a heavy cream sauce which tasted great.

>> No.5871056


What's "proper keto" and why would eating a bunch of saturated fat and cholesterol and little to no fiber be good for you?

>> No.5871058
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>I eat low carb

haha. oh wow.

>> No.5871113


But I eat a moderate amount of fiber from vegetables: anything green, carrots, cauliflowers...

A lot of things change in your metabolism when you enter ketosis, specially about fat intake and where it is used. This has been researched for some decades now. To say that saturated fat is always bad for you is just wrong. If i am not mistaken there is a big study which showed a reduced risk on a certain population using lard for cooking(this can be found in the book below).

Most people in /ck/ seem to think that keto is just some fad diet with no science backing it up. This is not the case at all. If you read The Art and Science of Low Carbohydrate Living and still have some solid argument against it I would love to hear it.

Also, the same question applies to carbs: why is sugar/starch(we are quite good at breaking down most carbs to it) are good for you? just because it can fuel your brain? Guess what, ketones do the same and more efficiently in some senses.

Why do you think colesterol is so bad? It has long been known that your blood levels are not related to its intake(after adaptation, 1 month, keto usually tests better, your LDL may increase slightly but its particle size increases, which is good as the problem is the low size LDL...).

And I didn't even talk about insulin resistance, diabetes and metabolic syndrome which increased with the low fat high carb paradigm shift from 70' onwards.

>> No.5871141
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>Most people in /ck/ seem to think that keto is just some fad diet with no science backing it up.

That's because it is, and you've simply been marketed to. If you want, I can start dumping dozens of threads from the Paleohacks forum of people posting about their concern over their high cholesterol numbers after adopting a low carb/ketogenic diet

>Why do you think colesterol is so bad? It has long been known that your blood levels are not related to its intake

There's some truth to that. Dietary cholesterol's blood cholesterol effects on serum cholesterol can be influenced hugely by the current serum cholesterol concentration of the person, as in people with lower cholesterol are more affected by it while people with already high cholesterol see less of a change. That's not all dietary cholesterol does though. Here's a paper written by 3 world leaders in cardiovascular research


>your LDL may increase slightly but its particle size increases, which is good as the problem is the low size LDL...

This is a common trick used in the low carb community to make you think your rising cholesterol isn't a problem. Any sized LDL particle is atherogenic.


I know the people pushing these diets can sound convincing if you're not familiar with nutrition science to begin with, but there's a reason why the low carb/ketogenic diet is essentially the exact opposite of diet advice that every major health organization in the world gives

>> No.5871147


>And I didn't even talk about insulin resistance, diabetes and metabolic syndrome which increased with the low fat high carb paradigm shift from 70' onwards.

It should also be pointed out that the concept of America at large adopting a low fat diet never happened. Low carb promoters always say America's health problems began when everybody in the country shunned fat, but starting around 1922, fat consumption continuously increased and never receded

>> No.5871166

The guy who ran carbohydratescankill.com also died unexpectedly last year.


No reason is given. Just "unexpected death", which usually means something heart disease related. He was into quackery like acupuncture.

>> No.5871169

You may be right then, any other videos?
I'm getting my first blood test while on keto next week so I will continue at least until then, I really like the reduced hunger though.

>> No.5871194
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>any other videos?

You can check out the videos on this website: http://plantpositive.com/

There's a damned lot of them, and some are kind of long, but the point of the website is mainly to examine and pull apart arguments used by proponents of low carb dieting. I also can't stress enough that everyone promoting higher-carbohydrate diets agrees with you and the low carb community that white bread and soda are not healthy foods. The high-carb foods all these health organizations recommend, as well as the US government in their guidelines, are whole grains, beans, lentils, fruits, etc.