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File: 917 KB, 2000x1299, Ocean-Garbage-Patch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5867531 No.5867531 [Reply] [Original]

The ocean is our garbage dump. You'd have to be a grade A moron to eat from a garbage dump.

>> No.5867536

You sound like those idiots who say, "You can't hug your children with nuclear arms!"

>> No.5867577

>not wanting to stop nuclear warfare


I guarantee you were born after the cold war

Likely after 9/11

>> No.5867578

Yeah child abuse is just like a contaminated food chain.

>> No.5867605

I earned my combat infantryman's badge during the cold war, youngster.

Run along now.

>> No.5867645

You "fought" in Grenada? Or the DR? Or Panama?

Must have felt heroic blowing up poorly trained soldiers to back up a CIA pissing contest.

>> No.5867693

Panama. I jumped in as the enemy on the ground were shooting at us. I'd say that was a tad brave. Don't hate just because you've never done anything significant, sport.

>> No.5867707


I've done things more significant than that, but nothing that I could describe here without identifying me specifically (or at least my company). A project I personally run was the subject of a front page article in an internationally significant newspaper, in a more or less neutral light (can't please everyone).

I'm glad you're proud of your combat though. In a certain way I think it would be fun.

>> No.5867920

Look at this retard, he thinks a tiny patch of garbage could actually do jack shit to the vastness that is our oceans.

>> No.5868062

tiny? try thousands of square miles. Would you eat the organisms that live in your septic tank?

>> No.5868097

You don't really understand how big the ocean is and how quickly that garbage is consumed by the oceanic organisms. Even those enrmous oil spills by Exxon and BP didn't mean shit to the ocean's ecosystem.

You're just dumb. Seriously.

>> No.5868108

big fish eat the little fish which feed on the toxic waste, but that's ok because it means you're only eating a little bit of shit yourself?

>> No.5868132

Its like your brain hasn't developed beyond 4th grade. Are you really this idiotic?

Go ask your mom to explain simple shit like this to you. I don't have the patience.

>> No.5868133
File: 10 KB, 165x165, 1407619902313.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>MFW I live on the east coast and only buy local fish

It seems that, as I suspected, the Sun does come to rust on the giant pile of garbage. I'm just waiting for this thing to crash into California.

>> No.5868144

understandable reaction, I might be the same if I just found out my favorite food is full of toxic waste.

>> No.5868147

Now you're just pretending to troll because you realized you're not very bright.

>> No.5868155

Never claimed to be bright. I can read and do simple math though, shiteater.

>> No.5868194

You're stupid.
Since you're so good at math, go and get yourself an average sized aquarium fill it with the quantity of water there is in our ocean and then dump the equivalent of that 'patch' in that aquarium you will then realize how stupid you are.

>> No.5868571

It's funny how brainwashed right wing "pro-business" [sic] types are. Anything that smacks of concern over environmental pollution, food supply safety, etc, is derided as hysteria and they actually want to DEFEND eating poisoned food because they think that some day they'll finally be a billionaire just like those Koch Bros.

>> No.5868628

So you'd drink a glass of water with a rabbit turd in it?

>> No.5868647

>The ocean is our garbage dump.

as opposed to plant that literally requires to be covered in pig feces and piss to grow?

>> No.5868660

It's funny how brainwashed right wing "pro-business" [sic] types are. Anything that smacks of concern over environmental pollution, food supply safety, etc, is derided as hysteria and they actually want to DEFEND eating poisoned food because they think that some day they'll finally be a billionaire just like those Koch Bros.

>> No.5868665

Actually, cow manure and water, you city dwelling autistic sperg.

>> No.5868839


>> No.5869435

Who said anything about drinking sea water here?

>> No.5869728



you people

>> No.5869747


>> No.5869792

>implying the average consumer cares that they're consuming toxins
Call us in 50 years when it's actually important OP

>> No.5872263

Nuclear weapons have been keeping the peace since 1945, silly.

>> No.5872296

And that only worked because they were evenly divided in a bipolar system

Have fun when the great unwashed gets access starting with DPRK and then moving on down the list of least stable, most desperate tinpot hellholes.

>> No.5872299

You want to live forever?
Doesn't matter anyways since we already have missile shields is space.

>> No.5872304

Missile shields a shit

All you have to do is spam the ABM launchers

In addition, unless you mean the kind that intercepts during the ascent (difficult to impossible to correctly implement), you can't stop an EMP which would be devastating even from one warhead. Let alone thousands.

>> No.5872366

The alternative is a naive attempt at nuclear disarmament. Which leaves the bombs with the cunts who don't play along. No thanks.

>> No.5872389

Eh? Which peace is that. How many years since 1945 has the US not dropped a conventional bomb on another country?

>> No.5872393

You would have been happier had the USSR claimed the #1 superpower spot?

>> No.5872410

look ma im impressing people on the internet.
>youre not

>> No.5872413

Nope, not at all. Got no problem with US projecting power over seas because they have never bombed the UK. Don't think we should lie to ourselves about any peace though because the US has been in pretty much a continual war.

>> No.5872438

I'm pretty sure it's a hoax.

I'll admit to being stupid enough to believe it, like a lot of things.

Seriously, the size of Texas?

The only pictures of floating panic ocean trash I can find are the size of a school bus or two.

>> No.5872514

It's a relative peace to any other point in human history you idiotic fuck.

Less people die in violent conflicts now than at any other point humans have existed in societies.

>> No.5872595

Apparently I made you feel inadequate enough to respond, so...