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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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5857635 No.5857635 [Reply] [Original]

Fictional food thread!

>tfw no blue milk

>> No.5857656
File: 52 KB, 893x424, MANA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seems you missed out on blue koolaid milk in the 1980s. Red and blue flavors were the best the rest were fucking cancer.

>> No.5857661

M8 don't play with my feelings like that. I don't want to ruin a gallon of milk.

>> No.5857664
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>> No.5857671


Holy shit,this is crazy! I'm a 28 year old man! I think I should be able to eat a chicken sandwich if i want!

>> No.5857672

I had it all the time. People on /ck/ always said it would curdle the milk, but I never once had that problem. I only used blue and red color flavors though.

>> No.5857679
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They still make blue Kool Aid, gramps.

>> No.5857687
File: 13 KB, 259x194, disgusting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bought this shit from Tesco
Pic related

>> No.5857688

On what principle did they suggest it would curdle the milk? It's just milk, sugar, and more fake sugar with some artificial flavors.

>> No.5857690

Mana was a short fad in the 1980s that you did with the koolaid and milk.

Where do you think you are?

>> No.5857694

They harped on about the acid content. They are armchair cooks and just sit around arguing on the internet eating takeout. The thought of something like milk and koolaid or milk and Tang makes them sperg out uncontrollably..

>> No.5857697

Does anyone have a picture of that comfy Lembas bread?

>> No.5857736

don't do this. this creates a bomb.

>> No.5857740

>mustard gas

>> No.5857742


>> No.5857745
File: 891 KB, 1280x528, Lembas_bread.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5857751

nigga that's a crepe

>> No.5857757

Fuck you buddy.
Koolaid tastes like aids and dysentery's illegitimate love child.
Salty, sour, artificial and I'm pretty sure its radioactive and highly carcinogenic.

There was nothing possitive about the experiance

>> No.5857760
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>> No.5857762


are we having two different drinks here?

>> No.5857765

It's not autistic to dislike nigger-juice. It's just having standards.

>> No.5857767
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>Koolaid tastes like aids and dysentery's illegitimate love child.

>> No.5857769
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>> No.5857775

Nah mang, I tried the grape, and some red shit.....Tropical niggers or something.
Both were awful, but the grape one was by far the worse.

>> No.5857778

i swear to go I remember drinking blue milk in my childhood

id have it with oreos too

im 20

does anyone knwo what im talking about

>> No.5857780
File: 79 KB, 414x745, 1412537651825.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fictional foods

>> No.5857783

grape is awful honestly
and i can think of a million words to describe the way it tastes bad but neither is salty or sour unless you just put a whole packet into a small glass of water and chugged it without adding sugar

>> No.5857786

I found some kids facebook last night with this picture.... he was using 'lel' and :^) and had a pig girlfriend. pretty sure this is a pic of him. he also had a bazinga pic.. he was trying to be ironic and it was lame as hell

>> No.5857797

I used to buy those down at Toshi station.

>> No.5857810


Uh, you are supposed to use sugar to make it, not salt.

>> No.5857815

what the hell are you doing going through the facebooks of people you don't know?

you are the problem.

>> No.5857822

Uhh, you don't get to use sugar...

>> No.5857827

Used sugar as it said to on the packet.
Still tasted like shit.

>> No.5857831

So that's where you've been huh? You're grounded.

>> No.5857834
File: 75 KB, 300x300, baaaaaaaaaaam.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One dirty burger please

>> No.5857839

*pew pew pew*

>> No.5857842

do you not know what a crepe is?
I always imagined it as hard tack.
not something I'd go out of my way to try

>> No.5857855

Wow, I would have never remembered

>> No.5857862



>> No.5857872

at least me has a girlfriend... unlike most of us

>> No.5857874

>mustard gas

>> No.5857877

Oh man, I remember those. Don't think I ever had any though. What sorcery makes them work? I assume it's some cancer-causing chemical, but still curious.

>> No.5857881

Fucking disturbing ad.

>> No.5857882

Crunchy frog

>> No.5857884

> tastier than most other cakes in Middle-Earth
pretty sure Sam wouldn't be complaining quite so often about it.

>> No.5857889

Shire food is high art elitism food. Nothing beats their food. Lembas is just a dry cracker to them.

>> No.5857899
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That whiny cuntbag!

>> No.5857905

I'm guessing blue food coloring sprayed onto the cookie or baked into it. It wouldn't alter the appearance but it would leak into liquids and stain fingertips/tongues.

>> No.5857912

>If I remove that mask, will Luke have a father