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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 163 KB, 970x1343, lays16f-1-web.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5847331 No.5847331 [Reply] [Original]

Voting time is almost over, /ck/.
Which one was our favorite?

>> No.5847338

I haven't tried any. They all look like a waste of money for some reason.

>> No.5847350

It's garbage food. And I don't mean that just because they're chips. They're garbage food because they just look like over produced trendy shit. Not to mention that there are much better flavors of chips out there.

>> No.5847354

Cappucino is okay
Wasabi ginger is decent
Mango salsa is probably the worst chips I've ever had
Haven't tried the other

>> No.5847355

Cappuccino is bizarre as fuck but I like it.

>> No.5847362

Mango > Wasabi > Cappuccino > Mac

Wasabi's gonna win, though.

>> No.5847367

Wasabi ginger are strangely addicting, i like them
Mango salsa are, like someone else said, the worst chips I have ever had.
Bacon mac and cheese is meh
Couldn't bring myself to buy a bag of the capp

>> No.5847392
File: 183 KB, 570x838, o-LAYS-CANADA-DO-US-A-FLAVOUR-570.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I tried all of these.

I enjoyed mac and cheese with jalapeno.
I thought bacon poutine was alright.
Tzatziki isn't terrible but not that great either.
Cinnamon bun made me a little bit nauseated.

>> No.5847396

>there are much better flavors of chips out there.
>hasn't tried the chips

you're just a contrary little shit.

>> No.5847401

>Mango salsa is probably the worst chips I've ever had

it is THE worst chip i've ever had.

wasabi ginger is the best.

cappucino is weird, not as bad as i expected, but i wouldn't want to eat it often.

bacon mac & cheese a.) tastes nothing like bacon or mac & cheese and b.) is incredibly boring.

>> No.5847404

Haven't even seen those in stores

>> No.5847410

>Not listening to the most based person on the internet.



>> No.5847412

That cinnamon bun flavour was fucking disgusting.

>> No.5847419

No, I'm a smart little shit who doesn't put up with mediocrity. Lays has never come out with a good chip flavor, and this contest is just a way to up sales and get the unwashed masses to go buy their mediocre shit. Dumbass.

>> No.5847424

Oh, and I predict the uber pleb Bacon Mac & Cheese will win, or the Mango Salsa. And I've never tasted either. Prove me wrong, bitch.

>> No.5847425



>> No.5847432


last time i checked their voting website almost everybody was going for wasabi ginger

mango salsa won't win and even though cheese garlic bread won last year, it ACTUALLY tasted uncannily like cheese garlic bread whereas bacon mac & cheese tastes nothing like what it's called.

>> No.5847467

Fuck off. Lay's barbeque, ketchup and dill pickle are all GOAT.

>> No.5847489

Fucking pig disgusting. Gutter trash.

>> No.5847491


i haven't seen a fedora this tight in a while

>> No.5847493

No, everyone who eats the most pleb tier, most mass marketed trailer trash chips are fucking unwashed masses. OH! THEY'RE EVERYWHERE SO THEY MUST BE THE BEST. Fuck off. By that logic, Walmart must be the best store. (I bet you think so, don't you?)

>> No.5847494

I bet the next post out of your keyboard involves the word "autism", short bus.

>> No.5847496


>strawmanning out the ass

nope i just like the damn chips, loser.

>> No.5847499


and here you are doing essentially the same thing.

>> No.5847506

If wasabi ginger actually wins, I'd be amazed. I don't really care, I don't have a horse in this race, but the kind of white bread people who eat Lays are also the kind of white bread people who think wasabi and ginger are too "spicy" and "exotic". I will say, though, I'd be happy if a flavor like that won, since there aren't that many mainstream chip companies that have those types of flavors. But since everyone and their dog thinks the height of sophisticated eating is sushi covered in wasabi and ginger, I'm not surprised. I wonder if there's any soy sauce flavoring in those. I'd laugh my ass off.

>> No.5847510
File: 202 KB, 1024x820, Wavy-Mango-Salsa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do you hate this flavor so much?

>> No.5847518


really? with the popularity of sriracha, this is something groundbreaking? lays even just came out with thai sweet chili and korean BBQ on their stax line (korean BBQ has been popular lately already). it's not like the wasabi ginger chips taste authentic anyway, they are definitely tailored to the american consumer; heavy on the soy sauce/MSG flavor, a horseradish tingle so subtle it's hardly there, and an even more subtle bit of ginger. and white people love "exotic" things or whatever so i won't be surprised at all if it wins. it's still the best of the 4 IMO.

>> No.5847519

You're an idiot.

So, you don't understand comparative theory? Not surprising. Go ahead and like your "damn chips". I never said people shouldn't eat them. I said (originally) they were garbage food and agreed with another poster that they didn't seem worth the money. Are you seriously going to contradict that?

>> No.5847520

>heavy on the soy sauce/MSG flavor
LOL, I knew it.

>> No.5847522

Because it taste like a gummy bear flavored chip, fuck you.

>> No.5849618

>Tried the wasabi/ginger because checkout line impulse buy
Pretty meh. Didn't bother with any of that other shit.

>> No.5849685

if you cover her mouth when she's talking, she becomes a lot more attractive
she's got a set of fuckin chompers man

>> No.5850616

It's not over yet.

>> No.5850897


>> No.5850900

Honestly I want Wasabi or Cappucino to win. They're the only ones that taste good.

>> No.5850910

I don't care for any of them really, but yeah mango salsa was the worst chip I've ever eaten. I threw away the bag.

>> No.5850913

Holy shit she's an annoying cunt

>> No.5850931

it's because she's half bunny, half human.

>> No.5850953

I think they all hit the mark, but I hope wasabi ginger wins. Though I think Bacon mac and cheese is gonna win because murica.

>> No.5851038
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>> No.5851906
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