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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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5846535 No.5846535 [Reply] [Original]

I have a good question for everyone to answer. What is your favorite food to celebrate your birthday with? Besides sandwiches, which is a staple food for any party thrown.

>> No.5846540

>birthday party

>> No.5846558


apple pie for breakfast


sour cream & onion potato chips with white wine

fuck you all it's my birthday

>> No.5846567

...i don't celebrate my birthday.

uhh... vodka is a food, right? yeah, that.

>> No.5846582

when i was a kid i basically just wanted kilo after kilo of plain spaghetti.

last couple of birthdays i've had involved me making chili and pizza. i like chocolate cake. but really i don't give a shit, it's the party i care about. generosity is the most important thing.

>> No.5846632

Lots of wine

>> No.5846642

doesn't have any friends to party with

>> No.5846643

My 20th was last month and I went to the bar
I ordered french fries, 3L of Asahi, and around 5 buckets of rum and coke
Woke up on a bench on the opposite side of campus and peed my pants, so that's how I celebrated

>> No.5846676

Vodka, xanax, tears

>> No.5846681

Either BBQ or lots and lots of deep fried goodness. Fried wonton, crabclaws, springroles, and whatnot. So good.

As a last resort: pizza

>> No.5846693
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>> No.5846704

Well my only birthday party was when I was six years old. But I tend to buy myself some pizza, sour cream and onion chips, and soda since I don't let myself drink soda very often. Bake a chocolate cake and hopefully I have the next day off so I can play video games and watch anime all night. Then I usually have leftovers for a while too.
I would make the pizza too, but I would rather be more lazy on my birthday and just buy it.

>> No.5846730

Man tripfaggots are so cool. Any other impressive stories?

I love that you use /ck/ as your personal Twitter account.

>> No.5846738
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When I was a kid I would always get mum to make these

>> No.5846747
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>i don't like thing!
filter me then, fuckstick.

>> No.5846778

> fuckstick
> bruh
> peed my pants
> giving yourself an internet nickname

>> No.5846793

>back to dumblr

>> No.5846828

Some trashy Americanized Chinese food is always a comfort for me.

>> No.5846830

when i was a kid i always wanted pizza and chips and dip at my parties, and a delicious cake of some kind, pretty standard

now that i'm an adult i like going out for sushi on my birthday, it's too pricey for me usually so i like to find a place with a decent all you can eat and pig out

>> No.5846839

True dat yo

What's your favorite kind? I like General Tso with white rice (pork fried rice isn't bad, it's just a little much). I always ask for extra crispy/extra spicy, but they hardly ever do it.

I drown the chicken in those spicy mustard packets, and put a little soy sauce on the rice. Doesn't need much soy sauce, I use the white rice to absorb the extra General Tso sauce. Has more than enough sodium already.

As for the egg roll, I bite the top off and pour soy sauce on it. Once the first drop of soy sauce drips out of the bottom, I put a squirt of spicy mustard and duck sauce on each subsequent bite.

>> No.5846840


alcohol until it isn't my birthday anymore.

>> No.5846845

Do you drink to get drunk, or buzzed?

I drink until I get that nice warm head buzz, then try to keep it going. I hate hangovers.

>> No.5846855

I don't celebrate my birthday anymore.

>> No.5846857

Much as I hate posting these guys, this is helpful.

>> No.5846862

>implying I have friends to celebrate with

I tend to treat myself to a whole sushi platter.

>> No.5846869

I really really hope they also make videos like
>10 ways you're ordering your Subway wrong

>5 things you fuck up when ordering from vending machines

>6 ways blacks eat chicken better than you

>> No.5846881


You know how to live, good sir. I'm with you on every single point though I also get chow mein cause more carbs the better.

>> No.5846895
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>being an insufferable faggot

>> No.5846951

> implying I would ever spend $20-30 on a Chinese buffet
> implying I would ever eat at any fucking buffet, ever
If the restaurant you're at has a sneeze-guard, you've already fucked up
> implying I need other men to critique the way I eat
> implying I would ever quit doing something I enjoy because some faggot with a YouTube channel said I'm "doing it wrong"

Fuck you man.

I don't care if I'm eating anything "incorrectly". I'm paying money to eat it the way I fucking want to. I'll order a $50 dollar steak, cover it in ketchup, and eat it in the bathroom with my bare hands if I want.

>> No.5846960

but anon
you'll get ketchup on your hands!

>> No.5846967

feasting on tears.

>> No.5846974

>you will be alone for halloween, thanksgiving, xmas, new years, valentines day, your birthday, and independence day (kek)

>> No.5846978


>> No.5846982

Banana cream pie.

>> No.5846992

Beats being someone who takes anonymous and 4chan too seriously. It's pathetic to see how you socially inept neckbeards get pissed over something so insignificant like a trip. Truly pathetic. You probably smell like piss.

>> No.5846999


>> No.5847023

So a 20 year old kid who gave himself a kewl 4chan screename doesn't take the site seriously?

I'd rather be on the anon side of things, lurking and posting in threads.

What's worse, being a piss-reeking neckbeard, or being a tripfaggot who desperately tries to garner the attention of piss-reeking neckbeards?

>> No.5847037

Put your trip back on friend.

>> No.5847054

By that logic, if you post at all then you are desperate for attention. The only difference is that the trip is is held accountable for what they post and the anon is not.

Enjoy your epic secret club of revolutionary neckbeards.

>> No.5847067

We are not the same person, you paranoid fuck.

Truly pathetic.

>> No.5847097
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>> No.5847102

I had some Feuerzangenbowle and some Flammkuchen for my last birthday.

>> No.5847129

I'd fuck you up in any fps game. My skill is second to none. Even in shitty ones like battlefield or cod.

>> No.5847133

I'm probably going to kill myself on my birthday

>> No.5847155

Whatever you say friend.

>> No.5847197

That's right little bitch. I am in control of our relationship. I am the tight end and you are the wide receiver.

Glad to hear that you know your place in the world.

>> No.5847223
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My family has sushi anytime it's someone's birthday.

>> No.5847232
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>I am the tight end and you are the wide receiver.

>> No.5847245

Haha. Just stick with playing hacky sack. You are above playing football and understanding football references.

>> No.5847262

But TEs are the pity positions of an offense.
>too fat to be a WR
>too slow to be a RB
>too weak to be a FB

>> No.5847267

> by that logic
> accountable

No man....just.....no.

An anon isn't trying to get attention. The proof of that is in the anonymity of their post. Are you fucking retarded?

A trip tries to establish themselves by having a trip to be recognized by. There is only one trip per tripfaggot. There are literally millions of anons.

If you can't understand the difference you are probably severely mentally retarded.

>> No.5847273

Tell that to Tony Gorgonzolas.

>> No.5847280


>> No.5847285

The founder of Taco Bell. He played TE for Texas A&M in college.

>> No.5847294

Pho with rare beef
I used to go for a big steak. It costs a lot of money and I eat more than I need
Now I go for pho and it costs less than $30 for the family and I love it

>> No.5847295

Tony Gonzalez.

The difference one owns up to their words like a man and the other hides like a pussy and thinks they belong to a revolutionary secret club and wears a fedora out in public.

>> No.5847302

The number of successful TEs is eclipsed by the number of successful players in every other position on offense.

>> No.5847303

Every year on my birthday I go out and get a steak dinner. Baked potato with sour cream, garden salad, rolls, the works.
If I'm one year closer to death, might as well celebrate as if it's my last year on the planet, right?

>> No.5847313

I bet you were a fat ass in high school who got stuck on the line.

YOu guys are missing the point of my comedic gold.

>> No.5847319

>I bet you were a fat ass in high school who got stuck on the line.
LB master race. Check yourself, faggot.

>YOu guys are missing the point of my comedic gold.
...that there is none?

>> No.5847340

That's a funny way to spell 3rd string DT, you fatty.

And the point is that I insert my dominant tight end into passive wide receivers. Don't make me fucking show you.

>> No.5847348
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>I still insist on going full retard.
Just gonna filter you now and be done with it.

>> No.5847381

You showed me. Literally. You had a fucking picture saved on your computer to show people that you are gonna filter them.

This is the epitome of pathetic.

>> No.5847389
File: 33 KB, 460x207, mad as fuck.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sorry? Are you talking? I'm guessing your mad as fuck because I can't hear a word you're saying. Stay assblasted, champ.

>> No.5847394

My mom usually bakes a cheesecake for my birthday so I'll eat a slice of that.

I'll usually go out to eat but if it were something at home I'd go with chicken enchiladas.

>> No.5847395

Using that word wrong

>> No.5847400


>> No.5847402

Go back to reddit bro. You aren't man enough to hang with the anonymous big dogs on 4chan.

>> No.5847418
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>> No.5847440

It's nice to see tripfags on /ck/ are as shitty as they are from my home board .

Thanks for teaching me this lesson, tripfag who I will soon forget everything about. Thank you.

>> No.5847745


>> No.5847772

I always go to this benihana style restaraunt and order the steak and shrimp with fried rice, couple of beers
Whether or not I'm alone doesn't really matter, the meat is perfect, the drinks are tasty, and the cook always does the volcano onion ring
Always a great experience

>> No.5848845

It's like you actually don't have friends who will throw parties for you.

>> No.5849021

Usually pizza

>> No.5849046


Stuff like that

>> No.5851125


>> No.5851479

Pièce montée