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File: 104 KB, 693x615, hide-a-beer-soda-can-sleeve-0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5843854 No.5843854 [Reply] [Original]

What is worse for you: a can of soda, or a can of beer?

>> No.5843858

dunno but i drink 30 beers a night for like 6 years

>> No.5843862

he should be careful aluminum edges are sharp

>> No.5843902

probably soda, because of the sugar

>inb4 muh diet coke
>inb4 muh coke zero

>> No.5843904

sounds healthy.

>> No.5843907


Can you even fit through a door anymore?

>> No.5843918

Nothing wrong with having a few beers every week. Actually, doing so would improve HDL levels. Soda is just empty fucking calories.

>> No.5843926

i drink 16 anon, i love you

>> No.5843931

Soda doesn't have many benefits, but moderate drinking of any form of ethanol is beneficial to health. If you're just having one can though, neither are really bad per say. One soda doesn't an unhealthy person make.

>> No.5843936


Jesus fuck stop trying to justify drinking alcohol. Even IF there are some minor benefits to it there are a fucking boatload of things that accomplish the same and greater benefits that you can eat/drink. If you like drinking, fine, but its like saying that jacking off builds muscle endurance in your arms. Well. Yes, but you can also do better exercises or go to a fucking gym. My point is that you don't need to justify it as long as it isn't getting to be a problem for you/others.

>> No.5843937

>moderate drinking of any form of ethanol is beneficial to health


>> No.5843940


Soda, it doesn't have a single benefit.

At least alcohol can do good to your health.


One source: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-2512175/Alcohol-good-health-Leading-science-writer-claims-tipple-prevent-cancer-help-improve-sex-life.html

>> No.5843947

i wish my therapist was this up front and honest..

>> No.5843948

Those two are even worse than regular soda.

>> No.5843974



by what measure?

>> No.5843983

I was just answering the question you fucking retard. Kill yourself.

>> No.5843991

>Daily Mail

>> No.5844051

Soda. At least there's some partial health benefits to properly moderated alcohol intake. Too bad most people just drink a case at a time.

>> No.5844057

>muh chemicals

>> No.5844209


You mad?

>> No.5844245

Short term soda is better for you since there's no risk of impairment or alcohol poisoning.
Long term beer is better for you because drinking 2 can of soda on a consistent basis = weight gain and diabetes.

>> No.5844264

2 cans of beer = 1 can of soda in terms of calories

>> No.5844277

You totally missed the OP didn't you? Here, let me posted it again,

>What is worse for you: a can of soda, or a can of beer?

Now, in this you have two choices. Soda or Beer. There's no 3rd choice for, "a fucking boatload of things that accomplish the same and greater benefits that you can eat/drink."

So, which do you choose? I'd choose the alcohol because it has something that can benefit you, if you aren't getting drunk with it and over doing it. Soda has no redeeming things over the beer in this line of logic.

I don't like either one.

>> No.5845652

>Soda is just empty fucking calories.

So is beer. What, you thought it was packed with vitamins and essential nutrients? At least soda hydrates you.

>> No.5845659

I drink diet soda and I'm thin. I have no appetite too and I've been hearing this shitty science about how it makes your appetite increase. I say it's total bullshit.

>> No.5845664

1=1 , beer has like 43 per 100ml, coke 38

>> No.5845667

>At least soda hydrates you.

Unless it contains caffeine. Caffeine is a diuretic just like alcohol is.

>> No.5845677

I assume a can of beer would be far worse.

>> No.5845687

They're both empty calories, but at least beer will get you drunk.

>> No.5845688

the one that you abuse

>> No.5845719

I don't think there's enough caffeine in a can of soda to really make much difference. Coffee sure, but I never felt more alert after a Coke.

>> No.5845726

underrated post

>> No.5846314

How can I make one of these?

>> No.5846318


How is that not obvious from the photo? You get an empty can. You cut off the top and slit down the side.

>> No.5846331

You can buy them as well. They're magnets and like a dollar fitty

>> No.5846353
File: 134 KB, 778x1018, andrethegiant.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I have no appetite too and I've been hearing this shitty science about how it makes your appetite increase. I say it's total bullshit

Well, you convinced me!

>> No.5846412

I've never had a soda in my life that has quenched my thirst.

>> No.5846471

It depends on your level of activity. If you've been running track sprints then drinking a soda will just make you more thirsty. If you've just eaten a succulent Super Star burger from Carl's Jr. and follow it up with an ice-cold Dr. Pepper then you should be good to go. I've never done the latter and then had to go seek out water.

>> No.5846576
File: 1.99 MB, 240x180, 1410130800177.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>aluminum can

>> No.5846581

Beer contains copper, which is something the body needs. The hops in beer have been proven to help people with sleeping disorder, and there is some study to suggest that it helps with kidney stones.

Coca cola on the other hand is a mountain of sugary water in a can. I guess you could say that one good thing about it is that the sugar is diluted in the water, so it takes longer than a few minutes to develop heart conditions and diabetes.

>> No.5846584

But it says "natural flavourings" on the bottle

>> No.5846790

>The hops in beer have been proven to help people with sleeping disorder

So let me get this straight, cutting edge science has confirmed that drinking an ass load of beer will make you fall asleep? I'm stunned, truly I am.

>> No.5847047

If we are really only talking one can here, I bet its the soda.

If you had 1 or 2 drinks a day, it actually like benefits your health. Soda isn't like that.

>> No.5847057

>I guess you could say that one good thing about it is that the sugar is diluted in the water, so it takes longer than a few minutes to develop heart conditions and diabetes.


>> No.5847062

This guy with the practical answer

>> No.5847068

Uncle George?

>> No.5847069

but beer can actually be healthy, especially low alcohol unpasteurized beers. soda... offers nothing except sugar. and diabetes.

>> No.5847107

Drinking nothing but both for several years is probably bad either way.

>> No.5847116

no. fuck off, minimal realist

>> No.5847120

uh okay, ignorant shit who doesn't know about food

>> No.5847145


Beer = liquid bread
Soda = liquid cancer

>> No.5847539

Technical and practical are two different things

>> No.5847564

My doctor actually RECOMMENDED 2 drinks a night for health benefits

>> No.5847883

uh okay, ignorant shit who thinks he knows about food

>> No.5847885

Two bottles of wine a night is great for the heart

>> No.5847893

>its lie saying that jacking off builds muscle endurance in your arms

Are you actually being fucking serious? Just fucking quit while your behind

>> No.5847894

It's actually the opposite

>> No.5847903

You'd probably be dead if you drank 30 cans of soda a night.


>> No.5847929

Probably the beer. More calories, etc.

>> No.5847942

Because you never did the first example and felt the benefit of water.
I can almost see the food you spit when you talk

>> No.5847977


Maybe they're only studying fat people that eat too much?

>> No.5850175

both a can a beer and a can of alcohol are unbelievably sweet in the human system
so both are bad