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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 15 KB, 600x400, 13443454343545.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5823005 No.5823005 [Reply] [Original]

Alcoholic thread time.

>> No.5823014

Fuck yeah! these are the best thing on /ck/

>> No.5823028

Tomorrow it will be 3 weeks sober.

>> No.5823047
File: 23 KB, 346x250, 1409369671477.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>At bar
>Order rum & coke
>Bartender pulls of a can of Bacardi and cola and pours into glass
>That's $8
>Get kicked out of bar for refusing to pay
Was I in the wrong?

>> No.5823052

That is blasphemy right there.

>> No.5823053
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>wake up depressed after another night of drinking
>start drinking again

>> No.5823054

>Was I in the wrong?
You ordered rum and coke. Yes, you were wrong.

>> No.5823055

What a shitty bar

>> No.5823058

Agreed. I love it when I see alc threads pop up.

>> No.5823061

>even slight amounts of any booze will make me violently sick
>tfw i'll never be an alcohol

>> No.5823068


>rum and coke is usually bacardi and coke for people who don't like booze
>you didn't specify anything different
>barman pours you the default

Yes, you were completely in the wrong, and lucky not to get a slap off the bouncer on the way out.

>> No.5823067

It's 1 p.m, I'm drunk, out of booze and I'm not going to go to the store. What do.

>> No.5823072
File: 92 KB, 481x720, 1411352936166.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw filtering cheap Costco whiskey through activated charcoal and adding vanilla extract
>mfw it's about the level of Jim Beam
>mfw store it in Arizona tea gallon bottles and go to town

>> No.5823073

I wish I was you. I can drink until I black out literally every night and I feel perfectly fine the next morning. Be thankful. Alcohol sucks.

>> No.5823080

Oh just shut the fuck up. Regardless of your drink preferences the bartender should've had made the drink.

>> No.5823082

Clean yourself up and go to the store

>> No.5823087

1.vanilla extract
3. Rubbing alcohol

In that order

>> No.5823090

>I feel perfectly fine the next morning

that experience generally changes between the ages 25-30. Enjoy it while you can, because when you do start getting hangovers, they're going to be killers.

>> No.5823092

I'm 26, man.

>> No.5823100

Yah it is also dependent on their drinking habits

If one gets drunk every night, they wont have hangovers anymore regardless of age

>> No.5823104


Welp, you've got it to have, m80.

Until I was about 29, I could drink all night, sleep a couple of hours, drink a glass of water, then head out to work.

In my thirties, I started getting hangovers that lasted two days. then I started getting the worst ones of all: delayed hangovers where you wake up feeling OK, then aboout four o'clock in the afternoon you're puking your guts out and shitting brown water.

Most of my friends report the same experience - and most of us drink or used to drink quite a lot.

Sorry old boy.

>> No.5823109
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I've been drinking like this since I was about 18 or 19. I've been depressed for a really long time. My health is shit, don't get me wrong. My stomach and intestines are atrocious and I haven't really had a normal bowel movement in years. I can't eat anything without running to the bathroom like 20 minutes later.

I've talked to alcoholics who've been drinking like this since my age and they don't ever experience hangovers. It kind of scares me that I'm already there. I used to get really intense hangovers to where I was doing nothing but throwing up stomach acid for an entire day, but now it's just nothing.

Believe me, I wish I weren't like this. I hate it and can't think of anything but alcohol and wanting to quit it. There's no bragging going on here.

>> No.5823110

It really depends, some of the worst hangovers of my life were at 19, but I was drinking copious amounts of disgusting tramp cider, chain smoking and not bothering with any soft drinks.

God the tramp cider shits, I can still remember the smell.

>> No.5823134

I'll start drinking in 2-3 hours. I expect some company.

>> No.5823273

I'm not that desperate yet.

>> No.5823307
File: 193 KB, 300x343, 1411048398602.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>inb4 you all try to outdo each other and try to claim that youre the biggest alco.
>I drink two bottles of Johnny a night and still feel sober
>yeah well. I knock off two handles of everclear a night. Get on my level, pussy
>I lost my girlfriend because of the drink
>yeah well, I lost my entire family

It's like how some dude in an alco thread a few weeks go described going to an AA meet with young people and they all tried to outbrag eachother there, too.

>> No.5823308

The only regret I have with alcohol is the money I could've saved and spent on other things the past 6 or 7 years. I could've traveled all over and bought a several nice cars by now.

>> No.5823311

No one does that shit, retard. None of us want to be like this, we're just here talking about our experiences. Fuck off.

>> No.5823315

Yeah, I know the feeling. My biggest hobby is fish keeping and I cringe at the thought of all the money I could have saved and spent on that instead of booze.

>> No.5823319

Plenty of you fucking do it. Gao and re-read the threads you pithy braggart

>> No.5823321

Alcoholic here.. Trying to stop drinking because of the problems it's caused.. I'm halfway through my first beer in 4 days.. Holy fuck it feels so good.

>> No.5823325

i very rarely get drunk and even more seldom get hangovers. But i always cherish the first glasss of wine of the day.

>> No.5823329
File: 102 KB, 617x351, ac.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Alcoholic here
>first beer in 4 days
you don't know what you're talking about

>> No.5823330

Maybe a couple here and there do it because they have some victim complex, but you can't fucking say we all do, go fuck yourself. Most of us are just here and share what we've gone through. Just because a couple of idiots think they need to try and one up everyone else doesn't mean the rest of us do. I'd gladly pass on my addiction to someone else.

>> No.5823340

Lol I don't normally drink beer.. I usually have whiskey, but recently stopped buying it.. But there was a beer in the fridge... Faggot..

>> No.5823350

>says he's trying to quit
>makes it 4 days
>gives in and has a beer
I don't understand what the issue is here.

>> No.5823352
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wait so youre saying, the more I drink the less hangover I get?

>> No.5823368

The spirit of the buffalo runs with this one

>> No.5823374

I don't read these threads much. Why don't you guys go to meetings?

>> No.5823406

to drunk to go to meetings duh.

>> No.5823409

I don't think I'm an alcoholic, but I drink when I'm depressed, and I'm depressed a lot these days. I'm finding excuses to drink almost every evening now, and occasionally during the day. I feel like I may be on the road to alcoholism. Should I just save myself time and pain and go to AA now?

>> No.5823426

That isn't a good excuse

>> No.5823428


>> No.5823435

No you're on the right track to enlightenment. Drink harder and you will have all the answers soon.

>> No.5823453
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Butthurt lightweight detected.

>> No.5823463
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if you need motivation put this up above where you drink.

>> No.5823464
File: 19 KB, 300x300, fark_PDc-bGPFcjw1G37hx0T0sdDvELQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nothing like a depressant to chase the blues away.

>> No.5823467

I'm rather unhappy and anxious when sober. When I drink, I feel really happy and want to go out and party and stuff. Why is this, if alcohol is a depressant? I know clinically it is, as in it suppresses your body's ability to function properly, but why am I so elated when I drink?

>> No.5823491


That's not the same meaning of "depressant" you drunk retard.

>> No.5823503

Increased dopamine is being released in your brain.

>> No.5823558

This does nothing for me.

>> No.5823614

>not planning on going out to the bar on monday
>friend calls me up and wants to go out
>he rarely goes out so I say fuck it and go out anyway and stay till close
>yesterday decide to go out since it's $2 tuesdays
>once again stay till close
>tell myself I'm not going out tonight, i'll wait till thursday
>it's currently 5PM and i'm feeling like going out tonight anyway
>tell myself I will just have a few beers but will probably stay till close as usual
someone just shoot me

>> No.5823630

Also I just realized I've spent over $200 at the bar in the past two weeks. Fuck me.

>> No.5823631

Any scotchfags around? I just got a bottle of Glenfiddich 15 year, enjoying it neat with a couple drops of water, wondering what you fags are drinking and how you enjoy it best.

>> No.5823665

I wish I had the money to buy scotch on a regular basis, but I usually drink cheap whiskey instead. I've had a few good ones, though.

One that I was surprised by and that you should try if you haven't already is Oban 14. No smoke, no sweetness, strong pear notes with a tiny bit of vanilla. It reminded me of poire williams.

>> No.5823666

not that kind of thread so fuck off

come back with a 20 buck handle of vodca and some sprite

>> No.5823670

got home from work at 6. already consumed one bottle of wine, now breaking out some whiskey.

i'm so lonely, /ck/.

>> No.5823679

>Mr. Boston was on sale for 8.99
>Cranberry Sierra Mist on sale for .99
>will hopefully be dead by 30

I honestly want to give up drinking, but every day I'm alone in my apartment, I get anxious and crave it. I don't even enjoy it anymore, because I seem to go from sober to blackout so quickly.

On days I work, I stay at my parents house, because they live closer to where I work, and I no longer drive (not due to alcohol), so I just ride my bike to work.

I get no cravings on those days. I wish I worked somewhere near my apartment and worked tons of hours. At least then maybe my drinking would only be weekend, and I wouldn't spend so much on it.

Even buying bottom shelf, I go through a handle in 2 days, 3 if I'm lucky. Then I also do a bunch of dumb shit while drunk, lose money, waste money, etc.

>> No.5823688

I know that feel. This was my only day off work and I basically spent it drowsy as fuck from drinking all last night and then again when I woke. I have no energy.

I hate alcohol.

>> No.5823711

I work two jobs to keep myself busy as much as possible and keep myself and my mind off of alcohol. But on weekday evenings I always come home to the same shitty little apartment with just an asshole cat for company. I'm always drunk an hour after walking in the door.

I hate alcohol, too. but not as much as I hate being on my own.

>> No.5823714

Go find your local "alcoholics" bar. I may be an alcoholic but i'll be damned if i'm gonna be a lonely alcoholic.
I have a buddy that's there every night after I get off work. We always joke about if I don't see him there one night i'll know what happened.

>> No.5823717

liar liar

>> No.5823720

lol every local bar is an alcoholics bar silly goose

>> No.5823726

Yeah but most of them are filled with drunk old rednecks.
The one I go to has mostly people my age (21-30)

>> No.5823738

al/ck/ie threads are for nice people, so fuck off.

Coincidentally, I'm having cheap vodka and shitty grapefruit soda. cheers

>> No.5823745

are you from the southeast? that's the case EVERYWHERE, even the rail at applebee's, ruby tuesday's, longhorn steakhouse, etc.
my bar blows up on the weekends around 3am with the coke party crowd. they are loud & i try to leave when they get there >=(

>> No.5823786

Been drinking nightly again. Not happy about it. I still run 5 miles a day and that keeps me from drinking during the day.

>> No.5823852
File: 83 KB, 1024x576, 1395694749065.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyone else get withdrawals after the weekend?
i don't drink during weekdays, but on weekends i put away 50-60 beers. on sunday night i get terrible withdrawals. on monday night i fall asleep fine.

i don't want to stop drinking on the weekends, but these withdrawals for fucking terrible. can't sleep, hyper aware, heart rhythm is all fucked up.

>> No.5823858

>all these people that think there's a correlation with health and whether or not you're more or less susceptible to hangovers


plebeians the lot of you.

it's what you drink and how much you drink. health is not a factor whatsoever.

>> No.5823864
File: 107 KB, 504x504, 1387210786876.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

...and age is no factor too.

>> No.5823887

Bullshit. I've been drinking since 15 and im 27 now and used to get hangovers a lot. Now I wake up fine don't ever trhow up unless I go a month or two without drinking and then go crazy first day back drinking.

>> No.5823903

career drinker here. hangovers get worse as you get older. this is common knowledge. see >>5823090
32 y/o recovering /alck/

>> No.5823913

So you're saying someone who drinks beers can't be an alcoholic? I'm an alcoholic but only drink beers because hate hard lic, can't handle it anymore like I used to when younger. Been drinking since 15 now 27

>> No.5823926

why not drink during the weekdays?

>> No.5823929

The success rate of AA is about 1%

>> No.5823940

yeah and most people go to meetings for hookups

no one is genuinely looking to be cured

>> No.5823950

Time to have a pre-celebration drunk night

>> No.5823951

hearing someone enjoy drinking is quite grating

>> No.5823955

Just remembered it's karaoke night tonight.
Time to get wasted and belt out some tunes.

>> No.5823991

What do you sing?

>> No.5824034

I'm 28 and am on day 11 without a drop. Longest I've gone without drinking in probably 8 years. Quit for weight loss reasons. Sobriety is fucking weird. My go-to for the last several years was Canadian Club on the rocks and beer. Reading this thread has made me have the strongest cravings yet. But I won't do it. Not until I've dropped at least another 15-20 lbs. I'm off to the gym. Hang in there fellow abstainers

>> No.5824061

Official /alck/ theme.


>> No.5824065

Normally 80's songs.

>> No.5824167

what do you do when you go to the bar alone?

>> No.5824180

>not enjoying drinking

You're doing it wrong. It's being sober that sucks. Drink with friends, go to a bar, etc.

>> No.5824195

talk to people.
my sperginess goes away after a few drinks and I can actually socialize people.

>> No.5824199

>socializing people

For some reason that made me laugh.

>see that bitch at the bar? I'm going to socialize the shit out of her

>> No.5824205

I ran out of liquer so I took four pain pills last night but found out they had paracetamol which can fuck up your liver, so I decided to take a break from drinking to let my liver have a break
probably gonna be hard
took some benzos today though, felt pretty good

>> No.5824223

Just bought hangar 51. Decent vodka for the price. What do you think al/ck/?

>> No.5824280

benzos fuck with your liver too m8.

>> No.5824295

not that much, I looked into it

>> No.5824307

you think it goes away, but it doesn't. you just dont care as much.

>> No.5824325

Not the guy you're quoting, but it kinda follows a curve though, especially if you're timid to begin with.

Completely sober, it's hard to engage in conversation comfortably. After a few drinks, the fear goes away and you have a good time. Past a certain point you start being annoying.

I don't know about being a sperg though, so maybe that just doesn't go away

>> No.5824437

I'm goin' sober tonight, boys. Wish me luck.

>> No.5824441

Fucking pussy. just have a "couple".

>> No.5824446

It never is only a couple, anon. It never is...

>> No.5824456

exactly. that's why I put it in quotations.

>> No.5824457

I think he knows. Notice the quotation marks?

>> No.5824459

Oh. It's been a long day.

I'm just going to drown myself in tea tonight. I find having a replacement drink to constantly sip on helps.

>> No.5824550

It really does. It's the best trick in the book, right up there with smoking weed.

Today, I started drinking because I had finished the pot of coffee I made and I wasn't in the mood for water. It's that stupid. I'm at my third vodka and grapefruit soda now.

>> No.5824920
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Do you guys think there's any female alcoholics on /ck/? I always imagined these threads to be massive sausage fests.

>> No.5824932

the females here are landwhales.

>> No.5824973

I'm not that bad of an alchie, just have the habit of automatically reaching for the bottle when I'm bored and have nowhere to be. So I try to stay busy and have somewhere to be. Working nights helps; I'm not very good at daydrinking.

But alas, it's my night off. Who vodka and tonic here?

>> No.5824981

Word. I got buzzed as fuck and ran into a cute neighbor when I went out for a cig. We spent 45 minutes talking about the local cat population, neighborhood gentrification, dive bars, and beer.

Liquid courage my friends.

>> No.5825008




nope, although I can't speak for anyone else

5'9 135 1.75l every 2 days

>> No.5825012

Unless I see a timestamped pic this seems like a lie. You hear fat girls make claims like this all the time.

>> No.5825018

Are you ugly? You could probably get a good buzz going without spending a dime if you weren't. For a while anyway, I guess regulars would figure out what you're doing soon enough.

>> No.5825019

Don't be like that, man. Not in these threads.

>> No.5825020

Won't lie one of the main reasons I drink is to get work done. I am usually too antsy and easily distracted sober to work on my art after I get done with my real job. After a couple of beers my brain slows down and I can really focus.

>> No.5825026

I was supposed to study today. I was supposed to do the dishes today. I was supposed to do a bunch of shit today.

But hey, at least I'm drunk. Finished half a fifth of vodka, there's a 40 of malt liquor in the fridge. whoo fucking hoo

>> No.5825027

People shouldn't make the claim unless they can back it.

I don't go around telling people I have a 10in dick because I know to make that kind of claim you really need to have proof.

>> No.5825033

>im a skinny girl
>prove it
>dont be like that

Yeah, you're a fatty McFatfat.

>> No.5825035

I'm not even her.

>> No.5825037

Neither was she.

>> No.5825050
File: 195 KB, 542x748, sdfa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


from probably 6 months ago, weighed about 145 here. Not taking a pic with people around and I have to have my bathroom door open and back stand in the hallway to take the picture or you can barely see anything.

not taking a timestamped picture and derailing the thread even more, I knew I shouldn't have posted to begin with

>> No.5825055

Why do you care, though? It's 4chan, people talk shit all the time, you decide who you believe and who you don't believe. Go about your day. I'm a fucking purple octopus and I'm rich, waddup

>> No.5825058

Well, it passed the reverse image search.

>not taking a timestamped picture and derailing the thread even more

This reeks of deception though. You steal a pic from a roommate?

>> No.5825059

Because anytime a female is mentioned it sends people into fits of rage or disbelief. Hard to comprehend in this day in age really. I don't know why people care so much.

>> No.5825064


I stongly suspect that posting a pic of you (or whoever) in your pants will derail the thread.

As an aside, why is it that /ck/ doesn't mind posts about booze but whenever anyone mentions weed it gets all straight edge?

>> No.5825066

Because people who claim to be females are usually only doing so because they feel the need to have someone pay attention to them. This was a huge deal on /k/ a few years back. Camwhores and fake camwhores everywhere.

>> No.5825068

Probably because alcohol is used in food a lot and tons of chefs and cooks drink.

>> No.5825070

It actually just one guy. He always does this.

She wants to derail the thread, she wants the attention. She also used a stolen pic.

>> No.5825071

>question literally asked if there are any girls here who are alcoholics
>girl responds with simple answer
>people sperg out

>> No.5825072

>implying weed isn't used in food and a lot of chefs and cooks don't smoke weed.

>> No.5825075

my life's getting shittier and shittier but I can't turn to alcohol to help cope with it because it would interfere with my rejection medications and probably kill

what other alternatives to coping with life have any of you found?

>> No.5825077


Hard to believe when the first thing posted is borderline nude

>> No.5825079

Hey, I agree with you and couldn't care less, I was just trying to think of a reason why others care so much.

>> No.5825082


Every chef I ever worked with did mountains of drugs as well. Actually not all, but most. I dont know what it is about working long, unsociable hours in a stressful environment that seems to encourage it, but there you are.

That doesn't really explain why people get so aerated about it when someone mentions weed.

I bet if someone started a "things you can cook with weed" thread, it would be drowned in shit, even though it was recipes.

I just think it's an odd reation is all. I'll let you get back to your drunk thread.

I'm drinking laChouffe beer, in case you're interested. Nothing special, just cooking beer, but I like it.

>> No.5825083


I got banned the last time I did so yeah


nope, nor is it stolen

reverse image search it

I've posted it in a /fit/ CBT thread, which is why I took it. That's the only place it's ever been posted.


this is 4chan after all, I guess I should have expected it even though /ck/ is better than average

>> No.5825085

Thats not what happend you idiot. Someone mentioned all the girls here are fat, someone claiming to be a girl also claimed to not be fat.
Disbelief ensued and proof was requested, a stolen pic was provided, an enticing stolen pic at that. She(?) is attention whoring.

>> No.5825086

Can we stop fucking derailing the thread. You guys bitch and moan over her being the reason it's derailing yet you're fucking feeding it. Just drop it for fuck sake.

>> No.5825087
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>doing drugs

>> No.5825090

you fucked her at least, right?

>> No.5825092

>/fit/ CBT thread

They do cock and ball torture in /fit/ now? Things have changed.

>> No.5825093

>no timestamp
Yeah ok.

>> No.5825095


it was for a current body thread on /fit/ and I was asking how much to cut so that was relevant, I almost never take pics of myself

I'm just going to stop posting now because I already ruined this thread by responding to begin with



>> No.5825098

THIS. the only reason threads get derailed when someone mentions they have a vagina is because everyone freaks the fuck out.

the only reason people mention they're female is because they know it'll derail the thread. Or you know, maybe they're just female. Either way, if no one gives a fuck, it won't change shit.

>> No.5825099
File: 16 KB, 300x354, 13124345323253.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who CARES. Jesus christ, you guys.

>> No.5825101

> I already ruined this thread
You really did.

>> No.5825102


She had help, be fair.

>> No.5825103

Won't spend any more time in this thread. Just wanted to give some love to my fellow al/ck/s. Coming up on 18 months sobriety for me. Failed a lot before it finally stuck. Good luck, guys.

>> No.5825104

Apparently everyone accept you.
You should leave, you don't fit in.

>> No.5825106

Yeah the WHOLE few people deciding to join in on this bullshit.

>> No.5825109


>stolen pic
>no results on google image search

Didn't she even say she couldn't take a picture right now? Don't know what you're on about.

>> No.5825110

I like you. Are you drunk? I'm drunk.

>> No.5825111

Not sure how i'd get to talk with a therapist but I guess it's worth talking to my doctor about, i'm seeing him next week as routine. i'm really terrified it's the day he'll tell me I have diabetes despite my attempts to avoid it.

I'm not sure if it's the stress of going to school and work full-time but i've dropped a lot of weight, and i've read that weight loss is a sign of early diabetes

i need more people to talk to that aren't entirely online


>> No.5825112

She should have known claiming to be a skinny female would incur disbelief and demands for proof. This i 4chan and we really don't like guys pretending to be girls. We want real cute girls to be here, not pretenders. /k/ actually had a few cute gun owners who would post back in the day, and one trap.

>> No.5825114

>implying should couldn't have gotten it from someones comp or phone or camera, etc.
There are entire threads dedicated to exactly this.

>> No.5825115

No but I definitely wish I was drunk right about now.

>> No.5825117


The people who responded ruined it, if a guy posted their alcohol consumption and height/weight no one would bat an eyelash. Usually these threads are surprisingly decent, this is pathetic.

She responded to the question and you guys sperged out.

>> No.5825119


You are still derailing the thread. You can calm down now. It's over.

>> No.5825120

fuck man, that sucks. why aren't you drunk

>> No.5825121


I think we've also now narrowed it down to where the shitposters come from anytime a vagina is so much as mentioned on this board.

>> No.5825122

No, YOU responded to the question. Don't pretend you're not defending yourself. No one else would care enough to bother.

>> No.5825124


Holy shit you guys are fucking neurotic, are you this paranoid about everything in life? Maybe all the sauce really is making you insane.

Who in the world would bother doing that to post 1 picture on a slow board?

>> No.5825127

dude, just stop it. stop mentioning it. talk about drinking.

>> No.5825129

>its over
>keeps posting
Hypocrite much?

>> No.5825128
File: 14 KB, 200x188, 1307576777002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I needed a night off from drinking. I think I can feel my liver crying.

>> No.5825132

this is the plight of all addicts for some reason they want you to know their addiction is far worse than yours can ever be it always turns into some weird pissing contest with these people.

>> No.5825133

>Apparently you care enough to KEEP POSTING

Well, you, for one.

>> No.5825134


Except I'm not her.

>> No.5825137


>> No.5825138
File: 4 KB, 429x410, 1303886664886.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus christ, what the fuck happened to you guys? Here I thought these threads were chill as shit then you go and do this.

>> No.5825139

Word. That's a lot of sauce for 135 lbs.

>> No.5825143

Damn there's so many good ones to pick from.

>> No.5825144


I'm not her either and I've seen you accuse at least 1 other person of being her.

>> No.5825145

https://docs.google.com/forms/d/10BMRCUbeGzRSzVcuLmQ7t63yMlMZnpBwHt2mpLdyuTs/viewform?usp=send_form ayo

>> No.5825146

no one else would care enough to keep responding

>> No.5825147

protip: you can actually feel your liver crying

>> No.5825149

Have you been on at all tonight?
weeaboos were shitting up the place hardcore earlier. Like its a fucking sin to not like sushi, damn.

>> No.5825150

Where can you see the results?

>> No.5825152


yeah these threads are usually surprisingly decent, someone should just delete this thread so we can start fresh

>> No.5825156

ooof i feel that one when your organs start hurting man. I swear one time I had the sharp anal stings hard to explain but literally had random bouts of sharp ass pain. The worst part is for me is that everyone hates me sober even my family. when I get in a bad mood they would rather suggest I drink then not.

>> No.5825155

It's a wonder how our good threads end up deleted for no reason sometimes and this thread will likely stay up past bump limit.

>> No.5825160
File: 19 KB, 200x200, 1273441005468.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>got drunk
>sharp ass pain

Uh...I think something may have happened to you...

>> No.5825161


You're persistent, I'll give you that.

>> No.5825164

So how re you dealing? herbal tea? soda? I mean, from what I've experienced, you need something in your hand to drink if you're not getting drunk.

>> No.5825169

Thanks? I'm not sure what you are referencing.

>> No.5825172

lol yah yah but im serious anon I mean like stabbing pains in the anus not when I wake up mind you but randomly through out the day

>> No.5825173

You sure those aren't hemorrhoids, man? Or what this guy said... >>5825160

Huge ass amounts of green tea mixed with chamomile to help with the withdrawal anxiety. Surprisingly helps and mellows me out. Even if happens to end up being all placebo effect it still works for me, so it's whatever.

>> No.5825176


>> No.5825177

I don't think you remember properly. It was more like liking sushi makes you a weeaboo sperglord.

>> No.5825180

You might want to talk to a doctor, I don't think that's normal.

>> No.5825184


Here is your reply.

>> No.5825185

>tfw you'll never have sex with a woman this hot
guess it's time for another shot

>> No.5825188

Why did I read that as anal sex...

>> No.5825192

That is not what I witnessed. Were there multiple threads? What I saw was someone shitting all over non-sushi eaters and then a somehow dictionaries and "trends" came into play. Not that it really matters to me at all. I don't like sushi but thats probably because I've only tried it at a couple, dubious places.

>> No.5825194


I think he thinks you're the girl, he said the same shit to me and at least 1 other person

I was >>5825117

>> No.5825195


Because you want that other anon to bum you probably.

Have a drink, it'll relax you beforehand.

>> No.5825196

mah nigga. chamomille calms you down so it makes sense, plus you need to drink something if you're used to drink booze. There's thing thing called 5 herbs tea I buy. It's rosehip, bramble flowers, linden flowers, chamomille flowers and hibiscus flowers. Tastes pretty good, takes your mind off drinking. I smoke a little joint too to make things easier when I want to lay off or a day

>> No.5825199

...I am not a girl.
I can assure you of this.

I'm confused now.

>> No.5825204

is melatonin a good distraction from the alcoholism I find that when Im already tired I dont want to drink as much

>> No.5825213

What I remember is someone trolling people that liked sushi saying they were trendy weeaboos pretending to be distinguished too hard. Meh, doesn't matter

>> No.5825216

Yeah for sure. I'm so used to having a drink or a bottle sitting here next to me every night, so on my nights off of drinking I just guzzle down teas.

I've been looking into ones that aid in liver detoxing and I know green tea helps with that. Got some green tea with lemon and ginseng (which also apparently helps). I love that shit. I'll try finding the one you mentioned though, sounds good.

>> No.5825220

>i've read that weight loss is a sign of early diabetes
because all cases of weight loss are caused by diabetes. come on bro, you're worrying too much. are you overweight? does your diet consist of massive amounts of carbohydrates and especially sugars? are you sedentary? if all of these apply, then maybe you should worry. but I bet you're a skeleton

>> No.5825222

Do you, by chance, happen to like sushi?
If so you might be remembering it differently, since it would make you a biased observer.
Actually, don't answer. This conversation has no real point and could end with unpleasant disagreement. Not what I'm here for.

Good day, sir.

>> No.5825224

The new Founders black IPA is so goddamn good. A perfect example of this style.

>> No.5825230

honestly I don't think it matters, I drink it because it tastes pretty good and that's it. My main issue with green tea as a replacement is that caffeine will keep you up, and a big problem with not drinking when you're used to it is falling asleep.

Honestly, I think that the thing that will detox your liver the most is not drinking booze, you know

>> No.5825231

On a slightly related note, are there any worthwhile sushi restaurants in the midwest?

>> No.5825232


Luckily, I can't drink everyday and trust me I've tried, but for some reason I can't do it. These days I'll drink a few nights a week (like last night) and then spend the next day hungover and panicky. Not my favorite part of boozing, but getting drunk with a good friend is pretty fun. Even though these days it's almost like I'm getting bored with it or just sick of the hangovers and anxiety. If weed was legal and I could afford it I'd much rather do that and never have a hangover again.

>> No.5825235

lol yeah I know, but nothing wrong in aiding it a little here and there. I think some guy in a past alc thread mentioned that milk thistle was great for your liver. I probably won't sleep tonight, I already know that much.

>> No.5825236

Hey man, I do think good sushi is enjoyable, and it's fine if you don't. Everyone is a biased observer. You're right, this is not the place to argue. Cheers and good day to you as well

>> No.5825242

Are you coastal or midwestern?
I've actually been looking for a decent place to give sushi a real try but I live in Iowa and everything I've tried here was horrid. Had the chance when I was in Japan but ended up living off of beef bowls and ramen.

>> No.5825245

I did hear that a lot too, actually. Especially on drunkard dot com. Never tried it though

>> No.5825262

Where do you live? If you smoke 3-4 times a week and keep your tolerance low then weed is 10x cheaper than alcohol.

>> No.5825266

Not in the US, but eastern Canada. Montreal to be specific. I've met people from Vancouver that tell me sushi here is shit. Probably is, too, compared to there. I don't know, I've had decent stuff. Not my favorite, but I definitely wouldn't turn it down.

Although, word of advice: delivery sushi is not sushi. I don't care if you're in the mood for it but you're not willing to get off the couch, it won't do the job. You'll be disappointed. Just get pizza.

>> No.5825271

are you sure about that? or are you exaggerating when you say 10x? because you can keep your tolerance of alcohol low too, and a handle goes a long way in that case

>> No.5825277

Friday Night at 9pm EST

(Valve Time)

>> No.5825283

I really don't trust seafood unless I'm near the ocean generally. Best seafood I had was in South Korea, I actually got to pick my meal out of a fish tank.
Next time I'm in Asia I'll give it a try.

>> No.5825289

I don't how expensive weed is around your parts, but as far as I'm concerned, guy has a point. Even a gram a day would make you smoke half an ounce every two weeks, which means about 80-100$ at the very most. It might not be 10x, but around here a 12 pack is 15$. 15 times 14 days is 210$. So half of what you'd spend?

>> No.5825297

I guess if you're getting the cheap stuff, then maybe not literally ten times cheaper.I smoke regularly (2-3 times per week) but can take one or two hits and have a cigarette and call it a night. I do prefer the "nicer" alcohols ($10-12 six packs or $20+ handles) and I will kill a bottle or a six pack in a night if I really want to whereas a $15 gram will last me over a week. Totally different feeling though. I can sit around all day and not get stoned even though I have the means but I'll hit the bottle after a few hours of being awake.

>> No.5825299

Where are you from, though? Montreal is not exactly a coastal city, but it's close enough that you can get good fish

>> No.5825301


A gramme a day isn't going to help anyone kick a booze habit. And your weed seems very cheap, I'm guessing you're lucky enough to live somewhere where it's still illegal.

>> No.5825305

Living in Iowa currently, I was an Army brat. Born in South Korea but not really "from" anywhere. I am in the middle on the nation, no where near a coast. Unless they start making sushi out of walleye I think I'm out of luck here.

>> No.5825306

Ffs al/ck/, this is the one thread I'd expect to to be detailed by a "woman". You should all be too drunk to care

>> No.5825309

I just visited a friend in CO and she said that while the eighths at the dispensaries are $40-50, the ones on the street are $20-25. Where do you live that has had street prices spike?

>> No.5825313
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Does anyone else find they sometimes get an insatiable appetite when they don't drink?

>> No.5825327


I live in Michigan a medical marijuana state, but I can't get a card. It isn't like California and harder to get a card. Whenever I have some extra cash I usually get some and I pay 10 a gram, but I can't afford that all the time. Or I can spend 10 on a 1.75l of cheap vodka and get two or three good drunks on it. If i do that all month it's about 40 bucks. Now, if I get 40 in weed it's gone in about 4 days lol. It's really just a cost issue I'm not making the big bucks, but I'm also not a fan of sobriety. So, I end up drinking more than smoking.

>> No.5825331

On a lighter note...What kind of drunk foods do you guys like to eat?

>> No.5825337

We have a place here called Fighting Burrito, its like a Chipotle but better in pretty much every way. I usually get a pork burrito with wild rice, black beans, spinach, spicy corn salsa, sauteed veg and cilantro sour cream, all on a veggie tortilla.

>> No.5825339

Gotcha. Yeah I am glad that I can sparingly use weed. A gram a week or so for me. I just don't feel like getting high all that often. Maybe an hour before bed I'll take a puff or two but that's it. Though when I have booze I'll go to town on it like I'm doing right now :D that's why it costs so much more for me. Tastes and feels better though. Whatever.

>> No.5825343

>5 for a half
>10 for a gram

So far I follow you, but an eigth is then 30$, 25 if you know the guy. A 4th is 50-55$, 40-45 if you know the guy. Buy in bulk.

>> No.5825381

That's your body telling you to drink some water

>> No.5825407


I live in Holland, so no changes recently, other than inflation and dutch greed. Also energy bills come into play when things go legal, and people aren't running weedhouses on hacked electric meters, and they have to pay tax.

Legal weed always seems to be twice as expensive as illegal, at least. Way more if you're paying for unusual hybrids or stuff like ice hash and the really pricey stuff.

>> No.5825415

don't fucking start with me

>> No.5825432

Gotcha. That makes sense though I never would have factored it in to pricing. I live in the Southern US so we won't have legal drugs for quite a while. I'm lucky enough to get $30/3.5 from someone but most people I know pay $50-60 for the same amount. I guess it's just much cheaper where it can easily be grown. I know nothing about the business though.

>> No.5825445

I only get like that when I have the rare hangover. I don't usually feel it but for an hour when I wake up but on the days that it lasts I am starving and horny all day. I'll try to eat healthy things at least but I'll get at least a little junk and beat off 4-5 times. Someone on here once said it might be an attempt at creating more dopamine. Sounds reasonable.

>> No.5825447

>I never would have factored it in to pricing.

I actually used to grow weed, and it was always my biggest concern - I'd be running the electric bill through the mill trying to work out how much it was costing me per gramme, and it was always shockingly high. Then you go to your customers and say "I've got to raise my prices a wee bit because the bills are going through the roof" and they'd be all "what man, it's a plant man, you can't own a plant man, you used to be cool man now it's all about the money" and at that point I'd usually punch them and sell it to someone else. The way eectricity is rising in price, weed's becoming ridiculously expensive - 10 euros a gramme is the norm now for anything decent.

At the same time, beer gets cheaper. I can't fathom it - those guys need to use electiricity as well.

>> No.5825450

How about I eat some sliced cucumbers instead.

>> No.5825458

Not trying to question you but why hasn't the price risen in the last ten years that I've been smoking?

Sorry to change the topic of conversation. At least I'm drinking.

>> No.5825495


I'm drinking as well, so excuse me for diveting the thread minds wander hehe.

It's not just the last ten years, it's even longer - in the UK (the illegal market I know most about) the price of weed and hash has been stable for about twenty years, although weed has been starting to rise in price recently.

One reason is the inertia of customers that I mentioned - everyone says "hey man, weed's been the same prce for ten years so why are you raising the price now", so as a grower you just have to eat the rise in costs. For small growers like me the main thing is to make your own prodigious supply cost nothing, so that's just what you do, and you get used to the fact that you're actually selling some of your crop at break-even or even a loss.

Hash stays the same price because it comes from overseas and the fixed costs are fuck all anyway.

More organised growers than me (mostly triads in the UK) take over whole houses, disconnect them from the electricity meter and just grow rooms full of weed - this is the main commercial weed, grown by a guy who's usually an illegal who knows next to nothing about growing. The weed's shit, but it's plentiful and it floods the city and the gangs can afford to keep the prices low because of almost zero overheads other than canna and whatnot.

The last big factor is that in illegal markets there's loads of teams who baasically specialise in robbing weed grows - they wait till its ready, then they come in and harvest it for you which is nice, but they don't give you any oof the money, which is less nice. These guys just want to move a vanload of produce in a hurry, so they don't give a fuck about the score - anyone who can buy frm them can carry on selling at the ten year ago price.

Sorry, I've a tendency to verbosity when I'm on the piss.

>> No.5825519

Opinions on beefeater gin?

>> No.5825533

Just rob growhouses? With no repercussions? That's pretty ridiculous. Seems like that would help prices stay lower, honestly. I don't know how often it really happens, though.

>> No.5825539


Slightly better than rubbing alcohol. Everybody's first glass of gin (if you're a bong), generally served warm out of an optic to a blowsy woman who will inevitably call you "sweetheart" a lot before breaking down in tears at which point the gin becomes thinners for the drunk women's eyeliner, and you have to decide whether you're prepared to bang someone who looks like Ang-Ang the panda or whether to knock it on the head and go home with a curry.

ordinary gin/10.

>> No.5825546


I like it with splash of vermouth, an olive and a little olive juice.

>> No.5825552

>Seems like that would help prices stay lower, honestly.

That was the point - they don't have to sell it with any costs in mind.

As for repercussions, what you gonna do? Most weed growers have like 10-12 plants, with seedlings and cutting and a mother bla bla bla. They're not criminals, they're usually college kids or single mums or other randoms. When three or four tasty bastards come through the window at three in the morning with guns/machetes/etc. there's not a lot to be done. And afterwards, you can't go to the police and say you've been robbed.

Never happened to me, because of reasons, but these guys are specialists.

>> No.5825600


I don't think you can get much better than this review.
It's not good it's not bad it's just what it is.

Gordons on the other hand, now that's bad.

>> No.5825617

>tfw high functioning alcoholic

>> No.5825625

Shit man, sometimes funds are scarce, and if you want a gin and tonic, Gordons it is

>> No.5825687


dunno man, it tastes like paraffin the next day. Gordon's is wretched stuff.

Although it does have it's own 1980s electro theme tune - not all beverages do.


>> No.5825762

It's my Friday so I'm drinking. Like every other night. I can always come up with some kind of excuse and this time it's my Friday. I live in a basement suite and 5 days ago I guess the lady who lives upstairs and own the house came into my suite when I was a work and saw all my bottles everywhere. Like a horror show of bottles and cans littered all over the living room floor and kitchen counter. She asked me about it the day after she saw them and it was very embarrassing. She offered to clean up for me and I refused and cleaned all the cans and bottles up the next day. After I had gotten rid of the bottles and cans she must have come in here again because when I got home from work my dishes were done. It's just a really embarrassing situation.

>> No.5825769
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>I can always come up with some kind of excuse

>> No.5825779

Work was hard, the Wildcats lost, ext...

>> No.5825788

The football team is 4-0 right now though

>> No.5825792

Winning is an even better excuse.

>> No.5825794

That's true. What's your major, if you don't mind me asking?

>> No.5825797

African American Lit

>> No.5825800 [DELETED] 

I'm a women's studies major! Wanna talk about social justice with me?

>> No.5825802

I'm an English major. You?

>> No.5825814

Not particularly. I did take a WS class entitled 'women and disabilities', though.

>> No.5825817 [DELETED] 
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>mfw I read that as "women are disabilities"

>> No.5825827

Pre-Business looking to go into MIS.

>> No.5825843

Being an English major, I don't know what MIS is. I'm going to guess that stands for 'male internal sex'. I don't know where I'm going with my major. I'm stagnating. I've been going to school longer than van wilder.

>> No.5825846

>english major
>going somewhere
Good luck with that. I majored in History with an English minor and both fields are pretty much screwed.

>> No.5825854

Hah, my minor is history. Doomed to become a pedophile elementary school teacher, I suppose.

>> No.5825855 [DELETED] 

>implying women aren't disabilities

>> No.5825864

>Doomed to become a pedophile elementary school teacher

Are you me?
I actually am an assistant 4th grade teacher, i just don't touch the kids. Well, I do get hugged a lot. Feels good man.

>> No.5825865

I feel like it's common for teachers to become alcoholics?

>> No.5825868
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>tfw I will never drink like shoenice

it's a good feel.


>> No.5825869

Yeah, more than once I've Irish'd up my coffee.
I was surprised by how many elementary school teachers are potheads.

>> No.5825873


hahahaha one of my good friends is a elementary school teacher and she's a total stoner. every time i'm in Chicago she's trying to get me to buy from her dealer. i think she gets a discount or something

>> No.5825874

I have a friend who's a high school math teacher and he often drinks most nights. Also pretty sure he has a thing for a student too, but I'm not gonna go there.

>> No.5825876

I smoked in college, but its been years now. I guess I wouldn't mind trying it again but I have no idea how to ask someone about it and I'm still paying off student loans and I probably wouldn't be able to afford anything decent.

>> No.5825879 [DELETED] 
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>tfw you will never be able to shoenice a fifth of liquor
I can shoenice bottles of wine but I'll never be able to drink my rum like that T.T

>> No.5825882

When I was first trying to get a job teaching I wanted to be a highschool teacher because I secretly hoped to get first dibs on some graduating cuties, but quickly realized how fuck up that was. Now I'm surrounded by 4th graders. Some of them are such sweethearts though. I wish I could adopt them.

>> No.5825892

>no Irish Stew autist

>> No.5825894

There was no drunk rambling old guy of Webber Cooks either. Or Simply Sara. /ck/ has a ton.

>> No.5826001

I have watched so many shoenice videos, and this one stands out to me as the one where he almost cries before he blacks out.

>> No.5826020 [DELETED] 

What's more depressing, shoe on the verge of tears or watching Joey kill himself with fast food?

>> No.5826236

I've never seen this shoenice guy before so I look him up on the google and he's described as a stand up comedian from Denver.

Does he ever do anything funny?

>> No.5826245 [DELETED] 

He eats dog poop and drinks his own urine and drinks until he blacks out on camera which is kinda funny

>> No.5826254


Not especially.

Kind of melancholy to be honest.

>> No.5826263 [DELETED] 

>kinda melancholy to be honest
Which is the exact reson why it's funny

>> No.5826280


He's like this kid I knew at school who would eat anything on a dare, and who actually got run over by a car on purpose once because some older boys promised him some candy if he did it, kid ended up in hospital for a week.

When I was a kid, it was funny, but looking back it's pretty clear to me that kid had some severe problems, was probably being neglected or abused at home, and may well be dead now. So looking back on those memories I feel kind of sad for that kid because of what I know now.

That's what I mean by "melancholy". I have unexpected feels from watching a grown man do effectively the same thing for $0.000000001 a click.

>> No.5826292 [DELETED] 
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>mfw I have friends that are twins and one is normal and one is socially retarded
>mfw the socially retarded one went car-surfing in the parking lot in high school a few years ago
>mfw the driver braked suddenly and my friend flew off and wound up in the hospital covered in cuts, scrapes, bruises, and a fractured rib
>tfw didn't feel bad at all because he chose to do it

>> No.5826313


Someone doing something reckless and foolish isn't the same thing as getting run over by a car for attention dude.

>> No.5826507

Almost finished a 26oz of whiskey and just texted my ex. This is what I sent: Salky, I am at the breaking point of our friendship. For the last 2 months it has always been me who has instigated conversation and when I do it takes you days to reply. You invited me over to your house for dinner but let me hang until I texted you. In the meantime I've invited you to thanksgiving and my place for dinner recently, but you never RSVP. Let me know if I should stop trying.

I feel so beta.

>> No.5826514 [DELETED] 

No like even his parents are pretty sure he has mild assburgers because he's a deer in the headlights in any social situation

>> No.5826585

cheer brutha

>> No.5826598

I've to wait til after fucking 8pm to drink tomorrow because work

seriously, fuck work

>> No.5827510

no i am obese. dropping pounds reliably but it was fast enough to cause me some worry. can't wait to talk to my doc on tuesday to see whats up with my body.

diets changed a lot, its mostly health stuff, but there are a lot of carbs I'm trying to cut down on.

>> No.5827524

She wants to get the fuck away from you but is being
nice by coddling you to deal with the breakup and isolation by saying "don't worry we can still be friends" you are old baggage fuck off nobody wants to keep that around.

>> No.5827573

There's a big difference between a mixed drink and a can so yeah you were totally in the right

Also Bacardi and coke is a perfectly fine drink even for alcoholics, the fizz gets the alcohol into your system faster

>> No.5827579

sounds like you'll be fine. when you first start dieting, especially when you're obese, the weight really flies off. keep up the good work brah, and don't forget your fiber and protons

>> No.5827585

eh, most women would string their ex along so they can have someone to fall back on and cheat with when their current man fails them

>> No.5827613

Women are welcome in this forum and shitheads like you are not so go fuck yourself

>> No.5827640

This is why I have a strict incommunicado rule when running -- even if it's just been one drink. No texts, no calls, no emails, no Facebook. Nothing. It has kept me from saying retarded shit I later obsessively regret, though it does make me feel like more of an alcoholic.

>> No.5827647

running = drinking

>> No.5827661

That's why this board has such a draw to people with alcohol problems. As long as you haven't done anything illegal you don't have to worry what you've put on here

>> No.5827668

I swigged half of my gin flask to help me get to sleep last night. Felt real good.

This is a slippery slope, bros. I come from a long line of alcoholics.

>> No.5827699

my gums feel sore/weird the morning after drinking about a glass of vodka on the rocks.

am i going to die?

>> No.5827710

why do people relish the fact that they aren't light-weights?

you know how much fucking monies you would save if you were a lightweight? getting drunk off only 2-3 shots of vodka? jesus fucking christ just because you can drink 15 beers and not feel tipsy doesn't add inches to your dick.

>> No.5827714


>> No.5827723


>recently sent a three paragraph email to my 10 y/o crush telling her i spent the day stalking her online
>she writes back, as we were friendly, but hadn't talked since facebook first launched and i friended her a decade ago
>her message is a one sentence, "nice to hear from you, what're you up to?"
>takes me a week to write, as i don't want to send a message drunk
>too hungover to make the effort to write an email sober
>finally end up sending a drunken reply...

Still haven't heard back from her.

>> No.5827740
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>> No.5827748


>> No.5827750

fat people?

>> No.5827751

Just send her a message that only says "I want to enter you"
It's the only option available to you at this moment

>> No.5827753

The truly beta thing would be to fuck one of her friends

>> No.5827757

no wait, that's alpha right?
I was confusing it with the beta club

>> No.5827768

taht's really sweet anon but if u just lookin' tuh get ye dick wet then whatever the fuck go for it your both adultes and you have matured repordicdtuve orgeans

>> No.5827773

ur beeeeeeeeeeeeeeing toooo passiveeeee

grills don't like bitch beta passive bitches

>> No.5827799

your dso fuckingd fujmddjmdumb holy shit

>> No.5827846

Drink more, it helps form the werds more better

>> No.5827850

I'm a little fat, but the blood pressure is high because of alcohol. If I quit or slow down to 4 beers a day or so, it goes way down. I can't be the only one

>> No.5827906

Can a proper alcoholic explain to me why you drink? Do you do it because you love booze the same way you love a favorite food? Is it because you like the drunk feeling (and maybe don't even like the drinking process)? Is it because you're trying to escape problems? If so, how does drinking change things so that you escape those problems?

Any general insight and perspective would be really interesting.

>> No.5827921

Anon that reads really ambiguously in the first line. At first it sounds like you're stalking a 10 year old girl online.

>> No.5828005

For me it's temporarily releasing myself from my social anxiety. I can actually go out and talk to people and have conversations when I've had a few to drink.

>> No.5828039
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You fucking drunk cunts

>> No.5828040

I started because I had an awesome job, made good money and had things that I wanted. It wad like celebratory yay for me. Then job got stressful and I drank to unwind and escape. Then job got unstressful and I drank out of boredom. Was like, meh whatever why not pass the time with booze. Now I drink because boredom + addicted. I do enjoy it, but it's excessive and I know it. If it's around I feel compelled to drink til its gone (not necessarily in one night, but maybe back to back). I drink every single night if I have it, and I usually only go 3-5 days max without. It has made me fat. That's the only reason I think of quitting.

>> No.5828116

Coming up on 3 months sober. Feels terrific. Outpatient treatment and AA have been helpful for me.

>> No.5828139

Alcoholism caused a lot of problems.

This happened when I was younger but I can't believe my mom stooped so low...

My mum called my doctor and said to him "What's the most accurate measurement for weighing?"
The doctor said "An underwater weighing test"
And just like that, my mum said "Yes. When can my son and my daughter can take it?" and the doc said "Today at 2pm."

So, I didn't bother taking a shower and so did my sister too, so I had to get into a special swimming suit(tight pants...Ugh).

My sister said "Can I pull my hair down to a ponytail?" The doctor said "No."
So my sister with her long, blonde hair went underwater with 8 seconds and had she must enjoyed it..but I didn't.

>> No.5828144

Fuck off

>> No.5828155

My sister had to wear tight pants and a sports bra, so she enjoyed every minute of going underwater.

I didn't take a shower and she didn't too.

Before she got into the tank, you see girls 'pretend' to pull their hair up, but they don't. That's what she did.

>> No.5828198

Never really thought about it but it's true. This is the one place I do allow myself to post to while drinking

>> No.5828347

Coffee bro believ it or not

"Multiple studies have shown that coffee can lower the risk of cirrhosis by as much as 80%, the strongest effect for those who drank 4 or more cups per day (22, 23, 24).

Coffee may also lower the risk of liver cancer by around 40% (25, 26)."

I also eat papaya seeds. They detoxify your liver. I make a smoothie every morning and add about a teaspoon of papaya seeds. I'm also gonna start taking Nac-Acetyl Cysteine. I also workout.

The way I see it, since I love drinking so much and not planning on stopping anytime soon. Might as well take steps to protect my liver.

>> No.5828480

All of this.

>> No.5828767

go on

tell me more of your sister...

she seems.... to have a good personality.

>> No.5828852


Aside from the fact that I live on the opposite side of the country from her, and that she's turned into a full-blown vegan hipster who it'd probably never work out with, she was pretty much my ideal girlfriend image throughout my teen years.

I've also drunkenly emailed pretty much all of my ex's before her.


Shit, that is a pretty sketchy first line.

The thing is, I acted like a fucking idiot, treating her like a complete princess I would take a bullet for when we were 10, and I kind of still feel the same way about her.

>she's the creative, artsy type
>we might have gotten along great a decade ago
>it turns out a single beer will get her drunk
>i didn't let her know that i drink anything close to a third of a handle of bottom shelf vodka every night

>> No.5828996

So, what's the big deal?

>> No.5829078
File: 3 KB, 226x166, 1395457922126.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it helps me forget the fact that i'm a negative nancy (i was born a pessimist, i need to learn how to live with it) and that i tell myself every day i shouldn't find love even if i desperately crave it but i know i will ruin his/her life one day if i try. so i don't. that's why i drink every night, sometimes twice a day.

>> No.5829082

reply to her dude

if what you're saying is true, she'll remember everything when you were 10 too like you do. life is too short to not email her back.

>> No.5829290


>> No.5829404

Good idea i guess.

>> No.5829707

why not?

>> No.5830281

Hang in there fellow al/ck/olos!

Forr the past 2 weeks I've been rolling at 350ml of rum or 8-10 beers a night. Trying to quit yesterday (only had a bottle of wine), so I can make my resumé monday to finally find a job!

>> No.5830311

>to finally find a job!
To by more booze! Don't kid yourself.

But hey good luck.

>> No.5830324

I lost three high paying actuarial jobs and put my career in a trash can. I quitted or switched employers before they would fire me. Well to my defense, those jobs were either death inducing boring or extremely stressful.