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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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5824816 No.5824816 [Reply] [Original]

Yo wassup, /ck? Just got this lil baby. Going to make a frittata later but gimme some inspiration on other fun things to do with a mini cast iron

>> No.5824830
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>I use cast iron

>> No.5824831

They're pretty useless. Corn bread, I guess.

>> No.5824840

not trolling here. why use a cast iron over a nonstick?

>> No.5824856



>> No.5824858


>you were born in the wrong decade
>you think replacing a teflon pan every few years is worse than the holler cost
>you live with roommates like your typical /ck/ college kid and they keep scratching it despite your passive-aggressive note leaving
>teflon causes morgellons
>you enjoy sperging out for hours to clean your pan the "correct way" (insert 30 pages of text here) just so your magnetite is almost as nonstick as teflon
>you fear soap on your pan just as much as you fear it on your body
>it looks good next to the bottle of laphroig

>> No.5824869

shit that makes me worried about buying a non-stainless nakiri. would it rust within the month if i forget to wipe?

>> No.5824876


Don't buy a nakiri. It's not as good for working with quantity. What you need is usuba. And no, I don't wish I had a nakiri.

>> No.5824879

A few reasons. I think it cooks meats really well. It gives them more of a char. Same with veggies. But, you can also do stuff like start things off on a stovetop and then finish them in the oven like a pollo al Mattone or home fries or like a frittata.

>> No.5824891

know any well priced ones? the nakiri i looked at was like $85.00 and i would probably only use it for chopping veggies and meat. usuba seems to be pretty expensive.

>> No.5824892


Hey, watch it. I like Laphroaig (please note spelling) and I've been getting a bottle on my birthday from my father-in-law for far longer than I care to remember.

Don't tarnish the drink with association with this bollocks.

>> No.5824897

Ash tray

>> No.5824901

>just got a new cast iron
>going to make eggs in it


>> No.5824905


I was joking, it's a line from a TV show.

If you want to talk knives I can talk to you in the knife thread. We're here to make fun of people who have a strong emotional connection to their cast iron pan.

>> No.5824916
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>I like lafroaig

>> No.5824919
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now i feel bad

>> No.5824926

-Most non-stick aren't oven safe
-I personally wouldn't use a metal whisk on non-stick
-Holds a lot of heat, therefore good for things that need hot for a short time (like searing meat)
-Can eventually become non stick with years of fat polymerization

>> No.5824949


For real? It's a fedora drink now? It costs fifty fucking quid a bottle, how can teenagers even afford it?

Fuck this. Can all you cunts stay out of my generation's pleasures please?

While I'm on the subject, why am I always seeing kids fucking 25 years younger than me wearing the same clothes as me and looking like they just got into their dad's wardrobe? I'm fucking 40 years old and I've hardly baought any clothes in 15 years, why the fuck are people trying to dress like an old man?


Yes, I am vexed.

As for you >>5824916 go fuck your mother (I probably did, twenty years ago before she got fat) and take your bullshit assumptions with you.

>> No.5824964
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>all this butthurt and linking my post twice because you're a fedorabeard
Chill out, sperg. Don't you have a MLP episode to be wanking to right now?

>pic always related, it's you

>> No.5824967


38 year old here. The 19 year old intern keeps asking me where I got my "style"

I thought he was making fun of me but eventually I realized that Allen Edmonds shoes and Brooks Bros shirts are actually "cool". What the fuck.

That means that next year I'm not going to just dress boring, I'm going to be "outdated".

I would have preferred to just stay boring.

>> No.5824969

Oh snap, that classy motherfucker just made me blast my panties off with a hot jet of pure ecstasy.

>> No.5824979

Actually I just realized he graduated from college so he's probably like 23 or something, but same idea.

>> No.5824986


So its not just me that thinks it's weird? I don't recall going through a phase in my twenties when I desperately wanted to dress up like my dad and his mates.

Hush now, you're trying far too hard and grown-ups are talking.

>> No.5825001


I don't mind it so much because now that "young people" wear old folks clothes, a lot of companies are slimming down their cuts for non-fat people. I'll be honest with you I was dressing like this in my 20s too but it was a bitch to get stuff that wasn't baggy as shit around the waist.

It's gotten to the point where now there are actually cuts that are TOO skinny for me which is kind of funny.

What I find irritating is the kids who want to wear basketball shoes and stuff from when I was a kid. Or those dumb Casio watches. That I find weird.

>> No.5825017

>What I find irritating is the kids who want to wear basketball shoes and stuff from when I was a kid.

I went to get a pair of sneakers the other day (don't wear them as often as I used to) and I bought some converse, because that's what I used to wear back in the way back. Then the girl behind the counter asked me if I knew how to take care of them and I realised I bought my first pair probably five years before she was born.

So I made a joke and asked for her phone number.

I love daddy issues.

>> No.5825029
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I've never had a girl give me her number in my life...

>> No.5825042


Have you asked them?

>> No.5825048


>> No.5825054


That is an important part of the whole phone-number-getting experience.

>> No.5825056

He probably meant they use snapchat or something. It seems like every month the kids can't communicate without the latest privacy invading "free" app.

>> No.5825116

On the other hand, maybe he's just a creepy leering weirdo.

>> No.5825141
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>He probably meant they use snapchat or something.

Man, those things would have radicalised my promiscuity if they'd had them when I was a kid. What's that other one where you swipe right and it broadcasts your dick to everyone in the room who likes dick? That would have been awesome.

Irritatingly I was born almost preciseley between two era of guilt and consequence-free promiscuity. I was too young for the seventies and disco and cocaine and orgies and too old for smartphones and craigslist and OK cupid. What did I get in my youth? Fucking barrowloads of pic related.

>> No.5825174

cheaper in the long run, won't poison me. generally more pleasant to work with from a tactile perspective

>> No.5825181

bretty good :D

>> No.5825187

i have a tiny griswold too. literally never used it. will probably sell it

>> No.5825191

its wrong to make eggs in cast iron?

>> No.5825203

Are you gay bro? Nohomophobe, just wondering. When I was a kid it was a gay disease, we were mostly told to avoid the pregos.

>> No.5825206

Let's just say your sunny side up is going to come out scrambled.

>> No.5825218
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Not even a little bit. I'm boringly straight. Those leaflets came through the door of everyone when I was a teenger. There were billboards and Tv ads too. Our sex ed classes were basically "this is how you do sex. now don't do it or you will die".

>> No.5825251

>those queer hipster pants...

>> No.5825252


What if he wants scrambled eggs?

Also OP said he's going to make a fritatta.

>> No.5825463

The fuck? That doesnt even make sense

>> No.5825509


They're terms related to cooking eggs. He's implying that an undesirable result could ensue for a person who desired an egg which is "sunny side up".

More information about eggs is available on the internet.

>> No.5825543
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Been a while since I've seen a good post on /ck/