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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 191 KB, 870x887, Pringles_chips.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5811921 No.5811921 [Reply] [Original]

When I'm eating pringles I lick off the flavoring first and then eat the chip

>> No.5811923

Why? That would make it soggy.

>> No.5811925

I can't eat pringles just one at a time. I need to have at least two stacked together whenever I take a bite or it just doesn't feel right.

>> No.5811937

I do the same thing OP and only when eating pringles

>> No.5811942

yeah but thats the weird thing its good all soggy
its just like a plain pringle taste which pretty much just taste like really good french fries

>> No.5811948

I like to drink the boiled down juice from a boiled down pot of beans out of a cup. It helps my stomache too.

>> No.5811954

I use top ramen broth as au jus

>> No.5811973

I know that feel

>> No.5811978

OP in know this sounds awful but if I saw you doing that I would have to punch you very hard in the face.
I know it would be wrong and I would probably go to jail but it would have to happen ;_;

>> No.5811980

I do that too, thought I was the only one

>> No.5811983

I can't eat pringles plain.

I need to have some sort of dip or they just don't feel complete.

>> No.5812024

I eat a spam musibi by taking off the seaweed, putting 3 or 4 pringles under the spam, and eating it that way. It's really fucking good but I feel like a pig every time I do it.

>> No.5812261

I use my teeth to nibble the chocolate later off candy bars before I eat the inside

>> No.5812267

Are you me?

I can't eat a Butterfinger without stripping off all the chocolate first.

>> No.5812281

I and another friend also do this.
I add bananas to my butternut and bread.

>> No.5812299

I take a Malted Milk ball and poke a tiny hole in it. Then I drool some spital into the hole. I do this to as many as I will eat. About 10 minutes later the enzymes in my spit have dissolved everything inside the chocolate coating. Then I eat them. They are like malted milk ball-flavored gushers.

>> No.5812313

I get a slice of pizza and take off the cheese off the pizza and eat the plain uncovered slice and then eat the cheese last

>> No.5812315

I like to eat Eggo waffles straight out of the freezer.

>> No.5812320

If I have a waffle, I like to fill all the holes with its own syrup pool. I get really fucking mad if it spills over.

>> No.5812325
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I'm at a loss for words...

>> No.5812353

I like to bite off the corners of pizza rolls, squeeze the filling out of all of them into a big pile and eat it with a spoon.

>> No.5812356

You should have an honest discussion with yourself and regarding the contemplation of self-extermination.

>> No.5812360

I get lays original or wavy and crush them up so they're just crumbs or small pieces. Then I pour salsa over them. Just enough to get them nicely coated and I mix it into a salsa/chip slurry. I wait a few moments so the chips absorb the salsa and get soft. Then I shovel all the goodness into my mouth and cry a little because of how disgusting it probably looks.

>> No.5812367
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>> No.5812396

I eat around my sandwiches and burgers since all the good stuff is in the middle.
I eat anything tube shaped whether it be a hot dog or burrito or sub sandwiches at one end, then switch back and forth from each end.

>> No.5812478

I eat around sandwiches and burgers too! I like crust but the middle is the best part so it makes sense to save it for last.

>> No.5812586


I did something similar will Pillsbury's Pizza Pops.
Cut off one corner, squish all of the filling and cheese out, eat the cheesy gooey mess with a fork, and then eat the empty pastry after.

For some reason I just REALLY loved the pastry. I'd eat it entirely on it's own if I could. Always ate the filling first just to get it out of the way.

>> No.5812592
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what the fuck is wrong with you

>> No.5812609

I peel almonds and sultanas in my mouth after holding them in there for a while so it gets all soft. then with I skin them with my teeth and eat that first, before eating the glorious inside.

>> No.5812645


I like pastry man.

I would pop the middle part out of a Pork Pie and eat just the pastry shell. Same thing with sausage rolls. Unroll them, either eat or throw away the actual sausage, and then eat all the flakey pastry. And whenever I'd have a chicken pot pie I'd slice the top off, eat all of the filling, and THEN eat the pie crust/shell and top. Same story with quiche.

I guess I'm a major carb fiend? Who knows. I don't eat any of these kinds of foods any more though.

>> No.5812657

ketchup on anything savory.

just a tiny bit through. like a teaspoon. all food tastes better with that tiny hint of sweet and sour.

>> No.5812660
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I have to crack off the hard chocolate coating of M&M's with my molars, eat that first, then eat the softer chocolate inside afterwards.

>> No.5812662

i used to do something similar with pizza. i'd wait for it to cool so the cheese wasn't hot and runny, then roll it up and eat it. then eat the crust and sauce.

>> No.5812679

Ditto on the almonds.

I also do the "eat the chocolate layer" first with Kit Kats and those furry rocher chocolates.

>> No.5812684

I poke out the centers of my Reeces peanut butter cups, then I eat the ring of chocolate separately.

>> No.5812700


I crack almonds in half with my teeth before I eat them.

>> No.5812702

On that subject, I also like to split peanuts in half in my mouth, then eat the little nub holding them together before eating the two sides.

>> No.5812706

I do both of these. I lick the flavoring off of any flavored chip, though, not just Pringles. My favorite chocolate bar to take the chocolate off of is a Kitkat, it comes off of the wafers really easily.

I also pull the outside ring off of my salami and Taylor ham before I eat the inside.

>> No.5812708
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I eat potato chips and cheetos with chopsticks so my hands don't get sticky

>> No.5812721

I eat Cheezits one at a time and slowly crush them against the top of my mouth while simultaneously sucking all of the air out of them. The end result is basically salt paste, tbh. It does help me eat less Cheezits I guess, because the abrasion combined with the salt means that I can't eat too many or it will become painful.

I also do this with other salty, chip-like snacks (e.g. chex mix, cheese puffs, small pretzels, etc), and with raw cereal.

Why do I do it? I don't know. I've been doing it as long as I can remember.

>> No.5812727
File: 90 KB, 550x365, Pickle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

when i eat whole pickles i bite off the top, then ram a chopstick in the center a few times to slurry up the insides, then i slurp them out.
then when all the insides are gone i'll open the skin and shave away the rest of the meat with my teeth. then i eat the skin.

>> No.5812730

I throw away the creme filling when I eat Oreos.

>> No.5812731

i do this too.

>> No.5812733

>2L of soda is cheapest by volume
Yep. Get myself a 1.5L of Mtn Dew for 99c every once in a while.

>> No.5812738

>then when all the insides are gone i'll open the skin and shave away the rest of the meat with my teeth. then i eat the skin.
Taken out of context- actually, you know what, in context- that sounds terrifying.

>> No.5812757

it's definitely not a ritual i do in the presence of people.

>> No.5812770

whenever I have stroganof I dip strawberries in the sauce.

>> No.5812777

When I eat crackers like saltines and Cheezits I crush the little air bubble things on the surface before eating them.

>> No.5812783

I think the crust is the best part of pizza

>> No.5812806
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i know this fits the thread but

>> No.5812825

when I eat cookies, I put about 4 or 5 cookies in a glass of milk. let it sit there.

drink the now sugary milk until all that's left is mushy soft cookie mess.

use a spoon to eat the cookie mess.

>> No.5812830

Fuck yeah me too
Works amazing with chips ahoy

>> No.5812832

i used to do that too but only when i was eating store-bought cookies. freshly baked cookies should only be quickly dunked in milk.

>> No.5812855

I like to put "candy making" chocolate into dixie cups and put them in the fridge, so that I can tear the dixie cup off and have a little chocolate cup. Then I fill the cup half-way with whopper milkshake, and the other half with Godiva chocolate liquor.

I love making these for my family gatherings, since everyone gets super fucked up off them. When they're all fucked up, I go into the "coat and purse" room and take half of whatever cash they had on them.

>> No.5812868

This story was truly a rollercoaster from start to finish. Your crime name would be "The Chocolatier."

>> No.5813099

Oh my god I should frequent /ck/ more

>> No.5813137


it dissolves when it comes into contact with any kind of liquid. jesßsssswwuss

>> No.5813147

whenever i eat any kind of fruit snacks i always chew them with my gums where my wisdom teeth used to be because i love the way it feels. i can't wait to be old and toothless and chew on some fruit snacks.

>> No.5813158


>> No.5813500

Whenever I'm eating a multicolored candy (jelly beans, Skittles, etc.), I sort them by color and eat them one color at a time. I start with my least favorite color and work my way to my favorite. I even sometimes do this with M&Ms, even though I know they all taste the same.

>> No.5813507

stuff a bunch of pringles in mouth, like 3-4. Chew until chewed. Spit back onto another pringle, eat it like that.

>> No.5813510

I drink my cofee without sugar and then I eat the sugarcube.

>> No.5813512

I do the exact same thing. It's a symptom of OCD. Ah well....

>> No.5813581
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>> No.5813753

Whenever I have a Kit-Kat, I eat the outer layer of chocolate first, then each layer separately from the wafer

>> No.5813762
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Brundlefly would like to have a word with you

>> No.5813777



kill yourself.

>> No.5813778

when i have spaghetti, i pull out raw sticks and suck on them for a bit until it forms a layer of soft spaghetti, i then scrape off that layer with my teeth and repeat

>> No.5813786

>actually doing this
>always will do this

>> No.5813824


Sometimes when I eat food I put it in my mouth and chew it.

>> No.5813832

i do that with every candy like that
and nutty bars/etc
its such a habit. then if i'm around other people I eat it all normal and it feels weird

>> No.5813840

I also save the middle of everything for last. It's so good.

>> No.5813852

this is a good idea though, when you eat sandwiches the insides naturally get bushed back whichever way you're biting
so if you eat in a circle everything will be pushed into the middle making the last of the sandwich filled the best

>> No.5813880

oh my god. i do this too. wowww

>> No.5813898

You sick fuck

>> No.5813899

i bite the salt off pretzels before i eat the pretzel itself.

when eating chips or crackers i lay the most flavor-coated side on my tongue when eating it. i also like to crush it up against the roof of my mouth.

i fucking hate milk in cereal. i have only ever eaten cereal dry.

when i was a kid i'd love to swallow scrambled eggs and ramen without chewing. i liked feeling ramen noodles slide down my throat.

i eat ice cream with a spoon, even from a cone. when i was younger i had a horrible sore in my lip and needed to use a spoon to eat, and it just stuck. also my pussy teeth are very sensitive to cold, so.

>> No.5813905

Scrape gingerbread cookie bottom with my teeth, mix with spit spit the mass on another cookie and then eat them both. Really gross i know.

>> No.5813969

Before eating an apple I throw it up into the air and headbutt it down onto a soft surface.

>> No.5814461

I make my burgers with sandwich bread. Wait, that may not be strange enough.

I eat baked beans with mushed up pork pies in them.

>> No.5814464

I have to touch each bite of food to my chin before i eat it

>> No.5814474


One time after school my brother had some friends over and one of them was a vegetarian, and they made pizza rolls but they had pepporoni or something in them, so they did that for her. She ate just the crust part, and there was a huge glob of fillling and my brother and other friends ate the filling with spoons.

>> No.5814496

>everyone gets super fucked up off them

Bullshit, that stuff is like 34 proof.

>> No.5814505


OH fuck, what is this from. I know I've seen this on a show.

>> No.5814517

>implying you didn't do this when you were eating lunch at highschool

>> No.5814542

hey robert

>> No.5814591

Whenever I have a personal pizza I slice the pizza into half. Three on one side and with the other half I leave one slice that's a little bigger than 1/4th of the pizza and two tiny little slices beside it.

My parents suspect I'm autistic.

>> No.5814596

everyone loves raymond. the older brother did it.

>> No.5814599

I used a straw and would stab it multiple times in the pickle then suck what got stuck through. Do this until I'm ready to use the straw to drink the mostly hollow pickle. Eat the skin and some flesh that remains.

>> No.5814605

don't pretend to be OP.
i didn't do this in high school.

>> No.5816000

This is my first time here. I had been given to understand you were less weird than the rest of this place.

>> No.5816010

I can't eat raw tomatoes. i just can't. roasted i love them. but raw in a salad, it just urks me.

>> No.5816059
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>> No.5816084
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I break my burgers into two halves. One half I eat normally and then I eat the other half bit by bit. Bread first, vegetables and then meat last.

>> No.5816086

I make quite a few of them, they have the same attitude as you do: oh, this isn't very alcoholic! I can have a lot of them and be totally ok!

I've made around $380 from the last four family gatherings. I hate myself, but I really need the money.
I'd prefer the name "Slugworth", you know, since he was trying to steal from Wonka.

>> No.5816088

I'll put fucking anything on bread

>> No.5816089
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>> No.5816095

i use pan-fried tofu slices instead of bread when i make a sandwich
Everyone i know thinks its disgusting

>> No.5816227


if you're intent on stealing, why don't you just save money by stealing food at chain supermarkets instead of robbing your fucking family?

>> No.5816282


>> No.5816295

When I was I kid I'd sometimes have these Lay Choy eggrolls for lunch, and I'd either do one or the other...

1. Bite off opposing corners and blow throw each one to cool it down so I could eat it without burning my mouth.

After pulling them out of an oven they're fucking hot!

2. Open them up then blow on them to cool them down, then that way double the treat. One way I get the half mini egg roll with filling in it, then the other get to eat the other part of the egg roll.

Good times!

>> No.5816299
File: 41 KB, 300x300, La_Choy-Mini_Egg_Rolls-0004430012815_300X300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

La Choy...

>> No.5816319

Holy shit they're like Chinese pizza rolls

>> No.5816327

They don't carry those delicious fuckers in my grocery store anymore

>> No.5816333

i eat my sandwiches in a straight line. there cannot be a 'bite' shape left, it has to be an even horizontal line.

>> No.5816451

>1. Bite off opposing corners and blow throw each one to cool it down so I could eat it without burning my mouth.

Fucking eggrolls, pizza rolls, calzones, and hotpockets. I want to eat them NOW!

>> No.5816522

I always pick the cheese + other toppings off of the pizza and eat those first, then I eat the sauce-covered crust. Makes you appreciate a good sauce more.

>> No.5816538

After eating pistachios, I put one or two shells in my mouth and kind of suck on them like on candy.

>> No.5816602
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I press pringles against the upper inside of my mouth and suck on them until they're soaked with my spit and get all mushy.
I then continue to swallow em down.

Sounds disgusting but the sucking gets a ton of taste out of them.

I do the same with cheese/ peanut puffs.

Have to take a break every now and then so my mouth won't get all dry and sticky, though.

>> No.5816612

If there's multiple parts to a meal (meat, veggies, fries) then I need to have a bite of everything before chewing. My mouth doesn't allow me to chew just one thing at a time.

>> No.5816637

>I press pringles against the upper inside of my mouth and suck on them until they're soaked with my spit and get all mushy.
I then continue to swallow em down.

I do that with regular chips, it really is dinomite

>> No.5816638
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After a night of going out drinking, I come back home and drink a tall glass of milk. Never a hangover.

>> No.5816704

I eat raw pasta
I blend up blueberries and milk and drink that
I mix grenadine and club soda and drink that because I like the taste

>> No.5816912

Didn't your parents ever teach you guys not to play with your food?

>> No.5816931

Whenever I eat chips I rub each chip all over my finger tips to get off as much of the flavoring as I can before I eat it, then I lick it all off at the end so I can get a super concentrated mouthful of the flavoring powder.

>> No.5817168

I do this too. Kit Kats are my favorite to dismantle with my teeth. I will gently chew off all the chocolate on the top and sides, then I being prying the wafers apart, one by one, as I suck any remaining chocolate and sugar of the wafers.

>> No.5817212
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I guess the only thing I do that could come close to anything in this loony thread is eating one peanut, shell and all, for every five or six that I open. I like the extra salt and roughage.

Also, when I can be bothered to, I'll skin my pickles before slicing them for a sandwich. This isn't weird though, just more refined.

>> No.5817229

I chew four or five Pringles until they're a paste, then spit them onto another pringle and eat it like some sort of Pâté

>> No.5817236
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>pussy teeth

>> No.5817242

R u a mexican

>> No.5817244

>not being into vagina dentata

>> No.5817283

Same tbh

>> No.5817290

What a horrible phrase.

>> No.5817686

>This isn't weird though, just more refined.
Keep telling yourself that, bucko.

>> No.5817738
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I eat foods that come in different colors in "rainbow order" from red to purple/brown. I've done this since as long as I could remember and yes I have autism.

Also I can't eat foods with certain textures or I literally throw up. I can't eat most fruits and vegetables unless they're in like a sauce form or something because of the "sinew" like texture to them. It really sucks because I would like to cook with them but if I tried to eat what I cooked I would throw up ;_;

>> No.5818225

>I can't eat foods with certain textures or I literally throw up
Same, and it's the reason why I'd be considered a "picky eater" by most
Shit sucks. I love food too and I can't even into most vegetables because of the disgusting texture.
Broccoli? Out. Green beans? Nope. Cabbage? Shit.
The only vegetables I'll eat are corn, potatoes, onions, and peppers. Anything else is out of the question.

>> No.5818236

Yeah I know :( My dream is actually to be a chef but I know it's just wishful thinking if I can't even eat certain foods without throwing up. It sucked, when I was little my parents used to try to force feed me those foods too because they thought it was just a phase and I would grow out of it. People used to pick on me for not eating certain foods either, so I don't like eating in public settings anymore, it makes me anxious.

>> No.5818256

Holy shit are you me? When I was a kid my dad would say "you can't leave your chair until you eat your vegetables" and I would just refuse. I would sit in the chair for an hour or so and eventually my mom would feel sorry for me and scrape my plate and let me leave.

>> No.5818265

are u 5

>> No.5818276

And that's the other response I usually get.
Add 20 to that number.
It's fucking embarrasing.

>> No.5818278

No it's a real thing, it's related to autism.


>> No.5818285

does anyone else want to fuck them while force feeding them fruits or is that just me

>> No.5818289

If you want me to throw up in your face then sure I guess

>> No.5818309

That only makes me harder.

>> No.5818314
File: 158 KB, 371x523, 098097969578 (169).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can one 'figuratively' throw up though? Throwing up is throwing up. It doesn't need to be qualified at literal.

>> No.5818321

no, but you can say something made you vomit as an exaggeration

>> No.5818327
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Considering potatoes vegetables.

>> No.5818339

They are but yeah I understand.
I just didn't want some faggot going "hurr you don't like potatoes those are vegetables hurrrr"

Yep I have asperger's and this makes sense.

>> No.5818351
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I've never heard of that. Vomit is not a figure of speech. If I'm told it made you vomit, I'll assume you expelled the contents of your stomach. I won't assume you didn't enjoy what you ate. Maybe people speak with great idiocy in your circles. Your contemporaries are likely dunderheads. Unless you can cite some reference where vomit has been used as 'an exaggeration' as you put it.

>> No.5818359

Are you foreign maybe? People say it all the time

>> No.5818373

The shell isn't chocolate, it's candy (i.e. sugar).

>> No.5818374

Dude quit with the fucking autism it's alright to use literally for emphasis like jesus fucking christ no one cares that you have the grammar high ground right now, you're on a fucking taiwanese talkie imageboard for shit's sake

>> No.5818426
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What kind of hilarious way of activating your almonds do you have?

>> No.5818518

Sometimes when I bring a random skank home from the bar in the morning I offer her a bowl of eggs and make sure she eats them all

>> No.5818520

You're tarnishing what the word really means. You and the rest of the stupid youth. You should try your best to only use it when truly applicable, which is damn rare. Not ten or fifteen times a day like you currently do.

I'm not autistic. I'm just a stickler for the proper use of words.

>> No.5818530

solid lel

>> No.5818545
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I love this pasta

>> No.5818554

If I eat meat and pasta/noodle dishes, I eat all the meat first before consuming everything else.

>> No.5818564

When I was in little league and all the other kids were obsessed with muh sunflower seeds I would just suck the salt off of them and spit the seeds/shells out whole because I don't like seeds

>> No.5818566

>Dude quit with the fucking autism it's alright to use literally for emphasis

>it's alright to use literally for emphasis

you can't even think for yourself, you can't even go a single sentence without not one but two memewords.

no, it's not okay to use literally for emphasis. learn some other words. speaking like this makes you appear unintelligent and will hinder you in life.

>> No.5818592
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>I'm not autistic. I'm just a stickler for the proper use of words.
You are also on 4chan. This site is not known for its literacy or proper syntax. If you cannot withstand the heat, please remove yourself from the kitchen.

>> No.5818657

alright i just opened this thread, but now im closing it

>> No.5819753


>> No.5819755

I saw one "memeword" (I'm assuming it was autism) where's the second? Literally? They were saying it was ok to use that word for emphasis. How else could they have not used literally?

>> No.5819912

i push jello through my teeth when i eat it

>> No.5820327

Like, gag me with a spoon.

>> No.5820377
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Whenever I eat grapes, I have always end up biting off and eating the skin first, then eat the rest of the grape afterwards.

No idea why, I always have.

>> No.5820544


>> No.5820585

Idk if this is weird, or maybe everyone does it, but...

When I eat eggrolls I bite off one end and pour soy sauce on the open side and watch it flow through the roll till it hits the bottom.

Then I squirt hot China mustard and duck sauce on each bite. I love going to shitty Chinese buffets where they have eggrolls on tap.

>> No.5820924

I mix Greek Yoghurt onto every meat dish I eat. It's a condiment, like ketchup.

Sometimes I'll mix hot sauce with the yoghurt.

I know it's not as weird or gross as eating flakes between your thighs, but it weirds my friends out. I don't understand, I think it's normal.

>> No.5821329

I have to eat fries of equal length in pairs or triples....

>> No.5821335

I just did this with a snickers

>> No.5821350


I used to have a girlfriend who did it with kitkats. It used to drive me fucking insane. I binned her after a couple of weeks.

>> No.5821354

I do this too. I love pizza pops crust but not the filling

>> No.5821371


That post reeks of ass vomit.

>> No.5821388

i love a peanut butter and dill pickle sandwich ... loads of people tell it's strange

>> No.5821391

Are you a pregnant woman?

>> No.5821398

no man, you just gotta try it sometime with non-heated pickles, like classen or such

>> No.5821412

>it's alright to use literally for emphasis
>this is what millennials actually believe
Or should I say literally?

>> No.5821458


>> No.5821475

I crumble my cake and mix it into my ice cream.

>> No.5821636

This. I need to have a piece of everything on my fork/spoon before I eat it and yet I hate mixing my food on the plate.

>> No.5821691

I do this with popcorn.

>> No.5821704

I do this as well. Not all of the time though, only when its really convenient for me.

>> No.5821710

Not to get edgy but psychopaths also have a strange obsession with food. According to my shrink we overeat because... I can't remember? Doesn't matter but I guess we have a weird thinng with food too. Also have lots of strange rituals with food.

>> No.5821724


>> No.5821751

Sometimes, like right now, I make lasagna really late at night. Then i eat it with some ranch and sriracha until half the pan is gone. I also wash it down with milk.

Side note, the ranch and sriracha is personal taste i guess. Made this for many a friend and all say its the best lasgana they've ever had. Same thing from my grandfather.

>> No.5821758
File: 22 KB, 320x214, pizza.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i used to eat ranch on rectangle school pizza

>> No.5821768

But that's typical. Everyone I've encountered tells me I'm strange for doing it with lasagna.

Another side note, I never make lasagna earlier than 10 PM. It's like some weird late night ritual cooking while I browse 4chan and play Dota2.

>> No.5821796

Dota a shit

>> No.5821797


>> No.5821799

for me, making lasagna takes like 5 hours
so I end up never finishing before like midnight
I should learn to start cooking earlier, but I never cook until I'm hungry

>> No.5821839

it still takes me 5 hours. I'm an insomniac. i usually finish around like 4-5 AM

>> No.5821842

>5 hours

you fucking serious? it takes me no more than 3.

>> No.5821886

I let my sauce simmer for a long while, and like I said before, I fuck around on the internetz.

>> No.5822765
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>> No.5822798

I enjoy dry Ramen as a snack, I sprinkle some of the broth mix over them

>> No.5822857

>Uses animu picture
>"yes I have autism"

You didn't need to tell us buddy, we know :)

>> No.5822996

I like pairing pot roast with fried shrimp? Like, cooked separately, obviously.
Whenever I eat pepperoni pizza (alone or at home) I'll pick the pepperoni off an eat them first, pick cheese off and leave it on paper plate, eat the crust, eat the pizza, then eat the cheese.

>> No.5823010

I threw up a little thinking about that getting so soggy.

Sometimes I like to put shitty grated cheese on a flour tortilla and microwave it. It turns into chewy cheesy stretchy goodness.

>> No.5823013
File: 52 KB, 547x668, autism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not big on details, I'm more of a big picture guy. So what if the candy has squares or divisions if I'm just going to eat it all anyways?

>> No.5823024

yes, "makes me puke" is definitely figurative for "disgusting"

>> No.5823035


My wife goes absolutely insane when I do that. No idea why, but I can't see the point in breaking fingers off a kitkat and invariably getting chocolate all over the shop. Also, I don't like being told what to do, fuck you nestle with your pre-divided portions.

>> No.5823048

This. It's not that difficult to understand.

>> No.5823178

Has anybody ever used Doritos to make nachos?

I'm considering it.

>> No.5823197

Are you me? I do all this

>> No.5823433

Make a thread when you do it.

>> No.5823886

I put noodles on toast.

>> No.5823899

I nut poodles ton oast

>> No.5823911

HOLY FUCK I have to do that every time I have something toasted wtf

>> No.5824226

When I eat a 3 Musketeers bar I peel off the chocolate on the outside and eat it before eating the whipped chocolate on the inside. My ex said it was an autism thing because she does it too.

>> No.5824262


There are people on /ck/ RIGHT NOW who don't always use nacho cheese Doritos as the bade for nachos.

>> No.5824566

That's actually a thing. Some asian supermarkets sell packets made just for eating dry.