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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 44 KB, 432x292, NutriGrain-Whole-Wheat.jpg (432×292).clipular.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5807595 No.5807595 [Reply] [Original]

Tiem for a "redpill you on whole wheat thread".

"Whole wheat" doesn't make carbs better for you.
They still have the same calorie count, they still spike your
blood sugar, they still make you fat. The only difference
is that:
A. They have more fiber in them (which, if you eat fruits
and vegetables you're probably getting enough of, but even
if you're not you can EASILY supplement fiber in your diet
and B. They taste like ass.

There are a few exceptions, dark German breads for
instance are delicious, but whole wheat pasta is SHITTY, so
is brown rice. There is a reason the most perfect breads and
pastries in the world are made with fine white flour (croissant,
baguette, puff pastry, sponge cake, steamed buns, naan)
has a much more pleasing texture.
If you're going to eat carbs you might as well enjoy them.

>> No.5807637

>my entire country eats ZOMG SO BAD FOR YOU white carbs
>we eat more white carbs than any other nation on earth
>whole grains are nearly unheard of and eyed with suspicion
>we're way thinner than countries whose carbs come moderately or mostly from whole grains
>we're amongst the longest living people on earth
If carbs are bad, why are all these things true? You know what people eat that kills them? Too much. That's what. Too much of anything will be bad for you.
You know what else people do that kills them? Nothing. That's what. When you do nothing, it's much easier to grow ill and unhealthy.

In conclusion: eat less, do more and live long.

>> No.5807646
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>> No.5807651

EXACTLY! Eat moderate carbs, don't be a fatass. But don't eat "whole wheat", thinking it makes a difference, because it doesn't, just enjoy delicious, master race bread and pastry in moderate amounts, like a fucking adult

>> No.5807658
File: 190 KB, 826x587, SUBWAY+ITALIAN+BMT+SUBMARINE+SANDWICH+9+Grain+Whole+Wheat+Bread+,+Subway+Sandwich+Shop+Foot+Long+Sub.JPG (1600×1137).clipular.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is not healthy

>> No.5807662

I want to kill this "whole wheat" "brown rice" trend so hard. I saw a bag of chips the other day advertising that they used "whole grain corn"

>> No.5807663

Actually those are pretty healthy.

>> No.5807665

yes it is. people just dont exercise enough so it becomes unhelthy

>> No.5807666
File: 15 KB, 268x207, krispykremewheat-754113.jpg (268×207).clipular.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not actually healthy

>> No.5807667

>they still spike your blood sugar

nigger you're retarded. foods like brown rice, wholegrain bread, and other good carbs like sweet potatoes have a much lower GI than shit like white rice and bread. The fiber slows digestion, which specifically causes a lower blood sugar spike. there are also more nutrients and minerals the less processing food goes through

>> No.5807672

Nigga, what part of salty nitrate soaked lunchmeat
with mayo and processed cheese
sitting on bread do you think is good for you?
the iceberg lettuce?

Everything is good in moderation but that wheat bread it's sitting on doesn't make it better for you

>> No.5807673

Stopped reading there, faggot. Go back to tumblreddit with the rest of the chaff.

>> No.5807675

I was coming up with a joke about why Americans and Brits and Aussies are fat and unhealthy.
I was going to centre the joke around meat but then realised that Luxembourgeoise and Danes are thinner than Americans et al. And eat a metric fucktonne of meat.

Then I was going to centre it on sugar and remembered that Swiss eat more sugar than any other country and are still thinner and healthier than Americans et al.

Then I was going to centre it on animal fats in general such as butter and lard but the French will smack you in the face with a baguette if you offer them a meal without a dish of butter alongside.

So I abandoned the joke and started thinking: why are these countries fat, then? I realised the only thing they have in common is that they speak English. Speaking English makes you fat. That was going to be the joke.
Then, I realised a second truth: that "joke" actually had a ring of truth! It's not speaking English, per se, but the cultural connotations of it. Culturally, the US, UK and Australia are heavily Prot, even if not necessarily the same sort of Prot. Prots from Anglo backgrounds, as we know, have the stereotypical


They work. A lot. Way more than other countries tend to. And working so much gives people startlingly little time to plan meals and eat well not to mention to exercise, so they run quickly down to the chinky to nab a deep-fried this-or-that with white rice, gobble it down whilst running back to the office and by "running" I mean "taking the car over there and back." And the portion for such a take-away is fuckhuge, to boot.

With little time to prepare and eat well and to work out, it's no wonder these people get fat. Some, yes, are fat cuz they're lazy. I'd think, however, most are fat because they're tired from long work days and stress and if they had even just a few extra minutes to themselves per day, they'd be able to lose weight.

>> No.5807678


Two slices of whole wheat spike your insulin higher than two tablespoons of granulated sugar

>> No.5807702
File: 44 KB, 600x321, JapanesePastry1.jpg (600×321).clipular.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This cannot be made with whole grain wheat

>> No.5807707
File: 101 KB, 500x500, 6a010536a07d60970b01347fcb9c95970c-800wi (500×500).clipular.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no whole grain wheat

>> No.5807711
File: 79 KB, 843x632, P4131491.JPG (1600×1200).clipular.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any whole grain wheat? Nope.

>> No.5807716
File: 109 KB, 550x412, pastries.jpg (550×412).clipular.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why don't we ask these people why their pastries aren't whole wheat?

>> No.5807724

In all fairness, Subway is still better than most other fast food places. It may not be the epitome of health foods, but it's not the worst by far.

>> No.5807735

The point is the "whole grain" trend needs to die. It takes glorious, soft, fluffy delicious bread and makes it hard and rubbery. If you enjoy the taste of some whole wheat products, fine, I love rye bread myself, but don't try to fool yourself into thinking it's healthy.

Whole wheat pasta should not exist
Brown rice should exist only in rural 3rd countries where they don't have access to an easy rice cleaning system.

>> No.5807737

>frozen junk food isn't healthy

Thanks for the astounding scientific insights, /pol/

>> No.5807741
File: 64 KB, 600x450, Black Bread crumb 001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What about Russian black bread? Tastes like ass so it must be super healthy?

>> No.5807748

Brown rice actually is harder to store than white. In addition it has to come from relatively clean fields to be safe.

It's a premium product for these reasons. Sorry if health conscious people make you ashamed of your body.

>> No.5807753

But what if I like whole wheat

>> No.5807756

But brown rice has a dramatically lower glycemic index than white anon.
Its clearly better for you.

>> No.5807759

Looks like pumpernickel

>> No.5807768

That's cool if you like some whole wheat, just understand that it's not any healthier than eating wonder bread and don't be ashamed to also like soft, fluffy pastry and white bread, because it's delicious

>> No.5807780


that's just not true, "the glycemic index of brown rice is 55 putting it about equivalent to long grain white rice"

the only difference is it's unpleasantly chewy and tastes like shit

>> No.5807858

>I'm being stupid and you can't stop me!

>> No.5807873

Several of my neighbours call brown rice "wheat rice" because to them, anything wholegrain is "wheat."
Thought I'd share that little bit of culture shock from a white guy living in a black neighbourhood.

>> No.5807899


>> No.5807911
File: 43 KB, 285x276, Whole_Grain_Corn_Taco_Shells_WS285x276.png (285×276).clipular.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thank gwad! taco night is saved!

>> No.5807912

Most of the time people say it tastes like shit because they bought rancid rice and cooked it the same way they cook white rice

Don't blame the product for user error

>> No.5807927

The texture is disgusting.
Do you know where brown rice is extremely unpopular?
where rice is the main staple
It's because the texture is terrible, chewy and grainy
and the taste isn't the worst taste but that's the point, rice is supposed to have a neutral flavor and fluffy texture to serve as a springboard for flavorful food, brown rice fails miserably at that.

>> No.5807937

where are you from numbnuts

>> No.5807939

You know, you're somewhat right, op. The artificial ingredients in breads are probably way more unhealthy than the white flour itself. That's why I won't eat any bread with artificial preservatives or conditioners. Eggo waffles are unhealthy regardless of the flour used to make them

>> No.5807941
File: 11 KB, 251x242, 1410814859170.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying carbs make you fat

>> No.5807943

I agree that whole wheat eggo waffles aren't healthy, but whole grains are undeniably good for you.

>A. They have more fiber in them (which, if you eat fruits and vegetables you're probably getting enough of, but even if you're not you can EASILY supplement fiber in your diet

The cool thing about whole grains is, their fiber is uniquely healthy


That soluble "cereal fiber" is great for cardiovascular health, diabetes prevention, and even colorectal cancer.

I think you have an irrational fear of "carbs." What started this for you, OP?

>> No.5807956

Yes, my family is from southeast Asia and I spent a few years living there as a child. I grew up eating white rice. I eat brown almost always now, except at restaurants.

Just because something isn't traditional doesn't make it bad, white boy.

>> No.5807964

>implying we eat that trailer trash sauce

>> No.5807979
File: 58 KB, 401x488, Lays-chips[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I think it's mostly Americans who think that. In Asia, they'll have steamed rice with vegetables and soy sauce. In America, they'll fry the rice in oil and add pork and eggs to it, and have it as a side next to a giant slab of meat also cooked in oil. In Peru or Okinawa they'll have some boiled sweet potatoes for a meal. In America, they'll bake a potato, cover it in cheese, sour cream, and bacon bits, and eat it next to a big steak with a side of vegetables that are also covered in butter because apparently the rest of the fat on the plate wasn't enough.

In America, people will eat potato chips and think they're eating something that's 99% carbohydrate, rather than 60% fat. While I advocate whole grains myself, America would be a lot thinner if they just ate plain white rice

>> No.5807985

>carbs make you fat
>fat makes you fat
>meat makes you fat
>x makes you fat
I thought it was just as simple as "eating more energy than you use makes you fat"

>> No.5807988

Lays classics has those ingredients? Then whats the deal with those new "Lays Naturals"? They have the exact same ingredients as these...

>> No.5807995
File: 134 KB, 500x333, natural-cheetos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Natural" is just a marketing gimmick since there's absolutely no regulation on what qualifies as natural. It's fucking shoved onto everything.

>> No.5807996

stupid shit to make u think ur snacking "healthy and all natural"

>> No.5808012


Hm. I didnt assume it was better for me or anything, but I just thought it was at least truthful about less preservatives or something. But them ingredient lists were the exact fucking same.

>> No.5808020

Whole grains contain phytic acid which blocks the absorption of vitamins and minerals like iron, zinc, calcium and magnesium

These studies only suggest correlation between whole grains and health benefits, the actual cause maybe from something as simple as "people who eat oatmeal every morning don't eat more harmful alternatives, like bacon, and therefore have lower cholesterol etc."

So you have to decide if it's worth blocking nutrients from your body for studies that may only prove that grains are a relatively innocuous filler food.

I LOVE carbs, that's why I hate this whole grain crap, because it makes food taste bad for no reason

>> No.5808022

>minimally* processed

>> No.5808024

>eating energy directly
are you a wizard?

>> No.5808026

Also, bear in mind that "whole grains" have a lot of powerful lobbyists behind them. Research that supports whole grain consumption is much more likely to score somebody a research grant and thus it's much more popular.

>> No.5808029

Food is just potential chemical energy is it not?

>> No.5808039
File: 18 KB, 200x199, 1332258705731s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not absorbing energy directly from the sun

>> No.5808047

If I want to eat something natural, I eat an apple not a bag of cheetos

>> No.5808051

That would be funny if it weren't for some people actually believing that they can survive without food by staring at the sun.

I know someone who thinks the moon is a reptilian starship that traps human souls and even he thinks sungazers are batshit.

>> No.5808058


>Whole grains contain phytic acid which blocks the absorption of vitamins and minerals like iron, zinc, calcium and magnesium

They bind to some minerals, but this is decreased by cooking the grains. What you may not have heard about phytic acid/phytate/inositol hexaphosphate/IP6 is that it has health benefits of its own, and is even sold as a supplement. The only people who mention phytic acid as a downside are low carb internet bloggers looking for any excuse to say whole grains are bad. In the medical community though, phytic acid is seen as desirable in the diet due to its suppression of cancer and tumor growth and its role as an antioxidant and its role in cell message relay.


These studies only suggest correlation between whole grains and health benefits, the actual cause maybe from something as simple as "people who eat oatmeal every morning don't eat more harmful alternatives, like bacon, and therefore have lower cholesterol etc."

We know fiber itself, especially soluble fiber, lowers cholesterol, as well as the beta-glucans found in some grains (barley and oats especially). Here's a study on oats that shows that a compound in them (avenanthramides) can be absorbed and decrease the oxidation of LDL cholesterol in the blood, and is further boosted by the addition of vitamin C


This is why oatmeal with fruit is one of the best breakfasts you can eat

>> No.5808060

Tell your nuclear powered ships aren't actually real, they use reptilian technology and power the vessels with the souls of the crewmen

>> No.5808062


Oops, forgot to greentext that quote I was responding to

>> No.5808064

>all this anti science new speak

I bet you're one of those hippies who says "phytochemicals"

>> No.5808076


What's wrong with saying phytochemicals? That's what they're called. Phytic acid is a phytochemical even.

In fact, now that you mention it, I might as well post this link I found that lists some of the phytochemicals found in various whole grains, with some descriptions of them and what they do


>> No.5808111

But those crisps/chips you posted are 35% fat, not 60%, you silly goose.

>> No.5808117


90 is 35% of 150?

>> No.5808131

Then word your prior statement correctly.

>In America, people will eat potato chips and think they're eating something that's 99% carbohydrate, rather than 60% fat.
60% of the calories are fat.
60% of the crisps, however, is not fat.
35% of the crisps is fat.
1oz is 28g.
There are 10g of fat in 1oz of crisps.
35% of 28g is 9.8g, which is rounded up to 10g which is the amount of fat in the crisps.

>> No.5808135
File: 28 KB, 120x149, 1265507509933.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I thought it was pretty clear we were talking about calories. I wouldn't have even talked about the macronutrient content of a food if I wasn't referring to calories

>> No.5808152

There's literally nothing in that post that implies that.

>> No.5808161


Not even the fact that we were talking about obesity/weight gain? You didn't think calories and their sources were related to the discussion? We were just talking about the weight of the food?

>> No.5808176

The statement made was that something was 60% fat, not that 60% of its calories come from fat.

>> No.5808225

Actually Okinawans have t eaten sweet potatoes that long and don't do so all that much anymore. The only time they ate them extensively was during rice failures and famines from back in the day.

Source: lots of Okinawan grandmothers in my town telling me about life back before becoming military wives

>> No.5809985

>all this anti whole wheat ignorance and confirmation bias
go fuck yourself
this whole time OP keeps making unsourced claims and stating his opinions as fact, then when someone brings in a slew of citations for his own claims, he's met with denial, and no real retort. you and OP deserve to die slow, painful deaths