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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 15 KB, 350x280, 3454361178_19265_answer_2_xlarge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5807460 No.5807460 [Reply] [Original]

Sensible eating is not doing for most you guys.
/ck/ is going on a diet starting Monday.
Whats it gonna be?
Low carb?
Low fat?

>> No.5807464

Eggs and bacon for breakfast, cheeseburger from In-N-Out or a caesar salad for lunch, soup for dinner.

Combine with regular excercise.

>> No.5807466

>fad diet garbage

eat less, move more. read /fit/'s sticky.

>> No.5807468

i'm underweight, actually, so i don't need to adjust my diet.

>> No.5807470

The See-food Diet

>> No.5807471

I lost 47 pounds by just eating right and walking a few miles everyday. Now I fit into medium clothes again and at the right weight for my height.

>> No.5807472

Consume less calories than you burn.

>> No.5807481


>> No.5807499
File: 211 KB, 1600x1339, GOMAD 1 week before 2 weeks after 2 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes I read about their GOMAD diet. I might give it a shot. Seems pretty painless compared to many diets.

>> No.5807502

Pears always become apples given time

>> No.5807506

Whats 5:2?

>> No.5807519

500 calories for every 2 hours of excercise

>> No.5807521

I'm going to eat smaller portions and exercise more.

>> No.5807526

Many people are on here because of like our food obsession while cutting calories so its all in vain

>> No.5807559

do all of them
dont have to go full vegan but you can eat more veg for that fiber and satiation
for that bioavailable protein. you can eat fruit though so you dont have to follow it perfectly.
dont have to follow it fully but you can eat less on two days a week. weekends work if you dont have shit to do
Low carb?
low carb is great if you arent active. moving counteracts the processed carbs of bread etc. we dont move enough usually so thats why carbs get a bad rap. carbs from fruit n veg should be eaten without fucks to be given though.
Low fat?
you need some fats but in reason like everything.

boom your off to losing weight if you count your macros and eat below your maintinence calories.

>> No.5807569

i'm a fitizen so I don't diet, I cut and I do it right.

Tracking calories using my fitness pal, 500 calorie deficit on rest day, maintenance calories on workout days. You can increase the deficit to 750 calories if you want faster results but it's more difficult IMO.

1g protein/lb lbm, workout days are high carb low fat, rest days are high fat low carb.

Meal timing is more about what fits your lifestyle--I do a 16/8 fast but next cut i'm gonna try a 20/4, but you can do a bunch of small meals or fewer big meals. Drink lots of water/tea to control your hunger, recognize that it's mostly mental.

Avoid simple carbs because they don't fill you up. Eat lots of fruits and veggies. Don't be scared of fatty meats because saturated fat is good for you. Cook at home using a food scale so you know exactly what's going into your meals.

Supplement a multi+fish oil.

>> No.5807606

>i'm a fitizen so I don't diet

Goes on to explain how his complicated diet works.

>> No.5807620

this too

>> No.5807626

More water, more foods with higher nutrient counts

Stuff like
Flax seed

>> No.5807633

How many nutrients do I really need in a typical day?

>> No.5807644



Who gives a shit? I want me some watermelon women!

Fuck your fancy diets. Just eat smaller portions (the biggest challenge) lay off the pop/soda, and occasionally go on a walk or something low key - no need for tai bow.

>> No.5807697

I think he means diet as in a short term, planned diet.
Fellow fitizen here

>> No.5807708

Most diets are not short term anyway these days.
5:2 is the rest of your life.
Same with all the rest of the modern ones.

>> No.5807715

Yeah there seems to be a lot of confusion with the word diet and how it applies to all aspects of everything you eat

>> No.5807733

Original fitizen here

Exactly. When you say you're on a "diet" rather than you have a '"diet" you're a confirmed basic. Which is why I used the word "cut" instead of diet.

>> No.5807736

Not true. I know a pear that became a twig over time. Everyone is different. You cannot generalize an entire group of people.

>> No.5807751

obviously none of those.
if i were to go on a diet, i'd just eat like i already do but a little bit less

>> No.5807767

That does not really work.
There is a huge calorie range for most people where they will not lose or gain weight.
4chan has this calorie in calorie out idea that they think is like accounting.
Its pretty misinformed.

>> No.5807804

>Tracking calories using my fitness pal

That app is one of the best but not that great for 5:2
Anyone have a good 5:2 app?

>> No.5807806

Eat less, move more.

>> No.5807815

>4chan has this calorie in calorie out idea that they think is like accounting.

It IS like accounting. You ought to go read up on the conservation of energy.

>>There is a huge calorie range for most people where they will not lose or gain weight.

Nope. That's physically impossible. But what IS true is that people are often bad at estimating how many calories they consume.

>> No.5807816


>Don't be scared of fatty meats because saturated fat is good for you

This is why nobody takes /fit/ seriously. Everyone who picks up a dumbbell thinks he's an expert nutritionist.

>> No.5807836


>> No.5807837

refute it with science then

>> No.5807856



The Lipid Hypothesis is the backbone of nutrition science. To say saturated fats are healthy is the medical equivalent of denying the theory of evolution.

>> No.5807863

>Low carb?
>Low fat?

lol, fuck all that shit.
Just count calories.

>> No.5807878

now's your turn to support it with science

>> No.5807882

explain keto and its success when used right then

>> No.5807883

Pretty much vegan but I may use some bleu cheese in my salad

>> No.5807885


a low carb diet is often successful because even if no ketosis is happening, it's simply difficult to overeat if you're consuming few carbs.

>> No.5807891


>make yourself sick by mimmicking your body's starvation response through ketosis
>lose weight rapidly
>use lots of water to flush out the toxic byproducts of ketone production, resulting in more water weight
>as a result of losing weight, some parameters of health increase

If weight-loss was all that mattered, we might as well recommend AIDS and chemotherapy to everyone

>> No.5807894

is this atkins?

>> No.5807900


*more water weight lost

>> No.5807901

You fucking disgust me anon.

>> No.5807905

>Nope. That's physically impossible.

You are aware that a large amount of calories, especially if you over eat, get pooped right out your anushole right?

>> No.5807913
File: 179 KB, 1018x580, foodpyramid_thumb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Sensible eating

99% of people have no fucking sense at all when it comes to eating. Everything you listed is fucking balls out retarded and nearly no one knows.

The best thing you can do is to remove all sugar, all dairy, and all industrialized heavily processed foods from your diet. Eat more vegetables, nuts, and fungi. Eat only a very little bit of meat out of an entire week. Only a small portion of food should be grains. You biggest intake should be vegetables. Eat whole foods, lightly cooked, and stop eating processed shit.

Do this and you'll lose all the weight you need to lose until you reach an equilibrium. You don't even need to work out, but working out will help create new muscles and that will aid in maintaining blood glucose levels. You get plenty of everything your body needs with just this and you won't get the kinds of cravings you get on all those shit tier diets.

>> No.5807920

there's so much wrong with this i don't know if it's worth my time to go through it all

>1g protein/lb lbm
Totally wrong and unsupported by fact. All study suggest the protein needs of weightlifters to be much lower.

>workout days are high carb low fat, rest days are high fat low carb.
high fat diets are idiotic and unsupported by evidence. I bet you think Dr Mercola is a trustworthy physician.

>avoid simple carbs
>eat fruit

>> No.5807922


>You ought to go read up on the conservation of energy.

The law of conservation of energy says that energy can't be created or destroyed, it doesn't relate to human metabolism. If you eat food and your body doesn't use all of it or store all the excess calories, it doesn't mean the calories disappeared from existence, it just means you didn't use them.

Fiber is a type of carbohydrate, and as such it contains calories, but your body doesn't use it for energy. Different macronutrients also have different properties, with fat being the macronutrient most easily stored as body fat and carbohydrate being very difficult to store as body fat due to the chemical changes it has to undergo.

>> No.5807946

uhhh that's your job smart alec

>> No.5807951

what's wrong with grains

>> No.5807954

Same thing that is wrong with meat, nothing. People just eat way too much of them.

>> No.5807963
File: 280 KB, 400x509, zissou.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I appreciate you telling me what is right and wrong when it comes to what I eat. Why don't you fucking tell me when to take a dump while you're at it, you omniscient pro nanny state coward.

I feel sorry that you will never experience the pure joy of opening up a 6 pack of gushers and putting all the packages in your mouth at once.

>> No.5807965

>carbohydrate being very difficult to store as body fat due to the chemical changes it has to undergo.
Ummm, nope

>> No.5807975

I don't know you and I don't know what you eat.

>I feel sorry that you will never experience the pure joy of opening up a 6 pack of gushers and putting all the packages in your mouth at once.

Somehow I seriously doubt that is, "pure joy". It seems more like escapism.

>> No.5807987


Factually, yes. Here's a medical textbook.


Direct science is a better way to learn things than from fad diet promoters

>> No.5807990

>with fat being the macronutrient most easily stored as body fat
Pretty sure that's wrong.
Your analysis of of conservation of energy vis a vis humans is spot on though.

>> No.5807992

Stop being such an autistic prick, the guy wasn't suggesting you eat a block of lard.

>> No.5808000





"Saturated fat is good for you"

>> No.5808006

There's plenty that's wrong with meat from a medical/nutrition perspective. Not so with grains. Try again, Sadler.

>> No.5808011

why don't you fuck out of this thread then, you moron? that's literally what this thread is about

>> No.5808018

What typically is turned into fat then? I don't feel like reading that link

>> No.5808025


As you would expect, fat is stored as fat. The page in that link isn't very long, and it's interesting. Check it out, bro.

>> No.5808030

>What typically is turned into fat then?

any caloric surplus

>> No.5808033

why does the guy have bigger tits than the grill

>> No.5808035


Start from the beginning of the discussion

>> No.5808038

fine. i'm up to my ears in nutrition data, just didn't want to pile more on top

>> No.5808055

There's plenty that's wrong with grains from a medical/nutrition perspective. Not so with vegetables. Try again, Contrarian.

>> No.5808070

>The law of conservation of energy says that energy can't be created or destroyed

>it doesn't relate to human metabolism
Incorrect. It relates to everything in the universe. Everything.

>>If you eat food and your body doesn't use all of it or store all the excess calories, it doesn't mean the calories disappeared from existence, it just means you didn't use them.

What you're describing is an impossiblity. If you eat food there are only three things that can happen to it:
1) you burn it as energy
2) your body stores it (aka weight gain)
3) you pass it as waste.

Alas, #3 doesn't happen very often. It might be tempting to think that if you overeat you'll simply poop out all those unwanted calories but your body really tries to avoid doing that.

I think what you meant to say is that insoluble fiber, aka cellulose, is not digestible by humans. and that is true. it's also not very relevant though.

>>Different macronutrients also have different properties

And here's where the error comes in. Yes, different nutrients have different properties. But those differences don't matter much. They're insignificant compared to calories in - calories out. you're missing the forest because of the trees.

>> No.5808074

>shitposting instead of forming an intelligible argument
Wa La!

>> No.5808109

My BMI is 30 and im eating 1500 calories most days. I have one cheat day a week (where I eat 2000 calories that day), and occasionally I'll eat 1200 if I can stand it.

This is easy enough for me, but there are times when I get so hungry my stomach cramps and I start dreaming of eating food. I also get hot flashes, my feet and hands get cold, and I can't sleep until like 7 AM. I eat pretty healthy, so my diet isn't filled with empty calories. I also drink a lot of water.

What do I do ck? I dont like this. I can restrict my intake, but this stuff is really tough to deal with.

>> No.5808116
File: 118 KB, 533x639, zissou2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> escapism.

What's wrong with that?

Who died and fucking made you king? This thread is about diets not telling me I can't eat meat and fake bullshit as to what's "right" and "wrong" like you are the morality police.

>> No.5808118
File: 122 KB, 452x391, 1391397763595.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I lost 40 pounds just by eating less and right. I didn't even have to exercise.

>> No.5808130
File: 165 KB, 647x1209, carbs make you lean.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>What you're describing is an impossiblity

What I'm describing is the same thing you're discribing now, amended from your first argument. You either use the energy, store the energy, or you don't. You saying the 3rd option doesn't happen often isn't supported by anything.

>I think what you meant to say is that insoluble fiber, aka cellulose, is not digestible by humans. and that is true. it's also not very relevant though.

It's very relevant, it disproves what you originally said.

> Yes, different nutrients have different properties. But those differences don't matter much.

Again, you seem to be speaking from your own feelings and personal opinion rather than from education/facts. See


And pic related as well. Lean diets make lean people, even if they eat more calories.

>> No.5808148

People will scream keto, paleo, vegan and all other shit and say they're never hungry on thier diet.

These people are probably dropping less than 10lbs and will probably always be eating a calorie restricted diet for less than 3 months.

If you're a big guy, and you have a big appetite you're gonna be hungry.

>> No.5808173
File: 84 KB, 400x241, for you.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If you're a big guy

For you.

>> No.5808178

>You saying the 3rd option doesn't happen often isn't supported by anything.

Didn't you study biology in school?

>>It's very relevant, it disproves what you originally said.

Perhaps technically, but not practically. Insoluble fiber is a very small percentage of someone's diet. It's not significant enough to matter.

It's like shaving your entire body bald to reduce air resistance before a track and field competition. Would it make you run faster? Technically, yes. Getting rid of those hairs would technically make you faster. Would it make enough of a difference to matter? No, it would not.

>>Again, you seem to be speaking from your own feelings.

No, even the citation you just posted again agrees with me. Let's look at the very page you linked to: 263. It goes on for several paragraphs about how carbs do not easily convert into fat. And then the last paragraph explains that despite all of that, overeating carbs still leads to weight gain. In other words, it may be true that carbs are converted to fat by a different mechanism than other nutrients, but in the end it doesn't matter because they can still make you gain weight if over-consumed--the body simply alters where it gets its energy from. In other words, yes different nutrients are processed by the body in different ways, but in the end it doesn't make much of a difference; over-consumption still equates to weight gain.

>> No.5808179

I cannot get that link to work.
What book is that and what page?

>> No.5808180

but this hunger is really fucking with me. I work, I can't keep staying up until 7 AM, getting thirty minutes of sleep. I take sleep aids but they don't work until I eat something substantial.

>> No.5808182


if your bmi is 30 you could lose weight on 2000 calories a day, just eat a little bit more

if you feel like you're starving you're just gonna give up

>> No.5808185

You still did not refute the third option.

Not the same anon but I am pretty sure poop would still have tons of calories in it if you took it to a lab.

>> No.5808188

>if your bmi is 30 you could lose weight on 2000 calories a day, just eat a little bit more

Not at all true for anyone over 30.

>> No.5808197

Pear shaped women are pretty sexy

>> No.5808199

Discovering Nutrition, Third Edition
By Paul Insel, R. Elaine Turner, Don Ross
page 263

>> No.5808202

eat more, move less
>tfw no gains

>> No.5808203

I much prefer the bean effect.

Robert Crumb explains the Bean Effect: http://youtu.be/7fu0OW5tLy0

>> No.5808205


>Didn't you study biology in school?

Cut out that cop-out

>Insoluble fiber is a very small percentage of someone's diet. It's not significant enough to matter.

As an example, it disproved the point you originally tried to make. I know /fit/ loves the "calories in, calories out" model because it simplifies everything and makes it so you don't have to actually learn how the human body works, but it's far from accurate

>even the citation you just posted again agrees with me. Let's look at the very page you linked to: 263. It goes on for several paragraphs about how carbs do not easily convert into fat. And then the last paragraph explains that despite all of that, overeating carbs still leads to weight gain

You either misread it or you're intentionally presententing it wrong. It says that you can still gain weight from adding carbohydrate to your diet because your body uses the carbs for energy and spares use of dietary fat, which then gets stored. What you should take from that is less dietary fat = less fat stored over your maintenance calories, because as you read in the rest of the article, carbohydrate produces virtually no body fat when eaten in excess. If "calories in, calories out" has to be subcategorized and changed based on your macronutrient ratio, it's no longer useful the way you're implying because someone eating 3500 calories of mainly carbs will store less fat than someone who eats 3500 calories with more fat in their diet.

>> No.5808209
File: 283 KB, 685x793, nutrition volume 3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Other guy said it, but here's a screenshot if you need it

>> No.5808212


>> No.5808213

3 options
>Eat less, do less
>Eat more, exercise more
>Do nothing

>> No.5808217
File: 60 KB, 450x597, cant seem to find a fuck to give.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm 30, and i'm at the point where no fucks are given about my weight anymore.
I used to when I was a bit younger, and more concerned with getting laid or hanging out with my friends.
..but now? Hah.
They're all as fat as I am now, and most of them are even going bald.
>tfw superior hair genetics

>> No.5808232

are you sure? I dont exercise.

>> No.5808233


If you're "pretty sure" as opposed to knowing this stuff then why are you even posting?

You know the commonly-quoted figures that Fats are 9 calories/gram, and carbs and protein are both 4 cals/gram? Those are not values measured with a calorimieter; rather those are called Atwater factors. They represent how many calories are ABSORBED by the body, not how many were present in the food in the first place. It already corrects for what is pooped/peed out. You might want to read up on the "Atwater System" if you aren't familar. So for a person counting calories using those factors there is no need to correct for pooping, it's already been done.

As for what's in your poop? Most of it, by far, is water. And a lot of it is dead bacteria. This study covered it in great detail in rats; turns out that less than 10% of calorie content is "wasted".

>> No.5808244

works like a charm for me when i feel like i should drop a few pounds.

>> No.5808249


not really. they just become bigger or smaller pears.

>> No.5808253




>> No.5808277

I think that the fact that virtually no carbs are converted to fat only matters when you're overeating. If you're trying to lose weight (not maintain or gain), you still need a caloric deficit. Calories from any source will be used in place of body fat, and will directly cut into your weight loss. Even though the carbs aren't converted into fat in a weight loss situation, they are still used as energy throughout the day.

>> No.5808281

regarding the calorie in calorie out thing...

in theory it's a simple weight loss formula--burn more than you consume--but consider how different foods affect your energy and satiation levels. if you're eating your calories in junk food every day, you're going to feel lethargic. when you feel lethargic, you're probably not going to be moving around as much. you'll have very little energy and motivation to exercise, and will burn less. empty calories will also not satiate you for more than a brief period of time, so you'll be hungrier, and you'll eat more. if you don't, you'll feel even more lethargic... and the cycle continues. losing weight without gaining health is not a good idea and always leads to a relapse.

>> No.5808284

He's sure, but he's incorrect. You could be a midget with a BMI over 30 and need to eat much less than 2k Cal to lose weight even with exercise.

>> No.5808302

3 16" pizzas a week with Coke diet

>> No.5808315

>Cut out that cop-out

OK then, explain why you belive a lot of calories are passed in your poop then? If you want me to give a source then how about you give yours?

>>but it's far from accurate

Calories in - calories out may not be 100% accurate, but it's more accurate than the alternative.

>> It says that you can still gain weight from adding carbohydrate to your diet because your body uses the carbs for energy and spares use of dietary fat, which then gets stored

Yes, exactly. Which means the differences in metabolism between different macros is largely irrelevant.

>>What you should take from that is less dietary fat = less fat stored over your maintenance calories

I disagree. Want to know why?

>>because as you read in the rest of the article, carbohydrate produces virtually no body fat when eaten in excess.

Because that detail isn't really relevant here. It's focusing on consuming nothing but carbs. Any remotely resonable diet will contain other macros, not just carbs. And as your article explains, your body will simply use the carbs for its immediate needs and will store other things instead.

>>f "calories in, calories out" has to be subcategorized and changed based on your macronutrient ratio

But it doesn't have to be. Just like your own article explains, overeating carbs still makes you gain weight because your body can simply store other things. The difference only matters if you were considering diets based on 100% carbs or 100% fat, etc, which aren't exactly representative of a typical person's diet.

>> No.5808326

>and will burn less
No. You may or may not burn less depending on whether or not you exercise.

>>and you'll eat more
And again, NO, you MAY or may not eat more.

It all depends on your willpower. You're certainly right that you may feel less inclined to exercise, or you might feel the craving to eat, but that doesn't mean that one will automatically give in to those cravings.

>> losing weight without gaining health is not a good idea

I agree. 100%.

>>always leads to a relapse.
Nope. Not everyone is so weak-willed as you imply.

>> No.5808335


>OK then, explain why you belive a lot of calories are passed in your poop then?

I wasn't the guy talking about poop, but you've already been given a reference that explains how calories are not necessarily all used for bodily energy or stored as fat

>Calories in - calories out may not be 100% accurate, but it's more accurate than the alternative.

What's the alternative?

>Yes, exactly. Which means the differences in metabolism between different macros is largely irrelevant.

How? If someone stores 10 grams of fat on one diet and a pound of fat on another in the same amount of calories, how is that irrelevant or insigificant?

>I disagree. Want to know why?


>Because that detail isn't really relevant here. It's focusing on consuming nothing but carbs. Any remotely resonable diet will contain other macros, not just carbs.

Of course, but at the same time, exactly. There's the issue of how much of each macro is being ingested. If you're eating less of what can be stored, you're going to store less. This goes against the principles of "calories in, calories out" which holds that all calories are essentially equal and all will be stored as fat comparably. This is fundementally wrong.

>he difference only matters if you were considering diets based on 100% carbs or 100% fat, etc, which aren't exactly representative of a typical person's diet.

Could you stop making strawmans and false conclusions? Why is it so hard for you to just say "oh, you're right, my bad, thanks for teaching me something new"?

>> No.5808352

This is what I do

No soda or processed foods
Lots of home grown veggies, veggies with every meal, breakfast lunch and dinner, and lots of variation with type and color -- 1. save money 2. garden exercise 3. more nutritious than industrial farming
Snacks like bananas, raisins, and nuts if I can afford it
For protein, usually have a pot of beans going, eat fish, sometimes eat chicken, love a rare steak
I don't eat "low-fat" foods like lowfat yogurt or lite ice cream or skim milk. Fat's good for you too and the food is more satisfying and filling with it.
Homemade sourdough bread - I try to eat fermenty things when I can. French blue cheese is an expensive treat but it's good for the digestion.
Liberally eat garlic and drink red wine
I never "diet" and listen to what my body wants to eat

Good health & skin and perfect weight, get mistaken for 10 years younger than I am

>> No.5808355

>What's wrong with that?

It is a sign there's something fundamentally wrong with the way you live your life. The very word itself should clue you in on that. You are escaping something. If you lived your life correctly you wouldn't need such an escape. Most of the time, people just need to get over whatever is bothering them and their diet adjusts accordingly and they lose excess weight and feel overall much better.

>> No.5808357

>>I disagree. Want to know why?


>> No.5808364

Also, drink lots of water everyday

>> No.5808371


if you agree, then why do you put value in what you claim to be the pure WILLPOWER to lose body fat by unhealthy means??

eventually, a starved and tired body will kick your Will to the curb. to exercise Will effectively you must be in good health. body and mind in balance and whatnot.

>> No.5808381

So... what diet are we going on then?

>> No.5808385

>given a reference that explains how calories are not necessarily all used for bodily energy

Yeah. And that very same reference concludes with the fact that you will still gain weight by overeating carbs. In other words, we can split hairs all day long about how different nutrients are processed, but in the end what matters is how much is consumed.

>>What's the alternative?
Getting caught up in how different macros are processed differently by the body.

>>How? If someone stores 10 grams of fat on one diet and a pound of fat on another in the same amount of calories, how is that irrelevant or insigificant?

That example is clearly not insignificant. Citation please.

>>If you're eating less of what can be stored, you're going to store less.

Not really. Yes, you're going to store less of that one thing, which is moot because you're going to store something else instead.

>>This goes against the principles of "calories in, calories out" which holds that all calories are essentially equal and all will be stored as fat comparably. This is fundementally wrong.

Incorrect. First off, the calorie ratings for macros are called Atwater factors: 9 cals/g for Fat, and 4 each for protein and carbs. Those factors already take into account how they are processed by the body. Google "Atwater system" if you don't follow. And second of all, because most diets are composed of a variety of foods, it's irrelevant that one type of macro is stored differently than others. As your very own citation explained, your body will use carbs for its immediate energy and will store the fat instead.

>> Why is it so hard for you to just say "oh, you're right, my bad, thanks for teaching me something new"?

Because your "something new" isn't really useful information. It doesn't really matter. It doesn't change anything. It's much less significant than the volume of food consumed, as your own citation explains.

>> No.5808386

Wait. I had read here a while back that the body only stored glucose as fat if insulin was in the bloodstream and that dietary fats had to be broken down into sugars before the body could store the energy as fat.

If this is wrong then where did it come from?

>> No.5808399


Because what consitutues a "good idea" is not necissarily the same thing as what's possible.

A true story: Back when I was in Uni one of my friends and I would work out together at the campus gym. One of our out-of-shape friends decided he wanted to join us. He was embarrased because he couldn't do a single pull-up while we could crank them out with little difficulty. So he started dieting to lose weight. He started cutting his calories to 1200 a day, most of which was mountain dew soda which he was practically addicted to. I certainly wouldn't call a diet of a few cans of soda plus a small fast-food cheeseburger to be healthy, but it was certainly successful for his weight loss. He lost over 40 pounds in one summer on this amazingly bad diet. That was nearly 10 years ago and he still hasn't gained it back yet.

Look, I agree with you that a healthy diet is much better than an unhealthy one. But to say that it's CERTAIN that you can't exercise on a diet or that you are guaranteed to cheat when you feel hungry is simply incorrect. MIGHT? sure. Probably will? OK, I'll agree with that too. But guaranteed 100%? No.

>> No.5808402

so you are arguing for the exception to the rule. how pointless.

>> No.5808403
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Other than being a workaholic, there's nothing wrong with my life. I enjoy the two martini lunches even though you frown upon the because deep down they are killing me. There is however a certain amount of contempt though because the rest of us don't have Kale shakes.

inb4 being a fatty. Shieeeeeet, if I only smoked....

>> No.5808404

Naw, you or someone else probably just read incorrectly. Insulin is produced in response to high blood glucose levels. It inhibits the use of body fat as energy while promoting the use of the glucose instead.

>> No.5808426

I like the low carb to caveman way of eating. Minimal breads/sugar ( no more than 40g of sugar, daily.) and minimal dairy.

Lessen meats/fish
Green, leafy veggies

I will splurge on a piece of cake or pie maybe twice a month. If fast food, it's usually a chicken breast on salad.
I wholeheartedly believe this way of eating minimalizes cancer, diabetes and mental illness/depression.

>> No.5808448

That's not a weight loss diet, although a whole foods vegan diet will probably make an obese person lose weight no matter how much they eat.
the feels-based diet
That'll fuck you up.
>Low carb
crypto calorie restriction

>> No.5808459

>That'll fuck you up.

How so?

>> No.5808488

On second thought, maybe it won't. Fatties don't even remember what hunger feels like, so a reset could be beneficial.

>> No.5808494


what are you talking about? every fat person i've known gets hungry. they just respond to that hunger with poor decisions.

and self imposed starvation is not like a "reset." it's a setup for an unhealthy relationship with food and ultimately failure.

>> No.5808495

Well what was your first thought? That feeling hungry is bad for you?

>> No.5808503

>and self imposed starvation is not like a "reset." it's a setup for an unhealthy relationship with food and ultimately failure.

How the hell is eating only 500 calories for two days out of the week ANYTHING like starvation?

Fuck dude this is the fist generation in history that does not know what its like to miss a day or two of food.


>> No.5808517

>there's nothing wrong with my life.
>the pure joy of opening up a 6 pack of gushers and putting all the packages in your mouth at once.
>calls himself a fatty
>professes the want to smoke

You should probably see a psychiatrist before things get out of hand in your life.

>> No.5808531

2 days out of the week? someone earlier said it was 500 calories per 2 hours of exercise.

>> No.5808536

>calls himself a fatty
but I'm not?

also I never said I was an alcoholic. I said i enjoy a martini or two. Trying not to assume but you sound like you are either mormon or not old enough to drink.

I didn't say I WANT to smoke, though 9 out of 10 doctors say it is good for me and all the 1940s movie stars did it, I'm implying how gaunt I would be if I did.

Try living a little and then try doing it once you reach adulthood. Simple vices every now and then are what keep us sane. The world is a fine place and worth fighting for. I believe in the latter part, hence why some bad things are good for you.

>> No.5808553

Dude that was a troll.
Have you really not heard of the most popular diet in Europe ?
Its all over the american news as well.

>> No.5808554


nope, don't pay attention to that stuff. eating well and exercising is easy enough.

>> No.5808560
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But you are aware there is an invention called television and on that invention they show news right?

>> No.5808563


yeah but i haven't turned on my TV in years. i think i played my gamecube a few times for nostalgia's sake but that's about it.

>> No.5808733

Been doing paleo for 2 months. Down 25 lbs. I know it doesn't sound like much for 8 months but I have the metabolism of a 3 toed sloth.

>> No.5808737


8 weeks

I suck ;_;

>> No.5808808

>25 lbs in two months
>not much

>> No.5808831

>thinks everyone is a kid

Pedophiles like you need to be locked up. You are also a vice enabler.

>> No.5809052
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>Thinks everyone is a pedaphile

You need to be locked up for thinking everyone who disagrees with you is a pederast. I'm not offering you free kittens and candy. I simply said, once you deal with the realities of adulthood and the real fucking world, it's nice to be able to maybe have a nice piece of red meat or an adult beverage.

Jesus fucking christ, dealing with you is like watching Demolition Man but without Sandra Bullock. I expect next, I'll get fined for abusing the morality code due to my use of obscene language.

>> No.5809055

Same lost about 30 pounds just by eating less calories. My food scale helped a lot.

>> No.5809284

At least 3/

>> No.5809336

It's a hell of a lot better than the three seashells.

>> No.5809364





Rural chinese are shorter, did no more physical activity, ate more calories overall, but ate less than half the fat Americans do and double the carbs and ended up with a 5.3 point difference in their BMI. That's pretty damn significant. It's not necessarily about how much food you eat, it's what kind of food you eat.

>> No.5809973

Thats not in the sticky, and for trolling purposes mostly. Fit's sticky is extremely well written and sourced.

I cant believe diets still exists when it is widely recognized that it all boils down to kcal in-out. Fucking people.

>> No.5809977

You are joking right?

>> No.5809989

I watch calories in/calories out. Everything I put into my mouth is measured, by weight or volume or other unit.

Dropped 10 pounds in a little over a month. Note that it's harder to keep yourself full on things like sugar. In terms of how much energy your body uses up, a calorie is a calorie, but that doesn't quite carry over to satiety.

It's very unlikely to me that "rural Chinese" do as little physical activity as a sedentary American.

>> No.5809992
File: 118 KB, 398x600, 398px-Lulu_Peters_Diet_and_Health_1918_cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fun fact: calories in, calories out actually started as a fad diet in the '20s.


>> No.5809998

diets inherently do not work

increasing physical activity is how one gets in shape

>> No.5810044

are you for real?

If you or whatever "fat is beautiful" source are feeding you this information, are either:
a) mismeasuring, measuring before going to bathroom or after drinking water
b) using incorrect standards on how much calorie/gram a certain food contains.

>> No.5810047


that's better for weight maintenance than it is for weight loss since if you're still shoveling absurd amounts of food in your face then even being very active is not necessarily going to compensate

>> No.5810058

You shouldn't focus on one thing. A diet is about eating good food, and exercising enough to burn more than what you eat. But you should never remove anything, you have to balance it.

>> No.5810060

the diet on the right literally induce internal organ's death by lack of component to just recycle their cells. Brain damage might also happen rapidly.

>> No.5810064

how's that? just curious

>> No.5810067


that's if you're eating ABSURD amounts of food though.

>> No.5810069

unless you're doing cardio for literally hours each day, I don't really see exercise having that much of an impact on how many calories you burn.

>> No.5810070

try picking things up and putting them down.

>> No.5810072

I-I'm trying
I spend two hours 3 times a week doing SS + vanity accessories
I still don't think that amounts to any more than 150 extra calories burned per workout

>> No.5810075

you'll burn more as you lift more, if exercise didn't do anything then there'd be no such thing as bulking and cutting.

>> No.5810076

Its a lot easier and more efficient to just restrict calories than burning them.

A good rule to work to is for every minute of exercise burns 5 calories. An hour on the exercise bike will burn 300 calories, so if you do an hour 3 times a week you'll burn 0.25lbs, or 0.5lbs if you do an hour 6 times a week.

I'm sure everyone can see its a fucking fuck load easier to just not eat those 300 calories. Or just restrict your diet by 1000 calories a day and lose 2lbs a week and not even need to get up off the sofa.

>> No.5810077
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What's wrong with this?

>> No.5810078

well, bulks and cuts are more based on calories than actually lifting weights. It's just that the physical activity dictates what you lose/gain.

>> No.5810081
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Not gay enough, let's make it a rainbow


>> No.5810086

>more grains than veg

>> No.5810096
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that was the 1992 edition. current version, the PDF linked, is more veg than grain.
i just like the cover on the 92 version better.

>> No.5810127

>alcohol in moderation
That's what's wrong with it

>> No.5810132

is the low carb diet legit? would you just be eating meats/fats or something?

>> No.5810177

That's a pretty retarded statement. You eat meat, vegetables, nuts, grain, fungi, etc. Just not in the proportions lobbyists for most food pyramids want you to. You get enough fats, fiber, protein, and nutrition. There's tons of calcium in many green veggies. If you are starving your body on such a diet then you are obviously eating the wrong stuff. Like those morons that only eat carrots or a salad that is mostly lettuce as all their vegetable meals and nothing else. From what you said, I imagine you are that type of person.

>> No.5810189

It includes dairy, oils, too much meat, tofu, too much grain, not enough vegetables, and multivitamins. The simple fact that it includes multivitamins shows immediately that the food portion of the diet does not give you complete nutrition.

This one will just make you a fat person. Drop dairy completely, make the meat portion much smaller, make the vegetable portion the largest and put the grain portion where the dairy portion is.

Much better, just drop dairy. It isn't needed at all.

>> No.5810193

>just drop dairy
you can drop dead

>> No.5810196

>dairy isn't needed
when you say things like this you just show how ignorant you are to anyone that matters

>> No.5811176

>sucking fat dairy lobbyists cocks

Full kek. There are entire countries, religions, and ethnicities that never eat dairy products of any kind. Some of course adopted dairy products after westernization, but they lived for centuries without it.

>> No.5811185

People lived without the internet for centuries too. I'll wait for you to give it up just like you did with dairy.

>> No.5811195

>angry baby wants his milkie

Dawww :^)

>> No.5811199

Agreed. When I ever I make a dairy dish I go WA LA.

>> No.5811201


>> No.5811202

The diet points most sane people agree on are increasing consumption of WHOLE grains, legumes, fruits, nuts, and vegetables, and decreasing consumption of saturated fats, trans fats, and cholesterol. Eat less fat and more complex, unrefined carbohydrate.

>> No.5812677

I love this, fitizens trying to explain cals in cals out to the fattest board of 4chins. Seeing all this fat logic is fucking incredible.

>> No.5813028

It sounds kind of gross to me, basically just eat mostly meat with a little veg on the side to prevent constipation and provide fullness. Apparently spread butter on everything to hit the macros

>> No.5813241

Mah nigga, you sound like me

>> No.5813244

This guy, I mean

>> No.5813273

it makes a big difference. The apple shape is more strongly linked to negative health outcomes associated with obesity (metabolic and cardiovascular). The pear shape is typically found in women though.

>> No.5813289

So how do into pear shape?

>> No.5813294

unfortunately m8, not up to you. Ideally you wouldn't be overweight at all though. But if you are, hope you do not accumulate excess adipose tissue in your visceral cavity.

>> No.5813296

genetics brah

>> No.5813297

male or female?

>> No.5813306

I better not say .
can I just pear shape now ?
I am sick of being a stupid apple;_;

>> No.5813333

Waist training.
There's both male & female corsets out there, but since fat is pliable (why people who sit 23/7 have flattened asses) your fat can be moulded down to the hips, over time.

>> No.5813387

I....I am willing to wear a corset.

>> No.5813412

I'll answer you like you're a male, because answers for female corset are stupid easy to find.

You'll want something custom, and let the corset maker know what you're aiming for with waist training. Like with females, some want a "wasp" waist affect, some slighter, some want full-on back support etc etc... Ready to wear stuff is cheaper, but I think most male corsets in ready to wear are designed for making the waist slimmer than shaping. But I can imagine there are some drag queens out there who get male-sized corsets for waist training. Mmm.

These are some of the first google results for male corsets

Check out Lucy Corsetry's entrie blog for info on wearing, taking care of them, purchasing, first time wearing etc. Here's her Male Corset specific blog post:

>> No.5813424

Oh yeh
Do your squats :)

>> No.5813436
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Now I have to know that male corsets exist.

>> No.5813439
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Will the corset help me with my nubin?

>> No.5813447

I'm more surprised you didnt know?

>> No.5813489

vegan for 2 years, feels john goodman

>> No.5813769

I hate how this word is used nowadays.

>> No.5814004

>going on a diet
Fuck that! If I ever need to lose some weight I just exercise more.

>> No.5814234

You could exercise till the cows come home. Without dieting you won't lose much.

>> No.5814325

It's hard not to assume these type of comments come from people that don't exercise.
Doing enough exercise to lose weight is hard if you don't do it habitually, but most people I know eat awfully, and a lot, and stay in respectable to excellent shape by being involved in a sports team or similar athletic hobby and also doing a little extra exercise on the side.
If you have to change your diet to lose weight while doing a good amount of exercise, your diet must be absolutely horrendous.

>> No.5814343


Or they could be not obese. I'm in excellent shape but my body fat is a few % higher than I'd like it to be (probably about 15, 10 would be great but whatever).

Unless I start telling people to fuck off when they want to eat at a restaurant that isn't the poached chicken breast and lemon-drizzled kale restaurant, I'm going to have to accept having a somewhat less than zyzz-like physique.

inb4 it's possible if blah blah blah, yes, I get it, you read the sticky on /fit/

>> No.5814367

I'm doing the 5:2 diet. I'm actually using at as a way of eating more, because before I would just outright starve myself. I'm not sure how I feel about it, I'd rather fast 3 days a week instead of 2. Seems kinda lazy as far as diets go.

>> No.5814907

How long have you been on 5:2?
Some do 4:3

>> No.5816024

why not just watch your carbs and meet your macros?

>> No.5816041
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>watching carbs
>watching macros at all
>not just eating your TDEE in sugar donuts every day

It's like these anti-science SJWs don't understand that calories in = calories out.

>> No.5816629

What's wrong with olive oil and canola oil?

What do you use to cook stuff?

>> No.5816636

To get even a remotely healthy oil you need to spend a lot of money.

Nuts, fish and avocado are better fat sources.

>> No.5816644


>> No.5816660

this is surprisingly accurate. O.o

>> No.5816674

Calories in vs calories out.

Also the type of calories.

It's so fucking simple.

>> No.5816675


What worked for me was to break down my meals into various little ones, which I ate every 2-3 hours when the hunger would kick in.
Stuff like carrots, apples, bananas, where you can just pick up and eat is probably best for this.

>> No.5816676

Just a few weeks, I'm only concerned that if I started doing 4:3 it'd slowly turn to 3:4, 2:5, and so on.

>> No.5816697

I just gave myself a full portion of everything, then split it in half so it was only half the calories.
And because its half the calories you can eat twice as much.

>> No.5816701

>Not doing the Brian Butterfield Diet (BBD)
Its like you don't want to lose wight


>> No.5816737

My diet when not eating out is pretty much made up of the following
>Chicken breasts prepared a few different ways
>Hamburgers (40 calorie bread and 93/7 beef, no cheese)
>Deli meat sandwiches (again 40 calorie bread, mustard only)
>Various vegetables
>Occasionally rice as a pasta substitute for spaghetti (I use less than half the amount of rice as I would pasta)
>PB&J as a dessert basically
>Water, iced tea, and diet soda

Where I fuck up is drinking and going out. I always binge on McDonald's or Waffle House when I drink, plus the drinks themselves are pretty bad. I work at a bowling alley, so if I need to eat there I usually get cheese sticks or some other fried bullshit. Still, I've lost about 30 pounds.

>> No.5816956

Quick question to any /fit people.. I'm trying to lose weight, various calculators say I should eat somewhere between 1700-2200 a day. What happens if you don't eat enough calories in a day? I'm currently doing the one meal every other day diet, forget what it's called but I've lost about 10 lbs so far. Though I'm not sure if that's water weight or not.

>> No.5816995


what do you mean what if you don't eat enough calories in a day? Then you just ate less, it's fine. You could compensate the next day if you're extra hungry, if not then just don't worry about it. Undereating for one day doesn't matter. That said the "one meal every other day" diet sounds fucking retarded, good luck gaining the weight back since you haven't taught yourself to eat like a normal person.

>> No.5817008

this works for me:
reduce carbs, increase veggies
keep fats and proteins the same

>> No.5817023

if you start dieting you'll quickly lose weight from water. also reducing salt will lead to a rapid change due to reduced water in your body,

calculate how much calories you need per day to maintain weight with an online calculator. then reduce that number by 500 calories per day.

and don't go lower than the 500 deficit. do some workout instead.

>> No.5817285

>higher nutrient counts

>> No.5817295

>Rural chinese
>office work

Am I just 0/10 reading comprehension? Am I missing something?

>> No.5817342

>tfw I was going to go 5/2 today
I had a massive brain drain and got nothing done today so I caved and ate another meal other than my small lunch. I'm gonna try again tomorrow and probably Wednesday for my fast days.

I'm not that avatar fag but I think its still interesting and worth a try.

>> No.5817359

>sounds fucking retarded
As do you, I'll trust Krista Varady, PhD rather than some anon from 4chan.